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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4064715 No.4064715 [Reply] [Original]

Is Japan racist ?

I might be going there the coming summer but I need some advice. Are foreigners being treated badly there ?

>> No.4064728

Delete this thread before Athens sees it. Also, >>>/trv/.

>> No.4064754


have 5 people running it ... Come on /jp/ , or you really hate Japan as everybody else are saying.

>> No.4064764

depends where are you from

>> No.4064768
File: 70 KB, 610x672, 1261149986427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Athens
ITT Athens trying his hardest to fit in with /jp/ers. Truth be told, Athens is a casual otaku. His powerlevel is arguably worse than the average /a/non. He only knows about a handful of Visual Novels and he's never beaten any of the Touhou games on hard mode. But then again, I was also on a low level during my first 2 1/2 years on 4chan. Athens first came to 4chan towards the end of 2006, I don't think he'll be a worthy poster till 2011 or 2010. I'm willing to bet he hasn't found a taste for dick girls yet.

One of the reasons why he keeps going offtopic is because he doesn't know any thing about the on-topic topics. I guess it must be hard trying to talk about something that you aren't familiar with. He still has a lot of /b/, /n/, and /r9k/ left in him. When all Anons come to 4chan they have a little /b/ in them. But unlike Athens, most /jp/ers dropped their inner /b/tard back in 2005. Until I stop seeing Athens make offtopic comments, I'm going to have no choice but to label him a shitty user (oh, and when I talk about offtopic I'm not talking about your women cant be ronery rants). Those are semi related to /jp/ in my opinion.

Why am I saying this you ask? I say this because I want you to become a better user. Despite only being here since the end of 2006, you went from lurker to a semi decent troll. You definitely have some potential. You're proof that post alexa-spike generation Anons, can be decent users.

You see this image. Don't do this.

>> No.4064785

>I don't think he'll be a worthy poster till 2011 or 2010
I don't know...

>> No.4064787


umm, Eastern Europe

Is that a problem ?

>> No.4064799

sort of, at least your not from south Asia.

>> No.4064837


Ok , ok I know the are culturally fucked up.
But as far as I know they are pretty intelligent. There must be a way of having a good time in Japan with other people, right ?

>> No.4064844

> There must be a way of having a good time in Japan with other people, right ?
Yes, if you stay away from anyone Japanese.

>> No.4064858


<irony> Gee, thanks </irony>

>> No.4064877

So, anyone of you guys have actually traveled there ?
Or this is just some second hand info ?

>> No.4064881

Well, ... what do you want me to say? That the Japanese will even dare look at you?

>> No.4064883

Go to /trv/ or something. We have no idea. This is not a board about Japan.

>> No.4064891

Are you white? Black? Asian? What country are you from? Russians have a bad reputation. Iranians are mostly seen as drug dealers. Africans are quite popular with some of the hip hop crowd. Black americans even more so. American asians are fairly popular too. Other asians are not very popular and generally discriminated against.

>> No.4064899
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>> No.4064905
File: 843 KB, 1538x1500, 1058368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, seriously, this is the board about VNs and Touhous. And them dirty idolfags. Nothing else

>> No.4064916

Why would athens see it? He hasn't been a regular poster here in months.

>> No.4064924

I've never faced any racism there, in fact, most people were excessively polite. Of course, you'll get those looks, but most of them are due to curiosity anyway. Obviously, there is racism, but that exists in every country.

There's this anecdote I usually use to disprove the claims of racism. We were in Hokkaido, going to some onsen near Sapporo, and the bus dropped us off at the last stop and the driver gave us directions to the map. When we reached it we were slightly puzzled since no onsen was marked on it anywhere. But then the driver, who was preparing to drive home after finishing his route, picked us up in his car and drove us there, which was quite obviously out of his way. 4 random foreigners, none of us speaking any Japanese besides a few phrases.

>> No.4064932
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>> No.4064941

They are indeed racist. They usually don't allow gaijins into the brothels. WTF is up with that?!

