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File: 272 KB, 800x600, bb383444288ae6aa5161f975631be315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4134559 No.4134559 [Reply] [Original]

>>Watch a movie which involves a particularly violent act of rape.

>>Feel kinda bad about it.

>>Watch the scene again with My Glourious Days playing in the background.

>>Everything went better than expected.

>> No.4134589

I want to have sex for the first time with My Glorious Days playing in the background.

>> No.4134583

Get out

>> No.4134592


It is possible, with the power of hookers.

>> No.4134624
File: 197 KB, 406x400, livethedream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Live the dream, man.

>> No.4134635

If you're ever about to lose your virginity, then simply remember the things you have learned from eroge. You'll then become a god of lovemaking.

>> No.4134643


I'm going to need an mp3 of this

>> No.4134650

Who is that? Cormic?
looks more...feminine than i remember her to be

>> No.4134656

Laugh "Gahahaha"-like way, while My Glorious Days is playing in my head? Sounds perfect

>> No.4134661
File: 109 KB, 1041x789, better_than_expected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Everything went better than expected.

>> No.4134666

What the hell, it's Ran.

>> No.4134669

It's Ran.
Did you even play the game?

>> No.4134690

>If you're ever about to lose your virginity, then simply remember the things you have learned from eroge. You'll then become a god of lovemaking.
More true than first appears

>> No.4134705

Anyone got the downoad link for the Rance arrange album from C77?

>> No.4134722




>> No.4134727

>If you're ever about to lose your virginity, then simply remember the things you have learned from eroge. You'll then become a god of lovemaking.
I'll seriously have to do this, since it's the only knowledge on the subject that I have.
I'm still not sure which specific scene I should try to re-enact.

>> No.4134736

Thank you.

>> No.4134741

Rance x Yukihime.

>> No.4134739

Any scene from Rance. Take your pick.

>> No.4134755


Yeah, that'll do. Make sure that her father can see it all.

>> No.4134760

Rance and Cunthime is a good way to tackle a sexual relationship.

>> No.4134788


Combine them. Grin with shark teeth, J-J-JAM IT IN, then laugh "Gahahahaha" and describe the sensation of mollusks.

>> No.4134815

This, and don't forget the "Tooooooooooooooh!" at the moment of insertion.

>> No.4134817

The best part is the Glourious Days remix. Used for TENDER lovemaking.

>> No.4134828


Where would one purchase shark teeth?

>> No.4134893
File: 367 KB, 500x561, rance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tropical island sells them.

>> No.4134900

>>4134727 I'm still not sure which specific scene I should try to re-enact
The Kenji end from KS

>> No.4134919 [DELETED] 

Kindly stop spamming, harassing and generally attacking www.anon
.com, please. We don't want you there. Understood?

>> No.4135002

i havent played ran route.
she seemed too boring

>> No.4135067

What's it like to have sex without My Glorious Days playing?

>> No.4135252

Boring and monotonous.

>> No.4135296

>Watch a movie which involves a particularly violent act of rape.

>implying Rance has "particularly violent" acts of rape

dude, the stuff in Rance is barely nonconsentual by eroge standards.

>> No.4135303


Yes, but it has My Glorious Days

>> No.4135317

Thanks to this thread, I now have great ambitions in regard to the methods of losing my virginity.

Too bad it'll never happen. ;_;

>> No.4135327

I hope my first time will look like the Ciel H-scene in Tsukihime.
