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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41274671 No.41274671 [Reply] [Original]

A place for discussion of the great works by Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection (Japanese)

>Mahoutsukai no Yoru
Visual Novel:
English Patch (Partial):
French Patch:
Italian Patch:

>Kara no Kyoukai
Kara no Kyoukai Novel (Japanese):
Kara no Kyoukai Novel (English):
Kara no Kyoukai Animated Films:
Kara no Kyoukai Manga:

Tsukihime VN Collection:
Shingetsutan Tsukihime Manga:
Mega Link:

>Tsukihime Remake
Tsukihime Remake:
English Patch (Arcueid Route):

>Melty Blood
Melty Blood PC Collection:
MBAACC - Community Edition:
Melty Blood Manga:
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga:
Melty Blood - Type Lumina:
Melty Blood - Type Lumina Community Translation Patch:

Fate/Stay Night [Réalta Nua] Ultimate Edition:
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia:

>Other Type Moon Works
Angel Voice / Notes:
Fire Girl:
Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade Manga:
Tsuki no Sango:
Tsuki no Sango Manga:
Haru to Tsuki to Sora to:

>Type Moon Miscellaneous
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Tsukihime Tokuhon:

Previous: >>41250984

>> No.41274771
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Sudou's Rin has constant resting bitch and whenever she has a make a different expression he has to have a various contortions until it's a completely different design. Sudou's Rin looks tough. Tabata's Rin looks like a cute girl PRETENDING to be tough. Shows which one of them had the better understanding of the character.

>> No.41274835
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>> No.41275183

Rinfags are obnoxious, don't need a survey to figure that out.
And that only makes people attach the character to the fan, and that makes the character worse than they are. Not all Rinfags are bad, but it only takes a few obsessive posters to poison it for everyone else. This also applies to most other Fate characters, as fans of those have generally done the same things to ruin their perception.

This is really just based on /tmg/ for the last few months, there have been waves of wormfags and snekfags who are just as bad, but they actually go away after a while. This has to be said, hiding/filtering posts to such a degree is not a good look. If I were to have a protip, lay off the mediocre shoujo artists. They are just cringe, sorry. I do hope some of you are actually women, that is a valid explanation.

Now let us move on, don't reply, it is a waste of everyone's time.

>> No.41275236
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>> No.41275378

that's a kino op pic.

>> No.41275388

is illya getting smaller or berserker getting bigger?

>> No.41275489

I love Rinfags, they have good taste.

>> No.41275808
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>> No.41275875
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>> No.41275884
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>> No.41275907
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>> No.41275915

Anon, stop being a little bitch and admit that you hate Rin instead of pushing this cowardly "Oh my issue is with LE RINFAGS, not RIN," because it's incredibly obvious that you do.

>> No.41275958
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Can anyone tell me what is wrong with Akiha Tohno?

>> No.41275965
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>> No.41275970

She is a little sore after taking in all of /tmg/ last night repeatedly.

>> No.41275981

tmg I only know RIn through porn and RInfags. Should I bother to change that?

>> No.41275987

Read HA.

>> No.41276067

should I read the KnK novels or watch the anime? I know ufotable does that style over substance shit

>> No.41276076
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>> No.41276083

Read then watch.

>> No.41276099
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>Hating Rinbros, one of the most important pillars of /tmg/
Why are tourists like this?

>> No.41276103

KnK doesn't have much "substance" so it's okay to just watch the anime

>> No.41276110

I don't really like any of the main Fate characters, and any characterfag who is plain annoying makes that worse.
Fatefags in general are not good. And yes the main trio are all some of the worse girls in their respective archetypes, seeing such bullshit here is unacceptable, and I can only ignore it for so long. None of your strawmen apply to me, you can all enjoy being raped by old men, or worms, or being a trannycuck.

>> No.41276112

What did the shoujo artists do to you?

>> No.41276120

They didn't exist here until this year, you are always full of shit. Making outlandish statements only makes you more sus, you're the tourist, now go back to your shithole.

>> No.41276122

tmg is made up mostly of self-loathing tourists from /vg/ /v/ and /a/ and reddit who somehow hate this place more than they hate themselves.

>> No.41276146

Good job outing yourself, Remake tourist.

>> No.41276151
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Perfection breeds jealousy

>> No.41276166

Clutching at straws, you should be so proud.
Read the archives for yourself, retard.

>> No.41276185
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>> No.41276187

she's made for archer

>> No.41276188

Read the novels obviously. In Japanese because there's no good translations.

>> No.41276190

Trying too hard to fit in, newbro...

>> No.41276193

>Lies. You have Arcueid, Nii-san. She's beautiful, and her body, too... extremely appealing...
Why is Akiha so gay?

>> No.41276199

and that's a good thing

>> No.41276222
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To be honest, Arc did put the bug in her ear about her body herself.

>> No.41276225

Yes I'm quite aware you are retarded and your taste is shit anon. Your sperging out over my saying that I prefer Tabata's Rin to Sudou's incredibly subpar one is pathetic even by your standards, given that I wasn't even the one who started the conversation on the subject. Fate is part of TM and you're gonna have to deal with it faggot.

>> No.41276246

Rin is the Rick and Morty of TM heroines.

>> No.41276255

Is she the Rick or the Morty?

>> No.41276261

She's the Pickle Rin.

>> No.41276266

That was the final straw, it is such a completely pointless topic that you two fucks got enraptured by.
After all the bullshit already accumulated beforehand, that is just enough, the first reply of a new thread to continue that shit?

>> No.41276292
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>Less that 50 posts in
>A*kofag is already actively trying to shit the thread up
Why is he like this? What does he have against the good posters of /tmg/? When are we going to do the needful and lynch him?

>> No.41276296

Novels first but you need to be a JSL.

>> No.41276310
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>> No.41276309

What, the Akiha hornyposting bothered you too?

>> No.41276313

Holy shit bottom right Basaka looks so fucking bootleg.

>> No.41276329
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Yeah, I'll be blunt. Aoko and Akiha and their Mahoyo/Tsuki brethren are all that is worthwhile anymore.
Toukofags will always be sad, but that goes with the territory, gachafags started years of complete ignorant garbage, culmination in the Scatfags being the worst scum on the planet. And now after one little retort (that wasn't even me) on an /a/ thread, a rabid horde of Rinfags have completed the cycle.
You have /a/, /vg/, /v/, /c/, anywhere else but here to sing to your heart's content.
And the one prick who will never stop their crap continues to prove how degenerate some crossthread/board shitposters are.
Those of you who have the same feelings, follow me. The rest of you... get out of my sight.
Akiha is cool, none of the Tsuki posting bothers me, even the really low quality stuff.

>> No.41276347
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Stop using the kamige that is Wacraft 3 to shitpost.

>> No.41276356
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>> No.41276363

It's pretty obvious it's literally just one tourist since he's always crying about Rinfags being mean to him on /a/.

>> No.41276382

I wish he would get banned and leave us alone

>> No.41276387
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I want to see more adult Shirou, I hope when Extra Record releases there's more CGs of his backstory

>> No.41276410
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Me too. Aoko bad.

>> No.41276416

It was too good to resist.
Yeah, but you're wrong. I popped over there, and this was many months ago to see what was up, and this all went out of control. I barely look at /a/, haven't posted in /a/ for months. I haven't posted here for a few weeks, lurking at such sad affairs got to me, this is the only thing I really look at everyday here.
I've tried really hard to leave it alone, and after years of doing this, It really does come down to not caring about how others perceive such criticism anymore.
I have a point, I'll say it, this is that.

>> No.41276424

I see it's /tmg/ schizo hours again

>> No.41276430

>And now after one little retort (that wasn't even me) on an /a/ thread, a rabid horde of Rinfags have completed the cycle.
What the fuck are you talking about schizo?

>> No.41276439

Cute post.

>> No.41276445
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Aaahhhh Aoko is looking for Aokofag.

>> No.41276451 [DELETED] 

I knew it should have been a Akiha/Kohaku pic should have been the next OP.

>> No.41276457

You're cute

>> No.41276462

An Aoko kissing Rin commission would have saved us, but you guys are too stingy.

>> No.41276465

Aoko kissless.

>> No.41276471
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>> No.41276492


>> No.41276511

>Rinfags discussing Rin in different adaptations
>Aokofag having a meltdown until he completely derails the thread
Mmm, I wonder who the bad guy is...

>> No.41276521
File: 254 KB, 1120x672, bf19cd1c36c60778df0e587f4a7e05f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on right

>> No.41276528

I knew it that a Akiha/Kohaku pic should have been the next OP pic.

>> No.41276531

>ignore all the other occasions okay

>> No.41276533
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How can other girls even compete?

>> No.41276536
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Me on the left.

>> No.41276561

Why does Nasu loves gay shit so much?

>> No.41276565

How many times do you think he got laid

>> No.41276568
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>> No.41276569
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me on right

>> No.41276576

Real Rinfriends don't need to be insecure like this.

>> No.41276578

Yeah, let's bring this thread back on track by bringing up a mildly polarizing topic.
Can Ryougi Shiki's third personality actually affect the totality of the TM macrocosm?

>> No.41276579
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Hmm, at max ten times? I doubt he went out of his way to pursue woman

>> No.41276645
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, Good morning [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6pwnxa.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning, /tmg/!

>> No.41276655

>totality of the TM macrocosm
I don't even know what this means

>> No.41276658

good morning doctor boobs

>> No.41276667


>> No.41276692

what a man whore

>> No.41276736


>> No.41276829

Meets bitches everytime but probably doesn't always fuck. Mission Impossible ends and they never meet again. Eventually betrayed and killed. What a shit life desu.

>> No.41276850

She can't even affect a beast of gaia.

>> No.41276852

How many of those "beautiful women' were men I wonder ...

>> No.41276868

Dumb fujo/homo.

>> No.41276917

The absolute state of Ryougi.
By the way, that reminds me. What the hell are the Beasts of Alaya? This one was mentioned during the Crimson Moon story in KT. And it was also mentioned in that KnK story in FGO. My first impression was it referred to human heroic spirits like Emiya, but it seems to be something entirely different.

