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4081276 No.4081276 [Reply] [Original]

Axis should have won WW2.

>> No.4081291

Fuck you Chihaya

>> No.4081315
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Axis should have won AA72.

>> No.4081353

"Ah yes. Well, you'll want the A39. Oh, no, you've got the wrong map there. This is Stalingrad. You want the Ilfracombe and Barnstaple section."

>> No.4081357
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Axis should have won Gundam.

>> No.4081361
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>> No.4081376

Why is Eas and Karen

>> No.4081390
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Cool mistake bro.

>> No.4081391

why is that woman feeling up hitler?

>> No.4081398
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>> No.4081407
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Goddamit Croatia and Bosnia try to fight a war instead of having sex with eachother all the damn time

>> No.4081475
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Don't believe what the Allies say.
Hitler had healing powers, he saved the life of millions of jews.

>> No.4081485

Axis wins ww2
Nazis end up turning on the Japs and nuking them instead of us.

VNs are now produced in concentration camps. You're allowed to be tsundere for them, but if you like them openly, you're an inferior being.

>> No.4081519

Hitler didnt work that way he was a man of his word

>> No.4081529

Source please?

>> No.4081539


Like how he honored the non-aggression pact with the soviets right?

>> No.4081537


Sauce ?

It's good to see something good Hitler did once in a while, after mass media flood depicting him as an absolute evil and ignored the fact that every war has genocides going on.

>> No.4081545

The Soviets were going to attack sooner or later he had to invade them while they were weak.

>> No.4081556


How about the annexation of Austria? Hitler said that would quell his territorial ambitions.

How'd that peace in our time go?

>> No.4081558

>Bawwww Glorious Nippon was only used by the evil Germans, even if we hadn't dropped 2 nukes on them Germany would have done it anyway.

>> No.4081572

Hitler was just toying with the League of Nations.

>> No.4081592


Goddammit kids stop watching shitty jew made gay american ww2 movies.

>> No.4081602


And the czechs then? They ended up caving to the Germans. Still got invaded.

>> No.4081614

>Axis should have won WW2.

But they didn't. Best not to dwell on these things.

>> No.4081615

The germans living elsewhere were being oppressed, like, in Poland.

>> No.4081620

I wish to live in a society where open love is condemned, so that we might all be tsundere.

>> No.4081635
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Fascist oppressor Hitura eat Justice!

>> No.4081657

The French,British gave hitler the right to take All of Czechoslovakia it was the allies fault.

>> No.4081663


You know,USA's Most valid reason to the question why they drop nuke in japan and not germany is always that "so that they would give up" ,well the Allied sure didn't have an easy time invading German and yet they only used it on the japs so that's mostly bullshit.

No, I think the true reason is that they're so over eager to test the bomb but fear its potential for harming its nearby country(aka whiteman countries)if they did it on german, so they decided the yellow japs would be the best lab rats.Who's gonna pay attention to how "war criminals",especially criminals on inferior race,anyway?

>> No.4081675

Or perhaps because the A bomb was ready after Germany surrendered?

>> No.4081681


Trinity test: July 16, 1945
German surrender: May 7, 1945

See the flaw with your argument?

>> No.4081684


It was finished way earlier than that but was undergoing the presidential approve,IIRC.

>> No.4081685

also the japs were also making their own

>> No.4081686

The truth is, though, that no matter what the reason really way, the reason made sense to them in the context of their situation, and their morals and beliefs. You can't really judge an action based on the values of its time based on the values of our time.

>> No.4081706
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Not that Gilgamesh moral value bullshit again...

And yet we held war criminal courts for the genocide of glorious jews,how's that?

>> No.4081711


I suppose the assurances given to the dutch that they wouldn't be used a highway into France again are off the hook because the dutch really should have known better?

>> No.4081724


So it's ok to mass genocide the japs but not the precious jews ?

Haha,oh wow.

>> No.4081727


Well we ARE talking about the Dutch here, its not strange the Germans would want to wipe then out.

>> No.4081728

Jewish lobby.

