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File: 3 KB, 161x149, 126779413574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4111392 No.4111392 [Reply] [Original] east coast

>> No.4111432
File: 69 KB, 848x480, 1263038481409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.10 where

>> No.4111443

I have a question about netplay.
The format for entering IPs is : xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:10800
What if there are two digits in one section instead of three? Do you just use a 0?

>> No.4111456

No 3 digits are needed.
Even if you copy "" to your clipboard, it works.

>> No.4111463

Alright, thanks. I was using the second option, which apparently sucks.

>> No.4111515 [DELETED] 

Man this deck is crappy. Rehosting in a bit.

>> No.4111554 [DELETED] 


>> No.4111666
File: 20 KB, 398x237, ice fairies consulting their crystal ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pff, I knew I should've OP'd this thread with this a few hours ago.

Oh well, there's always next thread in two weeks from now.

>> No.4111674

I would like to become the ball.

>> No.4111782

Oh hey, I just remembered: I still play this, don't I?
Almost totally forgot about it. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, let's do that.
US Central, do tiers even exist anymore? tier

To my side, my noble /jp/.

>> No.4112061

Still not feeling the deck so far. I'll reconnect after some more tweaks if you're still hosting.

>> No.4112074

Well, that was pretty fast for my half-hour wait. GGs nonetheless anonymous, friend; looks like I'm hella predictable after the long absence I took.
BE? Naw, I'm free as hell once you figure out you can 5A delay 5A all day, something I've never seen have practical use in all my SWR days since its release. Plus I still haven't gotten over that Sakuya paranoia of mine, which is something that'll just happen when it happens.

Either way, rehosting.

>> No.4112238
EC Canada low tier

>> No.4112251

OP, could you find a way to make images that are eyecatching without being an eyesore?

>> No.4112252

Good games, Territorial Oak.
I guess my plan of 'stock 4 control rods and use massive super' isn't going to work. The deck slows down when I get supers and can't build up the attack power without wasting them.

>> No.4112263

Aaand here's where I think I'll go ahead and let you go.
GGs and all; you seem fairly pro but what happened here was just something else. I don't even know what the hell I was doing; bnbs and everything just sort of disappeared from my memory and became a freefest. So, sorry for all that free, but once the controller gets thrown it's time to stop. You have a great day.

tl;dr brb uninstalling

>> No.4112468
File: 820 KB, 1500x950, Konachan.com - 65739 izayoi_sakuya touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could play without feeling like my hands are being run through a blender. Avoid carpal tunnel, take care of your hands /jp/.
Feels bad man.

>> No.4112515

Do you have a controller?

>> No.4112530

GGs nameless person.
Those rounds made me feel worthless, but they were fun.

>> No.4112560

Good games, too many typhoons

>> No.4112726


Hoping for redemption after my pitiful performance last night. I suck terribly so veteran players: Don't expect much.

>> No.4112772

East Coast host

>> No.4112788 [DELETED] 


>> No.4112969
File: 355 KB, 473x720, eb3a863f21758f1336298a97e4093f3e3f763154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Saje. Kinda curious, did you ever play Guilty Gear netplay? Your name looks familiar...


>> No.4113029

Sorry I had to disappear on you so shortly into our games, Resident, but I got called away. Yes, I am also Saje the Bridget player in the Wingdreams lobby. You'll also find me in Melty Blood threads and on PC SF4. Your big issue at the moment seems to be maximizing on what advantages you have. When momentum is in your favor, your pressure isn't strong enough to keep it in your favor. Learn some blockstrings and work on predicting your opponent's jump-outs/techs and reacting accordingly. Tried to avoid any character I thought would be too much for you. Hope I managed to keep things even enough to be entertaining for you. Know I had some fun. Got really annoying during that last Utsuho match. I tried to activate that fricking Giga Flare 5 times before I finally got it off. Every time I tried you had some projectile in my face. Keep a better eye out for Royal/Giga Flare too. Whenever you see it as your opponent's active cards, don't go below 3 orbs, because anything less isn't enough to block/graze either spellcard.

>> No.4113142
File: 129 KB, 413x477, 8760e8fb5f1b17564f6360fe4985752fa89ee124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing that I have fought your Bridget brings back some memories. Christ you danced around my Dizzy like I was standing still. Oh that's right, I was...

Anyway, I appreciate the advice. Suika seems like my strongest character right now but that doesn't mean a whole lot. I am still coming to grips with the game mechanics. And, reading your post, has at least given me some things to keep in mind. I never really trained myself to watch my orbs. I only look at them when I am trying to do a move and it doesn't go off, only to see I have 3/4 or a half an orb or something. I was fucking around with Tenshi earlier in single player and found he more parallel to my style of fighting but I couldn't do a think against you with her. Ah well. I will try to do better with keeping the pressure on in the future. I can tell that is one of my bigger issues.

Still hostan.

>> No.4113152
File: 141 KB, 625x415, 8a6048d8ca2bc52cafa9a763b6eff85a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Coast Host :
Be gentle, /jp/, I'm fragile...

>> No.4113192

cant see shit captain

>> No.4113209


>> No.4113227

Crap... Wish I would have saved some of anonymous's replays... His Suika has some ridiculous pressure that I could've uploaded for you to watch. Going from memory here, so what I advise may not be perfect. Suika's best pressure comes mostly from her j.5A. If you can get your opponent cornered and you come in at a very low flying altitude, j.5A j.6A j.6B/j.2C makes for some great pressure. Any non-grazing attempts to punish will eat the j.6B/j.2C. Any grazing attempts to punish can be beaten by 6D j.5A j.6A j.6B. If you think the opponent will air tech, fly up and do it again.

For ground pressure, it's all about the fire punch. The fire counts as a projectile, but at point blank range the punch counts as a melee attack. This makes any attempts to graze it very, very difficult when used in the corner. Furthermore, it can be super jump canceled, so you can do the whole j.5A thing all over again.