>> No.4064958


envy ?

you know, dick length and all that

>> No.4064968
File: 65 KB, 735x1033, Beheaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, foreigners are beheaded every day and their blood is used as an offering to the God-Emperor.

>> No.4064971 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming and harassing on our board www.anoptalk.com except with n instead of p thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli who just wants her board clean and nice <3

>> No.4064973

>gajin nerd pretending to be living in animurand

>> No.4064975

It can't be. I have a REALLY small cock.

>> No.4064978

It is better to die for the Emperor than to live for yourself.

>> No.4064980

Well, imagine if you keep a brothel with the purest women around, all with silky white skin, angelic blond hair and blue eyes. And let's there's absolutely no pressure for political correctness, that anti-racism is a completely unknown concept to you.

Would you really let black people into this brothel?

>> No.4064995

Some Japanese don't like Americans because of how some of the troops posted in Japan act, basically shit up the place with their niggeritis.

>> No.4064996


fuck, I can't answer that one

>> No.4065003

I wasn't talking about black people. Of course it would be fair to keep them out. But I am white so it is not really a comparable situation.

>> No.4065015

I wouldn't let anyone in, I'd fuck them myself.

Unless they're already sluts, then who cares?

>> No.4065019

>pure women

HAHA OH WOW. Are you dense, retarded or what?

>> No.4065030

what they think about italians?

>> No.4065035

Some asian brothels have virgins as a one-off thing.

>> No.4065036

Alas, such a magical place does exist. I have seen it on my travels to the mythical place, Shangrila. Transfer $1000 to my bank account just to show that you are serious and then I will tell you all about it. No posers pls.

>> No.4065037
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Tell them it's racist to hate black people now because Obama is our president.

>> No.4065039

they don't.

>> No.4065047

They think-a they make-a fine-a pasta.

>> No.4065064

I'm British so would the Japanese lump me with the American crowd or the edgy British pop culture crowd or just some gaijin?

>> No.4065072
File: 60 KB, 458x517, Blarg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You rang?

>> No.4065074

[newfag] Who's Athens? [/newfag]

>> No.4065096

It's an alright country except when they sterilize you at the airport.

>> No.4065126

They will treat you as a king.

>> No.4065146

A woman hater(?) who desperately wishes a woman would ever hold his chubby hand.

>> No.4065151

How about Australians? They love us (hah), right?

>> No.4065179


>> No.4065184

I assume there's no particular opinion on Scandinavians among them?

>> No.4065194

Scandinavians = Americans

You're white, you're American, don't fool yourself.

>> No.4065202

They will talk endlessly about scandivian design, hans christian andersen and the andersen bakery if you let them know you are scandinavian. But they will sleep with you if you have blue eyes and blonde hair no matter how ugly you are.

>> No.4065213


Also, an English teacher. ALL THE TIME.

>> No.4065232

Alright heres the skinny on Japan.
First and foremost: You must not be loud!
See Japanese people have a sort of withdrawn personality and it is considered rude to draw undue attention to yourself.

2nd. You will be stared at alot.
This is not because you are hated. Most Japanese people have never seen an american (Or whatever nationality you are, given the high american traffic on this site I will assume you are american)
3rd. You should do some intensive Japanese language and customs training before you go. This will help you to get around, and not offend people while you are here.
4th. There is some inherent racism here but it is mostly Japan Korea. Japan Hates Koreans while most Koreans have animosity if not disregard. They would rather co exist in peace than bicker all the time. North Koreans are another story. This all predates world war 2 though when the Japanese army was occupying Korea and they would attempt to fight them off. (The Korean war was an indirect offshoot of this, as was intial tension between the two countries....now three countries)


>> No.4065241

This is part 2 of the bare essentials; surviving a trip to japan series.