>> No.4081730



>> No.4081739

Except it's true. You can only truly judge a culture by its own moral values. You can deal with another culture based on your own values, though.

The values of other cultures don't need to factor in when you're acting on your own interests, though. There's a difference between caring about what other cultures think, and first and foremost acting for the survival of your own.

Kumbaya, global interconnection, "we are all one people", and lots of empty platitudes about the human race are nice in theory, but we're always looking out for number one. And this is a good thing. May the best culture survive, and take from those it defeats what is best of them.

>> No.4081742

I'm sure the Nazis had plenty of reason to want to exterminate them, and I'm sure the Jews had plenty of reasons to not want to be exterminated. Who am I to judge who is right and who is wrong?

>> No.4081746

Shut up, Pseudo-Levi-Strauss.

>> No.4081766


But he's right for the most part.

>May the best culture survive,...

I agree with this bit with all of my soul.

>> No.4081767

If you can't prove someone wrong, shout them down.

>> No.4081801


That's a pretty stupid argument. By your logics,raping people's ass in the prison would be a good thing due to "prison cultures". Mass genociding jews should also be considered a great achivement because the people of Germany at the time consider it to be a good thing,and yet we consider them evil.

Cultures may differentiate from each other,but nobody would ever want to die to satisfy megalomaniacs.

>> No.4081813


So you're the one that come up with that "Gilgamesh is good" I saw the other day?

No wonder it turns to shit.

>> No.4081823

>prison cultures

>> No.4081828

You wouldn't know how many people were eager to die in battle for their empire, reich or "republic".

>> No.4081830

>May the best culture survive

Identify "best culture".

>> No.4081839

The one that can exterminate all others.

>> No.4081840

My circular logic fetish tells me the best culture is the one that survives.

>> No.4081848


Yes,but not for the megalomaniac they know as Hitler.

Well,if you count his fanboys I suppose not but most of them are not on the field facing hails of bullets.

>> No.4081850

Using the atom bomb to make Japan surrender quickly actually wound up benefiting the Japanese and even the Koreans. A long and costly invasion would almost certainly have given the Soviet Union enough time to "liberate" Manchuria, Korea, and possibly northern Japan.

Enjoy your united Communist Korea and Democratic Republic of Japan.

>> No.4081865


>Implying cultures are the main factors using in exterminating other races

Sure,we should dominate the Gulf war with our Britney Spears and Twilight show.

>> No.4081866

The Soviets were actually quite fucking weak. There was actually some border fighting between SU and Manchuria, but the Soviets couldn't advance a single inch into Japanese territory.

>> No.4081868

>"liberate" Manchuria, Korea,
But the soviets did take over manchuria then gave it to the chinese the sovietstake also conquer northern korea...

>> No.4081874

Lol "we". Humans are idiots, America is the capital of idiots. I'm not surprised that the US is the world leader.

Also, I'm not American, buddy. I'm from the less barbaric Europe.

>> No.4081876

Cool story bro 1939 soviet defeat the japs at khalkin ghol

1945 t34 against those abominations of jap tanks with full airsupport and battle hardened troops from the eastern front buttfucked the japs

>> No.4081880

>Enjoy your united [...] Korea

How wouldn't that have benefited the Koreans? Are you suggesting that Seoul secretely living in constant fear that Pyongyang will one day go bananas and start firing warheads all across South Korea is a better alternative?

>> No.4081883

After Japan surrendered to the US.

>> No.4081891


'sup eurofag.

Enjoying your shitty browser ballot?

>> No.4081894

Yet the Soviets didn't manage to push into Japanese held land until after the Japanese surrendered to the US, not the Soviets.
>implying soviet aircraft could beat japanese aircraft

>> No.4081887


I'd rather have half of Korea be a prosperous democratic country than have all of Korea be a poor fucked up personality cult like the north.

>> No.4081900

the border incidents were all won by the russians. japanese anti tank technology was non existant

its one of the reasons the japs did not attack the soviet union when hitler did

>> No.4081901


Guess what? You eurofags are leeches of our superior materials all the while giving back the world nothing but smelly alley for tourism.

