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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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409550 No.409550 [Reply] [Original]

Aya-Chan has been posting a lot of her new dog recently on her blog.

>> No.409561

Did she finish her catmeal that soon?

>> No.409570


That's Shokotan and no. She has more cats now.

>> No.409579

Dogs are of proud and loyal canine stock, they have a natural aversion to the inherent sneakiness and untrustworthiness of the yellow man/woman.

>> No.409590

Exactly the same way.

>> No.409587

how do they feel about blacks and hispanics

>> No.409592

I wonder how many men she fucked in Shibuya clubs this week.

>> No.409598

That dog doesn't look too happy.

>> No.409602

I better start hitting up those clubs.

>> No.409606

At least she isn't a cat-faggot, like that stupid cunt Shokotan.

>> No.409611


>> No.409754

that dog is kinda cute

in b4 fag

>> No.409760

I like the huge cats better

>> No.410228
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>> No.410234

That dog is adorable. Just like her.
It's like anything she touches she makes more adorable.
I wonder if she touched my penis, it'd grow fanmyon eyes and blush.

>> No.410257

Doki doki.

>> No.410284

this thread made of aids

>> No.410473

whats the adress of her blog

>> No.410499



>> No.410501

She's even got a domain of her own, what a slut.

>> No.410502

dont you talk about mai waifu like that!

>> No.410503

ITT weeaboos look, but don't touch.

>> No.410519
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also: minorin

>> No.410527

I love Minorin.

>> No.410539
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Sage for Hirano.

>> No.410557

this bitch is avarage as fuck and probably filled with stds.

ive seen a lot better looking, and decently brought up women walking around in japan.

>> No.410559


fuck off back to Roppongi JETfaggot.

>> No.410581

haha mad because somebody bashed your angel? Harden the fuck up, faggot.How about trying to get a real girl instead of fantasizing about marrying this STDfunbag guess that would be asking too much of you, real contact with live girls? pffft!

>> No.410588

Either a really bad troll or a huge faggot. Anyways sage for him and pig disgusting 3d Hirano.

>> No.410589

Either a really bad troll or a huge faggot. Anyways sage for him and pig disgusting 3d Hirano.

>> No.410595

>How about trying to get a real girl

Hahahaha, oh wow! You dont realise where you are do you?

I can smell the JET programme all over you.

For the record, I don't like Aya Hirano anyway.

>> No.410596
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haha nice you called me a faggot, i love channers.

keep jacking it to your 2d women you depressing cunt.

>> No.410602

>keep jacking it to your 2d women

we will, you keep fucking roppongi skanks and thinking you are experiencing the 'real japan' because of that.

>> No.410603

>I can smell the JET programme all over you.

>You dont realise where you are do you?
The den of the most pathetic waste of atoms in the planet.It's still pretty fun watching you socially fucked retards role playing along a 26 year old angry european thats taking the role of the anime girl of your dreams.


hoooly shit this is seriously a goldmine

>> No.410607

beware of girls who owns several cats

>> No.410609

Sauce at picture lol?

>> No.410611

Actually YOU are the "gold mine" self-proclaimed "normalfag".

>> No.410612

ITT the decline of a once-pretty bloody good board. Thanks faggots.

oh well it was fun while it lasted

>> No.410613

cant we just ignore trolls for once /jp/?

2channel does, so does Futaba.... Just *ignore* them.

>> No.410615

>experiencing the 'real japan'
haha a faggot like you talking about the '"real japan" doubt you know what japan is like since you've never been, or ever will come here you sperm rubbing fuckmook

>> No.410617


gotta love a channers creativity, i am a normal fag.


>> No.410624

And a newfag to boot.

>> No.410625

So anyway... About Triad's fail in not having released episode 25 of Kaiji yet....

>> No.410626

i have a confession.
i don't know much about japan, i don't have much interest in japan and i don't care much for VN's.

i come here under the guise of trolling and arguing that korea is better, but the truth is that i come because i appreciate the feeling that i'm not the only ronery one

>> No.410628
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let 'em continue.
it's kinda entertaining, actually

>> No.410629

Why are JET programme faggots ALL like this?

