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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4081191 No.4081191 [Reply] [Original]

I read that some fucking ego-terrorist were yet again harrassing Japanese whalers and now I really want to know why is it wrong to hunt whales.

- Minke whale population can sustain commercial whaling
- Whale meat is delicious
- Japan whales within regulations of ICWR
- It's delicious

So why are these ego pussies harrassing these honest workers ?

>> No.4081200


>> No.4081201

Because eco-scum needs attention by the bucketloads, and this is one of the easiest ways to get it.

It's the equivalent of the ADHD kid in class throwing stuff at the teacher. Fucking stupid, but it gets them the attention they crave.

>> No.4081205


>> No.4081206

damnit beat me to it

>> No.4081209

Because they believe it is right and because they can.

Why can you hear of feminists pressuring countries with legal age below 18 to push it up to 18 saying it is the correct thing to do? What the fuck, right? But that's the way it is.

>> No.4081214

Because whales and dolphins are so cute! Pigs are ugly and smelly so who cares they are just as intelligent, we can slaughter them by millions since they are not cute!

>> No.4081216


Well it is illegal wheter they think it's right or wrong. Why aren't these fuckers taken in custody ? Serving some time in prison should do them good.

>> No.4081218

Because they can't tell the difference between an endangered species like blue whale and some dime-a-dozen species like the Northern Right Whale or something.
They just hear "WHALE" and go "OH MY GOD SAVE THE OCEANS"

>> No.4081224

It is not delicious and to sustain their market share Japanese whalers are forcing school age children to eat whale meat.

>> No.4081231

I think it's delicious. I'm going back to elementary school just because they have whale meat there.

>> No.4081233


Having a legal age at all is fucking stupid. By 10 every kid knows what sex is, and they're doing it anyway. I'm no pedo but I think this age should be removed, or at the very least lowered drastically. It's not protecting anyone, it's only sending innocent people to jail and forcing them to register as sex offenders.

Same with drinking, and smoking.

>> No.4081235

>forcing school children to eat whale meat
They could do much much worse. I hardly see where the complaint is here.

>> No.4081238

Because people love to pump their ego with moralism.

>> No.4081251

Australians have a deep seated guilt complex about their ancestors driving every native species in their country extinct so they vent it the only way they can.

>> No.4081261

The only reason the legal age should exist is to stop pedophiles having it off with kiddies. If there's not much of a difference in age, it's completely pointless.

>> No.4081262

I don't think creating artificial demand for a limited resource is the right thing to do.

>> No.4081283

>Same with drinking, and smoking.

Drinking and smoking are both harmful to other people. While drinking shouldn't be banned, it should still be a crime to be drunk and not stuck inside your house. You can go smoke yourself to death at home too. I don't want to breathe that shit.

AoC is already covered by other laws anyway. But besides capturing kiddy-fiddlers, it's also to stop 13 year olds from breeding themselves into oblivion and making all countries like india or china.

I think the law should just be changed to only apply when applicable. No punishing similarly aged people. Rapists already have anti-rape laws. Only those who manipulated or lied should be arrested.

>> No.4081327

it's like Canadians and seals, an abomination

>> No.4081354

Fuck you. I hate you fucking weeaboos. Supporting Japan in the extermination of a species just because you want to bang one of their chicks someday. You are the lowest of the low.

>> No.4081378


Again japan is killing speciest that are not endangered. They are not exterminating them. Get your facts straight.

>> No.4081384

That's cool, man.

>> No.4081387
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>> No.4081388


>> No.4081416

Fuck you. I hate you fucking ecologists. Supporting SeaShephard in the sabotage of honest, hard working people just because you want to bang one of their chicks someday. You are the lowest of the low.

>> No.4081428

I did not know we cared about whether Japan gets to kill whales or not.

And lo and behold, even though I took my time to read the entire thread, I still can't find it in me the will to give a shit either way.

>> No.4081438

Fuck you. I hate you fucking trolls. Supporting trolling an otherwise decent board just because you're a faggot. You are the lowest of the low.

>> No.4081445

>I don't think creating artificial demand for a limited resource is the right thing to do.
Well, welcome to 20th and 21st century economics. We do it all the time in almost all countries. Controlled whaling of non-endangered species is hardly the worst example you could find of this

>> No.4081454

Japanese samefag forcing meme.

