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4124983 No.4124983 [Reply] [Original]

If one of them could be your sister, which one would you like?

>> No.4124987

Sakura is the only acceptable answer.

>> No.4124988


>> No.4124991
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Fate is the only good choice

>> No.4124990


>> No.4124996


>> No.4124998

I'ld pick Precia.. low maintnence loli in a bottle that doesn't age. She's Fate's original anyway.

>> No.4124999

I think Nanoha would put up a fight if I try to do anything weird, so Fate for me.

>> No.4125004

Fate is the only real true answer.

>> No.4125005
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Fate, the other one is to noisy and/or crazy.

>> No.4125022
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Alicia is the loli in a bottle. Precia is the mom and not a loli at all

>> No.4125057

ahhh shit... oh well Precia can make me more bottle lolis

>> No.4125082

I'd rather them both be my mothers.

>> No.4125118
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Nanoha and Fate come as a pair

>> No.4126262
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I don't think she would make bottle lolis for you so enjoy getting killed by the only good character in the Nanoha franchise.
Hell, am I the only one looking forward to the movie just to see more Precia antics and hopefully extended violence towards Fate?

>> No.4126271

She just wanted an incalculable future.

>> No.4126284
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>> No.4126331

Nanoha. Since nobody else seems to want her I'll just be taking her now.

>> No.4126329 [DELETED] 


>> No.4126346
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Both were good children and good siblings so either one is fine.

I would really prefer Signum as an older sister though.

>> No.4126349

Fate is hotter than Nanoha.

>> No.4128282

Fate is best, but star breaker is so pretty. Depends on if she were going to be fighting or not.

>> No.4128294

It doesn't matter, since they're pretty much a package deal.

>> No.4128308
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Fate is a billion times better than that boring Nanohar.

>> No.4128323
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Superior little sister.

>> No.4128650
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I'll take adult Nanoha anyday.

>> No.4128668

Nanoha, so I could fuck her older sister.

>> No.4128854

Too late faggot, I already took her virginity

>> No.4128871

Feito and Nanoha

>> No.4128916

Loli Fate > all
Adult Nanoha > other adults

>> No.4128957

nanoha since she is the cuter one

>> No.4128961

/jp/ - anime

>> No.4128990

Nanoha is the best mom EVER

>> No.4129017

Older or younger sister?

>> No.4129038

They're both old hags

>> No.4129153

I don't want them, they'll see right through what kind of person I am.

>> No.4129168

A good person? Why would they hate that?

>> No.4129655


>> No.4129682

That's Tea bro.

>> No.4129690
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sup nanoha thread

>> No.4129693


Fate would mean my entire family is full of fuck and nanoha would mean I'd have to deal with her and she turned into a bitch when she got older.

>> No.4129705

... m-moe...

>> No.4129712 [SPOILER] 
File: 130 KB, 1100x893, 5105241c244415132e9aaabefd12c5d097da5568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fate and Dead Fate

>> No.4129713

Now, were that a picture of Bardiche, I may have HNNNNGGGG'd.

>> No.4129717

Nanoha's family is also full of fuck. Assassin bodyguards and all that.

>> No.4129725

Get out Triangle Heart devs.

>> No.4129727
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>> No.4129753

So, even better then?

>> No.4129770

its less fucked up than fate's whipstiched family. Though I am pro adoption.

But still I dislike Nanoha so fuck her shit.

>> No.4129856

Fate: Soulless doll, tortured as a kid. Will become a reclusive, child-cloning bondage queen with age.

Nanoha: Has killing in her blood. Will become untamable once she gets her first true kill. Yandere.

Hayate: Used to being alone. Probably did want to destroy the world at the time. Will probably eradicate Midchilda if she ever finds out they set her up the tome.

Arisa: Generic tsundere.

I guess I'll just take the purple haired moelob.

>> No.4129869

This is why you pick Vita.

>> No.4129872
File: 273 KB, 1181x1576, 7566480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanoha has already killed and has proven to be a very nice person. Try again.

>> No.4129876

she killed a book.

>> No.4129881

Books are more alive than most people in this day and age.

>> No.4129883

what have you done

>> No.4129884

Can I have Subaru?

>> No.4129886


But the book can become a person.



>> No.4129895
File: 303 KB, 1181x1575, 7737263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted a picture someone else drew

>> No.4129901

Obviously not a book.

>> No.4129928

Are there any sluts in Nanoha?

>> No.4129927

Why must you offend us with Yukari's ugly face?

>> No.4129937
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all of them!

>> No.4129939

The whole cast.

>> No.4129940

Nanoha is a former eroge heroine if that means anything. Other than that Subaru, but she is a lesbian.

>> No.4129949

can nanoha beat accelerator?

>> No.4129952

Subaru is not a slut you faggot. She's a good girl.

>> No.4129953
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>> No.4129956

Nanoha doesn't beat people, she befriends them.

>> No.4129957

you talking about your seiyu?

>> No.4129967


She didn't act like a lesbian when I fucked her.

>> No.4129969

He's probably referring to Triangle Heart 3, in which Nanoha's older brother is the protagonist.
As far as I know, Nanoha was only a side character though.

>> No.4130023

There's a spinoff called "lyrical toy box" that's about nanoha. It's where the "lyrical" in lyrical nanoha came from. Also like a goddamn lot of references to it in the first season.

>> No.4130037

Subaru has a vagina?

>> No.4130044

Robo vagoo

>> No.4130058

Does a robo vagoo feel better than a normal one?

>> No.4130069


>> No.4130129

Hayate, because she's the softest.

>> No.4130321



>> No.4130586

Shamal for the remote handjobs, also she seems like she'd be a caring oneesan.
