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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40793288 No.40793288 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous Thread:>>40579639

>> No.40794204

100%'d Tengoku Struggle, autism incoming.
I'm not sure what they were trying to do there. Wasn't as bad as the barrage of negative reviews would make you think though.
My biggest issue with it is how light the story feels. Final confrontations are often played for comedy, nothing really seems to matter at all and there's hardly ever any tension outside of the true route, and even then that's pretty silly. Enma Daioh could step in at any time and fix everything but doesn't because he wants everyone to make friends and solve their trauma. The main plot is only resolved in the true route and otherwise the MC and her guys are usually continuing to 'fight' (but mostly get coffee with) the bad guys indefinitely. In constrast to this everyone's backstory is an utsu parade (usually involving rape or prostitution or similar) that comes off ridiculous when the character finishes recounting it and we go back to getting parfaits with our talking cat companion.
The vulgar language didn't bother me because I'm not a church going 60 year old, the amount of reviews flaming it over dick jokes is insane. You forget the reason that these games tend to only use clean language is genuinely because the audience can't handle bad words and not just concerns about getting the right cero rating. Some of them seem to be offended at the concept of directly referring to sex at all. However. The 犯すぞ scene at the start was a huge mistake and comes off even worse when you think back on it post completion given how much rape is used for drama later on, and especially when you consider that MC was raped before she died, Goemon at the very least strongly suspects this was the case even if he didn't know for sure, and he's supposed to be in love with her, and he still says it! Gives me a bad taste in my mouth.
Worse poster boy favoritism than Olympia, if that bothers you. Goemon is even more overly perfect than Akaza (except for the aformentioned rape threat, though I'm sure the writer just considered that an edgy joke and not representitive of any character flaw). His only real 'flaw' is that he's just too self sacrificing and concerned over the welfare of his comrades. These things weren't that annoying to me though.
Gay stuff is hardly anything. Sharaku was tricked into becoming an edo-era boy prostitute and had to do it for money for his sick mother. There's no implication he has interest in men.
MC is just OK. At least her hobbies weren't cooking and cleaning. Other characters always talk as if she's some ice queen when you hardly see any evidence of this aside from shouting 貴様! at catcallers and hitting them with her whip sometimes. Otherwise she is fairly nice to the guys and falls in love with them very quickly. She's supposedly good at torture but the torture in hell stuff is always a very abstract comedic thing so you never see her do this. I'm not sure why they didn't just make her a more straightforward princess character, then it would come off pleasantly surprising when she makes a deadpan comment or whatever.
Talking of catcallers it has a huge case of using cartoonishly evil or stupid faceless NPCs to move the plot forward. There's a couple of reccuring ones that appear just to do rape attempts and get murdered and I cringed every time they spoke.
The bad ends were lame and not really bad ends at all. The ones that didn't result from losing a battle were especially bad because they came out of nowhere. No rape ends this time if you're curious.
Despite all this I didn't hate it. Even when I wrote the paragraphs above it's not like I'm seething at it exactly. I didn't think it was boring, and I'd say I was enjoying myself more than not, but some of that was in a 'holy shit they're really doing this?' way. Play it if you're curious I guess.
I'm also genuinely confused how it has a cero C.

>> No.40794514

excuse me, what the fuck??

>> No.40794606

The spoiler about Sharaku is a real plot-twist for what reviewers on Amazon have been saying.

>> No.40794863

God you're so retarded.

>> No.40794925

God you're so based.

>> No.40795799

Finally someone who's not a faggot in this fucking place.

>> No.40796422


>> No.40796648

just make a haikyu!! otome game or whatever. I don't want to keep playing the prince of tennis games whenever I wanna fuck sport boys

>> No.40797878
File: 89 KB, 424x600, 1656226130638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince of Stride?

>> No.40798144

>Worse poster boy favoritism than Olympia
That's every otomate game.

>> No.40798756

>Worse poster boy favoritism than Olympia
What is the point of making otome games if one guy has it so much better than the rest? It was never this bad a few years ago.