>> No.4081459

If whales don't want to be killed then they should stop being so delicious!

>> No.4081462



>> No.4081486

evolution takes time man. especially with large animals that don't reproduce very fast.

>> No.4081493

I doubt evolution for bad taste will save them anyway. You can only taste them after they die, which means they will get killed anyway.

>> No.4081512

I can see how both sides have their own reasons behind their actions, and would think it unwise to disrespect either, or state that they are "wrong".

>> No.4081525

Not taking a side in an internet shitstorm is boring.

>> No.4081530

They are both wrong.

>> No.4081535


>> No.4081552

I couldn't fully read that, but:
Japanese people love whale meat.

I like it too.
Fucking tasty.

>> No.4081593

I don't see why you guys like whale meat so much. I've tasted the finest whale meat my proud nation has to offer, and I found it eatable at best.

>> No.4081624


>> No.4083506

Whaling is probably the one true issue I am firmly against Japan on. Whales dont belong to one country , they belong to the earth. Also everyone in this thread is retarded, these are a bunch of dumb fisherman not marine biologists. A few years ago some biologists went to Japan and began sequencing the dna of some whale meat in susshi. They found blue whales,and humpback whales. so I hope they ram the faggots into oblivion.

>> No.4083521

what about whaling on the moon?

>> No.4083537

Lol whales

>> No.4083541

>Whales dont belong to one country , they belong to the earth.
Which means they're free game for anyone. Including fishermen.

Besides, what has a whale ever done for you? Absolutely nothing. Hell, they can be pretty dangerous even.
How about we focus on more pressing ecological issues? Like, oh I don't know, the giant fucking island of trash that's floating in the pacific.

>> No.4083572

How about global warming

>> No.4083573

>>4083541 Which means they're free game for anyone.
That's not entirely true; waters within a certain distance of a country's coastline are under their jurisdiction, while international waters are governed by international treaties. That said, Japan hasn't signed the relevant treaty, so they're free to do what they please with whales in international waters.

With regards to the giant trash vortex in the Pacific: That's a serious problem, but it isn't actually thick enough to be an island yet, just a foamy scum of plastics and oils.

>> No.4083581

Cyclical not manmade, etc.

>> No.4083582

>That's a serious problem, but it isn't actually thick enough to be an island yet, just a foamy scum of plastics and oils

It's the size of a continent.

>> No.4083595

I don't feel like arguing this now, but you dumb

>> No.4083605

I just looked up at that "island of trash" and lol

>> No.4083607

If you're not going to argue someone's point, then you have no right to call them stupid for it. Why not tell me why the Earth hasn't been heating up lately if it's largely man made?

>> No.4083627

Because it's largely a cover used by collectivists, statists, corporatists, and dictators to enact as many laws as they can to milk whatever money, government power, and control they can get before people realize that it's all bullshit and start calling for people's heads?

>> No.4083651

Conspiracy theories, so good.
I like you, you can come over and share my tinfoil hat.

>> No.4083653

I'm not arguing the legal status of whales, I'm just saying that arguing that whales belong to the earth and we can't hunt them is stupid.

>> No.4083655

I can't tell which side you're talking about

>> No.4083668

If you want an argument you can consult google, you aren't getting one from me

>> No.4083678


holy mcfuckshit

>>4083506 here

i think whales are majestic personally, but they also prevent algae blooms.

>> No.4083715

That's a pretty disturbing picture - a literal red sea, huh.

>> No.4083722

whales belong to the earth guy here.

I dont have a moralistic problem with whale meat in and of itself . in fact I think vegans are fucktards.

These lame dicks are slowly destroying an entire order of animals .[custacea] if Japan would just chill the fuck out for a few decades the population could recover and responsible whaling of all whales could be allowed.

I mean really japan is that the only thing you can eat?

>> No.4083727

That's because you don't have one. If you choose to assert a point then you must be the one to back it up; the other party doesn't need to go out of its way to disprove empty statements. This is the basic foundation of debate, and you are a moron.

