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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41342888 No.41342888 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.41342907
File: 963 KB, 1000x1000, Koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first dream I remember is in 3rd grade, seeing an animal select screen, choosing a worm, and worming through the mulch of the school playground.

>> No.41342951

Hi Eliniein

>> No.41342952
File: 602 KB, 1362x884, Satori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember much between that and ones about Pram and others from the last decade. One was walking up my house's driveway and seeing a gorilla sitting on a pile of silver change outside below the kitchen window. I was greedy enough to try and take some of it, it came after me and smashed me down, my head bouncing off the concrete, though it didn't hurt too much.

>> No.41343119
File: 444 KB, 1074x1746, Dream Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's all for chronological order.
I was running across clouds, a bear holding a carrot chasing after me, saying if I go that way I'll go to Hell, I looked back and saw a gaping lava Hellmaw, so I ignored him, jumping down from cloud to cloud until I reached a portal. I was in Disgaea's Hades, at a school cafeteria, seeing characters walking around. Saw Pram, she looked taller than I expected. I sat at a table with Fuka on my right. I took a bite of the cafeteria food then started eating like crazy since Makai's food is otherworldly delicious. Fuka started singing otherworldly beautifully, I felt a bit silly to be wolfing down the food instead of listening.

>> No.41347791
File: 677 KB, 1535x1535, Pram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pram described as Fenrir-Aphrodite.

Saw Pram do a Special Attack where she rolled down a ramp in a hamster ball, launching and shooting a Frost Dragon ahead at the target before smashing into it with the ball.

I had died, I was in Lord Enma's living room, super trashy with him watching TV a bunch of empty cans scattered about. He just pointed me to a door on the other side, I knocked over some cans but he told me not to worry about it. I went through the door and was in a snowy Netherworld, happily following Pram around on all fours.

Shopping Mall. I saw Pram, went up and hugged her from behind, but she reacted badly, pushing me off and running away. I followed her outside, where she had flown on top of a veranda crying, I stood below her to catch her tears, some other guy came across trying to look up at her panties so I started beating the shit out of him, ending up rolling down a hill pummeling him.

In a grocery store, I came across a girl and forcibly transformed her into Pram, then carried her around unconscious in a shoppy trolley. At a table with witches, before a meal, I said "Itadakimasu" quietly under my breath a little embarassed, a girl next to me laughs and recites some batshit insane Disney-worshipping grace. Later she starts hypnotising me and I managed to fall under, not knowing what happened. I was outside, pushing around my trolley, coming to a little government tower building. I went inside, went up to a high floor, smashing through a large square window while someone from the bottom of the tower excitedly shouted "Go! Do it! In the name of the Lord!" which I thought was a misplaced thing to say for me, being all Satanistic. I smashed through, jumped to the bottom, then left. The government called the 5 Void Overlords, a super sentai team. We fought at a gas station next to the tower. The underestimated me since I was strong enough to smash the glass on their helmets with my bare fists, but it was an unfair fight, so I tricked red into killing his team mates, he would absorb them and power up, I killed all but pink, with him gaining a massive spike covered cudgel for a right hand from the last one he absorbed, before he was ready to fight again I just grabbed pink and smashed her down on the spikes, killing her. He absorbed her too, laughing a little sinisterly before going still, I wondered what was up then realised oh shit he's going to explode, I grabbed my Pram trolley and started running though he exploded only a couple seconds later, not knowing if I escaped.

I lived in a house with Pram, everything was white and gold, very beautiful. A Sage came, and she said we make a cute couple. I hugged Pram from behind. I went outside, past an zoo exhibit with a special kind of penguin I don't remember much about. Near a fountain outside, there was car blasting Alstroemeria, I thought "woah, based," went over to see it was my car, on bricks with kids stealing the wheels off it. I went over telling them off, then we were with a Sage, I said "Fuckers, if they got away with it an I was left with no wheels I would've just shouted "FUCK!" the Sage "Actually that's what your dad would say" I say "You're good." The kids talk about there being a mechanic down the road I could've had my car fixed at, mentioning directions, I say I wouldn't have known and couldn't have moved my car anyway.

Pram told me three things, I only remembered "Be as sticky as a silverbeast."

At a gathering around a big Jacuzzi. Me and another guy kept fighting until other got pissed at us, so we shrank down and started fighting around glass of raspberry soad instead. He challenged me to a 預言者-off, I accepted. Met at a wrestling ring with a big crowd, I just let Pram take control/turned into her, as I watched. He made the first move, attacking as fast as lightning for 7 seconds, with it being "7 hours worth of attacks in 7 seconds" while Pram took the hit, I thought it was a predictable bore, he would make the first strike that seems overwhelming then she'd kill him. After he's done she takes out one of those wooden spoons that comes with little ice cream tubs, and say "This represents you, your family, your friends, and your values." then put it between her teeth and snapped it, the opponent and whole bunch of people in the audience exploding into bloodsprays.

>> No.41347986
File: 829 KB, 600x900, EVA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Ushiromiya entrance hall. Everyone was gathered before EVAtrice, who announced that everyone here is going to die. I sense an nuance in her words, that she was including me as the dream's observer. Dart traps immediately kill everyone but me, I generate an icy white pyramid around myself like Pram, as I flew through the mansion several times checking every door and window, but couldn't find a way out. The darts only hurt a little through my shield, there were also guillotine traps in the hall I avoided. Eventually I give up, I say "Pram show me the way out", icicles drop from the ceiling in a path leading to an unlocked window I hadn't checked before. I escaped, then went over into a nearby house where all the family was, all pissed off at me since I was supposed to die with them. I shrugged, Pram was nearby so I left with her.

>> No.41352258
File: 842 KB, 1060x1500, Yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari was on a path surrounded by lava, the path had a TRPG grid overlay on it, she summoned a dragon behind her which breathed down three triangle bits that travelled along the grid spaces.

I was possessed by Bernkastel. I teleported down roads towards my house, getting there I sent my brother and his friend up into the sky, who then landed back down as Yukari and a prinny. I got super excited by Yukari, running over and hugging her, hearing the pulse from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d8PLi5f-nw inside her. I parted for a moment, then couldn't help but take her back into a hug, but stopped because she got flustered.

Went through a school hall. I saw Yukari, who gave me a smile. There was someone who made a cool music video with Ds3 Irithyll PvP and Ren. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s0DvbEnW_c

>> No.41352306
File: 949 KB, 1024x657, Yuugi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a lounge. I put on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIkjSDIZIQo like it was a song important to me, a girl was with me, she put on a really cool electronic instrumental called The Holy Trinity.

>> No.41352317

Oh yeah, test test.

>> No.41359058
File: 79 KB, 640x808, Shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some faggot stole my mac laptop. I chased him around a mall for a while. Eventually got it back. Outdoors somewhere, I saw a school building with girls on top, one of them being Shiki. I got really excited "It's Shiki!" I ran over and climbed up to the top by the gutter, then collapsed, exhausted. The girls gathered around me laughing about it. Then I was off somewhere else, with Shiki, and twin Fate servant girls.

>> No.41363781
File: 51 KB, 507x1024, Pleinair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brothers had my mac laptop(it was one I used for a little while, installing all the 2hu games, had a fair amount of pictures on it too, broke), maybe calling me a lolicon for what's on it though it was broken so I don't know how they knew. They put it on a table, maybe I was the one that smacked it, the screen turned on with a lot of glitch shit happening, Pleinair floating in the midst of it hugging her knees.

Pleinair was feeling down about herself. I said "Hey, you're the best mascot character" and she cheered up.

I imagined myself as a red-black Disgaea Shaman with a pentagram on its skullmask, holding a bone-shaped amethyst. I was in Makai skating across and ramping over to other karahafu rooftops, like that fox netherworld from 5 I guess, but daytime, with Pleinair and others with me while [YouTube] ONE HEART ONE FLOWER feat. nachi - ZYTOKINE Remix (embed) was playing. We ramp up to a three story castle, I barely made it to the third story, grabbing the ledge, while Pleinair needed help to make it to the second story, I reached down and pulled her up with me.

In a chat, maybe chatango, Harada maybe he asked me who to draw or I just told him draw Pram and he started doing so, posting a nice wip pretty quickly. Another guy called Myuulius was in the chat, I said "Mii~" to him then wanted to say the other thing Rika says but couldn't remember nippah in the dream. Then I think I said "The ultimate magic is a field upon which a whole sky of shooting stars has fallen and scattered their elements."

>> No.41367126
File: 82 KB, 420x560, Mascot Dream Girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> [YouTube] ONE HEART ONE FLOWER feat. nachi - ZYTOKINE Remix (embed)

>> No.41368550


>> No.41370906

Eat shit, fag.

>> No.41372030
File: 259 KB, 662x800, Nanika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had two "visions" in my life. The first was the dream where I got the name Unipux. I walked down the dirt road that leads to my house for a long time, being bothered by them. A couple of thirds down we started running because we were chased by shadows of hunters and dogs. Running for a bit I no longer noticed my brothers with me. The hunters raised up barbed wire fences ahead of me, I made a giant leap over several of them, then leaped again but landed upon one, stuck, with the hunters coming close, before a girl appeared and gave an image of a right hand with the name Unipux over it. Reality reset, the hunters which were just my fear and ego disappeared, I was told Unipux means "One who can do anything."

"Unipux" was compared to Nanika.

There was a ring of people, maybe cultists, in my front yard sitting in a circle drawing a black hand with 9 fingers with "Unipux" over it, and a wish written on the back.

Unipux related. I was in a kitchen ringing a black bell inviting all the girls in the Astral who like me to come to me.

The second vision I had. I was at an airport, someone lead me to a little art gallery. There was a portrait of a girl with a butterfly wing over one shoulder which shifted into a different position every second that was mesmerisingly beautiful. I was lead into a room with a guy and me trying to drop a big cage over rabbits. There was a girl who liked me there, the guy said "You know he's really shallow, right?" I saw something about Jesus. I was leaving the airport when the whole building suddenly collapsed on its side 90 degrees, then I was in the lounge of my family's house. There was a guy on the couch who was lazily watching TV, I talked some shit to him, he replied "We've been friends for 10 years." I talked more shit then ran out the back door, running until I started flying, over wilderness.

>> No.41381143
File: 465 KB, 1080x720, Dryad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A team of merceneries were sent to kill Samurai Jack so that he could reincarnate at a time where he was needed. In a large room there's them on one side and him on the other. A sniper kills him with a bullet to his head, then as a reward he starts floating upwards, ascending into the fourth dimension, which occurs all in one moment, so he lived that entire life out in an instant, having a super orgasm and blustering about how amazing it all is, before disappearing. Then I saw a group of tall sandstone crag spires, dust mixed with trash sliding down them, taking a dragon shape as it poured onto the Earth, hatefully cursing her with the most vile words possible. I was at a distance from them, they were something half-visible, requiring a special sense to see. A dryad was nearby, she said "Can you see that? Someone has to do something about it. You have the power of the Gods behind you, and -something-." and said "Everything that has a name is stupid." I asked her for a name and she said "Eilienen."

>> No.41386536
File: 1.82 MB, 2048x2048, Es.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in a car, sitting the middle of the backseat, with two Es' by my side and another Es in the passenger, pallette swaps. One told me to say "Protect me Es" when I'm in trouble. Later I'm driving down a tunnel and crash my car, causing a pile-up of cars. An angry mob comes at me so I say "Protect me Es" and she came to defend me.

>> No.41394766
File: 669 KB, 640x480, Senate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside my dad's front door, I saw giant wave coming. I ran to his room, which was instead a giant tower, jumping up little planks around the side, though it seemed I was actually controlled by higher forces like a marionette, I made it to the top and climbed into another dimension, a royal place with purple miasma in the background, demons and witches gathered around me, though they looked down on me a bit like a pleb.

I met up with Umineko witches, though they looked at my hair which was shitty, I said it's been a couple days since I washed it and they went "Ew" so I went to take a shower though just the little shower was very high up in the room. Then I went to eat puddings and cakes with them.

I fought with a giant wolf around a outdoors fountain, I turned into a giant eagle and seized its legs, it started running off while I tried to drag it back, until the area began to transition to the Golden land, a dark forest, purple miasma and golden lights scattered across the landscape. Since it was dangerous to linger in the Golden Land I let go and retreated.

>> No.41401177
File: 2.17 MB, 1240x1754, Saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a paddock. Saw a triforce formed. Izanami was lying dead, the left. Mordred was surrendering to Artoria, kneeling and sticking her sword in the ground, the right. Saber was charging up Excalibur, the top. Then the whole formation = Excalibur unleashed.

>> No.41401378
File: 206 KB, 640x905, Lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I came across Lain while walking in a city, wearing a school blazer, maybe green, which suited her well.

Saw Lain as a character in League of Legends. Her W made three school chairs spin around her, one of them having a teddy bear on it. Her ultimate was to upgrade her other skills.

Lain dream, though she doesn't appear. Went along a dirt road to a little gathering of people, something about "You were watched." being typed while someone was in a simulation. Later, there's a guy in a simulation, so I type on the computer "You were watched." and it fucked him over somehow, got angry at me.

Also Lain without Lain. Looking at a browser with a lot of tabs, told the simulation's current programming is shitty and you basically have to find work or the world will go against you, although it seemed like the next age is soon.

Not a Lain dream, but I was inside something like a giant water tower, on a platform high up. It was lunch time, some others had regular meals ready while they prepared a plate of bananas for me off on a slim rail. I thought whatever, have my legs wrapped around the platform edging my way towards bananas, when suddenly I had fallen and was in the water far below. I sank, seeing countless spiders dangle from webs, dropping downwards. I tried my best to swim up while not grasping their threads, and saw myself on a Virtual Machine calling out for them to wake me up, while they laughed "But this is how you made it."

>> No.41401390
File: 133 KB, 1200x616, Hell Girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had used a straw doll to send someone to Hell. I lay on my bed in despair, singing a sad song Ai taught me, then there was another song with a lyric like "What if we were the bad guys all along?"

Sang an extended ~6-8 minute duet version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESx_hy1n7HA with some Japanese lyrics, on top of a snowy mountain. Then I slid down it with a yukionna, as we repeated "進む". Off the mountain, I went into a lobby with lockers. My locker neighbour, Ai, came over. There was a Disgaea status, I saw her title "Overlord" then it switched to "Michiru's Tormentor" then "Hell Girl"

Saw a dream version of a Jigoku Shoujo episode, I think bullying going on in toilets, swirlies. Don't remember much about that part though. I walked through an autumn forest, came to a little wooden bridge with Ai hanging around. I think I got her on my lap, and she gave me a kiss. She definitely gave me a close-eyed smile, looking very Japanese with the eye slant. We went to an old guy's gathering, can't remember what for. He made cool wood block prints of oni. I became aware I was maybe in a dream, I asked Ai next to me, she held up a mirror that wont show your reflection if you're a dreamer. I wasn't in it, but a guy behind me was, and became very sad, crying, saying he wishes he was real, had aspirations, and demons that dragged him down from them. Left this place, at the bridge, Ai swam the river, I went along with her, coming to a rocky pool place, she was sitting on one rock and I could see her ass.

My dad's house, went into a little building on one forest-y part of lawn. I saw a stained glass window of Ai, then Michiru was added to it. The spider was with me, he said that other than Hell Girls and Mesopotamian succubi everybody's failed him, then laughed about obtaining Michiru, I saw the world outside the building glitching up with his demonic laughter.

In a hardware store, I was one of the employees. Me and the others drummed and banged on different stuff creating a song for a bit. There was a female cult leader around the front of the store with a crowd. I went around the store, there was a long line-up of school desks leading to her, with people sitting on them. There was a blonde Hell Girl, I don't know if this dream was before or after S4 but I can't think of her kimono as any different from Michiru's, green with red roses. Walked close to the leader, the group all had straw dolls, counting down. I noticed I had a straw doll, I went over to the blonde and said I didn't ask for it, she took it off me. I woke up, but as I did so I saw a large group of people falling into the waters outside the Hell gate.

I was hanging around some of Ai's group. The brat Kikuri called me her husband. I left and saw Santa's sleigh in the sky and made a wish.

I was in a lounge doing whatever, Ai appeared doing her spooky moving towards you without walking thing which scared me a little.

At my dad's paddock. Ai was angry at a guy with a head like Amygdala's, who had usurped Hell or something, saying it doesn't exist for the sake of torture, but to deter people from sinning. Elsewhere was her three servants in animal costumes, Ren was a mantis, sort of talking about whatever, basically just seemed like I was shown that they're off being useless while Ai could maybe use their help.

Ai was angry at me for calling the Heaven and Hell system shit. I said it is shit, those with good intentions go to Hell while those with wicked intentions do their best to hog Heaven. She had nothing to say.

There was a guy in an office building who was something like the best employee, with autistic knowledge about everything going on in the company. He was asked why he didn't ask for a promotion, he said it was because he was afraid. In a dim stone room with Buddhist statues, the test to get a promotion was filled in by somebody. Questions that were answered wrong would be changed to the correct answer, which would make a statue cry blood, a price to be paid.

I was around... somewhere. Ai was contracted to send someone to Hell, she sent three worms with drill tongues that burrowed into heads after the target, and told me not to interfere. Turns into a fighting game, Ai was a character, fought like a ninja and used a large shuriken on a chain.

Playing a game, murder mystery. I switched to "The Key" mode, which was simply evil. I can't remember well, I went along and somebody murdered someone so it was game over, I retried or rewound time and then people who were ordinary before pulled out guns and shot me, I tried to quit the game but it wouldn't let me, maybe had to unplug. I was at a fenced off area outdoors, Ai showed up with some others, she told me the symbol of Jigoku is a black ring, and that all the cases of Jigoku Shoujo have alternative mundane explanations for what happened.

>> No.41401530
File: 221 KB, 640x640, Oni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a classroom, I had a shadow of a witch beside me sort of instructing me how to act cool since I was bad at it. The teacher asked about the greatest songs of all time, one student answers with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRV2aoQ--94 I was like hey and the teacher smiles at me like she knew I had popularised the song a bit.

With my mother, Seikima II comes up and she says she knows them, having seen them live once, probably said something about me saying the age we live in is rotten and about to end, referencing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3Ncjfu54XM

At a school hall, I sang back-up vocals for Demon Kakka, I don't remember the song, though I was singing from up on a beam under the roof. Afterwards someone said it wasn't as good as he expected, I said it's not the same without the whole band's energy. I eyed His Excellency's fist cover brass-knuckle thing, plain black leather, which he gave to me. I said it'd be cooler if it had an oni's face on it. Apparently this pissed him off cause when I walked out of the building the tip of my nose fell off. I wanted to get to a nurse's office quick, asked a boy for directions, he told me where and asked to come with, though first he wanted to pick some strange red flower. He caught up with me but he was off, talked like a monster girl or something, I left him behind and made it to the office, but the dream vision was still focused on the boy. He doubled over as a fleshy worm with his head squeezed its way out of his heart. Then that worm boy once again rebirthed out of its own heart. His newly born worm selves would call my name pathetically. After a couple more rebirths he couldn't support his own weight anymore and died, turning into disgusting green/pink steaming ichor. Then I vomited, cursed that I dreamt something so disgusting, thinking I had watched South Park, before waking.

>> No.41401595
File: 1.32 MB, 1013x1433, Snakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Stheno Euryale and Medusa(young) as a trinity in Disgaea, using terra level magic on enemies coming up the white temple they were hanging around.

I was with Fate GO characters. We had to travel down a road for a long time, to keep up with them I had to run really hard, far past my limits, transforming into a beast, like a hideous mutated form of Skrael. I separated from them and went to a piano teacher my mom had introduced me to's house, blue house with a TV in the hallway with a cartoon eyeball that was his symbol, very weird atmosphere. Hanging around there turned me back, I went outside then hoped that I would be united with the rest again, went down a street and saw them. We went along some stable, I had a dream-this-before moment where I tried to warn someone about to touch something of a trap, but since there was no time ran off by myself. A huge amount of shit got thrown all over everyone but me. I hung with Stheno after she'd cleaned up, saying I dreamt all this before 3 or 4 years ago. She said that's not unusual, she had a dream about seeing a band's concert before it happened. I rode in a car, with me in the backseat, Stheno and Euryale by my sides. Stheno was really bored and thus depressed. I nuzzled my face into her chest, everyone in the car got excited. I got completely lost in another dimension, hearing holy orchestral music, before pulling myself out moments later, laying on top of her on the middle console.

