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4087101 No.4087101 [Reply] [Original]

Is there still some people who don't believe in ShKanontrice?

>> No.4087108

Right here.

>> No.4087111


>> No.4087113

I don't know what to think of it because I don't actually participate in the threads.

>> No.4087114

I don't want to believe. I won't deny the possibility but I would still rage if it actually became true.

>> No.4087116

I have never heard of anything more stupid, actually.

>> No.4087119

Too bad for you but it will actually happen.

>> No.4087121

ShKanontrice? No.
Jessatrice? No.
ShKanon ? Sorta. It's stupid, and I still don't believe they're the main mind behind the whole operation. (That'd be Kyrie)

>> No.4087122

I do, I believe in Shkanon at most

>> No.4087129

I believe in teatrice, because it makes more sense than it

>> No.4087132

I'm doing the doublethink on this one. I refuse to believe in it against better knowledge.

>> No.4087143
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>> No.4087150

you can think that Shkanon are being manipulated without their knowledge, like: X killed X, kill him if you want to save everybody. they're just a puppet

>> No.4087159
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>> No.4087175

Let's use this thread as the new theory thread.
Let's find the reason Beatrice is killing everyone.
Here is my theory:
Stated in red

Six years ago for me, no person called Beatrice existed.
The sin I am now demanding that you remember is not between Ushiromiya Battler and Beatrice.
Ushiromiya Battler has a sin.
Because of your sin, people die.
Due to your sin, a great many humans on this island die.
No one escapes, all die.
And I opened this game in order to fight Ushiromiya Kinzo's grandson Ushiromiya Battler.

This mountain of gold is the real thing. All of the ingots piled up here are real, pure gold! There are absolutely no tricks such as replicas or fakes!!
This child has nothing to gain from having someone solve the epitaph.
The gold of the Golden Land belongs to this child. She had absolutely no need to make you find it for her or to snatch it away herself.
Whether the epitaph's riddle is solved or not, this child stands nothing to gain at all.
Regardless of whether the epitaph is solved or not, Beato has nothing to gain.
Her goal is not to make someone experience fear.
And it isn't to have revenge on someone either.
Beato never committed murder for the sake of pleasure.

First the first part about Battler's sin.
The word sin is actually a good hint, the fact that it's stated in red mean that what Battler did is a litteral sin.
The heavy christian theme is a good proof as well, see the stakes and the demons.

So what Battler did is a sin, what sin could a child like Battler do?
We know that it wasn't between him or Beatrice.
We also know that he doesn't he doesn't remember doing anything bad.

So what could it be?
Something like HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER perhaps.
One of the ten commandements.
Now think back about what Battler did 6 years ago.
He ran away from his father and decided to get away from the Ushiromiya's name.
The consequence of this was that he didn't come to Rokkenjima for 6 years.

>> No.4087180



>> No.4087182

haven't read EP6 properly so I'm impartial.

>> No.4087185
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>Implying Natsuhi is not the culprit

>> No.4087198

she went roundabout with red when he demanded to repeat 'this isn't between you and me' andn said that 'This isn't between Ushiromiya battler and Beatrice', there's a hole, if her name is not beatrice when the sin was committed

>> No.4087201

I don't believe

>> No.4087218

>Something like HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER perhaps.

Already denied. Has nothing to do with his immediate family.

>> No.4087221

ie: it was Shannon.

>> No.4087232

no. I wasn't sayong that, Shanon, Jessica or George knew him

>> No.4087235

Now there's the thing about the promise that Battler gave to Beatrice.
In the second game, it's stated in red
I keep my promises unlike some.

So he broke an important promise.
The consequence of his sin made him broke the promise.
Which mean that he broke his promise by not coming on Rokkenjima for 6 years.

For the clues we got, in episode 3 he does say that he had promised Shannon, his first love, that he would come to take her on a white horse.
There's no indication of any other promises.
Take this as you will.