>> No.40799733

>It was never this bad a few years ago.
>what is Shinigami to Shoujo, Collar x Malice, Clock Zero, Code:Realize, Choudoku, Hakuouki, Black Wolves Saga etc.
Poster boy favoritism has always existed even years ago. The problem is rarely is the poster boy ever a good character or deserving enough to be called the “true route” aside from Choudoku. Majima is based.

>> No.40803278

I like Akaza though. Unironically best boy.

>> No.40804100

This artist needs to get hired for another game. I can’t believe sega hasn’t ported yumecast on the switch.

>> No.40804685

>best boy.
>has zero (0) personality and his big drama in the route regarding his feelings is with a spriteless npc

>> No.40805357

None of the olympia guys honestly leave a huge impression so there’s not much competition. But Akaza ended up being too perfect for my tastes. The guy is basically good at everything he does and has little to no flaws. Even Dante from Piofiore had more flaws and personality than him and that’s saying something. This seems to be a plague in Katagiri’s works because the poster boy in NilAd is basically a perfect husband too. I’d honestly take the self-sacrificial types like what the anon that played Tengoku pointed out earlier. That is, if it’s self-sacrificial in a way that you’re fine with suffering on your own so the people you care for could be happy.

>> No.40808723

He's hard-working, straightforward, devoted and a flirt when he wants to be. His competition is a basic bitch tsundere, a manchild, a suicidal guy, a siscon and Sugita which I can't even remember his route it was so bland. How is he not best boy?
Honestly I don't think every LI needs to have some huge character flaw or a hidden traumatic past.

>> No.40809250

Newfaggot here, I'm looking for otome games for my mother to play since she's having her (late) otaku breakthrough. I'm reading OPs recs but I'm having a hard time picking since I'm not really into either VN and, even less, otome games.
Preferably something vanilla and beginner friendly, and, if possible, playable on PC and doesn't requiere emulation (shit like bluestacks tanks her PC)
How hard is getting UtaPri or something similar patched and running?

>> No.40810078

Completely in line with what I expected after having read the 5ch thread. Thanks for the review.

>> No.40810402

While it sounds like the uproar was exaggerated, it doesn't sound good anyway. Thanks for making the sacrifice.

>> No.40810887

unfortunately utapri is console only so you need an emulator and no one has bothered making a eng patch. best bet is whatever aksys is selling on steam like hakuouki

>> No.40811117

Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side can be a bit hit or miss with people because they either love or hate the stat raising aspects, but all first 3 games are patched and DS and PSP are both easy to emulate (anecdotal but Hakuouki ran like absolute dogshit on my computer).

>> No.40811725

Nightshade or Hatoful series.

>> No.40816843 [DELETED] 

I would also suggest hatoful, its easy to run, short and cute, if the idea of them being birds doesnt bother her.

>> No.40816967

I would also suggest hatoful, its easy to run, short and cute, if the idea of them being birds doesnt bother her.
If she likes gameplay at all I would also suggest more friends of mineral town, though you would have to emulate it, most toasters can run gameboy emulation.

>> No.40817002

It's not a VN, but Rune Factory 4, there's a PC version that's toaster-friendly.

>> No.40817197

I'd suggest the otome steam games as well. When I was a newfag myself I really liked hakuouki. Amnesia, I don't know about cage haha, but beginner friendly. Ashen Hawk series too, they are really good. I haven't played nightshade yet. Definitely not ozmafia.
About uta no pri, there's a read along translation I dont know if it's completed, but I don't recommend it, she will get tired and bored, better read an eng translated one.
Btw, Diabolik lovers (5 of them) and arcana famiglia (1 and 1 fd) have full eng translations on tumblr for those interested.

>> No.40817348

Well that depends on what she's interested so check out the sypnosis of the games first. +1 on Hatoful. There's also these: Sweet Fuse, Love Revo, Dot Kareshi, Prince of Tennis, Starry Sky Spring, Prince Maker Braveness, Arcana Famiglia, Cinders, Long Live The Queen, and Norn9.

>> No.40818403

All on Steam: Rune Factory 4, Bustafellows, Taisho Alice, London Detective Mysteria

Utapri isn't translated except for the smartphone game.