>> No.41401674
File: 474 KB, 1423x951, Witch Party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Beatrice riding a white horse around with a group of people watching, she thanked me for something. I saw the stats of her Bernkastel and Lambdadelta. They all had 5 stars magical offense and defense. Beato had 0 stars of satisfaction, Bern 1, Lambda 2.

I ran down a road for a long time, went into a theatre with Lambdadelta on stage and gave her something she needed. She thanked me with 5 yellow candies with + signs on them.

I read a manga with Bern and Lambda saying in red I'll never become a witch, only the immortal feelings released when I die will. Then they laughed insanely for several panels.

In a backroom. Lambda comes in, I say "Lady Lambdadelta" and greets me as she passes by. Virgilia comes in, I say "Lady..." and she finished for me "Chloris" so I say "Lady Chloris" and she passes by. I went outside, there was a bright red butterfly flittering around. I chased after it, it went over a fence out into paddocks, I wanted to chase but there was a black bull raging at me if I tried to cross. I managed to start flying after it, flying over the bull and capturing the butterfly, then after a second letting it go as I started spinning(on my side), turning into a witch with a black and red dress while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVr0IUQ6BwE played.

Playing a future Dark Souls game set an age after DS3. In an Irithyll like city, there was a covenant called King's Defenders which summoned green phantoms to kill people who entered a certain part of the city. I was at a bonfire which was extremely chaotic, as soon as I got up several Basilisks would come over, a gigantic centaur with a greathammer smashed apart the place into separated islands, some other enemies attacking. Beside this place across a gap was people in witch garb meditating around their area with lots of laundry set out. I threw a Great Chaos Fire Orb onto one of them and their clothes but it did tiny damage and immediately got put out. Somehow I made my way over to there. I talked with one of them who was Lambdadelta, saying that this is the Golden Land, also it's laundry day. I apologised for throwing the orb, she said it's alright because they can psychically dampen the flames. I explored around, at a lower floor was a blue butterfly card, I found another blue butterfly thing on the higher floor. I asked Lambdadelta how to go to another world, she went over to a framed picture of a tiger like there was in my room at the time, acting like she was trying to enter into it. I tried myself but couldn't push myself through. There was a male witch here who got pissed off at me for trying this, he came up behind me while I was walking away, (I was a girl) and stuck his hand in-between my legs, threatening to finger me as I kept my legs shut tight as possible. Sexual stimulation robs your strength so it's hard to resist, I cry "Rape! Rape!" and he fucks off. I go over to Lambda nearby who was watching, saying "Why didn't you help!?" she said "I'm sorry."

I went into a dark laundry room. I made it into another world somehow, with something like Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World happening where the illusion of Lambda who had guided me was replaced by a different Lambda. I was in the world of witches, an academical building, everything wooden. I sat at a table of witches where we were practicing our evil laughs. I was in a bed with a witch that had a black cat for a head, she had her innumerable invisible servants run their arms over me, ecstasy. She and Lambda had a feud going on, Lambda cursed her to be able to die, killing her and making her stay dead, although she would overcome the curse in a while. I traveled around a game of life board with Lambda and Bern, at the end of it we went onto a boat and one of us had a golden gun.

At my mother's house. I had died, yet I went there. There was terracotta gravestones set up for many days of the year, one of them being my birthday, associated with a pinecone fairy. There was a golden buddha and a golden eagle on top of it, I was unhappy with the "composition" with there being like a porridge of stone blocks in front of it, so I rearranged it. My mother comes over saying my friend's coming to see me. I knew it was going to be Lambda. I went over nearby to where she appeared out of nowhere, grabbing me in a hug and flying up, as she gleefully gushed about how she's going to enjoy torturing me in all different ways.
I saw Lambda being crucified.
I was up in the crowd at a stadium. Trump was on stage, calling me out, then throwing a ping pong ball at me, I missed the catch, the crowd goes "Ohh!", he throws another, I catch it, they cheer. He throws another, using my other hand, I miss the catch, "Ooh!" Throws another, I catch it, they cheer. Then he throws a red ping pong ball in a random direction that bounced all around the stadium before landing on my lap and turning into Lambda.

>> No.41401720
File: 320 KB, 1200x1500, Erika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan Peterson was helping me to travel to another world. He got me to the point I raised up spinning on my side as I started disappearing, but at the last moment I rejected his memes. I lost consciousness for a second, then got up off the floor, seeing he had died from it.

Fell asleep to Revolte's ひなみん. Went over a paddock, a red haze over everything, a red dragon, and a red moon. I went to a house, I was on a fancy bed lying on Erika's lap. She chanted "一つになる" while holding my head.

With Erika and Bernkastel. Erika threatened to kill me but Bernkastel said not to, because I was their vessel.

At an outdoors festival kind of place. I took Maria off Rosa's hands, wrapping her up in a blanket and carrying her like a baby. She offered to suck me off, I went around looking for a private place. Came across a girl covered in "holy" scabs, maybe offering to me.

At Irithyll. I saw the covenant symbol for Umineko's witches, a shattered Throne of Want that resembled Stonehenge. I think Erika, told me I had ranked up or something, and was offered either "Levitating Penis" or "Black Fire Orb Flurry", the former making it so the penis hovers above your crotch and you can fly it around, the later makes you throw at least 6 Black Fire Orbs in quick succession. I chose the latter.

There was a big gathering of witches and such, who had me climb a long staircase where I was crowned. I turned around facing the crowd, someone chided me for having my robe done up, saying leave its cooler to leave it open.

In the future. My oldest brother was calling himself the King of Witches. We had a long battle where we would invoke gods and attack eachother, I couldn't really kill him. I raked his face which really hurt, making him remark that my long pointed nails actually came in handy. I eventually give up, I say "I call upon Horus, goddess of divine feminine" then fly over and give him a hug, which makes him break down crying.

>> No.41401776
File: 1.74 MB, 2862x3584, Susanoo sake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With my copycat brother, he pissed me off so I chanted Susanoo's speech, "我は剛、我は力、我は全!我は身は全てを裁ち斬る神の剣!我は建速須佐之男!!……推して参る", turning into him. He copycatted the speech to transform, I ran away with a shinobi glider while he chased.

I was told "Surrender to Susanoo and escape will soon be possible." I saw a traditional Japanese painting of clouds which I descended through for a long time, before waking up on a raft among tropical islands with lots of girls on board, including a frog girl.

I was serving someone calling himself Susanoo, who wore white and red. Some others come over and say he's fake and take him down, turning him into a crab and leaving it to me to dispose of him. I went over trying to drown him but the water wasn't deep enough. I went to a school were they were roasting crabs, leaving him in the bucket and telling a teacher to make sure that one gets cooked.

In my backyard fighting unlimited Izanami as Izanami, then unlimited Susanoo, they had very cool looking moves but I probably couldn't give a very good description even just after waking, and most of these dreams are over 3 years ago.

Going around a waterhole, there was Dark Souls summon signs. I passed over one for Rance, then one for Cursed Rance, his sign having sticky spots like a cursed bloodgem, then came across Susanoo, summoning him. I was up at the house where I saw my dad pissed off at Susanoo outside, going out to have a go at him even though a crowd of people had gathered sitting around him. Then I was in a room with him teaching me how to use his Blade of Judgement in a 3D game where you could quarter circle forward for an anti-clockwise slash or backward for clockwise.

At a green tea drinking contest. Susanoo bet on me, hanging around with Izanami. I thought about how the gods view our lives like a game.

>> No.41401826
File: 880 KB, 1192x1598, Abigail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw myself in bed with three Disgaea witches, ice wind and fire at my sides/behind, with Abigail above me. Dreamt this after (kind of embarassing to say) autistically watching her Noble Phantasm like a hundred times over.

I got invited for lunch at Abigail's family(?, definitely related to her and in close proximity to the other two Abigail dreams) home. Wealthy neighbourhood, nice mansion. Ate outside at one little table at the side of a gathering, with her father(?).

Fighting in a game as Susanoo, or maybe Hakumen, old dreams forgotten details, someone was a snowman throwing out a lot of projectiles. Afterwards I go over to the front of my house taking my shoes off, my feet terribly sore. Abigail comes over to me, she holds her hands to my feet, emitting rainbow light, then they were all better.

>> No.41401848
File: 2.18 MB, 1303x1396, Saya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met Ebreitas. I would twist the long hairs of my fringe into a thread then burn it as an offering for her. A guy with long brown hair like mine tried to do it, but his wouldn't twist into a thread like mine did. Went outside and got chased around by a big ball of flesh and corpses.

Saya no Uta dream. I met Eiliebriesitas, like Ebreitas but formed from gore, a face of intestines. Something happened, where it transformed into a male baby that was pregnant with another male baby.

Playing VR Saya no Uta. I walked down a dirt road, seeing Saya at a corner, with a green aurora dragon hanging over her, threatening me whenever I tried to approach. People watching me stream said in the comments not to be afraid, it wont hurt you. I approached. I was then in a police station, with one guy who made contact with Saya having gone insane shortly afterwards, while I was losing sanity after several months.

>> No.41404490

Could have used more spell checking myself in very important thread.

>> No.41405607
File: 231 KB, 824x1280, Neferpitou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scale of evolution from reading Hunter x Hunter. One reading was a partially formed fox tail, two readings was a fox tail, three was maybe 6 times, four was maybe over a hundred.

With Gon in my kitchen who said all external doubts can be ignored, one should eliminate internal doubts then project harmony outwards.

Outside, near some old ladies who pissed me off somehow, wearing blinging glasses. I snatched their glasses off and threw them on the ground behind me, by the time I turned back they had new glasses, made a little pile of them, before mooning them. They called a couple of Hunters to kill me. Gon turned down the request because he's good. Hisoka did stalk after me. I had the ability to take the form of anyone I touched, I touched a brown midget and curled up next to some coconuts for a little while, but it was boring. I touched a Guts looking guy. I heard Hisoka asking someone nearby "Have you seen a Guts looking guy?" I veered off in way I didn't think he could follow by chance, disappeared into a covenience store for a bit, came out and saw him nearby. I went over and asked "How do you know it's me?" he pulls out a permanent marker and says he left a mark on my neck, but he doesn't care to kill me, just asks as if he's maybe down on the way his character is seen "Did you ever once think I was cool?" I said "Yeah" and he immediately cheers up, going over to some nearby old guy to brag about it, I said "This guy...he's full of himself."

Saw Gon get his face thrust into Pitou's crotch(clothes on), she had a pussy.

In a classroom that was actually inside the ladder shortcut house near the deacons at Pontiff. I sung the "Nen song" which consisted of me saying nen over and over, at one point turning into the classic Batman theme for a bit, then back into nens until I got tossed out of the building. Then I was Izanami, I had a curved greatsword duel with someone but lost because I acted cocky. An Archdeacon came to my corpse, he revived me by putting his hand on my head. I rose up and put my hand on his telling him to take his rest as he slumped over and died. Deformed butterfly wings sprouted out of his corpse, I retrieved a rotten egg from between them. I took this egg to a dirty shed laboratory where a scientist put it in an aquarium which made it explode in foul smelling plumes, someone said "Wasn't me." After a moment a giant white lemur leaped out of the tank, as tall as a man if it stood upright, with big white eyes surrounded by a ring covered in eyes like a Third Umbilical Cord. I started panicking shouting "It's an undead Great One!" repeatedly, since it was born from a rotten egg, this just annoyed it. Its eyes would flash yellow when annoyed then red when upset, it flailed at me until I stopped acting stupid. It was called the Great One of Nen. I carried around a flip-phone it had turned into, with a big white home button that turned yellow and red like before. I could travel around the Universe so I went to a "Rance" planet but the name was coincidental, a poor farming planet where I was shunned for being a half-Great One. Some annoying people from school were following me around so I said "Why the hell are you people following me?" Behind me Junko opened her mouth to answer and I said "I didn't mean you, that would be rude."

Yukari and I apprehended someone, I bent their umbrella out of shape while Yukari questions "Is that a nen weapon?" which makes me go "Heh" which makes her go "Heh."

With a guy who was powerful, he was taunting me talking about his love for Yukari so I killed him but it turned out he was actually talking about his love for Miku. His death nen caused his corpse to turn into a Miku-loving insane cursed chaos spilling fountain, but its barrage wasn't particularly direct so I got away safely.

A guy asks "What's your nen type?" I say "all-rounder" He doesn't compute that, he asks again, I say "Specialist, like Emperor's Time but 80%" Someone else says the ability Death's Grip is perfect for me, you hold out your hand to your target and say "10+10+10+10+10+5x5x5x5x5" then clench your fist. Saw a description saying "believe in the power of 10+10+etc..."

A guy hands out Yu-gi-oh! cards, he shows one called Dream Armour, saying an old lady bought one of these off him for hundreds. He says to me, "You believe in a world of nen right?" hesitating for a second before handing me a card called World of Madness, which destroys all cards on the field, another card called The Demiurge, and another, Hypnocatrice, a monster that lets me see the opponent's hand while it's on the field.

Traveling on some ships with orc shamans, one of them shows off how to make flames with his left hand, I manage to imitate it then the flames turn into a nen ability. I could generate swarms of large(3x regular size) black mosquitos that instantly kill people upon biting them. There was a sea dragon making us do an obstacle course in a sinking ship.

>> No.41405845
File: 2.45 MB, 2000x3500, Slan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a store owned by an evil dude who set up an ambush. I sacrificed myself to allow Guts and Space Dandy to escape. Dude comes to me and asks if I have any last words, I told him about a magical figurine of Pram(which I had received from Venus in another dream) that he stole and had on sale. Knowing I'd die, I destroyed it to prevent anyone else from having it, and described the way I destroyed it as a bawling ape bashing it against ground. We both laughed about it, then he killed me.

In a big theater, I narrowly beat Satan for the best, center-most seat. The screen came on, I was the first one to run out of my seat and jump into the screen. I floated through a void as sepia kanji characters floated past me, came out somewhere else knowing "Guts had went through that and came out strong enough to destroy fiends". I met up with Guts, but apparently we still weren't a match for the Godhand unless we became champions, to become such we had to obtain champion's regalia. We saw a suspicious poster advertising champion's regalia so we went to the room but it was a trap, probably by Slan, there was a massive woman in it, along with others.

I said I absolutely refuse to work as I stretched out on the ground. Someone disparaged me calling me a super saiyan. I'm traveling around as one of Griffith's followers. I'm his sniper as we're above a meeting about to assassinate someone. Later in a forest, the Guardian of the East, a kitsune who took over for his unicorn predecessors, met up with Griffith to judge him using the grimoire handed down by his predecessor. He senses his evil and summons the front half of a giant zombie unicorn, who walked in place upon a trapped Griffith, its hooves "grinding away at reality itself".

Fantasia was happening in reality, I had Guts' pre-Dragonslayer greatsword, climbing a ladder to face an army of flying Pokemon warriors, but Guts came and insisted I leave them to him while I help the others around with the Demon's Souls red and blue drakes. The red drake was taken care of somehow. The blue drake was doused in gasoline while asleep, set itself alight when we woke it, then a forklift was crashed into it.

Someone said the wolf beast represented Guts' darkness, someone else angrily told him off and said it represents his desire. There was a river made of the bugs released by the sea god, they each had cilia that prevented any other organisms from entering their mass.

In a castle reminiscent of Cainhurst with its dim red colours and book shelves. Guts comes to a bedroom with Slan waiting for him beside the bed. There's a little sprite of Caska inside Slan's head, she was waiting for something bad to happen because she had seen countless evil dreams where Guts becomes corrupted by Slan, has tons of sex with her, then forgets about saving her and his revenge against Griffith, leaving the castle to wander. Guts stands behind Slan and can somehow see the little Caska, he says "Oh, I wish you were real." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6kd1Kd03GM plays as the little Caska pops out of Slan's head, then Guts's party all use anti-magic attacks against Slan. Guts slashes her, Schierke or Isidiro throw a bunch of acorns supernatural creatures hate at her, other attacks I don't remember. I think "Holy shit I can't believe Miura used ZUN's song!" I see the Godhand in a dark room gathered around a TV watching, one of them says "We should probably do something or Slan's actually going to die." Void is sent to go help. He comes into the bedroom where the party is relaxing while Slan is bound to a chair, reduced to a mummy, with a portrait of Vlad Dracula nearby. He picks her up and starts bringing her back, she asks "Can I ask one thing...just what is that strange portrait?" He considers for a moment before speaking "I think I'd rather not say." Then it's me carrying Slan, I'm wondering about the portrait and all the unresolved questions Miura's left behind saying "Oh! The mysteries!" and think "I could ask Yukari but she probably wouldn't tell me." I hear unsettling high pitched laughter from the Godhand as I set mummy Slan into a sarcophagus before the Godhand's room.

https://files.catbox.moe/f6dxlm.png At the little tree part in Irithyll, a Godhand member looking like the far right female of the Old Godhand but without the boobies, sunken black eyes and frown similar to the one on the middle left, grabs a hold of me and makes me look into her face as we "dance", drifting in a wide arc around the trees. Then I'm in a Godhand dimension that seemed inside the place I've zigzagged, with the same Godhand girl except with a bit of light to her eyes here, seeming kind of cute. I say she seems better here, outside she horrified me. I ask about becoming a member of the Godhand, she says I can already consider myself one of them, the "Vile Green"

>> No.41419514
File: 585 KB, 1920x1080, Yoishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw a river. Floating over it was the blue spirit of Hasegawa/Madao having hung himself. I saw an image of Yoishi staring at me.

An old school friend created a webpage for me, at the top was a picture of Yoishi staring with purple lightning blazing in her eyes, scrolled down and there was a list of all the games/books/manga/music/etc I recommend.

Inside a spaceship, dimly lit gray metal corridors. I went to the bathroom, over to the last stall. Yoishi was inside, she said "I'm your waifu." then grinned wide showing off her teeth, two layers, the inner real teeth had less than a dozen and were black. Then outer implanted teeth were intact but were very yellowed. It was so disgusting I somehow found it beautiful. Next I'm on top of the spaceship, with chess pieces made out of a different alloys, they couldn't get along with eachother and would fuse again and again, until what remained was a single steel piece with a very hardened expression that didn't think at all which was necessary for the very long space journey.

Being chased around a dark maze inside a build building by a guy and couple of his friends, eventually coming to a window where they get stunned by the beautiful view of a night time dream city. I'm hanging from the edge and think the drop down to the city would be safe since there's it doesn't look too far but die. I respawn in the city. I see and go up to Yoishi who was walking around with a few followers, her hair cut neatly and short. At some other place, I enter a pocket dimension where I kept making my way down a slope in pitch black darkness, getting attacked by shadowy monsters. I ate apples to heal, but died near the end.

>> No.41419726
File: 1.49 MB, 1194x1920, Valcua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking at Lovecraft wiki's table of gods with D, Dracula was in the list and he had a note saying "His mount is the ruler of N'kai" which made both me and even D shudder with dread.

A small tightly-packed lawless bustling shanty merchant town on an island. D was suffering from sun sickness while being hunted down, but found an inn whose old lady owner hid him away and said she hadn't seen him to the hunters. When D recovers he thanks her, she says its nothing and tries to give him a large gold coin like a koban saying it was worth a thousand of her employee's wages. D declined, instead he engraved runes upon it with his fingernail and gave it back to her. She hung it up in a frame in the back of the store. It was said that even though businesses easily come and go upon that island and their owners are often murdered her inn always prospered. Elsewhere on the island, D fought Hades Izanami and won. Afterwards, Left Hand talked shit since he seemed annoyed by her, saying she "Talked like she had a meter tall wall of centipedes behind her.", was "Only half as strong as D" and that when D finished her off with a Lifedrain from him, he felt her energy, which was displayed in numbers, eventually drop to 2, then 0, then he blacked out for a while, for a short time awakening deep underground in a dark cave that was "A place but not a place."

Outside a house. A dhampir with the form of a foggy rain took a 17 or 18 year old girl hostage, then made D undergo a series of dangerous tests to try and save her. He had to pass them all perfectly with no mistakes or he would die along with her. D accomplished that, which freed the girl and made the dhampir take an ordinary form, getting slain by D.

On top of a mountain there was a giant Dragon Tank created by SA that I saw D destroy.