For the second part, Beatrice reason for the murders.
We know thank to the red text that the game was specificly made for Battler.
She doesn't do this for greed, for revenge, hatred or to make them fear something.

So what could it be? Think back to the whole theme of the game:
Without love, it can't be seen.
So, she did it for love.

Think back to the golden land.
We know that Maria was a big part into making Beatrice what she is.
We know that Maria is a sad girl who is alone most of the time and that she would do anything to live together with her mom happily.
We know that she truly believes that she could be truly happy with her in the golden land.

So, the obvious reason for Beatrice to commit these murders is simply because she wants to be joined with Battler in the golden land.

This is the reason why Battler always lives till the end.
Beatrice follows the epitath to make the magic works.
She truly believes in this spell and she truly believes that completing it would be the only way for her to be with Battler.

>> No.4087238 [SPOILER] 
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Yes...Shannon is Kanon who is also Beatrice. That is the answer to everything. You can rest easy and stop thinking now. All will be well.

>> No.4087241

Wasn't stated in red.

>> No.4087245

Battler's sin is for breaking his promise not to return to the island.

This level of guesswork is possible for an /anon.

>> No.4087247

She did do it for love. But she did it for love in another way. She did it to decide which of the three cousins (excluding Maria) would get her love. If George managed to be the last one alive, she would be Shannon and be with him. If it was Jessica, she would be Kanon. If it was Battler, she would be Beatrice.

And she secretly prefers Battler.

>> No.4087250

Yes, but why would Beato even bring up his sin if she's going to lie in white to lead him away from it? That's just stupid. She wanted him to realize it.

>> No.4087252


You only trust red? She had no reason to lie. He went on and on about his family situation and she said that wasn't what it was.

>> No.4087258

I doubt it.
Seeing episode 2, she obviously hates the idea of Shannon/George or Jessica/Kanon.

>> No.4087270

Yes, because she prefers Battler. Beato is the most aggressive of the three personalities and hates the other two. That's why Battler is the one who always lives to the end.

>> No.4087282

Pony Shkanontrice Tea B0MB?

>> No.4087283

I vaguely recall her giving Kanon a candy when they first came to the mansion in ep4.

Also isn't Maria waiting for Kanon to think about Beatrice before she spoke, like unearthing an unpleasant memory. Goatsec

>> No.4087284
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>The consequence of this was that he didn't come to Rokkenjima for 6 years.

So out of all of your 'theorising' you come back to what Battler first thought of... and what everyone thought of... that was denied on the spot.


>> No.4087299

It wasn't denied in red.

>> No.4087315


Except that, oh wow, just using my BRAIN here, Beatrice was pissed that Battler couldn't remember his sin, really pissed.

Why would she be angry about the thing he first remembered and confessed to.

>> No.4087346

Her actions in ???? of EP5 would like to have a word with you.

>> No.4087353

The sin itself isn't really what Beatrice is asking about.
What she was probably pissed about was that he couldn't remember his broken promise to her, which was a consequence of his sin.

>> No.4087361

Because Battler is incompetent and can't keep his promise to a girl to truly believed in him. Worse is that he completely forgot about her AND the promise.

You'd be pissed too.

>> No.4087382

I wouldn't call that incompetent though, considering his fucking mother died around that time and he had alot of shit going on in his life concerning his family. As a matter of fact, if Beatrice really "loves" him, she shouldn't dismiss everything he's gone through and expect him to remember some retarded sin.

>> No.4087395

That depends what his "sin" is, in the end. And it DOES lead to murders in some fashion, so she has a reason to be pissed regardless of his situation.

>> No.4087438

In before episode 7 where a new supernatural agency will introduce Van Dines' twenty rules and deny Shkanontrice in 5 minutes.

>> No.4087439

>And it DOES lead to murders in some fashion
Unless Battler did something really atrocious I wouldn't blame him for this.

