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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.18 MB, 1300x1189, __kawashiro_nitori_touhou_drawn_by_karei__309070ca60d58afce6816eeba125fa3e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
41151157 No.41151157 [Reply] [Original]

If you have a question about a specific product, please LINK it so people know what you're talking about.

Guide to onaholes, dolls, supplements, aural stim, and anything else that makes blowing a load enjoyable:
Update guide: https://controlc.com/e979939a

list/guide of plush doll providers

Minor edits should be made to the wiki to keep information/links up to date.

OtonaJP a shit. Order from them at your own risk.
OtonaJP has rebranded as Naughty-nippon in the EU and should also be avoided. Don't say we didn't warn you.

- - - Notice for Aussies: Only J-list doesn't ship to Australia anymore (it's their own fault for not discretely packaging onas). All the other retailers still do ship to Australia - - -

>Please read the guide, use the warosu archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

>Please avoid posting any dolls of infants. We don't want you here and it hurts the health of the thread.

>Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

previous thread: >>41101825

>> No.41151207

Hey /ona/ chads, I need a large chest that locks for my onaholes, can you guys give me some suggestions? I'm in the US.

>> No.41151619

Nevermind, found a decently priced one. I'm also going to buy a lock for it.
I need some suggestions on hips though, preferably one with dark skin, as I'm a gyaru fag.

>> No.41151997

Get some of those static dehumidifiers and smell absorbers. Luke what are sold for shoes.

>> No.41152234

if i use perfume on my doll will it explode?
i want to fuck a vanilla candle incarnate

>> No.41152459

There's perfumes specifically for onaholes. I'm pretty sure it works for dolls too. Don't use regular perfume though, it can potentially Raiders of the Lost Ark your doll. I had that happen to my onahole when I used a decently expensive perfume. It's really better to not risk using regular perfume.

>> No.41152479

>airtight container
get some silica gel packs

>> No.41152552

Already ahead of you. I work on computers so I have a fuck ton of silica packs, and I'm going to order some odor absorbers.

>> No.41152959

Spray the perfume into your dusting powder. Let the carrier alcohol evaporate before using it. Works amazingly well and I haven't noticed any negative effects since doing this for the last few months. I think the advice against using perfumes is because it contains alcohol, so spraying directly on the TPE would be bad.

>> No.41153402

I heard that you dont want to spray the doll directly just in case the smell goes bad but instead spray the clothes/wig

>> No.41153935

>use doll orally
>nut harder than normal because i got the dolls hands to lightly grip my balls
>go to clean out the hole
>theres almost nothing in there
>panic and screw off head
>nothing at base

>> No.41153964

she ate it.

>> No.41154006

Possibly trapped between the TPE and the fiberglass if theres a hole in the TPE mouth sleeve. Theres a hollowed out section in the fiberglass to hold the mouth sleeve thats closed off, so no way to drain the coom. You could maybe try peeling it away at the bottom and sticking your fingers in to see if its damp.

>> No.41154010

Either you produced very little, or it could've went into your bladder. If it's the latter, you'll need to get medical help immediately, just say you had oral sex or masturbating to the doctor/nurse, they don't need to know you're fucking a sex doll.

>> No.41154011
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>> No.41154027

>hole feels amazing
>can't cum though for some reason
>have to finish with hand
Anyone else have this problem? Should I try taking a nofap break?

>> No.41154041

Congrats anon you got the fabled haunted doll that feeds on cum

>> No.41154042

ever since the heatwave broke i been drinking like 12 cups of tea a day. theres no way i didnt produce enough. time to poke around hoping this is the baseline >>41154011

>> No.41154145


>> No.41154336

It could be an excess of stimulation. I had this problem when I was on SSRIs for a few months which killed my sex drive until they were out of my system. Using my hole felt amazing, but it took me 1 - 1 and a half hour to cum, and had to use my hand in the end.

>> No.41154454

Check the floor?

>> No.41154517

I've been using paper towels to dry out my ona for some time now and I'm starting to worry that there are little bits of paper still in there. My ona is bone dry and I don't feel it when I fap, but is there still some risk of mold?

>> No.41154597

If you use decent paper towels and not the crappy ones that are 20 rolls for $10. What I do is I take a paper towel, fold it so it's the width of two fingers, then fold it in half. I then guide it to the end of the tunnel and gently "roll" the onahole to make sure it contacts the paper towel on all sides. Once it's totally wet, I repeat once more to get the rest out. I leave the 2nd one in for about 30 minutes.

>> No.41154638

Yeah I know about paper towel quality, I get good ones. It's just that I ran out but wanted to fap so used my roommates big napkins instead. Still though, is there a risk of mold?

>> No.41154686

My first doll's mouth wasn't sealed properly. I never came in there, but when I tried rinsing out her mouth once all the water just went right through her. It was a pain in the ass and I'm sure I never got all the moisture out.

>> No.41154840
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>he got a doll with a non-neutral face

>> No.41155208

That doll's problem is that she's hideous, not the smile.

>> No.41155470
File: 3.00 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20220909_081925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>pump doll
and you anon ?

>> No.41155658

It depends on how well you dry it. If you're that concered, get better paper towers when you can, then rewash.

>> No.41155831

>wake up
>immediately want to jerk off
>can't because still live with mother
>don't have private bathroom
>currently sleeping on recliner in living room because boxes are all over bed
>holes packed up but still accessible
>have to wait for my mother to leave for guaranteed 1 or more hours
>20 minutes after she leaves fuck onahole I feel like using
>cum super hard
>rush to clean up
It's stressful as fuck, but at least I'm moving. Once I get my own place, I'm considering getting a torso+head doll because of my quad amputee fetish, and a regular doll so I can dress her up in fetish and cosplay costumes (and to fuck).

>> No.41155993

how risky is it to import a loli doll into EU?

>> No.41155996

I mean that's definitely terrible but like if you got an Akane or whatever, it's good if you really like it. Personally I still would want to be able to change heads sometimes to change the expression and that type of head doesn't seem like it really works for kissing but it'd be fun to have, maybe just not all the time.
There are some dolls with smiles that work really well though but it can be very hit or miss. I'm still waiting for more heads to come out with moveable jaws and stuff though for more realism.

>> No.41156004

Like, mold isn't going to grow on paper if it's just sitting there. Obviously if it's wet there's chance if it doesn't dry.

>> No.41156016

Man I haven't fucked my hip in a few weeks because of that too. I wanna make my bed creak again (this shit is seriously about to break it's kinda scary sometimes).

>> No.41156126

Just got a pair of tits. The Zuritte Oppai Chichifueta Rocket. It’s good shit but I wanna get some clothes for em. Will I look like a weirdo for being a grown ass dude getting a bra at walmart? Do you guys get that kinda shit online?

>> No.41156173

Which country and from what seller

>> No.41156218

Germany, no seller specially, just asking in general

>> No.41156235


>> No.41156240

>mom found my onaholes
>since then, makes at least 1 joke a week alluding to my sex toys

just kill me now bros

>> No.41156242

Absolutely no clue about Germany. I ordered from catdoll to north EU, they use a "special line" which means they first ship it to their EU warehouse, which in theory should make it pass EU borders without customs checks. Mine also shipped through Germany.
They also use fake boobs on the dolls during shipping incase the package gets caught in a random inspection and they poke a camera in it.

