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File: 40 KB, 483x275, fateextra_saber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4057007 No.4057007 [Reply] [Original]

As we’ve covered before, you can choose the sex of the main character in Fate/Extra. According to a recent preview at Famitsu, this decision will actually affect the story later in the game. More on this below.
There are now 3 possible Servants to choose from. Which you get will be determined by decisions made early in the game. Judging by the screenshots, in addition to the red variant on the classic Saber, it is also possible for you to get a Caster — who seems to be based off a fox girl — and what seems to be the original Archer, who is no doubt familiar to those who know of the Fate series.
This time, the battlefield is a virtual reality world, called the "Serial Phantasm." The game takes place in a setting similar to that of the original game, the campus of Gekkaibara School, and the main portion of the Holy Grail War will take place in this Serial Phantasm; a virtual reality called Seraph. There, the seven Wizards, who have been transformed into spirits, and their Servants fight to the death over the Holy Grail, which can grant any desire to its bearer.

>> No.4057018 [DELETED] 

yeah bro im as lonely as u r but i found this cool site maybe itll help me its called www.
.com looks promising dude

>> No.4057024

Male or Female.
3 Servants to chose from.
Saber (Red), Caster (Fox), Archer (Normal)

>> No.4057033

Fox girl GET.

>> No.4057045


>> No.4057050
File: 250 KB, 600x598, 7744997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a PSP it seems...

>> No.4057052

this is why I hate furrfags

>> No.4057057

More like .hack or digimon.

>> No.4057071

Wait, does the Grail War being resurrected mean that the 2nd Magic was used, and someone was used as a false Grail again?
And for that matter, since this PROBABLY takes place in the future, and Archer is obviously still EMIYA, does that mean that Shirou decided to pursue his ideal?

>> No.4057088

Whatever happens the Emiya is stuck as a CG.

>> No.4057100

I want this so so so bad but I can't understand japanese...

But there's a high chance some group will translate it right? Right!? ;_;

>> No.4057109

Archer keeps existing regardless of Shirou's choice.
The point is the try to create a Grail, 3d magic is prolly irrelevant since the try this digital format.

>> No.4057130


>> No.4057147


Maybe the Archer will be Shirou but not Archer Shirou if you get my meaning. Maybe the moralfags would get Archer who would act like fate/UBW Shirou, that would be pretty cool.

It would kind of suck if Archer and Saber were exactly the same as in the VN with no different character development or anything (And it looks like Saber IS different)

>> No.4057162

Why the fuck did they go with a virtual reality plot? It's like an "it was just a dream" ending, except worse, because they tell it in advance. What the fuck.

>> No.4057172

If you die in the game you die in real life.

>> No.4057176



>> No.4057184

Who cares. It's just there to tell us the game is not cannon. If they would do it fags would whine and start bombard them with questions

>> No.4057190

Cause your real life and the VR lie are interconnected, for starters.

>> No.4057207

>not canon

Great, even less reason to care.

>> No.4057217

>Caster — who seems to be based off a fox girl

Magical Amber was finally recognized as a heroic spirit.

Also, digital grail. That's fucking hilarious. It fulfills any wish you want... except it's in the virtual world, and not the real one.

>> No.4057219

...How the fuck could it be, for starters?
It's a licenced game (there is just...supervision) on an unrelated setting with obviously vastly different circumstances and characters.
You are just whinging for the sake of it.

>> No.4057225

It's not a digital grail, it's a virtual one ;_;

>> No.4057232

>...How the fuck could it be, for starters?

Easiest thing in the world, the whole Nasuverse is already a collection of infinite alternate realities. Even the original F/SN had three routes that were all the canon route.

>> No.4057235

It fulfills any wish you want... except it's in the virtual world, and not the real one.
You sure?
So it is not just like som kind of magical medium?
Or doesn't magic exist at all in Fate/Extra?

>> No.4057248

Oh, I was just speculating. I didn't say that as meaning it's the truth or anything.

It'd just be amusing if that was the case.

