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41311496 No.41311496 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>41271313

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EN: https://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: https://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF
C2 STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/C2_STAFF

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: https://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: https://en.kancollewiki.net/Combat
EN: https://en.kancollewiki.net/Category:Game_Mechanics

Drop and construction statistics:

Fit gun for BBs: https://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: https://en.kancollewiki.net/Improvement
LBAS values: https://i.imgur.com/r5gOpqs.png
LBAS simulator: https://noro6.github.io/kc-web/#/

Useful Akashi upgrades table: https://akashi-list.me/
Useful composition/damage set-up too: https://jervis.vercel.app/en

Quest tracking tool (For older quest chains): https://tsunkit.net/quests/#/search

Event Guides and Info:

Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/gre4bee/ElectronicObserver

-Friend Fleets will be implemented in E-3 and E-5 in the latter half of this week.
-The Summer 2022 Event, "Large-Scale Counteroffensive Landing! Operation Torch!", is underway and scheduled to last until the first half of October. It is a large-scale event which will take place in Europe and North Africa. The Main Operation consists of 3 maps, with 4 tags across them, and the EO of consists 3 maps with 6 new tags.
-New ships implemented in the MO are Japanese DE Ukuru (E-1 and E-3 drop), Asashio-class destroyer Natsugumo (E-2 and E-3 drop) which completes the Asashio class, and the sixth ship of the mighty Independence-class light carriers: CVL-27 USS Langley (E-3 reward). In the EO, French battleship Jean Bart (E-6 reward), CV-4 USS Ranger (E-5 reward), South Dakota-class battleship USS Massachusetts (E-5 & E-6 drop), and CL-40 USS Brooklyn (E-4 drop) have been implemented.
-New equipment implemented in the MO is the Skilled Deck Personnel, Skilled Deck Personnel + Aviation Maintenance Hands, F4U-2 Night Corsair, and F4U-4. New equipment available in the EO are the carrier torpedo bomber Mosquito TD Mk.33, Land-based recon Mosquito PR Mk.IV, fighter bombers F4U-7 and AU-1, and Toku Daihatsu Craft + Panzer III (North African Spec).
-There is a new reward choice system that has been implemented. Some rewards will be selectable.
-The July ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment is the Mosquito FB Mk.VI.
-Haruna will receive her Kai-IIB side remodel some time this year.
-As of the Feb 28, 2020 maintenance, due to critical DDoS attacks, measures have been taken that requires players from certain countries to use a Japanese IP address to connect to the Login servers. After getting to the start screen it's possible to disconnect from the VPN and continue playing without it. If you still encounter connection issues try clearing your cache and changing your time zone to JST. These countermeasures will remain until further notice. EN EO now bypasses the block. Another possible workaround is using https://github.com/Tibowl/KCCacheProxy
-The following ships will receive another remodel at some point in the future:
-->Kai-II: Mikuma, multiple Type A DDs, Houshou
-->Kai-II side remodel: Kirishima; Shigure (could be Kai-III)

>> No.41311502
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>> No.41311509

need to impregnate bono

>> No.41311528

Wait what, when did they do Ushio I'm not seeing her in any of the tweets? Is that a nip edit?

>> No.41311539

Did the tits not clue you in to the shoop?

>> No.41311553

>haven't started the event yet, just now managed to get some free time
I'm fucked aren't I
Been really short on time lately

>> No.41311559

Still at least two weeks. I haven't started either. I'm terrified too.

>> No.41311589
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The game is taking pity at me at this point. No fucking way they give me a Kirishima after getting Asashio and Houshou and this is after losing Aoba and Kasumi. Maybe I’ll finally clear world 2 at this pace.

>> No.41311602

set the subs to show up below the game screen, anon
having them on the actual game screen is an eyesore

>> No.41311695
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I love this map name.

>> No.41311723
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It was better the first time around

>> No.41311788
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Should I go in with heavy fleet or go light with E2 TP?
Heavy seems reasonable due to the fact I can use it with boss and sorta save on the ship locks.
Admirals your opinions?

>> No.41311807

I'm waffling between doing hard vs medium now. Hard doesn't look THAT bad, just very very tedious. This is what I'd likely use on hard. For medium it'd be Kiri-chan -> Kawakaze.

>> No.41311814
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>> No.41311816

I'm about to start e3 first boss now do I use nagatos or nelsol+riche? doing e6 on easymodo so I don't need to worry about saving for later.

light fleet was too hard to get even a rank on the boss for me without support

>> No.41311833
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>> No.41312002

Wow fuck this, I might even drop to easy. This is ASS.

>> No.41312032
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I am trying to run the event at medium really.
Mainly just want more new shipfus
Alright looks like heavy fleet it is
boss support too

>> No.41312068

none of the hard rewards are worth the extra stress desu
doing full medium is incredibly fine
they went easy on kuso ttks with this large scale seasonal

>> No.41312078

Guys what should I do for E1J if I don't have Tatsuta Kai Ni?

>> No.41312083
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Here's what I am currently running for medium. I have 2 of those armed daihatsu things. I forgot that Kiri-chan is my biggest jobber so I have only gotten 1 A rank out of 5 sorties. I will have to run boss support now or try using a CV because I keep getting the carrier formation, which pushes my shit in.

>> No.41312237

you're somewhat right, except for e6.

>> No.41312263

The final map is rarely ever worth doing on medium. Hard or easy, there are few rewards in between.

>> No.41312270

>Line ahead Ne kai and ass princess prebosses
why the fuck

>> No.41312342

>Suffered on E5H all day yesterday
>Daytime S-rank clear on head-on today
Nani the fuck.

I was using the linked fleet, the picture with Victorious and jets, though tweaked with 4 AI LBAS since I don't have the good planes, starting AP was 1248 to get AS at boss.
Intrepid CVCI cleared the boss.

>> No.41312384
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You guys ready for the anime to be dark and edgy, all the while watching your favorite shipgirls to die? I can't wait to see Fusō and Yamashiro dying in the opening minutes of the first episode during the battle of Surigao Strait.