>> No.40818412

Meant >>40809250

>> No.40818977

Thanks to all the anons that answered, I'll check them all! She's really into k-pop and has consumed every BL dorama from the past 15 years, so I'll suggest the ones along those lines first and then I'll turn her into a birdfucker, just give me time. I'll test how she does with the ones with low gameplay first and we will go from there. If I ever remember I'll come back and give an update on how things are later in the year lol.

>> No.40821605

>She's really into k-pop
My condolences.

>> No.40821884
File: 194 KB, 307x553, 1629657947727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the smartphone game
The only one that has a translation doesn't count as otome...

>> No.40823946
File: 109 KB, 251x227, 543542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing the last route first
Is it worth going back? So far the whole wedding parade plot has been pretty boring and I'm only just beginning Tsuzuramaru's route. If the playing order is going to ruin the experience then I might as well start again, otherwise if it doesn't matter then I might drop the game. It's been pretty boring so far.

>> No.40831402

It is pretty fucking boring all the way through, the game is sleep inducing.

>> No.40835068

How was Suzukaze's route? Youkai hijinks can be fun.

>> No.40835264

Suzukake himself is really cute but his route has the worst imaginable writing. I don't know what happened there.

>> No.40835618

That's a shame, I think I'll just play Tsuzuramaru and Suzukake's route. Maybe the others I'll put on auto in the background or drop it completely.

>> No.40839274

I-chu Switch port


>> No.40840033
File: 977 KB, 1536x2048, FZdodHiaUAAlbAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe even Tokiya is a better drawfag than me now.

>> No.40841811

Is I-chu actually interesting story wise? I remember quitting because the rhythm game part was too clunky for my shit phone.

>> No.40844628

Hello Discord

>> No.40846475
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Matsuda on the front page

>> No.40846647

My pure husband

>> No.40849104
File: 264 KB, 827x642, 9E9274DA-53D1-4E6B-B17E-CC9648E72DD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a new stat raiser free ge otome trending on twitter. it’s called 私こそが学園の女王様 where the heroine is pretty much an apex predator and tries to go after every guy available. this guy in the screenshot doesn’t want to hold hands because he thinks that’s how people get pregnant

>> No.40849290

Did he skip sex ed or what.
>apex predator
Damn. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.40851096
File: 336 KB, 786x1756, Slutmond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slutmond is hot. Nips should learn from Taiwan

>> No.40852037

I will now play your game

>> No.40854069

May or may not be the right place to ask, but is there a place to get recent paradox live discography? Nyaa only has 3 CDs and hikarinoakari seems like a lot of effort to join their sekrit club.

>> No.40854126

I'd like to know too, I'm reduced to listening to that shit on soundcloud but who knows when it'll be gone
ditto for hypmic, nyaa didn't have everything last I checked (although it has a lot)

>> No.40855165


>> No.40856067

I hate Nu:C's dragqueens so much. Why couldn't this had been a BL with men that behave as such?

>> No.40856115

try housamo

>> No.40856519

I want the decensorship Nu:C has, the men of an otome, and the manliness of a game like Housamo. Apparently, it's hard for a company to realize what gamers want; and now, they offer us men wearing heels and carrying handbags while their ass is in plain sight to take any dick within their square meter.

>> No.40856572

>men wearing heels and carrying handbags while their ass is in plain sight to take any dick within their square meter
They know what I want.

>> No.40856953

Any MLs like Cha Wookyung though, sisters?

>> No.40857116

sorry but knights are prancy lala faggots in nip culture
unless they're female knights, then they're stuck up bitches who insatiably lust for orc cock

>> No.40857496
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>recording the audio of my favorite routes with max auto speed
It's for educational purposes I swear!

>> No.40858867

Being gay itself was classified as a mental illness until activists in the APA voted that it AKSHUALLY was not. NuC is the consequence of not treating homosexuality as the mental illness it is.

>> No.40860116

It panders to my tsundere stuck up knight ahegaoing sensibilities so I don't really care.

>> No.40860292

ok, predditors

>> No.40862881

Same, but in the end I'm still sick and tired of gachashit.

