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File: 3.72 MB, 1800x1980, 92021214_p01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40974612 No.40974612 [Reply] [Original]

My recent 2hu obsession is beating UFO.
It has such a fun gimmick.

>> No.40974619

It's been 1 year and I still haven't beaten UFO

>> No.40974904

Try easymodo.

>> No.40975560
File: 296 KB, 640x480, finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally beat my first extra stage a few days ago. Now I'm working on Mokou's stage.

>> No.40975851
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What was the deal with 7-8 in ISC? I thought it's gonna throw a curve ball at the last moment, but it never did and I just beat it itemless in a few tries. It feels like it could have been just a normal spell card in a mainline game.

>> No.40976235

Congrats, anon!

>> No.40976669
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There are a few random cards like that throughout all days for some reason. Maybe it's just to take a short break from all the bullshit in the rest of the game

Also speaking of ISC, I've been holding off the last NI capture for too long but it's about time to start my descent into insanity

>> No.40977351
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Two days ago I managed to finally beat Mokou, I'm not sure which extra to go for next.
I think I'll go for 7 but at the sametime I want to beat Flandre since I've been so close so many times.
I went for extras because I needed a break from 11 and I feel like that game has made me a lot better at the games in general, I can get to Orin without taking a hit now.

>> No.40979619
File: 543 KB, 642x507, ayaclear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck was this frustrating. Probably the hardest scene in the game for me. At least with Aya, that is.

I only have one scene with Hatate left until I officially become a SUPER PLAYER™, but it's that one with the laser pentagrams, and I'm not sure I have it in me to do it.

>> No.40984876


>> No.40987738
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x960, Legacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL Clear!

>> No.40992354

The first few cards on day 8 were pretty easy too, maybe it's that.

>> No.40995035


>> No.40996771
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>> No.40997071

Damn that sucks. But good work coming this far! I'm proud of you regardless.

>> No.41003404

what's a shot type that you liked even though everyone else said it was bad?

>> No.41003475

I kinda like DDC MarisaA, although I can't deny it's a pretty meh shot, but at least it has a bomb worth something. I'd like to see the flamethrower come back, aesthetics carry it for me, it just looks cool, just wish it was stronger.

>> No.41004223

does anybody have a list of the files you need to delete to reset PC-98 scores? I had a list at some point but I lost it

>> No.41005169

Can someone direct me to a TD Normal replay with optimal resource collection?

>> No.41005397


>> No.41005478


>> No.41005558

What is considered the best character type for 11?
So far my favorite is Suika but Yukari feels much stronger.

>> No.41005674
File: 533 KB, 2200x2040, 1633421005574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any shot that isn't Marisa. Yukari and Suika are pretty much the same shot type, the only major difference is the Satori fight. Aiming with Aya might take some getting used to but the bomb is the the strongest in the game and really easy to use. All the Marisa shots are held back by the larger hitbox. See pic related

>> No.41005845

reimu c, if only because she can bombskip pretty much everything
reimu a if you are doing no bomb runs, she is better at mostly everything else

>> No.41007009

Earlier today I came back and I finally got my DDC Extra No Bomb clear with SakuyaB
Now I'm gonna try to do it with MarisaA

>> No.41007406

Don't the scores get saved in the .hdi itself? You can just have a brand new copy of them.

>> No.41007457

Or just get the clean hdi files from the touhou98 pack.

>> No.41007519

Sorry, wrong link. This one also has info on the first three games.

>> No.41008946

thanks anon

>> No.41018468

If LNBs are too hard for me, would HNBs or Lunatic stage/boss perfects be a better goal?

>> No.41018583

Lunatic boss perfects are really fun too so i would recommend that regardless of whether you want actual practice or just something fun to do

>> No.41026539

Cirno in HSiFS. The bomb just deletes spell cards

>> No.41027605
File: 3.70 MB, 4000x3000, 20220827_213018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I ... actually do it? Oh man, I've never even been past the tiger before. I suck so hard at this game...

>> No.41027612

press the P key to take a screenshot

>> No.41027645
File: 2.08 MB, 1200x1200, 1630906001380.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I already lost...

>> No.41027710

well now you know for future refernce

>> No.41028447

Or use Alt-PrntScr with sharex so you don't need to convert it to png afterwards.

>> No.41030530
File: 950 KB, 1002x748, 29dcb00fa1f43289cccd4da9f4a2e47c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

barely managed to clear but thats a lunatic 1CC!

>> No.41030668
File: 506 KB, 2031x1428, FaXNcQYakAAw21O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ideas for a th18.5 chart? Needs 2 blocks at minimum

>> No.41030774

Do notification icons effect framerate if you're playing the games in fullscreen on windows 7? I was playing mof the other day and I thought I saw the framerate drop twice in like 3 seconds and when I closed out the game I noticed the icon for Java update checker (refurbished computer that already had it for some reason don't know why i didn't delete it until now because I don't use it) in the hidden icons that I don't think was there before I booted up the game. Was it just a coincidence?

>> No.41031705

Congrats on the 1CC!

What would this have been without those timeouts. 736M?

>> No.41031882

Beating it and unlocking all cards?

>> No.41031899

yea 736M + 30m loss from stage 5 because of the stage 4 fairy safespot death

>> No.41035152
File: 261 KB, 602x589, Yuyuko (0415).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that's what I was thinking too but I wanted to see if anyone had other ideas that could do

>> No.41035778

Is there no spell practice for PCB? i cleared it. don't wanna use that practice crack shit

>> No.41035863
File: 609 KB, 826x967, Yuyuko (3892).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PCB does not have spell practice, and it is not a crack anon, it's just another exe you add to your folder and use that instead of th7.exe, just like vpatch.

>> No.41036537
File: 160 KB, 780x860, 73961337_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like an idiot.
To this day I never realized you can teleport as Reimu A in SA

>> No.41036628

It even says so in the character select screen.

>> No.41036632

I didn't know PoC was a thing until halfway into my Touhou marathon
I played MoF, IN, PCB, and HSiFS without knowing it

>> No.41036994

I beat PCB on normal with all shots and only after playing hard mode months later did I realize you get more cherry if you shoot while unfocused.

>> No.41037046

I beat the game with all shots on Lunatic and didn't realize. When someone finally told me, I felt like the biggest idiot of all.

>> No.41037573

You see anon heres the thing, I am illiterate.