>> No.41312391

>Fusō and Yamashiro dying
Thankfully nobody cares about these two uggos

>> No.41312404

Yodo 3 wg/mortars, 1 red and 1 green gun

>> No.41312418
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did e2 on memedium with these ships. I couldn't figure out why it was sending me to c and then realized it was because of slow bully but didn't want to drop transport stuff for engines so I just went with it. took 14 runs. if you can use a second daihatsu destroyer you can probably do it in less.

>> No.41312443

Ep 1: Nishimura and Shima fleets prepare for battle
Ep 2: Surigao
Ep 3: Shigure cries
Ep 4: Shigure gets BLACKFINNED
Ep 5: Yukikaze is here to save everyone
Ep 6: Yukikaze fails to save Kongou and Shinano
Ep 7: Ten-Go
Ep 8: Dan Yang

>> No.41312604

Fan fucking tastic, the game completely froze up for no reason

>> No.41312698 [DELETED] 
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>> No.41313092

E6 Hard seems like it would require doing E5 on Hard, because of the fancy Panzer bonus.

>> No.41314065
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>> No.41314239

I can see how E6-3 can be a cockblock. The route is already a little nasty with BBHime and the boss isn't that easily nuked.

>> No.41315045

Get Mogami and Nisshin and maybe Yuubari on escort with 2 guns + nuke setup

>> No.41315105
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Had no problems on E2-1 hard with this fleet. It was something like A rank 13 out of 17 sorties.

>> No.41315126

it is not that bad desu just boss support and almost guarantee A rank but retards just hurdurr i wont use support

>> No.41315169

>Mainly just want more new shipfus
You guys are weird. Why would you want 'another expensive bb #67' or some another memeship? I usually scrap new ships. Event equips are the shit.

>> No.41315177

and e2

>> No.41315371

I only have Nisshin, the other 2 are locked.
Well, I only did like 1 run so far anyway, the 2nd was taiha at BBH, I'll see how it goes.
Really low on fuel though with still 3 ships to farm.

>> No.41315416

Yuubari is feasible, my dupe is at the appropriate level. Dupe Mogami otoh is like 10 levels off. I was planning originally to have her as a dupe in the other form, so I didn't bother to push her to level 90.

>> No.41315436

Retards always go for the new ships. I don't know why. Not like one in the past few years is even remotely decent.

>> No.41315738

>a new cute girl that is good enough to keep me from being a dupe autist
>some equipment that improves the performance of the usual ships by 0.1% (actually half of that because she's still gonna choke to RNG)
yeah but let's pretend any of these event equipments have been anything largely special either

>> No.41315807

It's kantai collection. Not equip collection.
Also it's less stress to colle all the kans than collecting all the equips. One day I'll get rid of my hoarding tendencies and do all events on casual. Like can you imagine how relaxing that is.

>> No.41315819
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I want to sleep on her chest.

>> No.41315830

Yeah anon just use 10 AA leppuu, other generic radars planes and guns and complain why event is so hard

>> No.41316224
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>> No.41316307

Photo is not proof of paternity, fuck off.

>> No.41316311
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>> No.41316324

*snap* yep...

>> No.41316414

Equipment hardly comes back. Girls always do. Equipment should always be your top priority.

>> No.41316670
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>> No.41316714
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>> No.41316865

Just saying, if you stop caring about equipment, it'll be a lot more enjoyable.
Though on that note I do still care, but I have a vague hope I would stop caring someday.

>> No.41316883

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.41316908
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Episode 7 will have Yamato getting her wave motion gun and singlehandedly turning the war. While carrying Yukikaze and Yahagi on her back.

>> No.41316915
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Wrong door, anon?

>> No.41316956
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I get her to finally drop for me.

>> No.41317095

There is no point in playing if you aren't shooting for the equipment and FCM.

>> No.41317140

if the equipment isn't game changing i'm not bothering
and this event certainly doesn't have any of it
you can use this argument if the next event brings something hard-only that actually makes a significant improvement
while it doesn't happen (it hasn't in ages), cute girls>equipment for any sane person

>> No.41317217

Your Tainan, Panzer and Yamato radar? and the current event bombers are very good.

>> No.41317392
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God, I hope they don't make Yukikaze the main character. Yukikaze doesn't have the same mature appeal as Shigure. With Yukikaze, all you're going to get is a Fubuki from the first season. And I don't want another trainwreck like that.

>> No.41317543

Stern too fat. Actually makes me wonder a bit: do different ship classes sterns also differ? Can we say that, I dunno, Yuugumos have fatter butts than Kagerous? Huh.

>> No.41317581
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>> No.41317697
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God, I hope they make Sodak the protag after making foreign shipgirls show up to save the day

>> No.41317758

I think I made a mistake.
Are we supposed to not use Panzers for Node W boss in E6? I'm seeing people use our normal anti-installation equipment instead.

>> No.41317849

shit I forgot I only levelled my vicky to 43 so she can't equip jets yet. at least it's only 2 levels to go.

k2 when?

>> No.41317905

That looks terrible. Move shitgure dying to the prologue, that leaves 8 episodes for something less awful.

>> No.41318020

>Chuuha Arashio non-TCI cleared the boss on E6-3
Okay, hope E6-4 is easier than this one.

>> No.41318028
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No one will be interested in watching an anime season of the abyssals. Just keep it to Japanese shipgirls. And maybe the Kriegsmarine during Operation Weserübung

>> No.41318291

is there a point to making you go to g in e3 other than forcing people to lock a bunch of dds you wouldn't otherwise need?

>> No.41318400
File: 428 KB, 700x885, 1d10bb3706d686bdf22ca3d71d0f9f60.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to fuck ro chan

>> No.41318480

Who doesn't?

>> No.41318513

Too old. Give me Luigi instead.

>> No.41318521

I am at 10 runs, one third done. Boss support is mandatory to consistently A rank. Fast Fusou makes sense, but I don't want to hole punch either of my pagodas.

>> No.41318524

What is the AS requirement for E5H? I've finally gotten AS after reaching ~1200 combined air power, but that required a lot of sacrifices to my firepower. I want to be able to equip more attackers, but still keep my AP above the AS requirement.

>> No.41318535
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>Ep 4: Shigure gets BLACKFINNED
Why would they kill the Main character? Shigure will pretty much carry the anime on her back.