>> No.41156552

Assert dominance and power fuck your onahole in front of everyone on Thanksgiving

>> No.41156572

You probably try to negotiate with them and send the head seperatly.

>> No.41156593

Buy online, generally, sellers don't give a fuck about the name. If you go to a public place for women's clothes/lingerie, you'll look like a pervert and probably be "asked" to leave. If a store has something that isn't online you want, you could ask a female friend to get it, or get in and out, don't window shop. If you're quick and don't act shifty, they'll assume you're buying it for your girlfriend/wife.

>> No.41156602
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nobody care, a lot of people buy for their gf/relatives

>> No.41156605

Assert dominance and threaten to fuck your mom if she doesn't shut her cheeky mouth

>> No.41156604
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Anyone ever tried Okunomiya KoBukuro? I like the idea of uterus penetration and this is my first toy with it. I've also seen a new successor to this that was recently released called She is My Sassy Girl which is an otanaJP exclusive and is also made by Hotpowers but they kinda just look the same other than the obvious purple color reskin.



>> No.41156628

Also, if you need help finding proper sizes ask a teller to help you. Give them 1 size smaller (eg if it's D size get C) because oppai toys tend to be flat bottomed. If it does have a torso, get the appropriate size.

>> No.41156708

Has anyone tried to mix and match heads from different manufacturers? I doubt the sex doll industry is stringently adhering to a set of known standards.

>> No.41156719

>moveable jaws and stuff though for more realism.
I'm wondering how they're, if they're ever, going to do "moveable" expressions. Some sort of wires that hold the skin in place?

>> No.41156745

There's already something like this, however, as everyone knows the saying, don't stick appendages in android orifices.

>> No.41156750

I haven't tried that one but generally the issue with those holes is that you don't actually feel the thing and the entrance is too short to be stimulating on its own so you gotta be constantly abusing the ginmicky and it loses its charm.
Like https://www.motsutoys.com/tight-virgin.html is pretty good for what it's advertising and the ring it has it actually strong so you feel it but the entrance is short and the main stimulation point is the ring.
The Virgin Matchless is actually the one I think the hymen gimmick the best, mostly because it's not just a "keep pushing between in and out of the hymen" because it has 7 lol, it feels great scrapping though them all.
The Ride Loli CQ2 is also similar to the one you posted but again, the entrance area is short and the entrance to the uterus itself is soft so it's eh, the portion it has at the end is again too soft to really feel when you're hard and lubed up.
For me in general it feels like the attempts at these are always misguided because you want the uterus to be at the end and not in the middle of the hole. Something like Tight Virgin has but in a still stimulating hole and with the ring at the end for you to poke the head through, only issue with Tight Virgin is that it's overall not a very stimulating hole outside of the gimmick.

>> No.41156757

According to some posts in the past, it's possible to do with most heads because the attachment parts aren't usually proprietary, but you might need to go to the hardware store to get a proper adapter.
It doesn't have to be motorized. I was thinking something that you just push hard enough on the face and it'd move and stay in place.

>> No.41156812

Thanks for the insight anon, ill take it to heart.

>> No.41156816

>just push hard enough on the face and it'd move and stay in place.
Do you have any examples? The only thing I can think of having this property is that pink putty from dollar stores kids would put on news papers to copy the ink.

>> No.41156858

The tunnel is the exact same looking at the pics. I don't know about the firmness, but from what I can tell, the only difference is the color.

>> No.41157153

is the search for kanojotoys broke for anyone else?

>> No.41157613

>Will I look like a weirdo for being a grown ass dude getting a bra at walmart?
No. Assuming you are above the age of 20, it is normal for people your age to have gfs/wives. Just don't be nervous about it. If you have questions, ask the staff what kind of bra would fit your girlfriend. It's semi-normal for wayward bfs/husbands to go into womens clothing stores

>> No.41157810

I mean... Unless you're a massive neckbeard and are saying things like "whatever makes boobies look more sexier" and quoting the manufacturer provided 3 sizes of your doll.
You should also probably start with a shop that sell lingerie but isn't a lingerie exclusive shop.

>> No.41157835

Speaking of sizes, lie and say your "girlfriend" is a 28 at the smallest. No girl has a low 20's band size and gigantic breasts at the same time.

>> No.41157882

Just tell them to not shame people if they decide to get implants the size of their head.

>> No.41158067

any help for what to do if your onaholes no longer make you cum as hard

>> No.41158132

Stop using them for a while.

>> No.41158517

is this whats under the sex doll head?
or a new horror themed onahola?

>> No.41158525

The former and the latter

>> No.41158723

which vendor is good for lubes? I ordered from amazon jp before and they couldn't clear customs

>> No.41158892

I ran out of saliva of truth and it'll be a few days until restock arrives. In the meantime which of these lubes would be the best replacement to use with mouth of truth?
Puni ana juice regular and thick, insomnia or onatsuyu.

>> No.41158896

cool but post a video instead of an image next time

>> No.41158997

I need one of these uterus toys but transparent. The whole point for me is seeing the cum blast into the womb.

>> No.41159101

Sadly the material isn't there yet either, yet to see an actual clear ona as they usually have to be harder and thicker.

>> No.41159466

Anyone have experience with silicone heads with TPE bodies?

It seems a decent option for a nice face but still a soft body, but photos seem to be wildly everywhere with it looking fairly blended sometimes for a prettier overall look with only a slight difference, sometimes looking starkly different, and sometimes looking very waxy by comparison.

Its hard to tell if the nice photos are a filter smoothing it out, if the bad ones that nearly look photoshopped on they are so different are the camera picking up stuff the eye doesn't see, or if the waxy look is just bad lighting in a warehouse. I can't really tell because its one of those things that is different in person.

>> No.41159724
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>> No.41159868

onaholes are boring I want to use Nitori

>> No.41159975
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The waxy look is because firmer silicone doesn't hold powder as well and silicone is naturally shiny. Its just something you'd have to accept as a tradeoff for the finer details.

>> No.41159978

>whatever makes boobies look more sexier
Well don't say it like a faggot. But anon, we're talking about a lingerie store, it is literally their job to field these questions. Just ask the employee what she thinks will look better

>> No.41160110
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Gentlemen, which brand makes the best dark elf wives?

>> No.41160263

How do dolls feel on "bony" parts like joints and ribs? I'm worried it'll feel weird if I press into a doll's side or wrist and feel it deform.

>> No.41160278 [SPOILER] 
File: 254 KB, 683x969, 1649991304826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a few good ones out there, but not nearly enough good elves

which ones to point you at depends on your preferred elf style and asthetics.

>> No.41160306

>your preferred elf style and asthetics.
Olga is probably my ideal dark elf, or maybe some borderline oppai loli elves like the first picture I posted

>> No.41160318
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Forgot the pic cause I'm 'tarded

>> No.41160337
File: 128 KB, 800x533, SED068-24-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture helps, for that one the SE dolls elfs will probably be a really good fit for hips/tits. not sure how good their bodies are, the heads look good if a bit heavy.

only good head i know of that fits the other pic is the DS one or any that mimic it that i posted the first time. Probably best to combine the head with a different body though, which can be hard to color match. Hanidoll has a really good one that would probably fit and i think they have bigger tit options and low cost.