>> No.41037824

After the Meiling timeout, did you go for all the risky strats since the run was already "ruined", or is playing like this the new standard for all your attempts.

>> No.41037865

850 photos, what were you doing?

>> No.41038075
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I keep slowly filling it up.

Not looking forward to MoF Hard at all.

>> No.41038592
File: 134 KB, 656x518, KaeizukaCrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I have to do to stop PoFV from freezing the whole time?

>> No.41038736

Cirno's crystals stopped shooting immediately after I Released, happened on Nemuno. Her main shot didn't stop shooting. I didn't even let go of Z. Has this happened to anybody else? Touhou wiki doesn't say anything about this bug

>> No.41038762

Can someone please post an updated 1cc chart?

>> No.41038764
File: 10 KB, 800x638, 1643066634633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most up to date thing I have. I'm too lazy to add 18.5

>> No.41038914


>> No.41038918

you're welcome

>> No.41040837

I kept playing with the normal route. If I wanted to do risky strats, I would have started off by trying to cap books for a +10m gain. I knew I could beat Soc's 709M for 2nd place, so I played relatively safe.

>> No.41041147

Spooky. What is considered safe these days is still nightmarish to me. It's great that you've become so comfortable. Ganbatte your best.

>> No.41051784


>> No.41056038
File: 21 KB, 807x778, complete 1CC chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18.5 still missing sadly.

>> No.41056336

Mostly, failing to get 4 familiars in the frame on the 3rd or 4th photo, and then getting cornered by lasers coming from outside the screen. I did that scene with Hatate first and it only took 20 photos, but with Aya you need to survive twice as long so I had a pretty hard time.

>> No.41056459
File: 101 KB, 600x424, mof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally 1cc'd my first game, MoF on easy modo. I feel very accomplished finally beating Kanako

>> No.41056503
File: 77 KB, 500x570, 1613669775866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice going anon! You'll realize that beating the other games on easy will actually reward you with an ending, so go for it until you feel strong enough for normal modo.

>> No.41057954

So what the fuck is with Scarlet Netherworld? I can't even process it, weird trailing criss-crosses. Everything else is fine, but this has to be bomb skipped.

>> No.41058057

It took me a while to get it too. I strongly recommend practicing it on thprac so you can experiment a bit, without worrying about dying and having to do the whole run again just to get a few more tries. Try getting it right at least 80% of the time before trying it in a proper run.
If you still need tips, you pretty much just need to make out the crosses in your mind and put your character right below one of the spots where the bullets intersect, and just stay there without moving. Also, cross your fingers and hope the rng vertical bullets coming from the top don't hit you. If you see them coming you'll have to bomb anyway.

>> No.41058094

Anyway to run thprac with vpatch? I can't play with slowdowns.

>> No.41058195

locale emulator

>> No.41058306
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Eh? But my computer is already set to japanese locale... Does it make a difference?

>> No.41058357

in that case it should work just fine, thprac is compatible with vpatch

>> No.41058464

No luck. I'll just reduce my resolution and use windowed mode.

>> No.41058515

are you trying to launch the game with thprac?
if you launch the game first (with vpatch) and then run thprac, does it not find the game running in the background?

>> No.41058536

Oh! I didn't know it could do that. Thank you very much.

>> No.41059187

>Also, cross your fingers and hope the rng vertical bullets coming from the top don't hit you. If you see them coming you'll have to bomb anyway.

No need to "hope", just simply look up to see where the vertical bullets are falling and move out of the way if you have to.
The crisscrossing bullets limit your movement, but you still have some area where you can dodge and move around.
No need to stand still, if you see the bullets coming down right on top of you.

>> No.41060206

I know, but I didn't want to give that tip to a beginner because trying to move after he's found his safespot will get him killed. He can figure it out on his own once he's mastered the rest of it.

>> No.41071575

Shameless bump.

>> No.41071844
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shameless bless

>> No.41080601
File: 141 KB, 500x500, 1643541193921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try PoFV scoring but I have no clue where to start

>> No.41080668
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My absolute comrade in arms. I'm trying to beat Eiki in Hard with Cirno. Turns out, it's Hard.

>> No.41082246

Currently working towards UFO Hard 1cc. I know I can easily do it if I swallow my pride and bomb spam stuff, but I want to DODGE. So I rage quit on Ichirin every time.

>> No.41082268

But doesn't it feel bad to skip something you can get sometimes? It sucks...

>> No.41082334
File: 675 KB, 678x727, nuee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, yes, and that's why I don't want to bomb spam. But I know I must to secure the 1cc. That or grind a ton.

And yeah the worst case I can think of of bombing something I can do is Greatest Treasure. Bombing for the quick kill gives you bonus UFOs so it's necessary for the lives. But it's such a fun spell card, and Nazrin is my favorite 2hu, so it sucks to do.

>> No.41082392

I'll just grind and accidentally no miss no bomb someday.

>> No.41084043

>but I want to DODGE.
You won't be saying that after you fight Sho.

>> No.41088253

>Practiced Zombie Fairy and Rekindling of Dead Ashes for a day
>suddenly performs so much better at Princess Tenko
Now I just need to get used to Ultimate Buddhist sound cue. Mountain needle of former hell is auto bomb right? The only time I see peolle capturing this in their run is when theyre already aiming for a perfect run.

>> No.41088348

Patchouli and Sakuya keeps fucking me up.

>> No.41089962

how to make td not stretch in fullscren with vpatch?

>> No.41091400

It's not too bad, you just need to learn how the ghost wheels are aimed, which I think is slightly to the right of you. With practice, you can route it such that you always know where the ghost wheels will go. If you don't feel like putting in the work, then yeah you can bomb. Though I'd rather take the death because I go for a speedkill strat on rekindling.

>> No.41092926

So after a several month long break I decided to look up minogame LNB LPs for old times sake and what the fuck happened here? He scorch earthed his Youtube channel? His twitter too? What happened to him? His youtube channel was active since almost a decade ago. Did he explain any of this?

>> No.41095476
File: 6 KB, 361x207, 1660392972769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mino has done this before IIRC. His videos are all just private
Not sure if pic-related counts, but Nindella was the first Western player to get a LNN and basically disappeared after that

>> No.41096167

You think he'll reinstate them? His videos helped me a lot just for an all spell card run on normal and extra. But I still have a few games left, including SA and UM which I was looking forward to seeing him do. Nindella at least seems to have all their vids intact.
Mino seems to have privated his vids (and twitch too? or are those just wiped?) around July 22.