>> No.4081904

you mad son

>> No.4081911

you mad too
also, resources come from africa and quality manufacturing only happens in the EU and Japan

>> No.4081924

There was not much left of Jap aircraft in 1945 especially on machuria what was left was set to defend the mainland.

Well the invasion began in August 8th hence no Stalin had no clue the Atomic bomb even existed nice pulling shit out your ass

>> No.4081925
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>quality manufacturing
>happens in the EU and Japan

Boy oh boy where should I start

>> No.4081928



>> No.4081933

Yeah we invent them you peasents manufacture them.

>> No.4081942
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>Implying new innovations are made in EU more than US

>> No.4081951

>implying the US has ever given birth to any invention besides the mass production of junk food and cultural retardation

you're free to stop at "closed automobile factories".

>> No.4081953

America has not been inventing jackshit since the 60s

>> No.4081950

You don't have materials. Your oil fields are running dry, you produce jack. At best you export some food.

>> No.4081960


True, also when they drop it the first time Stalin wasted no time declaring war in Japan and Zerg rush into Japanese controlled areas on the mainlaind.

That is why we have North Korea and South Korea!

>> No.4081962

At the fact that the European Union is the #1 exporteur of goods to the world even WITHOUT EU-internal trade and Japan is the #4.

>> No.4081964 [DELETED] 
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>Implying best firearms are not invented in America

>> No.4081967

There was more aircraft than pilots. The main problem of the Axis nations was the lack of soldiers.

>> No.4081968


How bout that internet?

>> No.4081976

>comparing a corporate fascist Union with a nation-state

>> No.4081978

Best my ass more like overpriced bullshit with shit users/ pilots that get shot down by modernised mig 21s flewn by indians

>> No.4081986

>shit users/ pilots
Not our product's fault.DERP.
>modernised mig 21
How modern are we talking about here? Yes,I heard it can fly properly now.

>> No.4082003
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>> No.4082006


Japan did have the STUPID! STUPID! idea of NOT trying to rescue their pilots so they have a higher loss rate that German had, that is particularly stupid when Japan operations were pretty over "no man lands" (as in oceanic battles) as Germany was losing pilots in the English Channel and over the British Islands (that both were controlled by the British).

Of course at the end of the war it was a question of fuel that keep aircraft grounded but Germany still have plenty of aces as Japan pretty much have lost all of then.

>> No.4082010

Haha oh wow Russians can create something superior with low ass budgets Fucked every american jet up its ass when it was released modernised mig 21 flewn by a indian kicked a f15s

Haha wow bunch of buffons

>> No.4082013

What ? Americans produce crap. Enjoy your crappy 1911s in an outdated caliber and your underpowered jamtastic rifles.

>> No.4082043

Yep, agreed. Though even after Japan lost the war, Japanese helped other asian nations achieve independence.
Check the wikipedia article about the independence of Indonesia. Its almost romantic. A handful of Japanese pilots with a dozen of planes left on the islands taught the locals how to use those planes, and went out on missions to fuck their dutch slavemasters deep up the ass.

>> No.4082059

Indonesia was way better off under Dutch rule Indonesian planes aint even allowed in the eu due to shit training and using pirated parts on the jets

>> No.4082084
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>The dutch living in Indonesia were much better off during dutch rule
Fixed that for you.

>> No.4082089

Hey we tried to civilize those savages.

>> No.4082122

>implying the "internet", as in the world wide web is American

Oh wow.
Comercial internet is an European invention, nobody cares about some computers in the pentagon linked together.

>> No.4082430


Because it's already the best gun?

>> No.4082465

No. I was probably at work.

You're not living there. Why does it bother you? If you don't like it, fight within their culture to change it. But don't expect every other nation in the world to drop everything they're doing to help a culture that is killing itself because it wants to kill itself.

I hope the South Koreans get what they want. They can all go poor trying to feed the starving and correct all the retarded shit that has gone on in North Korea.

It's like asking to be reunited with your drug-addicted brother that constantly steals from you for his habit and threatens to kill you if you don't give it to him.