>> No.41160416
File: 1.02 MB, 689x1033, 63df9796eda2cd934528697bf6fc816c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they legit? This is a 140cm doll for 387 dollars which seems to good to be true

>> No.41160461
File: 134 KB, 689x1033, hanidoll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was another anon who got one a while back. they are not quality by any means(he had some issues with the tunnel tearing) but its cute and cheap.

if you want something quality, i would probably pair a DS elf head with a sanhui body(sanhui doesnt have fantastic elfs imo, but bangin bodies) or do something like 4woods($$$$).
If your ok with just using cosplay ears, sanhui has a solid selection and poseable jaws. once you get to cosplay ear territory though you can basically just go with anything.

>> No.41160501

What do the tits and ass of these feel like?
>inb4 bags of sand

>> No.41160527 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.00 MB, 1080x720, sanhuijigglin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the model, maker, material and what options you get. some of them have gel implants on stuff now that makes sections nice and soft.
TPE is generally softer than silicone but it can almost be just a big bag of jelly.
imo silicone tends to feel a bit like theres muscle or body structure underneath which im a fan of. gel implant tits are fucking amazing.

>> No.41160544

Thats what I was thinking. Its not that visible in some photos but I thought it might be a camera filter helping smooth it out as in others it has that wet look like a freshly made Terminator. But that was always in factory photos so thought it could be oil or mold release from being freshly made or something.

TPE definitely lacks a little detail by comparison but the skin was looking way more natural and warm. Wish I could find the same doll with same everything just the different head to really compare but most are different selections or customer photos, which have definitely helped at least.

>> No.41160554
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>539 bucks
>over 150cm tall
I gotta tell you I'm tempted, how bad was the tearing the other anon reported and did he have anything to say about how they feel and what not?

>> No.41160572

Could you attest to how it feels in places like these>>41160263 ?

>> No.41160586

Different anon, they don't have ribs so it's going to be squishy but some use a foam core to add rigidity
You will absolutely think you broke her wrists though since they use flimsy wire for most hands unless you want to shell out extra

>> No.41160599
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all of mine are silicone and have a layered material thing going on so my experience may be a bit different.

chest/torso, i can push into where the ribs should be, but there is a firmer foam material there(no texture though). Limbs/joints feel fine until you push in in which case you can tell its not the same bone structure, but overall mine feel like a toned/fit person for the most part.

i dont understand the need for bone accuracy myself and like it the way it is, but on dolls that dont use layering stuff like silicone can(including some cheaper silicones) it feels a bit weird trying to grab a limb or the body and your hands just sink into it until it hits the skelly.
ive had one cheaper silicone like that and it always made me think it was going to tear with how much it deformed.

it was a tear near the anus that just left a second little loop of material. not bad overall but it bothered them enough to attempt to repair as it was originally rather than mod it to blend in. they seemed to enjoy the holes and body quite a bit though aside from that.

>> No.41160621

Hanidoll anon actually here now, the tear was on her pussy lips, the tunnel itself still seems to be in good shape and she's still taking loads like a champ
As for feel she's not to soft and not to firm, her vagina and ass textures are a little different from each other but both feel good and both are deep enough to take me in all the way
Have not been able to use her mouth though, my dick is to big and I'm worried that if I tried to force it I would damage her
Overall very satisfied with my little elf despite the issues we have had that are mostly from me being to rough and being girthy

>> No.41160677

What is the best onehole/fleshlight/whatever in europe I can buy rn?

>> No.41160680

Am I the only person disappointed in my Tomax Uterus?

>> No.41160756

No, I don't get the appeal either. I use it when I want a harder hole than my Venus Real Soft because I got my Uterus in regular, but other than that, it is just a slightly worse VRS with a total gimmick at the end.

>> No.41160823

It legit think my hand is better. Granted my dick is pretty numb.

>> No.41160941

ask her for sex

>> No.41160978

Is there a way to know if Ill like onas fleshlights or anything else more or do I just get one yolo?
Never bought a toy before just want a hole to fuck desu, no full body toy or anything crazy.
Im like 17cm 15.5 girth, curves down a little, buying in Europe.
Is this good?

>> No.41161006

>doesn't know anything about holes and just wants some dick stimulation
Get a ZXY

>> No.41161018

Yea I don't even know what that is, sorry not a lurker here, nothing in the OP, nothing in Google
Care to elaborate what that is?

>> No.41161063

I'm talking about the Meiki Zhang Xiao Yu, it's just a really good all around ona

>> No.41161157

hanidoll? like hanidoll.com? how poorly did the doll match the photos on the website?

>> No.41161196
File: 2.45 MB, 4080x3060, 20220603_224305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how poorly did the doll match the photos on the website?
I've posted her before and I have the model that this anon posted
Here's a picture of her so you can compare, the site photos have better lighting and the make up on mine is fading a bit but she's not far off

>> No.41161291

Sauce on the doll in the vid?

>> No.41161325

its in filename

>> No.41161398

>File: Spoiler Image
Thanks mate

>> No.41161427

hover your cursor on the spoiler image text for a bit

>> No.41161434

On mobile because my computer is currently packed up in preparation for moving.

>> No.41161454
File: 317 KB, 1536x2048, FFOqnX_agAAORUl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aight, its sanhui

>> No.41161523

Thank you, gonna try to get one after I move.

>> No.41161630

>costs less than one weeks pay
I know the brand since I have one but I got mine through the doll channel, are their ebay listings legit? I wonder since some of these prices are even lower than what they have on their website

>> No.41161659

Where I can find explicit / uncensored photos of catdoll models? Specifically their larger models, 135, 136, 146 cms

>> No.41161679

Thanks that seems to have good reviews, can't find it in stock anywhere though.

>> No.41161912

Anyone here have a 1:1 scale of a horse dildo? i want to keep one around the house as a weapon

>> No.41161913
File: 97 KB, 790x1185, SANHUI-exclusivo-nuevo-158cm-mu-eca-sexy-de-silicona-real-tama-o-adulto-realista-funci-n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know if Sanhui plans to ever put out another big boob body? Or how often they release new bodies? That Marie face is my dream doll but I'm not set on any of their bodies.

>> No.41161925

They literally just announced a 170cm body, and it's thicc

>> No.41162003

Some dude on Etsy, search the archive.

>> No.41162120


>> No.41162213

Thank you

>> No.41162311

I wish someone would make a slender 6ft doll. I don't really like massive tits, so finding a tall doll with small tits is impossible.

>> No.41162321

She actually said yes, wtf anon!

>> No.41162345

For the people still living at home, do you hide your dolls?

>> No.41162349
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my parents have dementia i just play streams on my phone at the dinner table and they believe it

>> No.41162355


>> No.41162470

what did he mean by this

>> No.41162521

It's always just been shit for me.

>> No.41162522

Anyone know where to find doll reviews or blogs other than here and twatter?

>> No.41162527

Woah, since when did Sanhui make a TPE line? Is it any good?

>> No.41162595
File: 126 KB, 364x364, kabejiri_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got myself this hip onahole and its coming in soon. very new to the onahole scene and just wondering if other people have used it? ive seen some good reviews but just curious to see what you guys think

>> No.41162596

They have so many options its a real difficulty. The TPE vs Silicone head part has me completely stuck.

>> No.41162636

Ive used it. Its rather small for a hip and if you use the gimmick your face will be rather close to the wall so I suggest you pin it against a cabinet or something that solid but shorter than you.

