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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 732 KB, 1200x1600, DJT Dekinai Nurse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40992141 No.40992141 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous threads:
>>40980474 #3353
>>40967875 #3352

>> No.40992216
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, 526490_screenshots_20200606115919_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where to get Mishima books? Couldnt find anything on 青空 or itazuraneko. Want to read 太陽と鉄 on my new kindle.

>> No.40992514


>> No.40992517
File: 1020 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 08 (1080p) [C828303A]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40992593

djt is healing

>> No.40992606
File: 554 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Lycoris Recoil - 08 (1080p) [C828303A]-[08.39.144-08.43.065].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40992685
File: 25 KB, 475x356, 1169106503339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True love.

>> No.40992694


>> No.40992710
File: 326 KB, 1080x1742, 20220824_142451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why haven't you bought your own used cheerleader uniform yet?

>> No.40992729

曲 of the day

>> No.40992748


>> No.40992812

does it come with the underwear

>> No.40992832


>> No.40992843


>> No.40992851

ASEAN here, I used to live in Japan and got to N4, but then I got a job in Berlin and I haven't used my Japanese for Atleast 2 - 3 years since I've moved to Germany. How do I get motivated to reclaim my Japanese? I can't seem to keep more than 3 languages too. 3 is my max I wish it was 4.

>> No.40992926


a while ago someone asked about japanese game theory channels

well turns out masahiro sakurai made one today

>> No.40993088

I can fix that

>> No.40993185

simple, give up english

>> No.40993283
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kinsou no Vermeil - 08 (1080p) [F358DC17]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40993392
File: 1.48 MB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Kinsou no Vermeil - 08 (1080p) [F358DC17]-[08.31.303-08.43.273].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40993415

hello, It's me again asking for help with the transcription of a short clip from an interview I mean to translate and subtitle.
It's just 1 minute and 30ish seconds.

https://youtu.be/2vh3ZVYOD68 [Open]

it starts at 6:07 and ends around 7:37

I ran the clip through a transcription app like the anon from the other thread suggested as to save some time, perhaps someone could double check for eventual errors or fill in the gaps if something is missing.
thanks in advance






>> No.40993444

Is answering 今日はちょっと really used to say that today isn't good or whatever even without a leading question asking if the day is bad? I can't find a dictionary entry that lists that so I'm not sure if my cards might just be poorly translated or some shit

>> No.40993463
File: 1022 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kinsou no Vermeil - 08 (1080p) [F358DC17]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40993506

that's correct
it's actually in the daijsen entry for ちょっと

>> No.40993515

>59 seconds
embarrassing use of your pass mary

>> No.40993579

that's a response meaning youre busy today

>> No.40993631
File: 593 KB, 770x512, 1653201768350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love thighs, knee socks and skirts....and women
>fr fr simple as
I just want to lick the cleavage. I'm a simple man.

>> No.40993659

not pissler

>> No.40993661

had a dream last night where I was the hero of Raccoon City. It was so bad Leon actually was my chad partner instead of the Ada simp we recently witnessed.
>I gave it to Mr. X

>me at the end

>> No.40993703
File: 649 KB, 506x851, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40993723

don't shill the discord in the op. its full of blatant grooming and minors and the mods enable it. its probably why they advertise in reddit to get more kids.

spread the word

>> No.40993734

nice, guess i'll get a discord too

>> No.40993834
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kakkou no Iinazuke - 17 (1080p) [2F782022]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you practice handwriting kanji?

>> No.40994023

i love kids. it cannot be helped.

>> No.40994027

go back to r*ddit retard…

>> No.40994046

Had a dream where I found my band teachers youtube and a title of a video was "Call of The Night bro? Yeah, I have"

>> No.40994051


>> No.40994055

No but I think it would be cool if I could take notes in Japanese. Also whats with this guy and baths, do they really like them or something?

>> No.40994064

As a hikki neet, I take my 筆記 very seriously.

>> No.40994081 [SPOILER] 
File: 644 KB, 608x854, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she doesn't have a チンチン

>> No.40994088

His crush took a bath and he was supposed to be studying in the meantime.

>> No.40994097

I did. I autisticly wasted my time handwriting kanji instead of learning japanese

>> No.40994115


>> No.40994174

really dense 心理学の本

>> No.40994181
File: 1.86 MB, 2276x2252, 1661332888892314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

marry someone that...
fool it would fit me
holy nice
added shared and left a comment for engagement. seriously. looks nice
water in the fire? i don't understand
this is why im learn8ng japanese
japanese study time!

today too haachamachama

>> No.40994182
File: 697 KB, 471x504, sasu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did for a few months
it was fun but just not something i was willing to keep up in the long term with no real reason to do so

>> No.40994186

average level of the holotards itt

>> No.40994211
File: 1.11 MB, 1500x1000, 1660948226536742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do occasionally if i find a kanji particularly beautiful and wish to gaze at it for longer, got a brush and ink and its a fun game to play, sometimes

>> No.40994229


>> No.40994251

real kyoku of the 日

>> No.40994256

As a complete beginner, how should I handle early immersion?
I only know 600 words or so, I can "read" (more like decipher) manga and nukige if I look up pretty much every words but I'm just looking at yomichan more than the actual content
It actually make me remember common words and grammar more effectively but I don't know if I should really look up every words at this stage or if I should just let them pass and try to pick up what little I know and get a feel for the language

I always learned new languages with intense immersion but the fact that I can't actually read most of the fucking words this time make the experience pretty tiring

>> No.40994272

nice kyoku, was listening to this one

>> No.40994282

always? how many languages do you know?

>> No.40994324

Well besides my first language I learned English, Italian and Polish mostly by reading and watching movies and TV shows

>> No.40994336

this is still my favorite version of the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvoM8hlKrBE

>> No.40994354

based polyglot, you can do massive immersion already, you just cant read it, try things like hukumusume (mostly all kana children stories), or just listening to things with subtitles and looking up the subs

>> No.40994362
File: 1.04 MB, 1406x895, Screenshot from 2022-08-25 00-47-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this 汚名万来

>> No.40994368


>> No.40994370

i only ever see 汚名返上

>> No.40994380

ye its definitely 挽回

>> No.40994392

Thank you my friends I guess it's a joke

>> No.40994405


>> No.40994414

post a streamable

>> No.40994423

classic chinaman subs

>> No.40994425
File: 1.24 MB, 1406x895, Screenshot from 2022-08-25 00-57-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cos he said it wrong

>> No.40994434

makes sense

>> No.40994440


wotd 組み立てライン

>> No.40994462

Yeah I already noticed that I have a way better listening comprehension when I can follow voiced dialogues but can't read the subs at all
It's usually the opposite so I guess I'm just not used to it

>> No.40994469

it wasn't funny though...

>> No.40994476

getting bullied by anime women = funny
thats his entire character

>> No.40994491

based dude

>> No.40994506

Why are they like this?

>> No.40994512


>> No.40994513


>> No.40994530
File: 545 KB, 1697x2400, 1661053506371146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting bullied by og...

