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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 120 KB, 400x281, payback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4085695 No.4085695 [Reply] [Original]

haha you guys got owned

>> No.4085709
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>> No.4085713
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>> No.4085716
File: 151 KB, 578x450, 6936728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gensokyo wouldn't be damaged by a nuke.

Reimu would fire danmaku at it then they'd go have tea.

Does Nuke-san enjoy earl grey?

>> No.4085720

No more Touhou and tea for you.

>> No.4085722 [DELETED] 

It's a horrid troll attempt from /v/. Move along.

>> No.4085731


Wow, even nuclear war can send the stock market up.

>> No.4085734

Touhous can graze nukes.

>> No.4085754


>> No.4085759


And you actually browsed it? Wow. Your pathetic...

>> No.4085762

So is /a/ = 4chan and /jp/ = Gaia? I confused.

>> No.4085764 [SPOILER] 
File: 34 KB, 504x375, 1262502446300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't do shit Sherlock. What doesn't exist can't affect reality.

>> No.4085765

War is very profitable.

>> No.4085768
File: 713 KB, 1200x1200, 1258736327486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But there already is a nuke toho so yeah.

>> No.4085770

there's a link to here you retard. I fucking come from /v/.

>> No.4085786


War usually sends markets down due to uncertainty.

>> No.4085789


It's an A-bomb you dumbass weaboo fucktards, take you greasy noses out of your tentacle porn for once and actually learn about the country you worship so.

>> No.4085800
File: 44 KB, 454x432, obvious troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you might want to go back to /v/

>> No.4085796

also, sense i'm here, can i ask you a question, /jp/? Why do japanese games suck so hard? I mean hentai sims, stuped shooters, and liner as fuck rpgs? Where are all the good games? sure once in a while a jem pops up, like demons souls but otherwise it's all just crap. Why?

>> No.4085803
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People on /jp/ buy it. Regardless if it's shit or not.

>> No.4085813
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Wow, you're an idiot.
Here's a short list of not-quite-synonyms.

NUKE - Nuclear weaponry.
A-BOMB - Atomic bomb, a form of nuclear weaponry.
H-BOMB - Hydrogen bomb, a form of atomic bomb.

>> No.4085819

no i'm not trying to troll, i really want to know? is japan just to stupid to make good games like Metal Gear Solid or Street Fighter?

>> No.4085820

because you're not weaboo enough. go back to /irl/.

>> No.4085822


>People on /jp/ buy it. Regardless if it's shit or not.

>>People on /jp/ buy it.

>>>People on /jp/



>> No.4085831

I want to touch Orin's cock.

>> No.4085839


Satorin's arm appears hesitant, though.

>> No.4085844

>implying being a weaboo is something to be proud of.

>> No.4085850

Of course people on /jp/ buy stuff.

That's what being a worthless pile of shit leeching on your parents/government is all about.

>> No.4085857

It's still not a nuke.

>> No.4085879

i guess /jp/ is too stupid to defend their oh so loved twice nuked by AMERICA contry's video games. enjoy your FAIL.

>> No.4085880
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Utsuho thread?

>> No.4085881
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>> No.4085891

Did you two consider that denizens of /jp/ consider you two too stupid to even talk to? Because that is the case. You can't even capitalize your sentences...

>> No.4085893

>implying that any weeaboos were ever killed by a nuclear weapon.

>> No.4085905

u mad about them whales OP?

>> No.4085906

Ah fuck, forgot to remove my trip. Oh well, It was fun while it lasted. Back to /v/ for me. Also they have an entire thread dedicated to trolling other boards. I think they are starting to realize that 4chan is a text based mmo.

>> No.4085907

>i guess /jp/ is too mature to seriously respond to trolls. enjoy your respectability, gentlemen.

>> No.4085913


giev money plx

>> No.4085930
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>> No.4085937

Man, I wish Obama was that awesome. He always tries to be so serious, it wouldn't hurt with a practical joke once in a while.

>> No.4085946

It would hurt. A lot. You don't understand politics, just shut up and let our leaders do what they do best.

>> No.4085949
File: 115 KB, 793x564, superiorsword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually before I leave I do want to ask a question -a real one- What is this from? Someone posted it the other day to troll /v/ or /k/ or something, and I kinda want to know where it's from.

>> No.4085956

>let our leaders do what they do best.


>> No.4085957

u mad?

>> No.4085960


>> No.4085965

If I knew I wouldn't say such a roundabout thing, would I? Screw off, dumbass.

>> No.4085968


>> No.4085971

Cant be, doesn't look like Dragon Quest VIII/Chrono Trigger/ Blue Dragon.

>> No.4085972

no i am disappoint

>> No.4085975

he got a new style

>> No.4085978

maybe pokemon...

>> No.4085982

Stop trying to camouflage your stupidity. Nobody's being fooled, and you aren't helping yourself anyway.

>> No.4085991

Bullshit, I draw, you cant just change a style you've been working in for years.

>> No.4085992
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>> No.4085997

he got sick of looking at it

>> No.4085999

Boku no Pico. enjoy

>> No.4086006


It's so obvious. It's Card Captors Sakura DX

>> No.4086008

Stop trying to blame someone else. Nobody's being fooled, and you aren't helping yourself anyway.

>> No.4086012

*hides thread*

>> No.4086014
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>> No.4086112 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.4086155
File: 28 KB, 300x400, fascinatings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a newfriend who seems to have fallen into the trap of not knowing that people on /jp/ don't give a shit about Japan or its people, just the shit they make. Nobody is or ever will be riled by this here, no matter how many times you repost a picture which isn't anything like the bombs used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

just throwing it out there

>> No.4086180

I think he stopped trying long ago

>> No.4087033

Cool opinion bro.