>> No.41276933
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>> No.41276964

me on left

>> No.41277159

No one knows.
On to another topic. Can any of you check how long Ciel and Noel were partners? I believe it's said by Ciel to Shiki at the end of the DA Noel fight. I wanna say it's 5 years but I'm too busy to check. I ask because I thought maybe we can guestimate that Ciel got involved with the Ancestors and Mario's "brother" over a course of like a year since Noel didn't know anything about it and Ciel was dead for like 7 years(or was it 8?)

>> No.41277170

Weren't they both taken by the Church after the incident on France? Which was like 14 years ago?

>> No.41277186

This is more erotic than any nasu h-scene

>> No.41277212

In Alice's fantasy she was being kissed by Touko and was no longer three feet tall.

>> No.41277230

13 years ago and Ciel was dead for like 7 years(?) someone check this. They didn't become partners until later. When did Noel become an Executor? Wasn't it like 20?

>> No.41277245

god i fucking love ciel so much bros

>> No.41277255

We know, Arc.

>> No.41277265

We know, Arihiko.

>> No.41277271

We know, Neco-Arc.

>> No.41277275

We know, Ciel.

>> No.41277288

So Principles almost sound like origins that you develop yourself right?

>> No.41277308

They seem to be something very intrinsic to oneself.

>> No.41277332
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wait a minute I'm bringing up the whiteboard

>> No.41277361

found the gook's youtube.

>> No.41277366

Stop samefagging, Ciel. Nobody loves you!

>> No.41277377

The gook does and his love is enough.

>> No.41277384

i love ciel

>> No.41277388
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>> No.41277398

ciel non consensual

>> No.41277417

ciel consensual sex

>> No.41277425

ciel unwanted orgasm

>> No.41277432

taking ciel's glasses and stomping on them, making her cry

>> No.41277443

Remake made Arc way too strong. She can store and manipulate energy on planck length which is the highest energy density possible. It cannot get denser than this.
How can other supposedly strongest characters like ORT and Chaos even compete?

>> No.41277444

getting a new pair of glasses for ciel

>> No.41277448

blue ciel pubes

>> No.41277467

By nerfing her and making her job.

>> No.41277468

Arc is fucking retarded so it balances out.

>> No.41277470

>taking Tsukihime powerlevels seriously instead of just getting hyped up whenever Shiki goes Nanaya mode in plot

>> No.41277476

Knowing how strong everyone is makes Nanaya more hype when he's pulling off miracles.

>> No.41277480

I still get hyped and basedface whenever the UBW chant gets recited

>> No.41277494
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>> No.41277507

True I guess, I don't have any arguments against that train of logic

>> No.41277513
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>> No.41277515
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jobbed to the combined efforts of a high schooler and a horny professor.

>> No.41277517

ciel waist grab

>> No.41277532

ciel hair pull ass smacking tiptoes torn panties

>> No.41277536

ciel kiss

>> No.41277544

Could you all please shut up about Ciel. Geez she is just a normal high school girl who likes tea.

>> No.41277552

A senpai with a 12-year-old body typed this post

>> No.41277562

pelvis breaking sex with ciel

>> No.41277565
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>> No.41277570

Concepts. That's all that matters.

>> No.41277595

S-she was holding back. She said so!

>> No.41277626

Problem is I think you can ignore concepts with enough energy.

>> No.41277656
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>building a premise upon Nasu actually knowing the inner workings of physical laws.
he just thought that it sounded cool.

>> No.41277684

I like how she tries to play that card and push for round three as if she didn't fuck up and nearly kill herself and Shiki is just like: Bullshit, sit on that L.

>> No.41277704

Could you all please talk more about Ciel. Geez she is just a normal high school girl who likes getting fucked in the ass in the locker room.

>> No.41277708

I think he does. Given her ability also works very much like a black hole.

>> No.41277713

Hey he stopped being horny at the end.

>> No.41277720

Why do you think that

>> No.41277772

I think the scene where Shiki is moving like a serpent in the primordial jungle while not thinking so Arc can't read his mind and nearly stabs the worlds point was pretty kino. On one hand it shows how retardedly broken Arc is since she instantly sucks in all the death because she felt the threat he posed to her in the last possible instant. On the other hand it shows how sick and intelligent Shiki is for that whole scene.

>> No.41277824

Arc ignored conceptual armaments and relics specifically designed to take down TAs. The 7th Scripture was also unable to touch her.

>> No.41277836
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>> No.41277930

Wasn't it more like her gravity well prevented 7 from reaching her with any amount of force that would do anything and the executors... got steamrolled? It sounded like they were using guns or something and she just ran in and stopped their heart.

>> No.41277940

ciel tummy

>> No.41278003

Gonna stick a sign on her that says "Rape me until I love you".

>> No.41278127

>It sounded like they were using guns or something
I think those were the conceptual armaments. Otherwise I see no point in the narration mentioning they are in possession of weapons and relics for use against TAs only for them not to use them.

>> No.41278375

Ya they were but I figured they were in gun form like Blaze. Though maybe some were metal weapons I guess. Either way I am basically split. You probably do need to go the concept route but that's basically saying you need plot hax since you'd need something hyper specific. The best example is Vlovs lance which had some penetrate anything concept(Or something) to it v Ciels armor. Though in Arcs case specifically I doubt anything generic would work. MEoDP, Fifth, DAA IB are probably about the only kind of things.

>> No.41278502

I think concepts also need to carry enough magical energy to work. Like Ciel shot a conceptual armament arrow and managed to make Arc "lose consciousness", but she still had to pour a certain amount of magical energy in it.
But yeah, MEoDP and Retrograde Canal are mentioned as being Arc's main weaknesses.

>> No.41278506

Why did he never settle down? Was Rin the only one for him?

>> No.41278526

stop saying c*el

>> No.41278531


>> No.41278532


>> No.41278735
File: 3.34 MB, 2975x4273, 612924-1.output.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ciel

>> No.41278770
File: 140 KB, 720x705, 1643476003721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too

>> No.41278947

No way fag

>> No.41278950

I have no idea what you're talking about. EOP btw

>> No.41278987

The next thread will have an Akiha/Kohaku OP pic.

>> No.41279000
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Good luck. May the earlier thread wins

>> No.41279007

One of these things is not like the others... Ciel is wearing glasses.

>> No.41279013

You mean Kohaku getting an actual route

>> No.41279024

Only Akiha is referred to by her full name.

>> No.41279043

The only problem with this edit is that Saiki should replace Kohaku because they're the same perosn.

>> No.41279048

mr hanky > kohaku

>> No.41279303
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I can fix her.

>> No.41279310

Just a cool scene in the True End where Shiki gets blasted by Luminary Arc and falls all the way into the forest down below that is essentially representing the earth in it's true state before man. So you have a completely inhospitable territory with enormous prehistoric plants that suck up all the oxygen and leaves Shiki whose already spent, barely going since he can't even breathe and his heart is at risk of stopping. His energy is waning and it could be over any minute because unlike a full DA, he still has some human parts. The temp is over 40C and the undergrowth is continuously expanding, threatening to crush him to death and filling the area so he's bolting through this jungle like a snake crawling through gaps as he follows death until the point of the world. He's doing this while masking his thoughts since Arc is able to know everything. Though he got there he was a second too slow because of his condition so she sucked the death point and lines and vegetation all in to her storage.

>> No.41279314

Put her ass on a plane to Papua New Guinea.

>> No.41279322

What's in Papua New Guinea

>> No.41279328
File: 89 KB, 460x480, ark_t11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is in Arc's route right?

>> No.41279348

People who cook and eat maids.

>> No.41279430


Arc doesn't have a True End.

>> No.41279440

So it's Ciel's then. Haven't read it yet since it's not translated yet

>> No.41279467

>Arc doesn't have a True End

>> No.41279472

Next olympics surely

>> No.41279482
File: 117 KB, 360x452, 1663712179406133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want her to go there?

>> No.41279502

hello yes papuan here please send a maids so we can cook and eat

>> No.41279602

2 Olympics from now*

>> No.41279612

Where was it stated that Land of Steel is a bad end scenario?

>> No.41279636

/tmg/ is a bad end

>> No.41279692
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Then it's a good thing Shirou is LITERALLY me, I guess.

>> No.41279738

In Notes I assume? I mean it's pretty self-explanatory with the future being bleak in Lands of Steel.

>> No.41279752

Some people think it's a pro-humanity end. But I'm pretty sure it's a bad end for humanity as well.

>> No.41279791

depends on how you look at it I guess. With the humans evolving enough to become stronger humans being a good thing for the survival humanity, but the older humanity dying off being bad for the concept of humanity.

>> No.41279799

Isn't it self-apparent? The planet is dead, old humans are history and everybody is dying to Types. It was described in character material under Ado Edem's profile as hopeless. That's the kind of vibe the setting gives anyway. And wasn't crimson moon supposed to be revealed right before the end with his knight arm or something? Does sound like a bad end.

>> No.41279824

Or at best some consolation ending where you have pockets of the new humanity surviving on a dead planet if they somehow don't get wiped out by the aliens. Tsuki no Sango is also pretty dystopian but with some hope because of Love.

>> No.41279840

Could see a TM announcement here for Mahoyo or Strange/Fake?


>> No.41279847

Would you guys be happy or sad if part 3 is about fighting Types with servants?

>> No.41279870
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>> No.41279880

I wouldn't care about it since I don't follow it. I'd rather it died and Nasu worked on other stuff.

>> No.41279884

/tmg/ anime when

>> No.41279902

It's strange fake. Hint 1:Fate
Hint 2: Fate/States Night>Fate/Strange Fake Joke by narita apparently.

>> No.41279923

https://youtu.be/7MKHx6oSfVY Crazy to see a Tsukihime manga AMV/MAD in 2022.

>> No.41279928
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What is their marriage like?

>> No.41279952

it would be funny if a US stream announced it first.

>> No.41279957
File: 269 KB, 1075x1518, mikiya and shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they seem pretty happy. Also the only TM couple to actually have kids, besides Kerry and Iri I guess.

>> No.41279965

I'd hate it. I wished they saved Types for Tsukihime related content.

>> No.41279975
File: 206 KB, 537x758, __kokutou_mikiya_and_ryougi_shiki_kara_no_kyoukai_drawn_by_urako__4737114636cae93797d3cf1ad92c7188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that's because both of them are flesh and blood human beings rather than weird apparitions, spirits of nature, or people living on borrowed time.

>> No.41279990

also the other protags being from VN's so you can't have Shirou having canonical kids with any of the girls or else they'd all have them. It makes it hard with Saber's situation in general. Shiki just has too many bitches and it'd be a hassle to do anything like that with him.