>> No.40994543

you have been you just didnt notice

>> No.40994551


>> No.40994580 [DELETED] 

where's jamal
when the fuck did this tubernigger screaming yabe all over the place come in
where's meisou
where's ciaran
why is bunkonigger still here

>> No.40994581

...maybe the real og was the aging english teacher with severe mental yayness we met along the way...

>> No.40994651

he joined in july last year. his samefag spam, trolling and report spamming hit a high in september and october and he got into vtubers around this time, probably to annoy the thread initially after seeing the backlash they got in the thread, and then left for a few months. he came back on christmas and has been here ever since

>> No.40994690
File: 758 KB, 1920x1080, [GST] Isekai Ojisan - 06 [1080p][Multi-Subs]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40994694


>> No.40994696

ciaran got a job
don’t know what happened with meisou but I doubt she’s still teaching english in China because they clamped down on that
jamal gets report spammed whenever he posts so he just kinda chills in his discord because he doesn’t think it’s worth posting here anymore
same thing happened to moe
the vtuber faggots are a protected class that mods look out for
thread’s not in a good spot

>> No.40994712

>lost 2キロ in a day
yeah, she took a huge dump

>> No.40994715

What are some good vidya games for a beginner just starting to read? No VNs please. I was thinking of starting with 動物の森

>> No.40994721

elden ring

>> No.40994723

idols don't... wa..water weight...

>> No.40994726

>I was thinking of starting with 動物の森
Yeah that and pokemon, the new ones have kanji with furigana.

>> No.40994746

tunic, ender lilies, castlevania, ygrassil labyrinth

>> No.40994755
File: 822 KB, 1920x1080, [GST] Isekai Ojisan - 06 [1080p][Multi-Subs]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40994784
File: 772 KB, 960x540, [GST] Isekai Ojisan - 06 [1080p][Multi-Subs]-[14.15.521-14.22.862].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40994786

>tfw every message is 穴 this or that

>> No.40994793
File: 340 KB, 1031x1393, 1573800716597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we change the guide to a newer one? One of the DJTers made a better guide that includes new ideas like TSCs and using mpv scripts for mining.
check it out https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/

>> No.40994816
File: 65 KB, 1280x720, 1658347308590216.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40994820

I agree. We need to replace itazuraneko with Tatsumoto.

>> No.40994828

Good idea but I'm afraid the OP is a fag and he won't listen.

>> No.40994833
File: 791 KB, 852x792, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I approve

>> No.40994840

how was elf manko not demonetized

>> No.40994858
File: 972 KB, 1920x1080, [GST] Isekai Ojisan - 06 [1080p][Multi-Subs]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you demonetize this

>> No.40994907

picked up

>> No.40994915
File: 879 KB, 1920x1080, [GST] Isekai Ojisan - 06 [1080p][Multi-Subs]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gst release has jp subs

>> No.40994932

peke boys?

>> No.40994958


>> No.40995028

how to sex an anime girl?

>> No.40995040
File: 2.69 MB, 720x404, 1660631307022733.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40995099

is there an isekai where the guy doesn't get any special powers but survives by making a living from his knowledge alone?

for example plumbing/construction knowledge or knowing how to process materials, food, sales tactics, etc

>> No.40995106

what game is he playing tho?

>> No.40995126

>posting this bitch again
where's the rest of that convo where she explains that it worked for HER and for everyone it's different. It's obvious she wanted to speak, but where's her Ranpo speed read time attack mode?
>"Call of The Night bro? Yeah, I have"
I don't get it, I want to understand

>> No.40995146

only one that comes to mind is genjitsu shugi yuusha kind of he gets a power but it's very minor
also konosuba

>> No.40995148

My dick was watching in amazement, turned around and said "we're not missing out. in fact thank you for steering clear." it then proceeded to curl up

>> No.40995150

just ""immersed"" by playing civ6 in japanese
but since i already know what everything does i can play without having to read almost anything lol

>> No.40995151

okaasan online?
oh, GATE, mc if you count it, its an isekai but mc is just a generic grunt

>> No.40995165

y..you are at least look at the letters right...?

>> No.40995173

>nippon banzai propaganda

>> No.40995174

yeah i read shit to some extent but at some point you realize you dont really need to and skim a lot of it

>> No.40995176

shit you're right

>> No.40995177
File: 209 KB, 400x382, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doubt she’s still teaching english in China because they clamped down on that
qrd? I know china be nationalist and all but fr fr no cap? only chinese can teach english or no learning english at all?
>"well anon, considering the current events and the possible future, why would they 'need' to learn english unless they intend to ridicule the peasants?"

>> No.40995191
File: 162 KB, 1132x1080, double strokes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40995197

>genjitsu shugi yuusha

>> No.40995201
File: 1.25 MB, 2304x4096, IMG_20220823_212213461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40995218

he admits in the first paragraph that he hates isekai lol
it's a solid show nothing groundbreaking but also far from the worst isekai you can watch

>> No.40995242

Based but I need it for my job. Maybe I give up my mother tounge

>> No.40995258

>he admits in the first paragraph that he hates isekai lol

>> No.40995267

epic track

>> No.40995283

>far from the worst isekai you can watch
what's the worst isekai i can watch

>> No.40995291

probably sword shart

>> No.40995294

sounds like a man with a functioning brain

>> No.40995311

that would be isekai cheat magician it provides a challenge for even the most experienced diarrhea chugger

>> No.40995320

picked up

>> No.40995339

it should be a crime posting like this without at least putting the code in the post if not in the filename.
nta, gonna try this out

>> No.40995358

God, I hate this shoui faggot. Why he keeps whining about how much he hates learning Japanese? And then all the other cocksuckers take everything he says as if it was some sacred word

>> No.40995365

keep it in discord

>> No.40995368

>Maybe I give up my mother tounge
do you not speak with your family anymore? or do they all speak english? may I ask what your mother tongue is?
milf tongue, hnnnng
is it any good? I only played civ3 or 4 i can't remember

>> No.40995385

its the worst civ, theyve been getting worse every release since 3
play alpha centauri

>> No.40995394

My mother tounge is Thai but I'm a happa. I grew up in Thailand. Since my mother moved to Aus she speaks English with my father all the time. TBF I haven't used Thai properly since 2012.

>> No.40995398

do you have any hot sisters?

>> No.40995405

yeah i find it fun, people get triggered because the art style is colorful pixar shit now and they basically threw out any pretense of being based on history (there are literal vampires and zombies in the game now lmao) but the mechanics are fun to fuck around with, if horribly imbalanced a lot of the time
and for how much people shit on the visuals the soundtrack is insanely good

>> No.40995411


>> No.40995432

パルスマン 二 どこ

>> No.40995470

eh, it's complicated and i'm not an expert

>> No.40995485

the other anon is right think about it
you need german because youre working in germany
youre never going to forget your native asian language, chinese/ korean / lesser jungle asian language
your heart is set on japanese
english is the odd one out, you dont want to know it and you dont need to know it
throw off the shackles of english and be free

>> No.40995493

>Since my mother moved to Aus

>> No.40995510

>youre never going to forget your native asian language
you'd be surprised
then again i didn't even learn mine

>> No.40995539

how do i only get the highlighted text from the dictionary popup in yomichan on my card?

