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4132936 No.4132936 [Reply] [Original]

You disgrace your family, anon.

>> No.4132945


>> No.4132952


>> No.4132959


>> No.4132966


>> No.4132971

Sorry mom. ;_;

>> No.4132976

If you're going to leech off your parents, at least help them out a little.

Wake up early and make them breakfast/get coffee ready.
Take out the garbage.
Buy dinner once in a while.

>> No.4132988

>Wake up early and make them breakfast/get coffee ready.
>Take out the garbage.
>Buy dinner once in a while.
Hell no!!!

>> No.4132992


I can't do any of that. My parents have done everything day 1.

>> No.4133021

I sustain myself and even send money to my parents when I can. No I don't.

>> No.4133027

I'm a NET, because I work lol

but that's what I do, work, browse the internet, and shit.

>> No.4133038

I cook dinner twice a week, clean the house once a week, walk the dog every other day, actively try to seek a job (I've only managed to get temporary jobs), have applied for volunteer work and don't ask for much.

I promise I'll move out once I get a permanent job. ;_;

>> No.4133042

Son, I am disappoint.

>> No.4133063

Truthfully, I'd rather stay at the house with my family (with a job and all that) rather than move out to "be on my own".
1. Fuck what you know. Fuck what you think you know.
2. You save a Shit-TON of money this way.
3. I'd rather give my folks rent money instead of some stranger that doesn't give a fuck.

I'd keep it up for as long as I need to and then move out once I have the car, the good job, the money for furniture and more than enough to live the good life.

>> No.4133072

Your mom doesn't bitch like mine does.

>> No.4133082

That is exactly what I'm doing right now.

>> No.4133087

>applied for volunteer work

Why would you do that?

>> No.4133096

And what does she bitch about? WHAT ARE YOU NOT TELLING US?

>> No.4133099

I would wager experience. Companies will not employ you if you are completely green. Unless it is for free.

>> No.4133101


>Clean house once a week
>Walk dog every other day

Cruel lazy bastard, you don't work at all and you only do these things sparingly? Hell, i work a hard 50 hour week and still need to share ALL the chores, not a chosen few. Man up. Clean up. Grab any job available and don't be picky, at least until you can pick yourself up, then look for employment while in employment. Employers like it better if you can show you're working while looking. And don't give me shit about how the factory won't pick you up, they pick anyone up.

>> No.4133107

Because he feels like he should help people?

>> No.4133111

I live in a redone basement room with my own fridge and bathroom. I pay about 250 a month. Clean the house, give them money when they need it. So far no complaints. I'll be here for a while, but its not like I actually bother them. My sister recently moved out with her boyfriend and kid, did nothing. Only recently got jobs after two years (the guy can't hold one for his fucking life, I'm pretty sure he got fired last week) and they did shit all besides make a huge fucking mess.

I'm a saint compared to them and I only take up a room they have no use for. The bathroom is only being redone for the value of the house.

Damn lucky really.

>> No.4133123

Haha, I don't do any chores. I don't even have to walk the dog every other day anymore. Feels good, man. Lots of free time for my personal projects.

>> No.4133143

>personal projects
Implying you have the motivation to do anything , are you? Bullshit.

>> No.4133153

>I pay about 250 a month. Clean the house, give them money when they need it.
why dont you just get your own apartment?

>> No.4133162

It could be his overall income. Although I pitch in as well, what I'm making and attending college with isn't enough to get a decent apartment.

>> No.4133169

>apartment for 250/mo

Where do you live that has rent for that cheap?

The fucking cheapest for ONE room is a $1000/mo where I am.

>> No.4133172

Well, it's true that most of them are still in my head, plus I stop halfway on anything I do start working on and never seem to be able to finish anything. I have lots of plans, but I can't get myself to begin working on them, because I'm so afraid of failure. ;_;

You have no idea how much more costly living on your own is.

>> No.4133171

My family has a pretty good system, I think. I just graduated college, and I'm job searching while at home, then moving out; so long as I'm not in school or holding a job, I have to do laundry, trash, and dishes, and have to make job searching a first-priority task. If I suddenly started acting like a NEET and stopped job searching, I can guarantee I'd be kicked out of the house and have to figure it out myself.

>> No.4133182

student living at home because too expensive to live in a flat/ dorms are shit. I told my parents that working would be detremental to my studies.

>> No.4133186

>You have no idea how much more costly living on your own is.
well i do live on my own, but i guess i see your point

>> No.4133189

Everyone who says living on your own is costly: this is why you have FRIENDS to share an apartment with. Because you bring your console, they bring theirs, and then you all can share games, animu, and rent.

>> No.4133198

Nah, I'm finally going off to college.

I'm scared as hell as it will be the first time I go outside in 7 months (sans the orientation a few weeks ago), plus I don't have a car, so I'm worried as fuck as to how I'm supposed to get stuff. I'm living in a dorm, and there are food joints every-fucking-where, but I have no idea how close stores are so I can buy toilet paper, shampoo, soap, things like that. And then there's the administration being so incompetent that I won't find out how much financial aid I get until february, and if it isn't enough, I'll have to take out a loan, and I hate the thought of being in debt (ironically enough). All this shit is happening all at once, from getting a credit card so my parents can send me money, to buying basic dorm 'supplies' and trying to figure out what I need. This is more stress than I've had the entire year, and I don't know if my thoughts of how just killing myself would be much easier to deal with is actually how I feel, or just the medication I'm on.

Well, sage for blog.

