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File: 61 KB, 528x785, 1263375291176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4137668 No.4137668 [Reply] [Original]

Would you feel intimidated if a girl stared at you like this?

>> No.4137682

Not really, no.

>> No.4137681


>> No.4137687

I looked away just from that image

>> No.4137689

I prefer looking at a wall while talking to people, so no.

>> No.4137690

is she holding her cock?

>> No.4137694

Why would I be making eye contact with her in the first place?

>> No.4137696


>> No.4137686

Those flowers would make me do a double take.
Then I'd ask if she's selling weed.

>> No.4137703

Nah, I wouldn't get the reference.

>> No.4137704

Depends on what I was doing. If I was just walking down the street, which doesn't happen, then no. I'd probably think she was looking at the scenery or someone behind me.

>> No.4137718

Maybe, I'm 5.2 feet tall so I get scared easily.

>> No.4137719

>is she holding my cock? yn

>> No.4137741

there isn't much to hold


>> No.4137755

Why is Uiharu so cute?

>> No.4137763

Who or what is that.

>> No.4137767

Julius Caesar

>> No.4137771

Uiharu's exploitability is a miracle of the universe!

>> No.4137790

Julius Caesar as a servant

>> No.4137789

You were kind of creative, so I'll take it.

>> No.4137796

Uiharu something, from A Certain Scientific Railgun

>> No.4137804

Raise your arm within a metre of me and I usually flinch

>> No.4137815

Someone post another picture, we aren't discussing anything, right?

>> No.4137816

you poor bastard

>> No.4137829


>> No.4137842


>> No.4137843

That's real nice of you, thanks a lot.

>> No.4137900
File: 145 KB, 640x900, 1f31b877d21b63196d157041dcadb251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you feel intimidated if a girls stared at you like this?

>> No.4137918

BOOF-kun pretends to have a small dick but I bet he is huge IRL.

>> No.4137926

No, but then I saw that protrusion on the back girl's cheek and I screamed.

>> No.4137935
File: 308 KB, 732x1000, e8b225f3dae6347127b2ea48b93bc980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you feel intimidated if a girl stared at you like this?

>> No.4137936


>> No.4137966
File: 598 KB, 1311x1515, 1262123606387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you feel intimidated if a girl stared at you like this?

>> No.4137971

trust me, its nothing to brag about.

that where my collection of guns come into play.

>> No.4137990

Even if you say so, I will always believe in your amazing hyper weapon.

>> No.4138000

ITT: Attention whoring tripfag

>> No.4137999

I'd probably be forced to smile in spite of myself. Looking at her just makes me happy.

>> No.4138004

Im built for agility.

It can out run yours, that's for sure.

>> No.4138020

I'd be willing to contest that point. Let us have a dick marathon on the morrow at high noon! We'll see just who is in possession of the most agile anaconda.

>> No.4138033

epic get is epic

>> No.4138037

Redundant much?

>> No.4138058

I'd feel uncomfortable.

>> No.4138122

I... really want to have sex with little girls... fuck.

>> No.4138191
File: 17 KB, 307x371, 1261981897512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4138196

I don't think so. She's cute so I'd stare back for a bit then break eye contact.

>> No.4138199

This is one of the few things that can even get me to smile, so terrible.

>> No.4138220


>> No.4138221

I'd probably stare at her for a while, then blush a look away.

Why is Uiharu so adorable? Oh, it must be the flowers. The flowers.

>> No.4138225

No, but she obviously wants something from me, so I wait for her to confess her love to me.

That, or I ask her what her favourite flower is.

>> No.4138228

It's her voice.

>> No.4138303

Why does nobody call her Kazari? ;_;

>> No.4138401

I'd be offended since I'm Asian.

>> No.4138435

the OP question is rather vague...are we talking about 2d or 3d girls?

>> No.4138438

I already can't look a girl straight in the eyes for more than a few seconds. I guess it's intimidation but I'm not really sure, maybe shy would be the more appropriate term but maybe they're also the same thing. I quickly avert my eyes when a girl catches me looking at her so I probably seem very weird.

>> No.4138503

I'd check to see if my fly is down.

>> No.4138568

Is she surprised or disgusted

>> No.4138616

>staring at me
Oh you.

In the off chance this actually happens I would stare back with eye contact until she looks away. I'm pretty disgusting so yeah.

>> No.4138759
File: 52 KB, 611x404, vladimir_putin_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stare back.

Then kill her.

>> No.4139302

You can't tell.

>> No.4139333

you can just tell she's judging you

"what is this guy? is he one of those NEETs? wait, does that mean he jacks off to cartoons? i better stay away."

>> No.4139348

oh you

>> No.4139353 [DELETED] 

Kindly stop spamming, harassing and generally attacking www.anon
.com, please. We don't want you there. Understood? PS: If you want these messages to stop, simply stop fucking with us, remove all lying troll articles on AT and kill the clones. Then you will never be bothered again. It is up to you.

>> No.4139359
File: 956 KB, 3070x3710, idontknowwhattocallthisface24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it's just me, but idontknowwhattocallthisface girl's face in OP pic doesn't seem to be really thinking anything, more like she's just zoning out and happens to be looking directly at you, which is actually pretty common.

>> No.4139369 [DELETED] 

Kindly stop spamming, harassing and generally attacking www.anon
.com, please. We don't want you there. Understood? PS: If you want these messages to stop, simply stop fucking with us, remove all lying troll articles on AT and kill the clones. Then you will never be bothered again. It is up to you.

>> No.4139388

Take that shit off the front page. It's fucking scaring the shit out of me. It's the same stare every girl had that I ever encountered in my entire life.

>> No.4139392

No, she's judging you.

Evaluating you.

Testing your mental strength.

She finds you lacking.

>> No.4139406
File: 210 KB, 371x307, idontknowwhattocallthisface17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mom didn't find me lacking last night.

>> No.4139475

>Smile and wait for her to smile back.
>If she doesn't, walk away feeling defeated.
>Never meet her again.

>> No.4139911

You stay out of this, Putin!

>> No.4140773

>> No.4140806

Protip: When talking to people, if you get too intimidated to hold your look on their faces, focus your vision in their spot between the two eyes. They won't even notice.

>> No.4140830