With Tenshi, things are more execution heavy, but also more secure. 5AA 2B HJC8 j.2B 3D j.5A repeat is a perfectly airtight blockstring in the corner if you do it right. The problematic part is the HJC8 j.2B 3D j.5A. Getting the j.2B fast enough to keep it airtight is something I can only manage one in every eight attempts. Many people fly too far after it and end up missing the j.5A. The only way out of this blockstring is a reversal card (the scarf) or to border escape (press a direction and DD to voluntarily crush one of your own orbs and move in that direction with invincibility).

>> No.4113234

so why am i only watching and not playing? what option do i need to press to actually get in?

>> No.4113235
File: 203 KB, 693x984, 1336e3d228762bf93bb5e9082b2fe5de30b690d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't connect man.

>> No.4113237

Do I need to use the latest version?

>> No.4113244

There's already someone playing with the host, disconnect and choose another or host yourself.


>> No.4113255

Good games. Fighting Reisen with Sakuya was a lot harder than I thought it would be. More so since no one uses her.


>> No.4113264

Rehosting. I was a faggot and forgot to update.

>> No.4113350

Why the fuck can't I play? Or will I be a spectator until someone leaves?

>> No.4113358

Obviously, yes! You can't play until the host is free.

>> No.4113367

High block -> low block -> graze/66C beats the string as well. You've gotta keep that in mind to prevent eating too many escapes.

>> No.4113373


If there's already someone playing, you can't get in. When either one quits, both players and all spectators go back to the netplay menu.

>> No.4113377


Can central.

>> No.4113399

Brotip: it is common for people to play at least 1 hour with the same host, sometimes two, and I have occasionally played 5 hours in a row with the same host.

>> No.4113402

Will someone mind joining my game? I've been hosting for about a half hour already.

>> No.4113419

>destroys me 2-0 with any character while I use my main
God damnit. Still, good games.

>> No.4113427

You are not invincible while border escaping. You just can move through the opponent.

>> No.4113434
File: 140 KB, 1600x1200, Konachan.com - 64888 bra cyan izayoi_sakuya jpeg_artifacts touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sry, slowbro response time

Yeah I play on a controller now.. though my problem is advanced enough that even doing that or scrolling forums can make me have to walk away from my computer in pain.

>> No.4113439

How about you open your port and include it after your IP next time. Can't connect.

>> No.4113444

I have all my ports forwarded, bro.

>> No.4113456

cant join there

>> No.4113459

Then patch up correctly, brah. Must be on your side. Window should say ver1.03.

>> No.4113466

I'm gonna try to host see if you can connect to me

>> No.4113484

i give i give it hurts man
so this is what a net player plays like. learned alot man i guess i still need to work on this more since i couldn't beat you unless i had some far range move to counter.

>> No.4113492

you could join np so im gonna say problem with your ports when you try to host

>> No.4113508

Spectator here

You DO know you can shoot bullets after your melee attacks, right? ALOT of times, you landed a jA or something and didn't follow it up for extra damage, just let Resident tech out or hit the ground. Work on that.

>> No.4113534
File: 124 KB, 1072x1045, b31950f0f6011b28ff1e8a361ba5bbb9525878d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs man. Guessing you are kinda new like I am. We both have a very long way to go. Just keep at it.

I saved this into notepad for later. Guy actually taught me the J.5A > J.6A > J.6B move the other day. I went and learned that mighty fast. Even tried timing it, like you said, on a low altitude. Even just learning that one combo had helped me greatly with my Suika.

All this great input, I will have to take some time to digest it, but seriously, thanks allot for the input. I will do my damnedest to utilize it.


>> No.4113563

i am newer, this was my first network game. I saved the match where I won, but actually i should of saved your matches to see where I went wrong. Arg wonder how do I get better at this.

>> No.4113600

Believe me I know it is tough. I have been trying to get better for weeks. Most of the matches I get into are against people who only know the word rape. And people like us are on the receiving end. You seem to have the same problems as I do, which seem to be pressure and knowing situational combos like in the air and whatnot. Also teching at the wrong times. I know the impulse is to stay away to get some breathing room, and single player lets you get away with that, but on netplay that just allows your opponent to get their momentum back. Like I said, it will be tough, but for now, just try to build your decks, and customize your characters with cards that suit your play style.

>> No.4113622

ggs. I like your Patchouli.

>> No.4113644

Those were some good games there, now to host try to fix your probelms with the ports since you do have the right patch since you could connect to me i used to have the same problem, what i did was open a port, reset the router, close the port, reset the router and so forth and now whenever i try to host i always have to reset the router if that helps somehow

>> No.4113648

Aw. What a terrible way to end things. I lost that first round because I whiffed the tail end of my B&B and I got an IM in the middle of the second round that cost me half of my health. Oh wells. I've really got to stop making so much use of my Patchy skill card only deck. The moment I stopped grabbing my fire sword skill card, our Patchy vs. Sakuya matches changed quite a bit. I just grew to like having another melee attack so much that I seem to be over-abusing it now. I haven't used a Silent Selene in months... Without fireball though, I really had nothing that could properly get through your projectiles. Also, damn Sakuya's 2B to all hell. How many times can I jump into it so predictably? Not to mention it reduces her hitbox to such a size that Iku's 5A completely whiffs her. Sigh. GGs, Fox-Hunter. Haven't seen you around before, but I'd be glad to get my ass handed to me again whenever you're up for it.

>> No.4113652
File: 866 KB, 900x900, 38e6f9de7fbfe2cf22c12df3b2d45d7eec98859c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One last time for tonight.


>> No.4113659
File: 131 KB, 418x1217, catsabers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still air tech at bad times all of the time.