>> No.41162692

kinda bummed out that irokebijin doll's finger just disconnected from the skeleton hand while posing. not sure whether i need to rip open her hand to reattach or not

>> No.41162703

Do you have the silicone or TPE version? Either way its all wire fingers so its doomed to break eventually

>> No.41162731

i got her silicone version. I kinda knew how fragile they were, though i might have been a little rough with her these past few weeks.

>> No.41162807

thanks for the response! noted

>> No.41162902

You might have trouble sealing the hand back since its silicone. You would have to buy some Permatex to force the silicone to react and close up the cut but it might not be pretty, You could cover it up with gloves afterwards if your confident you can fix it

>> No.41162993

why do her breasts look deflated...

>> No.41163025

It's kinda weird, I haven't used it for a while but it's rather small, I'm about 15cm in length and the uterus will end up around the middle of my dick. I was expecting to almost enter to the base before penetrating the uterus so I can feel it around my dick head.

So unless you go full stroke you can't penetrate the uterus over and over again cause it's too far down the middle and I end up just feeling a tight ring around the middle. Also the entrance is like other hotpower holes, just a plain circle opening so it's not visually enticing.

>> No.41163038

I have it and its probably my second favorite onahole. You can even feel a pop from the cervix. The only issue is the tunnel leading up to the cervix is a bit short so if youre on the bigger end it might be an issue

>> No.41163199

i see, well i might as well go for it, just in case it does work out for me. thanks anon.

>> No.41163244

I have an almost exactly six inch dick which is just slightly too long for most holes and too short for the large ones. What the fuck am I supposed to do here?

>> No.41163538

cut a little off the tip

>> No.41163766

>buy tit toy
>get addicted
>now want to buy a giant 800$ pair
I love tits too much, at this point i might just fork for a doll but i don't know if there are ones that are not too expensive with giant titties that are good quality,

>> No.41163814
File: 826 KB, 689x1033, 489105a58c39792425d48f239537499a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try this, 700 bucks

>> No.41163821

The Maga Kore Minami breasts are fantastic. I suspect that they were modeled after Samanta Lily and/or Maserati. Perfect for sucking, groping, titfucking, and eye candy.

>> No.41163934

Where do I get wigs/lewd clothes for catdolls?

>> No.41163984


>> No.41164191

Yeah I don't know what's up with hanidoll, they have some full size dolls at a price you would expect but then they have a selection of full size dolls between 500-800 bucks, they have some video clips on the product page if you want to see how squishy she is

>> No.41164218
File: 186 KB, 2048x1150, FAexh9iUYAEjvdl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

careful anon, it's a slippery slope
first, you bought some tits, the next day you have a harem of big titties dolls

>> No.41164237

I dunno, seems to good to be true, like the TPE and skelly are so cheap they can let them go for that price.

>> No.41164285
File: 1.82 MB, 3060x4080, 20220910_025342~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, meant to post this Thursday but I was dead tired and just passed out after work
It's anons half assed review of the MRL Yukiko
First somethings I left out last time, in addition to the mini figure you get a drying stick, 3 packets of lube, and a display stand I guess
The stick works as well as any other
The lube is a little thicker and less sticky than regular KY
And the display stand is totally useless, even if you wanted to put these on your shelf the figures head and limbs are very floppy and it just ends up slumped over itself
Yukiko isnt as tight and is easier to enter than the Ling, which kept trying to pop off my dick, but the interior texture is also less stimulating and the tunnel is shorter
The outer sculpt does have a good fat ass for the size of the figure and the tits are nice enough to look at while you are fucking it but the legs are kind of annoying, there's no wire inside or anything so they flop all over
Overall I would say it's good for a longer session, it feels good but isn't over stimulating and it did stretch well enough to accommodate my dick when I really started thrusting into it
And as before seeing its stomach bulge out is pretty hot, the way the body is positioned it doesn't have the neck bulge issue the Ling has
Now I'm just waiting for the Lanlan to arrive, these two got here in the same box but the third one is sitting in grand prairie according to the tracking, whenever it gets here I'll do a write up on that

>> No.41164317
File: 106 KB, 689x1033, 682b0dba406d1fcbbbdc6469ae7efe70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a hanidoll already so as far as I can tell the tpe is decent enough, the skeleton is basic though, it's not one of the evo skeletons so thats one place they are saving money
I'm real tempted to get this doll and have my very own JK that will call me a perverted oji-san

>> No.41164331

So, what? It doesn't have extra arm movement from the shoulders or standing, or something?
I mean, for $500 odd I could perhaps put up with the skeleton getting a bit rickety but still.

>> No.41164382

>It doesn't have extra arm movement from the shoulders or standing, or something
It can't shrug its shoulders but the arm can rotate up, down, and to the sides at the shoulder and same with the elbows, hips, and knees, the neck goes forward and back and you can tilt it side to side, the waist can be rotated and tilted, and the ankles and feet and also be adjusted up, down, and around and mine does have standing feet, they are the bolt kind though so I leave socks on her most of the time
The wrists are the most limited, she has wire hands and they don't really rotate well
In terms of how extensively I've posed her I've had her wrap her legs around my waist and and her arms go back behind my neck so I could fuck my elf while standing

>> No.41164392

I would like to make them stand, can they do that?

>> No.41164426

If they have standing feet it's no problem, balancing them is another issue so you might want something to help support her
Looking at hanidolls site they aren't listing some information that you would want to know on the product page but they also have an ebay page and the descriptions on those dolls say they have gel tits, double gear skeletons, and standing feet
I would email them about whatever model your interested in and ask for details

>> No.41164456

Gotta love how chinks word things.
Hanidolls FAQ says this:
'In order to prevent the malfunction of the temperature control system from causing adverse consequences, the sex doll must be supervised by an adult with normal IQ during the heating process.'

>> No.41164493

I don't see that on the ebay page, the U.S one at least.
Don't suppose you could point that out? I'm being blind if it's there.

>> No.41164549
File: 380 KB, 720x1036, Screenshot_20220910-040319_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also of note is I linked the same doll posted here
And it's 50 dollars cheaper on ebay
I'm guessing the low price is because they already have these just sitting in their california warehouse so don't have to deal with overseas shipping costs and they are just trying to move product

>> No.41164580

question to OSR2/6 users - how do you attach your onas to the contraption? thing seems to be designed for western fleshlights

>> No.41164688

Amazon, Aliexpress

>> No.41165191

Can't believe I have to take an IQ test to buy a sexdoll now. What a world we live in.

>> No.41165518

>the sex doll must be supervised by an adult with normal IQ during the heating process
What if I have a higher IQ than most people? Does this mean I can't use it?

>> No.41165870 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.08 MB, 976x1079, 1647675777808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The internals for the ling look kinda nasty.

>> No.41168090

it's a goy toy what did you expect?

>> No.41168367 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 701x526, ex3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doublegear skelly
you fucking what at that price??
surley they dont mean a real double gear, cause those aint that cheap or easy to make.

>> No.41168374 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 701x526, WM3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compared to a typical TPE skelly(older WM in this one)

>> No.41168482

skeletons with all number of joints are both easy and cheap to fabricate
the TPE/silicone is the majority of the manufacturing cost

>> No.41168725

Is it normal for my hip to feel... sticky on the outside?
I think that's the right word.
It's not like wet or anything, just has a weird almost sticky feeling, tho it doesn't stay on my fingers after.
Maybe it's cause I havent powdered it in a bit?