From a small distance away I saw myself as a vampire in a bladed cloak like Maiev's, wearing a deer head and talking secretively with SA.

In a lounge, on the TV screen was a Vampire Hunter D fighting game. At the character select, my oldest brother was calling himself D, I thought he was full of shit. I'm asked who I am, I said "I'm Valcua.", probably to do with him fusing with the Akashic Records.

Became lucid. I tried to follow a cord connected to the sun, but end up in a matrix "behind the curtain" place with hostiles.I summon stake Leviathan and tell her to kill them for me, she refuses unless I ask politely. I do so, then she flies around as a stake killing them all. I meet with a guy with grimoire on devils nearby, pages on Belial and Vlad Dracula in it. I ask if he's got the Scarlet sisters, he showed me a half-page devoted to them, saying they were very strange. I told him I want to meet Dracula so we do a ritual, he asks me to pick some traits so, I pick "The Beast" which had an icon of a transformed Hunter Mob, he cries “No!” before turning into a beast. Dracula’s castle appears, I dive into its reflection. Avoiding mobs of transformed beasts, I come across a Jesus statue that makes them kill themselves through their own belief “I’m a beast, I die before this statue.” Hang around it for a little bit, but since I don’t like him leave. Drop off the side of the castle, sink and swim to its peak. I meet Dracula, he asks what I want. I say I want to be an antagonist mentor that teases D and helps him grow while getting off scot free, he agrees to it.

>> No.41420967
File: 2.54 MB, 1920x1080, Izanami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Izanami was carried on a portable shrine outside a wrestling ring. She said "Feel the presence of Izanami in your life."

It was Izanami's birthday 4/22. In the kitchen, there were all kinds of elaborate dishes that would change into different kinds as I looked away for a moment. On the TV was The Simpsons, but there was a grungy trashy Adult Swim-like black thing on screen at all times, I switched the channels and all of them were The Simpsons with a black thing.

In a boat I made my way across a marsh's river though it was quite difficult and I think I was attacked by a crocodile. Make it to a larger open stretch of blue water, there's rows of rock formations sticking out off to the sides like Twelve Apostles if they had long length. Come to a little sand bank with a statue near the gated entrance to a town, Izanami is there and I embrace or kiss her. The dream repeated but a long time had passed and things had withered, I made it back to the sand bank and she was gone and the statue was worn. I think it repeated again.

At an assembly at the back of a grocery store. Izanami is on stage making a speech across the floor which was flooded. After she was done I noticeably clapped harder than anybody else. She jumped into the water, transforming into a black swim teacher guy, swam across, transformed back but wearing a sukumizu, came over and kissed me.

It was the apocalypse, the streets were full of rubbles, and there were people running around acting crazy. There was The Gate, a 30 meter tall arrangement of clear cubes dancing in synchronized movements, showing whoever looked at it their deepest fear. I hung around it casually, thinking I lacked a true fear because it showed me what I thought is the default, a giant dark hole. Next I'm running away with others, towards a broken tower. The door shut before I got there, but was opening after I banged on it. I went up a series of wood planks, jumping over some broken ones, to the top. There's a gathering here. Off in front of me was a band like a champion's belt with three red and yellow eyes, it stared at me like death but I looked back thinking it was cute which made it seem flustered. Off beyond it was Izanami with others at computers. She went to fight a group of android girls who appeared, similar to Prime Field Devices.
She didn't return. I followed where she went, met a group of the androids asking where she was, they said the male toilets. I went up into the top of one of two large towers, the insides a spiral slope. Went down until about half-way found her on the floor bound to the wall by a short shackle on her neck, crying. I laid down beside her and hugged, felt like we were one with the odd meat-wrapped-around-metal doll shared feeling, noticed her eyes were a beautiful bright purple. She barely acknowledges me, saying in a daze that they had copied her age.
Outside again, I ran into a house to avoid people gone crazy from the apocalypse. A squire who comes in through the door I killed when I immediately stabbed his neck assuming it's a crazy, a knight with him comes after me. Fought while retreating up a staircase, slashing in turns but he'd block my hits or it didn't do much, so just ignored dodging his blows and tanked while slashing as much as possible until he died, his last words "Don't get cocky..." Got a sword off him, check Dark Souls inventory, its one of two variants which required 10 str 8 dex / 8 str 10 dex, one of them being Gryphon Knights. I go downstairs, looking for Izanami I think of checking an underground floor, but she comes through the front door with Relius. When she sees me she pounces, smiling with vampire-like teeth before tickling me so intensely I felt like I melted into a pile of organs while she tickled my heart and brain. We got up and met Relius at the door, he said she got her 大切友/僕 back, then we left, headed to The Gate. Running/jumping across connected skyscraper rooftops, I struggle to keep up with Izanami, until we come to the end of one building before a ruined park, she jumps off and lands all the way down like it's nothing, continuing for a bit before noticing I didn't follow. She comes back a little and beckons me, holding arms out to the side while smiling up at me. I look back thinking Relius might help, but his pace was slow enough he was several buildings behind. I look back at Izanami waiting for me. I try to jump but hesitate, then throw myself off while imagining chaotic tendrils of aurora wings, waking up from fear.

In a near-pitch black room I saw Izanami and Pram sitting on top of Zetta, back to back, barely able to make them out as I had to bend low to see their silhouettes against the darkness.

Saw an image posted in an Izanami Discord of her kneeling on the floor wearing Pram's clothes, a slit opening showing I came in her pussy.

>> No.41421314
File: 2.38 MB, 1933x1959, Hades.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a skyscraper office that was an Izanami sword-style dojo. I was unfreezed from cyrogenic sleep, and was being led somewhere. I sneaked off when my handler was away for a second, wandering around and up the floors. Ran into a guy who led me to one of the top floors, comfy lounge with a few people gathered. Someone questions who I was, I play dumb, I say I've seen Ragna the Bloodedge like I wanted to report it to them. One asks what colour boots he wore, I guessed black. One of them whispers to another about a pod escapee, but gets shhd. I'm lead over by a guy who seems like a scientist, he offers a nice recliner, then hastily pulls down on a lever coming out of the right armrest. It malfunctioned and did nothing, he gives up and hands me a present wrapper with an Xmas gift card to Izanami, gifting me transformed into a little plush doll, which deliberately harped on about it being "Xmas" Izanami comes in looking for a place to sit, I get up, offer my seat, but then stopped her because I had been sitting on a blue pair of scissors, taking it off and letting her sit. I knelt beside her right armrest.

Yukari was talking to me on the road outside my house, boasting "I am the boundary between day and night, Violet and Vermilion, and Death is my bitch." I walk with her into a room with Hades Izanami and her alliance "Demons and Gods Against..." I thought about Yukari calling death her bitch earlier, looking behind me to see her quietly backing out of the room.

Enter a large school room. See a cinematic, looking up at a gathering of villains. Thor and Izanami among them. Then a long musical, I only remember Izanami, who seemed to be an American schoolgirl, leaping across the screen at one point saying "You can have ANYTHING you want!" I see some guys with T-shirts, on the back Billy and Mandy's heads atop adult skeletons among other skeletons and text scrolls. I'm looking at Izanami across the room, she's got a hat like Jotaro's blending in with the back of her hair, making me laugh a little. She looks angry, comes over asking "What's funny?" I immediately kill my feeling of humour and say "Nothing." Her red eyes were beautiful, I said "Your eyes are very complimentable." but she doesn't care to hear it. I ask "What's the difference between you and Japanese mythology's Izanami?" She said "That doesn't matter, locate your heart." I don't know if she said it here, of she said it as the end of the song earlier, but "In the end up you'll be locked away in a cold unfindable place." as I saw a chain being constructed in darkness forming a loop with a padlock.

On the road outside my house, went over to a spirit of Izanami floating in the air, another guy doing something nearby. I said "Like any patrician, I live with my heart as the engine behind my actions, but my mind is just..." breaking off before explaining how unstable and full of thoughts it is, she says "Alright. But don't call yourself Izanami, unless you're on Cartoon Network." then stabbed one golden stake foot through and into the center of my brain, golden light radiating.

On a raft with a guy tied to a catapult. He tells me not to but I say "No, and that's what you get for calling me Jesus." then under my breath "I'm actually Izanami."

At a McDonalds, one further "up" along from "Tower Hill", visiting being necessary for the Apocalypse. I watch from a distance Izanami talking about Pariston. Saying he's a strange, and like a vampire. Once he died and spent 10 years as a ghost hanging around some trees outside nearby, enjoying it like it was a vacation, before coming back to life. Then she started talking shit about me, saying I'm supposed to bring about the Apocalypse but I waste my time. An employee comes over asking for her order, I predict a childlike response "Happy Meal", she says "Happy Meal, extra toy." She's served, I go over sitting on her right, she talks shit about me like she's irritated while eating, starting to choke. I pat her back until she coughs it up, then she apologises. Then we're fighting outdoors somewhere else, my older brother is on an opposing team. I'm pissed off by a dog, grabbing its snout and twisting it again and again, but it wont break. I ask a nearby guy to hold the body so I can twist it up further until it breaks, but they act like they'd be killed if they took it off my hands from the stored energy. I let go and its snout untwisted folded like an accordion, the shape of a toucan's beak, which got a laugh out of me and the other guy.

Looked at "Izanami's Jade Notebook", there was a single page, the left said "Beast 666" The text said "The Beast 666 refers to the coordinates of Ragna the Bloodedge within The Boundary." the right had a moving image of Ragna shining golden, raking his sword up and down, sending out waves of golden shimmering Dead Spikes, with a tiny "rewind" of his blade every half-swing, like the small jump to keep timing in-between skipping rope jumps.

>> No.41421885
File: 54 KB, 816x1024, Imouto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The slashing/Dead Spikes fended off darkness that constantly encroached upon him.

Saw Izanami lying still on the floor of the Alliance room Yukari backed out of, holding a chunk of lapis lazuli to her face, staring at it.

In my room. I had a black cat called Izanami. I gave it a royal pillow to sit upon while I acted respectfully.

I was an assistant schoolteacher to Manus. He unveiled a roast chicken to the class, which was actually one of the class's students he murdered, disguised like a chicken and cooked the night before. Something was stolen by someone who fled down a river. I chased them for a while, I think I got something back while getting scolded by a female teacher. At Ds3's Water Reserve, I excitedly egged on Manus to murder a student in the class gathering around the middle, but he wasn't doing anything. Izanami laid on the ground where the corpse that holds the Deep Gem is. At the ladder was Izanami with a female school teacher leading her on a black leash. I wanted to take her back and she gave her to me, calling her my pet. Irritated, I said "She's not my pet. The only one that can command Izanami is Manus." then ascended the ladder with her, holding the leash as she climbed behind me. When we exited the tower I took it off, the collar wrapped around her neck with a black hand I folded to fit through a notch.

Looking at a Dark Souls shield, its weapon art was Weapon Skill, specially making it so you can repeat the initial swing of L2 dual curved swords spin slash with less delay between spins until there's none. One dual curved swords that matches the shield gains a flame buff a little over 100 damage while L2ing. At a tar pit, the cockpit of a large mech is sticking out like an iceberg, open the hatch and Izanami comes out, then we went off together.

At Pontiff. I had an Izanami bone katana. Weapon art stabs yourself and immediately brings you near-death, covering the blade with blood, the L2 follow-up being a slash while dodging backwards that dispels the blood. Another time I had "Izanagi's Quail" a straight sword similar in look to Storm Curved Sword, its 2H R1's used the superior 1H R1 horizontal slash, the weapon art threw it like a boomerang, range slightly shorter than lock-on.

I saw Izanami associated with the Hornet's Ring, boosting critical attacks, while I'm associated with the Rat's Ring, increasing roll i-frames, the rings forming a pair.

Saw projected on a wall a Blazblue credits sequence. Pictures popped up during it of various characters having sex. Remember Izanami fucked by Terumi, looked awkward, and Izanami relishing raping Mu-12. I was in a school afterwards. I wanted to have Celica, dominating her by pressuring her a lot, trying to lead her off, though there was someone else interfering, which made her snap out of it.

Met school friends worshiping a goddess similar to Izanami. I asked and they said they worshipped Izanami too, but I didn't trust them or their goddess so I ran off, escaping by throwing myself off a cliff.

I took a shower before bed, had a quick idle thought wondering whether Izanami has nipples since she's a doll. I dreamt about her making me touch them as if to confirm.

There was an ugly nerd girl who I prepared. Outside saw her fuse with an influx of many ink Japanese kanji, transforming into Izanami.

Saw an Izanami Discord that would remain kind of shit until "The time of blue skies." I saw a channel for my posts called "Endless Cringe"

Game. Ascended up a series of levels floating over the road that leads to my house, very high into the air. I kept ascending without doing much, over time the game threatened to remove me unless I dedicated myself to some kind of work. The top layer was a dragon boss, I recall the floor slowly becoming more black and unsafe while I was pushed to the left edge of the screen. I managed to win, unlocking an item, I'm not sure if it was a black dragon or just wings, with an Izanami related black flame buff.

Went through the dim halls of Carthus' Catacombs, avoiding skeleton balls. Outside, I saw past a gate two really popular girls, seeming vaguely like Izanami. Got one of them to actually come over to me, she made me lie on my side then stuck a stiletto in my ear, plunging my vision into darkness/me into Carthus' Abyss. I struggled for a while, to maybe get out. She wasn't impressed, saying it was the weakest Abyss, left. I went past the gate, in front of a small stage a buddhist monk meditated on while immolated, a large buddha statue in the distance behind him.

Saw Izanami, her hair was amazingly awful and disheveled, with one half done up with a hair clip shaped like her magatama. She did up the other side with another clip and I felt relief at how much better it looked, wanting to hug her but another friend of hers called Veronica glomped her.

I gave Izanami a book I wrote. She said the first page was the best thing she ever read, then for all the rest the protagonist threw his balls to the moon.

>> No.41422141
File: 3.23 MB, 1477x2000, Rachel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging out with others, one of them laughs stupidly loudly. Izanami had been sleeping at the back of the room, she gets up to leave, I say "Oyasumi, Izanami" she says "Oyasumi, Nii-sama."

Saw Teen Titan's Raven going around my dad's property, she was Izanami.

In a city. I hung around a large outdoors assembly to blend in, government agents trying to kill me. Thought I was safe but got a poison dart to the neck. Wake up in a clone body near Izanami elsewhere in the city.

Saw Flandre, Shinobu and Rachel together like they're the three best blonde loli vampires or something.

Fighting around a graveyard with a giant zombie werewolf, I escape over a wooden bridge which has a stage transition. Then I was with Rachel who offered me milk and cookies.

At a school, an outdoors sports area with tower posts around the rectangle. I sat up on one texting stuff with my phone, with green thumbs ups or red thumbs downs floating up from people below. I'm down with another guy, I point out Rachel and say I've got a crush on her, he shhs me saying her ears are sharp, I looked but didn't see her react at all. A group of us high on a mountain, having special abilities, fighting with a group below. They had one guy with "Liquid Diamond" power. We killed them. Left behind was spaces on the wall for us to stand while strapping ourselves in with belts, dragon heads hanging over the spaces. I'm out at a place beside the sports area, a guy wants to show off something, he pulls out a Crunchy bar and invites Rachel over, she loves Crunchys so much she acts like an animal, following close to it. He waved it around in front of his crotch. I kick his balls and princess carried her off up stairs, climb a ladder into a building's attic, go through a room walking along air vents hanging around the ceiling but they transformed into gore and disgusting creatures came after me. Rewound time to when I first took her, this time as soon as I climbed the stairs traps were set for me, avoiding people shooting darts at me from bushes, made it to the ladder while taking hits.

Out behind my dad's house. Saw Terumi fighting Valkenhayn. He pinned him down then slashed him 5 or so times with the Jeweled Sword of Zelretch, an ether cannon generated each time. Valkenhayn's immortal so he doesn't die, but seems pretty fucked up, angrily saying "You couldn't possibly have the mana to do that." I walk on by, Terumi sees me and says kinda annoyed "You again..."

In a classroom with Blazblue characters, I remember Mu-12 showing up in a limo, or leaving with her in one. I went around a place near water where a big shark hung around trying to lunge out at me.

Transformed into Nine playing a game down a road. Off in a shopping center's parking lot, there was an eldritch magic pill, but for most people it gave them octopus faces.

>> No.41422525
File: 167 KB, 1278x721, Omachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside my dad's house on a big rocking chair like Provost Willem, stargazing. I said "Australia is the continent closest to Supreme God Planner."

Playing a Sengoku Rance remake with others. They kept the "retro" feel very well. Boss battle against Orochi, on his next turn he would use the attack where rocks falling killing everyone, he needed to be at least just below 50% health before that for us to win. Kentarou used an omnislash knock-off, the battle sprite slashing, a special small cut-in image appeared with him slashing, the screen shook with lots of sound effects for a long time, very cheap but effectively seemed badass with a cool retro feel. It barely didn't do enough. Afterwards I'm talking with everyone, all disappointed. I said "I haven't been this frustrated since..." looked up while thinking through my memories, then got embarrassed "Since I was a virgin."

Outside house. Rance showed up, I could sense him wanting to kill me just for being another guy girls would like. I said "Wait! I have a tomboy sister I can introduce you to!" which made him relent. I saw a stats screen, with Rance at lvl ~340 and Divine Warrior Eilienen at lvl ~270.

Outside house. Going around in a part with Rance and others. I sang a short rhyming song ending with "The world of Rance!" like it's a cool other world to go to. Thought it sounded cheesy but the last line gave me frissons inside my head. Went over with Rance to an altar, the Pisces mark engraved there, and a shard of glass set up that had Izanami sealed inside. We held it under the sun, at a certain angle there would be a purple sheen which was her.

A very long parade road leading to a castle in the distance. Demon Rance strolled down, he showed off sword moves, badass swings and spins, a quick Lifedrain grab mid-combo with his free hand.

I was told Royal Guard Remilia was being sent to protect me, she wore golden bikini armour like the Leazas Royal Guard.

In a school. I compliment Shizuka about something, but she seemed to think I was joking. Try to get a red head girl's attention, she says "You want a nice interaction? Mofu mofu." as she stroked my beard.

A cave had a lot of stuff stashed inside, people along with Crook there. A huge bandit guy shows up, seeming generic but his level was actually very high so he overpowered and took the group hostage, going through the stash. One pile of stuff was pink rods that were worth a lot. The bandit leaves them for a bit saying not to call for help. Crook immediately does when he leaves, he quickly came back, probably roughed her up.

In a different cave with school desks and girls. An ugly old guy was arranging with someone to get Satella as his wife.

A guy claimed TADA has the highest power level of anyone on Earth.

Killed a red qurupeco that puffed itself up big and imitated threatening monster roars. Afterwards I ask questions of a class. I say "White whale" asking what it meant. Someone gave an answer that was correct, I gave an even more correct answer "Character creator", the kids said "Thanks, now we wont ever use that."

Saw Omachi in a top-down 3D game, having a cool sexy swaying walk holding her breasts like Sorceress, a teal rectangular border with runes on the ground beneath her. Felt vaguely Dynasty Warriors-like.

Saw a train go by that had a blue hanny icon on its side.

>> No.41422746
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A future Monster Hunter game. The village area was an underwater palace like Ryugu, but there was rot like Ariandel growing around. I equip my weapons, Diablos dual swords.

Monster Hunter MMO game. The monster hunters were a rather elitist sort who would easily look down on newcomers and people who fail quests. I'm with some newbie kids, fighting a monster, the two of them die so I take it as seriously as possible, killing it with a lance.

Monster Hunter game where you played as a monster. I was Tigrex fighting a Nargacuga. It attacked me enough that I could enter rage with a roar. It entered prowler stance, did a few leaps, then pounced on me, I poised through it with the roar, though it did hurt a lot, then I charged into it, pushing it ahead for a while, kick spinned, charged again, then once more kick spinned and charged.

In a building. Invader Zim comes over to me with a disc, $80 inside, saying he's leaving destroying the world to me. I go into the elevator, I wear a Sage's Blindfold, a master shows up with Logan's Hat to teach me and another guy how to be proper magicians, we descend. Going around a long obstacle course with others, I go way ahead of the rest, teleporting onwards, until I came to a mine with large tunnels. Come across a pair of female voices, invisible Ukanloses saying with surprise, "We never expected anyone to get this far." I ran out of the mine since I couldn't fight them there. Come to a snowy arena with two slopes opposite eachother, supply explosive barrels at their bases. I had to get them to attack me, since they would shimmer slightly visible for a second, just after I trigger a small avalanche with the bombs, which would break their camouflage. I did it as one clawed at me, large ice claws forming in the air along with the swipe, but the timing was slightly off. I wondered if I could kill them both after missing with one.