>> No.4087450

I hate to say it, but Umineko would probably be better if it followed Van Dine's rules, instead of Knox.
Then we wouldn't have useless anecdotes, nor retarded theories, specially that one about a commando hired by Kyrie to kill everyone.

>> No.4087452

>deny Shkanontrice in 5 minutes.
>twenty rules.
That would take a lot more than 5 minutes...

>> No.4087455

And that's why it depends on what he did.
Then again, Beato doesn't seem to blame him, she's mostly just sad that he forgot about it completely. And she even expected that herself.

>> No.4087458

Van Dine's 11th: A servant must not be chosen by the author as the culprit. This is begging a noble question. It is a too easy solution. The culprit must be a decidedly worth-while person -- one that wouldn't ordinarily come under suspicion.

How does this take more than 10 seconds?

>> No.4087469

What if RK uses the Van Dine rules, and then says that Shkannon is still the culprit because only the personalities are the servants whereas the actual person is really some butthurt troubled rape victim who wanted Battler to save her.

You know you wouldn't put it past him.

>> No.4087478

Not really, Van Dine rules are made for strict mysteries. Sure, some of Van Dine's rules would help Ryu out, by eliminating ShKannontrice for example, but Umineko was never a proper mystery novel.
Knox's rules are more about "things that would make the explanations retarded and predictable", while Van Dine's dictate to keep the story within the strict and specific bounds of mystery genre.

>> No.4087486

Didn't everyone already say that Umienko was NOT a Mystery in a strict sense. Dlanor even said that Knox might not help in all situations because of it.

Basically it gives Ryu the chance the get away with shit he normally wouldn't be able to if he followed a complete mystery.

>> No.4087499

Dude, reread Ryukishi's monologue through Dlanor.

>> No.4087506

So...What would happen if Dyne rules were applied to Umineko? We'd go back to Jessitrice and Kyrie vying for final culprit status?

>> No.4087507

I can't fucking believe we are going to be discussing shkannon for the next 8 months.

>> No.4087508

Gohdatrice. He's a cook, not a servant. Magical Gohda chef.

>> No.4087517

I wouldn't be surprised if suddenly Enyd-chan showed up in EP7

>> No.4087522

Deal with it or read something else.

>> No.4087524

34 said explicitly that she was putting misleading information and some outright lies in the story to throw Battler off. It's easy to see how Shkanontrice is one of these.

>> No.4087562

The misleading information is that she said there was misleading information.

>> No.4087570

Or IS IT? How misleading!

>> No.4087576

And that's exactly why this story, regardless of theories, has gone to shit.

>> No.4087587

Red herrings! EVERYWHERE!!!!


>> No.4087629

The final riddle is impossible for Shkannontrice because of two words: "Everyone Else"

>> No.4087784

>34 said explicitly that she was putting misleading information and some outright lies in the story to throw Battler off. It's easy to see how Shkanontrice is one of these.
Except for the fact that the game 34 was gamemaster for was the 5th game, which made everyone believe Shkannon was false.


>> No.4087793 [DELETED] 

>The final riddle is possible for Shkannontrice because of two words: "Everyone Else"
Exactly. If it was just "Kanon is in this room" and "Shannon is in this room", it would be disprove. Quite skillfull of R07, no?

>> No.4087795

>The final riddle is possible for Shkannontrice because of two words: "Everyone Else"
Exactly. If it was just "Kanon is in this room" and "Shannon is in this room", it would be disproved. Quite skillfull of R07, no?

>> No.4087796

34 has made it completely impossible for readers to come up with the correct truth with all the shit she has thrown at us. Admit it, we won't know the real truth until the end.

I, for one, vote for aliens. Voyager witches are in fact aliens who used the island as an experiment to find the best way to cripple the human psyche in preparation for their invasion of earth.

>> No.4087797

In episode 6 Battler hid the truth yet Shkannon is made obvious. Discuss.

