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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.40605705

I will never understand why she got the terrible fake teeth treatment

>> No.40605770
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>> No.40605816
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>> No.40606096

Maybe work was low and some producer told her to get them fixed?

>> No.40606262
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I want to lick her

>> No.40606630
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Someone please explain me the oyu is a genius thing.

>> No.40607492
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I love hags

>> No.40608170
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hiichan in glasses...

>> No.40608518

my theory is that her real teeth were either extremely rotten, or had been knocked out in some form.

>> No.40608521

She looks like Aiai here

>> No.40608797
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I love Amane

>> No.40609319
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Is she not?

>> No.40609426
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Probably because she acts like a dumb autist on Twitter, but aside from that, I think Oyu's genius is that she's quite versatile. She can play violin, bass, and DJ... Plus she can voice shrill characters with her naturally low voice.

>> No.40609555

>she acts like a dumb autist on Twitter
That's not Tsumu

>> No.40609681
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Haruki pits

>> No.40609772

Moepi licks that on a daily basis

>> No.40609860

I only want Teru pits.

>> No.40610272
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I like the easter egg on her twitter profile picture

>> No.40610352


>> No.40610426

she really is a genius

>> No.40610843
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I don't know if you care but I'm sorry I didn't post in last thread
Here, look at Rimi
Have a nice thread!

>> No.40611055

You need to post 2 Rimis now

>> No.40611134
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Happy 18th to this cute princess!

>> No.40611312
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erin erin tasukete erinnnnnnnn

>> No.40611445
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What the fuck is this shit supposed to be

>> No.40611599

Gentlemen, how do we save our beloved Bushis from the K-Pop menace?

>> No.40612102
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I now understand the appeal of catboys

>> No.40612234

nationwide ban on korean culture

>> No.40612235
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Is Hina-chan the best dressed of the 99gumi?

>> No.40612445

they have their moments, but in general they're not exactly icons of fashion

>> No.40612589

They all dress as fucking monks and nuns

>> No.40612619

Which bushi would you like to take to the garupa suite?

>> No.40612681

Teru, only Teru

>> No.40612685

the things I would do to Aiba Aina-san while Minato Yukina is looking down on us in disgust and fascination

>> No.40612692
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They should wear those uniforms more often, especially Kanon...

>> No.40612697
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>> No.40612726

Damn they look great here...

>> No.40612790

Uhhh Bandori bros?
Is this a end of an era?

>> No.40612809

Ayasa while making her do her arisa voice

>> No.40612843
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>> No.40612849

Holy shit, the people roasting them in the comments. And rightfully so.

>> No.40612854
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>> No.40612871

more cash-grabbing, a year or two too late no less.
how pitiful...

>> No.40612885

Pure sex

>> No.40612889

the end draws near...

>> No.40612897

Maybe they'll backpedal on this shit, seeing as the feedback is mostly negative.

>> No.40612910

>vtubers saturated and estagnated both domestically and internationally
>bandori will try its hand on it
Sasuga Kidani

>> No.40612919

Are my eyes deceiving me? Do they want a virtual band with members that don't know how to play their instruments "at the moment", or a band where the members don't play instruments at all? If its the latter, then fuck Bandori. They should've done this virtual shit with D4DJ instead.

>> No.40612931

Is this an indirect message?

>> No.40612943

They should've kept this vtuber cancer away from their franchises completely.
BTW, D4DJ already had seiyuus mocapping for their characters during the earlier DJTIMEs. That sort of thing is ok in my book though.


>> No.40612944

>Pretending as if they don't destroy the physical health of their talents by overworking them to the bone

>> No.40612949

Kidani likes them pure and innocent, both in mind and body.

>> No.40612953

oh no no no hahahahahaah

>> No.40612954

>pure and innocent

>> No.40612964

>vocal synths
>and now vtuber shit
Bandori is now going in a direction where they don't want seiyuu to perform for them anymore...

>> No.40612968

It was sad when Love Live tried to announce a vtuber streamer project, and Bangdream trying a vtuber band is even sadder

>> No.40612990

after toppling the idol dynasty, Kidani wants to topple the vtuber dynasty

>> No.40613005

He should look for some new underage seiyuus instead of doing this shit. Ruka will be 18 soon, someone has to pick up the baton.

>> No.40613013
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Is the band... A band?

>> No.40613014

Can someone actually translate that?
I dont understand chinese...

