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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4091540 No.4091540 [Reply] [Original]

So, did you fags register for anything besides useless Japanese this semester?

>Nuclear Biology
>Integrated Quantum Physics for Biology
>Advanced Brain Function and Anatomy
>Abnormal Psychology
>Japanese IV

>> No.4091561

Didn't even register for Japanese, only Psychology and Communications.

I'll take a Japanese course from another campus nearby.

>> No.4091582

why register or pay tuition when i can just show up to class, and say i'm auditing if anyone calls me out on it

>> No.4091600


You're not really paying for the class, you're paying for them to let you take the exam (Not really, but how the hell would anyone know you're not really in that course?)

>> No.4091591


Failed it once and got a D- the second time.

Fuck that class.

>> No.4091630

Social Psychology
Wars in Europe and Americas since 1500
Astronomy 1001
College Algebra (don't hate me bro, math isn't my strong suit)
Intermediate Japanese 2002

I wanted to take Medieval Mediterranean History because, well, Crusades, Islam, and Byzantines. Would have been a fucking awesome class. Problem is that it's at 5pm and doesn't get out until 7. And I go to GSU, which is in the middle of Downtown Atlanta.

I like staying alive and keeping my money.

>> No.4091645

Cosmology, Linear Algebra, Thermodynamics, Circuits II, Modern Physics II, and Political Science 101 (lol)

I've never taken a foreign language class at a university level and I don't plan to, because I am not a faggot.

>> No.4091655

>but how the hell would anyone know you're not really in that course?
they wouldn't. it's nearly guaranteed no one would care given that 30% of people skip class.
i don't see how that would benefit you at all
>Social Psychology
why is this class so fucking popular
350 seats full with 100 on the waitlist. That's like half the size of my entire class.

>> No.4091658

We're NEETs.

Fucking normals.

>> No.4091664

>not a faggot
I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.4091670

I couldn't even get the classes I wanted because of a lack of room.
English 1A
Maths 10
Business 10 ( Which I regret taking. If I wanted someone to throw evidences to my face, I'd have a conversation with a five year old instead of attending a college class.)

>> No.4091672

Principles of Programming Languages
Software Tools and Systems Design
Introduction to Web Programming
Linear Algebra II
sup ComScifag here

>> No.4091675

Climb a wall of dicks, bro.

>> No.4091676

I don't know why it's so popular. I don't actually care, because it sounds more like Sociology than Psychology.

I'm taking it because it's the only class left in my list of required Psych classes that doesn't have Math as a prerequisite (or has a prereq for a class that has a math prereq). I really don't like math and I've been trying to hold off on taking it for as long as possible.

>> No.4091688

Psychology of Trauma, Statistics, and Japanese. Also starting my thesis this term.

>> No.4091705

I bet it's because words like social psychology are popular because they sound cool or something.

>> No.4091714

>still in school

Get the fuck out.

>> No.4091718

You need someone to teach you Japanese? Pathetic.

>> No.4091734
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>> No.4091747

>math 33a
>math 32b
>com sci m51a
>elec eng 1
>chem 20a
>20 units up my ass

I wonder if I'll be able to finish in four years if I fail any more classes.

>> No.4091750


>> No.4091757

How many hours is /jp/ taking this semester?
For me it's 18.

>> No.4091758

Nah, but since my university requires two years of a foreign language I might as well take one that I can use to read porn games.

>> No.4091764

>Web Development
>3D Graphics

Damn. i wasn't able to register for Japanese this semester since my fucking college wasn't offering any.

>> No.4091780

I am a college student who can never get classes registered for some reason X and becomes NEET against my will (and led to my discovery of this wondrous place called /jp/)

Am I normal or what?
Where do I fit into all this? ;_;

>> No.4091792

So my brother was applying to some courses. And he wanted to try out Japanese and said "I guess i'll go try it out for a day". So he goes to the meeting and of course the meeting is full of everyone from the Japan club (except one guy who was the only cool guy in the whole class). While the lessons going on all of them yell stuff like "sugoi". And than someone replies "believe it". Then they all started giggling. By the way this really happened, I'm not making it up. This story makes me not want to go to Japanese classes.

>> No.4091803

Don't procrastinate so much.

>> No.4091798

Calculus II and Mechanics for me. Being a night student sucks ass since I can only take up to 3 courses per semester. And fuck this shitty school system for not allowing people go straight to university after high school. (which allows high schools to teach fuck-all since you have to the next school-level anyways).

>> No.4091815

Sucks to be you, man.
At least both courses are pretty easy (mechanics doesn't get tough until they put in the Diff Eq tricks, and Calc II is just memorizing integration methods)

>> No.4091817

Take courses online! Being NEET won't get you money, nigga! Hell, get in school online, and you can still be a NET!

>> No.4091834

Piano, Japanese, and a bunch of physics related stuff. I need a bachelor's degree in physical science to be an astronaut.

>> No.4091836

Taking courses online sucks. You don't have a teacher and you actually have to somewhat interact with the people on your course. And the interaction between them is very different from the 4chan type of interaction. They promote the use of emoticons :) and they all act so nice. Besides that most people on /jp/ probably procrastinate a lot which is a problem because the workloads pile up. It's not that bad because you mostly learn from the textbook and its slowpaced. But taking a real class is better.

>> No.4091851

Not for me. I can bullshit my way through the "interaction" shit, I'll never see these people in my life ever! But yeah, the procrastination is a killer, I'm doing it right now as a matter of fact...

>> No.4091853

I'm taking a Japanese 301 class. Everyone is fucking fluent (I swear half the class is fucking japanese) nobody watches anime and I'm barely passing. The professor isn't even Japanese but talks faster than the Japanese dub of South Park.

shit gets real

>> No.4091855

What are you guys, freshmen? Enjoy your shitty education.

>> No.4091856

15 this quarter. I might bump it up to 20 next one.

>> No.4091868

Probably nearing 30.

I like taking a shitload of classes since it's the only thing that can stave off my inner hikikomori.

>> No.4091867

thanks, I will

enjoy flipping my burgers in 4 years

>> No.4091865

>Taking classes online is awesome
Basically, everything you've said is true. It's far easier than seated courses, takes less of your time, and gives you the same credits (probably at an additional cost).

>> No.4091877

I can get the class hours but don't you have homework to do ?

>> No.4091881

You learn betterer in regular courses. And I guess you can actually meet other people.. ;_;. I like online courses better.

>> No.4091896

15. Going to take it easy this semester to keep my GPA high.

Japanese 101 is always filled with the worst kinds of weeaboos. Once you get to 102, a good chunk of them drop the class. The further you go up, the less and less blatant weeaboos you encounter.

>> No.4091902

Not really. Assignments can be a real bitch when they pile up, though.

Probably contributes to the low grades though. That and the refusal to buy the textbooks. Or to attend classes, most of the time.

>> No.4091906

Oh. I have to attend mine. That explains it.

>> No.4091924

japanese 2, introduction to mafia (counts as a science course somehow, lol), sociology, and history of michigan.

the last 2 being online, 13 credit hours with roughly 0 effort involved, except japanese, but i learn that every day anyways, so it's not even work at this point.

>> No.4091926

Creative Writing - Senior Seminar
Chaucer and his time
Japanese IV
Business Japanese
Bowling :( (stupid pe credit)

Just biding my time until my Japan exchange trip. Woo!

>> No.4091927
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>> No.4091941

We're going to have to pay for our hobbies somehow in the future. I don't see being a NEET a cool thing either. Don't really wanna burden my parents more than I already have.

>> No.4091955

I don't really see how this isn't off-topic.

>> No.4091959

/r9k/ kids.