>> No.41318556

Does that wonky gun setup on Bismarck really work for hitting imps?

>> No.41318779

I still don't understand the difference between daihatsu ab and armed boat. does ab not stand for armed boat? which one am I supposed to make?

>> No.41318788


Takaman's depiction of casual Maya is pretty close to what I'd expect from her personality in game.

I want her.

>> No.41318828


>> No.41319048

The Daihatsu is Armed
The Gunboat is Armoured

Functionally they're mostly identical except Shinshuu Maru can carry Gunboat in her holepunch and there's a special bonus if you have both of them as well as a Daihatsu + Tank all on the same ship (Which mostly only Shinshuu can do because of said hole punch thing.)

>> No.41319300

She’s a fine AA unit…until you get into the Akizukis, Fletchers, and Atlanta.
But more importantly, she’s still probably the hottest outright tomboy in the game.
I mean possibly South Dakota could count, but I feel more like her thing is yankee or gal than tomboy.

>> No.41319368

Does she really have the raw potato sex power of Mogamin though?

>> No.41319414

Both SoDak and Maya have a delinquent/yankii thing going on, but Maya's got this charm to her that makes her stand out to me.

And she's nice too, despite her brashness.

>> No.41319658


>> No.41319675

which one do I make then? do they both kill pt imps?

>> No.41319737

My bastard, if you had read >>41318828 you would have learned you can only obtain one of them. The other is quest only.

>> No.41319752

Armed Daihatsu: Made unlimited via Akashi, consumes a Max base Daihatsu and an unimproved T89.

Gunboat: Made once via quest, consumes a Max T89 and 2 unimproved base Daihatsu.

Both have the same anti-imp bonus. Should probably just make an Armed Daihatsu unless
>You really want the Shinshuu Maru extreme nuke
>You have clear quest log autusm
>You ground half a dozen T89 Maxes already

>> No.41320127

I haven't done the quest yet so I can get either one. I only have one type 89 daihatsu left though because I turned all the others into tanks.

>> No.41320186
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I want to be arrested and be questioned by Asashio's inquisition. Can you imagine how they would treat you? It would be paradise.

>> No.41320214

wew, that node with full of imps is a dick move by tanaka.

>> No.41320266
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>> No.41320285

Just use 2 CVL and Amagiri easy

>> No.41320429

I did it, but I don't used node support.

>> No.41320485

is it safe to start

>> No.41320491

Not until superfriends.

>> No.41320700

i was doing fine without node support but i have 1 armed daihatsu and 1 AB

>> No.41320756

same, but in the first try the imps assblasted the escort fleet, I send support and it's working. It's better this way if I want a successful run.

>> No.41320793

I don't have amagiri. she dropped once before she got her k2 and I scrapped her because I didn't have enough slots, and now I can't get her to drop again. I got sagiri like 4 times though.

>> No.41320962

>Taigei with her hair down

>> No.41321105

I'm about to start first gauge in E-3, is it better to use hotels here or save them for one of the EO maps?

>> No.41321312

From what I've seen you use your Hotels on E5's final boss, which means you're going to want them Orange tagged on E3 anyway.

>> No.41321321

Oh right I forgot it gets reused, well time to waste resources.

>> No.41321404

ok I unlocked the second boss on e3 memedium. so far the map has been a breeze. does it get a lot harder now or is it only hard on hard? I don't know if I should try to push through this week or just wait for friends.

>> No.41321525
File: 1.30 MB, 1200x720, 20220926_21594705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most fun I've had the entire event. Touch was used on preboss too.

>> No.41321638

I hate this battleship meta. only enterprise and hornet mk2 can save us.

>> No.41321673
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That's very non-traditional, Houshou.

>> No.41321702
File: 510 KB, 1200x1695, [Bacius] Guilty (Kantai Collection -KanColle-) [English] [MaxChronos].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you imagine how they would treat you?
Don't need to imagine that hard since Asashio will just kill you in a pyre without any hesitation. And if she likes you, well, she's willing to do catplay with you.

>> No.41321761
File: 1.51 MB, 1948x1211, __houshou_kantai_collection_and_1_more_drawn_by_tadokoro_nurikabe__dbd2a94817dcc6a62423952f5bf79c6f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just being a good wife and enabling the admiral's roleplay fetish.

>> No.41321811

Is the E6 shortcut even used? Seems to be CTF only while you're running STF.
Also doesn't seem to actually skip anything dangerous.

>> No.41321815

It's over... I sortied the wrong fleet to the wrong map...

>> No.41321824

Will she enable my fetish for sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation while holding hands (fingers intertwined)?

>> No.41321829

Second fleet flagship is still unsinkable.

>> No.41321834

rest in pepperoni
which map?

>> No.41321849

With leglocking yes

>> No.41321859

My destroyer wives I leave for pvp. Worse thing was I only need 1 more sortie for E5-1.

>> No.41321892

Damn, I did that last event and almost fucked myself over. Luckily I only left the two with the highest levels because of laziness and efficiency.

>> No.41322185

Weird, my Richelieu is still not getting the purple E6 tag somehow.
Do you have to hit the boss first or what? Doing debuff now, not a problem, just curious.

>> No.41322227

You need to reach specific node but idk which one i only need to wait expedition return do LD

>> No.41322269

About to drop below 100k fuel.
That E5H block at the end was really costly. Yamasushis ain't no joke.
And I still have 3 ships to farm. Along with E6H LD, doing debuffs now.

>> No.41322307
File: 125 KB, 667x596, 1664272120440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jiji bros no......

>> No.41322390

i'll do e3 on memedium (fuck frogs), should i still lock yamato and musashi or save them for e6h? in that case i can't use them on e5h

>> No.41322409

Behold, the image that finally did our boy in.

>> No.41322466

You can't even see anything.

>> No.41322522
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>> No.41322883

Are the servers derping out?

>> No.41323079

Like seriously, anyone having any issues?
I was lagging out in game and after restarting I couldn't even get in.
Hashirajima iirc, the latest one. Unless they added even more servers after that, it was the latest when I joined.