>> No.40613040


>> No.40613047

Bang Dream's asking/looking for people to audition to their new virtual band project. Don't need to actually know how to play instruments to get in though

>> No.40613075

RIP Bandori's dignity. That's just plain sad

>> No.40613094

I don't see what the big deal is

>> No.40613104

mygo literally just had their first live recently

>> No.40613105

Me neither. We'll just have to tell people to fuck off to /vt/ as they would not be bushiroad seiyuu.

>> No.40613118

Why are all vtuber characters so terribly overdesigned? Instead of making simple, memorable characters, they always do their best to cram as much shit as possible into the outfits and it always ends up being a clusterfuck.

>> No.40613130

Megaphone girl looks like a ripoff of Greenlight Serenade

>> No.40613183


All the random bullshit they have been throwing these months just reeks of desperation. Besides, why does a franchise with the gimmick of "real bands" need a VTuber group that can't perform?

>> No.40613186
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We already have a megaphone girl though.

>> No.40613201

Is it random? bushi have been collaborating with vtubers for a long time, they produce a live for one of the big vtuber company i forgot the name of two times iirc
Or do you have a problem with them using the Bang Dream name for no reason? which is i guess fair

>> No.40613208

Because boomer see that random virtual thot makes 100k a month from donations without doing anything, while the boomer needs to employ hundreds of people and risk a ton of his own money and pray people attend his event.

>> No.40613213

>Or do you have a problem with them using the Bang Dream name for no reason?
Is this. Bushi can do Vtuber stuff all they want but that has no place in bandori.

>> No.40613246

Yeah i get that but i mean, they're using the name just as an IP coasting thing like Argonavis
Not like they're setting them up to meet with the garupa cast

>> No.40613263

Argonavis actually has bands playing live, so it was related enough to use the branding. This goes in a completely different direction.

>> No.40613267

People don't even remember that Bushiroad already have a vtuber group going for over 1.5 years now because nobody watches them

>> No.40613275

That was my first thought when I saw the announcement, instead of getting upset that the voice actresses won't be expected to play instruments (did we just collectively forget about Afterglow and Pasupare). The designs look like some babby's first OC with extra servings of chuuni on top.

Vtuber nonsense is also nowhere as entertaining as the stuff they usually do during streams like Bandori TV so I get the sense that, like >>40613208 said, someone just decided virtual thots make money without thinking hard about why they make money. The whole thing lacks charisma or soul.

>> No.40613284

Bushiroad already released 3 Vtubers under Irodori Entertainment though...

>> No.40613309

Googled it and the relevant pages/blogposts didn't even fill up the first page of results. That not only connotes poor SEO but also lousy marketing. People aren't going to watch something they didn't know existed.

>> No.40613337

Seriously, I had no idea this was a thing. I know bushi's been dabbling in vtubers for some time now, but I thought it was just hololive or whatever that was in the CMs they aired during D4DJ streams.

>> No.40613340

>  ・インターネット上での動画配信活動
>  ・ライブを中心としたアイドル活動
>  ・声優

>> No.40613353

yeah no. they have their own board and talking about IRL in vtubing is bannable on 4chan

>> No.40613363

>BTW, D4DJ already had seiyuus mocapping for their characters during the earlier DJTIMEs.
I wish they'd do this again with anyone who can actually stay in character the whole time (i.e. not Tsumu)

>> No.40613365

i want to see tsumu in the skintight mocap suit

>> No.40613369


>> No.40613396

I don't get what bushi is trying to accomplished. Most people who get into these multimedia projects like love live or bang dream don't mind the seiyuus. My only guess is that the bushiroad franchises have a higher barrier of entry like playing instruments or being dj, causing most of their talents being older.

>> No.40613412

Kidani tends to follow trends.
Heck, D4DJ only happened because he watched a Chainsmokers concert lol

>> No.40613415

The last two times they tried doing this were Saki (Christmas 2020) and Saki (Christmas 2021) iirc.
Since it looks like they've dialled back on the remote DJTIME format now that they're selling tickets to live DJTIME events, there's only a small chance that they'd pull this off more than once a year. I'd like to see them try this with someone else.

>> No.40613449

Bushiroad doing random things to try and make money while still not selling the Nyochio plushie that would earn them hyakumans of yen.