>> No.41098042


>> No.41098102

who knows

shmup players are known to have mentail issues and breakdowns

>> No.41100701

This is the first I've heard of one hiding/removing all their vids though. iirc Mino even just recently participated in this year's Touhou world cup. Did he do badly there or something?
Guess we'll always have Yatzuzume, maribel, and Jaimers. Kdog is an interesting new channel too.
Is Megaman Omega going to do 18.5? Last I heard he was intending to retire or something too.

>> No.41101211

Yats is the only superplayer out of those people.

>> No.41102510

What are some other superplayers that have their runs put on a video sharing site? Preferably one with all the games.

>> No.41103418

not him, I'm not quite sure what his standards of a super are but I think these guys should qualify
-Chum (prayerchum)
-Scarlet Moose (cat walks)
All of these people have at least one LNN and some of them have world records and they post their replays on YouTube. Even the ones that don't have any records (I think?) have done scoring before. I don't know why that anon said Maribel isn't supers because Maribel has LNB on every windows game, LNN on GFW, and has done scoring on at least a few games. Jaimers doesn't have LNN but he does have a L1MNB on PCB and I think LNB on every mainline game. This is just YouTube though, there's obviously some players on Japanese sites but I'm not familiar with those sites like I am with YouTube

>> No.41103573

Yats has LNN'd all Windows games, he's the top survival superplayer in the west and one of the best in the world. Those people are good too but not on the same level as him.

>> No.41104092

if you have an Nvidia GPU, go to the settings that adjust desktop scaling. Make sure you have "Aspect Ratio" selected. Make sure you have set to scale through GPU too

>> No.41104441

>LNB on every windows game
I can do this and even held some WRs in some unpopular categories for several years and I'm absolutely not a superplayer.

>> No.41105549

Anyone happen to know what games can be played on Windows XP without any more modification than usual? So far I've tested 6-11, and I would imagine 12 and 13 would work well enough.

>> No.41105562

I would absolutely consider you one if true.

>> No.41105795

Thanks, but LNB all windows games is surprisingly very easy compared to even getting a single LNN and is miles away from scoring well in any remotely competitive category. Assuming you can NMNB the first few stages (or restart attempts until you do), most games give you enough lives that you can die some 3+ times per stage and still 1CC. It gets even more lenient with the games that allow for active resource hoarding and/or generous invincibility mechanics.

>> No.41105902

>Make sure you have set to scale through GPU too
If his monitor settings allow having non-stretched fullscreen it's usually better to disable GPU scaling and let the monitor do it. You save a little on input lag and the image usually looks a little better because the monitor does scaling at the sub-pixel level.

>> No.41105920

Okay it works, thank you

>> No.41106739
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>enter stage 5 DDC with seven lives
>leave with two
Its not even that she is hard, its just that her spells and nuns are all panic inducing

>> No.41111926

DDC is hard...

>> No.41112113

If you want to make it easier on yourself I think you get away with clearing her first 2 spells by just moving horizontally, at least on normal. The last one you'll need to practice to get the hang of, and even that is kind of simple although if I remember correctly when the direction of the bullet walls changes was up to RNG.

>> No.41112288

The fact that you have WRs makes already part of the .01% desu.

>> No.41114964

My training now begins for the SA Lunatic 1cc. See you guys in a year.

>> No.41115189

(He was never heard of again)

>> No.41115954
File: 324 KB, 600x839, 1459633609825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup anons, still working on than PoFV Hard grind and I'm curious about timers and score. How the hell do I get 70M with Cirno? I get like 35M by Eiki. Also what's with the timer on Reisen? I think it is like, 2:30 on the first try, she always kills me once, so I can't tell. Honestly, at times, Aya and Yuuka are easier. So, with that being said, do you guys have any ideas on getting 70M by stage 6 and how much of a timer do bosses from stage 6-8 have?

>> No.41117079


Man, even Yatsu appears to be quitting Touhou survival soon. End of an era. At least he intends to still do touhou content and new numbered releases I guess.

>> No.41118095
File: 40 KB, 800x700, 1643688441725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is survival the proper term for LNB or LNNs? I've always seen them referred to as challenge runs.

>> No.41118649

I thought challenge runs were about imposing restrictions on yourself. Arguably LNB falls into that, since you could have avoided misses by bombing, but LNN is just the result of playing perfectly (survival-wise)

>> No.41120748

Challenge runs are simply runs with self-imposed restrictions, regardless of what your goal is. Survival means that the goal of the run is "simply" making it through the game without using extra credits, although the difficulty will obviously depend on the challenge itself. An LNN is a survival run, but so is a Normal 1cc.

The other relevant category for the mainline games is Scoring which is self-explanatory. Even then, you can have challenge score runs, so the challenges don't really have to be exclusive to survival. Challenge score runs are much more niche though, because lots of effective score strats involve bomb abuse or intentional deaths at certain points.

The video simply says he is done with survival runs, but that leaves the door open for possible scoring runs in the future (which he even mentions explicitly later on).

>> No.41121964

the distinction between survival and scoring sounds so dumb. don't scorefags have to 1CC as well in order for the score to count?

>> No.41121975
File: 166 KB, 348x342, 1660356745722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>held some WRs
>absolutely not a superplayer

>> No.41122115

No, you can get a high score without clearing the game. If you play something like PCB or UFO for score, you can easily beat your standard 1cc score by stage 4.

Though, you will definitely get a higher score for clearing the game, so in some sense, survival skills are a subset of scoring skills.

>> No.41122129

>you can get a high score without clearing the game
has this applied to any WRs?
anyways, if that's the case then I guess shouldn't feel so bad about trying it then. I tried scoring on UM Normal and I almost reached 1 billion before having a game over on stage 5

>> No.41122204

I think the current EoSD high score ended in stage 6, so not a 1cc.

>> No.41122925

At the time, there were plenty of low hanging fruit. Unpopular shot types for various Extra stages were not optimized well and had untapped potential, and their short duration made the barrier to entry that much lower for less overall skilled players (like me). As an example, without intending to bully him too much, Morth's execution or consistency in the face of difficult patterns isn't particularly noteworthy. However, he is willing to fuck around with thprac and autistically experiment with individual stage portions for hours or even days to discover new PIV gains, and he has set a handful of WRs recently because of it. That creative aspect of setting scores is unfortunately often overlooked, but people probably aren't going to consider him to be a "superplayer" just because he can optimize some Normal and Extra stuff in ways that most people wouldn't understand or even notice.