>> No.4133209


School mostly, I could barely afford it if I worked enough
but once once school start up again I'd be fucked.

>> No.4133211
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>> No.4133220

>this is why you have FRIENDS

>> No.4133221

How are you supposed o get employed then?

>> No.4133224

It costs me $1000/mo for an efficiency (i.e. one-room shitbox) apartment, phone, internet, electricity and food.

And that's awful.

>> No.4133237

$500 for me. And I can room other 2 people if I wanted. But I don't and never will.

>> No.4133239

Yeah, then the fucker decides he won't pay the rent.
>Sorry bro, I'm low on cash. Can you spare me we are FRIENDS afterall.

I threw him out after 4 months of this shit.

>> No.4133233

Internships and unpaid jobs.

>> No.4133260

>>$1000/mo for an efficiency (i.e. one-room shitbox) apartment, phone, internet, electricity and food.
I'm married, we have 1 kid, and I fucking WISH I got all of that for $1K/mo.

>> No.4133265

I though slave labor was illegal.

Make your own business.

But actually there are jobs that will pay you to be trained and even more when you start working. You just gotta look.

>> No.4133270

Let me guess... New York?

>> No.4133281

For me to become an intern, I have to be in school, which I am not. I went out for the first time yesterday to go look for a 'normal' job. Shit's awful for the inexperienced.

>> No.4133293

North Carolina...close to a military base, all the landlords feel free to jack up the rent because they know what the gov't is giving soldiers for rent allowance.

>> No.4133294

I know what you mean. However, since you are an intern and just passing by, you don't need to show any kind of loyalty or respect for them. Read: Steal their projects/designs/software/hardware. You can consider that your pay. Don't get caught, idiot.

>> No.4133299

You don't.

>> No.4133301

Yeah, being able to pay as much for food for 3 people as you'd pay for 1 would be nice. But that would require some sort of Jesus powers.

>> No.4133304

I'm going to complete my JD in May and then I'm joining the military, despite the fact that I'm a lazy, irritable shutin with authority problems. And a weeaboo, of course, but that's a given.

Should be interesting.

>> No.4133323

god dam i am happy that i dont live in such a expensive contry. Just Pay 400 € for a 63m² Apartment

>> No.4133321

I ended school in July last year and I've been unemployed since, sure I still get about $300/month in support and I live at home without any real expenses so it's not like I'm suffering, but I've gotten an internship now which will most likely lead to a real employment when completed which feels pretty good.

>> No.4133324
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Kinda like this. Also, being a minority helps.

>> No.4133341

If you're going to join the military, join the air force. It's easy as hell, and there are a lot of weeaboos in the service.

>> No.4133371

My mom doesn't want me to leave anyway.

>> No.4133393

make sure your not stupid though. IF you are you have to join the army/marines

>> No.4133413
File: 299 KB, 936x2448, Dadiswatching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappoint thread?

>> No.4133419

What about the National Guard? How hard is that?

>> No.4133423


You can still get sent to sandbox.

>> No.4133469

actually my mom is proud of me

>> No.4133482

Does anyone have the rest of these? Or an artist page? These are genius.

>> No.4133488
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I'll dump what I have.

>> No.4133490
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I'm NEET until I get shipped out to basic training for the Navy. I was pretty disappointed with myself so I enlisted.

>> No.4133503
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>> No.4133510

Studying to be security guard, make 20k/year from my current job, go out to have fun with friends, own a BMW, spend time with family every day.

Sure, I'm a disgrace.

>> No.4133515
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>> No.4133520


You best be going to BESS

>> No.4133529

I'm the first one in my family that made it to university.

>> No.4133531

Tervetuloa filtteriinii.

>> No.4133533
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>> No.4133538
File: 831 KB, 905x1280, 9f8c5a02b92c2a5bee38717b9d6c11e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a NEET for nearly 4 years and get called wapanese by my father fairly often.

>> No.4133541


Rakastan suaki <3

>> No.4133552

I'm the first person in my entire extended family that has a good chance of getting into med school (everyone else has been a history major. EVERYONE). I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't have wild sex, and don't go out late at night. My mother takes a look at all the dysfunctional families with their horrible teenagers that live here in the suburbs and thinks I'm the greatest son she could ever have.

>> No.4133547
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Sorry I keep forgetting to sage.

>> No.4133556

Not only did I make it into a prestigious university, I also hold two pilots licenses which I got on scholarship.

Not a disgrace at all.

>> No.4133557
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>> No.4133558

not me
I'm a disgrace to my government

>> No.4133565

Yeah, I know. ;_; I do try to make up for it by helping around the house with chores though.

>> No.4133576
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>> No.4133585
File: 147 KB, 800x600, 179a983721582f37dfd1a5f5f86fef2a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got RTC then Nuclear Power School. What's at BESS?

>> No.4133587
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>> No.4133592
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>> No.4133600
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>> No.4133610
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>> No.4133619
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>> No.4133625
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last one

>> No.4133639
File: 124 KB, 526x526, SonIamdisappointmusic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another one as well, although all else I have has been posted.

>> No.4133643



>> No.4133652


Looks like a 96 Power King.

>> No.4133659

My dad would cry too if he saw me being proud of watching slumped half-naked men.

>> No.4133663

Get out Fagathol.

>> No.4133692

I don't get it, why is he smiling?

>> No.4133698

Manly tears!

>> No.4133710
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Real men don't cry.

>> No.4133719

This. Gurren Lagann is shit.

>> No.4133744

I have hardly any family left. I don't care.

>> No.4133745
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