>> No.40613452

>I don't get what bushi is trying to accomplish
hook whales into triple dipping. Watch the live shows, buy the (multiple at times)BDs of both anime and seiyuu performances, and buy rolls in their gacha

>> No.40613462

All of this happened because of that whore Amane

>> No.40613483

Please clear something to me:
Will this be part of the Bang Dream franchise?
Because the main problem to me at least with Ban Dream is how bloated it is and the canibalization and fatigue it produces.
If its an independant bushi project, well im ok with that.

>> No.40613502

I'm going to assume it's going to be like Argonavis - originally part of Bang Dream, but depending on the market's reaction, could go either way

>> No.40613514

>depending on the market's reaction
looks like it will be axed before it even begins then, cool

>> No.40613516

But with vtubers man? Idk what even the point of vtubers in general, it either just gaming channels or idolfags in denial. I can't see what it can really add to the table.

>> No.40613662

Talking about this makes me wonder what is the longevity of multimedia projects. Like how is bang dream and revue starlight gonna end? Are they gonna replace them with a new cast like love live? Is Maho going to be 60 when she finally performs Koi no Makyuu?

>> No.40613690

Personally, Vtubers are just the next step to what Bushiroad is doing already.

They already have the seiyuus perform live as the characters; why not make them perform as 2d characters instead but on stream instead of having to spend money on a stage + mocap

>> No.40613949

>Is Maho going to be 60 when she finally performs Koi no Makyuu?
you just had to throw that in, didn't you

>> No.40614022

Milky holmes took like 9 years for their last concert I think.

>> No.40614055

I know she's not Bushiroad but it seems Muni's English VA is in my country right now.

>> No.40614103
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>> No.40614210

Better idea. Retire Bandori, Assault Lily, and Revue Starlight, and invest heavily in D4DJ and Teppen.

>> No.40614222

This. Me trying to shop Bandori BD lives but they are so fucking all over the place. I honestly have lost track at this point.

>> No.40614363
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>Assault Lily
didn't AL split off from Bushiroad now

>> No.40614434

I'd like them to invest in this: >>40562111

>> No.40614735
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Bushiroad's involvement was on the Hitotsuyanagi-tai side and for Last Bullet. They've pulled out from Last Bullet but their (?) official youtube channel with Ramukan, Radio Garden etc is still up, and the official streams like Lily's Time still are broadcast there. The Last Bullet streams are also mirrored over to the channel.

So it's kind of a half-and-half thing, the Pius-produced Odaiba/Ludvico plays don't have Bushiroad's fingers in the pie (the merch is made by Pius and azone) but the characters still show up in the content that has/had Bushiroad involvement and the overall universe/setting is the same. And the cast and characters have made plenty of meta references for casting the same people in multiple roles.

>> No.40614740

Why does Bushiroad only do the Hitotsuyanagi stuff and not the other AL stuff?

>> No.40614837

Should've revived this instead

>> No.40614851
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Because they're the protagonists. The silhouette on the official logo is Riri.

Personally I find Raimu a more compelling protagonist, but that's mostly because the writing in the anime is so awful that print/stage/game Riri gets points deducted due to that.

>> No.40614858

But if you go to the official (non-anime) website, Hitotsuyanagi isn't mentioned in the character list until later.

>> No.40614970

This is getting more and more off-topic already, so to keep it very brief:

- the "prototype" story/setting didn't even have Riri, it had Kaede and Aoi as the protagonists. Obanazawa eventually reworked it and some of the "prototype" stuff was re-released recently.
- the first official doll model produced by Obanazawa and azone was Riri. Yuyu and Kaede were next.
- Hitotsuyanagi-tai members are literally at the top of the character listing. The filters apparently are in hiragana alphabetical order (starting with Odaiba from the あ row, Kai from the か row, Sagami from the さ row)...until whoever coded it seems to have gone 'fuck it' and just listed school names in no particular order.

>> No.40615419

Then why is Bushiroad pulling out? What will happen to the Hitotsuyanagi girls if Bushiroad is gone completely?

>> No.40615560

Lots of misunderstandings to this vtuber shit, so let me do a small tl;dr to put things in place:

- They won't be part of the bandori universe (for now anyways)
- They will be marketing tools for bandori (streams, gameplay, events, you know the deal)
- Japs are roasting bushi pretty much (useless gimmick, obvios cash grab, etc)
- This is not the first time that Bushiroad tries to get a slice of the vtuber fad (they failed the first time though)

That's basically the gigs of it.