>> No.40995546

mined 層が薄い

>> No.40995563
File: 1.55 MB, 1920x1080, 1661356921574651.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog gf bros...

>> No.40995568

wanted to make this webm too but i already posted so many from that ep

>> No.40995572

>but I don't know if I should really look up every words at this stage or if I should just let them pass and try to pick up what little I know and get a feel for the language
the key is to set a rough limit of effort per sentence depending on how tired you are and what you feel like doing. you just have to feel it out.
if you have that limit determined, for each sentence do lookups and figure out what you can until you hit it, then do deepl translation (or use an English subtitle if you have it), go back to the sentence and see if that clue helps you figure out something more about it immediately. if yes, then give it just a little bit more effort until you hit a wall again. if not, then just let it go

>> No.40995577

Now make her do her business

>> No.40995585
File: 2.94 MB, 1280x720, 1661359500405204.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was a great ep

>> No.40995617

It's weird being bilingual as a child cos you speak both languages well enough to be shit but constantly code switching. I don't think I'd be able to forget English, I also work for an English company so I use more English than German.

>> No.40995631
File: 66 KB, 1079x287, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I will practice your language

>> No.40995636

>w*stoid w*men

>> No.40995691


>> No.40995720


>> No.40995764
File: 310 KB, 888x1080, 1661121269960878.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the saddest and yet realest why im learning japanese yet

>> No.40995774


>> No.40995786


>> No.40995802

there's like 5 different words for かてい and they all mean different things
i'm gonna get destroyed when listening rather than reading aren't i

>> No.40995834

context will make clear which one is meant
english has lots of homonyms too btw

>> No.40995848

forget shitty apps, embrace tatsumoto

>> No.40995856

is there porn of lily

>> No.40995881
File: 2.89 MB, 1280x720, 1660581573061525.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which lily

>> No.40995919

they are homophones, and english doesnt have nearly as many as japanese, since japanese has way less possible sounds than english.

>> No.40995952
File: 104 KB, 700x686, gym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that a good workout boosts BDNF and helps you acquire Japanese.

If you wanna make it, hit the gym.

>> No.40995961

Gym is expensive

>> No.40995977

You can also hit the home gym.

>> No.40995980

Home gyms are even more expensive

>> No.40995985

where do i head if i want to look like top left (male)

>> No.40995993

homophones are homonyms retard
also it doesn't matter how many there are the point is they exist in english too and you don't have to ask yourself which one is meant because context makes it clear 99.99% of the time

>> No.40995998

muay thai kickboxing gym
you just need floor and a wall
>but i have no weights...!1!1!
bro, god did you a solid and already loaded you with them

>> No.40995999

uhh korea maybe

>> No.40996014

That's not a home gym then. I have been meaning to start exercising again, I just have a hard time working up the will for it. Especially since I live with my dad so I'd have a relatively short window every day to do it.

>> No.40996015

how many 4 character compounds do you know /djt/
also what are your favorites or most used and most encountered?

>> No.40996032

>what are your favorites
名声赫赫 looks cool

>> No.40996033

too many to count
i like 絶対零度

>> No.40996045

not enough, sadly

>> No.40996052
File: 33 KB, 500x417, 7c3ee2aaf419a94cd50f8811c22ec98c-862553858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40996058

自動販売機 is the only 4 or more character compound I know I think.

>> No.40996067


>> No.40996069

a few, i like this one 蟷螂の斧
notable mentions: 痛快淋漓, 一生懸命, 精神遅滞, 迅速果敢, 試行錯誤

>> No.40996083

you can just feel the dunning kruger in this post

>> No.40996097


>> No.40996150

i know hundreds, and i still come across new ones each week
the one i see the most is 自業自得

>> No.40996153

i just want to film a jav in japan. why is it so hard

>> No.40996159

Because you haven't jacked off today

>> No.40996160
File: 18 KB, 640x360, A_Bakemonogatari_E02_1_0.06.05.438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40996176

i work at a company that has offices all over the world, including japan.
my dream is to keep working here, earning the trust and respect of my colleagues and superiors, and being able to transfer to the japanese office.

>> No.40996182


>> No.40996184


>> No.40996204

looking forward to the day on which i will come across this

>> No.40996205


>> No.40996281

looking forward to the day on which i will live like this

>> No.40996313
File: 117 KB, 625x1000, f23a1c2477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40996324

>>but i have no weights...!1!1!
i always laugh when i see this excuse
i was "lifting weights" with containers filled with water and sand a year before i found a cheap gym setup
if theres a will, theres a way

>> No.40996343

protip poor fag wanna home gym bros who for whatever reason dont like calistechnics, google concrete gym set, you can make something nice for essentially nothing

>> No.40996362

if you didn't think of these on your own you're a retard

>> No.40996368

ye bro just drum up some concrete lmfao

>> No.40996394

sometimes im shocked by how retarded zoomers are

>> No.40996417

wrong board? this is /jp/ not /fit/

>> No.40996444

u just need a set of adjustable dumbbells, a pullup bar and a bench and you can get fit

only like 400 bucks in total
no excuses
also this will help your japanese

>> No.40996452

learning japanese and being fit at the same time really messes with my worldview

>> No.40996453

Call of The Night is an anime name, the title is kind of like [anime] yeah, I watched it

>> No.40996461

>also this will help your japanese

>> No.40996467

didn't ask

>> No.40996489
File: 721 KB, 1500x1902, 3F80C8A5-3217-413D-B59F-92DCEEE57F85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ss/ grindset

>> No.40996494

Calisthenics will make you feel the strongest you've ever felt

>> No.40996495

just walk a lot

>> No.40996496

>im not like other weebs...im a cool weeb

>> No.40996500

i dont want to be fit. i want to be the ugly guy from hentai, who women are repulsed by at first, but he mindbreaks them into loving his cock

>> No.40996508
File: 159 KB, 369x273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milf x shota makes me sad because i will never experience it

>> No.40996510

tho if you dont have a lot of flexibility to begin with you're better off doing dumbbell exercises and mix in a couple calisthenic exercises like decline pushups and pullups
rather than going full calisthenics TBQH

>> No.40996511

me on the left

>> No.40996513


>> No.40996519

age gap still same

>> No.40996524


>> No.40996525

i've been coming to djt for 2 years and i hate it here, yet i can't stay away. i don't even speak japanese

>> No.40996530

most people here dont and never will

>> No.40996534

as with all things, the only way to actually do thing is not to do it.
but to eliminate all other things that get in the way from doing it

>> No.40996541

why even come here anymore? i'm curious, it was at least funny when the j-man and queefster were sucking face through the screen, now there's nothing left but even worse spam

>> No.40996556

the ugly guy is usually strongfat

>> No.40996572

you're under 26,aren't you

>> No.40996575


>> No.40996577

that's really deep... do you mind if i screenshot your comment and print it out and hang it on my wall?