Does a lot of risky moves, so if you hang back I kind of kill myself tier. ;_;

>> No.4113666

You haven't seen me before...?

(I guess I don't really post in other /jp/ threads though...)

Either way, yeah, those were fun matches. We'll definitely have to play again sometime.

>> No.4113681

I've also got a terrible memory for names, so it may be a mistake on my part, heh.

>> No.4113685 hosting, I think. US East, "man fuck this keyboard" tier

>> No.4113692
File: 288 KB, 974x1192, db1e40530d1ac2847bd1ad0c55625a15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like all the hosts are currently from US. Let's see if anyone near me is still awake.

>> No.4113702


Which option is 'Host'? I don't have the translation.

>> No.4113709

Alright, thanks. I usually don't get a chance to mess with the router settings because I'm using wireless.
Sorry for being such a boring opponent. I only started playing a couple of days ago. I have yet to find a main, so I have to guess what moves do what for each character. I really need to practice.

>> No.4113713
File: 283 KB, 860x848, SWR-menu-en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use this, the menu didn't change in 12.3

>> No.4113737

Hosting is the first option.

>> No.4113759

Ugh... I really wish I knew how half of this worked. I just only now found the "Deck Edit" feature and... well I've got next to nothing for cards that have been unlocked for our lovely loli frog goddess. Any tips?

>> No.4113760

GGs, Really didnt expect the catfish on the suika/yukari match

>> No.4113787
File: 129 KB, 750x726, 0e5893d13461d887367094946d0c93fa8b42a8b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs man. Yeah, I honestly don't know why I put that card in there other than for the "SUDDENLY A GIANT FISH HAHA!!" factor. Even less did I know it would come in handy. This kinda was my face when the fish won the match for me.

>> No.4113790

See this place for information on cards, as well as a full card unlock file, if you want to do that.
Also, information on pretty much all the moves as well as various combos can be found there.

>> No.4113841

I installed the 1.03 patch and tried to do the english patch, but the patch doesn't seem to have taken effect. It's all still in moonrunes and odd characters.

>> No.4113850
File: 41 KB, 352x324, j035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


UNL is still sort of new so there is no complete translation patch for it afaik, you'll have to memorize the menus and deal with moonrunes.

>> No.4113854
East Coast Hosting

>> No.4113857

I can tell. I see some bits in ingrish.

Still begs the question though: How to best get better when I'm confined to this damn laptop keyboard.

>> No.4113870

Just learn moon goddammit

>> No.4113896

Complete fighting game noob here, I suck ass at arcade mode. Is the AI a good indicator of how good I am at it? Would I ideally want to be able to beat it on Lunatic (it doesn't seem as unforgiving as Lunatic on the shmups) before trying my hand at netplay?

>> No.4113901
File: 162 KB, 369x376, Konachan.com - 64210 flandre_scarlet izayoi_sakuya remilia_scarlet touhou white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best thing can do with a laptop keyboard is order a gamepad. I bet some guys here tear it up with their arrow keys but for me it was night and day almost instantaneous using a gamepad. I'm sure Guy could vouch for the difference since I went from JUMP UP AND DOWN AND THRO NIVES LOL tier to somewhat competitive if I learned how to defend against and complete some standard combos.

>> No.4113920

Good games, Saje. You've gotta be more careful using Tenshi's BnB. Get too predictable with it and you're asking for 2k+ in punishment; throwing in 623C early like you were towards the end was a good idea, though. You caught a bunch of my graze attempts. Also, while it is tempting, try not to do too many naked jump-ins/mid-air baits for my Sky Dragon Kick. It is punishable, but if something goes wrong you're eating anywhere from 2k to 3k damage.

Man, you were killing me with those wake-up DPs though. I don't even know how many times I fell for them.

>> No.4113925

I used to be able to use my Xbox controler with the XBCD emulation drivers but they dont' work on vista. Plus 360 controllers don't work either. Which is faggotry. But in any case, I wish I could get a coherent movelist. It seems like a lot of them overlap, and with no idea which runes mean which button, well, confusing for me.

>> No.4113926

AI sucks.
Learn how to play by playing real people.

>> No.4113927

Mommy ;_; Don't mind me, just going to jump into every air jet kick, break my own orbs using Komachi's coin card, try to block unblockables, border escape incorrectly, and generally flounder around like a beached carp. Also, why must wake-up DPs be so much more difficult to pull off than in Ken Fighter 4? I think I'm going to take that tier title from you now. Ah, sorry for the poor showing, Guy. Good games on your part.

>> No.4113933

You can get movelists for all the characters here: http://swr.mizuumi.net/index.php/Main_Page

It feels good, man.

>> No.4113937

Oh yeah, I almost forgot: that Iku 5C loop was AWESOME! I don't think I've ever been caught in anything like that before, you actually made me do my first ever attempt at Border Escaping. And man was that a failure, going from being guardlocked because of 5C into eating a big 'ol spellcard was just amazing.

>> No.4113944

I had a feeling that would be the case. I guess I'll stick around tomorrow to see if there are any noob tier games going.

>> No.4113950 [DELETED] 


>> No.4113962

The English patch only affects weather. Nothing else.

Pick a character, go to training mode and learn your B&Bs, then come here and advertise that you're still new. People will do their best to take it easy on you.

I dunno about laptops, but I can vouch for keyboard being a viable control scheme. It's all I use, regardless of the game.

Again, read the SWR wiki. Everything you could wish to know about attacks, combos, and specials is recorded there.

Oh God yeah, I forgot about that. Stupidest blockstring in the game, but I'll take it! If I recall, I think that's the only thing I hit you with that whole match though, lol.

>> No.4113971

Well, hosting at I know nuclear crow loli's movesets a little bit. I seriously need to learn to actually play this again.

Anywho. Let's see if I can't do at least 1 hit.