>> No.41280016
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Yeah, that, too. Perks of being from a late 90s ranobe rather than an eroge, I suppose.

>> No.41280085

yeah, the second hint gives it away about it being April Fools since that's when it was announced. The Strange/Fake anime is finally happening.

>> No.41280093
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How common is it, though for the children (or even the husband, too) to take the wife's/mother's name? I've seen it in Evangelion, too. I heard it can technically happen when the woman's side of the family is considered more prestigious but women marrying men of a lower class than themselves goes against the general rule of marriages where women don't marry men of a lower status than themselves. It's probably an anime thing, God knows.

>> No.41280096

>no short story about Shirou's and Saber's kids playing hide and seek around Avalon
>no short story about Shirou's and Rin's kids practicing magic to impress the two of them
These things just aren't world ending enough in scale to warrant writing about for current Nasu, even if he did still give a shit about FSN today beyond brainstorming what the next saberface cash grab will be.

>> No.41280165

It's really just ORT but yeah that's pretty shit. What's the point of showing what will probably be a DAA raidboss with it not being a DAA. Maybe they'll give it the Alt treatment like primate murder. Lolbeast V.

>> No.41280267
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>> No.41280273

I want to believe Nasu will respect ORT's prestigue as a classic character and not make it job to some clown new FGO boss.

>> No.41280362

Why is Akiha so gay?

>> No.41280443
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>> No.41280453

It will do worse and job to a bunch of servants and probably get talk no jutsu'd or some equivalent.

>> No.41280454
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>> No.41280463

i need a lady like akiha in my life

>> No.41280464
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>> No.41280473
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>> No.41280481

It would be nothing but schizophrenia, homosexuality, hornyposting, and schizophrenic homoerotic hornyposting.

>> No.41280488

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lickable akiha tummy

>> No.41280565

You couldn't possibly beat ORT with a bunch of Servants. It cannot happen, given Crystal Valley.
You'd literally need to have someone on the same ballpark to cancel some of that shit.

>> No.41280588

Tummy perfect

>> No.41280644

What are the chances Arc actually helps you fight ORT in LB7? I saw some people whining saying "noooooo you can't have the planet help you, must be humans-only". But then there are some quotes in Archetype's dialogue which makes me think otherwise. Like she says human order is not a path taken by humanity alone, but all intelligent species on the planet. And if you have the planet supporting your cause, then isn't that a form of strength for humanity in itself? It's not like the planet is always antagonistic towards humanity, none of Archetype's quotes give me that impression.

>> No.41280748
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>> No.41280844 [DELETED] 

Reminder to all homobeggars, nijiniggers, and sidebranchsharts.
You will never be tolerated.
You will never be relevant.
You will always be inferior.

The ruler of this thread,

>> No.41280847

None of that really challenges the "must be humans only" complaint because it stems from it being incompatible thematically. It's like having Saber pop up out of nowhere and help fight Arc in Ciel True. Completely valid complaint to have an entirely unrelated vampire character from a setting the author espouses the separation and differences of and even refers to as a guest doing the heavy lifting. Fates about seeing where the world you exist was built upon. An ode to the past and emphasis on humanity and Alaya. While it's true Gaia has come into agreement with what humans deem beautiful and doesn't overtly seek humanities destruction(they're still her children) it's still very clearly the other half of the setting.

>> No.41280851

Yes but you act like it will make sense. You have more trust than I do.

>> No.41280866

Literally the only way I can see it not being entirely retarded(but still retarded) and conflicting is if it's actually the Tsukihime lostbelt and it's vampire south america(sorry brazil bros). That has it's own problems though.

>> No.41280893

Didn't Kotomine already hint at that?

>> No.41280902
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Was it truly necessary to give her obvious rock hard nipples during a serious moment?

>> No.41280915

It's probably pretty cold up there.

>> No.41280928

If I was them, my fear of heights would probably kick in something fierce. Look at those dinky little steps!

>> No.41280951

Not really? It's basically wait and see status but it's hard to imagine how that could work without feeling forced.

>> No.41280977

Basically, it's not even "must be humans" that's the usual complaint. It's more just it's a servant, alaya, fate story and should be about it's own relating concepts and characters. ORTs actually a bad option to use when you still have Beast plotline to also wrap up. I think they might just say it's #5 to kill two birds with one stone. But we don't even know what it's role will be to be fair. It might just be sleeping and then wake up and oneshot the alien god before the lost belt collapses along with it or something.
Another thought. Tsuki's about humans and inhumans coexisting in the present/future so that kind of theme from her lines is more fitting/relevant to Tsuki.

>> No.41280981

See, the problem I see is that ORT, and ORT alone, is 100% under the planet's jurisdiction and responsibility. Humanity on any form shouldn't be dealing with it and in truth they likely can't.
I guess it depends on how big a threat ORT is when awoken. Based on the MBAABAN manga Archetype will move to a Fate worlds to correct an issue if it's something too big for someone else to deal with.

I want to believe. ORT is put on the same category as Primate Murder when it comes to Servants, but it's likely much more powerful. Unless Nasu throws everything to shit I don't see it. ORT isn't a Beast of humanity, but an alien entity that's currently there on behalf of the planet.

>> No.41281132

It's going to be a loli alien girl bro.

>> No.41281153

I think it's an asian thing in general. It's probably not common, but it happens sometimes.

>> No.41281337

Rather than a Fate world it looked like some in between dimension to me because of her shifting it when she awoke.
fsf does imply humans could maybe deal with ORT in 100 years. Though yes it's not a Beast or anything so it's not really something that fits or should be brought up in this setting.
And the manga is just Arc intervening because her sleep was being disturbed by the world simulation stuff. She even says she doesn't correct things from her own position but leave the future to others so... it doesn't jive for her to just show up because of ORT in some random world. It would have to be because of something affecting reality on a different level. Maybe alien god stuff given it was mini-olga in the manga but even there, the actual course of their worlds was their own responsibility from my understanding.
I'm not saying she won't just show up for some minor role. Maybe to negate crystal valley or something. Just that it's not shaping up to be anything more than a B-tier Kaiju flick.

>> No.41281382

And Daybit is a human from 100 years in the future. Probably.

>> No.41281493

It was the Extraverse actually, the Moon Cell is referenced at the end which is explicitly stated to only exists in Extra.
The whole story takes place in Melty verse and Extra. It was stated the coordinates where they found some issue and sent Rani to check was a parallel world.

>> No.41281525

Also it was the litle Olga making the simulations into real worlds. Which was the cause of the disturb.
I'm not sure ORT can affect reality on such an scale enough to warranty her intervention. Maybe it can.

>> No.41281806

raped by elesia

>> No.41282363

???? - Fate Skipper
1996 - Mahoutsukai no Yoru
1998 - Kara no Kyoukai
1999 - Angel Voice
2000 - Tsukihime
2001 - Kagetsu Tohya
2002 - Melty Blood
2003 - Tsuki-Bako (mark the end of TYPE-MOON's 4 years' activity as a doujin group, prior to the group's transition into a commercial company)

2004 - Fate/stay night
2005 - Fate/hollow ataraxia
2006 - Fate/zero and Fate/stay night DEEN anime
2007 - DDD and Fate/stay night Realta Nua for PS2
2007 - Kara no Kyoukai anime
2008 - Tsukihime Remake and Mahoutsukai no Yoru trilogy announcement
2010 - Fate/Extra and Fate/stay night UBW movie
2011 - Tsuki no Sango, Fate/Apocrypha MMO game (cancelled) and Fate/Zero anime
2012 - Mahoyo Remake and Fate/stay night Realta Nua for PSV
2013 - Fate/Extra CCC (Nasu himself called Fate/Extra CCC his Magnum Opus and initially intended it to be the final entry in the Fate franchise)
2014 - Fate/hollow ataraxia for PSV and Fate/stay night [UBW] anime
2015 - FGO and Fate/stay Night [Realta Nua] to iPhone and Android
2016 - FGO and Fate/Extella
2017 - FGO
2018 - FGO, Fate/Extra: Last Encore and Fate/Extella Link
2019 - FGO
2020 - FGO
2021 - Tsukihime Remake
2022 - Mahoyo Remake port
2023 - FGO
2024 - FGO
2025 - Nasu: Don't worry we haven't forgotten about DDD and Mahoyo! *raughs*

>> No.41282458
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>> No.41282460
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>> No.41282470
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>> No.41282581
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>> No.41282586
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>> No.41282596
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>> No.41282603
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>> No.41282610
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>> No.41282824


>> No.41283353
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>> No.41283444

That would be consistent with Angel Notes

>> No.41283729
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>> No.41283753
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No wonder they're Master and Servant due to their high compatibility.

>> No.41284007
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anyone have a textless version of this?

>> No.41284316
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Okita and Kohaku are one in the same.

>> No.41284440
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>> No.41284693

Fuck, Marry, Kill?

>> No.41284852

marry touko fuck aoko marry aoko hug alice have touko kiss alice hug aoko while touko is kissing alice

>> No.41284944

It said something like atlas was caught in a dimensional shift in that scene so while everything was taking place in multiple worlds since it's a crossover that particular space was probably something else at that moment.

>> No.41285296

I love akiha bunny!!!!!!!!!! Cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.41285318
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Are you saying AE created a singularity? Maybe. But my point was that AE is aware of the stuff that happens in parallel worlds and will intervene if she deems them a threat to reality/the planet.

>> No.41285319
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>> No.41285418

My wife, Noel, is so cute

>> No.41285498

noel is a vampire!

>> No.41285618

midget on the holy night.png

>> No.41285632
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>> No.41285655

Your wife being a pedo isn't cute.

>> No.41285660
File: 119 KB, 900x1600, fragarach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK are you supposed to beat this? Not "manage a draw", but beat.

>> No.41285738

Authorities/Systems. Either that or having regeneration.

>> No.41285759

Just don't use your ultimate attack ez.

>> No.41285800

Passive ultimate ability.

>> No.41286003

Not using your np duh

>> No.41286066

aoko leotard

>> No.41286085

I will take Aoko's last name when we get married.