>> No.41423076
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A game. Went around an obstacle course of sorts. Along the way I dropped the "Lightning Armour" I found off the side of a bridge. Because of this, and sinceI didn't finish the game quickly enough, I was told I will serve Aku. I complained "I didn't know this was a speed run." At a locker room changing, my character was a girl putting on white Yian Kut-ku samurai armour. A goddess showed up with Aku following with that passive wide-eyed look, the goddess was going to sort it out, she said "Cute" about my look. I was standing on a railing on one side of a wide staircase leading up to the locker room and obstacle course, wondering whether there's a difference between Ryujin and monotheistic God.

With Aku and another guy in a little stone dome like an igloo. Aku wants to beat the Goddess of Water, he's got a couple of plans, one involves using tons of cursed items, random artifacts dumped on the ground nearby with black smoke steaming off them, or another, safer plan. I get excited saying to do it the cursed way, the other guy is scared and wants the other way.

At a party. I had a plate of my father's blood, who was Aku. I show off to a girl I'm with as I drink it, which was unpleasant, but the plate didn't have much blood. I turned into a half-dragon, like Youmu it was separate bodies, a round white dragon, like a small Dragonite, followed me. It ability was to consume colour, it sucked everything up in a large cone in front of it, like a flashlight that slowly dims an area. I was hanging around inside an area it was consuming, running out fearing what might happen if I linger where it consumes 100% of light.

Dark Souls. Saw a medium wooden shield painted and somewhat shaped like the Grim Reaper. There was a flat purple crystal greatshield, and another one that showed an image of a Balor-like entity, gazing with three orange eyes, immolating what's directly in front of it. Later I'm passing through the area shown on the shield, Balor is inactive, his three eyes shut with chains over them, the area was ashen and had that blasted away look like Kiln of the First Flame. I go through the mouth of his large dome head into another area. I'm with Aku, we both had new cool slender black dragon forms, we lazed together like a duality. I noticed his tail ends with an orb flashing with red flames. Interested, I say "What's that do?" He said "It projects flame." I say "Oh." having lost interest. He sees my tail ends with an orb with a little wooden box inside, a skull with gleaming topaz eyes decorating it. Interested, he says "What's that do?" I say "When someone looks at it the orb grows bigger, when it's large enough for them to take out the box they die." he says "Oh." having lost interest.

At my dad's house. I'm a kid hanging from my dad's back. The Grim Reaper showed up offering to adopt me, I climbed over onto his back.

At a mall near a Boost Juice shop. Disrespectful teenagers had summoned the Grim Reaper, got him drunk and were making fun of him while he took it silently, seeming to be a sad drunk. I chased them off, then said "Go home dad, you're drunk."

The Grim Reaper appeared floating outside my car shining rainbow, along the road I used when returning from buying weed.

>> No.41423377
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Zim built a mini-planet chained to the Earth, like a theme ride. It was extremely obviously a brainwashing prison camp, people too stupid to realise formed a very long line up to it.

I had a few emails. I checked one that linked to a news article, something Terminator related, saying humans are apes and belong in a forest, but are kept digging a trench pointlessly while facing away from it. I left the room, going down a long thin platform then jumping down to ground level. Went inside a restaurant, it was very Invader Zim. It was the future, there wasn't a single place I could rest my eyes inside that didn't have grotesque machinery, spiky tubes mixed with organs, brainwashing advertisements/memes all over the walls, disgusting children stuffing themselves with disgusting food.

With a guy who's good at stealing. Go with him and my "protoge" into a Mcdonalds. He steals a big meal and takes it to a table, we laugh about it, spraying tomato and mustard all over it. A waitress comes over acting suspicious, we point at him, he had a receipt stuck to his shoe, but he deflected onto me, and the receipt's name changed to "Benjamin Membrane"

In a shopping mall. I see Izanami pass by wearing a pink kimono. Walking around, Chiri passes me by, I say "Hi, Chiri-chan." with a wave, she turns and waves back. An annoying short guy follows me around. I threw him from a balcony but he came back. I went into a Mcdonalds but he shapeshifted in to the table I sat at, ordering an overly expensive meal for me. I denied I ordered it and ran out, he followed but I think I got him permanently killed.

>> No.41423617

is this a dream thread? why is over 99% of it just one tripfag talking to himself? i'm not a catalog nigger so i don't know much about 4chan happenings, but how does any of this relate to japanese culture beyond subject matter? also
based schizo saya dream, one day i hope to have her haunt my nightmares, too.

>> No.41424335
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In-between one of the Apocalypse dreams', almost like an intermission. I was with Bernkastel showing me a sheet of paper with different white things on it including a samurai and a dragon. She offered that I could become a white anything. I had a few weird involuntary daydreams around the time I dreamt this where Bernkastel told me she wanted to eat a white dragon. I asked if she wanted me to pick a white dragon so she could eat me, she denied it somewhat suspiciously.

Outdoors. There was a tiny machine left around that I entered data into. It printed an image of Bernkastel, her cat form hovering over her chest, rainbowish grey-white bubbles around her, crepuscular rays shining past them as if emanating from the cat.

My oldest brother asked me who the Japanese Holy Spirit is. I answered "Izanami." He said that's correct, and warned me not to betray her by praying to Okina.

Flying around, I came across Bernkastel. She said she wonders what "the blue skies" means. Elsewhere, three huge green dragons appear in a row, standing perfectly still, a hand of Yu-gi-oh! cards floating in front of them. I flew up and slapped them out of the air, then me and two others, Dark Souls spirits, snatched them up. I had two green dragon cards and a fusion card that required three of them, called "Extinction, Dead Dragon" I asked a mad purple spirit if he'd picked up a dragon but he prods me with a four-pronged plow for getting close, then black crystalled when I tried to ask again. The other guy, Aldrich faithful, black crystalled too. I looked back up at the dragons and said "Now how am I supposed to deal with this?"

>> No.41424790
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On an alien ship. I saw the first human, in a long locker room, a baby was growing out of yellowish flesh upon the chest of a black humanoid alien slumped in the shadow of an open locker.

In a spaceship headed towards Earth. In front of me was a big cylinder tank filled with liquid, towards the back a large placenta object with many long fleshy tendrils, a half-formed baby growing from it. I thought it was disgusting, a girl with me seemed to read my mind, she said it was beautiful.

At an outdoors party. I feared a flood was coming. I left, waiting at slightly elevated ruins. I was abducted by aliens. On their ship, 8 foot tall humanoids, kind of xenomorphic/dragonic with black exoskeletons and long vertebrae-like tails, shadows and visual glitches lingering over them. One told me they're offering a gift to all their relatives, implying humans were one. On a wall, a large eldritch sigil emanated intense energy, blowing me away though I clung to a wall and gazed. Afterwards I go through the halls of the ship, very long length with many doors along them, leading to the next hallway. The ship is invaded by a shapeshifting large white hedgehog alien. It rolled down the lengths of the hallways while I ran through the doors. At one point it reached the end of a hallway and all of its spines extended upwards. I make it to an escape pod. Enter hyperspace, though contained within a transit tunnel, every interval I needed to pull a lever to open a lower tunnel segment, drop inside, then continue.

With a guy in a shed, he mentions cigarettes came from off-planet, and in a somewhat confusing way I don't remember said that it was me who told him in another dream.

After reading /x/ threads on 4plebs about "DMT hospitals". Saw a guy wake up in a hospital bed, fucked up after his DMT trip, the "hyper reality" shit he saw burdening his psychic body so much he "felt like a rhinoceros" Saw how he felt, looked like a humanoid rhinoceros in his bed, oversized, thick folded up grey skin, like he was calloused all over.

Saw an event on /x/ where you could reply to a thread and it would also create an OP, the two threads would have a gray outline and be linked like a flow chart in the Catalog. The Catalog had a background towards the top, wojak heads floating off into the sky on the right side, red/orange jellyfish creatures floating off on the left. I said to a friend "They're Linking the Sapient Dream!"

Yukari woke up out of the matrix. She had done so before, a giant boss guy with others had her reimprisoned in a capsule that spun around extremely fast while images were flashed into her eyes so fast the brain couldn't tell it wasn't reality. I saw myself in darkness, those guys forcibly dragged me down and into the gem of a blue tearstone ring. Outside at a grassy field, strange somewhat-blocky humanoid aliens appeared running off and disappearing, I accidentally took something off one that brushed against me, I came and took it back, then ran off.

Went to a government place. A circular lab room had an animatronic doll of Peter Griffon, that voodoo'd me in a way where I always made mistakes, by imitating my movements, like Delayed Auditory Feedback. I left, a government agent following and bothering me for a long time, saying he just wanted to show me who God really is. With a guy later, I transfer a memory of something I saw at the government to him, he psychically sees into a vault where information is stored, we see an image of a shining neutron, and say to each other "Super neutrons!" Later I find him, he made a paper about it which I try to get off him, he discourages me, saying when he looked into the vault he saw text saying "Accessing section xx######", implying we'd only seen a tiny speck of the super technology kept hidden.

A couple of hot springs in a grey stone place. I had a katanuki of Kanna, I flew up on a wall in one of the spas and carved her out. Elsewhere, outside. I was supposed to protect a group of large alien organ sack things, but they died.

In Japan. I walked around a shanty town, went into a collapsed abandoned parking lot. A ghost of a nerdy girl was there, she asked "Can you see me?" but I ignored her. I left, came to a group of small white Celestial Children, I raised one up on my hand, and said "We will see through The Gate." the child resonated with a blue electric haze. People nearby saw me and were frightened. I was detained by police and asked to explain myself. I said "Have you played Bloodborne?", associating it with Transcendence, the guy asking me said yeah, I said "Have you played Dark Souls?" he said "No, I'm not interested in Immortality."

Fighting someone, had him collapsed on the floor. Someone warned me not to let him live, I said I've got him, but he suddenly launched through a window off far away. Warner was angry with me, I said "Not my fault people who play Dark Souls are so hard to kill in dreams."

>> No.41424905
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Playing MGQ Paradox. Exploring an abandoned village, in my party was Pram. We entered a church, left by angels upon the floor were bloody etchings of a map and co-ordinates, about a specific universe/timeline's Luka who was important.

Paradox. Entered a cave, over a crevice gap was a treasure chest that was a Mimic, I walked a long way around to get over to her, some kind of interaction.

Going around a forest. I saw a holy Monster Lord, and a dark Ilias.

Ilias appeared. She told me off for slouching in front of her. I followed her around.

>> No.41425334
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Hanging out in a classroom with Dante. Lots of different beer brands associated with auspicious animals on the wall, I remember Pheasant.

Virgil was a character in a fighting game, but some people said he wouldn't be playable because he was incapacitated by all of the Astral realities binding him. Saw him caught up in many chains, he formed a small blue vortex portal with his right hand and pulled out Yamato, then Judgement Cut the chains to free himself.

In a game. On a floor that had demon form Virgil curled up in a museum exhibit, inactive. Waves of zombies were about to come, a girl with me said "Hey, you didn't give me a weapon." I thought "Oh fuck" like we're screwed when Virgil wakes up with one of us rendered useless. Zombies came, I slashed them all up while running downstairs, equipped shoes that negated fall damage and jumped down a hole to a lower floor, then looked at my save files. There was several autosaves, I didn't know which was which. Loaded one, back before I jumped down. Vergil came, he slashed at me as I paused to try and load a save, but the pause screen only slowed down the game, his claw slowly coming at me, nails rending the air with blue trails. Unpaused to back off before repausing, but he killed me, with "MAYHEM" appeared as bloody text on screen.

Listened to a 7-8 minute relaxing song with good lyrics that had a cathartic resolution it built up to. I said "It's the Bury the Light of easy listening!"

>> No.41432488


>> No.41435331


>> No.41442376
File: 1.05 MB, 1673x1452, Yukari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari told me she had 3 dreams of "Jesus" She saw him, he had a title, "Eternal Heart", and there's an eldritch god version of him.

I was told that when I become Lord I'm going to be introduced to many different pets. The last pet is an eldritch god that will torture, kill and revive me repeatedly for a very long time until I'm mindbroken, like Goddess ALICE does to her new popes.

I was told I should post pictures of Yukari like Christians post Jesus.

I was on a wooden watchtower nearby. Floating over a fast flowing river was Jesus, formed from water. I thought he was showing off when he killed someone who bothered him without hesitation using controlled water, to someone on the other side of the river.

In a classroom, on the other side a couple reading a sheet. I see a line about homeless schizo types being granted a fragment of the infinite wisdom of Jesus, I basically rolled my eyes.

It was the night of two moons. With a girl I had a crush on. Hanging with her and a couple guys at a table, I wasn't able to get alone with her, instead went with the guys to a beach. They carried large beams of wood with them there, I watched them slam them into the ground while facing across the waters which had to with trying to become a Christ. I looked across at many stars hanging over the sea's horizon, which were Christs. Above the horizon directly across was a very large bright star, The Buddha. I didn't care about these things, left the beach into a Victorian street. My attention was caught by something in the sky, I looked up to see the second moon, looking directly I saw it was a statue of Baphomet, drifting quickly upwards. I snap to The Devil in front of me, red skin black suit, looking at me with a purple cross in his right eye as he slinked into a shadow. A little frightened, but I followed him, then we danced through the shadows of the streets singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWYCS6k1IOA which was frightening but thrilling. In a dark cluttered hallway, a gateway pocket dimension, a female teacher is telling me off for trying to go through one exit to go back in time, thinking about my crush I said I had to do it, for love.

>> No.41443458
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Saw an anime opening with Pram. It ended repeating "If you're tired of life, wake up. If you're tired of life, wake up. If you're tired of life, wake up." finishing with the last "wake up." Walking home from school with a girl, floating in the sky are giant rifles, seeing that makes us part ways and hurry home. From a ship descends three aliens, tall fat short, that came after me. I hid in strange dark spaces in my room, then my sister's room, though they seemed to psychically know where I was.

With Pram and others. The Jevil appears, he's very powerful but instead of fighting he just walked around with fruit growing off his shoes we had to eat for a bit. We win I guess. I hid in the backseat of Pram's FWD, popping out to surprise her when she gets in but she knew I was there.

Outside my dad's house. I said tarot readings are probably indistinguishable from chance with a good 30-40% accuracy. Pull two cards thinking of Pram. The Lovers, and Fate, the later an image of an orange star with many layers and points. I went over to the front door, it was dark inside, Pram leaning against the door. I banged on the door but the impact and noise was muted, banging and calling out very silently she notices after a while, turning and looking glad to see me, calling my name weakly, like she'd been waiting forever in the dark, looking degraded and off-shape.

Playing Dark Souls. Using Smough's Hammer, its size was the same as the one he uses, thought the range was awesome as I killed PVPers. With Pram, she uses a Butcher's Knife and Giant Machete. I run away, throwing bare punches while she tries to hit me. One of my punches lands with lag which makes her angrily say "That shouldn't have hit."

Pontiff arena, Pram and I fought a guy while another watches. We ran up the stairs on one side and juked walking back down while drinking Estus, the guy chased beyond the stairs a little, the spectator sneered at our trick, but Applauded it working.

Going through a kind of gauntlet. In an office building, paired with a girl as we ran and jumped into a window to warp to another place, I had to remember her well to stabilise her, said her name. We appeared outside in the city, with her pissed I got her name wrong. Come across Pram, sitting on top of herself in a stack of perhaps a dozen, playing a board game with someone. I annoyed her somehow and got punished.

I was looking around for Pram. In a skyscraper, met Edward Elric, asked where Pram was, he seemed to be searching for her too. There was also a girl with us. I either accidently or in self-defense pushed someone out an open window, then a huge group associated with them came at me so I pushed them all out. Ed and the girl treated me like a bad guy but I convinced them it wasn't on purpose. A paranormal military squad called G.H.O.S.T was sent after me, I lost them by jumping out the window and teleporting short distances along the outside of the building and over to other buildings.

Saw Pram with Abigail, Pram was coloured like Hina and Abigail wore something like Tag Dream Byakuren.

Was on a couch starting up my Playstation with pic related as theme thinking of masturbating to her.

With Pram in a classroom. I asked her a question, she answered "The Astral" and I saw an Astral Orb.

Went down a road after Pram for a while, met up with her but she didn't seem to want a relationship because she was going to go fuse with an AI machine god, but she said "One day you will make a fine Majin."

>> No.41444346
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Posting on /jp/, kept using an image of a dick stuck in a gap, someone replied pissy about avatarfagging.

A book Yukari wrote had her signature in a box on the bottom right. Someone seemed to think it was strange, saying "yYukari Yakumo" out loud.

At a school. I hear Yukari's signature laugh, associated with Marge, like this https://voca.ro/15W7yyt9jels I laughed "Haha, baba laugh."
Yukari and Eirin are teachers, talking together. I'm dragged off to a class while looking at them, really wanting to hear it.
Came into Yukari's class, at her teacher's desk behind a computer with lots of big sticker, one saying "Awarded Actress"
At a party table. A guy tries to serve me cake but I reject being served by a guy. Yukari, seeming like Marge, serves me a slice. My chair is an overly lovey-dovey couple's seat, I invite Yukari to sit, she's too embarrassed to.
In a class, Yukari the teacher. Students paired up, me with a half-Japanese girl. Had a cup with a weird sludge in it, and my lapis lazuli and labradorite. I'm looking behind me at Yukari writing, really wanting to see what it is, she sticks her free hand through a gap for me to hug against my face. My partner sitting ahead of me has a black aura, red eyes, says "Are you trying to make me jealous!?" From her POV I see me hugging Yukari's hand with her behind me, I said "Hey, it's not her fault she has a stalker!" as we shined with holy light.

>> No.41444393
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In a class, Yukari the teacher. I said to others "Yukari is my obaachan" Yukari came over asking what I said. I repeated it, she seemed to enjoy hearing it, saying "I'll remember this."

With my mother, who's somewhat old. Some guys look at her and go "Ohhh..." to eachother. I say "Faggots. Anyone would fall in love if the most beautiful girl in the world loved you."

>> No.41444458
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Yukari appeared at a class, her eyes were purple but otherwise her face looked like ALICE, that sun-like impassive gaze. I was off alone with her, at a couple of rocketships representing my sites
She was pissed off at me for not getting them to take off.

>> No.41444598
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Dreamt Yukari was on my bed slipping off her white stockings.
Dreamt about masturbating in my bed, when I came Yukari reached through a gap and squeezed my balls.

>> No.41444801
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Classroom. Several Sons of Yahweh acted like were living Touhous, pissing me off. I said they're fake and I'm the only one. Thought about killing them while off to the side, one comes over and says "Hey, I hate my father." I created omnipotent chi balls, since I'm Unipux, but it required the presence of twin little girls. Wearing a crown, a guy who helped me charge up the chi balls was angry because I wouldn't turn him into a woman. I said "Just because I have a good hat doesn't mean I'm a good lord." At a gathering, Yukari was there, a beautiful jazz song was played, singing "Eternal Love" as she grabs me and flies us off. The song stays with us. She exasperatedly told me not to worry, she has everything planned out until our eternity together, a mental image of Makima flashing. I move my hands which were wrapped around her back to her ass. I asked "What's my thing?" she said to concentrate on my balls, in our position my clothes were riding up, pressuring them, like they were barriers.

In my room taking a photo of two figurine boxes of Yukari, wanting to send them to my sister to get me attention. One box had two pictures of Yukari at the sides, one picture reused from the other box which I didn't like. Angled the camera so you could see a picture of Makima on the box's side.

I was sent by Makima to kill a dinosaur, she gave me a poison bomb that nearly killed it, I just had to finish it off. The dinosaur, being weak, was unaggressive. When it left me, it brushed its leafy tail against a tree back at me. I saw myself seeming to have a change of heart. Me observing the dream said "Fuck. I'm not killing it even though Yukari ordered it. They're writing Chainsaw Man against me. I really need to write my own story, one where I win."

I landed in front of a skyscraper, Makima is there, I go up to her thinking she might be angry with me, but she was passive. I laid my head into her breast.