>> No.4113983

Doesn't matter which option I choose for hosting, correct? Just hit z twice on the first option?

>> No.4114008

That is correct. But make sure your ports are opened if you're behind a router and that your firewall is configured to allow SWR a connection. If you're using the free version of ZoneAlarm you actually have to turn it off in my experience. Also, in the future you should append ":port#" to your IP so people can use the "Connect to IP in clipboard" option. Makes everyone's lives easier. If you're going with default, it's port 10800.

>> No.4114037
File: 714 KB, 1000x800, 1262764522135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Try Motionjoy, it has 64bit drivers and support for xbox360 controllers on the recent beta. Works good for me on an XP and Win7 box.

>> No.4114048 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your moronic attacks 24/7 at www.anon
talk.com. We don't want you there, retards. Got it already?

>> No.4114131

What are other acceptable ports to use? I can't seem to get 10800 forwarded. I fucking hate verizon.

>> No.4114156

It shouldn't be an issue with your ISP. Any port is fine to use so long as it's not currently in use and you tell people what port you're using when you host. Go here for a better idea on how to set this up correctly and to see if your port is forwarded correctly (make sure you close SWR before running their port checker, otherwise it will show as closed):

>> No.4114160

It's just the router is a bitch to work with, not the actual service.

Trying to host

>> No.4114189


Some people use port 7500 - it may not be Verizon specifically but a cheap modem functioning as a pseudo router stealthing most of your ports without any interface to view or change the port forwarding on it. Pushing the PPPoE to your router could take that power away from the modem and may let you unblock it. I could be wrong though.

>> No.4114199

GGs. Sorry for playing so bad. I'm incredibly sleepy.
Why don't you ever use youmus 214 anyway? I could just jump out after every singly 3a/6a you did.

>> No.4114237

Good games.

>Sorry for playing so bad.
You call winning every match playing bad? Geez.

>Why don't you ever use youmus 214 anyway?
I either forget about it completely or I'm too slow with inputting some of the attacks when I'd need them, and usually end up getting beaten myself when I try something. Maybe it's because I use keyboard, or maybe I just suck. Whatever it is, I need to practise that more.

>> No.4114359

I rushed into your stuff like no tomorrow and didn't really care for my own health until 20% left or something, that's what I call playing bad.

I tried to show you how to use 214 on Youmu but the round ended pretty fast.
If you use 6B every time the opponents will just jump out. Mix it with 214. They won't know if you do 1,2 or 3 hits and so you can pretty much continue pressure after it if they guess wrong. IF they guess wrong, they eat at least 2200 damage on counterhit.

>> No.4114422

Thank you for the advice, I'll try practising that. Any tips on what to do after 214 though?

>> No.4114466

trying to wonder why these guys just keep using their mains. or is that how one trains?

>> No.4114497

I'm really sorry to cut it short, but I'm quite sure that my steaks are done now. Good games, anonymous, you have some nice stuff going on there with Yukari (that j.2A into that one skill...if I ever play Yukari I may steal that). Thinking is hard, but thanks for the games.

>> No.4114498

66 far 5a or 66 2a and repeat.
If you get the opponent to block the 214, you can use B bullets for orb damage. You still get a lot of it through wrongblocks though. And of course, it does chip damage too. If the opponent even starts to block your stuff right, you could consider using the second 214C on lvl 2+ for an immediate guard crush.

I think Youmu is one of the few characters who do not have any problems with border escapes.

>> No.4114502

Good games.
Holy shit tenshi was hard. Stuff I normally have no problem with had suddenly become ungrazeable. Either Yukari's fat or you're really good with her or something. Damn :(

>> No.4114508

My main is actually Meiling. I was trying to play like less of an aggressive, mistake-prone Bittenfeld, so I switched to someone I'm more comfortable being defensive with (Tenshi). Then I decided to practice my Reimu.

>> No.4114550

Damn, I didn't even know of that 214C guard crush. Thank you for your tips, looks like I'll replace the alt 214 cards in my deck with these.

>> No.4114554


>> No.4114785

Gotta go. Good games.

>> No.4114790

lost every match, every single match.
brb uninstalling

>> No.4114797

is there like a site or book i can read to learn how to actually win a match or do i have to wait for someone even newer than me to play?

>> No.4114833
File: 440 KB, 640x480, Bittenfeld; complete asshole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs less Bittenfeld and more Oskar von Reuental tier.

>> No.4114850

Pretty much everything you'll need to know is there.

If you can't beat the AI on lunatic, you'll most likely lose every match online.

For a more skilled AI, download the SokuAI at
Of course it's not like playing against a human, but it's a lot better than playing against the normal AI at least.

>> No.4114875

people are hard. is there like a deck recommender or some training or a place I can get easier opponents to make me feel better about losing to good players?

>> No.4114884


Practice to get better. Learn the combos, proper cards to use, and strategy. Face someone who has the same main as yours, that really helped me.

>> No.4114900

Nope, there are AIs though. Some custom AIs are pretty good (read: they learn from experience, use skill cards and spell cards, etc). You can probably find players who are not-so-good, like me, if you can host here.

I recommend trying the CPU on lunatic - if you can beat it easily without losing any rounds, you can probably at least not be a punching bag against average opponents.

>> No.4114902

Lol sorry Guy, my nose is bleeding.

Give me two minutes

>> No.4114905

Mmm, let's see:

1.) Go to SWR wiki
2.) Look up combos and strategies for your chosen character
3.) Practice
4.) Connect to someone
5.) Lose
6.) Learn
7.) ???
8.) Win!

In all seriousness, that pretty much is the process, though.

Good games, Fox Hunter. Your Sakuya was a bit strange, so I was having a hard time getting used to her.

>> No.4114913

Rehostan. Hope your nose gets better soon, Fox!

