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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 501x585, jones-bwa-ha-ha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4121094 No.4121094 [Reply] [Original]




>> No.4121097

At least Jones accomplished something with his life.

>> No.4121096

Get out namefag.

>> No.4121104
File: 32 KB, 413x310, kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we rid the world of kikes /jp/?

>> No.4121103

I love you Jones.

>> No.4121108


>> No.4121113


>> No.4121114


>> No.4121121
File: 256 KB, 935x887, kkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4121123


>> No.4121126


>> No.4121128

let them takeover & win. they'll kill each other fighting over the remains. problem solved.

>> No.4121132


>> No.4121133


>> No.4121137

Is it true that Argentinians are worse than Jews? Can someone confirm?

>> No.4121136

JEWS is VIP quality, not DQN quality.

>> No.4121143

Yes they are.

>> No.4121145


south americans are lovely people in general.

>> No.4121152

yes they are
good thing im italian living in argentina though

>> No.4121154


>> No.4121162

I'm from Argentina, so I'm sort of entitled to answer this question.

1. Yes. We suck.
2. Our country is full of Jews anyways.

>> No.4121167


>> No.4121171

Your country is full of Jones

>> No.4121172

>I'm from Argentina
no wonder you are a horrible retard

>> No.4121175

>Our country is full of NAZI descendants anyways.

>> No.4121186

We have both.

>> No.4121184

At least he's not from Poland. Now that's a shitty country.

>> No.4121198

if you have seen a bad argentinians, most probably jews

>> No.4121207

Chileans are far worse...

>> No.4121210

Why do Jews behave the way they do? Is it their inferior genes?

>> No.4121212

I met Jones on an insurgency server the other day.
He was an okay player.

>> No.4121216

I agree.

>> No.4121219 [DELETED] 

Brazilians are pretty fuck bad as well.

>> No.4121225

Brazilians are pretty fucking bad.

>> No.4121245

What did jews do to people that made everyone hate them anyways?

>> No.4121251


br? BR! jajajajajajajaja u give gold

i report you jajajajaja

>> No.4121254


>> No.4121256


>> No.4121263

Traditional reason is usury. These days, it's often because they treat Palestinians like shit.

>> No.4121266
File: 167 KB, 800x800, reimu hakurei nevermind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's someone that acts completely like a kike multiple times.

>> No.4121278


>> No.4121279

They single handily destroyed our white culture.

>> No.4121285
File: 154 KB, 800x533, Israel_map[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


most recently? fueling a mass-propaganda machine against catholics and now slowly against republicans?

oh and screaming anti-semitism when you are commiting a genocide.

>> No.4121288

You got the laughs wrong, which made your /b/ post even more pathetic.

>> No.4121299

There's no such thing as a "palestinian" and the Jews treat Arabs in Israel better than Arabs in adjoining nations treat themselves.

>> No.4121306

Ok I'll give that israel is really lousy, but I mean...the shit Jews have had since....ever.

Is it that whole 'jesus thing'?

>> No.4121310


>There's no such thing as a "palestinian"

tell that to a palestinian. YOU DONT EXIST!

fuking disgusting kike, no wonder everyone hates your kind

>> No.4121311 [DELETED] 
File: 424 KB, 720x432, British Empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew controllled america ended European Imperialism fucking americans

>> No.4121314

The Israel situation is about like America, evil government and a large fraction of the population is retarded, but quite a lot of jews are against the occupation and expansion.

>> No.4121321
File: 424 KB, 720x432, British Empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jew controllled america ended European Imperialism fucking american marionettes and fuck the jews too

>> No.4121319

Checkpoints everywhere, blockading shit, bombing the fuck out of them, this is just starters.

I'm no fan of other Arab nations but Israel is shit to Palestinians. And yes, they do exist.

>> No.4121322

Namefags = JEWS


>> No.4121329

I don't even know what a kike is

>> No.4121330

>but quite a lot of jews are against the occupation and expansion.

Those are the ones that will be the most surprised when they're all rounded up by the people they're supposedly making "peace" with.

You don't make peace with people that repeatedly assure anyone that is actually listening that the war isn't over until there is no Israel, and, specifically, no Jews.

Not that I care about Jews, but it takes a cognitive aberration to believe that you're going to make common cause with people that reject your very existence.

>> No.4121335

live Fox News livestream!!


>> No.4121345

I'd do all that, too, if I had a bunch of people living in self-made squalor that launch rockets at me, send in human bombs every other day, and run extensive networks of arms and bomb smuggling all through the borders they "say" they respect like they're a swarm of fire ants waiting to eat me alive.