>> No.41323092

Server is dead
Extension confirmed

>> No.41323105

Well, I certainly hope that node U AS I got earlier was registered, it was a pain grinding my way there.
Fortunately I had issues after when I was unequipping my fleet.

>> No.41323195
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>> No.41323340

Seems to be back. Back to debuffing.

>> No.41323380

The guy who drew fanart of the ducks has switched to BA. It's over shipthis sisters

>> No.41323530

Which server?

>> No.41323609

Is the Yamato fleet for E6H really that much easier? Zkms says something about completely changing the difficulty.
I apparently have an appropriately levelled dupe that I haven't remodeled yet so if it's really that much easier.

>> No.41323617

no one gives a damn.

Also she is more healthy than the other Akizuki class

>> No.41323628

Though I don't think I want to spend a hole punch on a dupe though, which means I'll be lacking the radar if that matters.

>> No.41323630

What map allows to farm/get Fletcher?

>> No.41323645

Then again looking at the multipliers, it seems that Yamato Touch is pointless without it. So I guess I'll hole punch.
But once again, is it really that good?
Like if you reach the boss relatively healthy you'll probably S-rank that shit?

>> No.41323673

Wait for friends on E-3 and E-5, if they'll be really good, maybe you can drop YamaSushi there and use NagaMutsu instead.

>> No.41323691

I'm already at E6H LD after debuff, so that option is no longer there for me.
The main issue is really the hole punch, everything else I can replace, hole punch is a little difficult for me to purchase atm, then again, I do have spares so it's not like I can't throw it on. And fortunately I didn't go on a mass hole punching spree of my DDs like last event with that stupid night node with PTs so I can afford to splurge a bit.

>> No.41323706

And what I'm really looking for is opinions on whether Yamato Touch really makes E6H that much easier.
Zkms said this: 大和のサブが使える方は、海域の攻略難易度が全く変わるので、
Which apparently means the difficulty changes completely, which I'm assuming means it becomes easy or some shit.

>> No.41323719

Oh right, apparently she needs double boilers.
Guess it was a good thing that I once levelled any dupe Amatsukazes I picked up.

>> No.41323724

What's the issue here?
Don't you keep one fast yamato k2 and 1yamato kaiju?

>> No.41323741

The issue like I said is the hole punch. I hate hole punching dupes.
So I'm wondering if it's that good for me to get over it.

>> No.41323791

RIP Jiji. He'll always live in our hearts.

>> No.41323809

So what the fuck am I supposed to use for E3H?

>> No.41323831

-Yamato gets to fight the boss in 4th formation, while Nagato has to fight in 2nd
-Yamato+panzer+AP+radar hits head-on daytime cap while maintaining artillery spotting loadout, where Nagato can't even hit Green T damage cap if she brings her full touch setup plus panzer.
-Yamato fleet can bring 2 event boosted BB, where the Nagato fleet has to drop one of them to bring Mutsu. Yamato beam's third hit also comes from an event boosted BB instead of an unboosted Mutsu.

You should want to hole any Yamato-class dupe for the retrofit radar anyway.

>> No.41323832

Yamato. That's why it says only to consider Yamato for E6 if you have a dupe.

>> No.41323834

You could wait for FF. But Yamasushi also helps in E5 which shares tags with E3.
E6 you normally use NagaMutsu.
But that's also why I'm seeking opinions to figure out how much better it is.

>> No.41323835

literally how
there's plenty of explicit loli porn on twitter
how did he get the hammer with some safe lewd, you can't see anything

>> No.41323840

E6 without Yamato is easier than E3 and E5 without Yamatos

>> No.41323844

twitter fears the jiji

>> No.41323862

Alright, I don't use dupes anymore so that's it.
Plus using my wife Mutsu in the last map feels right.

>> No.41323875

Well. That's convincing.

>> No.41323910

Why does nobody use the Mary+Koro Touch?

>> No.41323923

Well, I've built the Yamato STF, hole punched her and all.
Along with a flag only sparkled ASW route and shelling boss support.
Taking a short break and then it's time to hit E6H LD.

>> No.41323978

Why does nobody poop into their own mouth and then swallow the poop?

>> No.41324018

Because they're garbage, and it's a grabage setup, with garbage activation rate and garbage damage.

>> No.41324254
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>> No.41324294
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Jiji reborn Neo Jiji when?

>> No.41324330
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>> No.41324575

Fucked up my first run. Ran out of AP at CV Hime and got AD...
2 taihas.
Hopefully the tweaks are enough, otherwise I need to ditch Atlanta.

>> No.41324631


>> No.41324657

>until you get into the Akizukis, Fletchers, and Atlanta.
what's that supposed to mean
maya can do aaci better than first two while also rolling decent TCI

>> No.41324713
File: 1.62 MB, 1158x1638, gre+c743bafdaa90daf3833d51783b4d439c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not even lewd wtf

>> No.41324738

>Head on
>Red T
They are trolling me on LD.
But still, despite that, it does look promising, this Yamato fleet.

>> No.41324761
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>> No.41324782

>Red T
>Kasumi snipes boss with 740 damage GTR
>Nelson drops
Okay, that's a good troll.
My first non-meme hard final clear. Not a full hard clear because I did the first map on medium because I cba to deal with that shit.
Honestly though, E5H was way worse, that shit nearly broke me. I was complaining most of the end of last thread until I somehow lucked into a clear.

>> No.41324806

Oh yeah, now that I've finished clearing the event, do ship locks still apply when I go back to farm?

>> No.41324930

Nvm, found it. So like last time locks no longer apply.

>> No.41324986
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>> No.41325159
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>> No.41325346


>> No.41325375
File: 2.51 MB, 2508x3541, изображение_2022-09-27_205742963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're lying.

>> No.41325415
File: 1.65 MB, 500x280, 1436781162033.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stressing out about allocation of Yuro carriers.

>> No.41325423

That's why I kept an Ark dupe.

>> No.41325449

What is the limit for real life warships anyway? 100,000 tons?

>> No.41325474

Non-loli pasta is faggoty, and being useless is also faggoty

>> No.41325483


>> No.41325508

just use them at orange tag only Ark and Vicky are useful while Aquilla and Graf do nothing like usual

>> No.41325572

I think Ford is fatter than that.