>> No.41168744

Yes that's normal just powder it up.

>> No.41169115

Well, damn. I purchased from otona. How bad will it be?

>> No.41169277

Jesus if someone buys this post pics. I can only believe at that price you'll get a box of bricks.

>> No.41169464

Which site uses FedEx as carrier?

>> No.41169778
File: 12 KB, 315x253, IMG_20200625_003155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is OtonaJP really that bad? Theres something I want to buy from them that is sold out everywhere else and likely wont be avalible after it's all sold.

>> No.41169928

Ill admit I'm super tempted, I'm just wondering what the catch is on some of these
Maybe it's just really old stock or there's some damage they aren't mentioning
If I do it won't be that model though, I don't want to carry a 115 pound box up to a third story apartment

>> No.41169934

>got the Mouth of Truth and a pair of big ass titties for paizuri blowjob action
>used them like 4 times the day I got them
>my dick is hard all the time even at work
>i just wanna nut
oh man this shit is gonna ruin my life

>> No.41170003

Are the articulated fingers, like in this pic, good for simulated handjobs?

>> No.41170022

A weapon of ass destruction!
Also, bad dragon makes one in size xl that is similar to the real thing but costs over $200

>> No.41170092

Alright, no orders placed yet but I sent an email to hanidoll with some questions
Thinking of getting this doll of their site since I like the way it looks more than any of their ebay listings

>> No.41170381
File: 148 KB, 1024x683, Bocca della Verità.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which Mouth of Truth version is the best? Other than this particular line, any other mouth hole worth looking into?

>> No.41170394

Personally never had problems with them other than them taking 9 times longer than kanojotoys. I've heard of them not shipping stuff at all, but I'm not sure about that. Certainly if they were as bad as people say, they'd be out of business quickly.

>> No.41170487

Does hanidoll allow for some customization? I don't like the shape of and how long the nails are, and I don't like the red lips.

>> No.41170492

Original is best

>> No.41170552

I cant really see a difference between the 600 dollar dolls and the 1500 dollar dolls, are they different prices because of the difference between TPE and Silicone or is there more functionality to the doll itself? The site says the dolls have heating + sound functionality on both the 600 and 1500 versions, what's the difference?

>> No.41170573

Nails will fall off fast anyway and if it’s the head the make up will fade.

>> No.41170584

Are those geared so they will both bend at the same time? That’s awesome.

>> No.41170585

I'd prefer a more natural lip color.

>> No.41170673

Their ebay page has listings for things like different eyes and a skeletal structure for hands and various other customization options, the page says add those to your purchase with a doll and contact them
Their website doesn't have any customization options listed at all which is why I emailed them directly, its an amateur mistake on their part but you probably have to talk to a real person to get what you want
It could be a lot of things, I don't think it's functionality since my little elf has all 3 holes, it could be the material cost, it could be the other dolls have more optional stuff like skeletal hands by default, I'm not sure which is why I reached out them
No response yet, but it's still the very early morning there and my email would have been like 4:30am there

>> No.41170974

What's the significance of this? The knee seems more realistic and...?

>> No.41171021

thanks anon, if you get concrete answers I will look more into it
I didn't see the ebay page listing things, will need to check again

>> No.41171174

Matter of prefrence. I had original and puruin hard and i prefer the puruin more.
My original MoT also was rather misaligned inside i.e. off-center, but there weren't any holes or major defects otherwise.

>> No.41171353

Time for me to buy more lube, should I splurge on a Mouth of Truth too?

>> No.41172141
File: 33 KB, 701x526, ex8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

differences are material quality, build quality, durability, positional functionality, and mold detailing for start. manufacture pictures dont always make it clear how much a difference it is. sound and heat on the $600 doll with no upcharge is sus too, and your dumb if you get heating on TPE dolls.

both sides of the joint bend evenly yes.

gives a more "natural" bend, but more specifically and importantly it makes the material not get bent as sharply which increases durability as a side result. An additional benefit is you get a much better range of motion.

not unusual to be used on more expensive dolls, but the additional material and construction it requires usually means most will opt out of using it for cost savings. somone making a sub 1k doll is trying to scrimp every penny(material/labor), but the companies with dolls above 3k will add in all kinds of stuff like that cause they can afford the overhead.

>> No.41172178

Oh, impressive. I'd like to see how noticeable the difference is. I have noticed dolls tend to have funky arm bends but I assumed that was unavoidable.

>> No.41172496


>> No.41172512

>those sharp edges

>> No.41172627

Recently found
and seems perfect for me for a lot of reasons and it's in my ~$300 budget. Can't seem to find it anywhere in stock except for Kanojo and they have more than a 2x price markup on it which puts it way out of my budget. Any alternative way to get one or am I just fucked?

>> No.41172629
File: 343 KB, 620x360, 1652493843082.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really like this ona, does anyone have recommendations for similar onas/ onas that I also would like if i like this one?

>> No.41172874

Try ordering from Japanese sellers using whiterabbit. They're the only Japanese proxy mail service that allows adult good to my knowledge.

>> No.41172979

>Japanese sellers
Know of any? Searching for the name in moon doesn't pull up anything other than hotpowers' site.

>> No.41173130

You could probably order straight from hotpowers themselves. I remember there was a guide floating around on how to navigate the site

>> No.41173133

I've used tenso with no issues

>> No.41173243

I've had issues with buyee saying the figures/keychains are adult goods even though they're clearly not, and even tried to talk with someone and they still denied me. It was literally patche figures/keychains/etc.

>> No.41173443

I navigated decently well through their site using google translate. They themselves recommend using tenso. That said though, it's out of stock for them. Just curious though, how much does it generally cost to use a service like Tenso or whiterabbit? I'd imagine it'd tack on quite a bit considering the toy is 7kg.

>> No.41173499

I like my Catdoll, but I find myself not wanting to use it as an onahole often just because of the work it takes to clean and dry thoroughly.

>> No.41173802

buyee is restricted yeah, tenso isn't though

>> No.41173901
File: 3 KB, 217x168, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accidently leave onahole warmer on all night
>wake up horny
>dont wanna wait for it to cooldown
>stick dick in anyways
>mfw the sensation fucking a hotplate onahole
intense burning pain yet intense masochistic pleasure. unfortunately the vagina lip melted. how long you reckon I can leave my warmer on before it becomes a fire hazard? im doing this again

>> No.41173967

>Wake up
>Cry that I can't move out due to high rent.
Such is the lifez hoping to make it with crypto and get some sexy dolls like you.

>> No.41174081

From my understanding there have always been budget models that were mostly made for the domestic Chinese market and you are correct about the differences.

>> No.41174265

Just wear the mask, nobody gives a shit.

>> No.41174559
File: 613 KB, 1390x2632, basket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right lads, let's say I have to order only two. Which ones? I'd like at least a softer/a bit less stimulating one, and/or one that has a long enough internal tunnel (>15cm)(that's why the R20 is there, but alternatives are welcome).
Though with how much the JPY dumped, might as well order a third one, but then it's a slippy slope.

>> No.41175408

the lube drips off my balls with the perorin

>> No.41175570

Dick shortening surgery, you can give me an inch since mine's only 4 inches long.

>> No.41175628

I think the Uterus Edge is relatively similar, it's soft and somewhat clear but it's a lot bigger and more stimulating.