>> No.40863584
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I was doing the smash or pass game on animecharacterdatabase and ran into this random guy who looks like he belongs in an otome game, but turned out to be from a shitty ecchi galge. Why is this allowed? Waste of a cute boy.

>> No.40863623
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Seriously though, the contrast between him and the overdesigned moe waifus has my sides in orbit. Husbando vs waifu design in a nutshell. https://vndb.org/v16629

>> No.40863629

it's like they belong to different species altogether

>> No.40864721

are you really going to pretend diabolik lovers and amnesia, some of the most well known otome with some of the most over elaborate character designs ever, don’t exist sisters

>> No.40865069

SJWs love throwing the feminist shit at Japanese games while ignoring the fact that women make shitloads of games in Japan to cater themselves. But hey! It's way easier to whine on blogs and demonize men instead of actually learning how to make games and doing it. Besides, when made, western otome is arguably one of the worst game genres out there. It's all about political statements and humor instead of actually dating cute boys.

>> No.40865071

It's the combination of tacky + slutty + moe art style. Most male characters like that are otaku targeted traps. There are some slutty BL/otome male designs but it's a different look. Also, Diabolik Lovers guys have nothing on belts-kun.

>> No.40865155

nta but it's not the character design to me it's the artstyle. The girl's face is ugly as fuck while the guy looks normal in comparison. I love slutty female designs drawn on bodies that are actually appealing.

>> No.40865186
File: 4 KB, 478x71, yui.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me check the vndb page for dialovers, which I noticed lists Yui as having a bust measurement of 43cm, around the size of a 6 month old baby. Chichinashi indeed...

>> No.40865459

>It's all about political statements and humor instead of actually dating cute boys.
The western otome fandom is full of lesbians, this isn't surprising.

>> No.40866079

Nice ass!!

>> No.40866119
File: 185 KB, 800x1142, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cordafags, the first part of Hihara's ending in Daigakusei Hen has been shared by chinks. They're slow but are delivering.
I leave the link here so you can take a read if you're interested.

>> No.40866219

idk those designs pander to otaku the same way otome designs pander to yumes

for the record i agree the art for that game is hilarious and ugly but it's the same road just going different ways

>> No.40866313
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More like CordaCHADs.
I'd have loved for any of the otome game-based manga I've read to have an ending for each character like in KnC. I always have to accept the poster boy or main route. It's not fair.

>> No.40866383

Yeah, it's cool and all, but Kure still won't deliver any ending for Kaji. I'm salty.

>> No.40866989

And what's the reason he didn't deserve an ending like the rest of the harem? Is it because he wasn't in the 1st Corda game?

>> No.40871009

>switches schools to be with (you)
>flirts with (you) before you even enter his route
>still doesn’t get a manga end
it’s not fair

>> No.40872663

Normally I dislike poster boys because they're awful but Len's autism is somewhat endearing and unironically enjoyed his dynamic with Kahoko. I like that he's what motivating her to be better. I still wanted Kaji or Etou to get the same treatment though, or at least more screentime. But it's so painfully obvious that Kure is a Tsuchiurafag and he's unfortunately one of the less interesting guys in the cast. She also almost had him NTR Len in the sequel too.

>> No.40873114


That's just silver-hared Saito

>> No.40874866

The point was just that it's funny how they're somehow both from the same game.

>> No.40875446

And her point is pandering over designed LIs with plain looking MCs also exist in otome?

>> No.40875669


>> No.40875684

The western otome fandom being so pozzed makes me so sad. The few decent western otome I’ve read makes me mourn for the lost potential.

If I didn’t have a million 3D sisters to offload my autism onto, I’d have probably gone insane by now. I just want to talk with others about 2D boys without dealing with this crap.

>> No.40875799

>BL and Otome Games #301

>> No.40875825

>It's way easier to whine on blogs and demonize men instead of actually learning how to make games and doing it.