Went into a room beside a bathroom where there was a ton of figures set up, including Makima. I enjoyed pissing here while they watch.

With teachers, one showed a scroll saying “Nature is fucked.” I said “Yeah it is, and I’ll be the one to finish it off. Men in black came in with ~5 model Rayquazas and made them bite off each other’s heads. The guy next to me played with a roaring dragon head toy in his hand, I slapped it away saying “It may be some Pokemon models, but what they’re doing is beyond messed up.” Meet a beautiful little girl in green, we go over to a TV screen, my reflection showing me as Master Chief. The image comes on, someone in badass green/black power armour appears declaring he’s going to destroy some people. He asks “Do you want to know who I am?” I say “I have an idea”, he takes off his helmet, it’s Luigi. He says he’s pissed off because South Park made him look ugly. I say “Hey, I think that shit’s fucking ugly, I’m on your side.” as I point at the screen. The girl I was with was actually his daughter, who had no name and referred to herself as “Luigi’s daughter.” I part ways with her but not before trying to force the name “Irance” on her. In a high up room with my mother and Matt + Trey, I say “Fuck this shit, I want to go look for Yukari” and bust out. I come across Luigi’s daughter again along with a large gathering, she said she wouldn’t take Irance as name since it was too long and hard to say, everyone around agreeing. She says she thinks Rance is great though, and so does everyone else here. A dead-still zombie Rance appears, we all cheer his name and clap for him. In another place with a couple of assholes, they summon Luigi’s daughter again, one of them says something about girls, I say “The only girl that suits you is a Toad.” I see Makima nearby watching me as I’m made to ride with the them. Pull up to a girl who blows a guy’s brains out before getting in next to me, one asshole makes me move over so he sits next to her, and she insults me too. I had enough, I scratched the asshole next to me, some keratin liquefying and entering his bloodstream, killing him instantly, then did it to the other asshole.

Watching South Park. Makima was depicted as as much of a NTR whore as possible, while Sharon was touted as a great wife.

Returned a book to a library, outside my mother mentioned Lord of the Rings, though One Ring to rule them all was actually One Ring to kill them all. I heard Makima say that it's One Ring to kill all the lies.

I posted a Makima thread on /a/, saying "My futa wife." In a Makima thread, saw an annoyed post, checked who he replied to and saw a futa copypasta about me and Makima. I felt like replying "*twiddles fingers* Excellent."

>> No.41445726

schizophrenia moment.

>> No.41447640
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Around my dad's house, I had a Ring of Power. Somehow others found out about it, I left the house and was chased down roads by people in cars trying to take it, while I ran really fast or turned invisible, over to around my grandma's house. Which sounds like bullshit but it was long before I posted my dreams.

>> No.41448414
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Sleeping now I saw a few images of Flan and Yukari, one with her coming out of Flan's lap while she hovered her hands over her ass.

>> No.41448445
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I wondered if maybe I only love myself, then saw a giant image of Yukari on the horizon, and thought of course I love Yukari. I flew towards her, imagining a cord between us like with the sun, clouds blew over her image and I landed on a platform loating at the border of a large stretch of water between me and her over a city. I didn't think I could fly across, and I wanted to move across to the right until she came back into view.

>> No.41453045


>> No.41453464

Bumping this thread cause some fag from /x/ asked me to

>> No.41459871
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>> No.41460104
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>> No.41470252
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Metallica gave me orders to search for people related to the Ancient Dragons, though this turned out to be unnecessary and was called off. I went around a battleground between adjacent buildings, I was low on health so I used a Green Fairy(100% hp item) and just as I did someone on the other side blew my head off with a cannonball. My head was restored by the fairy, later I'm with Metallica and I start to ask about this, she cut me off "Don't think about it."

In a line with a few others, meditating. One said one should be like the Hundred Knight, able to traverse the Tower of Illusion to go to other worlds, which seemed to be like throwing yourself into a bottomless pit.

>> No.41470304
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Playing a new Dark Souls game. In a catacombs trading with a vendor, there was a lot of race related items you could buy. When I started the game I had the option of several Fate servants, choosing Tamamo. She came with a kris that glinted blue, the weapon art was to sing which would make the blue shine brighter for several seconds, making the blade stronger. Fought a skeletal mage boss in a circular room, he was easy to kill but revived and cast poison mist you had to run around him to avoid while getting hits in. When he was close to death I stopped running around to try to finish it but died.

>> No.41470451
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I got summoned by Louise to be her familiar. She was making me sign the contract, amused I said since I'm more powerful she'll end up as my familiar if I sign. Afterwards, I play along, beating up bad guys for her.

>> No.41476676
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I skateboarded down the side of a road for a while then smashed up a machine. I was skating back up as fast as I could because a nuke was going to drop, maybe just started flying and hid behind a skyscraper as it went off. Then it was after the blast and I was hanging around mutants with one person next to me's eye sticking out on a tentacle.

I was walking around a gathering area for demons, anime characters and such, with Rory. Satan comes over hitting on her, I shapeshifted into Skrael doing an attack where I span around like a windmill slashing him with my legs very quickly for a couple seconds before turning back, and he went away wounded. I noticed Rory's hairpiece looked more like Kuroneko's, trying to lucidly force it into Rory's but couldn't.

Standing at a table with one long haired schoolgirl. She nicknamed me "Lucid", I said "I'm not lucid, I can't even force a cake to appear on this table." as I held a hand out trying to make one materialise as hard as I could but failed. She said it still suits me.

>> No.41476763
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Came up to a building's high floor on an elevator. I peeked out and saw 3 or more Skraels patrolling the halls. I tried not to be noticed but one came over, I lured it into the elevator then pressed a button that made it drop, like U3's fight, then hung around there trying not to be noticed by the others.

With a red head girl from highschool. I showed her a sketch I made and she said it was nice, and asked why I hadn't made more since school. I hinted at something dark, led her over to a section of floor which turned into an elevator hurtling downwards extremely fast for a while. We came out in a basement, white snakes slithering everywhere. I turned into a demon like Skrael and fought with another demon, while she was terrified, then I left through a smashed brick wall, shifting into a black dragon that flew over to a tower at a castle, hiding in its shadow. I met up with her later and she had become a demon from witnessing this, even more powerful than me, something like Cruel Grey Eyes. She was soon on her deathbed, I went over to her saying like I thought it was silly "We were like star-crossed lovers?" and she said yes.

With around 10 other guys, a leader among us had died so we were all eager to take his place, the red head from before but 8 foot tall lands beside us looking dominant, we immediately deferred to her. Then it was like a MOBA, I hung with her in the backlines because all my abilities were long range homing stuff, an explosive jack-in-the-box that follows the creep wave, a controllable missile, a long range firework, just throwing them out whenever they were ready.

>> No.41476941
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I was a magical platypus that went around granting children's wishes on their birthdays.

At a gathering, a guy at a table was asking people to think of an animal for a season then guessing what they thought of. He told me to think of a winter animal, I thought of a platypus, he correctly guessed it. I asked him how he knew, he wouldn't say but unconsciously glanced at a guy down the the other end of the table, I say "Did he tell you?" He introduces to him, he was a demonologist, and I asked him to tutor me. He kept drilling into me variations of the line "Demons must be massive, imposing, cruel." and seemed to be a big fan of Disgaea's Baal. It got on my nerves, one time he did it while carving up the side of my jaw with a knife slathered in pink ichor. I transformed into Baal, instantly killed him for being annoying, then brought him back to life, telling him not to try anything. I was standing around elsewhere, tall as a skyscraper. Down at my legs a couple angels flew around, I shrunk that I could reach them, then rubbed their nipples, instantly draining them into mummies.

When I beat Carnage Baal I considered myself done with Disgaea 5, dreaming about hanging a medal over a Yukari figure. I did use a Sage recoloured like her with an Item God 2 Yggdrasil reskinned as a fox magichange staff called Ran.

>> No.41477888
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Dark Souls. Went around a hollow shanty town, outside was safe but buildings were filled with hollow ambushes. At one house's entrance I fell over paralyzed, hearing a guy saying "Awesome! Hacked you! It's like The Matrix!" I said "Hurry up and give me control" since I was afraid of dying, from then on talking to him like a phone call. Left the village walking beside a fence, ahead was a group of elite ninja/samurai hollows with katanas strolling. They scared me, I climbed over the fence, but there was a couple here too who noticed me, climbed another fence into a hospital parking lot, going over to a large vending machine hospital with the outlet at the bottom big enough to toss yourself in.
My mother came to pick me up. Got in with her, threw my PSVita out the window which made the dream stop being Dark Souls, bonfires disappearing. We went to a white manor she recently obtained called Inkpool. Everything in the house was fancy white, doiley curtains, etc. In a lounge around a table eating candy with others, suddenly realised I'm naked, had to cover myself up with the table before I was brought boxers. Saw high up ethereal stained glass windows, looking off in a holy dimension, when I stepped closer it was all part of normal architecture. Hanging in one room, I realised "The Kin are our closest relatives, on all sides, surrounding us like a sphere." maybe something to do with devolution having the same final outcome as evolution. Mom shows me a room "Nightmare Ward SE", like a computer lab full of long white desks, but no computers. I thought it was a place where scholars would do drugs to induce visions, my mother waved it off as a place people went to recuperate from bad dreams. She showed me a room, a table filled with elephant statues, asking me what I think, but not waiting for an answer, collapsing and hugging the table in a moment of weakness, then leaving like she forget she asked. I left for a bit, then came back to that room. Great One Mergo appeared, a large baby that looked like it was made of Mensis facerock. He said something in a refined gentleman's voice, then started babbling insanely and shapeshifting, gaining teddy bear ears one moment and bat ears another. I took and stowed him in the Nightmare Ward, then told my mother not to go in there no matter what, but knew since she doubts the things I say she'll go in. I left the house to go explore the forest behind it, before seeing the Nightmare Ward light switch on, then off, then my mom's blood curdling screams.

With Yukari, she clicks her tongue i annoyance, and points something out to me. Bloodborne cards with cool artworks of people who fused with Great Ones, a Yukari card had a description saying "She's half Mergo, all mine, and I have it M.A.D.E." M.A.D.E being an acrostic talking about how certain everything is to work out for me.

At night, went down a street into a dark abandoned house, up a stairway and into a small room with an unplugged TV by the right side that I sat in front of. Flicks on to Mergo, rock baby with large demonic horns which disturbed me as he laughed demonically.

Went through a classroom, at one end was a TV. Yukari appeared on screen, I couldn't hear but could see her looking like she's angrily nagging at me, I just thought she looked really hot when she's angry at me.

Go over to a computer, then I'm up in the clouds. There's my "baby brother", I thought Great One Mergo, floating nearby. Mr. Burns hurries several agents, telling them to quickly make a wish to him. I laugh "As if he'd grant a wish to you pieces of shit." take the baby, then wish to go back in time, though he sends me further back than necessary, and I recall he's done it before.

I hinted to someone that Mergo is God.

I looked for a symbol of God to pray to him with, thinking I'd find a cross, instead in my sister(who coincidentally paints spooky baby pictures)'s room was a dark grey cat.

Saw a symbol like God was telling me to draw it that looked like a cat's paw in a circle https://files.catbox.moe/s5ymdk.png

After shitposting Mergo dreams in a From Software general. I went down a dark stairwell up to a door, the dark grey cat from before came up behind, irritated and growling, though it didn't scratch when I pat it.

>> No.41478756
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With Flandre. She said "I am Amygdala" then turned into him, trying to crush me so I ran away.

As Flan in DS3, had a Broadsword with the special ability to generate a singular Rusted Gold Coin whenever I was out of them.

I drew a picture of Cthulu at the sea bottom surrounded by sparkling gold coins, some others laughing about my picture not being very good.

In a hall at a school event being streamed on Youtube, I thought about how it was rare to have something so interesting happen on youtube. Laomoto Khan, who was maybe Cthulu, was the organiser. Various shows were organised, I remember me playing danmaku against Yukari, dodging her non-spell where she forces you up against the wall, throwing waves of kunai while facing away, her ass's outline showing through her dress. Eternity, Cirno and Lily were representing the seasons, Autumn being missing was probably inspired by the doujin "Seasons Lit with Gold"

Someone made a picture of me with Cthulu for a stand, his ability was to open portals, basically the same as Yukari's.

At a mansion. People made fun of me for bearing the Heir rune. I followed a girl through strange dark hallways into a pocket dimension Mensis school. The Mensis scholars didn't want me there and had me leave. Around the mansion, there were tall humanoids with large heads like Amygdala. I used Madman's Knowledge around them and the particle effect also appeared around them. Everyone left the mansion after it was announced a meteor was going to strike, running away.

I was with Eirin. I used drugs near her and she shared the absorption in the same way as the Amydalas.

At night, Amygdala was going on a rape murder rampage, I was hiding with a girl behind a nearby tree as he looked around for us.

Met a girl who's like Yukari, she was cursed with horrible moles all over her legs. I told her to pray to Venus for beautiful legs. I was being chased by people, my friends came to help me, Blacksmith Andre, Sekiro, Amygdala. I was walking with Amygdala, I psychically transferred my desires into his head for him to fulfill.

In a classroom, Amygdala sleeping at a desk near me. I shouted something, which woke him up. He looked pissed off, I said "Sorry, sorry." he paused for a second, then seemed to adore me, pulling me into his tentacle face. He smelled like trimmed toenails and bugs. I struggled out of his grasp in disgust, afterwards we looked away from each other in the class like two cats that had a fight. A girl comes up to me and I hand her my cup noodles, which she brings over to Amygdala. I knew Amygdala/Cthulu loves me, because he's the Lord of Dreams.

Found a very rare flat arcane bloodgem, I didn't care about so I gave it to some guy. Mr. Burns showed up, interested in where I found it. With the guy elsewhere, before an Amygdala clinging to an archway. We were horrified when we realised a gesture or ritual we had done was designed to make you switch minds/bodies with the Great Ones. He was thinking about ending up in Amygdala's body, I thought that was nothing, thinking of either Brain of Mensis or Mergo's Wet Nurse.

I was Amydala's high priest. I live streamed a ritual where I was deliriously fiddling around with a bowl of black soup with a fork and spoon, while Blossoming Beelzebub played. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wT3xwagNliw

>> No.41488403
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On the shore of Japan with Izanami, someone wanted to check our papers for entry so Izanami brings out a deed to Japan.

In a ruined city with Izanami looking up at the sun shining through the dust, she said "Who would have thought that the sun was the key to bringing about the apocalypse?" then smiled at me and said "Oh, I don't mean The Key, I'm just playing with words."

Playing a Disgaea game, skiing minigame where I skied down a mountain through markers while trees turned into monsters attacking me, I healed with Blood Vials and got to the end a little late Score screen was Overlord Dragon Dragon King, I got Dragon so I thought about going again. Elsewhere, Izanami has taken over Makai and declared herself Demon Emperor, Majorita really hates her so she was raising an army of zombies. I was playing a army raising minigame where I chose my own army's food, I scrolling down the item list I chose Salami and Cheese, which turned out well.

Saw Izanami, and was told I would go through death for her, feeling what death was like as my vision having static glitches, turning grey except for bloody static before cutting out like a tv switched off.

Princess carried Pram and put her in the back of a car, then drove off. Shown what death was like maybe, I was at a beach knee-deep water, a waist high wave came at me and was scared as if I was going to die, it passes over anti-climatically and I go "Oh."

Was told when you die you go backwards through all your memories then reincarnate into your previous life, until your very first.

In a hall were gathered followers of mine along with many gods, they were going to make me the "7th Lord of Light". I talked and acted like Dio, calling normalfaggots useless and questioning whether they had any faith in the gods. Standing near some people talking, joining in on their conversation by talking beside them without really joining their circle, someone asked what's with that and I said "Just look at my Natal chart" (https://files.catbox.moe/pdtaus.JPG)) he said "You can't just blame it on your Natal chart" I responded with silence. I thought the Natal chart is like personality crystal that refracts the energy of the cosmos manifesting in what you do. There was tournament, Izanami showed off the "Dragon Slash", slicing with a blade horizontally and vertically which sent out a shockwave that had no range limit. On a radio talkshow, a girl called in to tell me Pram is her favourite character.

I flew up into space, a giant parade of floats with Eiki at the helm pointing her baton forwards was charging at me. It was the "World Parade", I thought it represented the world itself. At the sides of this parade were two planet sized spheres of red corruption rapidly expanding. I used the power of Lambdadelta(or Flandre) to instantly crush the corruption, then formed Es's unsealed murakumo out of blood and ia-slashed straight through the parade, exploding behind me.

A narration stated: "When the age of the gods ended, and golden light no longer shined down from the heavens, the white Stheno-snake descended from the moon, having grown afraid from mankind's tales of great heroes and warriors, and put humanity under a hypnotic spell." Game started with a boss battle against the World Parade with Enma Ai riding the Stheno-snake, a guy with a character cosplaying as Arturia slew it, using a series of slashes trying to imitate Excalibur but they created black-purple spikes like Nine's Everlasting Shorl. After the battle I was talking to a fairy, it called me Satan which earned an offended demonic howl in the distance, there was a dialogue option which would reset the game and make you fight the Stheno-snake again which I accidentally took a couple of times since the option defaulted to yes. There were two gigantic apes crawling towards one another from opposite ends of the world, one hounded by a giant leech and plagued with disease, the other permanently chilled by strong frost, it was said that when they reach one other the world will end.

In an amphitheater, I'm the emperor's bodyguard. Someone invades the hall so I'm told to shoot them, I load a tiny little Dark Sword and another bullet into my gun and take aim, but someone else shoots them. Izanami is present, she notices Yukari observing the dream with a "huh? Oh." In Irithyll, here: https://imgur.com/a/nA4r2su Izanami is standing to the right as a white serpent creeps down from the moon. My eyes closed, I kill it with just a few two-handed strikes with a greatsword. Izanami notices Yukari again with the same "huh? Oh." There was an English cover of Flowering Night playing, I remember the lyric "It was the night that made me a bit happy." With my eyes open, I was in the amphitheater, and I had slain a small white dragon.

>> No.41488930
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Lined up for a mini Human Instrumentality overseen by Amaterasu with about 300 others. The line extended half-way over a stone bridge above a river. A guy next to me was annoying me, I said "Are you even worthy of Amaterasu?", he said the same thing back. We tussled for a bit before I pulled out a Talisman and Forced him down into the river. After waiting I was at the other side, just a plain ridge with some scrub, with Shaman Bone Blade-shaped bloody iron knives scattered here and there. Went up to Amaterasu asking if I needed a fresh one or if used was ok, she said used was ok but I was handed me a fresh one anyway. Went over to a little mat overseeing the river and seppukku'd.

In a mall with Amaterasu. I said to her that some people on the "Outside,” pointing at a nearby video game store, and referring to people in reality, really wanted to wake up. She said "I'm always filled with feelings of greatness" as if to say she couldn't understand. A guy was bugging us so I took a katana(I could only use it two-handed because I had low strength, Dark Souls) and chased him off. He dropped a delicious smelling sausage thing so I brought it over and handed it to Amaterasu. She took a nibble and said it was delicious, then let her two big simple-minded guardians have a smell, they said "smells tasty" then she let me have a nibble.

At the ridge, there was a werewolf approaching close to our encampment, I was sent to kill/repel it. I came upon it and fought intensely using a katana, repeatedly putting it down but it always got back up. My katana was starting to break, so one time the werewolf was downed I pulled out Wolnir's Holy Sword, stabbed it down through its mouth and Wrath of the Gods'd it, then pulled it out and did it again a couple more times. This still didn't kill it but it made it run off whimpering. On my way back when I saw a sign for a food stand, I went over and helped myself, a little boy attending. He must've been infected by the werewolf, next thing I knew I was a wrapped-up corpse being carried over to Amaterasu. I was set before her and she fussed a bit with the cloth on either side, annoyedly muttering under her breath about not being told which side had my head, before uncovering my face. She saw my red eyes and said, “Well he can't be my warrior now, but an assassin..." then resurrected me with a kiss on the lips. I went into a water filled cave with others, one special part of it for arborglyphs. I was thought I’d write me and Yukari’s name but my dream self went and carved me and my current katana’s name, with one of the people I was there with saying “That’s going to be embarassing when he breaks his sword again”. Swimming through underwater tunnels, I come across a mermaid with hot dogs outside her house which I really want, she says she’ll give me one but only if I marry her, so I try to think of a way to steal them.