>> No.41325790

120,000 tons is the limit I heard. making them as big as a super tanker is a no no.

>> No.41325853
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>> No.41325872

Her boobs aren't that big
Owl tiddies are smol, like barely a step above RJ smol

>> No.41325883

Are CVs not useful in E6?

>> No.41325888

Coomers would like to argue

>> No.41325906
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Small breasts really suit her, but she is so perfect that even big breasts will not spoil her. Although big breasts spoil any girl.

>> No.41325921

You only need caca or akagi for p4 muling and americans also have bonus here

>> No.41326156

>muh metafaggottry

>> No.41326161
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Why do American shipgirls bully Japanese shipgirls? They should be friends, not enemies.

>> No.41326302

You gain nothing from keeping suboptimal ships.

>> No.41326325

It's called Kantai Collection. You lose if you don't colle all the kans

>> No.41326347

You have them in the asset collection tab. Having all of them in your base is wasted space for ships that will actually help. Equipment should always be your top priority.

>> No.41326358

Would die to inseminate her

>> No.41326363
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>> No.41326528

Why do japs say not to use Richie in E3?

>> No.41326589

Isn't she better in E6 to bully her sister? I'm going memedium so I'll be using her on both maps.

>> No.41327153
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>> No.41327218

Is she getting breed?

>> No.41327322
File: 150 KB, 844x1200, 77c0c97d15938d978f53ff81b60610ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why keep around shipgirls that you don't like?
Unless your only criteria is muh big numbers.
I've even scrapped my Iowa after getting the goodies from her remodel, I'm not gonna waste slots on girls that I don't care about just because some autist, youtuber or whoever else told me that YOU TOTALLY NEED THIS ONE THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO PLAY. I don't know what kind of pleasure you get from getting told how to play.
I can understand grabbing important equipment but otherwise it's my fleet and my shipgirls, I'll take what I want and need. It's like only using exploits and speedrunning strats in a singleplayer game because it's the most efficient way to play but your experience becomes completely devoid of soul in the process.
'ate the beaver, 'ate most of the americans, 'ate suzuyas, not keeping them no matter what.

>> No.41327427

I believe everyone should play as he wants, just know that lacking shipgirls with historical bonus will make things harder for you,

>> No.41327531
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I want her to wait for me in paradise when I die because of mad bald rat.

>> No.41327556
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You have to pick one for child sex time. Shima or Amat?

>> No.41327665
File: 859 KB, 750x1329, ehh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my greatest hope, everyone gets their own dimension in paradise with their own preffered girl(s)

>> No.41327836
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>> No.41328336

hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread, the monstergirl club is 3 threads down

>> No.41328405

I only have one of those Musashi radars, how am I supposed to equip my hotels?

>> No.41328449

Shima all day and night.

>> No.41328496

Fuck these western cucked values.

>> No.41328565
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>> No.41328601
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I just randomly entered my office and this appeared, what is this and should I be concerned?

>> No.41328708
File: 528 KB, 692x1080, bWVkaWEvRWNKSXdmalhnQUE3MWtZLmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they are gonna start banning those outside JP.

>> No.41328732

Did you advance with someone on red and reset the game? I think that’s the warning for combined fleet disbanded.
Which, if you’re seeing it there, means you sank someone.
At least I think that’s what it is.

>> No.41328742

No, everybody is accounted for. I actually returned from a sortie, went to resupply my fleets, then came back and got that. Well, if the notification is just about that, I guess it's nothing to worry about

>> No.41328777

about to start on e3 second boss. what fleet am I supposed to use? I don't have hotels so should I use another touch fleet or that 4 carrier one?

>> No.41328784

I think the idea behind using hotels was that you could use them for the E5 bosses. I was gonna use Mutsu + Musashi/Nagato since I don't have Yamato Juu (who can equip tanks).

>> No.41328868

I used nelson on the first boss and it worked fairly well. should I keep doing it? how much air power do I need? I am very confused about plane setups. when I look at zekamashi it looks like ad setups, but I'm sure people were discussing ap or as earlier. I have both good hayabusas but only the zero 21 tainan.

>> No.41328885

Hmm. Okay I guess. But yeah I ran it through translate to be sure and yeah, that’s the combined fleet disbanding alert.

>> No.41328934

For the plane setups you want one of each row in https://en.kancollewiki.net/Summer_2022_Event/E-3#Equipment_Bonuses.. AP is pretty rough to get from what I've seen, which is why Ryuuhou gets ran in the escort fleet. The LBAS is where it gets hard because you, once again, need very specific planes to get the LBAS bonus. I don't have those planes so I am settling for medium. Reading over Zekamashi Yamato+Sushi were safest to use for E3/5, where Nelson is better suited for E6, but if it's working might as well keep trying.

>> No.41329096
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Daily reminder to never marry a shipgirl, they're nothing but broken women from the war, suffering from PTSD and a danger to everyone around them. Marry a normal woman.

>> No.41329117

I'm already doing memedium because hard sounded too hard. I have no idea what to go with though since there seems to be so much conflicting information.

>> No.41329202


>> No.41329330
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x720, easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy event?

>> No.41329370

Reliable fleet for farming Brooklyn?
If I'm not reading it wrong these are examples right?
Thinking of running the STF.

>> No.41329395

about to start e5-4 in hard, what should I expect?

>> No.41329403
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Well this is what I'm using. You'll know in 30-45 minutes if it sucks or not.

>> No.41329428

The hardest part of the event imo.

>> No.41329433

Actually, with FF coming in the next few days, might be better to just wait.

>> No.41329451


Farming on node K is stupidly cheap. Half the drop rate for a fraction of resources/bucket consuption with a SF.

>> No.41329478

What fleet?
Because the route looks fairly nasty too.
And S-rank only seems like it's just gonna make me real salty.

>> No.41329490

>they're nothing but broken women from the war, suffering from PTSD and a danger to everyone around them.
I can fix them.

>> No.41329552

is this ad?

>> No.41329618

I really need to reorg my onaholes one of these days. Just used a whole bunch of them to get Asashimo up to OASW level, but I didn't bother checking pairs for future HP mods.