It is

We can't get our own game past the rough draft stage either, we'll have to settle for the jap woman's taste of fucking bisexual whores

>> No.40875913

It's a real shame, anon. The most flirtatious and devoted of the boys became an episodic character in the College arc. It fucking pains me.
>Is it because he wasn't in the 1st Corda game?
I imagine that's the excuse. I don't know the real reason. No one does. But if that was the real reason, Kanazawa and Ousaki would have had an ending too, being that they've been around since the first game as well.
NTA, but Tsukimori is one of the few based main boys and main routes you can find. Also,
>She also almost had him NTR Len in the sequel too
And it doesn't even end there. Kure left Tsuchiura's ending for the last, announcing it's going to be him vs. Tsukimori, and I shit you not, he will succeed in cucking him. Kure's wet dream becoming true.

>> No.40876047

Going back to older games with no voiced default name is so jarring now. It always sounds awkward. Are there still games that do that? Even Sympathy Kiss with it's faceless mobile game heroine seems to have a voiced name. If it really has completely died I'm glad.

>> No.40876064

>Kure's wet dream becoming true.
That happens to be my wet dream too, Tsuchiura was best boi and god I hate main boy pushing in VNs.

>> No.40880849

I feel the same about BL games. If I ever try a western BL game the only one I can think of right now that would likely not be pozzed is the one based on the Starfighter webcomic cause it was made before it became trendy to ruin BL with this type of shit.

>> No.40881076
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Any details on the Towa figure?

>> No.40881515

It's a garage kit, but the circle hasn't put them up for sale yet.

>> No.40885807

I like the public toilet one

>> No.40887016

>Starts raining
>Weather forecast said there wasn't going to be any rain
>Drop what you're doing, run to the nearest shade, huddle close together so the evil rain doesn't touch you

Why are the Japanese like this

>> No.40888346

Japanese cold is folded over 1000 times

>> No.40889325

>A game shilling the climate change
Title of this kike game?

>> No.40889374

wat, it's just a trope

>> No.40891901

I think Tsuchiura's fans will probably be the happiest and the ones to laugh the last. He will cuck Tsukimori hard (likely in the same way Tsukimori did with him in his own ending), and his ending will make much more sense than any other because Kure has always favored him in all regards making him the best written character in the manga.

In the meanwhile, I'm waiting for Shimizu's ending. He's really endearing and fun, but I don't know how well articulated his side will be since he's the one who got the fewer interactions with Hino overall. I hope it's sweet, I'm crossing my fingers to be positively surprised.

>> No.40893689

You can dl stuff off soundcloud you know.

>> No.40897267

wrong thread maybe How good is Cloud Meadow in terms of BL and otome? I like the hot monsters

>> No.40897973

Acid rain, actually. Japan had a big awareness campaign about it back in the early 2000's and it kind of stuck that you didnt want to get rained on and have all your hair fall out.

>> No.40900166

I would probably wait. Updates are super slow. What's there is fun enough, but last I checked it's mostly dungeon/farming/monster breeding stuff (and sex scenes in the album). I don't think they've developed much of the romance yet. The art is great though, in my opinion.

>> No.40900759

Dorico no Toshokan.......................

>> No.40901166

Same anon. It's depressing

>> No.40901858

That's unironically what's happening in reality, anon. It has been discussed in newscasts in several countries around the world. Now nobody can get wet in the rain anymore because you can get intoxicated. Forced climate change is here.
Funnily enough, it isn't.
The Japanese seem to have lost their minds since this article was published in the scientific journal Environmental Science & Technology earlier this month.

>> No.40902091

Mfw the rain trope was really a negative priming all along. I won't be able to play otome without going full schizo now.

>> No.40903580

I'm bad at DIY.

>> No.40904049

They sell assembled and painted versions on their store too.

>> No.40911336

>Page 9
Stay there

>> No.40911512

/jp/ is sort of fast and /blog/ is slow

>> No.40911593

>/jp/ is sort of fun and /blog/ is shit

>> No.40914132 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.40915054

I have a daddy kink, please recommend me some blog vns with characters that are older than mc, very masculine, are protective of mc and may or not abuse their authority/experience difference over the mc. Japanese only titles are fine.

>> No.40915968

Sorry, I got over my daddy issue and don't play or remember those games anymore. Good luck, anon.