>> No.4057269

With this silly reasoning it can easily be one universe that is so fucking different it does not even fucking matter if you consider it canon or not. Archer is there, so there you go.
One silly label is all that makes things better or worse for you?

>> No.4057278

Why does it really matter? If it's fun, it's fun. Doesn't matter if it's canon or not to F/SN. Just take it in stride.

>> No.4057298

RPG set in Nasuverse seemed like a solid gold recipe but everything I've heard from this game since has made me less interested in it. Exclusive for a worthless console, virtual reality bullshit plot, not canon, male characters get saddled with Rin... I'm not even sure what they could do to make it look good again. Maybe bring in the old Rubyangelita?

>> No.4057311

Yes, that will fix it.
Since the most important criteria were not fulfilled.

What's up with he canonfags surge?

>> No.4057314


More important than the canon status is the fact that it's written by some completely unrelated people instead of Kinoko.

>> No.4057331

Red Saber is slutty.

>> No.4057334

What are you guys blathering about ?
Canon ?
There is no such thing in the Nasuniverse, everything is and isn't canon in a multiverse with infinite dimension and possibilities.

>> No.4057343

Exactly my point.
It's not written by TM, it just borrows settings and characters.
People getting concerned with canon is beyond me.

>> No.4057345

More important, THATS AWESOME. FSN might actually be good!?

>> No.4057349


>for a worthless Console



>virtual reality bullshit plot

Oh I dont even know where to BEGIN with my >Implying...

Anyways you faggots sure know how to jump to conclusions quickly. We have no idea if this is canon or not. Shit we dont even know if its an AU.

>> No.4057361

But yeah, the servants used alone will make it 'ridiculous to the point is fun'.

>> No.4057389

Be a female master with archer as my servant ?!

>> No.4057404

Same old Persona noodles, now with a Type-Moon flavour packet.

>> No.4057412


The servants used are shit, except maybe the Fake Saber who might be used for a funny gag or two with the people who remember the real one.

I've seen the signs, I've read the omens, and everything points to the same conclusion: Almost guaranteed to be shit. Better start bracing yourselves for the disappointment already, that way it will hurt less.

Sure, maybe I'm wrong and this is the one case where somebody completely unrelated to the original creator attempting to do a tangentially related cash-in turns out fucking excellent, but tell you what, if that little miracle happens, I'm going to say I'm sorry.

>> No.4057434

>The servants used are shit
>Tron Lancer, Classic Archer, Magical Amber


>> No.4057436

Persona is not even that old, and the setting is largely unrelated to it.
Perhaps you meant other Megaten games?
Repeating shit you have heard does not make you cool.
I'd rather rely on actual content then signs and omens.
It does not matter what the hype is or the expectations, if it's good, it's good.

>> No.4057439

>Magical Amber

Who the fuck is that?

>> No.4057455

>Persona is not even that old, and the setting is largely unrelated to it.

Oh please, it's obvious they're trying to tap into the success of Persona 3 and 4. The virtual reality bollocks sounds exactly like the Tartarus: diddle around in the real world by day, traipse around in generic magical dungeon by night.

>> No.4057459

Not Kohaku.

>> No.4057460
File: 228 KB, 640x1200, 0cc1fa99585da463281df2f34105b218040278ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are inferior!

>> No.4057461

and shinji is 8 years old

>> No.4057476 [DELETED] 

yeah bro im as lonely as u r but i found this cool site maybe itll help me its called www.
.com looks promising dude

>> No.4057471

...Oh, wow.
Oh fucking wow.
Did you start playing videogames at 2007 or something?

>> No.4057480 [DELETED] 

yeah bro im as lonely as u r but i found this cool site maybe itll help me its called www.
.com looks promising dude

>> No.4057479


No, when I said Persona, I meant Persona. It's still about being an average Japanese high school student, whether it's virtual reality or 'real'. High school kids controlling mythical spirit-beings to fight other high school students with similar spirits.