>> No.4087805

If it was made obvious there wouldn't be so many naysayers still.

>> No.4087807

Shit is still too obvious to be real.

>> No.4087810

It's supposed to be solvable with episodes 1-4 alone. Since there's only one episode left and still nobody really gets it, it can afford to be obvious.

>> No.4087817

EP7 will be the last episode?

>> No.4087821


I just don't see him putting everything out there when he is leading up to Bern being the GM and revealing the truth in the most evil way possible. It's going to be pretty anti-climatic if we already know everything. And nobody ever said ep. 7 was the end.

>> No.4087831

I don't think the word ShKanontrice solves everything. Everyone always assumes if they're the same person they must be the culprit, that doesn't have to be it. There's also the the question of their motives.

I'm sure Bern will find a perfectly evil way to reveal ShKanontrice to be absolutely true and make all the shippers cry delicious tears.

>> No.4087832

I didn't pay attention.
And I don't care to speculate. If R07 reveals it, so be it. If not, then I'll search.

>> No.4087836

we SHOULD know everything, that's what is expected

>> No.4087838

yes, it could go up to episode 9 if both Bern and Auau fail in solve the b0mb part. But i'm betting 8 is the last.

>> No.4087840

>Ryu said it himself. BT dying didn't help any either.

>> No.4087845

he said he wasn't going to do higurashi explanations all over again where fans raged because i didn't leave anything up to speculate, he's going to be more vague with umineko, possibly not solving every closed room, so at least you can speculate a bit

>> No.4087850

I wonder how long he can keep Umineko going seriously and not making it into fanservice.
Although, I wouldn't really mind. R07's Valentine's Day sidestory is fucking awesome.

>> No.4087851

I'd go for Bern making the detective (whether that be Battler or Erika, probably the former) pulling something crazy like demanding to see Shannon and Kanon together, just like the Eva & co demanded to see Kinzo.

>> No.4087858


Erika is gone bro

>> No.4087860

Which is why I said probably the former. She is supposed to be gone but I wouldn't put it past Ryuukishi.

>> No.4087862

Like Evatrice or Beatrice Original were.

>> No.4087865

And Ange...

>> No.4087866


You can't compare them to Erika

>> No.4087869

How so? Both of them didn't really exist either.

>> No.4087875


The readers would get nothing out of that since it's forced on us already that they are the same person. Bern would do more evil shit than that.

>> No.4087876

Ange->died in 1998
Kasumi's confrontation->october
she had two months to be alive

>> No.4087899

That can just be the beginning. There are still plenty of people who don't believe in ShKanon, at least half the fanbase. I'm sure there are people who will rage and claim they're dropping it if it's proven. Even if it's something simple like that, the troll potential is huge.

>> No.4087908 [DELETED] 


Oh you.

Evatrice is part of an important character. Beato is a main character. Erika is a shoved in the story shitty detective Mary Sue that cut off people's heads and got her little redemption in the end despite of what a cunt she was. She has no place at all in the story anymore. I wouldn't be good for Bern's evil rep to bring her back to fail a 3rd time.

>> No.4087926

Being an important character does not mean you get a 'free escape your disastrous fate that plagues a certaing idiot card'.
Evatrice was mostly for episode 3 and partly relevant for episode 4.
Erika also had full scale involvement for 2 episode,s shitty writing and appearance or not(not like the otehr 2 are stellar examples of characters, but that's a different story).
And the Umineko witches are the stupidest 'powerful' creatures to appear in fiction where they manage to ruin their own amusement.

>> No.4087967

I don't want to because I hoped this would have a better mystery. It's also completely ridiculous in my mind for something like this to go unnoticed among the family for years. But Erika also climbed the guesthouse and sealed all windows in a swimsuit in one rainy night so I guess I shouldn't expect humanly limits to apply in Umineko.