>> No.41329629

That fleets gets me 531 fighter power, which if the numbers in the wiki are correct should get me AP on medium. If I am lucky a cheeky LBAS strike will sink a CV and I can get AS.

>> No.41329665

Keep in mind plane losses though.

>> No.41329717

This Kiton TCF farming fleet for E4 is really good.
I forgot how easy things can be when you can actually bring the power ships.
Thank Tanaka for allowing us to ignore ship locks post event.

>> No.41329722

So, the japs are really going to make the new anime darker and edgier? Did they learn nothing from the first anime? People want to see cute girls do cute things, not get killed by American ships. Who the fuck wants to see their favorite girl get killed in some failed expedition?

>> No.41329759
File: 1.14 MB, 415x498, Lady.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People want to see cute girls do cute things, not get killed by American ships.
The first anime was an abysmal flop and that was slice of life with cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.41329775

What the fuck happened to Jiji?

>> No.41329906

E5's okay for the most part, but p4 LD will be a real bitch. C node being locked to dong is part of it. The other is the airfield meat shields & the BS high amount of fighter power needed to get AS at X node.

>> No.41329958

Loli pantsu too erotic, Twitter needs to be safe for western groomers.

>> No.41330032

Like how good are these new fighter bombers anyway?

>> No.41330112

The difficulty with using Nelson in E3 and E5 comes in the fact that you really don't want to spend 3 slots on Nelson touch BBs in either of those zones if you can help it. Yamato is advantageous in that sense because her touch only occupies 2 slots.

>> No.41330161

Has there been any meme E6 CTFs?
I still don't get what's the point of the shortcut.

>> No.41330224

Way too many nodes for E5-P2.

>> No.41330499

Do carriers in STF escort fleet launch planes in air raid nodes?

>> No.41330604


>> No.41330638

Only in CF vs. CF.

>> No.41330717
File: 1.76 MB, 1527x2499, ce4acada7e6ffa62c75389752bbc98a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first anime was an abysmal flop
for you, I had a lot of fun

>> No.41331070

>Special speed routing
>That map node shape
E1 is just 4-5.

>> No.41331579

>People want to see cute girls do cute things, not get killed by American ships
Speak for yourself, fag. If these ships don't get brutally killed every 5 minutes, then it's shit.

>> No.41331887

>The first anime was an abysmal flop and that was slice of life with cute girls doing cute things.
Wrong, and wrong. Though I do agree that it really shouldn't take itself so seriouslly, it shined better in its SoL parts than with whatever retarded drama it tried to set up.

>> No.41332153

10pm hits and suddenly gated off all attempts to clear E5-P2.

>> No.41332316

Got Brooklyn and Ukuru to day. Good day.
Now to take a short break and detour to clear 1-5 and then to farm Mass. tomorrow.
Hopefully FF is out by then, but if not, oh well.

>> No.41332334
File: 140 KB, 948x700, 1421554631719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have no idea what i'm talking about
whoa truly a shock

>> No.41332404

But damn, Yamato and Iowa.
E5 farming ain't looking cheap.
And a Langley Kai too? At least that should be replaceable with a Gamby for now. I should look into pushing Langley if possible though.

>> No.41332455

Why does Yamato want to take one of those 15.5cm yellow guns again?
I see it doesn't have any Touch multiplier, is it just to give it more firepower?

>> No.41332486

It gives a 4.5% damage bonus to non-touch attacks.

>> No.41332504

Well, do they all do that?
I only have the most baby version instead of any of the kais.

>> No.41332893
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>the BS high amount of fighter power needed to get AS at X node
That's literally impossible, like what happened in E3. Then is the same as always; try to get a AP and pray for a good run. Thank you.

>> No.41332928

I got AS on hard. 4 carrier fleet with ise and and yamashiomaru fighter muling in the escort fleet. Also had akagi fighter muling in the main fleet with sara, intrepid, and ark set up for cvci. The combined fighter power in both fleets was a bit greater than 1200.

>> No.41333031 [DELETED] 

Are you this anon >>41328565, right? I was wondering why you used Ise in the escort. Can you post your fleet?

>> No.41333040

Are you this anon >>41328565, right? I was wondering why you used Ise in the escort. Can you post your fleet?

>> No.41333096
File: 39 KB, 512x148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and picrel is the fleet I used. Can't show the equipment because of stupid KC3, but the carriers are setup for combat are using a plane from each bonus group. Other than Akagi being filled with fighters, I mostly followed kiton's heavy setup at


>> No.41333137

If you click on the fleet won't that show all the equipment?

>> No.41333172

Yeah, I can show the equipment icons, just not the names themselves.

>> No.41333212

On the lower right of that screen, next to the LBAS list, there should be a button "To Fleet Manager". That brings you to a page which lists out your gear as well.

>> No.41333236
File: 247 KB, 686x787, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I never realized that. Well, here is my full fleet setup then.

>> No.41333562

What's the difference between dive bombers and fighter bombers when it comes to CVCI? IS there any difference?

I wanna know so I can plan how to use my shiny Corsairs.

>> No.41333611

None. FBs just give more AA to help with air control

>> No.41334012

Is the first anime even worth watching? Do I need to watch it if I want to watch the second anime?

>> No.41334539
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>> No.41334543

Hair down Zui is 100 times more beautiful thank her sister Shitkaku.

>> No.41334983
File: 2.05 MB, 1706x1172, изображение_2022-09-29_003423965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41335029

>nk only seems like it's just gonna make me real salty.

1 CT/CL, 3DD, 2CVL/CVE, 1 BBV, with FCF.

Average for me was probably 2 buckets and 250 on resources per run.

>> No.41335064
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>> No.41335345
File: 2.05 MB, 2047x1380, 51360a437d7cb1ae1d3e7d015cbe2791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, this guy's art is really comfy

>> No.41335871

Are we getting FF today or this weekend?

>> No.41335891

Latter half is anywhere between today and Saturday.

>> No.41336018

I'm not watching that shit unless they show Yamagumo hitting a fat blunt

>> No.41336107


>> No.41336737

aaaaaa I still don't know how to set up my fleet for e3. I can't just copy everyone else because I have no hotel.

>> No.41336818

You don’t need hotel. Unless you’re too proud to not do hard.