5. If you see a sign that says "No Americans" it is mostly due to the fact that the owners of the facility do not speak Japanese. Keep in mind it is nothing personal. However, this applies only to the main shopping and resturant districts. If you wander into a back alley (As is what happened to me in Hachinohe last weekend) and you see the sign on an inconspicuous resturant or store, it is likely cause it is Yakuza run. You would do well to avoid back alleys or short cuts anyways.
6. Clubs are a big attractor. If you want to see modern Japanese culture that would be a good place to start. As I do not get down to Tokyo often enough (I live in the Aomori Prefecture) I cannot make any good recommendations outside of the shibuya district.
6 Japanese have a thing about "Cute" they have mascots for damn near everything. Hell even individual towns have mascots. Even up here in the jp boonies they have mascots. So get used to it.


>> No.4065254

part 3.

If you decide to watch tv. Mon-Fri on major cable programming expect to see anime between 5pm-9pm on the pop culture related channels. occasionally from 12am-3am they will play some anime depending on the channel. I live in a cable free area so it's restricted in programming up here. About the only thing worth watching for me is Macross Frontier which runs Wednesdays at 1130pm here.

Learn the Bus,Train, and taxi routes too. This will make the difference between one hell of an awesome day and one hell of a bad day.

If someone approaches you on the streets and begins talking in an aggresive manner, I understand you will feel threatened and attempt to defend yourself. Your best bet would be to apologize, lower your head, and walk away. Your actions will be the impression that Most Japanese people have. It is better to just walk away than try to get into a confrontation. (Granted if you see a damsel in distress you should do something.)

As I mentioned earlier, I live in Japan. Northern Aomori prefecture, Oirase town Just north of Hachinohe.

Hope this helps.

>> No.4065262

u never went there

>> No.4065284

Next week same time: Anonymous gives you the skinny on never-never land.

>> No.4065292
File: 96 KB, 900x675, An_education_through_a_warning_by_dan_dan_no_baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live here fgt.

>> No.4065299


>> No.4065300
File: 136 KB, 900x675, The_pink_Payphone_by_dan_dan_no_baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be working next week same time.

It's 3:45 am over here right now. kind of doing a freezing rain mixed with snow.

Also, I'm sure you guys will love to see the payphones in use over there.

If you haven't already that is.

>> No.4065304

Japan tends to hate retarded foreigners. Not because they're foreigners, but rather because they are retarded. It just so happens that retards are hated in their home countries too. What you need to ask yourself is: am I a retard? Do people generally hate me? If yes, there's a solid chance Japan will hate you to, and vice-versa.

Going to Japan is just like going anywhere else, only with people instantly recognizing that you're a foreigner, what with not being Asian and all. Past that, it's the same as any other place once your foreigner status is established. This generally means people will react to you more extremely. You'll find people going out of their way to help you more than usual, likewise people treating you like shit more than usual. If you've ever been abroad, this won't come as a particular shock; it's how people react to unknown/exotic things.

What you need to do is handle yourself with a measure of dignity (alien concept to some, I'm sure). Read up on their customs enough to not offend anyone particularly badly, but don't go out of your way too much (no, excessive bowing isn't going to make you look polite, just stupid) and don't do things you're not good at just to show how eager you are to embrace their culture (using Japanese when you're not at all fluent or forcing yourself to eat with chopsticks if you can't handle them worth shit). In other words, don't act like a typical tourist. Nobody likes tourists.

>> No.4065307

If you live there why the hell do give such crappy advice?

>> No.4065310


>> No.4065331

LOL..as if anyone cares.

>> No.4065345

What? You were expecting the best animu shops?
Maybe some major landmarks?

Shirya Cape. Northern Aomori.
Towada Lake.

To get to Shirya cape, the best way to go is to follow 338 up from oirase town roughly 2 hours depending on conditions. I would reccomend hopping 24 over to 259 as soon as you can.
Thing about Signs are that they are either bi lingual or they will be in japanese only with the KM indicated. But 24 will connect 338 to 259. which runs up to Yokohama town (Not Yokohama prefecture which is about 800-900 kilometers to the south along route 4) Follow 259 up to mutsu where you will then see the signs indicating the route to shiyra. Odd thing is the road doesn't have a numerical marker it is simply titled "Route for scenic shiyra cape".