>> No.41286163

anon and his incel wife

>> No.41286194

aoko skirt lift bow panties blushing

>> No.41286638

Yeah I think so. And yeah she seems aware but I wouldn't say it's about being a threat to any one world. The whole point of the second magic seems to be to about even if one timelines ends up poorly there are other possibilities that exist where different futures can occur. That manga is actually all about possibilities and different outcomes. I think it was just a specific case in particular here since olga was disturbing her directly. Archetype isn't going to be monitoring all worlds and showing up to save one that is about to get wasted is what I'm saying. It would probably have to be something that would affect reality on a different level or her in particular I guess. Worlds and timelines die all the time.

>> No.41286705

If she shows up it will probably be in an auxiliary capacity I think. Since her taking center stage is doubtful. I'd expect her to be there to mostly explain some stuff about being a brain since there is a decent chance that's what the AG is going to become for chaldeas or whatever if it plays out like some people think.

>> No.41286746

I need to shove my face into Kotomine's moist abs RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.41286866

gay bad

>> No.41287076 [DELETED] 

I love how the concept of possibilities was something that did apply to the planet, until at some point it did. Which is also reflected on whether Arc has the ability to dream or not.
Clearly means the planet was too hasty in calling out for the Aristotles. Makes me wonder if other planets even see beyond a set path, probably not.

>> No.41287086

I need to shove my face into Aoko's sweaty boobs RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.41287093

I love how the concept of possibilities was something that did not apply to the planet, until at some point it did. Which is also reflected on whether Arc has the ability to dream or not.
Clearly means the planet was too hasty in calling out for the Aristotles. Makes me wonder if other planets even see beyond a set path, probably not.

>> No.41287198

That totality appears to have all sorts off things, eldritch abominations, entities that created the mooncell and so on, so it's hard to say.

>> No.41287210

Inhuman reasoning, anon.

>> No.41287221

Where exactly did that particular magic circle come from?
Not the first time I've seen it, is it just generic stock image people use or there's meaning in it?

>> No.41287257

Ryougi is like Manaka. She can theoretically do anything as long as she has a great enough mana source, but her lack of magic circuits means she generally isn't going to become much more powerful than managing a defensive battle vs servants. According to Manaka, it takes an energy source on the level of a grail just to undo a single quantum time lock so affecting the entire universe would probably be impossible even with all of the Earth's magical energy.

>> No.41287322

So she was bullshitting when she claimed she could change the laws of the world?

>> No.41287334

Hard to say what scale she meant and how much or how long they would last.

>> No.41287341

Besides, saying and doing are different things.
Messing with the world so much will inevitably carry repercussions.

>> No.41287358

Since the laws of physics vary depending on what planet you're on, it might be possible for her to change at least the laws of Earth.

>> No.41287373

Wasn't there some drama cd where her arc and saber were shooting the shit and the implication was saber was the one who didn't have so many limitations and restrictions on her abilities even if she didn't have as much power. Like making a castle appear or whatever crazy shit. That is to say what you can do doesn't correlate to a fight in the first place especially if you get taken out before it matters. Even Arc, as we see in Remake, takes a while to adjust her powers. She's just extra unique in that even if you ambush her the chances are you fuck up and don't finish her and she comes back stronger like a saiyan. Or you do destroy her and then you get luminary'd.

>> No.41287380

Good chances the world would revert those kinds of large scale changes since it has systems in place to prevent it's own destruction. Otherwise Manaka should have no issue and goetia wouldn't have gone through such an elaborate scheme I guess.

>> No.41287402

Goetia caused incineration as a way to combat alien god, or so the wiki says.
Never played FGO, so I don't know.

>> No.41287482

Shirou having sex with Shinji having sex with Issei having sex with Shiki having sex with Arihiko having sex with Shirou

>> No.41287491

begone fujo

>> No.41287498


>> No.41287513


>> No.41287525

You can't just snap your fingers and change history on a large scale is the point. Didn't she mention she could go back and change the phylogenetic tree or something? That really seems like something that would get hard rejected.

>> No.41287590

Yeah, I think only Arc can do things like that if she isn't gimped. In the scene where she turned Roa into a cube Roa stated the order itself was different, meaning magic as a concept was not present in that universe. The space she created was also called universe, instead of world for some reason.

>> No.41287680

Arihiko is 100% heterosexual.

>> No.41287803

Aoko is 100% aokosexual.

>> No.41287812
File: 35 KB, 850x510, Aoko puppet body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so Aoko only fucks Aoko's Touko dolls??

>> No.41287832

You mixed yourself.

>> No.41287846
File: 178 KB, 1120x672, 5bf1b6033f9907ee5482940202292211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoko puppet fucks Aoko.

All night.

>> No.41288030

Aoko on the big screen! Touko on the big screen! Alice too small to be seen even on the big screen!

>> No.41289005

Who ever translated that new Ciel doujin, thank you

>> No.41289053

i hope more doujins get translated

>> No.41289078

Do you think we'd ever get a COIE-style series? I kinda want to see one.

>> No.41289148
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Is FGO actually just over hated ? Final part of LB6 was pure kino

>> No.41289160

Things must be really slow over there on /vg/'s cuckold general.

>> No.41289174

We already discussed and agreed that Castoria and LB6 are good.

>> No.41289186

aoko puppet is fucking hot

>> No.41289193

God these designs are so fucking retarded. They look Korean MMO tier. And people make fun of Lancer's blue jumpsuit...

>> No.41289211
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What does /tmg/ think of Angelica?

>> No.41289223


>> No.41289256

One retard replying to himself is not a discussion. Nothing in FGO ever approached even mid.

>> No.41289281
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You never ever approached mid.

>> No.41289286

I like her with miyuverse shirou, but I'm a filthy secondary who's only watched the anime and according to manga readers it's unlikely the two of them actually get together.

>> No.41289293

>No u
As easy to spot a /vg/ tourist as it is the gook.

>> No.41289302

There's no other discussion to be had.

>> No.41289305

Arc lewd https://twitter.com/shimotsukishin/status/1573357981865226246?s=46&t=fR1jEHaCePF-TbgEDK4gvw

>> No.41289336

It doesn't appear to be overblown considering that an average piece like LB6, which is already relatively different from the rest of the work, is the only thing in its 7 year+ duration that people cling to when trying to convince others it isn't entirely dogshit.

>> No.41289371

Yup, and even the praise they gave for Babylonia was completely fraught since the anime version of the story was awful. Horrible and lazy writing all over that terrible story. I don’t know how people can stomach playing that garbage for years.

>> No.41289385

There is an artist who ships the hell out of her with Shirou. He's drawn hundreds of drawings of the two of them.

>> No.41289394

Not lewd enough.

>> No.41289397

Dunno who told you that but she's living with him at his house and are allies now. Not a weird ship I'd say.

>> No.41289419

Link to said artist?

>> No.41289428

Not really a fan of Prillya, but autistic artists who fixate on single characters or ships are based.

>> No.41289486


>> No.41289589
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>> No.41289634

Thanks and based.

>> No.41289641

I wish we had more parent-child moments. Kiri and Shiki deserve it.

>> No.41289727
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>> No.41289787


>> No.41289861
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>> No.41290034
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>> No.41290036
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>Can Ryougi Shiki's third personality actually affect the totality of the TM macrocosm?
Yes, but it won't. Read the Epilogue again.
This post is complete headcanon, made-up bullshit. Mana supply has nothing to do with it.
She was not "bullshitting." But doing it would be completely pointless. Seriously read the Epilogue again. [Ryougi Shiki] is not a character that "acts" on the world in the same way other characters do. Her capacity to "act" cannot be measured alongside that of other characters. If you are thinking about [Ryougi Shiki] in terms of powerlevel comparisons then you have comprehensively failed to understand the KnK epilogue.

>> No.41290039
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>> No.41290045
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>> No.41290053
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>> No.41290074
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>> No.41290137

>Yes but she won't
That's the headcanon to remedy the fact she has no feats and wog + other appearances show her as far from capable of what people would like to think.
>This post is complete headcanon, made-up bullshit. Mana supply has nothing to do with it.
Given that she has never shown anything, You have no idea how her power is actuated. Taking a character whose extremely similar is better than nothing and they are limited by their circuit quantity despite their high quality. We know nothing about Shiki's.

>> No.41290179

Your entire way of thinking about this is misguided.

>> No.41290199


>> No.41290246
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>> No.41290250
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>> No.41290496

The Aniplex stream is happening. Should have some Strange/Fake news in an hour or so: https://youtu.be/p5aY6UJ4DjY

>> No.41290524

Been a huge waste of time with the exception of the Kaguya singing. That dude was a showman.

>> No.41290533

Reminder that the Official Type Moon Melty Blood: Type Lumina Tournament is happening soon. Don't know if any big news will come so soon after the latest patch. https://youtu.be/UbDLrqyvXlI Maybe they'll tease something?

>> No.41290534

Bro aniplex.exe

>> No.41290539


>> No.41290547

I gave zero fucks.

>> No.41290579

What's that?

>> No.41290671

>This post is complete headcanon, made-up bullshit. Mana supply has nothing to do with it.
Manaka has the exact same connection to the root that Ryougi has, even having the same nigh-omniscience. In addition, Ryougi's "connection to the root" ability is stated to be the same as Justeaze's wish granting ability, which is also shown to require mana,

>> No.41290864
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>> No.41290865
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>> No.41290896

Yup, the Fate/Strange Fake anime is real. First special episode in December? Looks like just one episode for now?? Lol

>> No.41290900
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>it was real
don't forget to watch my show

>> No.41290910

it's only a special one-off episode for now lol.

>> No.41290913

the grail war has barely even started so far

>> No.41290917
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doesn't count

>> No.41290945
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>> No.41290962

Also a new original anime movie with Takeuchi as the designer and Urobuchi as the writer.

>> No.41290983

>What is 『Fate』 to TYPE-MOON?

Nasu: 5 years ago we said that "this will not go beyond one product," but even saying TYPE-MOON now is just another word for 『Gundam』. It just keeps changing forms and moving forward. That’s not to say we’re just artificially extending it, of course. 『Fate/EXTRA』 was a good test for us. It was fun to write, and fun to make. If the players also enjoys it then it’s a Win-Win, is it not?

Takeuchi: As a product I do feel like it has grown much more than I expected. Whenever we said that 『Fate』 was over and done with, it would refuse to die. I suppose it’s only natural to love and revere something that you have spent so much time cultivating and being so fulfilled by, and to become so attached to it. I don’t mean to be obsessive, but I do want to treat this with utmost care, as we have done up until this point.