>> No.4087972


I wouldn't put it past him to bring her back, but she has no place in the story anymore. She shouldn't have been there in the first place. Ryu should have made Battler semi-competent for once instead of bringing her in.

>> No.4087976

Not to mention she never slept, and she arrived on the island after almost drowning, and stayed up to solve the riddle of the epitaph. What CAN'T Erika do?

>> No.4087982

that was just to show how over the top it is, if she wasn 't the omnipotent detective, it'd be impossible

>> No.4087984

>What CAN'T Erika do?
Solve that one closed room mystery in EP6 to save her life.

>> No.4087999


Teach R07 to draw?


>> No.4088012

>Implying that Erika is not a clear indication of how much Ryu has improved as an artist compared to the days of Higurashi.

>> No.4088041

you have to admit her hairstyle is stupid, I can't compute three different hairstyles, so she's just a twintail

>> No.4088051

you also have to admit that Ryu HAS been getting better as time passes compared to oh...say...ZUN.

>> No.4088056

He's been getting better, but this shit is still abysmal.

>> No.4088073

yes, maybe his next VN will have proportions or something like that, i haveb to admit I like his outfits (but the ep6 ones, Featherine looked stupid, and twins are just touhous)

>> No.4088074

I believe everything was the work of magic.

>> No.4088075

Maybe most characters will be able to change their pose too!

>> No.4088078

Go back to work Kyrie.

>> No.4088088
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>you have to admit her hairstyle is stupid

Her hair is the only thing I like about her personally. Everything else is:


>> No.4088089

well it isn't really necessary since the face actually tells you everything, but he should do something with the arms in knaon and the stakes/siestas and Ronove

>> No.4088091

No. I believe it breaks Knox's rules, so there's no point in debating it. In fact, I think the bit about her being hurt that Battler "forgot" is also ridiculous.

Maria met someone named "Beatrice" who wrote in her diary. This same writing style matched with letters sent out, that gave people outside the island a load of money. This wasn't on a "whim", this was planned out for 6 straight years. Meaning the sin occured 6 years ago period. It wasn't a promise, but something else. Something a bit darker.

My crazy theory at the moment? Ange is 6 years old. Take of that what you will. Still needs to work with the fact that it's been planned for a really long time, and the writing style matches the letters sent out and the bottle notes.

It might be that Shannon was knocked up by Battler, but i'm unsure if that's something so serious as to throw away your entire life savings to strangers and killing everyone so Battler remembers he's a father. Still got to think on it.

>> No.4088096

>Ryu should have made Battler semi-competent for once instead of bringing her in.
The reason R07 brought her in in the first place was Battler solving the fucking mystery. The problem is that he also refuses to reveal it for a couple of reasons. (Love of Beato, love of his family)

>> No.4088118


To be fair some people are just freaks and "top level human". Erika's the kind of girl that'd become a gymast or martial artist and barely have to train compared to most. Obnoxious, isn't it?

>> No.4088122

>In fact, I think the bit about her being hurt that Battler "forgot" is also ridiculous.
Except it's obvious that's what it is. I don't believe it was a love promise, if only because the person that created Beatrice asked her to win Battler's love if she could, but it was something important.

>> No.4088124


>Shannon was knocked up by Battler

He was 12 fucking years old.

>> No.4088127

so now thanks to love we cannot see it?

>> No.4088131

Your point?

>> No.4088135

And? He couldn't handle actually being responsible, and ruined Shannon's life.

>> No.4088144

He forgot something he did 6 years ago. I'm fairly sure people who have been supporting Shkannontrice have been saying he forgot something that had to be proved later. I'm just saying it's something planned for 6 years straight. There was no waiting and hoping period.

>> No.4088145

No, I believe Battler's game does have important information within it, just not of the "gather everyone in the parlor and intellectually rape them" variety.

>> No.4088151


Jesus. Shota has perverted my mind as well, but this is just too much. What self-respecting mystery would have an angry killer commiting murder because she was knocked up by a 12 year old?