>> No.410634

gosh they just dont understand the genious behind fate stay night

neither does the rest of humanity, the faggots!

>> No.410640

because it's actually a pretty shitty job: wages are poor, absolutely no room for promotion in most cases and poor standard of living if you're in one of the big cities.

Basically. Most JET programme faggots are people that did worthless BAs in shit like psychology and learnt Japanese parralel to that.

>> No.410644

>Most JET programme faggots
>are people ... worthless

hahahahaha holy fuck! depressing otakus know no bounds!

>> No.410649

The fuck are you posting here anyway? Do you actually know what this board is for?

>> No.410657

Most of us are college age (either bachelor's level or postgrads) actually. I'm finishing my msc in european economic integration at the LSE. I have a job at WestLB lined up from a previous internship: 35,000UKP basic plus a 5,000 signing on payment + annual bonus.

Why you are bragging about having a job that gives you nothing but an awful standard of living I don't know. In my country, the only people who go on things like the JET programme are people who can't survive in a competitive workplace with high turnover of staff like finance.

Enjoy bragging about a vastly inferior standard

>> No.410660

Most of us are college age (either bachelor's level or postgrads) actually. I'm finishing my msc in european economic integration at the LSE. I have a job at WestLB lined up from a previous internship: 35,000UKP basic plus a 5,000 signing on payment + annual bonus.

Why you are bragging about having a job that gives you nothing but an awful standard of living I don't know. In my country, the only people who go on things like the JET programme are people who can't survive in a competitive workplace with high turnover of staff like investment banking/finance in general.

Enjoy bragging about a vastly inferior standard of living.

>> No.410663

enjoy your bankruptcy

>> No.410665

> I did a worthless BA and I earn fuck all, stop making fun of me BAWWW

>> No.410667


now tell me something

how'd you figured i worked for a shitty teaching company with shitty hours shitty pay and shitty everything else.

I was just laughing at the fact that a channer was calling someone else worthless when in fact the only worthless pieces of shit here are YOU my friend!


>european economic integration
fucking loled

>I have a job at WestLB lined up

>> No.410670

both sides of this argument are pathetic.
blatant troll is blatant

>> No.410671

ahh yes i love it when channers try to look down on other people

>> No.410672

You're being looked down upon because you come here and act like a faggot who thinks he owns the world.

>> No.410673


Don't believe everything you read in the papers. Most of the people who are going to be laid off aren't in the investment side of things, it's administration and other bloated areas that feel the pinch for obvious reasons.


Hahaha, oh wow... The bravado is starting to slip my friend. Enjoy your poverty.

>> No.410677

there are many levels of patheticness on 4chan, it's very easy to find people lower and more pathetic than themselves.

>> No.410683

>Enjoy your poverty.
making a lot more than your shitty job will be paying you plus your "bonus" hahahaha

anyways im out of this shit hole you warty clits

bye bye :)

>> No.410686

if only all newfags would go away as easily.

>> No.410689

why do english teachers in Japan come here to brag anyway? Let's be entirely honest - who in their right minds makes a conscious decision to live in Japan?

>> No.410699

>The annual remuneration is ¥3,600,000 (which is sufficient for all normal expenses for a single person, including rent, compulsory pension contributions and health and employment insurance).


JETfaggots can't compete in a competitive working place so they go on something that guarantees them a job, albeit with the negative externality of having a crappy salary and godawful apartment.

>> No.410709

>crappy salary
That's actually comparable to the salary teachers get in the US. Since it's about $35k USD with current exchange rates. No one becomes a teacher to make money.

>> No.410712

you mean pedophiles?

>> No.410714

>why do english teachers in Japan come here to brag anyway?
No kidding. If it was me I'd only come to 4chan to brag if I were teaching at a high school and was having sex with no less than 3 hot female students.

>> No.410715

"Those who can't: Teach"

Except genuine academics at good departments throughout various universities. They are worthy of respect. The JET programme is for people who cant get jobs in a competitive environment (usually due to a useless degree and a lack of intelligent to pursue it past a postgraduate level), it's as simple as that.