Survival can completely disregard scoring in favor of minimizing risk, while scoring almost always has excellent survival as a prerequisite. There are some cases where it's not as strict, like SA. There was a time when most Lunatic WRs bombed Utsuho's first and second spells, since the risk wasn't worth the spell card bonus. By now, maybe players have improved to the point where that's no longer the case.

Whether clears were required varied from person to person or community to community. Some scoreboards and tournament events do require clears.

>> No.41122960
File: 84 KB, 500x500, 1658552629350912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just impossible to 1CC Reimu C in MoF? Thats the worst damage I have seen aside from Cirno in HSiFS, I can't even speedkill some important big fairies fast enough. Should I do any of Marisa's shottype first?

>> No.41123075

what's your favorite game for scoring, anon?

>> No.41123390

Survival tries to minimize resources. Scoring pretty much always has people making the most use of bombs and various gimmicks, even intentionally dying to get more bombs.

>> No.41126193

try to get as close to the boss as possible when you bomb
she's better than the Marisas except C because of the hitbox advantage

>> No.41127175

how do i get enough Time in IN to only progress 30min instead of 1h? i'm using the border team and mostly reimu because idk what else i should use. the time gauge always fills almost fully but never full.
also am i a pleb for using 6 lifes instead of 3 on normal?

>> No.41127200

increasing your starting lives is widely frowned upon
you want to go for default settings

>> No.41127245

Stay mostly unfocused during stage portions, while switching to Yukari to kill enemies that have lots of familiars.
>also am i a pleb for using 6 lifes instead of 3 on normal?
Yes. A 1cc usually assumes default resources, and most games don't let you change the number of starting lives anyway, so you shouldn't get used to it.

>> No.41128936


Learn how the mechanics of the game work.
But basically you want the gauge at the bottom to be either all the way to the left or right, that's when you get extra time points.

Try and do the stage 1 boss fight without switching to Yukari as an example, you'll see how many points you're getting when shooting her with Reimu while unfocused.

>also am i a pleb for using 6 lifes instead of 3 on normal?

Yes, don't do that.
You can see you're getting a player penalty when you clear a stage to indicate you're not using default settings.

>> No.41129017
File: 21 KB, 552x736, 1478047106648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been grinding IN just so I don't have to move onto MoF hard.
Also, I hate Sakuya solo, such a shitty shot type

>> No.41135903
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>> No.41144418

PoFV scoring is all about stalling.
Basically, every NPC has a timer that must run out before they start taking damage.
This timer only counts down when you attack, but rank will still increase even if you don't attack.
So to maximize score, you want to not attack anything while rank increases, so that when you finally start to attack, you can cancel more bullets and get the max amount of score per time spent attacking.
While stalling, you need to avoid bombing or killing fairies, as this will cause the timer to decrease for a bit. This makes it fairly difficult to reach high rank, but even just a bit of stalling helps.
To make things even more difficult, Lily White is actually an anti-stall mechanism, as her timer is increased by attacking, so she'll appear more often when you stall. As a fairly average player, I'm often able to stall until Lily's 2nd appearance, at which point I bomb and kill Lily and go all in for max score.
And I don't stall past stage 5, since the game is difficult enough already at lower rank at this point.
I'm not sure if this will let you reach 70M as Cirno, but it does help quite a bit with characters that are better at scoring (like Reisen and Marisa).

>> No.41144510
File: 20 KB, 640x400, hrtp_makai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mu021 got the world's first Highly Responsive to Prayers LNN today (Makai route):
There is almost always someone more super. Watching from below, you seem pretty super to me.

>> No.41152562

I was never great at it, but I've always liked PCB. It's simple and accessible at all levels, is flexible and allows for experimentation, and demands high risk execution at the highest levels.

>> No.41153929

>It's simple and accessible at all levels, is flexible and allows for experimentation, and demands high risk execution at the highest levels
further details for a scorelet like me?

>> No.41156009

PCB scoring is based around the cherry mechanic, where borders are how you increase your point item value. I say it's accessible and flexible because there is a surprising number of increasingly difficult ways to interact with it. Off the top of my head:

- Good survival naturally results in a higher score, since less deaths and bombs preserve your CherryPoint value.
- Spell card captures increase the amount of cherry you get from cherry items, resulting in more supernatural borders.
- Shooting enemies or bosses while unfocused increases your cherry, resulting in more borders.
- Borders allow you to autocollect point items at full value anywhere on the screen.
- Grazing (especially unfocused) while a border is active increases your CherryMax.
- Careful management of your Cherry+ via focused vs unfocused shot vs not shooting at all, bullet cancels, collecting cherry items, and ending borders early allows you to get borders at specific desired times (e.g. supergraze opportunities or stage portions where the autocollect is useful).
- Every time you graze during a boss spell card, it increases the spell card bonus. If you graze aggressively, you can actually increase the spell card bonus faster than it counts down, making it advantageous to wait until the last second to capture certain spells.
- Some shot types like ReimuB and SakuyaB can use bombs to temporarily sacrifice CherryPoint to cancel bullets to increase Cherry+ for extra borders.

Players can experiment with just one or two of these mechanics at a time to get a feel for them, and there are a lot of incremental gains to be had by incorporating more and more of them. Even if you mess up your border route, there are multiple ways to control your cherry to get back on track, so mistakes don't have to ruin an entire run.

>> No.41156274

Is it cheating if you assign movement on the mouse?

>> No.41157663


>> No.41159044

Even if you do, you're still sending an 8-directional input to the game, so it's probably not cheating in the same way playing on a DDR mat isn't cheating.
It would be cheating if you modded the game to accept as input the location of the mouse in a pixel-precise way, which would turn the game into something similar to chicken invaders.