>> No.41336980

I am doing memedium. I just don't know if I want to use my nelsol touch like I was using for part 1 or if I want to switch to the 4 carrier comp someone posted before. I got my vicky to kai level so I can use jets now but I don't know if I should.

>> No.41336992

I'm the dude with the Mutsusashi fleet from yesterday. Just got back from work, on the unlock phase. I'll see if I can get some boss runs in.

>> No.41337006

>Yamato saving anyone

>> No.41337038

also I don't know what to do with air power. before people were talking about how you needed one ap land base wave and some fleet fighter power, but now I look at zekamashi and the examples are all bombers.

>> No.41337098
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>> No.41337152
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>> No.41337189
File: 344 KB, 1500x1061, 5452309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the young mommy carrier that this artist draws. She's so smol.

>> No.41337216
File: 63 KB, 800x700, 1650012423526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, Houshou wasn't that big.

>> No.41337228
File: 876 KB, 919x1300, ExiwKvCVoAod4hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some artist draw her especially tiny, others draw her medium sized. She's lovely all the same though.

>> No.41337232

Kiton on E3:
How should I be reading this, it's as hard as last event's final map or the spike in difficulty is like last event? Would you guys agree?

I still have PTSD from pushing through Spring and the 甲 awards seems lackluster. Try for the F4U-7 at E6 instead?

>> No.41337246
File: 784 KB, 1061x750, __kaga_akagi_houshou_enemy_lifebuoy_and_bokukawauso_kantai_collection_drawn_by_unowen__feee239f2dedbf0156b82f845697d3ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41337250

I thought E3H was fine, but I'm a scumbag that one-shot LD. Honestly, E5 was harder.

>> No.41337261

Debuff in e-5 is done, I'll wait for FF while I occasionally do some sorties, the resource drain was too much.
Save your sanity until e6, e3 and e5 not worth it in hard.

>> No.41337406
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>> No.41337489

You need to do the calcs yourself. Iirc zkms packs enough fighters that even with those LBAS he could get AS.
But if you couldn't take that many bombers, then you want your LBAS waves to actually reduce fighter power.
Iirc I ran with minimal to no bombers from my LBAS, those aren't actually that important, AS is.
I was running Yamasushi on hard.

>> No.41337802
File: 25 KB, 691x521, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is where I am currently w/ my memedium runs. That ship setup gets me 560 FP, which occasionally allows me to get AS if the LBAS aims right. If you had the other good 6+ range LBAS fighter you could probably get AS consistently w/ this setup, at least until LD. Sushi has yet to AACI at the boss, but the extra SPF on her helps. Hopefully AP will extend into the last dance.

>> No.41337834

I want to give Shigure a hug, she suffered so much during the war.

>> No.41337848

What ship would perform oral without convincing

>> No.41337881

>last dance and defbuff
>the boss and her fuckbuddies still take less damage than during chipping
Alright, fine. I get it. I can take a fucking hint. I'll just wait for friends since this has to be so fucking difficult.

>> No.41337959

Well fuck. E5 has tag based routing.
Farming Mass. just got a whole lot more annoying.

>> No.41337966

And now my Gambier is mistagged. Fuck.
That means I need to actually run a unremodeled Langley now.

>> No.41337981

>can't even clear the first task of the e1 unlock
this is off to an amazing start

>> No.41338001

Unironically one of the harder parts of the event. If just because you can't tag any of your heavier hitters here.
That and no LBAS.
I did all Hard except E1 for example.

>> No.41338040

>E5H Yamasushi farming fleet
>2 red Ts.
>Second run is C-rank
Fuck this shit.

>> No.41338068

I should probably just do Medium. I'm never going to normally use 1 Loire, let alone 2, and Tanaka wouldn't give them meme bonuses next event. Would he?

>> No.41338134

i want the medal but i guess i can just clear 2-5 for one

>> No.41338168

>Tanaka wouldn't give them meme bonuses next event
Well... But it's likely it would have replacements anyway. Maybe. Who the fuck knows, Late 298B is bonused this event apparently.
But ultimately you have to decide if you want to be pissed off this early. I decided that the very first stage of the event is no place to gather salt, so I did it on Medium. Plenty of salt to be mined later in E3 and 5.
Besides, you'll also need to consider it wouldn't be a Zuiun nuke because it cannot open fire, and not many of your TCIs can carry seaplanes anyway.

That's the spirit. I'm just afkcolle during the non-event times anyway so I'm already giving up so many medals, if I can find the energy I'll just do 2-5 like you. Or even 1-5, I think I skipped it last month. Hell, I just cleared 1-5 this month yesterday.

Also apparently before I started farming E5H, I had more boss encounters in LD form than it's normal form. Really annoying map. At least farming with debuff I can take the short route.

>> No.41338195

How do you count fighter bonuses again?
Like I know say, B2 and B2 planes don't stack, but what about B2 and B3 planes? Or A2 and B2 planes? I assume the latter does but I'm not sure about the former.

>> No.41338399

>but what about B2 and B3 planes?
You get bonus of B,2,3.
>Or A2 and B2 planes?
You get bonus of A,B,2.

>> No.41338435

Okay, so basically only if they are the exact same set they don't get more bonuses then.

>> No.41338577

Just ignore the letters when it comes to your CVs. That's only for LBAS planes. Also, group A1 is basically just every plane not on the chart, and the bonuses don't apply to Ise/Hyuuga so just put whatever you want on them (like all your best IJN fighters).

>> No.41338600

Oh damn, I never noticed it saying it's for LBAS only.
Thanks. I'm just farming now and want to eke out a little more efficiency, though now that I know some are LBAS only, I'll keep it in mind for next time.

>> No.41338852

Got Mass.
Now to double check but I think I'm done.
7 new ships right?

>> No.41338899

Did you get Béarn?

>> No.41338913

Post Bearn.

>> No.41338925
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>> No.41339126

is it worth doing e4 on hard for the mosquito or should i do medium?

>> No.41339169

E4 is easy map.
TP only after all.

>> No.41339718
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>> No.41340310

Do support fleets also take into account historical ship bonuses?

>> No.41340328

Can ships sink on those combat expeds?
Like can't you cheese some of those with taiha ships to save on repair time?