Nasu: This is for us what 『Final Fantasy』 is for Square Enix. On a way smaller scale, of course!

Takeuchi: I know you may sometimes think "Not another 『Fate』!" but even "another" 『Fate』 game wouldn’t be 『Fate』 at all.

>> No.41290990


>> No.41290998

Gen Urobuchi's light novel series "Eisen Flügel" will be receiving an anime film adaptation by A-1 Pictures.

Takashi Takeuchi is credited for original character design.


>> No.41291007

When was the last time they collaborated? Zero?

>> No.41291019

I assume the anime will come out in half a year like the Case Files special that came out first in 12/2018 and then had a anime series in 07/2019. So we can expect an anime in that range or later in 2023.

>> No.41291041

IIRC was some F/GO event Urobochi wrote

>> No.41291042

Remember the hype for FSN ufotable anime from primaries?


>> No.41291080

Lostbelt 3 was written by him as well.

>> No.41291087
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More info about the anime. The two directors are solid picks for expressive animation in general so that's exciting.

>> No.41291089

Yeah these. Accel Zero Order and Lostbelt 3.

>> No.41291093
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Can't believe I heard Ayaka's name live on the stream. About time she was relevant even if it isn't the same one from Prototype.

>> No.41291097
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>> No.41291125

they already have the dub cast planned out?

>> No.41291128

yeah, Albert from FGO said Fate is a world wide brand and helped set up the dub cast for simulcast for December. He sure does have a lot of influence now with Type Moon.

>> No.41291142

that mother fucker

>> No.41291165

He helped with the Mahoyo project being translated so he did one good thing. He'll probably do the same with Tsukihime

>> No.41291763
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Neat Carnival Phantasm reference. Also, cute Aoko.

>> No.41292603

Even if he fumbles, he still carries the ball. I will take a bad FGO or Type Lumina translation if it means the chance for a good Tsuki Re or Mahoyo later on.

>> No.41293133
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>> No.41293157
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>> No.41293166
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>> No.41293175
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>> No.41293522

>Crow's Claw
Now that's a name I haven't heard in many years.

>> No.41293529

fate/stranger fake is actually a pretty good light novel. This might actually be worth keeping a eye on.

>> No.41293749
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>> No.41293769
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>> No.41293784
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>> No.41293794
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>> No.41293808
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>> No.41293950
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>summons jack with a video game collectible
so would I get seiba if I used a DVD of Monty python and the holy grail?

>> No.41294208

Alright so I have to finally get around to reading Fate/strange fake now huh

>> No.41294241

Strage/Fake more like Strange/Kek, am I right fellas?

>> No.41294293
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He/She won.

>> No.41294356

Strange Fake is the only decent spinoff Fate project. Don't expect anything deep though.

>> No.41294436

Where was it said the CF of Gaia is the one in charge of dealing with alien threats? I saw that statement in the old fuyuki website but I couldn't find it on the wiki and the TM wiki is generally well documented.
It also makes sense but I can't remember a explicit statement.

>> No.41294926
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>> No.41295088

It's a very mediocre story, glad people will finally find out how average it is.

>> No.41295191
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spooning with lancer

>> No.41295354

No gay allowed. Sorry.

>> No.41295429

At least Jester vs Hansa was cool.

>> No.41295469
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>> No.41295483
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>> No.41295665

VN-only here, what is Strange Fake even about?

>> No.41295700

A mage from the third war stole a chunk of the Fuyuki grail, then went back to America to make their own Holy Grail War, with blackjack and hookers. And the government.

>> No.41296064
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F/SF anime confirm!!!!!
Finally we can see this scene soon

>> No.41296089
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Mixed universe

>> No.41296096

which one is it?

>> No.41296105
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> very mediocre story

Fight scenes are gooood
so i dont care

>> No.41296114
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Strange fake is amazing

>> No.41296132

So the 27 can use Idea Blood in FSF?

>> No.41296133
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>> No.41296142

Strange Fake is trash even the Apocrypha novels were better. Hope people stop overrating it after the anime

>> No.41296152

yes, plus Zelretch is member of 27daa
(Fate world Zelretch is not a vampire)

>> No.41296168

You're asking questions that even Narita probably can't answer

>> No.41296172

The Strange Fake novels are fun though. Apocrypha is a boring fucking slog.

>> No.41296179
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Random DA >>>>>> average Servants
F Powercreep

>> No.41296180
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Will you betray?

>> No.41296214

why did you feel the need to make the same post twice?

>> No.41296226

Our definitions of fun are different. Apocrypha at least managed to tell a coherent story without relying on fanservice

>> No.41296236

More than one person can tell the truth

>> No.41296264

It also turned half the masters into non-entities.

>> No.41296306

Makes sense. the 27 DAA are on par with Gods and their Principles can even compete with Arc's Principle according to Roa, and that thing is pure bullshit.

>> No.41296331

Yes and? That's not necessarily a flaw in itself. It's like complaining that Bazett didn't have much of a role in f/sn. Not every character need to get spotlight

>> No.41296375
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Peak fiction can still get the care it deserves

>> No.41296461

You can tell by the key visual that it's not an adaptation of the prologue.

>> No.41296480

Maybe it could be forgiven if Apocrypha was at all compelling or had anything interesting to say.

>> No.41296515

Eh no. Not really. More like DAAs fuck with the Natural Order of the World.
So its less power, more their beings basically being corruptions to the natural order of the World. Like how Dark Soul and its fragments are to the Age of Fire.
Still quite impressive characters like Nero Chaos basically being downgraded versions of insanely power beings like Tiamat, all achieved through Curse of the Moon

>> No.41296547

Powerscaling Type Moon Stuff is stupid because this shit works on JoJo Rules. Aka its less based on power, more based on affinity. And the strongest characters arent based on raw strength, but how much they influence the world around them and how much they dont have exploitablr weaknesses.

>> No.41296635

Considering Nasu stated he wanted the DAA to match the world-ending threats of FGO, I'm pretty sure his intent was for them to be on that level.
Plus you also have stuff like Calvaria Star (magecraft on the level of DAA) having the mystery of Excalibur. On top of Jester's statement. So it all adds up.

>> No.41296686

Headcanon. For all you know Nero has Albion and Tiamat in his chaos.

>> No.41296717

This tells me Nasu is still a big fan of ufo
>"I do want to treat this with utmost care"
Saber route is not off the table

>> No.41296766

It had more to say than Strange Fake at least

>> No.41296935

Actually nice falseflagging

>> No.41297037
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Omg I need to be stepped on and kicked around like a pathetic animal by them

>> No.41297100

Their powers mostly seem entirely unique and unrelated to any natural functions, let alone a downgraded version of them. One of their abilities is literally Sword. Another is something as abstract as Castle, Therefore Kingdom. There is another dude who made a functional universe because of his obsession with God. It's what they themselves mastered and studied and became unique to themselves so their powers are connected to applications of that. All we know is that their abilities are able to compete with the manipulations of the strongest being in TM and in general DA powers(Not even DAA) taint the world just by existing by virtue of their nature. Vampires seem able of overwriting the laws of the world through their delusions/imaginations and creating favorable territories(Noel's chapel, Vlov's ice field, and also what Arc was doing). We aren't even completely clear on the distinction between new terms relating to vampires either. Nero's power is probably completely revamped.

>> No.41297109

I doubt you even know what this word means

>> No.41297382

>Considering Nasu stated he wanted the DAA to match the world-ending threats of FGO
He never said this. Also Calvarias Star takes 3 minutes to charge so its pretty clearly inferior to most noble phantasms.

>> No.41297399
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>> No.41297423


>> No.41297540

It's inferred going by his response.
It only takes 3 minutes if Ciel is looking to charge it to max output. Which she wouldn't even need to if she was fighting someone weaker than Arc. Not that 3 minutes is a long time for someone immortal, especially considering it's pretty much an unavoidable move.

>> No.41297579

the insufferable south korean spammer vs the based north korean mute

>> No.41297586

It only being equal to Excalibur at max output is pretty bad, and it only worked against Arc because her situational awareness is pretty shit outside of whats happening on the ground. Any servant experienced in combat should be able to easily avoid it just by exiting its range before it finishes charging.

>> No.41297600

>it's pretty much an unavoidable move
no lol. Arc only got hit by it because she's retarded.

>> No.41297691
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>Strange Fake is the only decent spinoff Fate project.

>> No.41297695

i love ciel

>> No.41297756

Nah, it's only stated to have the same mystery as Excalibur. In terms of power output it's likely much, much greater. It absolutely dwarfs any feat we've seen of Excalibur after all. And lol at any Servant being able to dodge it, good one.

It said Arc tried to dodge it but she couldn't because the thing is extremely fast, and also extremely large. It's effectively a city-sized laser beam that actually lasts long enough to start out a conversation.

>> No.41297800

Dude why are you even trying to discuss this if your knowledge purely comes from the wiki? That entire Ciel vs Arc fight was basically a big bluff for Ciel to prepare Calvaria Star. It worked because Arc was a dummy and didn't bother looking up at the sky until it was too late.

>> No.41297808

>it's only stated to have the same mystery as Excalibur.
Mystery = power bro.

>> No.41297876
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I played the game and I have the Japanese script. Try again. If you have to run several
kms away like a little bitch to avoid the move you effectively forfeited the battle.

Mystery =/= power. They are explicitly not the same thing.

>> No.41297929
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>> No.41297935

>Mystery =/= power.
Alright, I don't want to bring F/GO into this but if you want feats, Durandal can block Artemis' island busting cannon and Excalibur is far superior to it so Calvaria's Star is inferior in power output.

>> No.41297955

>I played the game and I have the Japanese script.
>posts an English screenshot
yeah okay nice LARP and headcannon bud

>> No.41297993
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Bring back horny posting. Power level /tmg/ is boring as fuck.

>> No.41298013

i agree horny posting is when /tmg/ is the most unified

>> No.41298043

Heresy. Power level posting is the peak of TM culture.

>> No.41298045

The fact Calvaria Star was even able to hold down Arc and cause her pain puts her easily above any FGO feat. Considering Arc can manipulate energy on a planck length scale and at the point Ciel hit her she was literally a walking singularity.
It's very likely CS is more comparable to fully unleashed Excalibur than the normal version.

So, no more argument?