>> No.41159990

i'll play with 3 lifes then, don't want to be seen as a pleb on 4chan. at first i played with 1 life because the game menu named it Player and i wanted to be player 1 and not player 3
after careful consideration i noticed that my time issue isn't collecting enough time orbs but losing them upon dying and using last spells. i'm losing an incredible amount and then always cut it close with the time. currently it hits 5am after stage 5 most of the time. i guess the only solution to that is to git gud

>> No.41160137
File: 51 KB, 256x512, Aya_MoF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or is Aya in Mountain of Faith supposed to be hard? Normally I'd just consider it a skill issue, but despite all my game-overs to Aya, I've had zero troubles with Sanae, who feels like the easiest Stage 5 boss at that point in the series. Is there something I'm just not getting about it or do most people experience it like that? (playing on normal btw)

>> No.41160273

Sounds similar to my experience, Sanae always seemed easier than Aya to me. Although once you figure out the patterns its not too bad

>> No.41160359
File: 105 KB, 384x448, Th10SC051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say Aya is more difficult than Sanae, especially Illusionary Dominance; it seems more appropriate for her character somehow, being a lot older than Sanae.

>> No.41160484

Sanae is easier on Normal, Aya is easier on Hard imo.

>> No.41160760
File: 321 KB, 640x480, GAMEOVER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i almost got a lunatic 1CC... maybe next time!

>> No.41160817

Use a continue so you can practice stage 6!
Remilia is pretty tough so make sure you saved enough bombs for Scarlet Meister and Scarlet Gensokyo

>> No.41161355

So you're using continues then.
Otherwise there's no way you can hit 5am just by failing to gather enough orbs.
Time goes forward by 1 hour if you use a continue, and you get the bad ending.
The point of these games is to 1cc.

>> No.41161366

Sanae is definitely easy as far as stage 5 bosses go.

>Sanae, who feels like the easiest Stage 5 boss at that point in the series

I'd argue Reisen is even easier though.

>> No.41161524
File: 1.22 MB, 1003x751, GAMEOVERV2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn it i got a bit closer this time but very difficut game. one day i will 1cc

>> No.41161535

you're so mean v-v

>> No.41161613

Enough with the bullshit, Cactu.

>> No.41162792

sorry i thought it was funny
i wont post in /jp/ for another 6 years like last time then, i guess

>> No.41163259


>> No.41163813

I thought it was funny. And I like seeing actual scoreposts in these threads. Your only mistake was being good enough to be recognizable.

>> No.41164625

yeah i'm gonna 1cc the game before i can clear it with multiple continues. blow it out your ass.

>> No.41164720

It's fairly likely. When playing fullscreen stuff the renderer skips windows' desktop manager so it has direct access to the GPU, decreasing input lag (which is why you should avoid using borderless windowed modes), but it's possible the notification made the DWM kick back in for a short while in the background and try to access the GPU.
So you should disable or uninstall anything that could send out notifications.

>> No.41164814

>t it's possible the notification made the DWM kick back in for a short while in the background and try to access the GPU.
even if notifications for that program are set to hidden?

>> No.41164850

Can't tell for sure but probably not. It's a matter of graphics so logically if they don't show up they shouldn't bother the gpu.

>> No.41166828

>i wont post in /jp/ for another 6 years like last time then, i guess

oh no, what a terrible loss that would be


>> No.41166864

why are the screenshots so blurry?

>> No.41166879

oh never mind only one of them is blurry

>> No.41167887

Look at their resolutions, one is native 480p while the other is upscaled.

>> No.41168300

It's kind of sad to see what this place has become like since 2010-2015 or so.

What happened? People were much more friendly.

>> No.41172310

I finished pointdevice hard mode with Reisen, can I sit at the adult's table now?

>> No.41172490

test bump

>> No.41172606

LITERALLY easy modo tier

>> No.41172674

We live in /2hu/ at /vg/

>> No.41172678

>What happened?
People got better at the games

>> No.41173823

is there a way to only practice bosses in touhou 6?

>> No.41174026


>> No.41174227

There were several world class players posting on /jp/ back then. Now it seems to be rare to even encounter people playing Lunatic in these threads.

>> No.41174309

MoF gives you a lot of bombs but it also gives you less lives than most games so if you're prone to dying with bombs in stock you're not gonna have a good time.

>> No.41177037
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MS Mima

>> No.41177540
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>> No.41178267
File: 35 KB, 552x736, 1478047106648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a few more boxes ticked since last time.

>> No.41178335

/2hug/ is a waifu circlejerk, there's no gameplay discussion whatsoever

>> No.41179119

/2hug/ is trash but you'll get at least a couple of replies if you post something gameplay related. It's just usually not worth the effort since there's places like this that are dedicated solely to gameplay. Even /v/ is better than /2hug/

>> No.41182644

Virgin low effort screenshot
Chad blurry shakey phone camera snap of the screen

>> No.41182654

Congrats anon. You werent using the red dot mod right

>> No.41182688

what happened during this intergenerational period it's almost like the chill gen x and millenials grew up and left and got replaced with shitty nasty discord zoomers

>> No.41183234

This 'virgin chad' thing is not Japanese culture anon, stop or....else

>> No.41184321
File: 1.54 MB, 1275x953, stronk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's alt + print screen, copy-pasting into paint and manually moving and cropping the window border out of the image.

>> No.41186425

What games actually use rank? I know at least eosd and the pc98 games use it but I can't find any information about other games or how it works for them

>> No.41187447

Mostly just the ones you listed.
PCB uses it slightly too for some spellcards, but that's pretty much it.

>> No.41189020

according to the Touhou wiki, rank's effect on difficulty is "almost negligible" and spell cards AREN'T effected so I think that means it only effects non spells and stage portions, but I'm sure sure how much of this is true. thprac might have a way of checking but I don't use that patch

>> No.41192594
File: 65 KB, 1920x1080, JR79dBQt7k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-Is this better?
Same character, only took a couple of tries
I know Extra Stage is aids so I'll postpone that until later

>> No.41193170

See >>41177540

>> No.41195405

i tried playing touhou 18 after years of not touching a game. Because of my university career i was always busy to do anything else. I got hit by mike's last spell card. This looks bad for me since i remember i was good to at least reach stage 6 and extra without dying once. I know that it may be due to not sleeping well for years and because spent a lot of days without a single hour of sleep, but i really can't get track of a bullet now, or detect them. I have been sleeping a lot to recover since i already i'm an architect. But now i'm dying to a fucking stage 1 boss.its a sign of that i'm becoming a retard. it sucks

>> No.41201644

Try again.
Everyone dies at stage 1, you just laugh it off and reset or keep going.
Memory is not a reliable thing: I'm sure you had plenty of deaths on stage 1 even at your peak. And obviously, you're not gonna be at your peak after not playing for years.
Also, TH18 is a bit weird difficulty wise: you do pitiful damage without any damage+ cards, so keep that in mind.