>> No.40996604

not him, but i never came here for that
i mostly post about things i use to immerse and hope to get some recommendations

almost done with my tales of xillia playthrough

wish ayumi still made music

>> No.40996611
File: 145 KB, 1440x1080, concrete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your home gym bro

>> No.40996619


>> No.40996622
File: 317 KB, 593x800, ohimesama_dakko_macho_man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me irl

>> No.40996643

same, you are one of my favorite anons

>> No.40996658
File: 102 KB, 855x955, 4xANNJZlKL2mFaM3ceJGQ2d7egFjkuYdHb-fGZsbfRgE-Jj196CuXjj8JDR9gfGZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me irl, 10 years from now at age 40

>> No.40996666

threadceleb garbage was always the worst part of the thread, glad theyre all gone

>> No.40996669


>> No.40996684

you werent even there

>> No.40996687

learning japanese doesn't mean you HAVE to be a loser
some make the choice to be so
some make the choice to not be so

>> No.40996690


>> No.40996691

>threadceleb garbage was always the worst part of the thread, glad theyre all gone
10 posts later

>> No.40996692

once a loser always a loser

>> No.40996696

w..wait og exists...?
n.. no fucking way...

>> No.40996705

nah bro its ok when he does it

>> No.40996713

you're delusional if you think so, regardless of whether or not their presence was "good"

>> No.40996716

devil quads of truth

>> No.40996750

ever since ecelebs left the thread, djt has:
gone down in japanese level
had fewer discussions about the language
had fewer intelligent debates
had less otaku content posted (excluding vtubers)
become less funny
become a generic 4chan thread clone

>> No.40996751


>> No.40996761 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 177x220, hiroki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is hiroki

>> No.40996763


>> No.40996776

my dad was a bucket and cement kind of guy when he was a young guy growing up in the third world

>> No.40996781

what about you?

>> No.40996784


>> No.40996788
File: 266 KB, 640x601, image-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo what

>> No.40996794

english please

>> No.40996796
File: 18 KB, 1542x109, 1639298641193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah og fags are the cringiest

>> No.40996797

its over

>> No.40996798

saw that earlier, so cool

>> No.40996805

something about cum

>> No.40996824

can you imagine this djt putting out garbage day
i can't

>> No.40996826

patiently waiting for the hololive bubble to burst and the next generation to make video essays laughing at it and referencing the faggy glove and shoe dlc like oblivion horse armour

>> No.40996829
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 1656128234924.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kino anon, it means kino
hope its not jp only
if it is sega will NOT be seeing my money

>> No.40996836


never thought id buy another sonic game but here we are

>> No.40996875

>buying games

>> No.40996878

the game looks absolutely shit

>> No.40996882

new trailer was alright when it showed the non open word areas

>> No.40996885

it's a sonic game

>> No.40996891

its just forces again in between sections of unity tier breath of the wild

>> No.40996897

>oblivion horse armour
wtf are you talking about
horse armor dlc is literally the norm now

>> No.40996911

I've been so focused on the awesomeness that is Japanese media that I completely shut out western entertainment, but there was a concert in my city recently from some dude I never heard of before named the Weeknd and there actually 60000 people show up to it (for sure these are 60000 cringe people I don't ever want anything to do with). curiously I had to click a video to see what the fuss was about and it just made me even more annoyed by the state of culture in the west and how mediocre everyone is

I need to scroll through some Japanese twitter stuff to get that shit out of my brain now

I really need to move to Japan, I am starting to really despise living in my pathetic country

>> No.40996924

that sonic game is a single player game like botw right?
i don't know, i think they only get away with cosmetics in multiplayer games because retards like showing off to eachother
it's the gamer equivalent of girls dressing up for other girls

>> No.40996930

Is there anywhere to watch like old anime (60-80s) with JP subtitles or do they not really do subtitles for those. If not are there like script sites where I can make my own?

>> No.40996949

people in japan love the weeknd (and mainstream american musicians in general)

>> No.40996967

fucking hate that American garbage culture

>> No.40996973

normalfaggots gonna normalfag
at least jap culture will have them mostly shut up about it

>> No.40996988

netflix? prime? whatever exists is in nyaa/youtube

>> No.40996990

anime isnt real life

>> No.40996991

meh im a turboweeb but that's not even that bad
much better than 黒人 """rapping""" about wet pussies and being worshipped for it

>> No.40996998

>at least jap culture will have them mostly shut up about it
im on hellotalk and like 99% of the profiles just list harry potter and marvel as interests lmfoa

>> No.40997003
File: 1.47 MB, 1418x1042, 1661311080183988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its just preorder bonuses anon, it costs nothing extra
holochads won

>> No.40997006

I really can relate to Japanese salarymen and otaku... and on the other side of the equation, I can't stand the Japanese "normals" that love American shit culture. A lot of Japanese girls in general are pretty lame in my experience.

I noticed the Weeknd has him singing with an Asian girl in his MV, really sappy lame lovey dovey kind of song that I fucking can't stand.

>> No.40997015

agreed that is horrible too, but this is maybe worse because it influences women to get into the lame Drake type bullshit too

>> No.40997017

but that's westaboos trying to learn a foreign language on there, its to be expected

>> No.40997018
File: 1.48 MB, 640x360, 1661123371177692.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uwaaa for less than an akasupa i can support my oshi and encourage more holocollabs?

>> No.40997021

obviously dumbass, those are the rotten ones

>> No.40997038

>he doesn't know about けつふれ
oh no

>> No.40997051

shut it bunkonigger

>> No.40997065

likely to see more and more fatherless hafu's in the coming years

>> No.40997068

if you look at pretty much any nip game designer/celeb that's bought into western retardation, there's a 99% chance they speak english well/went abroad
truly a cancer

>> No.40997069

i just want to watch shark documentaries with japanese obasans

>> No.40997077

I like idol culture a lot, and I have noticed that you get judged hard for that by Japanese that are into western culture and come and want to stay in the west. they hate their own culture and have bought into the western woke garbage for the most part

>> No.40997088
File: 1.54 MB, 960x1296, 1660994969140307.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to watch videogame streaming doggos with nip jks at the ロブ

>> No.40997097

like as a gay boy is friends with women kind of thing? or are you going to watch a surrogate gf with your gf...

>> No.40997099

i just want to slit the throats of "people" like >>40997069 and >>40997088

>> No.40997103

i chat with the female holo fans on twitter, its chill

>> No.40997111

wotd ネカマ

>> No.40997112

same way you watch porn with your gf, but wholesome, just something to set the mood

>> No.40997119

they upload pics of themselves at events or sing karaoke
most of them are lesbians though

>> No.40997120

shes a koone cosplaying jk and is into it more than i, ill love her so much

>> No.40997130

i would never do that and if someone wanted to i would feel put down

>> No.40997134

lesbian just means "i don't want betas or losers hitting on me"

>> No.40997139

meme sexuality

>> No.40997144

they like and repost yuri fanart all day

>> No.40997158


>> No.40997160
File: 42 KB, 859x753, Screenshot_20220824_154654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man its gotta be said, I just tried the tatsumoto beginner deck after following the other guide for a while, and this is actually miles better, at least in terms of comparison with core6k and this everyday common vocab.
Stuff like 彼女 彼 私
Are much more relatable and familiar in context to what I'm used to.
Just fuck this this hard to read color! I actually managed to figured that out 10 minutes later. But while on topic, shouldn't template background also take place here?