Yes, I am saying Umineko is a self-respecting mystery here.

>> No.4088157

Granted, i'm wanting a better theory as well, but it's what I have at the moment.

>> No.4088158

it doesn't say so, Beato just said it's something taht grew during those six years, so there could still be some time

>> No.4088163


He didn't refuse in ep. 5. R07 just wanted a new Rika to shove in the story.

>> No.4088164

>He forgot something he did 6 years ago.
He forgot a promise he made six years ago. Something desperate enough that the person he made it to said, in red, if he hadn't come back, they didn't want to have been born.

>> No.4088172

No, he kept on repeating the only one allowed to expose Beato's truth was him. That also includes the option not to expose it at all, if he chooses.

>> No.4088175

I'm still not sure. I feel like the culprit knew Maria and made a fake relationship with her, which was during that time period, right? And there's the consistency between writing styles, which shows long-term planning in my opinion.

>> No.4088176

>in red, if he hadn't come back, they didn't want to have been born.
Well...that shoots down the idea that the promise was "Never come back".

>> No.4088186

poor guy, he couldn't shove her in Ookamikakushi

>> No.4088227
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In the Japanese, this is spoken in the same way as the person who made Beatrice.

To be honest, neither Shannon nor Jessica shows this sort of turmoil in what we know of them. Shannon didn't have a fun life, but it was never shown to be to the point where she would be begging to die.

>> No.4088248

She seems fairly emotionless though. I don't remember her crying the tears George always did when she died.

>> No.4088253

>Shannon didn't have a fun life, but it was never shown to be to the point where she would be begging to die.
She's a servant, she's supposed to be able to suck it up and do her duty no matter what. Especially with a master like Kinzo.

>I don't remember her crying the tears George always did when she died.
She loved Battler more.

>> No.4088275

>She's a servant, she's supposed to be able to suck it up and do her duty no matter what. Especially with a master like Kinzo.
Yes, like I said, hard, but not a miserable existence where she longs for Battler to come back and kill her.

>> No.4088284

Then you're going to have to look at the other characters, and point out a likely suspect that fits that description, or go with the idea that Shannon has been holding her feelings back that strongly.

>> No.4088285

>if you don't come back I'd rather not have been born
If Battler doesn't come back there's no reason for Shannon's Beatrice personality to exist. If he isn't going to love her he should kill her quickly.

>> No.4088306

>point out a likely suspect that fits that description
There's only one. Beatrice herself.

No one else matches her at all--what we know of her past, her ties to Kuwadorian, and her base personality as shown in EP6. No one else is her age.

Also, in case you didn't notice, whoever created Beato also transferred the headship of the entire island upon her and made her ruler of it. I find it hard to believe that Shannon had that power, gave it to a fictional being, then went off to find her "happiness" as an often verbally abused maid. The entire point of Shannon's arc was that she was unhappy--not to the point of death, but unhappy with the status quo--which makes no sense if she left the Beato personality behind in order to ACHIEVE happiness.

>> No.4088313

>17 people on the island.
I don't think so Tim.

Only way to make room for a Beato would be to accept ShaKanon.

>> No.4088331

Sorry, I don't know how it's possible, but isn't that the point of a mystery? Making the only option that makes sense "impossible" and then proving it possible in the end somehow. I don't know the trick he's going to use to do it, but I'm sure Beato is her own person. It's the only thing that makes sense.

>> No.4088338

ShaKanon also makes sense...but people keep denying it because it makes them butthurt for an ending they haven't even read yet.

>> No.4088341

Shkannon makes sense on a technical level, but not the way their struggle against one another was framed.

>> No.4088342


We don't know if the number remains constant throughout the whole thing. It's possible that's the number limit of people on the island at the time, and it doesn't count if the murderer, their accomplice, Beatrice, or one of the servants retracts to the Kuwadorian passage which is under the island(and possibly underwater looking at the shape of Rokkenjima).