>> No.41201697

Among Stage 1 bosses Mike is not the most free out there. I've lost to that last spell myself one or two times. Granted it's still not much and I clearly wasn't feeling it in the few shameful attempts where it happened, but still. If it tilted you that bad, stop for the day or a few hours, and it probably won't happen the next day.

>> No.41201885

Good sleep is extremely important for most people, that aside you're probably rusty and lost some muscle memory with time.

>> No.41201896

What game to play today?

>> No.41201923

reimu c

>> No.41201965

Hmm. Okay. I was just playing a bit of MoF and ran into an annoying bug. Hopefully it won't happen again.

>> No.41201978

what's the bug? If you can't solev it go with this instead
marisa a

>> No.41202041

It's probably more of an issue with my computer, actually. An unending left key input.

>> No.41202411

Press left (or whatever direction it's running at) in the numpad if that happens again. It removes it.

>> No.41202456

How many cards are there in 18.5?

>> No.41202521

I'm not sure what I did, but I managed to beat my high score by almost 30m points. I guess it's best to let things fall a bit and collect the green pickups before hitting the poc? Any suggestions on how to mitigate the faith loss in those long stretches of nothing?
Oh, alright. Thank you.

>> No.41202542

I'm not a scorefag but I think on some section you'll want to let one or two items fall and when the white faith bar looks like it's almost run out, go to the top of the screen to PoC if possible. I think deathbombing is also a strategy that scorefags utilize

>> No.41202556

maybe you could try killing enemies slower?

>> No.41202802

That makes sense. I'll give it a try.
Eh, I'll give it a go.

>> No.41203740
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x960, th16_004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel too bad anon, I keep tripping over Eternity's 2nd card on Easy, just because of the bullets moving towards you from the right and left. I can clearly see their trajectory and still somehow manage to run into them.

>> No.41203943

That's probably one of the harder stage 1 boss cards. I was fairly confident in handling basic criss-crosses since IN got me pretty used to them, but Larva's 2nd spell trips me up often enough even though I can 1cc the game on Lunatic. Dodging the bullets from the sides is the simple part, it's the ones that come straight from above that can wall me or force me to make fast risky movements to the sides.

>> No.41204930

New player here, is it super cheesy to use bombs in EoSD? Also, fuck Cirno

>> No.41205051

There is nothing wrong with using bombs. Also what difficulty are you playing?

>> No.41205056


>> No.41205064

which of cirno's attacks are you having trouble with?

>> No.41205089

Icicle Fall, I've basically got all the other phases down

>> No.41205159
File: 726 KB, 960x721, icicle fall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it helps, what I do is use a similar safe spot as in easy mode. the yellow bullets are tracked so you just have to dodge side to side in the middle of the screen, moving up as the blue bullets close in. May take a bit of practice but it makes it a lot easier

>> No.41205268

i c, I think I just need more practice with weaving

>> No.41207833

did a CD rip of 100BM ever get cracked?

>> No.41208417
File: 1.09 MB, 1280x960, th16_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone sitting down shouldn't move around so much.

>> No.41208677
File: 935 KB, 1000x746, 72a41ae99e22e39bcd7f90d60c907806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41208864


>> No.41209001
File: 93 KB, 384x448, Th06SC21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you dodge this shit on hard/lunatic?
There's so much bullet spam there's no way to stay under her constantly, it pushes you out to the right, and once it does there's no way to go back, which means you can't shoot her anymore with something like Marisa A.

I guess you could always bomb, or get hit on something previously to lower the rank, then it's a little more manageable.
But on max rank, even on hard, this shit is insane.

>> No.41209569

cool, now do it on Normal

>> No.41209592

hmm, this is a spell that's RNG so you can't really route it. You're going to be relying on reflexes as opposed to memorization. I hate saying something so useless but I think the best thing you can do in this instance is just keep playing until you start becoming more consistent at it. Are you doing a No Bomb clear?

>> No.41210090

What's the current WR again?

>> No.41210150

There's just too many bullets and they will eventually start pushing you out from the center, once that happens there is no way back. I can survive a few seconds just dodging in the corner, but it doesn't matter because Marisa A can't reach, so I'm doing no damage.
I have no idea if I should be dodging it higher up, or at the bottom, or try to start it all the way to the left.
Nothing seems to be working for me.

>Are you doing a No Bomb clear?

Eventually, but not yet. Just a 1cc for now.
I already got Reimu A and B, Marisa shottypes are more of a pain though.
Her Patchy spellcards are way harder.
I can of course bomb it, and I will during an actual run, but if I find myself without any bombs I would at least like to try and capture it rather than just die every time.

With Blazing Forest I have a similar problem.
The fires curve around at a weird angle and keep pushing me to the side.

>> No.41210172

>but it doesn't matter because Marisa A can't reach
Have you tried shotgunning before the screen fills with to many bullets?

>> No.41210232
File: 83 KB, 807x778, 1cc chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patchouli showed me that Normal is beyond my current abilities, so I'm enjoying the games on Easy for the moment.

>> No.41210317

I haven't.

>> No.41210335

Easy is not a real difficulty setting.
It's a joke mode.

>> No.41210372

so try it then
a couple seconds of increased damage might make a difference. You're even playing as MarisaA, the highest DPS in the game

>> No.41210717


>> No.41211657
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1080, eosd_marisaA_no_shotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job!
I suspect if you just keep playing through games on Easy, you'll pick up the skills needed for Normal. Although you should still expect to have to grind a bit when you switch to Normal, unless you're naturally gifted.
Does Marisa A even have a shotgun? I thought it was only Reimu B that did.
If you look here, you'll see that all of Marisa A's projectiles are hitting Meiling from 2/3 of the screen.
Reimu B's ability to shotgun is why she is the highest damage shot, in situations where shotgunning is applicable.

>> No.41211675

Well I thought DPS was always increased if you shotgunned regardless of shot type no?

>> No.41211733

Shotgunning is usually just something for shots with spread, since being closer lets more of your shots hit.
Marisa's spread in EoSD is so small that she's usually already hitting the boss with 100% of her projectiles as long as she's got the right horizontal position. There is no damage gained from moving closer to the boss.