>> No.40615738

Someone in an earlier thread mentioned the 15th anniversary event would be a taster of Bushiroad's plans for their involvement with AL, if there are any. They probably will still try to stick their fingers/nose in, because half of Hitotsuyanagi-tai is portrayed by Hibiki talents and Rimi also plays Himari of Ludvico.

Either way, Last Bullet is thick in its 1.5 anniversary celebrations so the team will at the very least have a presence in Last Bullet and any related events or streams, so long as the game lives. Even without Bushiroad's support Pokelabo haven't shown any signs of pulling the plug, although the jewery in the game and questionable decisions have increased in recent months.

>> No.40616451

I want to do sanashii

>> No.40617574
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>> No.40617781
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>> No.40618941
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I need Teru in my life.

>> No.40619258
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>> No.40619339

Cute genius

>> No.40619934

I blame Bushiroad for making yurishii retire

>> No.40620434

It takes a genius to convincingly portray a retard. And she plays two of them.

>> No.40620470
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Cute Ruka

>> No.40620864

Post some Amane lewds, I need a good fap

>> No.40620971
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>> No.40620987
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>> No.40620998
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>> No.40621012

>what cock sizes have you taken so far?

>> No.40621030
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>> No.40621107

Need more cleavage.

>> No.40621114

Gently kissing Amane's tummy~

>> No.40622680

We all need teru

>> No.40623127

Is there any merch I can buy to support the franchises without looking like a complete sperg?

>> No.40623352

Pulls in garupa and starira, no one will know your shame but you

>> No.40623486

I'd rather wear imported weebshit from Japan in public than gamble for lowres jpegs desu

>> No.40623707

CDs, Blu-rays, etc. You support the franchise and get a nice physical item that you can use for your enjoyment and add to your collection.

>> No.40623801
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Listening to Happy Around makes me happy. I love Non-chan's voice, it's really unique.

>> No.40624025

At the rate we're going, D4DJ's going to die before Bandori.

>> No.40624748

Bandori's concept is fucking genius and the only thing that could kill it is bushiroad's mismanagement

>> No.40625638

The peaky hat is cool. The revue tarot cards, most of the acrylic stands provided you keep it hidden

>> No.40626082
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hard to satisify

>> No.40626099
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>> No.40626329

I'm mad at King Records for not including the lyric videos on the BD bundled with the special edition of Aimi's album.
They're only on YT and the compression completely rapes the picture, especially in ドレス. Such a great MV with cute 2D Aimins and only shit quality available.

>> No.40626631
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Semen Demon

>> No.40626700

Ha-chan is pure

>> No.40626708

Its already happening, they are cutting costs on lives and its showing.
They are cheaping everything.

>> No.40626781

covid is still a thing, even Anisama was terrible last year.

>> No.40626953
File: 372 KB, 1080x1326, Megane Amita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megane Amita warms my heart.

>> No.40627162

At least we got the versailles cover from kukugumi i didnt know i needed

>> No.40627964


Cute Ha-chan doing something completely uninteresting, but it's Ha-chan, so it's worth watching anyway.

>> No.40627979
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>> No.40628462
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>> No.40629694

hinata has a twitter space on right now

>> No.40629900


>> No.40630620


>> No.40630750
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Rihonyan sometimes does this small concerts, it looks really comfy also you may get to talk to rihonyan.

>> No.40630891
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>> No.40630925

japan is something else man, puting a 40yo woman on a high school uniform...

>> No.40630957

why are they separated by gender?

>> No.40630981

When people say "Rihonyan" I can't help but think of Riho Iida. And yes I know her nickname is Rippi, but still.

>> No.40631413


>> No.40631575
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>> No.40632199

For aiai followers

>> No.40632366

Is this JAV?

>> No.40632497
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>> No.40632585

Holy shit finally
i love this program

>> No.40632887

I love how Aiai lapsing into her Osakan dialect got Ooishi to slip into an accent too. (He's from Ehime.)

>> No.40633407

She's so fucking hot

>> No.40633739

keepin it halal

>> No.40634392

Shes damn beautiful.

>> No.40634776

we need a harmoe yuri AV with lots of pit licking

>> No.40635032

Whos the bushi you had fapped to the most?

>> No.40635087
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>> No.40635252
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She's such an angel bros...

>> No.40636393

Yurishii. Other Bushi's I've fapped to regularly include Tsumu, Yukki, and if she counts, Mimorin.