>> No.4083756


>> No.4083769

You're trying to have a proper debate with someone who has stated repeatedly that they have no intention of debating

>> No.4083789


>> No.4083800

That was actually not too bad a statement, but the obvious samefag killed it.

>> No.4083801

Alright, let's say you're having a conversation in real life (ignoring the fact that this is /jp/). Someone gives you an opinion on something. You just call them stupid for it. Do you think they lack the right to ask you why you think so? You can say "I don't want to tell you" all you want, but it just makes you look immature.

>> No.4083820

Except they are hunting as sustainable population whales. Troll

>> No.4083822

Hey, let's not ignore the fact that this is /jp/. This is the internet. Immaturity is a valid argumentative tactic. Also, you are one huge fucking cocksucking faggot, and I'll leave it to you to figure out why.

>> No.4083827


different , promise

>> No.4083839

Then shut up.

>> No.4083844



>> No.4083854
File: 25 KB, 600x600, NO U.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4083863

sea shepherds are murderous terrorists and white supremacists fuck em

>> No.4083865

In before someone incorrectly assumes that the OP picture was taken in Japan.

>> No.4083881

nice evidence there faggot.

>> No.4083882

No, it isn't an argumentative tactic. This "argument" has been completely one-sided

I even tried to refer him to a real argument but he isn't biting

>> No.4083897

You're going to have to take your dick out of your mouth before anybody can understand what you're saying.

>> No.4083910

>implying I'm him
yeah no

>> No.4083912

which brings us here:

_Where_ was that pic taken, OP? inb4 Google or some dumbshit answer

>> No.4083935

You're going to have to take your mind off your dick before anybody can understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.4083973

Not OP, but I'm guessing it's the Faeroe Islands.

They still do traditional "trap-and-kill" whaling, whereas Norway and Iceland do a lot more modern style whaling.

>> No.4083974

Dolphin Slaughter


>> No.4083987

i don't care

>> No.4084049


>> No.4084069

whales cant sustain it

>> No.4084071

Then they should try harder.

>> No.4084080

Australians have an excuse because everything in their country is out to kill them

>> No.4084094

One argument I've heard against whaling is that beef/poultry consists of "actual meat" whereas whales are composed of blubber which should not be "naturally" consumed. I myself don't give much of a fuck either way, I just hate the drama.

>> No.4084097

aligators sharks poison things in the earth air an in the sea, hell no!

>> No.4084105

There are no Alligators in Australia.

>> No.4084109

lol Ausfailia

>> No.4084118

The problem is by allowing the Japanese to hunt whales, why should not other countries be given the same rights?

Whales are just barely getting there population to sustainable levels. If the whaling is allowed to go on, there is a chance that we'd be doing irreparable harm to the whale gene pool. Less genetic diversity means that one single large event (like a virus) could be enough to wipe out an entire species.

>> No.4084122

is the same shit is just a big lizard when it bite your ass

>> No.4084127

Alligators aren't lizards, technically.

>> No.4084131
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>> No.4084149
File: 74 KB, 565x516, item_kujira_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4084152


oh shit! you make me feel hungry!

>> No.4084156

Quite a few Scandinavian countries DO hunt whales currently. Norway has an annual catch as big as Japan's.

>> No.4084165

> Whale meat is delicious

My understanding is that they are not delicious at all

>> No.4084166


imagine tons and tons of delicious things!

>> No.4084201


The problem is that the Japanese are not taking down accurate numbers of the whales they are hunting and are keeping any data about the number of whales and species of whales being hunted secret.

Minke Whales are probably the only population can handle a limited hunt, but even they are suffering from a lack of genetic diversity.

There has to be more time given for the populations to really bounce back.

>> No.4084233

These eco people are the people who complain about gas prices and make it so we either have to pursue more expensive routes or buy from other countries.

>> No.4084492

The argument for both pro and anti whaling fails really. Just accept that humans will destroy everything and that all humans will do anything to survive.

>> No.4085130
File: 28 KB, 524x525, 1249780155413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reads lewrockwell.com every day

>> No.4085148

Can you imagine how many god damn sharks would be swimming around that water? FUUUUUUUUUUUCK

>> No.4085316

It's obviously too shallow.

>> No.4085316,1 [INTERNAL] 

pigs are kinda cute, in a fat/ugly way.