>> No.4115035

was playing against OP, died every match. I was expecting my rape but still I tried. I should of just bended over.

>> No.4115064

Play against someone using your main, whatever that is - you can usually ask for that. Save replies and watch what they do. It helps. You can also search youtube or nico for soku replays with your character, and you can look up the website which generally has a bunch of combos and reviews the skills and spells. Use practice mode to figure out the combos and get a feel for how fast the spells and skills are.

>> No.4115080

Good games again, Fox. Your Sakuya feels a bit unorthodox to me for some reason, so the only thing I felt comfortable baiting was your 66C. Be careful about not getting in too deep with it. Also, I am complete shit at doing reversals, I have no idea why I even try.


>> No.4115081

Ah, ggs Guy.

My nose started up halfway though the Tenshi matches... So, I may have been a bit pre-occupied. Lol.

>> No.4115208

Anyone other than Guy hosting at the moment?

>> No.4115279

Good games, bro. You've gotta stop air-teching into so many of my moves, though, it's really killing you. Also, don't block so many of Tenshi's rock drills. Pain follows when you do that.

>> No.4115312 [DELETED] 


>> No.4115319

>Guy telling someone to stop air-teching so much

>> No.4115324

If I want to host with a 4-number port, do I just put a 0 on the end?

>> No.4115328

I was having a lot of lag spikes there, but ggs!

I was trying to fix my habit of automatically grazing towards the opponent whenever they use a grazeable skill, and I wanted some replays with tenshi's guardcrushes when I was up against tenshi, but lag made sure I couldn't escape from anything even if it was possible, so meh. Does that kick of Meiling's that you seem to like so much graze/have invincibility frames?

>> No.4115359

That's not true!

I-I can quit air-teching whenever I want! J-Just watch me! ;_;

>> No.4115380

It has neither graze frames nor invincibility frames, so it's basically high-risk/high-reward style of play unless you combo into it.

>> No.4115513


Can central, Only playing until 11:00 pm CST so get it while it's hot!

>> No.4115531

Not working for me.

>> No.4115562

Good games. Gotta start blocking on wakeup.


>> No.4115570

Now, as much as I love fighting Yukari in the first place (/sarcasm) I can't stand her 66C, even more so if it's spammed.

ggs never the less.

Also, rehostan. (I'm not fighting anymore Yukaris...)

>> No.4115598

where do i download this?

>> No.4115663

>Guy stopped hosting.
>Someone else hosts and Guy joins their game.
Dang it! This sort of thing always happens. How can I get to play against someone better than me?

>> No.4115718 [DELETED] 

anyone up for a game?

>> No.4115765

Looks like someone is upset about Guy's Tenshi. I can share that sentiment, seeing how any random 5A or drill hit goes straight into a brutal combo.

>> No.4115771

>> No.4115805
File: 60 KB, 427x510, 1262683716083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4115807

Good games, anonymous. I hope you're not sick of me yet.


>> No.4115815

Good games, guy.
Sorry, but I just can't bear fighting your Tenshi with Yukari anymore. Your whole game is 'hope the other guy fucks up to score some damage.' If I just want to win, I'd pick Reimu and tech chase you all day (which Yukari utterly fails to do.)

>> No.4115831
File: 243 KB, 714x553, 1199669029902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East
Above beginner level.

>> No.4115895

nice game, you're far too good for my level though haha

>> No.4115906

Good games, Danbo. I didn't know that you played! If someone blocks Reimu's 3A, throw out a 623B once in a while. It'll catch 'em completely off guard and will sometimes prevent them from wanting to punish you.

I'm sorry you feel that way. Is there something I'm missing when it comes to Tenshi? But please, don't hold back on my account; pick Reimu whenever you feel like it so I can learn to stop air-teching so much.

>> No.4116001

I don't think Yukari is strong enough to take Tenshi without spellcards. Any counterhit gotten from right guesses sends her in the air, where Yukari can't do anything, and fighting her on the ground is extremely dangerous.
A ch ja does maybe 700 damage; around 1500 if I'm lucky enough to be able to add a combo on it. Tenshi does 3000 from anywhere. I have to catch you five times to make up for one slip, which is kind of frustrating :P Typhoon and River Mist don't help, either.
I guess I'll have to make a new deck.

>> No.4116017

GGs Danbo. You should try to approach people differently. Flying that high up before trying to rain down on someone leaves you vulnerable in the air.

>> No.4116048

By the way, your Yukari would be stronger if you added 5C hjc9 j.5C after CH 66C (when you are too far away to do the j.6A followup). Extra damage plus blue border--LWS thrived on that combo.

>> No.4116069

nice game. yeah i really should lol just started playing recently, i've always been fond of attacking from above regardless of game so i guess i should change that for this one lol. I'll keep the advice in mind, thanks!

>> No.4116070

Well, you see, I was kinda hoping I could force you to use spellcards. That way it'd feel like I was playing someone who, I don't know, tried a little? ;_;

Kidding aside, it's good training, my Tenshi feels a bit stronger already. Thanks.

Please, don't remind me. I think I've been nailed by that combo more times than anything else in this game. Excepting maybe DPs; it's a pretty close call, really.

>> No.4116095

Rehosting for a few minutes, I guess. Probably not getting anyone at this hour though.

>> No.4116109

Thanks for the tip. According to the wiki I can use default tombstone to fill some gaps too, but I don't know if it's worth giving up the alt.

Spellcards can be nice, but what if you don't get the opening to use them? Buffs are permanent, and some characters need several alt skills to get going. Spellcards just slow the flow of the card meter.

>> No.4116113

new to /jp/.
what is this exactly?


>> No.4116157

Don't get me wrong, I see your point about skill cards: they are, for the most part, quite useful, and it's good to have them to level up your skills. At the same time, though, there are spellcards like Yukari's train that can pretty much be free damage (use it after a CH 66C that sends them across the screen), cards like Meiling's Earth & Sky Dragon Kick that add a ton of damage to your combo, and cards like Tenshi's 3 and 5 card DPs that, while situational, help enough that it's worth stagnating the card generation a bit.