>> No.40636856



>> No.40637052
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He, always he <3

>> No.40637320
File: 172 KB, 828x1472, 294905865_357066596564289_1381198238500058063_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post bushi veins

>> No.40637523

unironically the best tsunko photo she's posted

>> No.40637670

Why not just go full nude or do porn?

>> No.40638100

Because you can't go back once you do that. Right now she's getting bushibucks which are enough to keep her from crossing that line.

>> No.40638404
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How does Ayasa look so sexy even in that nun outfit?

>> No.40638417
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plus wet mikorons

>> No.40639312


>> No.40639458
File: 1.10 MB, 1536x2048, FYaAmEbacAEWLHO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rikopin riding in her sugar daddy's car

>> No.40639488

Why did you guys never tell me that Suguhina is such a qt?

>> No.40639567

How many times have you fapped to yurishii sir? And share your fap folder

>> No.40639585

No Aimi? I bet Aimi didn’t want to be part of it because she doesn’t want to show skin. Ngl my thing felt hard seeing ayasa all wet and seeing her feet

>> No.40640288
File: 386 KB, 2048x1364, FYaUcUwUIAAW1-Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megu hips

>> No.40640393


>> No.40640600

didn't realize suguhina was a host for this

>> No.40640796
File: 417 KB, 2048x1536, FYakUCeUUAAdkuv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so perfect...

>> No.40641070

Moeka's legs seem so disproportionately long compared to the rest of the body.

>> No.40641132

that's what makes her エロイ

>> No.40642623
File: 251 KB, 1108x1478, FYYOHtiaQAA1lOB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday to maya

>> No.40643063

Imagine cumming in her ears

>> No.40643539
File: 486 KB, 1342x2048, FYbipSaUEAECag_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kurachi Reo

>> No.40643656

Imagine being Miyu-tan and getting surrounded by all these nobodies

>> No.40643920

Share your fap folders

>> No.40644144
File: 32 KB, 519x519, DndLpjDUwAAyNW9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many times have you fapped to yurishii sir
I've lost count. It's mostly been to her pits pics. I don't really have a fap folder per se but I think I've fapped to this image more than any other.

>> No.40644212

Yuki is getting a starring role, that's pretty cool

>> No.40644249
File: 271 KB, 1504x1128, FYbipP8UsAEKNYk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the ideal lesbian partner for Reo?

>> No.40644626

Is the rightmost one SuguHina? I recognize the rest but despite above anon's post, it just doesn't look like her.

>> No.40644902

Found an official tweet tagging everyone in the photo, so there's that.


>> No.40644939

She could dominate Oyu and Tono

>> No.40645186
File: 301 KB, 1380x1840, FYboMGdaAAIlCOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same face on all but Reo

>> No.40645234

Miyutan <3

>> No.40645920

Just watch the recent kumamama on bilibili, Haruki getting bullied by the staff and fighting for her life to not play the horror game was the highlight. It was very cute.

>> No.40646084

Amita has only been posting about her daddy these days

>> No.40646167


>> No.40646849

Link pks <3

>> No.40646980


>> No.40646998

She's been voicing Gimai Seikatsu since 2020 (also they put EN CC) https://www.youtube.com/c/%E7%BE%A9%E5%A6%B9%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB/videos, still this year is pretty nice for her tho

>> No.40647424

huh, they have ALL the manga chapters voiced? is this like a normal thing nowadays?
first time i see this that's for sure, at most i probably saw like a few for promotion and stuff

>> No.40649020

Reo destroying Yuki at mario kart.

>> No.40649150

Does anon have more sexy Maho?

>> No.40649191
File: 688 KB, 1920x1080, FAFD2DB1-BCAD-46A9-8984-FF0D96A8D4CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her final live has tons of pit shots. If you are into feet or legs, i have some pics of here

>> No.40649434

Look in the pinned editable spreadsheet, there are her old photobooks and also some gravure videos

>> No.40649435

Why she likes to crash so much?

>> No.40650242
File: 1.28 MB, 1052x1871, Eo8ViiZUYAAjxWv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idol maho

>> No.40650859

maybe it's just because I'm her same age but I would absolutely wreck mikoron ngl

>> No.40651899

Mikoron has a nice body below all those baggy clothes.

>> No.40651969

The amount of innecesary filtering gives this an uncanny feeling.
She doesnt need that much filters, shes a beautiful woman.

>> No.40652024
File: 222 KB, 640x480, 1658724181672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40652141

I can't believe it's been four years already. It won't be long before the time she's been retired will be longer than her actual career.