>> No.41175645

I remember leaving it for 2 hours inside my first ona. Looking back I should have been more scared about sticking my dick in that but holy shit was it intense. I also left it inside without lube so yeah, it flattened out the entire interior shape.

>> No.41175657

Bottom on and see the Uterus Edge for >15cm.

>> No.41175668

I wonder at which point the mask will become something to be suspicious about again. Maybe I should do all the lingerie shopping while it's normal to use it.

>> No.41176001

That seems like less of a catdoll issue and more of a doll issue in general.

>> No.41176025

Dolls really should be a weekend fun time thing. The more you use your doll the more it degrads faster. I use to fuck my doll at least 3 times a day for 6 months now her joints are bad and TPE is coming off her and breaking apart.
If I had used an onahole instead she would be in much better shape.

>> No.41176269

god why are double layered onas tear so damn fast. i got one just 2 months ago and it already has a massive tear.

>> No.41176367

I mean if you're using the doll as a onahole then it's gonna get tiresome. Get a smaller doll, like on the 60cm range for that. A bigger doll is to cuddle, caress and try to be more intimate.

>> No.41176442
File: 41 KB, 400x400, FP0rEbqakAQhdZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a sexdoll to cuddle with is so amazing.
After sex it's like the cherry on top. If cleaning wasn't such a pain I would sleep with my doll all day

>> No.41176505

yeah cuddling is by far what i most use my doll for

>> No.41177074

>all these """"men""" who need hugs like literal toddlers
I guess this is what happens when Karens helicopter parent an entire generation, men still need mommy's touch.

>> No.41177289
File: 1.20 MB, 2040x1360, 220821_l_0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to breed you daughterwife annon

>> No.41177298
File: 2.61 MB, 1251x1675, red1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come home
>see this
What do?

>> No.41177335

>no consentual sex in the missonary position with your daughterwife

why even live bro

>> No.41177353

Odd questions, but I can't ever remember seeing anything about it; does anyone know if it's safe to dye TPE or Silicone? Like, say you wanted to make a drow or goblin girl but there were no skin tone options, could it be done by using something like RIT? I know the colors may not come out as expected, but do you suspect there would be any degradation of the materials resultant from coloration?

>> No.41177365

TPE will absorb the dye but will bleed it out over the next 3-4 months. Silicone will not give a shit at all, the dye will not penetrate the surface.

You can have different colored dolls, but it needs to be done during production for it to be permanent.

>> No.41177373

Cute boy.

>> No.41177379

Gotcha. I had a feeling that TPE may leech, so that makes sense. Thanks!

>> No.41177397

>the concept of tenderless is foreign
modern female hands typed this post

>> No.41177411

why does she look sad as If sex Isn't consensual ?

>> No.41177423

You mean tenderness? Retard. It's the opposite, only a woman or a manchild would enjoy tenderness.

>> No.41177447

modern female hands made another post

>> No.41177459

No hands will ever hold you manbaby.

>> No.41177467

femalest post in world history

>> No.41177469

a doll caused more love and affection than you ever will

>> No.41177475
File: 55 KB, 184x220, 1642134389419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>causing affection
Take your meds.

>> No.41177476
File: 1.11 MB, 2040x1360, 220821_l_0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a girl

>> No.41177482

that's the best part

>> No.41177486

right now millions of men are resting and relaxing with their dolls
meanwhile you

>> No.41177494

This is what a delusion looks like.

>> No.41177499

reminder that ancient Romans held hands, hugged, and kissed in a day more than you do in your lifetime (and it was not gay)

>> No.41177507
File: 1.69 MB, 2040x1360, 220618_l_0011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41177511

>almost 8 billion people in the world

>> No.41177512

no matter how much you whine and scream, I will not pay your rent and bills. That money will go to another doll

>> No.41177514
File: 1.73 MB, 3060x6000, 1660080314132573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

booming Industry for a decade, dozen of millions of dolls being sold Is actually an understatement, biohole.

>> No.41177528
File: 20 KB, 344x282, 1647403565686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you childless dollfags become a statistic like the trannies, I'll still be alive and content with my life.

>> No.41177550

100% of the males who have dolls are happy

>> No.41177557

Then why are you spending time bitching in this thread? Fuck off and enjoy your life, we're just fine over here. Or do you need to further validate yourself by doing the equivalent of "Nuh-UH!" so that you can be content?

>> No.41177561

erm... i have child dolls???

>> No.41177573

I'm doing my duty by trying to bring a handful of people to the light every day, what I'm doing here it's more effective than a charity. Once you're in your 40s and need antidepressants to cope, I hope you'll remember my posts and try to find a real partner.

>> No.41177587

>dozen of millions of dolls
Not that dude but you're retarded if you actually believe this.

>> No.41177611
File: 157 KB, 1108x831, leon-the-professional-1108x0-c-default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41177622

While a noble endeavor, I think you're wasting your time here and would be better off building your community and family than preaching to the denziens here. They will hit regret when they are childless without age, but again, this is not the place to prosthelytize, at least not effectively. I bid you good health and a prosperous life. While you may not agree, the people here enjoying their dolls are not lost forever and this may be the thing that helps them get to the time when they realize that they want to move on.

>> No.41177639

I've been trying so hard to find clothes like this, but doll proportions make it almost impossible

>> No.41177648

Fair enough, I'll take my leave from this shithole.

>> No.41177711
File: 2.48 MB, 2252x4000, FRR04qVIAAr5TC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what doll this is? Found it on DollCollectionY's Twitter. It looks like its a silicon or TPE doll with one of their heads.

>> No.41177720

It's a kigurumi mask on a 3DPD.

>> No.41177726

What doll is this?

>> No.41177794

Why are you mad? No one lets you suck their dick?

>> No.41177809
File: 2.02 MB, 2252x4000, FRR0-4pVgAAoUmT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not..

>> No.41177816

Post the link

>> No.41177837

It kind of looks like a happiness doll

>> No.41177846

I think it's all custom made heads. https://list-fabricdoll.booth.pm/

>> No.41177891

>>41177816 >>41177837


Nah its not a happiness doll, whilst the face is fabric the body isnt.

Yeah its one of their fabric heads but on a silicon/tpe body which I am 99% sure they dont make or at least I couldnt find any documentation on it.

>> No.41177929
File: 2.45 MB, 1265x1657, white1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ta-yu 148D

>> No.41178542
File: 132 KB, 678x900, 09EF368A-C94E-4FB7-84AB-250FC7E4450D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kinda bad at trolling and lord if your not trolling you are one bad day from killing yourself and or doing a mass shooting. Either way delete Facebook and hit the Jim.

>> No.41178549
File: 1.18 MB, 1566x2938, Waifu Supremeru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol bitch you can't even cook or provide otherwise you wouldn't be intimidated. No one here came out and said you were replaced. There are just better women out there and honestly we're going to see them rise up to face the challenge. Narcissistic losers who feed on attention are no longer going to rule the pack. Responding to affection with sexuality isn't going to be enough anymore. Not when any of us can just toss you aside for an inanimate object even more tedious and cumbersome than the ones you keep in your own drawer.

None of us are unhappy with our sex toys. Now post yours. Including that device with the social media apps feeding you the attention you now see yourself losing. We both know that you have no idea which of those guys have their own sex toys. Like we'd share that with you if you even do look as attractive as one of them.

>t. attractive with money and love fun sweet cosplay chicks
It is you that can't have me. She can though. Cope and seethe.