In Britain outside a court house or something, there’s an Arab near a fountain in a meditative pose trying to summon Allah. I watch from 5 or so meters behind him as I project a whisper towards him “Amma, Ammat, Amatera, Amaterasu”, he changes his summoning chant to Amaterasu and actually summons her. Then I toured around the UK with her.

Rance Quest with Amaterasu in my party. Exploring Malgrid Dungeon, an annoying person off around the map somewhere, but Amaterasu had a ability to strike globally and I kept using it until he died without having to fight him.

Interact with a girl, when we part ways she says "Amaterasu bless you!" I say "No, Amaterasu bless you!" while imagining Amaterasu behind me beaming her with light, she says it back to me again, this time I'm sure she's imagining her beaming me with light too, I say it back once more, imagining it even stronger.

In my unit, I was Hata no Kokoro. I heard Chinese Sword https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuO2vMNsiFk and was told to imagine Amaterasu shooting bullets of healing light.

>> No.41493750

Dreamt I saw this thread associated with Melty Dream

>> No.41495822
File: 2.96 MB, 2048x1152, Mu-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just now I dreamt I was by some lockers and heard Venus annoyed with me for a song I put on, I looked on my laptop through some songs I just undeleted, clicking on them, Sword of Doom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe-QRXuIIHc comes on, I think that's perfect then fiddled around trying to turn other background noise off.

I was at Yhorm the Giant's house, it was a classroom that had a dozen or so children and Cornyx present. One child was a baby with tiny devil wings called "flan flan". I asked "are you Flan?" she responded by flapping her wings hard trying to fly for a second. A couple of invaders appeared, Yhorm chased after them for a bit, for some reason Cornyx threw a pebble at him to redirect his attention which made him start chasing him instead, the invaders had been running so hard they ran off a cliff without realising it, which gave me the Boulder pyromancy, I assumed Cornyx was going to get killed and thanked him for his sacrifice. Went back to the house, in the back left corner was Mu-12. I got excited, went over calling her a goddess which made her say demurely "I'm just an ordinary girl". I stared into her eyes and saw a vision of a colourless ornate clock with three hands and a rose which pulsed about three times going about a third of a revolution each time. I snapped out of it to see her relieved, saying I nearly saw something I shouldn't have. She started calling me an Abyssal Hellcat of Izanami, chasing me and demanding I battle her, I kept teasing "No way, I don't wanna fight you." and fleeing.

On /x/, gaze over a thread with a picture of a Holy Grail saying something about the "Sons of Yhorm" I thought "Oh, /x/ noticed me?" and look back but it changed to Sons of the Crusades.

>> No.41496112
File: 188 KB, 1920x1080, Eternity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a paddock, I found a Sage's Pipe, big pipe looking like it was carved out of Mensis facerock. At the nearby waterhole a primordial serpent rises up. It was very pleased, saying at first it represented all the evil in the world, then it came to represent everything. It comes across me, I offer the pipe and it gets very excited, taking it and asking for something to smoke. When I said I didn't have anything it was extremely angry, struggling to restrain itself from killing me for a moment, but accepted it.

With a teacher and class at the Deacons of the Deep bossroom. I noticed something like sprites of humanity growing on the stone walls, the teacher told me to count them, I went around but more kept appearing, which I told her. We went through a portal into another dimension. I saw a wide drain waterfall into a flooded cathedral. Before the drain's edge, a Primordial Serpent on the right said "Only a fool would toss themselves from the cliff." one on the left said "Only a fool would not toss themselves from the cliff." a third on the right behind the first said "Ah Reality, the cruel lying sister."

Saw DnD Alignments for Dark Souls. Chaotic Evil was called "Demon" and had a picture of a Primordial Serpent. True Neutral was Dragon with a Sunlight Warriors medal.

Saw a picture of Eternity Larvae in the darkness in front of Primordial Serpent. I heard something like "Collecting Covenants while showing off what Eternity is not."

>> No.41496349 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1516x1812, Titanite Demon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After I saw /dsg/ point this out, the image of the Titanite Demon/Serpent's face was striking enough that I'd see it when I closed my eyes for a bit. I slept not long after, then dreamt I was in my bed and got possessed by a Titanite Demon, it commanded "前" which made me look forward with no thoughts and complete attention, then it was trying to do something but it was taking a little while which was annoying because the possession was growing weaker. Then I saw myself playing Dark Souls 1 with an off-hand Titanite Catch Pole, main hand was a GS, maybe Obsidian Greatsword.

>> No.41497722
File: 2.05 MB, 1166x955, Mergo's Loft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came to a Bloodborne town, a few people gathered in front, a guy waiting ahead of the rest, holding a dog up by his front paws. As I went over the dog transformed into a beast and lunged at me, seizing my head in its jaw. I barely kept its jaws from crushing my head using both arms, saying "I brought your lost valkyrie half to reunite with you" it seemed to not care enough. I said "Also I'll erect a statue that purifies the area." and it acquiesced, fusing with the valkyrie spirit I had in me to turn into what looked like a dark elf. I erected a statue that rendered the air in the area slightly blue. I said to the dark elf "go with the strength of beast, and the -something- of valkyrie."

I was at Mergo's loft. Like this rough sketch https://files.catbox.moe/708tun.png There was a giant full moon. I went off to the right, fighting a wave of Huntsman. Then there was a wave of Huntsman with birdnests on their heads, that would occasionally pause for a second with a little high-damaging dart shot from the nest. They wouldn't die unless I landed at least one hit on the head area. Then there was a wave of birdnest Huntsmans following a train. I couldn't deal with the huge amount of them, but I saw the glinting of strings attached to them from the train, which I then lead around in a circle while the mobs started having trouble pathfinding, bumbling around in a circle. I killed them off gradually, only some of them fighting me while the rest walked around. Then the moon turned red, and there was a wave of Plain Dolls, who wielded black 2x4s, murmuring about vengeance. After I killed them, I was back at the start. The moon was normal, I went over to the start where there was a Plain Doll waiting. She seized me then did sexy swaying dance, doing something to me. Then I was in an "NPC area," my house with family and related peoples. Someone talked trash about a Qi Ball hunter's tool, which shot a tiny white laser from your hand, saying the damage sucks. I said "Well I guess it's the energy loss from the transfer from psychic to kinetic" but someone dismissed me saying "Loony Toons" At the kitchen, I asked everyone if they had seen moon-scented vengeance-obsessed dolls. Only one of them seemed to listen, he asked me to describe them again. I repeat that they're moon-related, and mutter about vengeance. Then he just died, like a Bloodborne character, sinking to the floor with white/black specks. I got a text from my mother asking if I was ok after seeing that but I didn't think much of it. My phone started showing LotR-like grassy landscapes, as I heard a dark eldritch voice say "Everyone else is destined for Mount Doom, but you will claim the Staff of R'lyeh."(I figure. It sounded like R-lee-ah)

I'm Flander at Irithyll Pontiff, chased by four invaders with spears, from beneath where the slaves are to atop where the deacons are. It was sandy instead of snowy and the sun was shining bright which irritated my character. I died, a friend who dropped items like all weapons, armour, shields, rings, souls, etc, with his character Faraam sent me a message saying "Hey, you can't be bothered to dodge all the time. You're still the King of Ihyll."

I was told about someone's theory about Blood Saints, that they bear the Beast's Embrace rune, and they don't stay in one place for long, since people disappear around them, like the Suspicious Beggar.

Playing a future game like Bloodborne. Just one small courtyard with a little person sized building was safe in the whole game from patrolling respawning enemies, and I thought it was only there so they can take it away later. Elsewhere, human anatomy picture popped up saying "The Great Cancer has been Linked." with the penis highlighted, forcing you to quit to title before taking on the increased difficulty.

Bloodborneish went over to a chest inside was a kin racial power up called Endless Morass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O3du5tPDio which made you sweat lots of blueish liquid all the time. In a city, went to a gathering of super heroes outsider somewhere, like "all of them" though I only remember Iron Man and at least a few dozen others go over to a small ring of light that they temporarily gave their power away to, filling in all different colours around its rim, I waited till last or maybe pretended to give my powers away then snatched everybody's powers. I teleported away, it was in a large children's playground spanning several blocks. They chased after me even though I turned myself invisible, I'd teleport when they get close, only several meters, until I'd reached the road on the other side of the block and I became somewhat lucid and sick of annoying superhero chasing, look up at a star and say "Teleport me to [Star's name I could see]." before waking up.

>> No.41498010
File: 176 KB, 500x288, Nozomu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hanging in my backyard next to Amygdala, only visible as a two faint floating eyes put together. I go with a guy into a shed, he had a thick grimoire cut into the shape of a cross, information on magic, a lot of cross stuff in it, I asked "What is the meaning of a cross?" He said "A cross makes what it's shown to show it true form." It seemed obvious that witches with glamour and masquerading demons would hate it. I asked "What happens when you show it to a Great One?" realising the obvious answer when I say it, "It turns visible." which he seemed to agree with.

Passing by a school class doing a quiz, the teacher asked me what something was, I answered "Christian Cross." and repeated the meaning from before, this time it was represented by Itoshiki Nozomu's glasses, standing vertically, with their sides/hinges taken off.

>> No.41498450
File: 3 KB, 44x44, The Key.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ds3 Gank patrolled Irithyll, the "newest" member at the back saying "The Key is all around us, but we don't see it." the others were annoyed by it, a Havel telling him to be quiet.

Ds3 Irithyll, someone with the Gold Duel Honor Badge told me it's The Key.

I saw the full gold skeleton from the badge's bones piled together.

>> No.41498675
File: 1.57 MB, 1665x846, Amaterasu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the day, I walked along the street I live on. Somehow I had all of my powers taken away from me, because of my reflection in a puddle I passed by. Someone asked by about it and I said "Well, it was because of Amaterasu I lost my powers, I'll pray to her to get them back."

I was sketching a picture of Amaterasu, drawing her face with the old fashioned Japanese art style.

>> No.41498793
File: 2.03 MB, 1578x2232, Yuyuko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At Firelink Shrine, Patches came up to me and said "The Merchant says "I'm a bloody hound, with a heart of gold, [one other thing]"" then kicked me onto my back and putting a dagger in my guts. I false awoke at a table, groggy, disheveled hair. A long hair guy from school comes over saying "Oh, you got long hair, Ben?" then scowled at its messiness, I said "I just had a dream about Patches." both him and the governor of Victoria who had come to see me looked like they were really interested in hearing it.

A tiny tree was in the middle of a room, almonds scattered around it. I took one that was slightly longer, supposed to be a cocoon with Yuyuko inside. I left some nuts around it for her to eat when she hatches. Nearby, I find some Lapis lazuli, which I took a bite out of, like tasty candy, I left a bit for Yuyuko. My mother was nearby, she called Yukari a vextress. I said "Actually, I'm far more of a vextress than her." My mother said something about calling the Prime Minister on me, I said "Do it, call him and say "Benjamin Jeremiah. Fucking Benjamin Jeremiah..."

At a gathering, DemolitionD sitting to my left, we're in a Voicechat. I casually mention being recorded, he questions it, I say bluntly "If I'm in a voice chat, it's being recorded."

(Before I had a dream diary site)I dreamt I had a dream diary site that was becoming viral, governments caused black outs to try and prevent it spreading.

Sitting around in the middle of a party. A guy comes up to me asking if I'm a witch, I say "How did you know?" he says it's obvious when I've got gemstone rings on all my fingers. Him and another guy he was with tell me they're the creators of Hex: Shards of Fate, and tell me I was an experimental human born without memories, only visualised thoughts.

>> No.41499371
File: 1.54 MB, 1177x759, Rosaria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very rough diagram https://files.catbox.moe/hjrhvv.png I went down a spiral staircase, to an area sloping towards a ruined cathedral, chased by many black phantom giant crabs into it. Debris was scattered around, walked forward to the edge of the side I was on, down below across a long pit was the spirits of the Old Lords, gathered around Gwyn. I was going to take a path down the side to fight them. Rosaria appeared beside me, casting Bountiful Sunlight to aid me.

Playing a game with a couple of others. I started as a DS3 Man Eating Slime, with the Miracle Bountiful Sunlight. Going around a poisonous swamp with two others playing, normal human starts, they overtook me. I paused in the poison for a second though it hurts you more when you stand still, to cast my miracle so I wouldn't die of poison, left regening on the brink of death, maybe getting killed anyway, slowing me down more. I had evolved into a more human form, I went into a place just before a minigame, a metal staircase branch on the right leading down to the minigame and another ahead, elevated a little. A tank with an angry face pops out, and it follows me down the stairs surprisingly well, follows me even after I enter the minigame area so I make sure to hurry along into it. The minigame was unicycling down curved smooth hallways with thin steel wires that moved around, each small stretch having a wall of them that would pop up if you were the slightest bit slow. I made it through for a long while surprisingly well, but slowed down just a little to avoid a cable passing by, stopping myself in the middle of being diced by the wall, then realise no way out but death and force myself completely through. Respawn at the place before it, looking at a walkthrough because it's so hard. Later, catching up as the other two were fighting a vampire then destroying a castle.

I met the Queen of Irithyll. She had black hair with white streaks, like Rosaria's, and seemed to love me.

Met her again, a little forward in the direction my character faces here. https://files.catbox.moe/f6dxlm.png The Water Reserve tower was behind her, the tree area behind me.. We laid our weapons together along with eachother, she used a Dragonslayer Greataxe glitchbuffed with Blessed Weapon. A guy came over ruining our moment a little before leaving, so I blocked him.

I collected my 700th Covenant for Rosaria's Fingers. The most of an item you can carry is 699, my dream says 700 is the third rank, instead of getting a Pale Tongue I would get a discoloured blob, and random colour of blob. I fell to the bottom of an area, over to a ruins infested by parasitic hornets, killing them. Elsewhere, there was the Old Dragon Tree, very tall large old dragon shaped tree. I killed a parasitic angel pilgrim growing on it. The dragon collapsed over towards me, relieved, also talking like he's senile.

I collected 700 Vertebrae Shackles. I had a ring that looked like the equippable covenant, and a Pyromancy that uses up an Undead Bone Shard to cast a powerful wide-range Warmth.

700 Concords Well Kept. I went into a house in Irithyll where Yorshka was dead, floating in the air glowing with purple energy like Darkmoon Blade, and another guy who refer to her as mama.
I had a shield similar to Artorias's with a blue tinge, something like "Guardian's Greatshield" a reward for rank 3 that I made sure to use because I rarely see anyone with it.

I saw information "Humans Dregs --> Human Dregs --> GAINS" where the arrow represented a very long period of time, the second Human Dregs being enlarged.

700 Sunlight Medals. I was at the bridge outside Cathedral of the Deep, where the sun shines. I jumped off to where the Corpse Grubs are, then over the rail at the staircase, falling out-of-bounds into the forest. I regained consciousness inside a small stone dome house, a Bonfire in front of me that couldn't be lit, and all my items stolen. Behind me, at the door, was a yowie troll-ape thing. I could only use my fists, ignoring its attacks, desperately punching as fast as I could press the controller's shoulder buttons.

I checked my Ds3 inventory, and saw for covenants I'd gathered over 699 items for I'd get a bonus items looking like candles that were worth more faith than normal covenants.

Playing a Lovecraft JRPG. I had a party of four wolves. Wanting to grind levels, I did a quest where you slew waves of monsters at a graveyard before a criminal skeleton boss, but died, missing out on bonus exp but I still got some levels. There was a cave somewhere with a huge eyeball in a crack above it, another very small iris and pupil apart of it but often not visible, you could offer Pale Tongues to it for something. At a town, there was a very complicated minigame of looking through profiles of royal families and figuring out something that I looked at a walkthrough to solve. Saw an information list at the end, mentioning "White Rabbit" and how it grants the heart's desire but also creates monsters.

>> No.41500323
File: 369 KB, 504x700, Alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a game where I made my way across a purple poison mist area filled with carnivorous plant monsters, using vents to fly and glide over them for some bits, I made it to a save point. Alice, a rather tall large girl, came to me, saying she's missed me so much, before picking me up and hugging me while kissing and sticking a very long tongue down my throat. She let me down, talking excitedly about wanting to kill me because she's so jealous. I paid little mind, thinking of leaving.

Standing at the side of a red carpeted hall. An emperor slowly walked past with some entourage following. I stared at one of the shikigami-like paper talismans attached to the bottom of his white robe, channeling an image that disturbed me a little as I did it, a colourful distorted stain. It unraveled and died, they paid no mind to it as they passed by. I saw a doppelganger. I went down the hall myself, came to a long table with Serj Tankian smoking weed with black guys, I kind of wanted some but they cast mean looks so I backed off. Walking off somewhere else, saw elsewhere in a crowded room "God me" appearing on a TV looking intimidating, I thought a hard boss I could fight. I went to my brother's room for a semi-final boss fight against my brother in Mortal Kombat X. I chose a white rabbit over the regular characters, he mirror matched. I must've won because I went to fight the final boss Alice. I went straight down a large hall like a T turned left 90°, regular cleaning staff turning into enemies I avoided since I had no weapon, then went back because it was a dead end, turning onto the side path, chased to a big arcade machine with many screens which I looked at for a second before turning down to a large trunk big enough to get into. Opening it and climbing inside, behind me the "level" outside of the box collapsed and folded up until it disappeared as I closed the lid, then I felt a sharp pain like I died. With Alice in my sister's room, she says if she wins I will become her slave. I don't know how the fight went, seeing afterwards Alice and I walking down a path like this. https://files.catbox.moe/i56ptk.png

>> No.41507255
File: 58 KB, 546x626, Kikyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very old. Dad's paddock. I wore Inuyasha's robe, I pulled the collar and showed underneath my body is incased in ice. I flashback to going to an old lady smith with a couple of Firestone and having her hammer it into shape onto my icy body. Sent on my first quest to repel a Blangonga that was coming up the road. I fought bravely but fainted twice, and was pulled out of the mission by someone observing me.

Recently. I went to a florist to buy a flower for my wife. I had my hands on one artificial purple rose with a mechanism on the stem that could furl and unfurl the flower. I went over to the old lady to buy it, and asked "Would you like to see a picture of my wife?" taking out my wallet and pulling out a picture of Kikyo, thinking the older woman might think it weird "She is a Japanese cartoon..." displaying it to her and a nearby shopper for a few seconds.

I was before something like the Shrine of Worship. I was Inuyasha, I said "I better do a very impressive doggy trick to please Yukari"(Kikyo), imitating a walkthrough on my phone I climbed up the side of the shrine with expert jumping maneuvers. Went inside a very large hall, a couple of book cases to the sides at the entrance and a couple of men up ahead, an old man and his servant. His assistant didn't trust me but the old man said not to mind, I went over to a table near a book case on the left where there was a couple of tomes, I touched the left one and the cover transformed into a lion's head design. The assistant tells on me, the old man comes over and inspects the book, counting 10 points around the mane where the hairs bundled a little. He saying that's not good, I've accomplished something, but there's a problem that will come back 10 times over. He then said he'll go divine for me, by looking up at a certain cliff.

>> No.41507678
File: 208 KB, 768x1024, Blue Green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad's backyard party, I'm going to dance with Youmu, but she sees Sakuya nearby and knows she's jealous, she doesn't care much and lets her have me instead. My dad teases "Do you even know a good song to put on for dancing with a girl?" I think for a couple seconds, then put on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oFiOWzjPqs which was enough to impress.

Walking down a road with a guy on my right, up ahead a bird lands on a palm tree. I motion to bring his attention to it, saying "I'll do it all. "For the swan on the lake, the bird on the tree.""

Trapped in a strange dimension with a few others, struggling to raise ourselves up to kneel. In front of us, high above, were strange dolls like the one from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmPhzrApUX8 looking down on us. We were sort of disturbed by them, for a few moments pressure building among us until I stood up completely and shouted a demand or wish at them, then a spiral lance was shot through my left eye and I disappeared. The others gained courage and followed suit, standing up to shout at them before getting lanced. I false awoke in a bed, with an enchanted anime girl figure and a magic mix bowl of weed that never ran out.

Wandering a foggy dimension, I came to a statue of Venus. An enchanted figure of Pram appeared to me, with three special traits engraved on the bottom. One was "Wicked Ears", she had black kitsune ears instead of horns.