>> No.40917160

yojinbo' and nightshade both have that going on.

>> No.40920248
File: 1.63 MB, 4407x1848, La.storia.della.Arcana.Famiglia.full.1095350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arcana Famiglia is full of older characters, and also a literal DILF but he's a dick

>> No.40920920

My condolences

>> No.40921680 [DELETED] 

Suck my ass

>> No.40922607

This Yojinbo? https://vndb.org/v30#main
Is it really less than 10 hours?

>> No.40922788 [DELETED] 

Suck my dick

>> No.40923327 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself gacha reddit zogbot cattle nigger faggot

>> No.40923727

What are the odds Odalisques actually comes out this year and what are the odds it's actually good?

>> No.40926941

Dead general lmao
Why does it even exist?

>> No.40927022

To suffer as we watch the release calendar turn in to mobile gacha crap.

>> No.40927080

>Why does it even exist?
No reason really. I just come here to see how local pedantic landwhales shill this general in a desperate attempt to talk about shitty husbandos only they like.

>> No.40927314

>Dead general lmao
Why posting on blog when you can discuss the same topics on other boards with different, refreshing, and nicer anons, and not with the same old colossal faggots we already know?

>> No.40929743

Only time it was active is when Nu-Carnival started but that was just gacha pull spam. Let's brainstorm a BL or Otome VN, not much else is going on anyway.

>> No.40929832

Yeah, it's pretty short. You can do a whole route in 3h? It's fun though.

>> No.40933763

we should run a blog vn reading club every 1-2 months. i feel like that would get people discussing things besides whatever’s fotm more often. most of the sisters on blog seem to know jp too so we’d have more pickings than the vn reading club

>> No.40933830

It's pretty average speed by /jp/ standards in fact

>> No.40934037

dont know why people keep giving m*le tourists attention

>> No.40934129

Some anons tried to do that with Animamundi a few years back, but I think it only ended up being one or two people who played a significant amount.
Though I suppose even one anon blogging through a game is more activity than blog has currently so why not.

>> No.40934777 [DELETED] 


>> No.40935310


>> No.40935819

>Dead general lmao
The multi-IPfag may have killed herself or her discord friends aren't her pawns anymore.

>> No.40936589

just finished reading a tokyo 24-ku review, i wonder how the game writer feels about accurately predicting 3D printed gun assassinations in the 2020s?

>> No.40937058

will you play it now

>> No.40937580

i’ve always wanted to play it, can I play it is another question since i’m a brainlet

>> No.40938279

This general helps me understand why Moot hated /jp/

>> No.40938439

At some point, anons also attempted natsuzora no monologue and hanakisou, which too ended with max 2 anons on each. However, I did appreciate their posts despite not participating.

>> No.40940890

Are we being raided?

>> No.40942555

Why are you asking the obvious. Just let him samefag until he gets bored. You don't acknowledge ants on the street, do you?

>> No.40943110

2 or more anons sharing an opinion
>A-Are we being r-raided?
>H-He must be a s-samefag!

>> No.40944854

i believe in you sis

>> No.40945568

Fujochan is that you?

>> No.40947911
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Well, I'm finally playing Corda 2ff. I had only played the first game and was curious to continue the story. I know, I know. I'm years late in commenting on this title, but I hope I'm not bothering anyone with my impressions.

Unlike the anons I've seen in these threads, I had always identified myself as a huge Hihara fan. I like this kind of flustered senpai who can't control his happiness at the sight of his crush. Up until now, he had been my favourite, I even played his route first on 2ff. But this is coming from someone who had only played the first installment and watched the anime only once. I still really like Hihara, but god, I'm in the first part of Kaji's route and I come to understand why Corda anons love him so much, and I think I'm starting to like him more than Hihara?!!
Kaji is the closest thing to a infatuated prince. I was also struck by how quick he is to read those around him and by his good ear.
And I demand spoilers now because this is hard for me to believe, is he able to see Lily or not? Was he lying at the beginning of the game? If not, can he see Lily later?

>> No.40954066 [DELETED] 

cute boys