>> No.40997185

i think the background should be piss yellow for tatsumoto decks

>> No.40997186


>> No.40997221
File: 38 KB, 930x510, 1554923393030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your anki is misconfigured, because the card on your screenshot is supposed to look completely different.

>> No.40997226

>he doesn't know about night mode

>> No.40997246

night mode is bad for your eyes

>> No.40997247

night mode should be removed from anki

>> No.40997255

who even uses night mode in anki lmao
say goodbye to your eyes

>> No.40997259

link me the stallman article that says night mode is bad lmao

>> No.40997265

>night mode
not a zoomer and dont have oled screens so i dont use it

>> No.40997292

are you ESL?

>> No.40997312

Whats there to configure? I thought that as well, but there is no obvious option I see.
Just the default anki dark theme, or maybe its the version available on my system?

>> No.40997321

tools > preferences > basic > theme

>> No.40997330

>dark theme overrides your custom card css
yeah, the devs fucked up

>> No.40997356

you can configure css specifically for night mode retard lmao

>> No.40997359

dame kinda wanna start anki again just to make some epic cards with gradients and shit

>> No.40997382

>try 20 new words for 10 days
>80 percent true retention
>try 40 new words for 10 days
>70 percent true retention
is that 10 percent reduction worth it for double the words?

>> No.40997388

ankidrones lole

>> No.40997389

the nihongo kyoshi grammar deck is pretty cool. he has a script that makes it randomly (kind of) show 3 different example sentences out of 15 each day.

>> No.40997395


>> No.40997412

if you make complicated anki cards, it makes you use anki inefficiently. learning grammar in anki should be done by studying TSCs. you read a TSC and grade it good/bad, that's all it takes.

>> No.40997432

it's on moeway discord. author mentions taking the randomizer code from "dojg deck" in case you are just looking for that.

>> No.40997433

100 a day or ngmi
been doing 100 a day for a while and im better than anyone here

>> No.40997439

djt has moved away from moeway, discord, and scammers.

>> No.40997452

>premade deck
>better than anyone here

>> No.40997456

imo moeway discord and reddit are the only places to consistently find new utilities

>> No.40997474

moeway trannycord is a place where you are scammed into joining their patreon
djt matrix space is the only place to consistently find new utilities
you should probably join too

>> No.40997480

utilities such as what, exactly

>> No.40997482

i hate djt so much

>> No.40997501

one example posted earlier was the anki deck frequency resort

>> No.40997502

I could only learn japanese thanks to migaku

>> No.40997506

How do I into anki style editing? I'm just trying to switch the font on a card deck to IPAex Gothic but whenever I try it just sets the font to the generic one that you get with no font options

>> No.40997509

shouts outs to seabolt learning chinese with migaku rn wagmi

>> No.40997514

most of them overcomplicating things, all that you need is a streamlined process to mine

>> No.40997518

thanks to matt I achieved my dream and became japanese

>> No.40997526
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>> No.40997529

i learned japanese thanks to tatsumoto and ajatt-tools. never joined any discords and other trash.

>> No.40997530

I tried that but it no work

>> No.40997534

oh shit he's going the calvin route?
thought he quit because he had a family and was making no progress, what makes him think chinese would be any different
always had a laugh out of his 'showing you how to progress as a beginner, as a beginner' tagline he had on his patreon or something

>> No.40997551
File: 17 KB, 451x108, 1560912603643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moeway discord


no thanks

>> No.40997574

yeah gotta say matrix is so much better than discord

>> No.40997579


>> No.40997584

i use neither because i'm not a gay faggot trying to organize and subvert a thread on an anonymous imageboard

>> No.40997587
File: 2.20 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot (286).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well this anime is over

>> No.40997618

I present you the light theme

>> No.40997627
File: 50 KB, 859x753, Screenshot_20220824_190522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck forgot picture...

>> No.40997650

>say goodbye to your eyes
are you retarded, its common knowledge brighter screens are what kills vision in younglins these days

>> No.40997657

only strains your eyes if your room isn't well lit

>> No.40997687

>its common knowledge brighter screens are what kills vision in younglins these days
uhh no it isn't there's no evidence that the brightness of the screen affects vision in any way shape or form
neither does the lighting of your room that's also a very popular myth which has never proven to be true

what does have an effect though is the fact that people spend a lot more time in front of screens and from a younger age focusing their eyes on a small object right in front of them for multiple hours a day which causes an increase in the incidence of short-sightedness

>> No.40997709

try the font name in apostrophes
your system theme probably overrides this shit
that's wrong though. what kills it is low exposure to light because people go outside less. and if you use dark mode, it's a sign that a person avoids even indoor light, not that it would change much if they don't view sunlight every day

>> No.40997720

>try the font name in apostrophes
Was already doing that. I figured out that if I delete everything I can make it work, but I don't know how to retrofit what's already there into working. If I just delete shit I'm afraid of other things breaking. I'm trying to modify the tatsumoto ankidrone decks because I really hate the font.

>> No.40997725


>only strains your eyes if your room isn't well lit
Yes, and that's why as the lighting in the environment changes you adjust screen brightness to make it comfortable. Not only brightness but color hues to make it more natural helps a lot too.
t. perfect vision aged 35
fight me four eyes.

>> No.40997738 [SPOILER] 
File: 92 KB, 850x1063, mightycock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40997751

garbage day is mean and not yay

>> No.40997756

what dad wouldn't want his son to look more chad than when he was a young chad? start doing jumping jacks and if your bitches, challenge him to a jumping jack match. you win, he has to do jumping jacks with you everyday, or have him stfu while you exercise your body and your オチンチン
>the brain and heart are organs
>but the ochinchin, is what produces/pleases the jks

>> No.40997763 [DELETED] 


>> No.40997771
File: 49 KB, 864x145, Screenshot_20220824_192150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what kills it is low exposure to light because people go outside less. and if you use dark mode
I call bullshit though, its common sense, that too bright screens cause eyes strain, and if you do every fucking day of your life, guess what that's gonna do? I'm always puzzled at retards being blind and complaining about sight are always the same ones with bright as shit screens.
And no, I do walk outside, thank you very much, in fact, that's the reason why I prefer something suiting when I'm inside browsing, and I barely ever stare at screens and when its bright out either.

>> No.40997773

mlen gonna be sucking dick in japan because 50 percent of the sperm is jks

>> No.40997774


>> No.40997785

He's a walking vegetable at this point. I can't stand being around him and try to do everything in a way that doesn't catch his attention. It sounds very cruel, but I can't wait until he's dead.

>> No.40997790

you are debating tatsucuckhold, let that sink in
you are also correct, also the imbecile is confounding two variables, what makes people shortsighted is not lack of sunlight, but lack of looking at the horizon/long distances, what fixes peoples sight is looking in the distance, or rather, not squeezing their eyes to look close at all times.

>> No.40997793

the cougar slayer, I'm only 半 jealous
>Call of The Night
Yofukashi no Uta? https://anilist.co/anime/141391/Yofukashi-no-Uta/
What's the boob to talking ratio? Vampires are usually hot so with the nudity tag I'm expecting decent oppai coverage

>> No.40997816

jks have dicks?