>> No.41178629

Wait is left a doll or real person?

>> No.41178634
File: 478 KB, 1776x1776, 1641672066034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is my waifu you can not has.

>> No.41178748
File: 453 KB, 840x1120, AOTUME-135cm-Silicone-23kg-Big-Breast-Doll-Head-73-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it not a Aotumedoll? They have silicone bodies and customizable faces.

>> No.41178844

got a picture of that cunny?

>> No.41178850

Maybe but they post these with #WANTADOLLYJ111cm, whatever that means.

>> No.41178862

But is that a doll? It just looks so real that I'm doubting myself

>> No.41178866

left is 3dpd

>> No.41178872
File: 266 KB, 2048x1152, Waifu Supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41178908

Damn... I was hoping it would be a doll

>> No.41179176

Looks like she's cluster B and would freak out if you tried to have sex with her, might be why shes cool with the dolls

>> No.41179290
File: 87 KB, 768x960, 1646224505884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am looking for something that is:
>easy to clean (easier than average onahole)
>purely used on penis
>not my hand
i am spending too much time fapping & cleaning every day. any ideas?

>> No.41179340

Nothing you use with lube will ever be silent and you need lube for all these things
With that out of the way you're going to be look at some shitty western sleeves and not onas, I can't speak for this specific brand but a sleeve like this was the first sex toy I had, anything open ended is real easy to clean

>> No.41179417

Doesnt look like it. Aotume doll necks are much thinner when you look at it

>> No.41179463

She married young for financial stability and though there is no passion behind it she still carries out her wifely duties.

>> No.41179513

Then she should come over and play house with me.

>> No.41179540
File: 778 KB, 498x278, 1656845804704.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blonde Stock piper wigs has the same hair as Illya

>> No.41180140
File: 884 KB, 1260x1800, ipx118pl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just discovered Jav porn and now I think I'm in love with Minami Aizawa. Dat tits, dat ass, dat face...

Anyway, I NEED a qt Japanese looking doll that looks somewhat similar to her in my future. That is all.

>> No.41180245
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time for another review. this one is Gekihen Slow Revolution (激変スローレボリューション)

as a brief description, the gimmick of this hole is that it has the standard ride japan bungee touch material (very soft), but with a small section of the hole in the back that makes up the cervix being a harder material. i bought this hole cause i had heard the head stimulation was too strong for some people and thats exactly what i was looking for.

well, results were mixed, but overall good. i hadnt fapped for long enough that i was very sensitive when i used this hole, which led me to think id be quickshotting in it. not at all, though. overall, the sensation of the hole throughout is actually pretty light, much like your standard ride japan onahole. thats not to say that the hard cervix in the back isnt noticeable, because it is. in fact, it has one very distinct feature that i really liked: there's a VERY strong POP as you pull your head out of it and it drags right up under the head of your dick. like, its not just that you feel yourself drag against it, you can literally hear it, very audibly popping out of it. its a really pleasant gimmick actually, one that i havent experienced in an onahole before.

despite that, the sensation from this hole, cervix included, is absolutely not strong. it IS good, dont get me wrong, but its a light feeling, even in the cervix. im not sure why, maybe its just not tight or hard enough. i think it could stand to be both a little harder and a bit more narrow. but it does feel good, make no mistake, the popping feeling of it dragging on the underside of the head is very nice. just dont expect it to be anything super strong.

despite the pop i mentioned, this hole is actually really quiet. very quiet actually, one of the quietest ive used. the pop is probably the loudest part of using it, and its not really that loud. its also surprisingly effective as a jerk off hole, which is something i havent been able to do with previous ride japan holes ive owned since the bungee touch material is just too soft. this ona has just the right length and hardness that it can stay upright when you jerk off with it, so thats a huge bonus. especially since fucking it, while it feels good, isnt drastically different from jerking off with it like some other holes tend to be.

i will say though, that while the sensation while using it was rather light (light but good), there was a sudden drastic different when i came. i cant really pinpoint it, but the sensitivity of the cervix shot up massively during orgasm, in both a good way and a bad way. i dont know how to describe it really, it was a weird kind of oversensitive feeling that i havent felt before. it felt good but also like my head was being rubbed raw (it was not raw after taking it out). not at all like say, cumming in the cervix of the lolinco virgo or EXE maid servant, where its just super overstimulating and i cant move at all. in fact, that was actually a positive: it was just stimulating enough to feel good but not so much that i couldnt continue moving and milking myself further as i came, which made for a more satisfying orgasm, actually. im going to chalk this up to the cervix being unusually wide for this kind of hole.

like any other ride japan hole, cleaning and drying is trivial and easy, you dont even need a drying stick. so i wont go into any details there. i will say though, getting this hole reminded me of just how incredibly fucking oily bungee touch material is, like god damn.

anyway to sum it up, while it wasnt exactly what i was expecting, it actually was a good purchase and worth the money. its a very unique hole, i really cant compare it to anything else in my collection at all, including the few other ride japan holes i have. for that reason its earned a permanent place in my collection. just the fact that its a soft material hole i can easily jerk off with and not have to fuck already makes it unique enough on its own, but the fact that it also has a rather unique fap experience not really comparable to any other hole ive ever used means i would definitely recommend it to someone with a big collection looking for something different. it might also be a good starter hole for someone looking to get into soft type onas, i think. i think if they had made the cervix just a tiny, tiny, TINY bit narrow and harder it would have been even better, but i otherwise have no complaints.

>> No.41180469
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>> No.41180884

Hey /ona/, I'm looking for something like the Fairy Doll but taller, preferably around 180cm. I strictly want to use it to replace my daki, as I wish to upgrade my sleeping experience with something more realistic. Needs to be cloth/plush, and without a face, or with an anime styled face instead of the creepy shit that you can get for the Fairy Doll.
This is the doll I'm referring to:
kanojotoys com/fairy-doll-momo-soft-thighs-black-hair-p-2602.html

>> No.41181622

ordered my 11th doll and i think my dick shut down instinctively until it gets here

>> No.41181642


What doll did you get? Wish i had the room for so many dolls. I think a 4th would be my absolute max.

>> No.41181658

a flat chested 130cm doll from hanidoll. it was only like 350usd and taking a risk because its so damn cheap

>> No.41181682

Did you order from the website or from ebay? I haven't gotten a response to my email yet and my primary concern is whether or not they have standing feet and who they use for shipping
If you have a good experience with them I'm going to take that as a greenlight to get my second doll direct from them

>> No.41181685

ebay, the 300+ positive reviews was enough to justify risking a 350usd buy. ups says it should be here on the 17th

>> No.41181693

I see, ebay doesnt have the specific one I want but there's another that kind of does it for me listed there

>> No.41181970
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My ZXY seems to be hard and rough after only a few weeks of use, like my dick gets irritated after using it. Is this normal? Is it already past its expiration?

>> No.41182000
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you have no clue how much they fuel toward the internal Chinese market for the last 15 years, there Is a reason only a few brand go toward western market, Its way "smaller" and they still sell loads.

gynoid said once they sold 60k per year and Its one of the most luxurious one

>> No.41182005

Is there any shortstack/oppai loli themed hip/torso or whatever?

>> No.41182029

>already let mold grow in his ZXY after just a few weeks

>> No.41182035

If Gynoid are pumping out 60k dolls a year then WMs numbers must be crazy. Just imagine how much silicone and TPE is used for all these dolls. Makes me wonder if there will ever become a point where the raw materials start to run out, or become much more expensive.