To get to towada (A massive assed Caldera)
simply hop 338 down to route 45 and follow it towards route 4. You will run into route 10 which is a straight shot out to 218 which runs along the oirase gorge. Which is a rather touchy drive about this time. You can bet it will take 25 minutes to go 15 kilometers on that road though due to it winding around, going up, around, then into the caldera itself.

If you wanted otakus places to see move along kiddo.

>> No.4065357

But they still have rape, right?

>> No.4065375

Boxes of rape.

(Actually there was a segment last night about a rapist who was caught. They played dramatic music and showed him being led from the car to the police headquarters (Jails are typically housed at police headquarters in the prefecture instead of police offices which are in every town) They kept his face hooded and formed a damn near impenetrable barrier (At least by my perception) and detailed the man's crimes. Apparently it was the first Aomori prefecture rape instance in like...15 years or some shit.

>> No.4065388

Have you raped anyone?

>> No.4065418

>If someone approaches you on the streets and begins talking in an aggresive manner, I understand you will feel threatened and attempt to defend yourself.

Random people will come up to me and start talking shit? Awesome!

>> No.4065420

>If someone approaches you on the streets and begins talking in an aggresive manner, I understand you will feel threatened and attempt to defend yourself.
I will now never visit japan.

>> No.4065424 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming and harassing on our board www.anoptalk.com except with n instead of p thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli who just wants her board clean and nice <3

>> No.4065428

So what about rape ninjas? Are they 4 real?

>> No.4065431
File: 51 KB, 640x512, 1211126222889.jpg.[roflposters.com].myspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on....
It's like saying hello.

>> No.4065466


You are why Japan hates people.

>> No.4065483

You are why I hate Japan.

>> No.4065498

I am Japanese and I have to thank you for showing me that there are good foreigners out there. I now don't hate people anymore. Thanks again.

>> No.4065517

U mad?

If so.

The game.

>> No.4065538

U live in a no parking sign? weird.

>> No.4065548



No my bad there. I just tossed up that picture because it is out in front of my apartment. They don't want cars to park along the front due to street work.

>> No.4065555

So pls describe some of the rapes you have commited. Details pls.

>> No.4065559

Japan only hates loud, disgusting americans, like all the rest of the world.
If you are polite and don't make much noise, you'll have no problems.

>> No.4065565


>> No.4065683

> there's a solid chance Japan will hate you to
Shut up! Watashi wa Charisma Man... desu!

>> No.4065757

Actually, I've heard from my friend that quite a lot of Japanese people are fond of Norway. But if you aren't Norwegian, they probably assume all the Scandinavian countries are the same, anyway.

>> No.4065776 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming and harassing on our board www.anoptalk.com except with n instead of p thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli who just wants her board clean and nice <3

>> No.4065828

Gb2Gaia you fucktard.

>> No.4065909

1.buy t-shirt with the american flag and a nuke mushroom cloud
2. go to Hiroshima
3. LOL at the ww2 monument
4. ???
5. Profit

>> No.4065959

If you are 1.90 sm. tall (6.2 ft.)
have beard and are generally muscular, how you are going to be accepted by the female population there ?

>> No.4065982

Youll be kicked in the dick.

>> No.4065991


tears and screams

Sometimes people might attack you with their ancestral swords, stuff like that. You are big scary monster after all.

>> No.4066005

Please stop this "go back to" thing, it is as bad as the words "new fag."

>> No.4066035

Please cease your posting, new friend.

>> No.4066215

Are you black?
Cause if not, not very well.
See I do not mean to sound racist but most japanese youth really like american pop culture and japanese women prefer black men half as a result.
(The other half is endowment)

>> No.4066223

Lurk moar

>> No.4066228

Please leave /jp/.

>> No.4066334

Enough of this. What the fuck is robot in OPs pic?

>> No.4066352

A corpse retrieval robot, perhaps?

>> No.4066377

a mockup of a possible "person rescuing" robot. Its designed to go in burning houses and shit.

>> No.4066489

But it's huge! You couldn't get thing thing through a door, let alone up a burning flight of stairs.