There must be some trick to the number limit as R07 said it was possible to solve Umineko by 5 - this is impossible with the corrected number limit in 6 as nobody could presume it's reduction, Shkannon was previously to make room for Beatrice or an extra culprit such as Natsuhi's child.

>> No.4088356

>There are only 17 people on the island. This applies to all the games.

>> No.4088364

that was NEVER said, you know it, we can't be sure

>> No.4088368

Which means that Erika was dead when she got to the island.

>> No.4088374


On, not under. I know it sounds like a cheaty technicality but so is Shkannontrice. For example if someone was offshore, you couldn't count them as on the Island, but they'd still be able to come onto the Island like Erika did. The number limit only represents the maximum on the Island at once. That would explain the contradiction in Red too, since technically you could say 17, or technically 18 or 19. I think the true number of people "in and around" Rokkenjima is 19, including Erika, Shannon and Kannon, and possibly real Beatrice(who's not necessarily the culprit, bypassing a load of Knox's laws).

>> No.4088377

Or someone was dead beforehand.

>> No.4088380

Teaparty of EP4 would like to have a word with you.


Erika: "I AM THE 18TH PERSON!"
Battler: "There are 17 people on the island." -gold

Erika dies. Your point?

>> No.4088390

>Battler: "There are 17 people on the island." -gold
That wasn't said in gold. The only thing said in gold this ep was Skirt-Beato acknowledging Proto-Beato's magic.

>> No.4088394

How can you be SO wrong
1- Beato says ''there are no MORE than 17 people, applied to all games''
2- Erika: I'm the uninvited guest, the detective, the 18th person... in red
BeaBato:17th in red again
your point

>> No.4088399

>Teaparty of EP 4 would like to have a word with you

>No more than 17 humans exist on this island!!
Not exact.

>> No.4088407
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how can that NOT be exact?

>> No.4088408

someone is here just on ep6 spoilers without actually reading it

>> No.4088410

...as in it isn't "exactly 17 people" (at least, not stated in EP 4), it was "no more than", as in it's between 0~17.

>> No.4088416
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Clearly...Kyrie's plans are going a lot better than even she could have expected.

>> No.4088418

There are 17 people=/=there are NO MORE THAN 17 people

>> No.4088426

That doesn't really help the argument of how a human Beato could be on the island though. You're just being grammar police.

>> No.4088427

I hope so, our string puller needs some action

>> No.4088444

Question. When it comes to red text, is a point always forced to be made at the end of a sentence? For example, if someone said "Kinzo is alive. Just kidding, he's dead." would it work?

>> No.4088451

no grammar police, but maybe you just should accept that she doesn't exist as a real human
Erika is proved to be the 17th in red in the 6th game, you should just bear with it

>> No.4088452

Dlanor's appearance makes it a requirement to have a clear context to that kind of red before it can be used.

>> No.4088457

it was already tried to do but Ryu admitted he just didn't pay real attention to punctuation at the end of the sentences

>> No.4088462

"Including you, Erika Furudo, there are 17 people on the island"

>> No.4088464

So you're saying that if someone tried to say that, they would lock up?

>> No.4088465

But...I do...that was the whole point. I was saying that the only way for Beato to exist on the island was to accept ShaKanon. And, apparently, no one here wants to so there is no way for Beato to exist on the island.


>> No.4088474

Either they won't be able to finish the red like Battler in EP4 or Dlanor beats them down like a dog with Red and Blue.

>> No.4088475

Human Beato wouldn't look or act like the Beato we know, so I don't really understand what the problem is here. I was all for some a human Beato before, but that doesn't seem to be the case now. Though I don't think the monologue sounds like Shannon or Beatrice.

>> No.4088476

Again, how many times was it said that Beato is a concept, rather than a individual?