>> No.41182282
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Tomorrow the courier will bring me this thing. I hope I won't be disappointed.

>> No.41182458

I'm glad I did not buy a Tomax or a ZXY
Just went to a hooker for the first time and I realized real pussy doesn't feel as good as many of the fucked up monster onaholes

>> No.41182481

One of the hottest things for me is seeing the cum drip out of the vagina after a creampie. I wish dolls could replicate that, but like hell any manufacturer will invest money on a useless feature like that that will only please maybe one or two people's kink.

>> No.41182517

empty your load at the entrance will do the trick

>> No.41182535

There's "cum" lube you can use lol.

>> No.41182571

Gonna try to be optimistic and assume they can pump out half as much silicone as they or the US pumps out plastic waste. Isn't platinum silicone just fancy plastic? I tried calculating how much it costs to make 60 lbs of platinum silicone based off of 500grams on Amazon, its like 1.5k. I'm terrible at doing research though.
Too bad I like to be ballsdeep when I bust.
Sounds kinda gross but I'll check it out.

>> No.41182730

Didn't realize this was her.
Some photos are kinda weird but she's really good with makeup.

>> No.41182797

Silicone is a resin, TPE is plastic.

>> No.41182846

Is there anything better than tenga spinner, i love the spinning action it gets the job done really good

>> No.41182989

real life people don't drip unless you pull out to the entrance too

>> No.41184086

How much is too much girth for onaholes?

>> No.41184145

What's the recommended number 2 after a venus real soft? Sadly I have no frame of reference other than venus real soft so i'm not sure if I want harder or softer. I think it was about right

>> No.41184201


>> No.41184218

aight wish me luck pimps

>> No.41184234

stop jerking a make new thread

>> No.41184698
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which of you fags was this

>> No.41184740

>he doesn't make his own onahole from scratch

>> No.41184838

I want to play dolls with her.

>> No.41184938

yes but it seems practically impossible to get your hands on one

>> No.41185138

She was being a bitch that day and talking back constantly, OK?

>> No.41185236

Sanhui or TaYu?

>> No.41185287


>> No.41185328
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her hands look sus...

>> No.41185766

Never heard of TaYu but I can vouch for Sanhui. Best purchase I ever made. Their pussy is like fucking actual flesh. Anus, not so much, but it still feels great. Oral, they make the sloppiest sounds. I think they intentionally designed the hole to replicate the sounds of a blowjob.

>> No.41185902

you are just not used to articulated female hands.

>> No.41185978

she has more beard than me

>> No.41186010

Dis nigga can't go twice in a row and use his cum as lube.

>> No.41186182

Irokebijin announced TPE versions of all 135/140 sets, also with oral for the first time.

>> No.41186356

Any recommendations for the use of a $60 amazon giftcard?

>> No.41186406

This is a pretty useful daily carry item

>> No.41186414

uh oh better lower that hormone dose
they need to figure out oral for their silicone (especially pipers) and make their 100cm line 130-140cm

>> No.41186550

i'm not a femboy >\\<

>> No.41186567 [SPOILER] 
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So I got this onahole from amazon awhile ago, but im having issues where its a little too soft for me and its tearing at the front. Whats a good loli onahole that is more robust/harder?

>> No.41186876

if you want a loli hole and havent gotten a lolinco yet thats really where you should start. as long as youre okay with it being difficult to clean and dry. magic eyes holes also tend to have quality control issues so theres that too

>> No.41186896

I will look into the lolinco line thanks. I dont really want anything too difficult to clean, but I know that comes with the territory of wanting something very tight

>> No.41186954

its worth it, though. not just because it feels good, but because it has such an extremely visually pleasing entrance, something i dont think ive ever seen any other onahole do better

>> No.41186966

Anyone in particular that I should look at? I prefer the harder ones.

>> No.41187002

the standard lolinco virgo is the most popular go to, for good reason. they do make a hard version of it, however as someone who has owned both i honestly dont prefer it, and i say that as someone who is a fan of hard material holes. the standard one is plenty stimulating and tight as it is, and the hard one just has too many downsides to be worth it. in fact the only real benefit i remember from using using the hard one is that the cervix felt a bit better, but the cervix on the standard one feels more than great as it is anyway.

>> No.41187013

Ok great thank you so much I will get the standard one then

>> No.41187026

good luck and remember to report back with results. i also highly recommend a drying stick and a sponge stick if you dont have them already

>> No.41187038

I will, I am looking for a vendor rn theyre sold out on toydemon. And yea Ill get one it looks a lot more complex to clean than my current one

>> No.41187056

Oof. Better start working out and eating pumpkin seeds or something then.

>> No.41187072

its in stock on amazon jp. there's also some kinda boxless listing for it on amazon us but its not sold by amazon so use your discretion

>> No.41187085

>pumpkin seeds
thank you anon u3u

>> No.41187098

you are welcome strangely appearing tripfag.

>> No.41187127

Ok great I will look at those thank you

>> No.41187171

sorry, just saw the thread you have and I wanted to bait a bit, but I forgot to deactivate the trip
now i look like an idiot
forgive me, Ieave y'all alone

>> No.41187187

now you do?

>> No.41187364

Quality control issued is right, I have the regular and virgo and they both have tunnels that are off center, most noticeable is the virgo whose tunnel goes up and left from the entrance which makes the left side wall feel super thin and the right side extra chunky
But I like them a lot anyways since the feeling is super nice

>> No.41187532
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>can get an Abby now without shelling out the silicone price
Excellent, can't wait to fuck the smug look off her face

>> No.41187566

How about the updated "extra virgin" one?

>> No.41187584

Having a softer ass is a bonus too but I'd hold out for the silicone with gel butt if/when they do this personally. Although Piper TPE is bliss. Enjoy either way.

>> No.41187743

never tried it, but if the only difference is that its narrower/tighter i wouldnt really call it better, unless you have a really thin dick or something

>> No.41188107

>landlord asks me if she can have her sister sleep in my room for Thanksgiving since she know I will be out of town
Thank god I have a safe to keep my ona and lube in.

>> No.41188108

how long does tpe doll last, typically?
interested in getting one

>> No.41188122

It's time to buy more lube, and should I get anything new? Onatsuyu has been my workhorse lube for ages, I've never used anything else. I'm a big smellfag, is there anything that smells like girl sweat?

>> No.41188206

Just steal some girls towel at the gym, just put your bag and towel next to hers and grab it non chalantly with your own stuff, if she says anything just say sorry and play it off as not really paying attention since you are listening to music or a podcast

>> No.41188225

A good idea, but unfortunately the Womens locker room is on a different floor to the Mens at my gym

>> No.41188227

>he doesn't lurk outside of volleyball tournaments so he can grab an entire laundry bag

>> No.41188253

Are the plush dolls meant for putting an insert in?

>> No.41189056
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what the fuck is this supposed to mean?

>> No.41189063

Federal agents are coming to arrest you for buying a loli hole, please stand by

>> No.41189135

The postal service announced a new policy where they personally test the quality of onaholes before delivering them

>> No.41189535
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Charge her like an Air bnb would.

>> No.41189621
File: 1.87 MB, 1610x2620, 29f2e1a663b9017c38ca7827043a9845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid sexbots when?