>> No.410716

And one hot mom

>> No.410718

>Except genuine academics at good departments throughout various universities
Right. But you cannot teach at a university with just a BA. Which is all that you need to become a teacher anywhere. To become a university professor I think you need like a Masters.

But that's apples to oranges. JET teachers get paid roughly the same as Kindergarten-High School teachers in the US.

>> No.410720

>bye bye :)

>> No.410722

Just so you know, there are -very- few men willing to become teachers outside of college. We can now safely assume that -all- male teachers teaching elementary to high school are pedos.

>> No.410723

Uh. You just put down almost every non-university level professor educator. The educator profession is hardly competitive compared to other jobs/careers since teachers are usually in a high demand. As already stated all you need to become a teacher is a BA in any subject then go for your certification depending on state requirements (at least the US). That's all there is to it.

>> No.410724

If they want to compete, they can take a wage cut.

>> No.410729

>To become a university professor I think you need like a Masters.

You need a PhD actually. And to actually get tenure you need to work as a lecturer for some years I think.

The point I am making is that there are two kinds of people when it comes to humanities degrees, those that genuinely love the subject they are taking and don't really give a shit about money (the kinds of people who pursue say... a History degree to a postgraduate level and beyond), and those that simply picked a humanities degree because they viewed it as a soft option and couldn't do something like a science.

The former are ok, I have no problem with them, the latter are the kinds of people that join the JET programme.

>> No.410735

So you're putting down people who manage to go to college/university for 4 years to get a BA just so they could get a degree because you don't agree with their reasons for getting a degree?

How stupid is that?

>> No.410742

4 years to get a BA?

>> No.410744

A bachelor of arts degree program generally lasts three years in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Iceland, India, Israel, New Zealand, Norway, Quebec, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa and Switzerland, and four years in Scotland, the Republic of Ireland, Canada (outside Quebec), Netherlands, and the United States.

>> No.410745

Not stupid at all.

Re-read what I said.

Also, I think I speak for most anons when I say I'm just giving the arrogant JETfaggots a taste of their own medicine and explaining the reality of their situation to them (low standard of living, pretty piss-poor salary, no room for promotions in 99% of all cases...)

BA usually takes 3 years by the way.

>> No.410747

fucking failfags, pics with tits or gtfo retards.

>> No.410755

Again with the salary. Like I said, the salary is the same as one would get in the US at the same level of teaching regardless of the subject.

I don't know much about the other stuff but for me, I'd get a degree and apply for JET just for the fact that it's a free trip to live in Japan for at least a year. But that's just me.

>> No.410759

The only males who teach elementary to high school students. Will you fucking pedos knock it the hell off?

>> No.410761

The only males who teach elementary to high school students are pedos. Will you fucking pedos knock it the hell off?

>> No.410764

Yes, and high school salaries are still shitty.

Look, if you went on the JET programme and had a nice time. That's good, I feel happy for you, but as I said - All I am doing is hitting back at the JETfaggots who genuinely think their position is 'enviable' to those of us who already have good jobs lined up or are in decent education. And you cannot deny the bravado of JETfags is pretty widely pervasive among them. They all seem to exhibit this 'Oh, silly weeaboos, I'm so much more enlightened about Japan than you are because I get drunk in Roppongi and wake up in a gutter near my crappy apartment every weekend' arrogance.

>> No.410765

Male teachers deserve to have their balls cut off.

>> No.410770

Wikipedia informs me that JET teachers don't actually get to choose where they are assigned. While applicants can specify up to three preferred locations, and can request urban, semi-rural or rural placements, they may be placed anywhere in Japan, and placements may not match requests.

>> No.410772

Were you raped by a male teacher and this is the only way you can express your anger?

>> No.410773

>And you cannot deny the bravado of JETfags
Actually, I can. And very well. Since I have never had the experience of dealing with such bravado. I've only paid attention to one thread that a JET guy started and that was the thread that started off 'I'm drunk and I live in Japan. Ask me any question. I might go do the dishes' or something like that.