If you'd like to explain how Fate/Extra is more similar to any of the other MegaTen games than the Persona series, I'd like to hear it.

>> No.4057487
File: 1.78 MB, 3613x2695, 2025979558613977534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The servants used are shit, except maybe the Fake Saber
I think you are missing someone.

As long as EMIYA is Archer then there will be atleast one great servant.

>> No.4057499

>1.78 MB, 3613x2695
What is the point

I didn't notice that it was that large.

>> No.4057509 [DELETED] 

yeah bro im as lonely as u r but i found this cool site maybe itll help me its called www.
.com looks promising dude

>> No.4057502

And Tron Lancer, with real Gae Bolg. And Magical Amber.

Even pirate girl looks interesting.

>> No.4057505

So, this is pretty much Star Ocean 3 without the shitty PLOT TWEEEST and some bits of your generic persona gameplay ?
Looks good to me.

>> No.4057507

>Persona game in the Nasuverse

I see no problem with this, in fact it sounds pretty damn awesome

>> No.4057521

What I mean is that you are a fucking newbie that his reference for this kind of concept is Persona. Hoo boy, whoever heard of an ordinary kid getting extraordinary help and fight in a bigass dungeon.
Just the Digital setting and the gameplay mechanics draw stronger parallels to other games, and some are from the fucking Megaten conglomerate.
Heck, Persona is the Megaten game with the LEAST similarities.
You are a fucking joke.

>> No.4057523


What in the fuck, when did /jp/ suddenly start getting spammed? It seemed like we were immune for the longest time

>> No.4057531

...No, no at all. The setting and circumstances of Star Ocean 3 are nothing alike with this.

>> No.4057538

The plot twist is that the entire universe is a PSP game

>> No.4057551

i hope someone translates this

>> No.4057552

But nobody will buy us!

>> No.4057554


>> No.4057559

I do not think ANYTHING for the PSP, regardless of content has received an english translation (barring maybe a few menus)

>> No.4057570


I'm pretty sure there has been, but I can't think of anything.

I will investigate! Hold on /jp/!

>> No.4057580
File: 25 KB, 406x394, crystalBall1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I peer into my crystal ball and past and future, I see all.

I predict... a cheaply made, low-tech Persona clone with just enough Nasuverse tie-ins to make the fans buy it, but so little that they end up feeling cheated and disappointed, realizing they got only a mediocre fanwork in the end. Sales drop quickly after the start due to bad word-of-mouth and incessant bitching on the internet.

Also, the beast with three upon three eyes rises under the mark of the wand. Don't know what's up with that.

>> No.4057607

It means there's a fucking spider on your balls.

>> No.4057614

>I predict... a cheaply made, low-tech Persona clone with just enough Nasuverse tie-ins to make the fans buy it
>but it

You're really bad at this predicting thing, bro.

>> No.4057618
File: 76 KB, 620x682, yua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you have... precognitive powers?

>> No.4057619


From a quick look, Tales of Phantasia and a few others look like they have been, but very very few have been translated compared to the DS.

I dunno, Fate/Stay Night is one of the most popular VNs (Like it or not, it is) and chances are there will be a reasonable demand for translation, as it's common in the VN community.

Who knows though...

>> No.4057622

You know, DDS, Original Megaten, heck, Devil Summoner for Gameplay issues fits better for that than Persona.
Not even counting non Megaten games.
Seriously. Do not be such a newbie.

>> No.4057624



>> No.4057627


>but it

You're really bad at this greentexting thing, bro.

>> No.4057634
File: 305 KB, 600x700, 1260407194500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yamame up to her usual mischief again, of course.

>> No.4057637
File: 8 KB, 512x448, 89e30b7d9e85aa16bbbe454fc08095a4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Original Megaten

I must have missed the part where you move in corridors in the first perspective, with 10 foot leaps and 90 degree turns in Fate Extra.

>> No.4057647

Tales of Phantasia already had a complete translation project for the SNES. It would have been relatively easy just to take the translated script, do a little bit more for new stuff, and then patch it in.