>> No.40997824
File: 250 KB, 402x413, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had fewer intelligent debates
that's the whole site anon, plus globally IQ is going down, so it seems natural it would show up here

>> No.40997825
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>> No.40997826

think hes saying women under 50 are sperm

>> No.40997837

bunko doing a shit job as the last namefag standing

>> No.40997848

i've been reading between the lines with bunko, doubt he's going to still be posting in a year's time

>> No.40997850


im watchin dragonball

>> No.40997859
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>> No.40997870
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>> No.40997880

isn't it bizzare how everyone thought he was gone forever after he got doxed? then he came back and now he's the only one left

>> No.40997891

well he was on /int/ and he only came back because someone was impersonating him

>> No.40997904


>> No.40997910
File: 98 KB, 1600x617, Fa7tamSUsAAmOYV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40997911 [SPOILER] 
File: 182 KB, 500x300, 1530513472937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does @ぶんこ get mad when someone mentions having relations with legal aged girls in school uniforms? we're talking jp jks, to which you only must be aware of the prefecture's AoC. Which I think runs as young as 13-14. Not that I am advocating, but the only reason anyone in jp makes a fuss about the age is because of us westerners. yet they STILL produce plenty of shota/jk eromanga as they please and yet the uk still has more レプ. If a 16y.o. jk wants to give it up to some guy in his early thirties, I'm not lawyer or her father, not my prob- er business.

>> No.40997916

addiction is a bitch

>> No.40997917

if むれん died or was range blocked i could easily take over the thread now that the heavyweights are gone

>> No.40997918

hey anon, when you imagine the possibility of you being able to comprehend japanese as effortlessly as you do your native language, do you feel:
A. intimidated or feel like it's impossible
B. excited for the future when that will happen
C. like its a capability you already have now

>> No.40997923

i know who you are, that was your stated goal 2 years ago

>> No.40997925


>> No.40997928


>> No.40997931

personally, i'd like to make it my business to have my pokochin kiss as many barely legal wombs as possible.

>> No.40997932

3 years bro

>> No.40997937

guess i had the wrong person in mind

>> No.40997939

why do white people do this

>> No.40997942

>what makes people shortsighted is not lack of sunlight, but lack of looking at the horizon/long distances
>By fitting chicks with goggles that alter the resolution and contrast of incoming images, it is possible to induce the development of myopia while raising the birds under controlled conditions in which only light intensity is changed. In 2009, Regan Ashby, Arne Ohlendorf and Frank Schaeffel from the University of Tübingen's Institute for Ophthalmic Research in Germany showed that high illumination levels — comparable to those encountered outside — slowed the development of experimentally induced myopia in chicks by about 60% compared with normal indoor lighting conditions. Researchers elsewhere have found similar protective effects in tree shrews and rhesus monkeys.
>The best evidence for the 'light–dopamine' hypothesis comes — again — from chicks. In 2010, Ashby and Schaeffel showed that injecting a dopamine-inhibiting drug called spiperone into chicks' eyes could abolish the protective effect of bright light. Retinal dopamine is normally produced on a diurnal cycle — ramping up during the day — and it tells the eye to switch from rod-based, nighttime vision to cone-based, daytime vision. Researchers now suspect that under dim (typically indoor) lighting, the cycle is disrupted, with consequences for eye growth. “If our system does not get a strong enough diurnal rhythm, things go out of control,” says Ashby, who is now at the University of Canberra.
>Based on epidemiological studies, Ian Morgan, a myopia researcher at the Australian National University in Canberra, estimates that children need to spend around three hours per day under light levels of at least 10,000 lux to be protected against myopia. This is about the level experienced by someone under a shady tree, wearing sunglasses, on a bright summer day.

>> No.40997957

you wouldn't because they would come back one by one

>> No.40997959

it's called being a low t faggot with a mommy fetish

>> No.40997964

what the fuck do the japanese do that 朝練 is a word

>> No.40997972

unhealthy thread rn
post less

>> No.40997973


>> No.40997999

mommy fetish or mommy complex? I didn't think of it that way, i have no problem with a guy liking older women/milfs but jeez, why run down a hallway when you can just slide into comfy sleeping bag? :^)

>> No.40998000 [DELETED] 

how many pushups can bunko do

>> No.40998014

you don't remember the 親すみ posting?

>> No.40998060

some A some B

>> No.40998095


Sure keep blasting your eyes with 10k lux screen two feet from your face, lets see how that will turn out.

>> No.40998158
File: 62 KB, 600x600, 1473696098419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw it ever now and then, but I've been here a few months. didn't really bother me. made me think this was a humble place to happen upon thus I chose one of the guides, stuck with it and stayed around here. where else is a neet to go? I mean at least i'm not posting my cock in here! although considering weebs fetishes i'm sure someone in here liked it

for the thread, here have a horny rx-78

>> No.40998265
File: 405 KB, 406x720, 1661363993985040.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rep time

>> No.40998271

what do you guys use to download (pirate) VNs? just nyaa? i mostly see english patched ones for older/smaller titles
(i could probably dig for them, but i'd rather have one/a few sites i can easily search in)

>> No.40998335

When did VNs stop being games? Old VNs tend to have a lot of choices that actually matter.

>> No.40998341

i consider ace attorney and danganronpa to be games

>> No.40998369

the west conflates adventure games with visual novels. adventure games have meaning choices and visual novels are static

>> No.40998431

the dictionary says its for 部活, you guys didnt have early morning practices in your country?

>> No.40998445

bible black is full of meaningful choices, really enjoyed it

>> No.40998469
File: 211 KB, 640x480, DISCIPLINE_EXCELLENT_2364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those swimsuit bitches were so hot to this day i still jack off to this game occasionally
discipline has some great scenes as well

>> No.40998485

theyre unironically my 2 favorite vns, after all these years
bros if you get a magic pervert demon book do not fucking tell og you have it
also teacher was best girl

>> No.40998494

she types しょ as silyo

>> No.40998514
File: 3.64 MB, 600x675, 1660624367190415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching them type romaji in rust is a riot
also inspiring "you cant understand japanese without kanji"
yes, yes they can

>> No.40998529

god 35 is so lewd

>> No.40998551

Why are you attempting to translate/subtitle something in a language you're obviously shit at?

>> No.40998573

>all kana
Atrocious advice for a beginner. You can't decipher homophones without kanji at that level.
>with subtitles
You've gotta be baiting

>> No.40998577

id help you if i was good
sorry bro

>> No.40998584

>What are some good vidya games for a beginner just starting to read?
None unless they have furigana.

>> No.40998597

Isekai is worse than shounen/seinen, so it's beyond just being merely bad.

>> No.40998608

yeah i usually help anyone but that video is too boring and im not doing peoples homework out of principle

>> No.40998617

>only like 400 bucks
Jesus fucking christ, for that much you can just get an actual bar and some weights + bench/squat rack and do it properly.

>> No.40998626

>do not fucking tell og you have it
wh-why not bro?
>fuck, am I too late?
I'm too young to die bro. so many jks waiting for me!! bro please!! huh? what's that at my doo-

>> No.40998628

>yeah i usually help anyone

>> No.40998629

link im going to buy

>> No.40998647

anon the price of weights has gone drastically up since the plague
that has audio, and dude can presumably hear
n..no... anon you see she is a degenerate, while she wont kill you, you are... well...
... fucked...