That's my take on it, at least.

>> No.4116158

touhou doujin fightan game

where the fuck do i download this

>> No.4116166

Touhou Hisoutensoku


>> No.4116354

GG. I will forever hate Komachi's spirits floating around.

>> No.4116380

Good games Lolimew. I don't recall if we played much (if at all) in the past, but I did see you face off against Nipah a lot and I knew your Youmu was decent. I suppose the main issue is that your blockstrings don't match up to guys like Rabbit-Box and Johan. Perhaps you should use some more staggered default 214s in your pressure strings? Anyway, thanks for the games. I guess I'm satisfied with how I'm handling my mains, but my secondaries have worsened dramatically.

>> No.4116385
File: 46 KB, 416x776, 1259569128125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been practicing with the Soku AI some, and I've realized that, for some reason, the Soku AI just falls apart when I try to use China. Like, literally, they just won't do anything at all vs her, even if they would when I go and pick my regular main, Alice

What gives? Is there something I'm doing wrong? I'm loading the correct file and everything because the AI works when I pick Alice ::/

>> No.4116403

I always had problems using default 214 since I just never seem to know when to use it. I guess I should just practice more on it.

>> No.4116418

The new characters screw up the AI. You'll have to use characters that were in SWR, instead of the new ones that came with Hisoutensoku.

>> No.4116437


Well, hell

Oh well, thanks for letting me know

>> No.4116444
File: 25 KB, 290x290, 1260829509239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cheap chinese gamepad fell apart. Any suggestions on what to get/use?

>> No.4116450

A cheap keyboard.

>> No.4116453


PS2 controller with a USB converter. I swear, PS2 controllers last for fucking ever

>> No.4116482

Anytime, bro.

This: >>4116453

One thing I found strange was that you would get him in the corner and then even though the weather would be Diamond Dust, you'd still pretty much completely drop your pressure, choosing to do 5C midscreen and then jump even further back for a j.5B or something.

>> No.4116531

But I've always been a keyboard warrior (since I started playing IaMP) and it's good enough for me. I did try using a Logitech controller for a while but quickly gave up since I couldn't do a single Reimu aerial corner BnB correctly in IaMP.

>> No.4116534
File: 132 KB, 416x776, 1261837639106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4116549

I suck ass at pressuring. I really do.

>> No.4116571

I was just suggesting the controller to the person who asked since I'm personally most comfortable using a Dualshock 2. If you do well with the keyboard, hell, more power to you; I know you have my respect for being able to play a fightan using a bloody keyboard. I actually tried it once and performed embarrassingly bad, it was truly awful.

Ah, well it's just something to keep in mind. Try fighting Rabbit Box or Johan some time. I'd help more, but I don't use Youmu.

>> No.4117262
File: 93 KB, 600x2300, 1258170765634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't think I'll ever understand how people can play fighting games on a keyboard. The notion is just so foreign to me

>> No.4118578

US Midwest

>> No.4118603

>where the fuck do i download this

You could at least try looking for it yourself, or asking properly; apparently /rs/ has something, I'm not sure if they work though. You need both the original Scarlet Weather Rhapsody as well as Hisoutensoku.

>> No.4118617
File: 282 KB, 700x511, 1262690902540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hosting, WC

>> No.4118624

anyone meh tier?

>> No.4119044 [DELETED] 


>> No.4119082


>> No.4119152

Good games, dustbunny

>> No.4119161
File: 100 KB, 1200x1600, 4f3cb0a7a28ae1386d37fbcc240479028b7bece7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good show. Seemed like i kept getting interupted in the strangest of ways!
Still, one has to be ready to take it in the backside now and then, its always quite the learning experience.

>> No.4119166
File: 277 KB, 1024x768, ReisenTail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the tail?
Useless bunny, not even good for a soft tail to squeeze.

>> No.4119172

>that picture with that post
Okay, I lol'd.

>> No.4119356

I haven't played this since last time I got completely destroyed. Though it is mostly my own fault for still haven't learned how to properly guard or pass guard.

I haven't even found a favorite character to practice with yet. Probably would help knowing what happens and not just try all the common buttons and see what happens.

>> No.4119371


>> No.4119376

I went through 3 different characters before my favourite was found (though it was still back when we played IaMP and were anticipated by the GRAND FUTURE TOUHOU FIGHTAN WITH A SHITTY DEMO AND WITH A SHITTY NETCODE). Just play random and see whichever character's playstyle fits you

>> No.4119388

The demo was incredible. And there was a separate program for netplaying with it. 1.01g ftw

>> No.4119457

Watch some Japanese tournament replays, see which chraacter seems "cool", fits your playstyle, or other subjective criteria.

>> No.4119478

Oh wow, what a glitch. Too bad I can't record it otherwise I would.

>> No.4119536

Please stop mashing.


>> No.4119546

Great, I think I finally know how to fight against you. Time to evolve! Thanks for hosting

>> No.4119651

Bump for host

>> No.4119807

Bump for host

>> No.4119830

Bump for host

>> No.4119876

still hosting

>> No.4120039

>Duckator using my Sanae color
Obviously something trivial like that doesn't really matter, but there's plenty of other palettes you could use! I've always used the 4-down-from-default palettes since 12.3 came out.

>> No.4120052


>> No.4120147

Ugh, watching people sandbag like crazy makes me feel less motivated to play this game.

>> No.4120191

Hosts where?

>> No.4120214

US East Coast

>> No.4120229 West Coast

>> No.4120442

Good games Anonymous.
I'm sure you were trying to tell me something but I'm too dense to figure out what it is.