>> No.41211750

is this just and EoSD thing? I could have fucking SWORN shotgunning increased damage for all shots in other games to some extent

>> No.41211839

no. shotgunning simply means that more individual shots connect against your target because of the smaller distance and narrower bullet spread. naturally that means you will do more damage, but that damage only comes because of those additional shots. it has nothing to do with any hidden, game-specific mechanic. DDC MarisaA is sort of an exception because she does get more damage at close range from her weapon. but in general, if all your shots connect cleanly from far away then you gain nothing else by moving up close.

>> No.41211905
File: 129 KB, 850x586, 1645795766286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if all your shots connect cleanly from far away then you gain nothing else by moving up close
I've been playing Touhou for roughly three years and I've been wrong this entire fucking time...
there's gotta be at least several situations in which I avoided bottom hugging because I thought that would make the boss fights take longer and it probably cost me a run

>> No.41213186

Which 2hu should be my fist Touhou game to complete without continues? I've spent some weeks without any improvement in EoSD and I think I burnt out of that game. Also recommend character and build

>> No.41213349

EoSD, ReimuB.

>> No.41213959

UFO, MarisaB

>> No.41215902

LLS, ReimuA
No need to climb a mountain when you can just take the stairs and do it one step at a time.

>> No.41219871
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x960, th16_006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41220789

LoLK, Legacy, Sanae

>> No.41223486

How to beat Mokou?

>> No.41223731

spell practice

>> No.41225566

does buying Nazrin's card at the end of a stage increase score?

>> No.41227069

How do you even fit 100th Black Market into a 1cc chart? What's the objective? Beat the game? Unlock all cards?
Does anyone even care?

>> No.41227091

One for seeing the credits and another for getting all achievements?

>> No.41228861

I was thinking about having 1 box for the credits, like you say and one for unlocking all cards. Is it possible to have achievements remaining, if you unlock all cards? Also, I'm not sure about what number of cards to use to label the second box.

>> No.41229583

>Is it possible to have achievements remaining, if you unlock all cards
I think it's impossible. Also there are 85 cards in the game in total.

>> No.41230408

I just found the safe spot/area on Mokou's "Xu Fu's Dimension" spell. Do you guys consider it cheating to use this?

>> No.41230705

I don't consider any safespots cheating, but I do view replays that make use of them as lesser than replays that don't.

>> No.41230796
File: 77 KB, 550x550, 1638808164720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always wanted to beat Imperishable Night but I've never managed to defeat Kaguya. It's been a decade since my last try. I think I'll resume playing Touhou games.

>> No.41230999

Yeah that seems fair
For me it came down to practicing stage 4 to have enough lives going into stage 5 and 6

>> No.41231033

Everyone knows about this safespot, but it only works for Border team/Reimu/Yukari solo, because of the hitbox size.

And no, it's not cheating. Even without using it the spellcard is pretty easy to do.

>> No.41231635

>but it only works for Border team/Reimu/Yukari solo, because of the hitbox size.
every shot type can do it.

>> No.41231644

>it only works for Border team/Reimu/Yukari solo
This is false.

>because of the hitbox size
This is mostly false. It happens to be easier with border team mostly because Reimu is invincible to familiars.

>> No.41231949
File: 12 KB, 704x704, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went with one for clearing and another for 85 cards. It's a grind based and not skill based accomplishment either way.

>> No.41231968

I've never heard of this Danmakai RFF game, is LNB on that game seriously that much easier than even regular Lunatic clears on Touhou games or was it just a matter of interest?

>> No.41232119
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>> No.41232198

That particular character (Angelica) is Reimu homing on steroids and will nuke most stage enemies and familiars (like IN) before they pose a threat. The other characters are much more balanced. I'd still say LNB is slightly easier than most Touhou games but that's more a matter of game mechanics like frequent score extends and no power loss upon death.

>> No.41236278
File: 336 B, 42x54, 100bm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

85 it is then. I guess that's gonna be good for now. Here's a transparent template for anyone looking for one.

>> No.41236360 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Leave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41240077
File: 747 KB, 640x480, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Noted man, your advice was very helpful.

>> No.41240208

Would you say that IN stage 4 is a difficulty spike? I can clear the first 3 stages with little issue, LW and all, but stage 4 is a nightmare.

>> No.41240592

Stage 4 is always a huge difficulty spike in pretty much every Touhou game.

First 3 stages are piss easy tutorial, stage 4 is where shit gets real.

>> No.41240603

Definitely. The stage can spook you easily, although it is mostly routable. I did find Reimu not too hard, but Marisa is a pretty big jump in difficulty compared to the past stages.

>> No.41241139

Eh? I usually don't have much issue with stage 4 in other games. Sure, that's where things really start, but I don't think they're usually that much more difficult. I tend to learn it pretty fast. IN is the only one I never really improve at of the games I've tried more than a couple times. After the stage portion I just get fucked, even with bombs.
Yeah, I agree. Marisa is too chaotic. Hard to keep track of everything. I've managed to clear the game with continues using the magic team.

>> No.41241370

I made it to Mokou's final spellcard for the first time and got like half way through before dying. If I practice her Fujiyama Volcano spellcard I can 100% beat her. This extra wasn't so bad.

>> No.41241438
File: 107 KB, 256x320, AUTOBOMB_max.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does 1ccing UM with Death Avoidance Elixir count as a NB clear?

>> No.41249105

It's the easiest one, along with Suwako and Ran.

>> No.41251726

I actually beat it yesterday and I agree, it only took me 2 days to beat and I'm a more casual player. My only other extra clear is Flandre which took me a lot longer.

>> No.41255481

Technically yeah, just like how abusing borders in PCB doesn't disqualify it from being NB if you don't use bombs
Most people don't though since it misses the point

>> No.41262810
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x960, th16_012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winter is definitely my favourite season.

>> No.41263699

same here

>> No.41264682
File: 641 KB, 705x441, CRVGqo9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Remilia EVER actually use her ability to manipulate fate ingame or even in canon period? She talks a lot of shit and blows a lot of hot air but never backs it up.

