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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 86 KB, 510x382, wedontgothereanymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4121804 No.4121804 [Reply] [Original]

Well... moot finally did it.

Rest in peace old friend.

>> No.4121807
File: 24 KB, 513x354, 1261628573725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4121813


Good riddance.

>> No.4121818

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.4121819


I doubt it will get any worse.

>> No.4121815

Wait doesn't that mean /jp/ has a chance to get shitflooded in a bit.

>> No.4121822
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Get out of jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, we already have /a/ in here. That's not too different.

>> No.4121828

/a/ > /b/
because /a/ is at least nerdy and /b/ has a lot of hipsters. ( `ー´)

anyway. /b/ is going to shit up the rest of 4chan now.

>> No.4121830

Hey guys, remember when we though /jp/ was gone?

>> No.4121833

>/a/ > /b/
they are both equally good

>> No.4121836

>( `ー´)
Don't sneer at your betters like that, Corean dog.

>> No.4121838

I wish /b/ would go. All it is is post your cocks/camwhores, furry threads and roulettes. It makes me so sad to see the shape it's in. Just a bunch of school aged kids.

>> No.4121847

haha no
( `ー´)

>> No.4121856

Good riddance.

Though it's most likely just temporarily, one can hope that it isn't.

>> No.4121861


This is the final thread on /b/.

>> No.4121870

Delete this thread immediatley

>> No.4121879


Confirmed retards

>anyway. /b/ is going to shit up the rest of 4chan now.

The only remotely intelligent person in this thread. News flash, retards: /b/ is the toilet of 4chan. When it isn't working, we get shit backed up into the rest of the website

/b/ is probably just having some issues. Moot is not insane enough to actually take that board down. The rest of the website would drown in shit if it *did* permanently go down

>> No.4121880

Time to leave /jp/ for today.
Enjoy your /b/ raid/spam spillover.

>> No.4121885

but...why?? wtf?

>> No.4121887

if you let shit pile up it will smell worse

>> No.4121897

/b/ must live on
the true spirit of 4chan must continue

>> No.4121899

Who cares? Hopefully 4chan drowns in shit and people who don't like it go elsewhere.

>> No.4121906


>> No.4121912

Time to go to bed.

>> No.4121913

Yes, I already know what happens when /b/ goes down.

However after a few days, maybe a week or two then the people from /b/ should get bored with it and find a new board or chan with some staying behind. If you look at it like that then a week or two of /b/tard spam for getting rid of them is a small price to pay.

It's risk for reward. I would prefer that /b/ isn't gone, but I am at the same time glad to see it gone.

>> No.4121914

I wish /b/ was killed and the rest of 4chan didn't have to put up with them anymore, but unfortunately >>4121828 and >>4121879 are right.

When the retards don't have their board to shit in they start shitting in every other board.

/a/ and /v/ already get called /b/ on a regular basis.
Now imaging all the users from /b/ suddenly flooding these and every other board all at once.
Things get real shitty real fast.

>> No.4121919


The roulettes confuse the fuck out of me. /b/ circa 2004 never had that shit.

>> No.4121920

No one from /b/ will come to /jp/. No other boards except /a/ realize we exist.

>> No.4121984

>No one from /b/ will come to /jp/. No other boards except /a/ realize we exist.

This. /b/ going would be the best thing ever. /a/ and /v/ would deal with their shit for a while, and then the /b/ tards would make their own website. Too bad this is a 99% chance of just being normal 4chan downtime.

>> No.4122043

this thread is going to /b/!!

>> No.4122058
File: 34 KB, 634x478, UNAMUSED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there----Good ridance you say?
You guys are gonna get raped.
Were back, by the way :)

>> No.4122064

this /b/ is going to thread

>> No.4122066


>> No.4122070

this /b/ is going to raped

>> No.4122075

/g/ does, for one.

>> No.4122086

the funny thing is that /b/ is working just fine. seriously, what the hell?

>> No.4122098
File: 67 KB, 447x446, 1263260817936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this "Japan" anyway,some sort of giraffe?

>> No.4122103

japan is for faggots

>> No.4122108

You now realize that sakuyascrubbingremilia.jpg comes from /b/.