>> No.4120449

I'll remember to use that color if I ever decide to pick up Sanae!

I'm not really available to host right now, but if you ever join my games I can guarantee that I don't sandbag. I don't block either, but ehhhh...

>> No.4120451 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 417x427, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was my connection which broke, sorry dude.

Good games! You were really tough with the three characters you played against me, and each her own styles. Your Marisa is lovely.

>> No.4120462 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your moronic attacks 24/7 at www.an
k.com. We don't want you there, retards. GOT IT already?! Sub-human creatures...

>> No.4120457
File: 25 KB, 417x427, suika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it was my connection which broke, sorry dude.

Good games! You were really tough with the three characters you played against me, and each had her own styles. Your Marisa is lovely.

>> No.4120483

Good games, your Suika is really offensive and after three or four games I was able to easily predict what you were going to do next.
You should work on mixing things up and you air tech too many times. I think I once drain half of your hp because you air teched three times in a row.

>> No.4120511 [DELETED] 

Fuck off with your moronic attacks 24/7 at www.an
k.com. We don't want you there, retards. GOT IT already?! Sub-human creatures...

>> No.4120535

I preferred 'many hugs from tiny loli'.

>> No.4120677
File: 138 KB, 1000x1000, sanaeflowchart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black Sanae is mine, Guy! Go challenge E-MAN to the rights for white dress Sanae or something. You've already infringed on my CtC Reimu.

>> No.4120737

I actually pick that Reimu palette because it reminds me of Toki from Fist of the North Star. I'd use Fantasy Heaven too if I could consistently land it (assuming the match reaches the third round).

Hell, I use Meiling's Colorful Light Lotus Flower Palm just so I can say "omae wa mo...shindeiru" whenever I land it.

>> No.4121243

Bump, anyone around?

>> No.4121313
File: 240 KB, 459x700, 3513934f54d83f3276f8a4974b56b858bb52c377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feeling particularly masochistic today.

>> No.4121675
File: 238 KB, 586x777, c208e3285568cc0fa6e4f6923c6d2cef38c211c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Rabbit-Box. Allot of close matches there. Was very fun.

>> No.4121704

Good games Resident51, I didn't expect the game to end mid match. Those were pretty close games, I tried to play around with Remi and Alice with whom I'm pretty bad with but trying to learn. You attack at times and in situations other people would block and kept catching me with it, but I also noticed you don't keep pressure up when you have the momentum.

>> No.4121753
File: 770 KB, 1000x1214, 9a6c3c77d270e1c7391c13b0fc4e4bf09f562387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I know. Allot of people tell me that when I gain momentum, I then fail at keeping up the pressure. I know it's bad and I have to break that but I just don't know what goes on in my head during a match. I just act instinctively. I guess keeping pressure on is something I just have to program myself to do. Sadly I can only learn to do that by playing online, and rolling the dice on who I get to play against. I learned a bit from our matches. Implementing that is another story, but I did learn.

Have some Alice for the awesome matches.

>> No.4121772

To keep pressuring, don't do airtight strings. Do things loosely to keep the other guy guessing, and pray to god they don't mash you out for a 5000 damage spellcard dial a combo.

>> No.4121787
File: 1000 KB, 2646x3679, 74e88e9ff6b5c907c5db039ac92f2838a4583b7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I really need to work on that. I just need to put in more time in netplay to work on it. I seriously need more hours in a day to do everything lol. Anyway I appreciate the input as always.

>> No.4121790
File: 632 KB, 750x1000, 1262288899062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah, that's just silly, who does that?

Work on airtight strings at first, and get a really good feel for how to land them. Then, the moment you are so comfortable with them that you do them by instinct, start dropping the strings on purpose. Just drop them, and start staggering moves. It'll bug the shit out of your opponents. Note: this doesn't always work, and don't do it too often. It's just an example of pressure.

Anyways, hostan:
My Reimu fights like a tiger without claws and teeth.

>> No.4121795

Or just play Suika.

Mash buttons, get pressure.

>> No.4121808

Don't be absurd. If they just mashed buttons, how would they loliball?!

>> No.4121810
File: 153 KB, 558x457, 0dd8f1e520939030440eb3959ee71a66e3deb923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy! Christ if I wasn't already dicking around in Photoshop with something I would jump in on that.

Not that I am getting anything done by keeping an eye on the thread ;_;

>> No.4121868
File: 196 KB, 1520x1140, 4ptswh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I demand someone host so I can get my ass kicked.

>> No.4121884

...I'm still hosting: >>4121790

>> No.4121903
File: 297 KB, 675x675, 1255984288296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone beat me to joining? D:

>> No.4121925
File: 180 KB, 800x600, 1254179525644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, someone host and don't let some other douchbag join in D:

I don't have the router password so I can't host without hamachi.

>> No.4121938
File: 119 KB, 400x572, 05d25adcdc504252f39883cba9a3a5db.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In training Sanae tier

>> No.4121943


>> No.4121956
Never played online before and not sure this will work-tier
US central

>> No.4121977

Nevermind, eating dinner first

>> No.4121993

Props for ONBASHIRA!

>> No.4122036
File: 992 KB, 559x2491, 1251948770550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really laggy D:
GGs, got my ass kicked though :<

>> No.4122051

okay, hostan'

>> No.4122068

I thought she was an oar fish, not an electric eel.

>> No.4122076


GGs try to not be a reckless attacker all the time, also dont spend all your orbs on bullets as they are easy to graze and then punish you

Also rehosting>>4121943

>> No.4122107

>dont spend all your orbs on bullets as they are easy to graze and then punish you
>Don't do melee moves because I can just block them and then punish you.
>Don't graze bullets because I'll just punish you with melee.
Anything that I missed?

>> No.4122163


>> No.4122164

I was going to end it after that one anyways. Good games, "New Player", challenge me again when I'm playing less horribly.