>> No.41265048

Vampire Illusion

>> No.41266734
File: 15 KB, 281x307, 1636192694682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, sorry if I sound paranoid, about Touhou 18.5 between the Moriya Shrine exe and the Mega exe some anon shared which one should I use? If you could compare the hash of your version with mine I would appreciate it.
Moriya Shrine version: c0595fe926f2733612a29fac8288c50c6bdb0121ad6cce2bda9f2224b51671cc th185.exe
Mega version: 25f3978d107890f540b1b813bfdda141727fcbdfdf5d9fc8f107d5812ea9f8e7 th185.exe

You can run "sha256sum th185.exe" on UNIX/Linux or "certutil -hashfile th185.exe SHA256" on Windows.

>> No.41267226

Hmm, why are the hashes different? This is weird.

>> No.41267309
File: 254 KB, 454x600, 1661157235431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea, might be that Steamless produces files with the same size(cause they are exactly the same size) but with different hashes or might be actually malware injected in a way to not change the size, I never had problems with files shared by anons but after the Moriya Shrine drama I'm a bit suspicious so I thought I'd ask.

>> No.41267363

Yeah, probably has something to do with Steam. I got mine from Doujinstyle on release and it has the same hash as your Moriya one. Use that.

>> No.41268830

Thanks, I'll go with that.

>> No.41270178
File: 709 KB, 1281x961, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god

>> No.41272274

Congratulations. Koishi is the hardest Extra I've beaten.

>> No.41273798

Good job. I'm currently bashing my head against her without much progress.

>> No.41275879

Is PCB really as easy as everyone says or I'm missing someting? I'm struggling with it way more than I did with EoSD, IN or MoF. I literally never got to Yuyuko without having to lose an 1cc, meanwhile I managed to 1cc IN and at least reach Remilia and Kanako with 1cc.

>> No.41276050
File: 149 KB, 370x300, 1648817415022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or 18.5 is hard, like really hard.
I can clear lunatic on all classic era games and I'm stuck at 5th market.
Maybe I'm missing something or I misaunderstood the mechanics, I'm using Reimu ying yang orb and Marisa mini-hakkero as starting equipment, for the stages I try to level up the magic circle and I just spam it to get bullet points, is this strategy good?

>> No.41276153

It's easy compared to most other entries in the series. The borders are safety nets for errors at best and a free screen clear at worst so they give you a lot of leeway to make mistakes. I remember Youmu being the big filter of the game, once you get past her with a decent amount of resources you should be able to brute force Yuyuko.

>> No.41277557

It's considered easy (to get a 1cc on) because of sakuya having tons of bombs, but beginners tend not to use bombs properly so it's actually only easy for experienced players.

>> No.41278216

I think PCB is pretty easy. I've hardly played it, but I can clear it with if I'm playing decently.

>> No.41278415
File: 701 KB, 1920x1080, Touhou MIDI Project.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to need players to test my game soon.


>> No.41278823

That's pretty cute. Maybe you could try extending the piano keys down to the PoC line so the player does a PoC by running over them.

>> No.41284167

Good job anon.

>> No.41286238

I'm proud of you :]

>> No.41287395
File: 2.61 MB, 1277x956, progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I'm so close I can feel it. I could've cinched it this run but this last life I died with full power.

>> No.41289883

I haven't been paying attention to this at all, could I just upload any mp3 file or something and the game converts it into a song? what is the song doesn't have lyrics?

>> No.41292954

>extending the piano keys down to the PoC line so the player does a PoC by running over them.
Or maybe move the PoC up the piano.

>could I just upload any mp3 file or something and the game converts it into a song
It only supports MIDI files. Which is a file format that has music note information. MIDI files can also have lyrics. There's MIDI files of pretty much any song if you search hard enough.

>> No.41293013


>> No.41295280
File: 2.12 MB, 1279x960, SA reimuA extra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God this took way longer than it should've.

>> No.41297781

>Or maybe move the PoC up the piano.
Yeah that would would make it a bit too high. Maybe a middle ground is best.

>> No.41303324
File: 285 KB, 640x480, th000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41309858
File: 89 KB, 384x448, Th165SC71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41311856
File: 281 KB, 1181x1748, EqPKT3yVgAAs_rF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was in a similar position until I went back to the earlier markets to unlock more cards and card slots.
It was more fun to just bash my head against the 5th market, though. Dodging semi-bullshit patterns frantically while waiting for the next bomb reminded me of PoFV, and having to weave through the slowed-down bullets under time pressure afterwards added a novel element to it.
Did you manage to win with only 2 starting cards?
Also, cute gif.

>> No.41311864

How long did it take? It took me around 3 months.

>> No.41312130

Around 2 weeks of runs, probably a bit above 100 attempts total. The main problem was that once I got decent enough at the earlier parts I started reaching the final card with no resources over and over and just choked it. It was basically a game of persistence until I got the magic run where I reached it with some resources to spare so I could just deathbomb it, but by that point I had enough experience at the final to get through it with a single life.

>> No.41313987
File: 182 KB, 370x300, 1647952915484.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>until I went back to the earlier markets to unlock more cards and card slots
W-wait you can do that?
Oh my god I just had to press left and right arrows in the menu.
I'm retarded.
>Dodging semi-bullshit patterns frantically while waiting for the next bomb reminded me of PoFV
Yeah I know what you mean, that's what I like the most about PoFV.
>Did you manage to win with only 2 starting cards?
No, I'm still at 5th market, I'll try unlocking more cards by replaying 4th market.

Will we ever get a proper roguelike Touhou from ZUN?

>> No.41314409

Where can I find detailed information about the games?

Like for example how many pixels per frame Aya moves while focused in Double Spoiler.

>> No.41316475

I want this as well.

>> No.41317062

I've finally beat 5th market after farming some cards, still no luck with 6th market.
What cards and strategies do you use? For now I'm using "Phoenix's Tail" and "Psychokinesis" as starting cards, I've noticed that I can usually just buy the rest.

>> No.41320522

Cards to get the economy going. Hammer, Byakuren, Aunn are all essential. The earlier you get them, the more money you'll make for other cards.

>> No.41323914

reply for curiosity

>> No.41325884 [DELETED] 
File: 1.82 MB, 1536x1024, cutepires.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sxarp + Elly
Chino + Sophie

>> No.41334836
File: 515 KB, 640x480, touhou 11 marisa b 1cc normal 9-26-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41334951
File: 2.90 MB, 640x480, 1661736126831.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41334955


>> No.41334960

awesome job anons

>> No.41335080