With Ai in front of a snowy cave. A gust blew the sunhat she wore off over to the other side of a large chasm between us and catching on a large ice stalactite hanging from the entrance. It seemed like it'd be very hard to retreive, so we left. At my mom's, she really hated me hanging around Ai. I hypnotised her, ordering her to retrieve Ai's hat without any regard for her life. With one of my brother's friends hanging in a room, had a new Gears of War game, he called me by the nickname Darkness. I had a wild house party going, having fun going around while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN5hQOI__10 played.

>> No.41510470
File: 463 KB, 497x667, Rance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl came up to me saying "You're my favourite hero." I brushed it off, bringing up Rance, my hero role model.

I was looking at Alicesoft wiki frustrated, wanting to ask the creators who Rance was based off of.

In a plane. I've got a bong. Rance has a cigarette, I figure that's a guy's drug of choice. There's a girl sitting with a bottle of perfume on her fold out table, I think aromatherapy, that's a girl's "drug" of choice.

>> No.41510488
File: 516 KB, 1920x1080, Rudrasaum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a higher-dimensional nexus with Ludorathowm, I had been granted a world tree to overlord and create suffering in for his amusement, the thing looking like a tall wide white pillar of strands, made up of all the alternative worlds/timelines, a cross section of it having a fractal pattern.

>> No.41522450


>> No.41525816

Hello there, I'm not reading this wall of text but I'll simply say stay the fuck out of /v/.
Here's your reply.
Now stay out.

>> No.41525821

Which touhou fucks niggers?

>> No.41526012
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>> No.41526358
File: 3.76 MB, 2451x3544, Thor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My gratitude.

>> No.41528058
File: 2.57 MB, 1697x1200, Yukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enter a classroom in a strange way to enter a pocket dimension that seemed to be below the Profaned Capital bonfire tower. Trapped here were skeletons of my enemies with swords I went around kicking apart for fun, something I did occasionally. I meet with Yukari(?) like I hadn't for a while and she was horrified saying something like she didn't teach me that I'd turn out like this.

Backyard. Yukari talked from over the back fence, upset with me, saying I shouldn't curse people, and spend more time staring into her eyes. I just loved seeing her, calling "Master! Master!" which she really seemed to like hearing, smiling.

Backyard. Yukari comes through the back fence's gate and over to me. I could only greet her with Stretch Out, lying on the ground exhausted, she did the same.

Future Dark Souls game. Outdoor dirt area misty, went to a small encampment with mead barrels and a tender serving at a podium, you got a gesture where you sip on your beer looking side to side from buying one. Next to the bar was a cage for drunks, a paladin inside pulling on the bars repeatedly, you get Drunken Paladin off him, miming pulling bars. I go beyond, featureless dirt basically. Invaded by Dark Spirit Yukari, she walks in front of me, we exchange Drunken Paladin gesture, then maybe she sipped, then stood still waiting for me to kill her. I spammed R2 with an Exile Greatsword, which did the normal two R2s, then a Spin Slash, then unique heavy attacks. She died, I Applause for a tiny bit then backstep and Sip until I think she's loaded out. I go further beyond, it becomes a blizzard, vaguely remember having to pass an invisible labyrinth to move on, then went down in a frozen Water Reserve, and fight the two Sulyvahn's Beasts, covered in icicles. I blocked with my ultra greatsword and like Monster Hunter it actually blocks well, though sent me reeling back. I killed them, then went over to something initiating a cutscene where the viewpoint flew far off into space and onto a small planet see a Gearbox Software commercial for a Scorpion brand beer, I didn't care for the product placement.

Around a huge sculpture outside a mall, I turned into a dragon doing stuff, maybe fighting. Walk off normally, Yukari comes over in an office lady outfit and a cigarette and I thought how she's a hardworking business woman with a NEET husband. Fight with some asshole elsewhere, someone else comes over saying to cut their head off but I say that's how you end up with a Headless, instead sealing him as a small trinket which wasn't holding very well but I hung it among a nearby roadside merchant's shopping hooks and it settled. I said cursed items are much easier to keep sealed when kept on shopping display.

Me and Yukari leave a room for a break. She basks in the sun to recharge energy, while I gaze at mists passing over mountains, thinking it's because I represent Heaven.

>> No.41529740
File: 195 KB, 480x640, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walking around my flat stressing over Izanami-related homework, had to draw two 4D shapes (though they were 3D shapes on paper), I put a couple slices of bread I'd spread pb&j on in the toaster and thought that wasn't a good idea hearing some of it drip, go over into my room and over to my altar where I keep my Yukari figure's box, though here there was a house key(probably The Key) stuck in a hole, I pulled it out and checked it out, then replaced it, it seemed to be what I was drawing.

Dark Souls character creator. Starting class at the bottom was "rheurs de vors" I switched down to see what it was, when I do I get kicked out of the creator. A group of black robed figures rose out of the ground seizing my character, one cut the tongue out, then they sunk back down. I was given control, crawling around for several seconds from the pain before standing up, then I could hear constant loud deep eldritch chanting. I thought screw this, opening the menu, some of the text flashing as taunting insults including "git gud", and quit.

Hinted in my previous life my name was "Kira" though it seemed to just mean that I was a murderer in my past life, also seemed to have been a cannibal.

I'd driven up to Queensland, around the outback. I looked into my Dark Souls inventory at Maneater's Armour I'd picked up at some point, which I felt shame over.

I was a Salt Elemental. In dark rooms I saw piles of salt, I was able to come back to life nearby if one was left around. I said "Salt is God."
In a tomb or cathedral. The walls lined with graves and corpses sticking out. Using the camera you could check if there was a hole in the back, if you walked in front of that one a Corpse Grub would lunge out, kill and infest your corpse. I tricked a girl, luring her in front of one. Later I came back feeling bad about it and put her possessed corpse out of its pitiful state, with a Chaos Scythe, then left, getting chased by and fighting an invader outside.

Sprinkling lots of salt onto my chips. A guy comes over saying "Hey, you're right. Salt is God." I said "Yeah I know" while salting, he says "Not literally..."

Profaned Capital, inside dark buildings, large halls with many traps, usually one big one taking up the middle, fighting Jailers coming over to wherever I was, and was invaded which prevented me from using my item bag, only quick select and quick belt.

Lorians' Spear, a trident carved out of the same stuff as his sword, innate fire damage which made it deadly when buffed with flames.

Thick icicle stave, Steady Chant made chunks of ice fly around it, which would make it hurt if you bonked them.

Bloodlust, but the seppuku blood explosion had massive range and damage.

On a silver bull raging around the Pontiff giants, seeming to represent how pissed off I get over misfortunate deaths in Dark Souls. I was told "Ride the fury."

Cathedral of the Deep, because of how I played my character Priscilla I was given a magical staff that restores furniture, which I did to everything that gets smashed around the church. I asked about getting the Black Knight Greataxe from my character Death but they weren't gonna give it to me.

Pontiff, I'm Death Knight Arthas, Pulled Greatsword of Artorias from a leather sheath on the side of my horse. I also had Witches' Locks.
Again, Pontiff, Death Knight Arthas, I acted in tandem with the Grey Eyes girl, walking with one pair of hands together, using Poison Exile Greatsword while she used Witches' Locks.

Pontiff, test a spell that summons an Icicle statically in front you. There was a slight upgrade that came up in character direction or lock on. There was a spell that channeled a "stampede" of icicles, cancellable any time.

Pontiff, test a spell summoning bat shaped Soul Dregs that home to invaders, doing 1 damage and making the healthbar visible for at least half a minute, and deep bat that rises up and rains down like crystal hail.

Pontiff, Susanoo has a miracle similar to Gravelord Sword Dance where you punch the ground with a Talisman, just one Blade of Judgement bursting out ahead, and another, 6 bursting out surrounding you like his DP.

>> No.41537654


>> No.41538993


>> No.41539499
File: 335 KB, 400x400, Lambda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a coven led by Lambdadelta. It was bed time, I was given the sleepwear, a sleeveless silky white shirt patterned sort of like doiley and transparent panties. I stood up all night off doing something, returning at sunrise to sleep just before the others woke, sleeping seated in a circle of chairs.

>> No.41539572
File: 42 KB, 710x587, Quick Paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a half-Great One daughter. She looked similar to Moon Presence, but with clockwork spines, curled up on the ground in a crescent.

>> No.41539657

I entered the dimension of a formless Nightmare of sound. I could still see in a black visual snow static, she looked similar to Kos, white long sea blob, suspended in the void.

>> No.41539840
File: 95 KB, 900x900, Zeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a band of 5 powerful saiyans with different coloured auras in a band the one in the middle was white aura. They rocked at a flat circular marble temple, the resonance music was powerful enough to rewrite the universe.

Platforms in space. I see Zeno go off to a side bit and summon Peter Griffon coloured shifting rainbow, maybe a ring around his gut, as his assistant/playfriend. Me and a class follow Zeno where he oversees us
individually standing on platform teeth around a rectangular hole, which could tilt to drop us in, I was at the "top left" and Zeno was close by. A girl at bottom right said something about me becoming Zeno and shuddered.

>> No.41540154


>> No.41540311

Hello, I don't understand what the thread is about (there is a lot to read and I don't really feel in the mood) can you give me a little summary?

>> No.41540467
File: 6 KB, 144x738, bullet notes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just all the dreams I can think of that I haven't told before(pretty sure my dreams told me not to reuse anyway, I already reused a lot, like all the Berserk dreams, Makima dreams, some others.)

>> No.41540575
File: 1.38 MB, 1172x1800, Ishtar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Ishtar high up in the blue sky like she was my Goddess of Victory.

>> No.41541623
File: 969 KB, 1285x1570, Udon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a party, I heard つきがゆれる そう めのまえがしゃける(The moon shakes. There, in front of me, crouching) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIU8wOxeKOA saw a mental image of a red moon, and thought that it's easy at any moment to lose myself in imagination but I rarely do so.

Paddock, I was amazed by the sight in the sky, the moon, stars and drifting clouds were extremely beautiful, the moon maybe turned red, and quickly disappeared off one end of the sky then reappeared at the other until its original position, then it turned into an astrology map with symbols and their meanings and I didn't like that, wanting it to go back to cool beautiful sights.

I saw a bright moon high up in the sky, the view drifted down to a shadowed moon, I thought the bright one was actually the sun which also has the rabbit pattern on it when it's not so bright you can actually see it.

>> No.41541765
File: 546 KB, 1038x1599, Gazer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gears of War. In a ruined city with other COGs. I saw the/a Locust Queen, who said to me "From the beginning you were the only one I wanted." Gazers, or maybe Tracers, showed up. Locust like Hydralisks with over a dozen red eyes, which would transform whoever they looked at into Locust in just a couple of seconds. Some of us were converted before we blast them apart, then there was a set piece where we were driving away from them, several us on a trailer shooting Gazers which could slither so fast as to catch up, their eyes leaving trails in the air. Had to kill them before they could remain close for a couple seconds or we'd convert and lose.

>> No.41541817
File: 189 KB, 500x376, Illithid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw an Illithid, created from "splicing together the DNA from history's worst Hitlers", looking like grey merman horror monsters, seeming very evil and powerful.

>> No.41542316
File: 1004 KB, 1341x857, Darkbeast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Bloodborne, blood level 13, used Burial Blade fighting an FRC Loran Darkbeast, went on for 24 hours+ with few breaks, I found it pretty fun so I didn't mind for a long while but eventually started breaking, holding a hand in prayer and saying "Izanami" every time I died praying to her to be able to kill it, was finally about to give up when I won. I went to bed and if I closed my eyes I could see the fighting playing out still, Tetris effect. I dreamt I was in a dim labyrinth, a Hunter using Beast's Claw with Bolt Paper. An old school friend watching me clawing at things in the dark from behind with a lady teacher asked her like he couldn't believe what I'd become "Hey...why did Ben become a Darkbeast?"

Bloodborne, my left hand was a beast claw and in my right was Bloodletter. I was chased alongside fence by a Mad One, got killed.

>> No.41543491


>> No.41547672
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Large building, caught in-between a U shape of benches when Clocktower Patients came after me, one saying he's ready for his electric shock therapy, wanting me to kill with Bolt Paper. I tried to Homeward Bone but got knocked out of it and killed. In one hall there were pit bull dogs, I turned my back on them and got hit with a special attack where they jump up and bite the back of your neck, instant kill. I made it to a boss, in a dark room filled with "space pods" like what a soldier would deploy from and shallow water. The boss "Patient 0" comes out, slow lumbering power armour with infected pilot.

Told that eyesight is like casting a meteor upon your field of vision.

I had Gascoinge's Axe, pretty sure there was beast meter for transformed form. Made my way across a river of green nuclear waste fighting with Scourge Beasts, sometimes using ruined cars for cover while attacking. Across it I went into a house, there was a mystic lady in one room who you could make a wish to, I wished to go to another world, left and went back across the river.

Deep in a labyrinth, there's a broken wall leading into a giant dome arena filled with darkness, a beast as large as a Darkbeast lurking inside, seemed dangerous and like it really wanted to attack us but wouldn't leave the darkness. I chat with a guy beside the hole and became paranoid that it was cunning enough to attack and clip us through the wall, so I backed off a bit. There was a range of oaths/covenants I looked through, church arcane weapon one that had a few cool weapons with arcane buffs I don't remember in detail now, and a labyrinth madman one.

I had a Dragon Orb, which would let me cast a spell like Doom, or Mordekaiser's old ultimate, slowly killing whatever its cast on then turning them into an ally for a while. I could consume them and they'd appear as a blood ghost over the top of me overlaying attacks. I had Eilieen fighting on my side against someone at a theater. I was in a paddock, there was a large Dark Souls-like demon on the other side of a gorge which I shot at to piss off, it ran around and I used a Leonardo glider to escape to the other side. I ran over to several riflemen Hunter Mobs which shot at it when it came back around, but they were fodder so I'd have to have its attention on myself to get the most of them. At another place, I consumed Eilieen while I was sort of bound to an enemy hunter while he ran away and we simultaneously spammed tricked Blade of Mercy R1.

On a large bridge in darkness, lots of swinging pendulum axes, and spiked maces on chains. Made my way across and jumped down, then there was a Darkbeast on a wooden platform, I dropped further down instead of fighting to a ground level, went forth through a large archway and run up a spiraling path, but a crow garb hunter that hid behind the left side of the arch played a flute which summoned a grab around me which I had to move quick to avoid but didn't, getting levitated into the air as white butterflies flew around me and my health rapidly drained, mashing buttons as hard as I could to escape.

I was hanging around outside a mall with 6 or more crows, several on my shoulders/arms.

>> No.41547819
File: 145 KB, 650x1034, Orion Nebula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a Micheal Jackson concert. Volunteers to go on stage were called for, I immediately stick up my hand with a MJ "Hoo!" getting a laugh and a position on stage, someone saying that was smart.

Druggie person asked what I'm supposed to be, I held a skull mask over my face and said "I'm a shaman."

In a room, at a Cat Ring that was screws and nuts held loosely together, if I kept it on I could see cats as people, three cats nearby looking extraordinarily beautiful goddesses lazing. I went down a flight of stairs behind me, turned right and met with Obama and his family standing at a nearby table. He wanted me to make love to something, I boasted "I could make love to a bench."

I was sitting with Obama on the seat next on my left at a very long white cloth table outside among others. I said something to him I don't remember.

Met a wise old shaman, looking at me with a hand on his chin, the thumb transformed into a crab's claw. A long line of women started streaming past me, he said "You can look but you can't touch." I closed my eyes, they started brushing against me, he said "You can touch but you can't look."

In a game with school friends, like zombie tag with sashes. At the beginning of a round my sash got intertwined with an aboriginal guy's, so I said our fates would be intertwined that game. I only remember the last person being found positioned up in a roof corner. Walking away afterwards, we pass by a couple of vats of dirty water, I called them "swirling pools of suffering souls" referring to the lives of bacteria as a hell you could reincarnate into.

Met the aboriginal guy, he did rituals with gods, something with Orion for me.

I was chased by a bunyip near waterholes, black with spines like Godzilla, the size of a monitor lizard, chased past a sign identifying it as some ordinary monitor lizard species.

>> No.41549984
File: 87 KB, 398x807, Uni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shown a character design, a goddess who looked like Mu-12 with blonde hair, tied up like a fidget spinner, green eyes and a hamster tail like Makoto but made out of souls like Ludorathowm/Warg's Lassie. Identified her with Uni.

In a locker room. Told I'm a vessel for Amygdala and Uni.

>> No.41550049
File: 29 KB, 869x630, Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Climbed up a big wooden tower, Diana was sitting on a throne at the top, the moon in the sky.

The moon turned into a white butterfly and landed nearby, I was the first to catch it with a bug net. Guy who tried to catch it with me referred to it as Avenger. I ask what I can do with it and he said I can sell it for $170.

>> No.41550080
File: 51 KB, 600x400, Kalameet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dark Souls, climb a little ladder atop a platform leading into a building, there's a dragon like Kalameet nearby who blew pale red flames which drained maximum health to a minimum of 1, while there was respawning skeletons patrolling. Found a safe spot where skeletons didn't notice me and shot it with arrows until it flew off.

>> No.41550171
File: 123 KB, 640x640, Puella Magi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd been invited to Go-qualia's music class in Japan. I saw away from others because I'm even weirder than they. I was trying to say something to Go-qualia, shouting in his ear right next to him, but he couldn't hear since everyone was making a cacophony. Outside the class, I accidentally knocked over a ton of boxes and set a fire. Go-qualia comes out of class turning into a little spider and hiding under the boxes, while I left the building running down a futuristic suspended walkway wanting to avoid police.

Climbed up a tall tower then threw myself off as I heard "RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE RELEASE...", strong frissons, falling down until I was starting to disappear.

Seemed almost like a Mitchell and Webb production with Olivia as protagonist, about going to another world. Told to strengthen your uncommon sense, an example being checking under a boiled jug for snow. She arrives on an island's pier, made her way up and around into a forest. There was a fireplace that had some enemies lurking around it for her to get past. She comes to a cliff, then is told the last thing that happens before you go to another world is panicking, regretting it and thinking about your family before disappearing.

In a kitchen with a couple of other guys doing creative stuff. I was trying to write but all I could come up with was the word "Death" in a strange cursive. Outside the house all over the driveway tons of mattresses were stacked up. I had a strange glass that was an irregular quadrilateral prism that didn't spill when I filled it up with Blackcurrent juice. I also had a bishop mug or idol, and the guy across from me had a rook or king one that he gave a kiss which I thought was weird. I suddenly noticed a giant Baphomet outside the kitchen window, nearly as tall as the house in his squat. He pointed at the window and his index finger extended like a vore tail, phasing through the glass and coming after my Blackcurrent juice. I pointed him out to the others excitedly and said we should draw him. The guy across from me seemed disturbed and wanted to ignore its existence, he beat down on the finger with a book until it sort of became one with the table under it, but it soon turned back. A time traveler suddenly appears in the room, before he can do anything another couple of time travelers appear, beat the shit out of him and tie him up. The Baphomet flew off and around the area like a Monster Hunter monster. Out behind the house, I saw the two travelers had poured out my bottle of Blackcurrent juice to lure the Baphomet, which had appeared there. Behind it, I saw its back had a huge tattoo that looked like Go-qualia's Puella Magi album cover girl surrounded by an extensive Qlipthoth that had arrows pointing all over the place. I tried to communicate with the Baphomet, waving around and saying stuff. It had a MH Great Sword, it pointed at me and said something in English I don't remember, one of the time travelers said I'd apparently challenged it to a duel to the death. I tried to get out of it but apparently couldn't rescind, dream ending with me charging at it with my own Great Sword.

>> No.41550184

In a dream it was close to the end of the 2020's and it had apparently become much easier to disappear into another world.

>> No.41550558
File: 795 KB, 1000x666, 13 Eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Told someone I'd have three daughters, called Priscilla, Sheol and Evil.

Around a shopping center, saw a sticker of Flandre outside a massage parlour. Elsewhere, I became a black dragon, flying around a temple floating in the sky, with four exits/entrances, Earth Air Fire Water. I entered through Earth, since otherwise the world I'd create would be flooded/on fire/floating in the sky. I flew around an island I was reformatting, previous a Mario world, breathing meteors upon big towers with Mario's head on them and razing the island.

