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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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41265746 No.41265746 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever wanted an anthropomorphic pet? Wanko to Kurasou takes place in a world where you can have just that! Wanko to Kurasou follows our college student protagonist through his daily life, which gets much more interesting after coming across a lost dog in danger. Can he keep up? Read the VN and find out!

Unfortunately I haven't been able to read much. It's been a busy month. So far it's a cute VN, though I do have some issues with it. I don't really like these sort of settings where it's the normal world, but with something abnormal. It isn't really that bad on it's own, but there ends up being too much exposition and too many details all at the start. I feel like the rest ends up suffering. It'd be better to have these unique details to be introduced through some sort of conflict later on, while focusing on characters at the start.
I don't feel much attachment to any characters. Designs are cute, and none of the girls are bad, but I wouldn't say anyone is especially interesting. I dislike the protagonist.
Maybe my opinion will change as I get into the actual story.

How do you feel about the setting? Any details that you thought were particularly interesting?

-VNDB: https://vndb.org/v812
-Mega: https://mega.nz/folder/dT00DKbQ#IicXowbiE2S1LAOHZ5YchQ
-Torrent: https://sukebei.nyaa.si/view/181382
-New to the thread? Read this FAQ: https://pastebin.com/B2iDTXiu

>> No.41265981 [SPOILER] 
File: 424 KB, 1995x830, wanko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried reading this before and wasn't able to get into it because
>too much exposition and too many details all at the start
>I dislike the protagonist.

Made this back before I dropped it, but I hope if I go back to it that my opinion changes as well.

>> No.41270701

I wouldn't mind reading a story like in your image. It'd have a lot of potential to be funny.
My issue with the protagonist is that he's kind of a bitchboy. I get that he had a rough life growing up, but man, what a faggot. He'd do well to take it easy.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that had these issues.

>> No.41270749

Got the exact same complaint about the MC, felt weird that he always needed to mention how he was superior than everyone else when 'everyone else' is a sub 90 IQ nekomimi. Girls were cute tho, strangely enough, despite loli nekomimi being very popular in art I haven't seen a VN that did it just as good as Wanko to Kurasou

>> No.41274361

That's it /jp/VNC! I will no longer wait until the last week to start reading the VNs. I'm going to start reading them on the first week. No more binge reading VNs for me after this month!

I read this one in a day (Risa route). I was reluctant to start because I found the premise to be too dumb. Something about it caught my interest anyway once I started despite its flaws. Even though I felt apathy towards Yuuichi's character at best through most of the story, I did enjoy the very end where he became attached to the improptu family he had formed with Risa and their pets after all. I'm planning on doing the other routes tomorrow to see what stays in common and what differs.

>> No.41274532
File: 658 KB, 800x600, risa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these cute dog girls and lolis and I ended up going for Risa. It worked out pretty well considering she comes with Mikan and Silvie. Something about this porn addict was cute in a different way than the dog girls

Didn't really mind the protagonist. He's blunt and rude but he's different than most other protagonists I've seen. He did kind of come off as a Mary Sue, with a lifetime's worth of sexual experience at a young age, along with loads of money. It makes sense considering his background but it would've been more interesting to see how they could've rescued Silvie without him buying her outright.

>> No.41278749

Yeah, Risa is really cute. I was planning on going for her too. She just seems like a nice girl, and that everything isn't super awkward was nice too.
Of course, I have to actually read it. I'll do that tomorrow, as I just finished another VN earlier today and am kind of bummed out about it.

>> No.41281189

bump before bed.

>> No.41281863

I actually sort of enjoy the protagonist. A cunt for sure, but he tells people what they need to hear and the whorehouse background makes him stand out in this medium

>> No.41286037

i too havent had the time to read the whole thing yet, but so far i like the more lighthearted setting and all of the girls are cute. i really like kotarou's VA. i also dont mind the protagonist, i dont really like good guy easy self insert protagonists that much and its good that this one has some flaws. this wasnt very insightful so just consider it a bumb

>> No.41288495
File: 573 KB, 2889x3212, 1655781128476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanko to Kurasou
Not necessarily bad but some of endings/paths towards end just feels unfinished (kotarou path) and at some point it just starts jumping from h-scene to h-scene with very little story in between or that's what i recall, it's been years since i read it though.

>> No.41288790

Yeah, it really just feels like a porn game with some story, rather than the other way around.

>> No.41290927

bump before bed...

>> No.41291699

Follow-up post to >>41274361
I didn't expect there to be only 2 routes with choices only affecting scene variations along the way. I found the end of Nadeshiko's route (not the climax, but the actual epilogue) to be so underwhelming I wondered why they bothered having the route.

Things I liked:
- Kotaru's VA saying Yuuchi whenever he teased Nadeshiko. Also Kotaru in general.
- Risa. I expected an archetypical tsundere at first but she turned out to be likeable.
- Mikan being a good girl.
- Silvie being cute and shadowing Mikan.
- Yuuchi and Risa's relationship in the Risa route.
- Yuuchi's past to give him some color as an MC, even if his actual personality is obnoxious.

Things I didn't care for:
- The narrative focus on heat for the animals. It felt like an excuse to keep throwing in H-scenes.
- The H-scenes. I was more interested in seeing the setting and character interactions. I'm not sure if I just don't care for porn when I'm more interested in ideas or if the execution was mediocre and prevented me from getting into it.
- A lack of challenge for the MC. There were two major conflicts he faced in the story: helping Risa save Silvie and [Risa route] Mikan's kidnapping. The first was solved by deus ex machina (I'm not alone in thinking "I happened to have enough money saved up" was an asspull right?). The second actually shows him experiencing emotional duress. But while it's difficult, the story never presents him with any actual choice to make.
- Food descriptions. If it's not there for me to eat, I don't care.