>> No.40998672

Basic pronunciation question, but are things like 子を and 死因 pronounced as "ko'o" & "shi'in" or "kō" & "shīn".

>> No.40998677


>> No.40998691

Yes, but I am asking how is that pronounced. Do the vowels meld together as 1 long vowel, or are they pronounced separately?

>> No.40998696

long vowel with a shift in pitch in between
(idk desu ask dogen)

>> No.40998698


>> No.40998704

To my in experienced hears, it sounds separate in the recording, but it could be what >>40998696 said.

>> No.40998713

inexperienced ears*

>> No.40998714


>> No.40998723

is the eardrum just another hymen?

>> No.40998738

if theres a hole its a mans job...!

>> No.40998827


>> No.40998908
File: 64 KB, 640x480, [LRE]Urusei Yatsura - 001v2 [927DC263].00:00:24.358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, animu watching setup working, probably not the best show to start with, its very trippy and with a ton of fast dialog.

Tokyo toshokan probably has a more nip oriented public

>> No.40998947

How long do you guys usually read for?

>> No.40998957 [DELETED] 

all day

>> No.40998968

I think I'm gonna put WaniKani on vacation mode forever so I can focus on Anki Mining and immersion sounds like an alright idea yeah?

>> No.40998971

if im awake and not having sex or playing games or working out or doing something else im reading

>> No.40998972

reccommended is usually 2 i think, or 3. depends on my mood tho, some days 0, some days 8. its best to do 3 a day tho i think and more if u feel like it

this is such a bad post anon

>> No.40998977

are you planning to go back to wanikani one day? if not, just delete your account
if you are the addictive personality type, its better to know its gone forever

>> No.40998979

i havent grown to hate anime like mutt said would happen but i definitely feel like ive basically run out of shit to watch. ive watched so much fucking dogshit already that i can't stomach bad shows anymore and i'm lucky if 1 show per season is alright enough to hold my interest. shit fucking blows. guess i'll venture into live action movies but no clue where to start there either.

>> No.40998985
File: 15 KB, 336x282, 1661338847042339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perhaps you could say the same of ALL my posts
pic related await

>> No.40998995

id rather kill myself than watch that

>> No.40998999

No I don't think I'll go back to it, right now I think it's kind of a hindrance because it takes time away from doing Anki and whatnot. It also isn't as useful as Mining or as fast as anki. Kinda don't want to delete it becuase all my stats would be gone like what kanji I know from it. I could just copy those I think though

>> No.40999002
File: 2.37 MB, 400x720, read less.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret is to read less.

>> No.40999009


>> No.40999010

what happened to mutt btw, i fuck off from djt for half a year and he still hasnt posted a new vid since the pitch scam. they're posting regularly on refold though

>> No.40999018

copy them if you want but i think you know they are meaningless, whatever you learned from there, you already did
i was like you once. hell, i made a post much like >>40998979 once
but the sad reality is the world changed and theres only so much quality old stuff. and at one point you run out
and then its either quit, or find something else to like
in reality i never disliked vbijin, i just didn't understand what they were, theyre just cool girls putting on a show, all day, for free, and god save me if im ever watching a single fucking episode of formulaic isekai shit or sol stuff again

>> No.40999020

i wonder how much of the shit this guy says is calculated or if he's just naturally able to feel out what will push peoples buttons enough to foster engagement through seething

>> No.40999023


>> No.40999030


>> No.40999031

this is called bait anon, he just copied a generic baitpost from /b/
and made money off it so i guess good for him
his name, lol

>> No.40999033

Uh Hai Hai cheese cheese biri biri naku naku Chinese Japanese (something( Wakulla waku

>> No.40999036

damn what happened to aussieman

>> No.40999037

if i was retarded enough to be able to watch holosharts id have no problem chugging even the most putrid anime. your logic makes no sense.

>> No.40999039






>> No.40999043

Yeah you're right, I'll just delete my account.

>> No.40999045 [DELETED] 

there's no reason to delete it either, you might regret it later

>> No.40999049 [DELETED] 

>girl requests to chat with me on badoo
>say some dumb shit in the first message to which she replies with "hahaha"
>ask what anime she watches cause it's listed as an interest on her profile and cause she has makeup on that make her eyes look chink like so she's obviously a weeb
>no reply
i hate women so much its unreal

>> No.40999051 [DELETED] 


>> No.40999056
File: 3.92 MB, 520x390, 1660670388810894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny thing is i don't think you are stupid, just autistic, and enjoy routine so you can't understand me at all
in fact i think you too are smart enough to be able to rledict exactly anything that will happen, to the second, in most shows, the formulas are that tight
that drives me nuts.
the lack of predictability is what i find entertaining, and the holos i like are similarly random
the tldr is our issues are completely different
i do miss when mecha had shading and wasn't cg garbage but alas

>> No.40999058


>> No.40999063


>> No.40999067

you posted in may that youre back though?

>> No.40999069

i didnt say i was back iirc, i made a few posts in like 4-5 threads max

>> No.40999071 [DELETED] 

also you gotta be pretty low level if you think a girl talking to some rando on the internet is gonna even the slightest hint of commitment

>> No.40999072

enacting a skit with his favorite djt imaginary friends

>> No.40999077 [DELETED] 

yeah i get that it just pisses me off

>> No.40999121

imagine being a grown man and seriously lamenting running out of cartoons to watch. sasuga schizoid morfatty

>> No.40999138

imagine being a grown man and spending so much time on djt that you can instantly recognize my posts haha

>> No.40999147

at least i'm not a fat schizo

>> No.40999164

maybe i should post more often i forgot how fun it is to make u seethe

>> No.40999170

they be hatin on matt cause he was right

>> No.40999232

maybe you should change out of your little girl skirt into your big girl pants and hit the treadmill

>> No.40999251

you had 6 months and thats all u came up with?

>> No.40999260

just got my results back i passed n3

>> No.40999261

i didn't even have to think for 6 seconds for that one

>> No.40999265

people hate on matt cause they're jealous

congrats anon

>> No.40999274

thinking isnt your strong suit to be fair

>> No.40999282

don't have to think when i can smell your obesity

>> No.40999384

he finally became based

>> No.40999393

i spent an hour looking for raws for a series, while the english translations are up to the latest chapter
seriously whats the point of this dumb language

>> No.40999413

we dont kaizokuban around here

>> No.40999421

Make sure to read a lot
never neglect listening
50/50 reading/listening split is ideal
5 hours total a day for optimal gains

but youll be slow and steady with at least 3hrs total a day

>> No.40999430
File: 37 KB, 880x666, eYTGvpSS9I7YbU6_1Rvv3_5-2261500076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.40999437


>> No.40999442

is it necessary to practice handwriting japanese

>> No.40999474

necessary? up to you bro.
maybe if you don't want to be told that you write in a font

>> No.40999486

what media do japanese adults read or watch that isnt manga or anime? or is everyone in their country just developmentally stunted

>> No.40999504

does the JLPT require you to handwrite japanese?

>> No.40999510


>> No.40999532

is cosplay allowed during JLPT?