I'm actually older now than she was at the time she retired. Where the fuck did time go?

>> No.40652566

The transparent strap ruined it
Should've been a real strapless

>> No.40652585
File: 1.06 MB, 4096x4096, FYfxzcjUYAIHahW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are some big amps

>> No.40652591

I want to do things to ayasa

>> No.40652639


>> No.40652773

I desperately need a cute Japanese girl to nerd out with about audio equipment.

>> No.40652959
File: 485 KB, 2048x1722, FYe69pTaMAAceWr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, there's one girl in the back

>> No.40652981

I would go to absolutely every event with Amanesu if I lived in Japan.

>> No.40653324
File: 569 KB, 1920x1080, oy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oyu's shortstack friend

>> No.40654058
File: 157 KB, 960x1483, FYgkRwQaQAIoKqP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's morfin' time!

>> No.40654440
File: 596 KB, 2048x1536, FYgu-pvaQAEcNXy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the left

>> No.40654673
File: 543 KB, 1536x2048, FYg6PdLaAAEILDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute gremlin

>> No.40654694
File: 266 KB, 1478x1108, 1658755583513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're still doing promo events for revue's movies
This means that bushi knows that we want more and more revue content and they're gonna give it to us, right?

>> No.40655482

She really is a genius...

>> No.40657062
File: 186 KB, 1478x1108, 1658774752409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird Amita

>> No.40657098

Aging like milk.

>> No.40657131
File: 339 KB, 1080x927, Screenshot_20220725_133831_com.instagram.android_edit_19278691782994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be homosexual, she looks great.
She has become so hot.

>> No.40657347
File: 316 KB, 1128x1504, FYhs53PacAAXI6N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuzu月 in Sony headphones feat. a scary spider

>> No.40657638

intelligence is stored in the bosom

>> No.40657830

Based blind anon

>> No.40657839

Even though she tries hard to be "hot", she'll always be on the cute side for me. Definitely not for lewd.

>> No.40658125

Shes totally lewdable, youre missing something good here.

>> No.40658250

I just can't. If we were laying on a bed together I'd probably just hug her, look her deep in the eyes and give her a kiss, nothing more.

>> No.40659000

Is she 30 yet?

>> No.40659063
File: 179 KB, 1394x1090, FYg31AxVsAEvGx2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her wrinkles makes her look older.

>> No.40659386

Shes smiling dipshit, any face wrinkles when smiles.

>> No.40659422

Older people have more wrinkles.

>> No.40659615

And? Jesus, you children.

>> No.40659986
File: 359 KB, 1504x1128, FYjESVcVEAA7sVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Reo

>> No.40660091

I want to deflower Amane...

>> No.40660097

too late.

>> No.40660117
File: 260 KB, 1448x2048, 1658799304151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lesbian moeka is back

>> No.40660153

Too early.

>> No.40660276

Is this JAV?

>> No.40660314

I couldn't help laughing when I saw that the female side characters still received higher billing than the dudes, who all just got dumped under the 他 umbrella.

>> No.40660591

She just proposed to her in that helicopter, she's more than friend

>> No.40660676

That fucking makeup lmao

>> No.40661086

You will never get nuzzled by a cute fluffy Moyochi why even live
You will never nuzzle up to a cute fluffy Hego why even live

>> No.40661517

lesbian moepi needs a role with lesbian haruchan

>> No.40661551

The best Moeka

I second that

>> No.40662009
File: 128 KB, 1478x1108, FYknuaoacAMbOam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40662091
File: 274 KB, 1504x1128, FYj9znxVQAAzN7C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40662138
File: 154 KB, 1000x1000, FYkw6GhVUAUigT3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40662164

My cute Princess

>> No.40662225

Our cute guild boss

>> No.40662600
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, FYkw6GkUIAAH9-r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not usually the one to buy acrylic stands, but my heart needs this one.

>> No.40663185


didn't know she did stage roles

>> No.40663719
File: 251 KB, 1536x2048, FYlaJ6LakAAOhNP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40663811

The Gegege stage adaptation (?) is a pretty big deal.

It also has Ishii Haruna and Chinharu sharing a role, funnily enough.

>> No.40663918

They're so fucking gay... and I love it.

>> No.40663926


>> No.40664139

Ayasa is really well fed by Aimi

>> No.40664158
File: 282 KB, 1920x2160, FYlzjL6VQAAMYgJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Additional performers for the 15th bushi anniv live

>> No.40664164


>> No.40664369

cute lesbians

>> No.40664412

Is there no chance for Yurishii to make an appearance at the 15th anniversary?