>> No.41297207

It made me cry in one of the ending.
I love mikan and i do like the MC to be honest, better than the thousand of MC's with no personality.

>> No.41297859

i can't believe all of those mikan posts almost tricked me into playing cuckge
thank god i dodged that one

>> No.41300619

What are you talking about? I don't remember seeing anything like that.

>> No.41300634

why did monika show up and kill everyone?

>> No.41301092
File: 499 KB, 640x480, ayuayu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some busy months ahead of me, /jp/ VN Club. I'll try to keep things going about the same, but please be patient with the next couple of threads until I get my situation sorted.

Apart from that, I'll probably get the next vote up tomorrow.

>> No.41303004

a random male side character fucks half the cast of girls and a main heroine gets impregnated by another man

>> No.41305351
File: 1.39 MB, 1240x1748, 38853829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope things work out for you.
If you're looking for VNs for the poll, I highly recommend Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni for October. It's the perfect Halloween VN.
If you do pick it, you might want to do both parts since they're both pretty short.

>> No.41305880

Thanks for the suggestion. I'll probably look for the rest on my own. I'd like to read something horror this month for sure.

>> No.41310000
File: 3 KB, 120x120, __mikan_wanko_to_kurasou_drawn_by_kinomiki_nobori__c9cac7f8a0d7710b3f3bee4de8897413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poll is up. Vote here: https://strawpoll.com/polls/Q0Zp4DR3JZM

Higanbana no Saku Yoru Ni: https://vndb.org/v7576 & https://vndb.org/v8832
Sayonara o Oshiete ~Comment te Dire Adieu~: https://vndb.org/v1200
Cartagra ~Tsuki Kurui no Yamai~: https://vndb.org/v515
Yume Miru Kusuri: https://vndb.org/v44

>> No.41310843

>Sayonara o Oshiete
Isn't the English translation for this really fucking bad? So bad that the patch was taken down?

>> No.41312201

Ah, that seems to be the case. Sorry, I didn't really look to far into it. It looked interesting and I saw that it had a translation.
I'll look for something not so bad to replace it in a while. In the meantime, if none of the other choices look interesting for now, avoid voting until I replace that choice with something else...

>> No.41315566

so st lucia is the setting of higanbanana?

>> No.41317168

New choice: Kana ~Imouto~ (https://vndb.org/v2))
There doesn't seem to be too many horror VNs...

>> No.41317253

Yeah, there aren't many English translated horror VNs that would fit within the length you're looking for.
Chaos; Head is a bit longer than normal for but might be doable.

Pretty sure it's a different school. There are a couple of Umineko references in there though.

>> No.41317975

The title didn't seem very horrorish, but it fits within the usual time requirement. Maybe another month.

>> No.41317997

Higanbana is kindve scary. None of that "*poof* now the guys we turned into mashed potatoes are completely OKAY NOW LETS RESET THE TIMELINE TEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!" bullshit that made me stop caring about it half way through the first episode.

Umineko is overhyped trash and better off as a set of characters to make your own headcanon with. They basically set it up that way with gameboards.

>> No.41318006

yeah the lack of permanent consequences early on really turned it into a pretentious not-mystery novel.

>> No.41318083

Apologies. I was talking about Chaos;Head and why I didn't choose it for the new option.
I haven't read any 07th Expansion VNs myself. Just Key VNs on my own so far.

>> No.41318094

Its alright. Thought you were talking about one of the different settings umineko takes place in. They do go to places other than rokkenjima.

>> No.41319568
File: 122 KB, 1689x180, waro1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking up old Wanko threads and seeing the reactions to the periodic patches is pretty fun.

>> No.41319686

I like looking at old VN threads. Things were new and exciting I guess.

>> No.41322756
File: 1.31 MB, 2258x1600, Nanoha ViVid 98 02-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, just found out the Wanko author is also the Triangle Heart / Nanoha author.
Somehow, that makes sense. The guy definitely likes his loli.

>> No.41326459


>> No.41326524

Or his kemonomimi, since he also did Dog Days.

>> No.41326709

I love my Wife Tamurahime.

>> No.41329499

I will probably end the vote Friday, though I don't really expect many more votes. There should be less fuckery this time.

>> No.41337040


>> No.41337175

this was nostalgic as fuck since I was on the translation team that was scrapped together here on /jp/

>> No.41337231
File: 3.44 MB, 1200x3424, the origin of dogs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's why I saw pic rel renamed wanko to kurasou a few times.
Shame I can't into VN.

>> No.41337419

It's a shame. VNs have a really high concentration of intellectual works. The average VN is chock full of clever allegories, and timeless, thought-provoking commentaries that any person can appreciate to some degree. Though, a lot of it is lost in translation to inferior tongues.
Truly, the best modern literature isn't in the form of a book, but rather a Japanese visual novel.

>> No.41342598

Bumping before bed.

>> No.41345098

Glad you're still around. Too bad you guys never got around to Triangle Heart.

>> No.41351004
File: 73 KB, 922x448, vote 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poll is closed. Higanbana won. As always I'll have download options posted in a bit.

>> No.41351632

Download options are
Torrent: https://nyaa.si/view/360043 & https://nyaa.si/view/521773
Mega: https://mega.nz/folder/oH90nKDK#-PfC-WACc9x-cO0F062qdg

>> No.41352776

Updated the FAQ to include instructions to find previous threads in the archive.
I'm considering adding mega links as well to make it very, very easy to acquire the previous VNs as well. I might just make another pastebin specifically for VN resources. If anyone can think of other useful things add/make, I'm all ears.