I don't even know how that happened. At all.

>> No.4057648




>> No.4057652

Plot setting, you fucking retard.

>> No.4057658


Do you seriously think I was talking about the fucking plot, idiot?

>> No.4057659

Well, even less then the DS (where the only one that's worthwhile is Soma Zruz).
Does not bode well.

>> No.4057679

Gameplay wise, Persona barely fits againr and there are better Megaten choices for that.

>> No.4057686

Get out FE devs.

>> No.4057690


Pretty sure that's not the only one. Either way, there's a precedence of a game being translated, so there's still a chance.

>> No.4057711


Yeah, but you can't seem to come up with any reasons why. And I like how you dodged this question at >>4057479

Just won't let it go, eh?

>> No.4057726

Fire Emblem x Fate.


>> No.4057745 [DELETED] 


Just play Battle Moon Wars, FE's gameplay is barely any different SRW.

>> No.4057749


Just play Battle Moon Wars, FE's gameplay is barely any different from SRW.

>> No.4057752

But it won't involve weapon/magic triangles!

Lancer would beat Archer, as long as Archer didn't trace you know what.

>> No.4057771 [DELETED] 

yeah bro im as lonely as u r but i found this cool site maybe itll help me its called www.
.com looks promising dude

>> No.4057781

I don't think Lancer's geass would work on a copy, he'd be fucked against Gilgamesh however.

>> No.4057787

A virtual reality with who knows how many varied setting and situations it will included is hardly like 'A big Fucking tower' that is Tartarus, which is also a concept that has been around much longer than persona.
Also, the digital aspect is much more akin to other SMT games. The gameplay is nothing like Persona.
Digimon has more similarities than Persona does.

So, when there are many Games that have many more similarities than Persona does, and a few being Megaten ones, your insistence on making this comparison indicates either a bad troll or a man who has played very few games and struggles to make superficial similarities important. Or is your big argument that your character goes to School?

>> No.4057791

Actually, they are nothing alike, and BMW is not that good either.

>> No.4057793


Pretty sure he means Rho Aius.

>> No.4057794

>No permanent deaths
>Non-random character growth
>Every unit is ranged in some manner
>Spirit commands

>> No.4057795

Aacha's not Ulster-born, though, unless I'm thinking of the wrong you-know-what.

>> No.4057804

Why do you think Shirou has red hair?

>> No.4057810

inb4 Shirou's real parents were really Irish Nationals or somesuch.

>> No.4057817

I thought that shield couldn't block Gae Bolg.

>> No.4057826

It can and did. Any shield of sufficient strength can. Gae Bolg is unavoidable, but not unblockable.

>> No.4057828

Did we read the same game?

>> No.4057822 [DELETED] 

yeah bro im as lonely as u r but i found this cool site maybe itll help me its called www.
.com looks promising dude

>> No.4057838



It's taking place in a high school. That's the setting for the gameplay, where the majority of the gameplay takes place. You're not wandering around a post-apocalyptic city. The fact that it's going on in virtual reality is irrelevant, because you're still walking around a high school, talking to high school students, and experiencing a gameplay setting reminiscent of Persona.

Furthermore, as someone else pointed out, you're not dungeon crawling like the original SMT games in first-person.

>> No.4057839

Well, the conceptual effect of "Not letting any projectile past probably contributed the most", however, Archer still got pretty mangled from that whole encounter.

>> No.4057854

Wait wait wait

Isn't the virtual reality the dungeon ONLY? It would be pretty retarded going to a virtual school for no reason at all.

If we're comparing persona, wouldn't VR be the equivalent to tartarus? Somewhere else, in other words?

>> No.4057858

From what I remember the lance pretty much oblitared the shield, and since the shield is an extention of Archer/Shirou's body, the damage the shield suffers is damge he suffers.
While it avoided the hax of piercing the heart in one strike, it still made a big deal of damage.