>> No.41298061

Things that you made up in your head are not an argument. Read the VN.

>> No.41298096

>The fact Calvaria Star was even able to hold down Arc and cause her pain puts her easily above any FGO feat.
30% Arc's stats are only 4x her standard B level even with full backup, certainly not far beyond any FGO feat.

>> No.41298124
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then post horny.

>> No.41298132
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you got it

>> No.41298142

>Read the VN
Right back at you buddy.

lol, it's like I'm literally on 2010. Arc quite literally has no limit as far as the amount of energy she can condense. Her vessel is stated to be the limit, as in the fact it's a human-sized body.
4 Servants is the maximum output she gets when fighting Servants, not when fighting other entities that are explicitly above Servants. Or what, are you implying is weaker than Gods now, who we know are not even candidates for being Earth's Ultimate One? We're explicitly told the requirements for being Brain of the Planet is to have the capacity to store the planet's energy inside the vessel.

>> No.41298153

alice is a midget!

>> No.41298178

>4 Servants is the maximum output she gets when fighting Servants, not when fighting other entities that are explicitly above Servants.
No, she gets 2x stats when fighting a single servant. Where are you getting that Ciel is far above servants when she can't even deal with Vlov lol.
>Or what, are you implying is weaker than Gods now, who we know are not even candidates for being Earth's Ultimate One?
Gods are created by human belief, which is why they don't even qualify for backup from the planet, much less becoming an Ultimate One.

>> No.41298210

Powerlevels are fucking retarded and stupid and I'm tired of pretending that they aren't.

>> No.41298221

>B level
Stats are meaningless even Nasu said so in an interview. You can't really use them to make comparisons between stuff. Grand Lancer Romulus has the same agility as Herc despite being massively faster than light.

>> No.41298235

Vlov is above the vast majority of servants both in terms of strength and abilities

>> No.41298249
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>> No.41298256

>Stats are meaningless even Nasu said so in an interview
Then why do they keep using them until now? They have some importance but they are just one factor.

>> No.41298268

They are in fact the only things you can use to make comparisons between stuff because they're the only consistent thing between different authors. Without them, a servants power changes based on who's writing them at the time. Also, servant Romulus-Quirinus isn't as strong as Grand Romulus.
Vlov can't even deal with 1% Arc without his principle.

>> No.41298285

>No, she gets 2x stats when fighting a single servant
That quite literally depends on the Servant she is fighting. Even back then people weren't even entirely sure about Nasu's powerlevel statement regarding Arc and Servant comparisons so I'm not buying your interpretation here either.
Arc during the fight with Ciel was literally a walking singularity, even space and time were getting warped by the sheer amount of energy, and she was compared to a star. Even a full Grail doesn't produce these sorts of effects and 4 Servants isn't even a full Grail. So your interpretation is never gonna fly.
>Gods are created by human belief
Nowhere is it stated an Ultimate One can't be partially influenced by human belief. Especially when you consider the Moon Cell is Type Moon in Extra, and that's literally an alien computer. Even Zeus was only stated to be close to the ruler of the planet, he was never above Arc.

>> No.41298327

>Even back then people weren't even entirely sure about Nasu's powerlevel statement regarding Arc and Servant comparisons so I'm not buying your interpretation here either.
We know more about Arc's stats now then we did 10 years ago.
>even space and time were getting warped by the sheer amount of energy
Caladbolg warps space lol
>Nowhere is it stated an Ultimate One can't be partially influenced by human belief.
Everything that can use backup from the planet explicitly isn't influenced in any way by humans. Being strong is not a requirement to have access to it. Unless you're implying Mario is above Zeus and Goetia because he took out a full power true ancestor one time.

>> No.41298378
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>> No.41298385

You're being trolled, no one here is that retarded to argue seriously

>> No.41298388

Please don't be retarded. Arc is equivalent to a planet. She's explicitly above gods and it's part of the reason she was nerfed in extra.

>> No.41298392

>We know more about Arc's stats now then we did 10 years ago
We always knew she had roughly the stats of Gilgamesh. That's nothing new. The thing is, there are a bunch of ways to interpret Nasu's statement and the interpretation that caps her at 4 Servants literally makes no sense, as it's downright inconsistent with both lore and feats.
>Caladbolg warps space lol
It doesn't do it through sheer magical energy density. That's more like a property of the weapon.
>Everything that can use backup from the planet explicitly isn't influenced in any way by humans.
I'm not saying it is. But you don't need to have back up from the planet to be the Ultimate One, you just need to be the strongest being on the planet. It's really simple.

>> No.41298425
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>> No.41298431
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>> No.41298471

>Arc is equivalent to a planet.
At 100%. She was nerfed so the player can beat her, Amaterasu is explicitly stronger than her.
>interpretation that caps her at 4 Servants literally makes no sense, as it's downright inconsistent with both lore and feats.
It's not inconsistent at all, Calvaria's Star = Excalibur at most and Arc is damaged by it. Simple as that.
>It doesn't do it through sheer magical energy density. That's more like a property of the weapon.
Arc doesn't manipulate space through sheer magical density either, she uses Marble Phantasm to do so.
>But you don't need to have back up from the planet to be the Ultimate One
You need to have access to the planet's energy as a prerequisite in order to be able to store the planet's energy inside yourself in the first place. Aliens probably figured out how to harvest the moon's energy in order to power their computer, which is why its Type Moon.

>> No.41298508
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>> No.41298556

>They are in fact the only things you can use to make comparisons between stuff
Nasu himself said they were meaningless and that he had his secret own parameters that determine servant strength

> 4Gamer: If I may change the subject for a bit, how do you decide on the parameters for Servants?
> Nasu: About that, there are actually clear rules for deciding on their parameters. The statuses range from A to E, and they’re distributed such that there are no duplicate letters. That’s a remnant of an old TRPG system I made.
> 4Gamer: But there are Servants who get duplicate letters on their parameters.
> Nasu: Those are exceptions, such as “this Servant doesn’t have an A, so they get two B’s,” or “this Servant has 2 A’s, but also has 3 C’s.” I make them so they don’t break the balance. Noble Phantasms are different since there are no hard rules on setting their parameters.
> 4Gamer: I see, so that’s how it works.
> Nasu: But in the case of Fate/,** there’s a separate parameter for me to decide on the overall power level of the series’ Servants.** So it’s not like their individual statuses alone decide how strong they are.

>> No.41298570

>“this Servant doesn’t have an A, so they get two B’s,” or “this Servant has 2 A’s, but also has 3 C’s.”
Lmao and people take them seriously

>> No.41298581

That just refers to the fact that there are many things that aren't taken into account in parameters like skill and combat experience. For example, a single Karna considerably stronger than 4 Andersons even if their parameters are about equivalent.

>> No.41298582

>Amaterasu is explicitly stronger than her
She is explicitly stated to no longer be the strongest in the world of Extra due to the way the information world works. Just turn that statement around. Amaterasu was never more powerful than her outside of the Moon Cell.
>It's not inconsistent at all
It very much is. It contradicts lore and several feats and statements as well as the hierarchy of beings in the Nasuverse. Besides, it's not like there is an order of magnitude difference between 30% and 100%, it's still 30% of a planet.
>Calvaria's Star = Excalibur
We went over this. Mystery doesn't necessarily correlate with power.
>Arc doesn't manipulate space through sheer magical density either
The text explicitly states it's due to the energy density, which is why the very next sentence in the scene compares her to star. It had nothing to do with MP at all, just the enrgy stored inside her.
>planet's energy
It's more like correlation not equating causation thing again. You don't even need the planet's energy to be the Ultimate One, however if you have access to the planet's energy and can store it inside you're likely to be the Ultimate One as a result.

>> No.41298607

>only things you can use to make comparisons between stuff because they're the only consistent thing between different authors.
Look at these retards. Arguing using a fucking parameter that's meaningless in a comparitive capacity because of how an author decides to write a scene or feat at any given time being completely up to God. They're literally meme statistics and they know it but still nonsensically cling to it out of a desire to be a powerlevel fag when the series runs on jojo shit, rule of cool and the weaker you are the more liklihood you'll pull off a miracle. It's as bad as thinking 20 year old statements are relevant for a remake.

>> No.41298679

So entirely meaningless. Sounds like he's just pulling them out of the air to balance everything but goes by completely hidden values when deciding on their ability. This is why Arc would pubstomp a character with all A's just because she has hidden parameter Original Heroine.

>> No.41298700

>She is explicitly stated to no longer be the strongest in the world of Extra due to the way the information world works
Yes, Amaterasu is buffed in the moon cell, but that doesn't mean that Moon Cell Amaterasu would lose to Earth Arcueid if you somehow had them fight each other.
>Mystery doesn't necessarily correlate with power.
Then the only way we can measure Calvaria Star's power is using the damage it did on the landscape or how it hurt Arcueid. The former leads to it being weaker than Excalibur and the latter is circular reasoning if your claiming Arcueid surviving it is proof of her being far stronger than 4x a servant.
>The text explicitly states it's due to the energy density, which is why the very next sentence in the scene compares her to star. It had nothing to do with MP at all, just the enrgy stored inside her.
Then you're going to have to deal with the dissonance of Dark Sakura not warping space despite having millions of times more magical energy than Ciel, who was able to severly damage Arcueid with her magecraft.
>You don't even need the planet's energy to be the Ultimate One
Goetia can handle energy several orders of magnitude greater than the planet and he doesn't qualify as an Ultimate One.

>> No.41298711

>Amaterasu is explicitly stronger than her.
It's the opposite. Arc was no longer thestrongest in the Moon Cell implying she was the strongest outside of it.

>> No.41298734

I dunno anon, they're still going and seem pretty serious to me.

>> No.41298761

>Yes, Amaterasu is buffed in the moon cell, but that doesn't mean that Moon Cell Amaterasu would lose to Earth Arcueid if you somehow had them fight each other.
It's a meaningless comparison. They don't even exist in the same plane pf existence
>Dark Sakura having millions of times more magical energy than Ciel
Citation needed and Dark Sakura output was much lower than her reserves
>Goetia can handle energy several orders of magnitude greater than the planet
Not really Goetia doesn't necessarily have access to all the planet's energy. We only know that the optimal way for him to accumulate energy is to harvest the surface at different times. But that doens't he can have acces to the Inner Sea where Arcueid and the planet's soul are

>> No.41298785

Amat only is comparable because of the nature of the setting and Arc being nerfed and even then she could possibly pull it off. It didn't say anything about 100%. Arc is always a planetary being. She just got downgraded here. It honestly sounds like TA as a species may be higher than gods.