>> No.40999533

imagine matt being in your study abroad class and him laughing at you when you pronounce a word with the wrong bitch accent

>> No.40999556

uhhhh what's the difference between 降ろす and 下ろす

>> No.40999566

theres magazines and games and shows in japan you know

>> No.40999569


>> No.40999584

are there any good ways to mine on an ipad or am I stuck with the shitty built in dictionary?

>> No.40999590

why's this language so hard bros...

>> No.40999603

Slint eyes :(

>> No.40999604

been thinking about matt lately

>> No.40999628


>> No.40999638


he's literally harassing randoms in a supermarket

>> No.40999658


>> No.40999686

DJT meet up when and where

>> No.40999698

嗚呼 is a real word

>> No.40999717

finally starting hanahira
what other vinnies do you guys recommend after

>> No.40999723


>> No.40999765

not sure if id get murdered or id murder everyone there first

>> No.40999799

bible black
wow so edgy, it truly is terrifying and impressive when the mentally ill state theyd handily brutalize the physically frail and mentally broken, who have never harmed you in any way beyond looking retarded
truly, a mans man

>> No.40999809

yeah id get to you first

>> No.40999812

careful bro you don't wanna piss the nerdslayer off lmaoooo

>> No.40999818

we got a baddass over here.jpg

>> No.40999832

i believe youd find my wheelchair mobile corps more than a match for your prowess, but even should you best them youll find yago, the floorcart hobo far beyond your skills, he drags his cart with his teeth and has no limbs, see

>> No.40999836

i could beat anyone on djt 1v1 street rules bball

>> No.40999840

thats cap fr fr

>> No.40999841

list the rules in japanese

>> No.40999855

e...even the morbidly obese dude with anger management issues...?

>> No.40999856

there are no rules in street bball lol
u dumb or what

>> No.40999882



>> No.40999941


>> No.41000085

Rate my 100-day plan?
>2k part of 2k6k Anki, 20 new a day
>wanikani (only kanji that works for me) max speed
>3 different grammar books, switch every day
>read manga

>> No.41000202

try and see how it works. nobody knows ykh or what works for you or what doesn't
i tried wanikani at one point and i thought it absolute trash and a waste of time, but you are not me.
what matters is if you actually put in the time every day, and if you do, youll progress and notice your perspective changes as you go
will you feel the same about 20 cards a day when you are doing an hour plus of reviews a day depending on your speed and retention(likely slow at the start) ?
hell most people give up before 100 days.
and the 100 days are meaningless, nothing will change after them
heres the only thing i could say that is useful: find what you can stand to do every day, and do that, and repeat it. make it harder as it gets easier, mine, read, listen a lot, and plan to do this for a lot longer than 100 years
good luck bro

>> No.41000246

whole lot of supplements and not a lot of immersion

>> No.41000253

>plan to do this for a lot longer than 100 years
bro im literally gonna die

>> No.41000255


>> No.41000267





>> No.41000283

do you know how often she gets asked that same question? be original bro.

>> No.41000301

My plan is to rush these 100 days with ~3-4 hours a day and then I'll be able to read better and just start learning through reading

>> No.41000370
File: 1.18 MB, 752x1136, 1572381173683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not how it works. You do no more than an hour of anki/wanikani. Spend the majority of your time with reading. Its will be hard no matter how much studying you do beforehand so its best to just jump in. It will always be hard but you will incrementally develop muscle memory and pattern recognition because thats how acquisition works. god speed.

>> No.41000399

indeterminate lifespans are around the corner bro!
this anon is right, you kinda learn to read by reading, if its too annoying to read read easier stuff, manga, hukumusume, subtitles, whatever, not just cause its fun, but because you want your braim to get used to the squiggles and their patters, and sentences, and words, and actual language as its used
i really like hukumusume, 2 to 5 minute stories in mostly kana with audio and a translation for a lot of them, try and read at least 1 a day, but it really doesn't matter what you read as long as you read something
its also a lot easier to remember tbings youve read and thought about than random squiggles
here compelling immersion content https://echiman.com/search?keyword=%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AA%E3%83%B3&btn_search=

>> No.41000416

bro imagine all the times you could goon in 100 days

>> No.41000417

what's the difference?

>> No.41000442

idk you tell me

>> No.41000451
File: 866 KB, 2538x4096, 1661131253824734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the difference?

>> No.41000460

morbido guy?

>> No.41000470

weak, ngmi

>> No.41000471 [DELETED] 

just woke up
if im allowed to cope for second i have not been doing them much recently

>> No.41000508 [DELETED] 


>> No.41000552

tried reading and didn't have fun. back to anki

>> No.41000564

ヘルプミー >>41000417

>> No.41000575
File: 129 KB, 800x600, ゆっくりしていってね.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41000583

Ones command I think?

>> No.41000592

Man I need to go to sleep

>> No.41000594 [DELETED] 

Da Godfather
Just got told to not do anything for 30min at work, decided to play Genshin on the toilet.

>> No.41000639
File: 3 KB, 42x47, what is it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting filtered by new fonts wtf is this

>> No.41000650


>> No.41000672

if i could learn japanese all over again, i would do the exam same steps as before, because my method is perfect

>> No.41000695

btw my method starts with reading and ends with more

>> No.41000711

btw I mean reading eng subs on anime

>> No.41000720

I can get a fairly reliable translation with deepl if the transcription is also accurate, I've done it in the past with good results even tho I'm not literate in japanese I have enough context and knowledge of the author, his works and the events mentioned to do a decent job.
Subtitling a video is quite time consuming and I do it even tho I gain nothing from it, it's just a passion project of mine.
I collect and translate interviews and clips of authors I like and make them available to the english speaking audience.
That's it

Thank you, I appreciate it.

it's alright I understand if you can' t be bothered

>> No.41000742

fuck it you won me over
ill take a look tomorrow

>> No.41000770

thank you anon

>> No.41000782






>> No.41000804


>> No.41000809

thank you

>> No.41000974





>> No.41001175

>>Blue light, even at moderate intensity levels, can damage your retinas slowly over time. Blue light has shorter wavelengths than warmer light, so it has more energy. Prolonged exposure may increase the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Sunlight is the most prominent source of blue light, but other examples include fluorescent lights, LEDs, TVs, computer monitors and Smartphone screens.
>>Choose CFLs and LEDs that emit “warm” light.
>Has a light blue background, light theme background
Is this a joke?

>> No.41001266




>> No.41001444







>> No.41002850

>Has a light blue background, light theme background
There are some bad memes around this indeed. But it can work, if you don't have a hardware dimming feature (like in phones and laptops), one way I go around it is using a software to control temperature and brightness (such as redshift or f.lux), then setting on the display itself to output full sRGB colors, but enable DPS (dynamic power saving), so that it outputs full colors, but it automatically will try to save power and dim the screen when such powers are absent. It works really well, so much so I can lower brightness to a point it can be comfortable to leave the screen on in full darkness at night.

>> No.41002947

>"fair warning that i will be blocking anyone who tries to start speculation on whether the girl is trans or not"
destroy the internet...revert to BBS/Usernet/Irssi
Embrace the pigeon