>> No.41340345 [DELETED] 

Nvm, I forgot you can't send taiha ships on expeds because I've never ever sent even scratched ships on expeds before this.

>> No.41340619


>> No.41340635

is this bot all bot reposts? like, it can't be real. but why?

>> No.41340644

Take meds schizo. Asking a question doesn't mean someone is a bot, or maybe you're just trying to be an elitist gatekeeper?

>> No.41340657


>> No.41340666
File: 827 KB, 955x521, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try harder, you're not fitting in

>> No.41340676

Why is Warspite a wheelchair cripple?

>> No.41340694

>A-Am I y-yet?!
Sure bud.

>> No.41340701

who are you quoting?

>> No.41340727

Requests go to /wsr/

>> No.41340729

However you can send orange ships on combat expeditions to save on repair time.

>> No.41340736

Don't mind the sperg, as for your questions:
1. AFAIK support expeditions don't historical bonuses
2. I don't think you can even send taiha ships on expeditions

>> No.41340749

And here we go, a spoonfeeder.
No need to thank me.

>> No.41340774

Oh, thanks. I was thinking of using burgers FBBs for support since they had bonuses but they were a bit expensive to run.

>> No.41340804
File: 1.16 MB, 1636x1214, __yamato_and_maru_yu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_sukage__8ddbf74fc488983b86de4ab5b902037e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mark my words, Maruyu will save them and be the unexpected hero of the movie.

>> No.41340817

That's already what I'm doing actually.
But I got this sudden fear for some reason.

>I don't think you can even send taiha ships on expeditions
I'm not sure actually. I checked the wiki to confirm that but it only says you cannot send a taiha flag like for sorties which implies you can send out taiha ships for expeds.
Which I'm sure someone has probably done before.

>> No.41340835 [DELETED] 

The game won't even let your sortie an expedition fleet in it has a taiha'd ship.

>> No.41340846

The game won't even let your sortie an expedition fleet if it has a taiha'd ship.

>> No.41340847

Just take what you can afford with decent firepower, support isn't going to be hard carrying most of the time anyways

>> No.41340871

Usually I just take gangut, warpsite, and koro because they are cheap, and I even duped them just to use have them in both supports. However, the 2 preboss of E6-3 were getting real annoying with constant taiha's and support just generally not doing a good job.

>> No.41340931

Huh. I would have expected the exped page to make note of that. Except it says flag only.
That answers that.

>> No.41340949

>and koro because they are cheap

>> No.41340968

Her fuel consumption one of the lowest, which is all I care about since fuel is usually the bottleneck for me.

>> No.41341096

They're worse than the newfags

>> No.41341146
File: 397 KB, 870x900, FdxrHZdUAAAV0Sb[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Ukuru looks weird today

>> No.41341610

What manga is this?

>> No.41341641

Teitoku no Ketsudan

>> No.41341948

Koro and Maryland are cheap as fuck.

>> No.41341982
File: 682 KB, 1280x1829, Japanese victory at Santa Cruz Island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a manga where Japan wins the Pacific War. Turns out a nation of shopkeepers can't compete with a nation of warriors, with an unmeasurably fighting spirit.

>> No.41342032

Fuck off with this scat artist.

>> No.41342588
File: 3.93 MB, 1769x1536, 1663460854684774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a manga where Japan wins the Pacific War
lol, lmao even

>> No.41343156

Don't you know the Jewish nation always wins.

>> No.41343717

Page 10 is gone from the catalog. This thread might last a day or two

>> No.41343785

Holofags again?

>> No.41343787
File: 875 KB, 1003x1416, изображение_2022-09-30_011814684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41343942

I love her so much/

>> No.41343972

I think Dr. Jan Itor nuked all the non-general vtuber threads

>> No.41344253

E6 is breaking me, this fucking Y node is retarded.

>> No.41344287

Same. Two carrier himes for LD is bullshit.

>> No.41344404

>people still complaining about easy events

>> No.41345049
File: 843 KB, 900x540, e6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spicy preboss but probably not as bad as the double ne otorp

>> No.41345126

WTF Janus only has 22 luck?!

>> No.41345351

Friends tonight
I can finally clear E3

>> No.41345371

I'm ready for the disappointment frens.

>> No.41345403

I don't see the tweet.

>> No.41345420

Nothing is as bad as the double NE opening torp. The shit thing is, that wasn't even the final boss and they added a dogshit friend support to that node to add insult.

>> No.41345496
File: 2.59 MB, 2480x3508, Shigure being cute as always.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knee for your queen.

>> No.41345522

Why yes, I also think adding more fighters and AACI ships should make you do WORSE at air raid nodes. So happy the devs and I think alike.

>> No.41345611
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Updated OP:
Night, faggots.

>> No.41345629
File: 33 KB, 1027x152, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did this go to Q instead of S?

>> No.41345745

I'm guessing you meant U when you said Q, because you have to go through Q to get to S, but anyways it's because you didn't drop a DD

>> No.41345787

The ass wiki had the route rule wrong and I incorrectly followed it. No clue why I even bother checking that place anymore.

>> No.41345801

You should always be double checking with kiton anyways.

>> No.41345928
File: 999 KB, 850x1202, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I end up fapping hard on that Pola doujin, she is fking cuter and sexier than her AL counterpart.

>> No.41346024

Guess I am waiting for friends then

>> No.41346100

Should I be getting one of the new skilled personnel maxed out? Or get them both up somewhat evenly?

>> No.41346222
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>> No.41346322

Which one, I'm a sucker for pasta doujins

>> No.41346662

You fag, stop making early threads about Zuikaku. She’s shit.

>> No.41347550
File: 356 KB, 1498x1691, __hibiki_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kirisaki_seeker__481a1e7f2901f36408abf8f2fca33594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41347813
File: 412 KB, 390x390, 483_4913[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hardest month to rank ever
>Reward is Momo radar and new Sanshiki with a couple more stat points

Cute Kongou tho

>> No.41347874
File: 781 KB, 804x482, 20220930_13182105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The super sanshiki is going to have some retarded anti-installation bonus sometimes, so I'm happy about it.
Also cute Kongou.