>> No.41298790

>heh, my reality warping energy blast beats your reality warping energy blast because....because it just does, okay?!

>> No.41298797

I think Kouma is the strongest because he is cool.

>> No.41298809

>but that doesn't mean that Moon Cell Amaterasu would lose to Earth Arcueid if you somehow had them fight each other
How would Amaterasu not lose if Arc is stated to be the strongest in the real world?
>The former leads to it being weaker than Excalibur
Considering it digged several kms deep, I don't think so.
>and the latter is circular reasoning if your claiming Arcueid surviving it is proof of her being far stronger than 4x a servant
Arc had the density of a star. I mean the energy that made up the light body afterwards was the energy Arc's vessel was storing and it was stated to be compressed to planck length.
>Then you're going to have to deal with the dissonance of Dark Sakura not warping space despite having millions of times more magical energy than Ciel
Dark Sakura doesn't have the same output, she is just linked to a great source. You can have a water tank the size of a house and it won't mean anything if you only have a garden hose. Calvaria Star also absorbs solar energy and it's activated through Ciel's magecraft.
Evidently not, given his elaborate ritual still made him unable to affect the planet.

>> No.41298813

If even Arc after she's nerfed has a chance, what makes you think she wouldn't annihilate after getting access to backup?

>> No.41298821
File: 249 KB, 800x750, magical amber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magical Amber is the strongest Nasuverse character so all of this power level discussion is useless.

>> No.41298836

I could beat her in an arm wrestle but I guess I'm not a Nasuverse character.

>> No.41298847

>Citation needed and Dark Sakura output was much lower than her reserves
Sakura's magical energy was in the trillions, while Ciel only had enough magical energy to fill her magic circuits, which is about 4000 units worth.
>Not really Goetia doesn't necessarily have access to all the planet's energy.
Goetia needed to harvest 3000 years of human history explicitly because even the entirety of the planet's energy was insufficient for his plan.
>How would Amaterasu not lose if Arc is stated to be the strongest in the real world?
I never said Amaterasu would beat Arc in the real world.
>Considering it digged several kms deep, I don't think so.
By comparison to other NPs which Excalibur is stronger than, digging several kms deep isn't impressive.
>Dark Sakura doesn't have the same output, she is just linked to a great source.
If output is what determines whether someone warps space or not that means Arc actively using her magical energy to warp space, not just passively doing so because of the amount she had.

>> No.41298861
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>more powerlevel autism

>> No.41298869
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she's just beat you by sticking a needle in you during the arm wrestling match.

>> No.41298896

How retardedly strong is Kouma even supposed to be now that Nasu wants to juice everyone up for no reason?

>> No.41298908

Wasn't the city the star cut basically part of Arc at that point? It's probably more impressive than you think. Mystery is comparable but range is much more massive than even what would have been needed to kill Sefar. Honestly, do you even need the whole # of stars? Roa made it seem like Ciel went excessive, probably to catch Arc's evasion. But even just one star tuned to the limit like Roa did should be peak lethality.

>> No.41298911

However strong onis are now.

>> No.41298918
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>> No.41298920

>because even the entirety of the planet's energy was insufficient for his plan.
That's not exactly what is stated. He only says the he couldn't get as much from burning the planet. Burning the planet =|= having all its energy. It's likely Goetia is unable to reach Avalon/the Inner Sea where the planet's soul is kept.

>> No.41298936
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You can stop discussing power levels because >>41298918 made my cock the strongest nasuverse character by a mile. Arc's got nothing on this mass

>> No.41298946

>Sakura's magical energy was in the trillions
Her magic circuits clearly aren't outputting that amount of energy. Sakura and Arc aren't comparable in that the ability to pack energy into a single point is literally Arc's Principle, the Principle of Focality. No one else can do that, it's an Arc-only feature.
>Goetia needed to harvest 3000 years of human history explicitly because even the entirety of the planet's energy was insufficient for his plan
The planet is weaker in FGO and the human order is stronger, so it's not much of a comparison to make.
>By comparison to other NPs which Excalibur is stronger than, digging several kms deep isn't impressive
We hardly see that level of destruction even from anti-fortress NPs. Especially when you considering Calvaria lasts for a quite a while.
>that means Arc actively using her magical energy to warp space
The scene explicitly states it's a result of the magical energy density, it's not something she was doing actively.

>> No.41298960
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>Human mind (Fantasy and delusion), without equal (boundless and lewd)
>Vigor and endurance (Hips), reaching the loliconia (pierce the hymen)
>Spirit and devotion (Loli), crossing the World River (split the cunny)
>Anon (Cock), ending in a different heaven (reaching the tight uterus)
>Two children/Two erotic brats (We), sharing a load (cannot embrace jail together)

>> No.41298973

I think Roa might have been thinking to weaken Arc in a battle of attrition. As in weaken her slowly so she doesn't go Luminary. It might not have worked if Arc actually adjusted her output again, but it might have had better chances than whatever Ciel did.

>> No.41298987

Sakura can only output about 1000 at a time. Ciel's is 5000, did you actually not read Remake? It says it right in the scene. 4000 is old lore.

>> No.41298992
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>> No.41299005
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Dark Sakura got fucking stomped.

>> No.41299020
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>> No.41299046

>It's likely Goetia is unable to reach Avalon/the Inner Sea where the planet's soul is kept.
Merlin can exit and enter the inner sea using independent manifestation without much issue. Goetia has the same rank.
>Sakura and Arc aren't comparable in that the ability to pack energy into a single point is literally Arc's Principle, the Principle of Focality. No one else can do that, it's an Arc-only feature.
If Arc was using her unique principle to achieve that effect from the mana then we can't use space warping to compare her magical energy to others.
>The planet is weaker in FGO and the human order is stronger, so it's not much of a comparison to make.
Irrelevant, doesn't change that however much energy the planet had, Goetia could handle it and despite this isn't an Ultimate One.
>We hardly see that level of destruction even from anti-fortress NPs.
We see superior levels of destruction to Calvaria's Star from both Caladbolg and Artemis.
>The scene explicitly states it's a result of the magical energy density
According to Saber Alter's CE her dragon core's mana is equivalent to the planet and she didn't warp space either so there's that.

>> No.41299050

Roa definitely would have not destroyed her outright since that triggers Luminary. I'm just saying Ciel's attack should be better than we think since Arc affected the city and the 3 minutes shit is not needed to create an extremely lethal arrow. Roa made it sound like Ciel didn't even fine tune it as perfectly as he did.

>> No.41299053
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>> No.41299074
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Akiha isn't a loli, but based and project that loli. Can someone post that image of Shirou projecting the Illya route choice on here?

>> No.41299077
File: 215 KB, 1920x972, 1634754459946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about a table?

>> No.41299081
File: 55 KB, 636x900, Saber Alter riding boar with Shirou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will Saber Alter and Shirou ever make up?

>> No.41299084
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>> No.41299105

>If Arc was using her unique principle to achieve that effect from the mana then we can't use space warping to compare her magical energy to others.
? No, because she still has that energy packed into a small point? The end result doesn't change. All having that Principle means is that she can actually store massive energy without imploding or producing the inflation phenomenon.
>We see superior levels of destruction to Calvaria's Star from both Caladbolg and Artemis.
Superior is relative. Calvaria is an energy beam, the NPs you mention don't have the same feature.
>According to Saber Alter's CE her dragon core's mana is equivalent to the planet and she didn't warp space either so there's that.
Equivalent to the planet's core, as in the physical thing. The physical planet's score isn't anywhere that dense, it's definitely not warping space.

>> No.41299106
File: 239 KB, 640x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, but it's not what I'm looking for. It's an image of Shirou projecting the Illya route in this screen. I've seen it posted around before.

>> No.41299111

>Merlin can exit and enter the inner sea using independent manifestation
Merlin lives in Avalon his IM has nothing to do with that. And IM does different things depending on who has it anyway.

>> No.41299121

>Saber Alter's CE her dragon core's mana is equivalent to the planet
It's equivalent to the planet physical core. That says nothing of how she compares to Arc

>> No.41299140

>Superior is relative. Calvaria is an energy beam, the NPs you mention don't have the same feature.
Artemis' laser is an energy beam though?
>Equivalent to the planet's core, as in the physical thing.
They're the same thing in the Nasuverse. That's why Albion was trying to enter the inner sea by digging.

>> No.41299143

Merlin stumbled upon Avalon. It doesn't mean Goetia can do it. LB6 shows that you need a permission to enter there.

>> No.41299175

>They're the same thing in the Nasuverse
No they are not. There was a pathway to Avalon under Britain which Albion tried to use before it was closed. But Avalon istself is more like an alternate dimension. You won't just reach it by digging in the ground. This is even explained in LB6
This is a confusion many people make and it's annoying

>> No.41299212

>Artemis' laser is an energy beam though?
There isn't much to suggest Calvaria wouldn't be able to destroy an island given it's size and duration.
>They're the same thing in the Nasuverse
I seriously doubt you can reach the inner sea by digging. Otherwise Avalon being unreachable makes no sense. Even if it were the planet's physical core isn't necessarily the same as Arc's energy source.

>> No.41299242

Avalon is in the reverse side of the world, but the reverse side of the world isn't Avalon. You can reach the reverse side from digging in other places besides Britain, even if you won't reach Avalon itself.

>> No.41299251

Because Avalon is the reverse side portion of Britain.

>> No.41299257

>There isn't much to suggest Calvaria wouldn't be able to destroy an island given it's size and duration.
It can only destroy a few kilometers worth of city. Artemis' cannon vaporizes islands which take days to travel around.

>> No.41299285

>You can reach the reverse side from digging in other places besides Britain
Citation needed. That doens't make any sense. Different textures even on the same surface are more like alternate worlds with their own version of Earth and cosmology (like the Sun being smaller than the Earth in the Norse texture, the stars of Olympus being more like lights on a screen which can be moved around...). It wouldn't for the reverse side to just be physically under the surface. When Nasu speaks of layers they need to be understood as layers of reality.