>> No.40664570

>maho is remote
They definitely had a fight

>> No.40664663

she's in the doghouse for going on that date with teru

>> No.40664692

>how to tell anon doesn't follow rabupro

>> No.40665339


i want popipa to wear this stuff

>> No.40665946


>> No.40666357

Hinata took it well, she has a nice sense of humor.

>> No.40666389

Is it supposed to be offensive? i see it a lot on jp twitter

>> No.40666671

I dont think so but theres always someone.

>> No.40666985


Spider-man pointing 2022 ver.

>> No.40667040

Erika cringing through the entire video.

>> No.40667078
File: 836 KB, 1080x1353, Sae in the wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sae needs to do gravure ASAP.
Damn shes hot.

>> No.40667162

>conveniently covers her face
smart girl

>> No.40667166

okay that was pretty funny

>> No.40667172
File: 227 KB, 800x450, 1658857598674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know that sae was a card game slave too. Do all bushi slaves are or have been involved with bushi's card games at some point?

>> No.40667218
File: 646 KB, 1080x1328, no filter Rimi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No filter Rimi is gorgeous

>> No.40667505

It must be her punishment for bullying Chinharu (lovingly?) so often.

>> No.40667560
File: 586 KB, 1536x2048, 1658860748177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moeka posted those photos hugging Haru-chan the same day the bloom into you play was announced
Kek, moepii's management really knows what they're doing. Meanwhile Haru posted pic related.

>> No.40667565

sae's been in rebirth since forever

>> No.40668528
File: 3.42 MB, 1619x2159, 026-04-D1-B8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plain girls with nice bodies send me into overdrive

>> No.40668545

Photobook where?

>> No.40668576

Omfg, please give us the link to the photobook.
Sae is delicious.

>> No.40669454
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1080, FYk95P8VEAAIk19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40669527
File: 2.28 MB, 1617x2159, 030-t2-TLLEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unknown, just got these from an old thread.

>> No.40669711
File: 642 KB, 3237x2159, 69 - g5lLPUh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll add it to the editable spreadsheet as well

>> No.40669748


>> No.40669757

Zamn! Thank you, anon

>> No.40669786

Just in case Ill ask
is this part of the Ace Crew Photobook Series?
because I think they had one for Sae, one for Natsume and one for Raychell.
do you have those too?

>> No.40669797
File: 2.59 MB, 1616x2159, 676f7233-168f-4861-b434-c46db2ec13ea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"p-please impregnate me, Anon!"

>> No.40669860
File: 194 KB, 1200x1200, i-img1200x1200-1629227259waiesc47586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the one:
Does someone has this one?

>> No.40669895

God, thst seems too good to be true

>> No.40670054
File: 2.61 MB, 1614x2159, 037-FNNVmq2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ywn wake up next to cute musician gf

>> No.40670084

>ywn lick sae's feet after she's been playing all day on the street

>> No.40670091
File: 323 KB, 1437x1917, D0Vjh1fWoAAMb3w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like pic related

>> No.40670122

>pic taken exactly at the one and only moment when they weren't holding hands

>> No.40670333

She must be a sex demon on bed.

>> No.40670423

I wonder if they're gonna keep adding people, but I'm not sure who else they could add.

>> No.40670881

Maybe Hervarar and Gran Eple, if schedule finagling can work out (or just a limited Gran Eple lineup with Kaorin and Amane, but desu even Kaorin can outsing and outperform Amane so it's likely to be rough on her/Hibiki). I'm surprised Moepi was listed under Nijigaku but I suppose it was convenient to tap on her appearances for D4DJ and Starlight already.

>> No.40671075

They should make a deal with Pony Canyon and have Haru-chan and Moepi perform as harmoe as well.

>> No.40671208

Moeka and Haruki are already in other three acts, a fourth one might be too much. Plus, harmoe has nothing to do with bushiroad.

>> No.40672121

yeah but it would be real fun to see them there

>> No.40672855

sae sex

>> No.40673261
File: 460 KB, 1536x2048, FYqFxIZakAEtRJu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40673654
File: 150 KB, 750x1000, FYqQVezUcAA-5b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40674014
File: 304 KB, 1774x2364, FYqs37RUIAAXI2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Tonopi

>> No.40674089


>> No.40675123