>> No.4121351

Name something bad that doesn't have Jewish roots. Try it.

>> No.4121354

Speaking of Fox News, Palin has signed on as a commentator for them.

>> No.4121353 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your moronic attacks 24/7 at www.an
k.com. We don't want you there, retards. GOT IT already?! Sub-human creatures...

>> No.4121362

Hit up google, bro.

>> No.4121377

Oh no. Does this mean she won't be running in 2012? God I hope not.

>> No.4121376

I'm Dutch and I hate Dutch people, most people that aren't immigrants are so friendly it's painful. I can see through their act, they want something from me, don't they?

>> No.4121373

Communism oh wait nmv...

>> No.4121380

How Jewish is Jones?

>> No.4121387

Since Jones is a little black girl, not very Jewish.

>> No.4121398

But online gaming has led me to believe they're all arrogant and whiny, and all of them smoke and use the word cancer a lot. Please don't ruin my beliefs.

>> No.4121408

Jews caused WW1 Gavrilo princip was a jew.

>> No.4121433

WW1 was a matter of time

>> No.4121451

Thats what the jew wants you to believe

>> No.4121474 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your moronic attacks 24/7 at www.an
k.com. We don't want you there, retards. GOT IT already?! Sub-human creatures...

>> No.4121492


>> No.4121506 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your moronic attacks 24/7 at www.an
k.com. We don't want you there, retards. GOT IT already?! Sub-human creatures...

>> No.4121524

He was just a puppet, previous Serbian royal family had been assinated thus Karadordevics rose which had great ties to the jews in Serbia they funded the organisation black hand that were behind the assasination.

>> No.4121569

You forgot the part where the u.n states "this part is for jew, this part is for arabs", and then everyone starts a war on the 13 hour old Israel, Israel kicks their sorry asses anyways, and THEN takes the other territories.

>> No.4121576

>13 hour old Israel, Israel kicks their sorry asses anyways
By getting pumped with funds materials from the US and pilots.

>> No.4121587

You forgot the part where Israel attacked first.

>> No.4121589

Funds and pilots from the u.s arrived 4 whole days after the war started.
Israel kicked their sorry asses for 4 days before U.S intervention.
Although it's completely true that long-term fighting and one-sided complete victory as happened was not possible without the funds.
Pilots.... that's a point for discussion.

>> No.4121599

Fucking Welsh. Jones the miner, Jones the milkman, Jones the barber etc... and now Jones the terrorist.

>> No.4121603

.......And when did that happen? it went like this-
U.N: ok lol here you go, this is israel, this is palestine
arabs in israel: OHNOES WE OBJECT
arabs outside israel: OH NO U DON'T, WAR!
Hell, except for 1967 when syrian tanks were on the fucking border, Israel didn't attack first even once.

>> No.4121614

The reason the arabs are so butthurt about Palestine is that they were promised independence if they sided with the British in WW1 after 20 years they would receive self rule
but hurr

>> No.4121624

Lot of zionists here. Can't say I'm surprised.

>> No.4121630

Fucking jews noone likes you.

>> No.4121642

I love how every asshole in the world uses that words and doesn't know what it even means, i usually hear it's "The beleif that only jews go to heaven" or other bullshit.

Face it, world, you have 2 choices:
Only jews counter sandniggers effectively.

>> No.4121647

Sandniggers so they can stay in sandnigger land not emigrate

>> No.4121645

JEWones, not so good.

>> No.4121654

It means people who are for a Jewish state. Or, these days, people who are for Greater Israel. Fuck Greater Israel.

>> No.4121659
File: 11 KB, 131x225, reported5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Stormfront/General.

>> No.4121660

Keep dreaming
Europe is already full of sandniggers, the U.K is going to be another sandniggerland in 5-7 years tops.

There are also tons of them in the U.S and Canada.
Your neighbour is probably one as well. Wake up.

>> No.4121664


I bet Europe wish they had INFRASTRUCTURE

>> No.4121670

There are no sandniggers in my country sure there are gypsies which are probably 100x worse

>> No.4121678 [DELETED] 

lol, best argument on /sp/ now

>> No.4122190

Down with Jones.

>> No.4122194

Shut up Jones

>> No.4122214

>81 posts and 6 image replies omitted.
Why would you samefriend for 3.5 hours, Jones? Sheesh.

>> No.4122217
File: 175 KB, 288x352, LDxOiSAjR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