I was given a faux Latin title, Tyrannus Defilis/Corruptus Draconis. Walking outside, up in space I saw a Great One sitting upon a certain section of the firmament, a curled up worm covered in large eyes, which I counted several times, 13. It hated me looking at it, making the universe tremble with its anger. I had to look where it was and strain to see it, a more spiritually gifted woman with me could easily see it without pissing it off, and another guy who could strain hard to barely see it and pissed it off too. Usually it seemed to ignore me when I wasn't looking, but one time it sneakily cast a dozen giant purple Soul Spears down at me, which I frantically rolled around to dodge while screaming. There was stuff going on with parallels to Blazblue, Izanami-like woman, a girl who used a katana like Yukianesa. Somehow I got 13 Eyes killed, and the section of space it took up was replaced by an image of me and a girl swirling around eachother, though we were actually in a higher dimensional Garden of Eden-like place, which we could come down from. I was in a ship in space, eating shitty Matrix nutrient soup with others. I was complaining about them putting Vitamin D in it like it was a poison, and got locked up in the hold.

In the Garden of Eden with Yukari, we had to leave since we had stuff to sort out first.

Heard something tell me that the universe's colour is ever so slightly blue. I watched a funny video about velociraptors for a while, but got bored after a couple minutes.

>> No.41550631
File: 10 KB, 200x279, UFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maddox became disillusioned with his persona. He said he didn't know whether to punch or hug "Hillary". He recovered by watching Shark Week on TV, saying something about the satisfaction a fisherman gets from his catch.

Walking with Maddox down a road, I mentioned being the one that sent him the email with the previous dream, and that soon after that I found a book in my dad's library "World Atlas of UFOs" with one of the main UFOlogists having the name Hilary Evans(I thought it meant the president), he seemed intrigued. Come to the end of the road and he watches as I climbed up a transmission tower.

In a kitchen with Maddox, I mention again being the one who sent him that email, and that I used to read/watch his stuff but as I started believing in things it became too bluepilled for me. I asked about telling the real him this dream, he said "Dont, and don't build up any more mental models of us."

>> No.41550639

The non-president, rather.

>> No.41550744
File: 350 KB, 473x580, Pram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pram died but left behind her soul gem, the red one at her chest. I took it and embedded it in my own chest, becoming a demon flying around in a blizzard over a frozen lake, summoning a massive storm of ice shards.

With Ai. We looked at her Natal Chart, it had a note beside it saying "Hell Girl" like it was destiny. My chart had a note beside it "Wimpy Kid"

>> No.41550798
File: 18 KB, 357x500, Necronomicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With some others indoors, aboriginal guy saw my Simon's Necronomicon I'd hidden under sheets of paper, revering the book by putting it on a stand. I was fighting a guy, one of us using a red katana, the other blue. Someone tried to help me by taking my sword and stabbing him with it, I looked at him like that wasn't good, telling him to pull it out, though I didn't seem very concerned. Guy I'm fighting pulls out the sword and then holds them up, crossing them, saying "Red...and blue!" then they take on red/blue flames. I thought "Oh well, I can still just crush him with Tiamat's tail." Elsewhere, beside a waterhole, trying to get on a gigantic bat to fly, but it was too windy.

"Final weapon Muhammad" was mentioned. I'm at a restaurant, a guy comes up and vomits on me, then reveals it's him. I fought/ran away by throwing grenades, propelling myself away with the explosions. Then we're up in a hallway, he turned into a black cat following me, every few meters was a door I had to shut at the perfect time just as he tried to follow. I was doing this successfully for a while, but then he saw something below, throwing himself off and impaling himself on something, and gained the power to grant any wish.

Several years ago, Izanami told me to reread the part of the Necronomicon about the Ancient Ones.

>> No.41551998
File: 1.50 MB, 1365x768, Old One.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an attractive voluptuous woman at a nightclub. I lured off 4 guys, one at a time, killing them and then transmuting their souls into the sorcery Soulsucker.

Few months before Demon's Souls remake was announced. I saw Patches kicking Saint Urbain into the pit where he's found. Sage Freke astrally projects there, going up to him and saying "This time I won't let you get in the way when the screaming begins." referring to when the Old One starts crying. Playing 4-1, it was remade into a water-side area with large "stone mushrooms" with rails between them I could traverse with Twilight Princess's Spinner. I was also able to swim a bit. Stray Demon-like boss at the bottom of a funnel pit to spin around.

>> No.41552236
File: 298 KB, 1280x720, Great Serpent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a desert. I was a guardian to a gateway into Makai, standing in a ring mostly covered by sand. Sekiro and two kids are exploring the desert in search of the gateway, passing by me since I take special sight to see. I saw the way Sekiro acts with the kids and laughed thinking "He's such a bro."

As Sekiro, I found a key then went into a small boss room with a Nargacuga. I spammed Okinaga's Flame Cannon + Living Force R1 spam which kept it flinching and killed it quick.

Going around caves, there was a black Great Serpent. I struck one part of its body and got crushed, but noticed that it was an Apparition-type enemy.

Fought a Hemwick Witch, using an axe or a hammer and marveling at how much health she as as I kept hacking away, there was a unique square+direction command that makes you a Force-like shockwave, reflecting spells, such as the skull projectiles, when I kept hitting her and reflecting I saw she was more reasonable to kill. I got her stave with skulls at the end. I went beyond the fight area outside to a canyon I grappling-hooked over, went over to a jizou statue that gave me a 9th resurrection + damage and health up, a tooltip saying I've absorbed the witch's power and have become more excited. I started using the skull stave. I fought with another witch in an elevator, casting skull and raven projectiles. She groaned "Oh, I hate when they use my skull against me." Half-way through the fight she turned into a lock on the elevator door which was opened inwards, slowly closing while I had to it her as much as possible to stop it or she'd close the lift and I'd have to Homeward Bone, which I barely stopped, and killed her afterwards. Use the lift to go up, there's a very long hallway with people sitting along the left side at computers, I had my own place among them, where we shared songs on a website. Down the end of the hall was a pantheon, with Zeus as its leader.

>> No.41552426
File: 404 KB, 1950x1380, Slave Knight Gael.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a Roman style building, like a mall's large corridor. There's an old woman nearby marveling over feet, thought she might mean me since I was barefoot but she was looking at a bas reliefs of slaves along the bottom of the walls. Go outside, there's an obstacle course set up. First there was a narrow path with a bandit or pirate rolling explosive barrels at you, then you go up to a marble pathway place. There was a sexy statue of Venus walking around, I went over and hugged her, it grabbed me and turned ugly and maybe exploded. I start from the beginning, go past respawned pirate, ignore statue, come to stairs leading up to a domed temple. Dr. Cox appeared in front in a black robe saying something sarcastic about being a little stressed in a yell, then left. I saw peers from school coming out of the temple in black robes, while those of us doing the course wore white robes. Maybe I had to hide in wait until a door was opened then run into the temple. Inside I notice it's like an arcade, with its carpet. I entered from the bottom right, made my way around counter clockwise. At the top was an actual arcade room, think I played a machine for a bit. Went around to the bottom left. I was waiting at the back behind a red haired girl(sometimes she's Yukari in dreams), but I cut in line since it didn't seem to matter much, maybe struggling with the people in the front. I see the guy ahead of us organising this, Penn Jillette, except I couldn't remember his name. Stared at him while maybe saying "You're name is...?" and then I "remembered" "Oh, you're Slave Knight Gael." He agreed with this, turning into Gael. Then he tremored, turning into hollowed phase 2 Gael. Then he entered phase 3, taking out his sword and(we're outside now) pointing it up at the sky. Veins of lightning trickled through a hole in the clouds at one end of the sky, then at the other reappeared, and struck a support beam for a high temple, and like Shadow of the Colossus where the bridge collapses everything in the city started collapsing in chain reaction. Crowds of people were running, I was running while looking up at where things might fall, realised I was running into the collapse so I stood still and it fell around me harmlessly. Somehow know the city was Constantinople. Gael appears beside me as a ghost like an Irithyll slave half visible with darkness dripping. I have his three regalia, a crown, a collar and his sword. I hold the sword, he says about the crown "You put that on your head." I put it on, he says about the collar "You put that on the rest of your body." I guess he meant around the neck.

>> No.41552532
File: 44 KB, 1280x720, Sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to fight Orphan of Kos with a guy. He's using a weapon I don't remember + a Minigun, I'm using a Follower's Javelin with Bolt Paper. Fighting around a water hole, other guy mostly left it up to me. Sometimes Orphan would jump into the water and hide, I'd throw javelins to shock the water and bring him out. One times he did this I accidently threw my real javelin instead of an illusion. He bubbled under the water beside it while I very cautiously came in to grab it, then forced him out again. Once he entered phase 2 the other guy unloads his Minigun, getting its attention while I repeatedly speared it in the back. By the time he ran out of bullets it was at a sliver and we killed it. A moment passes, peaceful background music starts playing, the guy says "What's with the gay music?" I said, "Uh, look over there." as I point in one direction. There's nothing happening over there. I say "Oh wait, over there." pointing to where the sky was clearing up, a cutscene playing like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDnd1J_d8Rk Afterwards the guy says in a parodic tone "Go now! Be free!" as he motions to the waterhole, like I'm the Orphan. I hop in and wade around in the water.

>> No.41552697
File: 1.90 MB, 1296x1279, Yukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a class. A primary school friend says I'm special. I say "I don't want to hear that from a Christian." He shows me a project he's making for me, an acoustic cover of Scolded by the Princess https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ar53ctMxrDE He's got a progress chart, with Simpsons characters along the way, moving the Pink Sedan along a line with points represents parts of the song. He points at the last point, saying "This part's nice." meaning the piano at the end, I said "Yeah." I was leaving, I used a teleporter, instead of transferring you somewhere it scatters your physical body into small invisible particles, and you can walk around as a soul to another teleporter. I walked outside, things happening as I passed by seeming to try and spook me, someone opening a shaken bottle of soda, a balloon popping, like it might mess with my scattered particles. I made it to a receiver and was fine.

On the phone with Yukari, she told me to pick her up somewhere, hanging up with a goodbye "Kiss." I woke up, then I went back to sleep. I'm picking her up, she says angrily "About time!"

Driving from a KFC with Yukari. Eating chicken while waiting behind someone, they pissed me off somehow but Yukari steals my attention by poking down her back towards her ass, I immediately stop caring and want to go home and have sex.

I'm told Yukari is my "Origin."

>> No.41554301

where is /jp/ moderation? this tripfag has 4+ threads up to babble to himself in

>> No.41554359

It's 7 actually. And they're not even real posts. Just some auto-generated text.

>> No.41554542
File: 288 KB, 1280x853, Street_in_Babylon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babbling on... or Babylon.
Auto-generated text... or auto-generated sex.

>> No.41561188
File: 2.77 MB, 690x388, Spiral_Cloud_Passage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing a mode in Sekiro where you only wear shorts, nearly got killed in one hit by a man-eating carp.

Sekiro, I had two grey Mortal Blades, used a Combat Art like Spiral Cloud Passage using both, ending with an x slash. Thought it was the most beautiful martial art I'd ever seen. There was Dark Souls stats, and a limited amount of levels, I spent all of them on dexterity, reaching 40, maxing damage.

>> No.41562925
File: 595 KB, 849x1200, homuhomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a girl who acted like she's the homu meme Homura, in a bathroom, a guy who she'd led on came in and she kissed me while he watched. He left, I thought "Not cool" but "Oh well". Got in a bath with her, she was a hairdressing expert, offering to do me. She cut at my hair with scissors, then showed me a mirror. She'd not cut anything off, but shaped the hair at the middle part of my bangs into a large rose. My mouth was agape in disbelief, which she imitated, I asked how she did it but don't remember what she said.

Saw myself in third person, it was said I have sexy hair.

>> No.41563718


>> No.41566554
File: 1.32 MB, 2995x4666, Tomoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walked into my sister's room. Tomoe was kneeling on the bed, I went over and jumping round house kicked her face for some reason. It turned her head, but otherwise she was unmoved, facing back looking annoyed.

Treating a short white haired girl like shit until I realise what I'm doing and say I'm not angry at her but some asshole. She seems sad I don't remember her name, I look at her and guess "Snow Raveheart?" she smiles but shakes her head, and leaves.

Outside, I saw frost gathering around the moon, then it turned into green plasma, then a meteorite crashed from the moon upon an outside area ahead of me, killing people. I said "Praise Izanami."

Walking towards an airshow, a performer crashed and exploded into the audience and everyone ran away, I said "Praise Izanami."

>> No.41572432
File: 415 KB, 1302x723, Mad Flan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

During the musical Izanami said mentioned the "Snake men who eat before they themselves are eaten. "

I was told everyone has an Amygdala inside them that wants to kill them before they kill him.

In a subterranean arena, I was going to face a boss battle against Amygdala, if I won I'd get a Sunset Crown with two or three notches for Holy Knights that would serve me.

I saw a description for Human Pine Resin saying that Holy Knight Hodrick once used these to repel Seath the Scaleless from the Undead Settlement. Apparently paledrakes were weak to Dark.

Someone cosplaying as Hodrick invited me to partake in a tournament, I thought I wanted to cosplay as Hodrick too.

Atop Water Reserve tower, I was using Farron Greatsword with offhand Gundyr's Halberd. I was able to use the bar of the halberd to parry.

>> No.41579923

hmm very interesting

>> No.41587017
File: 1.56 MB, 2174x1400, Rei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a underground school complex. Went through one door which led into a dark fabric tube I crawled my way through for a while, emerging above ground, futuristic white "city" but with no buildings really, just a surface. Rei was near where I emerged, I went over and quickly ate off her face, people nearby horrified. Sent to a counselor outside the city near a woods, on beanbags around a room with counselor and another guy, looking like woodland animals.

>> No.41588272

gez and people say I'm bad.

>> No.41590422
File: 290 KB, 1920x1322, World's Best Dad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riko's party was ascending from the Abyss, having gone back up the elevator to the 5th layer. Prushka was with them, reborn as a little pink/green caterpillar thing. She was dying from birthday disease, Bondrewd was outside the elevator begging them to let him have her, while they wanted him to agree to something first.

>> No.41596998
File: 205 KB, 908x1015, Gate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At a school's art class's storage, I'd come to retrieve a sketchbook I'd left there. Showed a particular page of dark holes in a hillside and a gate overlaying the bottom one to her, she said she'd looked it before and felt trapped beyond the gate in the dark hole behind it before managing to look away, I said I had a whole sketchbook of stuff to show her, she shuddered and hurried away from me.

Met a fairy while walking around an empty school, human sized green clothes, offered to have sex but I declined.

Met a fairy while flying around the bush, up in a big tree, she also immediately offered sex which I maybe declined.

Went along a river leading to fairyland, can't really be bothered describing it but very ethereal light-blooming flowery place. A male fairy was saying I should have sex and offered to transform into a girl, I said no and wouldn't he have a male soul.

Indoors, room before a courtroom. Dark Souls boss that was guarding the entrance to the Seelie court, a human fighting with a quarterstaff

Sitting at a table with others, offering Absinthe to me like it's a special initiation, I said I'd had Absinthe before, a Goddess was hanging around, associated with it, who I had met before.

I beat someone sticking his head into my room annoying me with a bottle of Dabel Absinthe. Later I met The Devil outside, and he didn't like how crude I act, I notice his outfit's a spiffy Victorian suit. I said I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and offered to just let him possess me, which he was excited to hear, turning to fairy fire and rushing inside my mouth, afterwards I felt for the first time in my life that I stood with poise, with self-possession, like I wasn't just dragging my body around.

>> No.41598933
File: 530 KB, 800x450, Chameleon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go outside my dad's house. On the driveway is a crystalline chameleon as large as a bull. I interacted with it somehow, and launched off into space faster than the speed of light, standing on just a little circular platform hanging holding a rail threaded through its middle, very intense, shot past and around a constellation of stars before doubling back towards Earth.

>> No.41602923
File: 118 KB, 728x546, Gekigami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Around the beginning of probably last year maybe this year, saw an image of a white elephant riding upon a white tiger, facing left, the elephant had markings on its side, including an imperial flag sunburst.

>> No.41609980
File: 610 KB, 874x720, Lost Kingdoms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up on a small moving floating island, a cross road upon it. Fought waves of enemies with others, using my personal Trick Weapon, like a large bow saw with a non-serrated scythe blade. When I killed enemies I could use it to decapitate their corpses, which I had to do 10 or so times to be able to trick it into a scythe. After the enemies were done spawning I stepped off the edge of the island and fell safely into a water hole a couple kilometers below. I walked until I came across a game store, I saw the videogame Rune V (Lost Kingdoms) on sale, and Rune IV, which was a really cool looking board game, very cool holographic fantasy art, cards, board.

>> No.41612113


>> No.41613960
File: 204 KB, 852x1198, Moneymaker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met an archdemon. In a dark room, girl in black with black hair, not necessarily as pictured because I couldn't really see or remember her. She said "My name is Moneymaker. I get just about everyone killed. I especially love getting those who help others killed, raped, murdered." as she said the last three words red, blue and purple books leaned out of the sides of her head.

>> No.41614228
File: 62 KB, 500x500, 70d6f13498d75221a78a4a6b7c65d65c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very good thread

>> No.41616385
File: 957 KB, 700x891, Flan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41618032

Are you a bot or something?

>> No.41621232

Bots don't have such healthy looking behinds >>41616385

>> No.41625627
File: 215 KB, 261x265, 976C81F7-7C9C-4C64-B95A-039CE581B2C7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw fluoride + goyslop + xenoestrogens

>> No.41626398
File: 20 KB, 350x219, nishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nice

>> No.41628195
File: 501 KB, 1440x960, Sakura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a mall, on a second story floor I was trying to climb up into a gaping hole in the roof, an artifact of importance up there, my dad showed up either helping or hindering.
Walking around a town, I equipped Dark Souls "armour", a masterpiece tight brown dress called Climax that really showed off the ass, even making you walk backwards. I checked the description, which said it was a cursed dress that killed its maker and got several previous young girl owners killed. At a beach, I waded around in a certain area of the shallows, in just the right spot I would see beautiful ethereal dragonic cherry blossoms trees growing in water a few hundred meters away, which were in the past, if I was off the spot only their withered remains were seen.

>> No.41630152
File: 645 KB, 1920x1080, CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I showed up at my dad's house after it'd been abandoned for a long time. It was absolutely infested with huntsman spiders. I found a couple of burnt carrots in the oven which I Breath of the Wild combined with a huntsman into a long black censored object with a huntsman at the tip, which flew back and forth to objects I held it near. In the kitchen hanging on a window I saw a spider larger than a dinner plate that looked like Ceaseless Discharge. Passed through the lounge, I looked back and saw the legs of a huntsman probably over a meter wide creep into view, I bolted out the front door and down the driveway without looking back.

>> No.41635053


>> No.41637983
File: 1.36 MB, 1000x1090, Cosmic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beatboxed the wubs from around 5:30 of ME!ME!ME! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nsNsPIJoXAA
Was around the time I dreamt I was at a psytrance music awards, called up and accepted an award, I beatboxed the sound at the beginning of Mohican Sandbag's 可愛くないりふれーん https://youtu.be/myqDNvuSDBU?t=284

In a class. A kid was smugly confident he'd get a good grade for his assignment. The teacher accepted a slip of paper from him, then got mad, the kid asks why, the teacher comes over to me putting it on my desk, a streamlined advanced tulpa creation guide, and asked "Could you construct a tulpa that could make you happy?" I said "No! I just want Yukari!" The teacher said he wants to help me out, bringing up a couple things, one was that the guitarist of Van Halen spent 40 trillion years in space being taught guitar by Yukari.

>> No.41639574
File: 1.91 MB, 1140x1140, Pluto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A book called "Dream of the Orwellian Spider" protagonist dealing with paranoia but in the end it was all in his head but maybe not(I didn't remember well even just after waking.)

In 1986(I think, remember it being a couple of years later than 1984) Pluto was full.(Other planets have cycles) this was associated with rancor.(The emotion of course)

>> No.41648624
File: 149 KB, 308x292, Yahweh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said I was a God of Storms, like Yahweh and other pantheon leaders, related to me having a beard and muscles.

>> No.41658776


>> No.41658786 [DELETED] 

Nice try but lots of IPs don't work at bumping page 10 /jp/ threads for some reason

>> No.41659481
File: 23 KB, 318x347, Pink_Heart_169.10_Carats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