>> No.4088480

but you should accept it or believe the tunnel theory and that Beato is underwater so she doesn't count as a person ON the island
Everyone would want her to exist, but it's just too hard (till Ryu pulls another troll)

>> No.4088487

>till Ryu pulls another troll
C'mooooon Kyrie!

>> No.4088493

So how about this sentence, spoken by Lambdadelta?

>After the master keys came into Rosa's control, never did any of them leave her hands!
>Except for the time when she lent it to Battler to unlock Natsuhi's room.

Don't those two truths contradict each other just by looking at them?

>> No.4088505

How do we know that Erika isn't just someone on the island? Sherika, perhaps. Or does that go against Knox's rules?

>> No.4088507

no, because she explains the exception because she had it in mind at the moment she used red and had the will to use it. I think red text knows when it can be used and is you have the will to

>> No.4088508

Unless Rosa has Battler under her command. In which case, she still had 'control' over the master key she lent.

You know how 34 loves wordplay.

>> No.4088514

yes, because no CLUES that were asked in the 10th commandment

>> No.4088516

'No character can use a disguise'?

>> No.4088521


>> No.4088525

that wouldn't apply to 'except', it expresses a contradiction, still it's probable that and exception immediately after can be made

>> No.4088526

Same concept as ShaKanon. Different execution.

>> No.4088530


No. Never say that again.

>> No.4088534

It can be treated the same as Evatrice's reds when she listed that everyone was dead.

>> No.4088540

It has even less clues that Kanon and Shannon.

>> No.4088542

OH GOD! Not another one?!

>> No.4088552

How many more months until ep. 7

>> No.4088553

But doesn't the first sentence tell a lie anyways?

The point i'm saying is that it doesn't, and i'm wondering if something is hidden in there.

>> No.4088555

3...just like last time.

>> No.4088562

8, it comes out in c78 in august
you're referring to ep6, which will probably be out by june

>> No.4088564

No...it doesn't

'After the master keys came into Rosa's control, never did any of them leave her hands!' had not specific time frame.

>> No.4088573

>you're referring to ep6, which will probably be out by june
But...EP6 is already out...

>> No.4088575

On another note, who else thinks the "venomous truth" about the Golden Land that Ryukishi07 mentioned in an interview is actually to do with the origin of the gold? (That is, how Kinzo obtained it.)

>> No.4088577

Nazi gold?

>> No.4088580

the patch, sorry for the misuunderstanding then
umineko comes out twice a year with the comikets in august and december

>> No.4088582

Ep6 translation should be out by about April probably, I think 5 was about 4 months. Ep7 will be out around May or June. Though Witch hunt may want to take a break.

>> No.4088584

I guess it could be seen that way.

>> No.4088586

Could somebody repost that interview fragment, please?

>> No.4088588


Oh, is it always released for Comiket? Going to be a bummer waiting until August.

>> No.4088591

> Ep7 will be out around May or June.
No, EP7 will be out in August, at C78.

>> No.4088595

sorry, but you're really misunderstanding something, ep4 was ou in june because the staff has exams and umineko comes out in august and december with the comikets

>> No.4088606

So...about Kinzo's Nazi gold and how Capt. America will totally kick his ass?

>> No.4088635


>> No.4088639

So does Norman Osborn.

>> No.4088642


Well September, October, Novemember, December is 4 months, so Ep 6 translation should be out end of April if they keep on track.

>> No.4088657

So Kyrie is a Nazi?

>> No.4088679

I would like to know where the gold comes from aswell.

>> No.4088698

Quick! Someone call Indiana Jones or something.

>> No.4088706


Yep, and Hideyoshi is actually Hitler who discovered the fountain of youth and hid in Japan for decades. I mean hell, look at that moustache, and his wife's name is Eva, too. It all makes sense.

>> No.4088716
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>> No.4088719

which part of ''the staff has exams'' from another post didn't you understand, since they have more time, they ease down and prepare their own things
