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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4068098 No.4068098 [Reply] [Original]

Why do /jp/ anons only want pure girls? Why isn't there any love for slightly promiscuous girls? We don't live in Victorian England anymore...

>> No.4068108

Why do you care what other people prefer?

>> No.4068117

Slut, or not a slut? Gee, the choice is hard.

>> No.4068124

Because the farther anime girl get from their 3D counterparts, the better.

>> No.4068133

Everyone has their own circumstances and experiences so I'm not hung up on purity, as long she passes three criteria I can date her if her personality is good enough.
1. Not fat, I'm not so she has no right to be.
2. Doesn't look like the crypt keeper and other various Ghouls and Monsters.
3. Not 3D.

>> No.4068137

Because they are never going to get any girl, so they might as well create unrealistic ideals.

>> No.4068158

I don't care about purity or whatever

>> No.4068167

dat fucking sexy hair...

>> No.4068171

Fuck yeah

>> No.4068173

STDs or no STDS...

Who is the girl in OP's pic?

>> No.4068192

Why all the fixation on Kaoru? What's her selling point? And I won't take "messy hair" as an answer.

>> No.4068209

Cause they want to be the first ones to defile them of course.

>> No.4068217

I will never live in Victorian England.


>> No.4068220

People who don't know how disgusting wavy hair is in real life

>> No.4068221
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It really is her hair. And her personality too, but her hair is her major selling point.

Fuck, I wish I had hair like that. And that I was a girl.

>> No.4068241

I don't think you've ever caressed wavy hair.

>> No.4068244
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>> No.4068252

She's perfect in her imperfection.

>> No.4068259

I wonder what kind of shampoo she uses

I want to smell her hair so bad

>> No.4068272


I think, if anything, that people were even more kinky than usual in the Victorian era.

>> No.4068289


Only the nobility.

As per OP's question, promiscuity is almost always an indicator of quite a few other traits/attributes both psychologically and physically.

>> No.4068286


Source please?

>> No.4068296



>> No.4068301

>implying anyone on /jp/ has caressed a girls hair

>> No.4068308

Why does no one know the beauty of a husbando?

>> No.4068314

The only thing you'd smell is my jizz, bro.

>> No.4068332

Hey yall remember a game called Cresendo?

That hentai was really touching. It was moving and brought forth such emotion that I never thought I had for video game characters. Especially the slut, or the prostitute with a heart of gold.

>> No.4068387

Crescendo? Yeah it was nice, it may be a bit outdated for some people's taste though

>> No.4068391

I have one.

>> No.4068481

I loved that route, but that was about reforming the prostitute into a loving waifu, so it's still about the ideal of loyalty.

>> No.4068542

You will never play Amagami in English


>> No.4068594

But I can watch recog playing it for me in Japanese.

>> No.4068606

I don't care as long as she doesn't have a hideously loose pussy, a long list of STDs, and isn't banging other guys when I'm with her.

>> No.4068621

>We don't live in Victorian England anymore

well maybe you don't, but i'm sure enjoying myself here in victorian england

with all the beautiful pure girls

who wont look twice at me


>> No.4068625

I used to talk to this cute girl and she mentioned that his guy was hot and I overheard. Never talked to her again.

>> No.4068629

I don't want fickle girls.

>> No.4068641
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>> No.4068653

Even pure girls can act slutty. I want a women who would love me that I can love back. A promiscuous women would imply that she didn't love me, or rather she feels like she can be with multiple people. I could still love her it's just that it would hurt me that the connection we shared she felt with someone else. It makes it cheap and easy. Now if she wasn't a promiscuous woman and had sex once or twice before then meh. As long as she ain't cheating on me now.

>> No.4068691
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Fuck yes.

>> No.4068713

So is she a slut? prostitute? pimp?

Can we get some info behind this girl?

>> No.4068712




>> No.4068749

lol'd because >>4068301

but yeah I want to wrap my penis in her hair

>> No.4068766
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>> No.4068778

I would not wrap my penis in his hair because it would probably cut me.

>> No.4068791


What do you mean by 'slightly'?

Why do you people have such a problem with ideals? There are male and female aesthetic ideals all over the place, do you seriously think idealism doesn't run deeper than that also?

I bet you're a leftist also.

>> No.4068801


>> No.4068820

Too bad that he screwed up with Haruka. I'd love to hear his ramblings about the M protagonist.

>> No.4068839

I don't care. But I don't bother with misogyny or meme-misogyny at all so whatever.

>> No.4068869

It's a shame there's no dicking in Amagami.

>> No.4068871

I want my husbando to be a pure and innocent guy. Unfortunately all 3D men are just bitches and whores.

>> No.4068878


Leftist? No I generally use my right hand tyvm.

>> No.4068877


Tohsaka has bedhead

>> No.4068881

It's funny because most of us actually want a progressive, sexually liberated girl who HAS had a lot of sex with quite a few partners.

Those who shout loudest just drown out the majority.

>> No.4068885

I'd rather read To Kiss the Flower Petal (I can never remember the whole Japanese name) in English.

>> No.4068892

>most of us actually want a progressive, sexually liberated girl who HAS had a lot of sex with quite a few partners.

Stop projecting. Not everyone wants sluts like you do, bro.

>> No.4068895

We of the Cake Eater tribe have always voiced this view, but ironically can only survive if the non-believers continue to exist, and add their semen to our MILFs and frustrate our Christmas Cakes.

>> No.4068909


Nonsense, telling people what they should want is what /jp/ is all about

>> No.4068921

I only like my women full of semen that isn't mine.

>> No.4068949

10/10 would rage again

>> No.4068962


Haven't seen that, since this is my first time seeing Amagami gameplay. Loving BAD END mode Ayatsuji.

>> No.4068992


>> No.4069040

It's true that I do want someone with experience. Problem is, that might be a bit to the extreme (same as "pure" girls).

What you really want is someone with experience, but someone who will be true to you, as well.

Being a realist, though, I know that I will not meet and be with someone like that, at least in the near future.

>> No.4069093


You want a lady who has had multiple boyfriends, but no husbands. Divorcees are more likely to divorce again.

>> No.4069103

sluts 4 lyfe

>> No.4069113

You won't see it on recog's. I downloaded the game and went for Haruka.

>> No.4069141

But see you can't say that, there could be extenuating circumstances. Her husband may have been a cheat, run off, or something like that. She might even just be a widow.

>> No.4069246
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There's always the manga.

>> No.4069311

No need to catch an STD

>> No.4069350


Is this good stuff ?

>> No.4069376

In real life, yeah I don't really care if she's a not a virgin as long as she's honest and not sleeping around. I have no respect for girls that sleeps around, good job degrading yourself.

In 2D fuck that, I want my waifus pure.

>> No.4069385

STDs are not moe.

>> No.4069437

That really is some amazing hair.

>> No.4069456


And the problem is? In the amount of time it would take to translate and release, you could learn Japanese. And not have to wait for a translation team ever again.

>> No.4069479

If I can't fuck the messyhair, I don't care.

>> No.4071442 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4071822

>Why do /jp/ anons only want pure girls? Why isn't there any love for slightly promiscuous girls?
Why do you care? Are you a girl? Do you want a relationship with someone from /jp/? If the answer to those questions is 'yes', then you have to realize one thing: it is not just us who have to make sarcifices in a relationship.

Promiscuity and true love do not go together. If you just fuck around you never really loved your partner in the first place.

>> No.4071839


>> No.4071852
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>Do you want a relationship with someone from /jp/?

>> No.4071872
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Do not want skanks.