>> No.41299321

No? Did you watch the video, they enter through a spirit cave that is specifically open because Britan was dying they're not just digging in the ground deep enough. Physically what's inside Nasu in the modern day is exactly like ours

>> No.41299341

>year of our lord 2022
>people are still trying to explain every minute detail about every little thing in the lore
Why does TM attract so many autistic retards who can't stand the idea of some things remaining ambiguous? I guess Nasu is just as much to blame for this since he thinks he can come up with an explanation for every little thing he adds to the already convoluted shitfest that is modern TM lore.

>> No.41299370

Its not impossible to travel to different textures purely through mundane physical means. Every civilization had their own texture in the AoG and people could get around just fine regardless.
Seemed to me like the cave itself opened up, not its exit to the reverse side.

>> No.41299383

what's the deal with your filenames lol
>captcha: dxdas

>> No.41299386
File: 65 KB, 852x1092, Shiki with phone disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine wasting your time over lore debates for the fucking gacha of all things where he's his most lazy. How pathetic.

>> No.41299415
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They specifically say that Albion wanted to take that pathway but he failed and then it was closed in normal history. That means that in the modern day it's impossible to reach Avalon that way. That also implies that the Reverse Side isn't just physically deep beneath the surface because otherwise it would always be possible to reach it and you wouldn't need special pathways. In Babylonia when you dug you reached the Underworld which is also not the reverse. In the modern world you'd have the mantle then the core and that's most likely what Saber Alter is being compare with.

>> No.41299439

>They specifically say that Albion wanted to take that pathway but he failed and then it was closed in normal history
Yes, it's explicitly stated that since the pathway was closed in normal human history he had to physically get there rather than through mystery like everyone else. This implies its possible to reach the reverse side of the world physically.

>> No.41299466

I'm copying and pasting images online since I'm lazy.

>> No.41299470

This is the best part of TM hands down. It's literally like discussing Tolkien works all over again.

>> No.41299478

>The two work differently, but the results are very similar to this. …Ah, it’s like a bubble floating to the surface in a can of soda, disappearing as it appears, and appearing as it disappears. Speaking of which, my favorite type is still the slightly sweet kind in glass bottles. Do they still put marbles in them in Japan?” Touko said, closing her eyes as if she was reminiscing about the past. “The coordinates of Spirit Tomb Albion probably haven’t been precisely recorded on the Texture of Human Order. Therefore, it wanders about irregularly, changing coordinates in a way almost like the concept of quantum behavior in modern science. Because it does not need to depend on reality, it can appear almost anywhere. A part of Spirit Tomb Albion that was meant to be tens of kilometers below the earth could exist near the surface at the same time.

>> No.41299489

>explicitly stated that since the pathway was closed in normal human history he had to physically get there rather than through mystery like everyone else

>> No.41299504

Somewhere in Case Files. Volume 8 IIRC.

>> No.41299602
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>> No.41299633

Type moon lore is fucking stupid and makes no sense. The reason the VNs are good is because of the characters.

>> No.41299639

>“However, the dragon was eventually forced to succumb to the changing times. This was now the age of humanity. Once the dragon accepted that, he finally prepared to head to the Reverse Side of the World. However, it was too late. The gate from the surface, where mystery had already faded, to the Reverse Side of the World had already closed.

>“The dragon roared, regretting his arrogance. However, he did not despair or give up. Since he could not rely on mystery anymore, he would physically make it down there, he thought. So he used his giant body to sink into the depths of the earth, where traces of mystery still remain to this day.”

>> No.41299666

People seem to stumble into fairy land through random warp gates. They're different dimensions afterall.

>> No.41299724

I agree but we can't have these fun debates talking about the characters can we?

>> No.41299774

Are you fags trying to say the earth doesn't have a molten core and the inner sea, which is a dream the planet is having is in its place instead of being a different layer? Even that saber CE shows volcano and shit to go with the line 大地の熱に匹敵する魔力量。

>> No.41299780

I'm not a LOTRfag, but my experience with Tolkien discussions is people postulating various theories with nothing truly concrete being established as "canon," like how things used to be for TM.
Now that Nasu has tried to autistically explain every little gap between lore points, what we're left with is a bunch of retards regurgitating specific throwaway lines out of a sea of throwaway lines that won't even mean anything in 5 years.
A gacha whose conflicting lore will be explained away with "muh multiverse! :)" when Nasu finally moves on to something else.

>> No.41299798

Powerlevel discussions are only okay if it's between characters in the same work. It at least makes sense there. Comparing across random different series is just headcannon nonsense.

>> No.41299803
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>A-1 is doing Fsf
Maybe that fag is right and we'll finally realize how shit it always was

>> No.41299812

Seems like he was clinging to the hope of there being a higher degree of mystery physically deeper inside the earth, which is what could allow him to reach the other side.
But his end goal was still to connect to a different layer of reality, not reach the core of the planet as humans in the AoM know it.

>> No.41299815

The molten core is inside the inner sea.

>> No.41299832

It's one dude arguing for it. Most people don't think the physical AoM planet's core is the same as the planet's soul.

>> No.41299848

The staff and studio are the same as this PV.

>> No.41299854

To me it seems like the AoM texture doesn't reach to far below the Earth in the first place, hence why weird shit happens with the spirit tomb's entrances and exits.

>> No.41299951

The Batman was shit
The CM looks cheap
You guys are not helping
>Verification not required.

>> No.41299976

It literally says the tombs entrance can appear anywhere and isn't properly recorded in human orders texture.

>> No.41300008

Yes that's what I'm saying. Since tomb isn't properly recorded in the human order's texture its possible that there isn't even a "AoM Earth Core" in the first place, since its even deeper below the Earth than the spirit tomb.

>> No.41300037
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>The Batman was shit
now this is what I call shit taste

>> No.41300049

It would be weird for the AoM texture to encompass whole planets but not the inside of the Earth

>> No.41300058

What am I not helping?

>> No.41300085

ciel wife

>> No.41300087

Humanity lives only on the Earth's surface, so it makes since for the AoM texture to only cover the surface of the Earth. Since humans don't live 2700 km below the Earth their texture likely doesn't reach there.

>> No.41300095

makes *sense

>> No.41300114

But humans can observe and measure things inside the Earth. And the AoM texture covers remote celestial bodies. Hell the Inner Sea being inside the Earth doesn't make sense with the layout of Atlantis/Olympus in FGO.

>> No.41300157

aoko yuri incest sister wet

>> No.41300165

Isn't the reverse side just offset by several phases but directly beneath the human world? Each layer would include the entire reality. Humans being the one where the laws of the world have changed to suit mankind. Fairy land is a texture just as man is over the planet's surface. Probably what Shiki saw inside Arc was the naked surface.

>> No.41300170

I'm pretty sure that the AoM texture just allows humanity to see other planets, not that it changes the textures of the planets themselves. Also IIRC Olympus isn't 2700 km below the Earth's surface so its probably somewhere between Atlantis and the Reverse Side.

>> No.41300193

The issue is that Olympus is a floating city in the middle of nowhere. The idea that you'd find fairyland just by going down more sounds weird.

>> No.41300215

Yeah it just seems like a different diension existing in the same space as human texture like a mirror or something which is why you can wander into it potentially.

>> No.41300232

Textures are kind of odd in general but they do seem to have physical dimensions that can be crossed through mundane means. We have cases like Ares' corpse and Xu Fu entering the Japanese texture without too much trouble just by crossing the sea.

>> No.41300259

The issue is that texture seems to influence the whole layout of the planets. It's likely that in AoG textures the Earth was flat.
Also if Avalon is just beneath the surface then how would it look like to someone seeing it from avove? And if you're inside Avalon and fly high enough would you find yourself inside the ground of the surface texture?

>> No.41300274

what the flying fuck are you guys talking about

>> No.41300277

My headcanon is that for AoG texture they are continuous as in the more you approach another texture the more the world start to look as a common ground between both.

>> No.41300381

>Also if Avalon is just beneath the surface then how would it look like to someone seeing it from avove?
Its never stated but I presume Avalon from a distance would look like something ordinary from the AoM texture until you actually start physically entering it like >>41300277 said.

>> No.41300487

Considering Avalon cannot be reached even by the 5 magics I'm pretty sure it's not something you can just physically enter. It's stated to be on a 6th dimensional plane.

>> No.41300537

i like ayako

>> No.41300570

I think that's more referring to how in combat against someone with Avalon (the noble phantasm) not even true magic would work since they're not even in range to take the attack due to actually being in faerieland, rather than Avalon itself being impossible to enter no matter what. At the very least, whatever magic Merlin used was enough for Shirou to enter Avalon.

>> No.41300623


>> No.41300646

by my command seal i order you to shut up rider

>> No.41300663
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>> No.41300685

Poor Ayako, one of the straightest Fate girls, and the person most interested in her is a degenerate snake...

>> No.41300696


>> No.41300704

It seemed like there is some sort of dimensional divide or barrier too. When they were in the tomb it's mentioned to be a world of layers or simply another dimension. The only reason they could enter the shadow of paradise in LB6 was because it's all technically still fairy realm whereas in PHH it would have been a dead end sealed off to humans. So to me that sounds like you'd not be able to just dig in because you're not on the right frequency or something.

>> No.41300709

I think Dr. Arach is also pretty straight!

>> No.41300716

God I wish I was Ayako

>> No.41300720

Dr. Arach is my favorite Fate girl.

>> No.41300722

Do you have a single peer-reviewed source to back up that claim?

>> No.41300728

What if Rider decides to lick your anus?

>> No.41300732

talking about her ovaries and shit with Shiki

>> No.41300742
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>> No.41300784

Sumire is gay.

>> No.41300827

Fina-blood Svelten touches little boys.

>> No.41300895
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>> No.41301083

Ayako sucks pussy!

>> No.41301135
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>> No.41301142
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>> No.41301146

Regarding the Mahoyo upcoming translation with voices.
What are your expectations for it? Do you think the terminology will be up to the standards of lore autists? It scares me a little bit, I want the terms to be accurate, or at least recognizable...

>> No.41301157

Probably top tier along with DAA. Remember how he's supposed to be closest to crv and some kind of monster who never felt pain until Kiri. Kishima were the parralel for the Oni relative to the Nanaya for the DHO. The hammer basically.

>> No.41301172

Basically gods except mixed-bloods aren't susceptible to the anti-oni binding spells. Evolution at it's finest. Oni in the form of humans.

>> No.41301184

It's Aniplex so look at FGO and Melty.