>> No.4122165

Dont miss spellcards attacks or ill punish you with my spellcards
Dont repeat the same combo as i will learn it quickly and then punish you
Dont use the same air string twice or ill will punish you with high priority melee

>> No.4122170

>don't move or I'll punish you

>> No.4122172

hosting, WC. average

>> No.4122177

>don't join, for you have already lost

>> No.4122185

omae ha mou makete iru

>> No.4122233
File: 194 KB, 600x600, Iku3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Kitae. Sorry for being Iku so many times, she's the only character I know how to be ;_;

>> No.4122240
File: 532 KB, 867x603, 1261268776911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but what you just showed me is not average...

Anyway GGs...


>> No.4122290

GGs, an interesting reimu you have


>> No.4122362 [DELETED] 
File: 232 KB, 458x458, Iku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4122508

GGs Johan, I'm going to go back to eating dinner.

It goes without saying, but I'm extremely disappointed that I lost against you, since Sanae is my most familiar character. You're doing well, and I imagine I won't be able to touch you at all the next time we play.

>> No.4122545

GGs a.a yes I was watching a phantasm player using Sanae and it surprised me how she can battle almost every other character. Then im tryin some strategies and combos that Sanae can use to beat ground, air, melee and bullets at the same time


>> No.4122595

I watched that Sanae replay pack as well a long time ago, but truthfully I don't like using alt. 623 wind tunnel. It's too good--way better than Kanako Rushdown (contrary to what some people might think!) but I like Rushdown for the extra damage it gives as a combo ender. As for the other alt. skills, I'd honestly never had much of a result using the 22 frogs or 22 ghosts, but you used them well (or rather, I kept misjudging their vertical range).

I guess I prefer a much more straightforward Sanae style that relies on her weaknesses (melee, in-your-face pressure) than cheesy zone-you-to-death-with-projectile-chip-damage tactics, despite the strength of the latter.

>> No.4122613

sorry man it was fun getting my ass whoop but i rather not watch it in slow mo, sorry guy I learn some sanae moves off you at least

>> No.4122656
File: 221 KB, 836x1051, Iku4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4122678

Yes a melee Sanae its not a bad idea, kanako striker is really strong but once you know it it became a little predictable, but the wind tunnel forces to evade graze or block and it creates a big pressure when used with alts 22c and 5C

I like to use both, melee and bullets to rushdown and give a few chances to counterattack her without getting hit too. I need to improve my melee pressure like the phantasm player does.

>> No.4122680
File: 280 KB, 800x696, 1261173873715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I jump out of corners and air tech all the time. Please punish me.

>> No.4122818

aya aya guy hurts

>> No.4122825


>> No.4122834

bump for hosts

>> No.4122842

you beated my youmu i cant do any more i give i think i should stick with easy mode

>> No.4122847

Guy is pretty good, you shouldn't feel discouraged. You should try hosting and giving a call out to other beginners.

>> No.4122866

i keep losing every round.

>> No.4122877

I'm gonna take a little break. Good games, GITAH. Play more often and get used to grazing and blocking at the right times!

>> No.4122879

yea well guy made me his bitch so im going to go cry now. my youmu couldn't even touch him here someone want a free laptop? I won't be needing mines any longer.

>> No.4122893
east Canada
lost every round to guy tier

>> No.4122895

>I... air tech all the time.
Well, quite a few of the 'good' players do too. I think the real problem is "air teching at the earliest possible moment, always toward the opponent", but even then, guys like Johan seem to do that a lot too. Worst part is when the person doing the air teching somehow pulls off a BS j.5A -> aerial combo when you jump in to punish their tech. It's nearly as bad as getting pegged for some 4k combo off a wakeup masher.

>> No.4122907
File: 112 KB, 992x640, Iku18.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good games Apple_juice

...although I got destroyed every time ;_;

>> No.4122913

Is that a hamachi ip? I can't join

What works for me is to just let myself hit the ground unless the opponent is trying to juggle you

>> No.4122920

well if not hamachi how else do i do this?

>> No.4122928

Maybe I should amend my previous statement. "I airtech in the worst possible direction at the worst possible time all the time" would be more accurate. Also, I can't border escape properly to save my life so I don't even try.

>> No.4122930

>>4122893 should be mines without hamachi.

>> No.4122935

GGs try try to not give all those openings, like doing 5c when im close. Also try to fight more on midair as Iku can punish really easy everytime she hits with one of her j.a

>> No.4122944

The easiest way is to set a DMZ (Demilitarized zone) on your router for your SWR port, on your internal ipv4 network. You can get your ipv4 address by typing ipconfig in the windows command prompt, and looks like After configuring your router, you would host with your normal ip address which you can get at http://www.whatismyip.com/

>> No.4122954

east canada
rape me i like it tier

>> No.4122969

Post bump limit reached, time for a new thread!

Yeah, I know how border escapes work in theory, but the wrong one always comes out. I just love backdash border escaping against Tenshi's drills! Why not give up an orb for free and put yourself right back into an airtight blockstring??

And that is why I hate people who can really play Reisen and Tenshi because if you can't BE right against them, you lose, no exceptions.

>> No.4122972

Well airtech is pretty easy to do and most of times helps me to escape many pressures and strings without losing much orbs or do BS. Sometimes i let one or two hits for me to fall to the ground and leave the corner.
At the same time if the opponent jumps into me with a j5a i can do a faster j2a or j5a to hit him first or both hit each other and let me escape

>> No.4122980

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work. How have you set your DMZ?

>> No.4123000

sorry i didnt check right er this is what the site told me

>> No.4123021
File: 337 KB, 1115x969, 1204202980390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread's up.

>> No.4123027

No luck, sorry. Im interested in how you've set up your router, but it may mean you're stuck with Hamachi for the time being.