Most of the time I ignore most threads on this board that aren't Touhou, Type-Moon, Tokusatsu, or anything else that arouses my interest.

>> No.410774

>>drunk in Roppongi and wake up in a gutter near my crappy apartment

Sounds pretty close to life without JET.

>> No.410781

No, there's no reason -any- man should accept such a paltry wage, unless he's not in it for the money, and I don't believe in good motives. I believe people are predatory and human.

>> No.410788

Maybe he's hunting hot milfs? Little kids usually means that the moms are relatively young.

>> No.410800

Yeah, and crack dealers are just trying to support their starving families.

>> No.410805

Don't be stupid. Crack dealers don't have families. Drug lords do.

>> No.410808

Then why are women doing it? Are they all pedophiles too? Or can only women have good motives?

>> No.410809


Wow, people remember my thread? Kinda..weird.

Most JETs are, IMO, somewhat assholish, but that's not a condition of JET. It's because they import them in groups and encourage them to support each other. As a result, they tend to cluster only with each other/other foreigners, drink/party, and feed/reinforce negative conceptions about Japan, while avoid interacting/experiencing the country.

Also, while I have an apartment, the guy in the next town was given a house, as was a friend in Matsuyama. Neither of them pays rent either.

You likely won't advance as a teacher, but if you work hard to make a name for yourself you can maybe move into the administrative end of the program.

>> No.410815


>> No.410816


Then male teachers probably aren't hunting milfs, either.

>> No.410820

>Most JETs are, IMO, somewhat assholish, but that's not a condition of JET. It's because they import them in groups and encourage them to support each other. As a result, they tend to cluster only with each other/other foreigners, drink/party, and feed/reinforce negative conceptions about Japan, while avoid interacting/experiencing the country.

Guy bitching about JETfags here.

To be honest your thread is the only one I've ever seen on here from a JETfag that wasn't full of bravado and bragging and for that I give you credit, you sound like a decent guy.

But you must understand my irritation and the posturing arrogance of some of them.

>> No.410822

Sure they are. It's what I'd do.

>> No.410828

So in other words if you wanted to join JET just to get a foot in the door, so to speak, where you can then become an actual teacher in Japan after your contract is up, you can't?

>> No.410827


What high-powered high-paying job do you have? Assassin for the mob who spends his down time on 4chan?

30,000 right out of University isn't a bad start, especially if you plan to use the teaching experience yo work in the field.

Do you think all fathers rape their daughters? It's about the same logic as saying only pedos want to teach elementary students. Not to mention you don't get to select a teaching preference for JET.

>> No.410839

Generally I hate getting e-mails Monday morning from the higher-ups saying so-and-so was arrested for drunk and disorderly, and reminding me not to be irresponsible. I drink rarely and usually not much, so I hate being lumped in with people who live for the drink and little else.

Some JEts are good people, some are douchefags. Just like all people.

>> No.410845

You say that like you've never heard of 4chan.

>> No.410846

Unless you did the University courses (at a native level of Japanese) on educational law and passed the tests, not within the school system. You could get on with private schools, the experience is helpful.

If you want to advance and move up, JET is a poor choice because the field is limited, and you won't do it as a teacher.

>> No.410871

What exactly does 'middle-management' do?

>> No.410876

So, get a free trip to Japan via JET. Enroll into an university, take education law classes, pass, and ta-da you can now become a REAL teacher in Japan?

>> No.410877

They're between upper and lower management.

>> No.410880

Middle management is a layer of management in an organization whose primary job responsibility is to monitor activities of subordinates and while reporting to upper management.


>> No.410883


At the prefectural level, you meet the newbies in Tokyo, organize meetings (on a Friday after payday, 'go have pfun guiez lol'), and general work in the prefectural office relating to Internationalization.

Higher up you organize bigger meetings, arrange speakers, develop resources for ALTs to use, and so on. Nothing glamorous, but it looks good on a resume when you organize a 5000 person event in a foreign country.