>> No.4057861

But shouldn't Archer been able to have won as well, as long as he felt that he could afford to waste some mana?
The overedge combo attack seems to be fairly effective considering how it is an attack with a quite higher rank than the original weapons, thus making it a somewhat unexpected attack most of the times.

Can't both of them have the possibility of victory?

>> No.4057863

The gameplay has nothing to do with Persona either though.
At least the DIGITAL aspect and your companion's nature which is a FAR more distinguishing aspect than being around at a school has a connection with the older games.
So, all games where you are a student and get a text box when approaching other students is Persona now?
Clearly, they took the most important plot elements and mechanics.

>> No.4057869


>It would be pretty retarded going to a virtual school for no reason at all

Maybe there are hikkis in this game universe who don't want to leave the basement to go to school, and this is the alternative.

>> No.4057870

The point is who has the definite advantage.

>> No.4057881

VR is where the action takes place.
More akin a different 'dimension' than a big dungeon.
That screams more of .hack or entering the Digimon world than entering a big tower.

>> No.4057883

I don't think that the shield is any more of an extension of his body than any of his other projeections.
Wasn't it just so that the lance actually beat his shield even though it no longer had the power to reach his heart, thus it failed partway through his arm that was holding up the shield?

>> No.4057884

Lancer has nearly absolute evasion against projectiles due to being himself.
Hell, I wouldn't put it past him to jump off of the thrown swords in the beginning of the Overedge.

>> No.4057911

Well by that reasoning then Lancer would have the definite advantage against almost all non-monster enemies within close and mid combat, that is after all his, and his spear's strong points.
Archer could otherwise blast him from the horizon and in such a condition then Archet would have the definite advantage without doubt.

>> No.4057930


Whether it's digital or magical or whatever doesn't matter. Playing a video game that takes place in a VR high school isn't any different than playing a video game that takes place in a 'real' high school in the game universe. And as for the nature of the servants, that doesn't change the gameplay experience either. It's just another way of explaining why cool shit like Servants exist, and why average Japanese high school students suddenly have special powers.

Not all of the older Megaten games took place in high schools, but of the ones that did, how many of them were third-person, like Persona's perspective?

>> No.4057931

Isn't just so that he is a master of blocking and deflicting projectiles? I don't remember anything that said that he was a master at dodging such things.
If it would just be deflicting/blocking then it wouldn't stop the overedge combo though, that combo is in a sense unguardable for "normal" foes.

>> No.4057948


The entire Persona series 1-4. Original SMTs sure as hell didn't take place in school.

>> No.4057954

This is going by external knowledge of Cu Chulainn, where at one point in the Táin Bó Cúalnge some guy throws 3 spears in rapid succession at him and he justs jumps onto the first one and runs along all three of them and kills the guy.

>> No.4057957


I find your lack of Lancereaver disturbing. Seriously guys, it was a stupid joke.

>> No.4057961

The high-school itself is not VR you numbfuck.
And yes, let's ignore all details that matter, who cares about plot and setting, or gameplay?
And yes, newer games on newer consoles have a similar perspective.

>> No.4057963

Shin Megami Tensi 'IF'.

>> No.4057984


>let's ignore all details that matter

Like the fact that the game is taking place in a high school, whereas other Megaten games didn't?

>And yes, newer games on newer consoles have a similar perspective.

Name one from Megaten, other than Persona.

>> No.4057986

That's just Kamen Rider Odin. He's patching the signal over to you.

>> No.4058046

Everything released on the PS2. Quite easy.
And a school existing is nowhere near an important detail, unless all new games where you are a student take that aspect from Persona. Persona also made up the concept of having a party made up of different members.

>> No.4058053

I know, that Cu Culain guy is a pretty cool mythological character.
I still don't know if /fsn Lancer is capable of such things even though it may be very plausible and likely tha he is.
Then again, I am not sure if he would be able to do the same against projectiles thrown by a heroic spirit.
Gil's and Archer's arrows who are shot travvels at approximately a bit over mach10 and jumping on these are most likely impossible for him without a command spell. Though I don't know how fast he is able to throw Kanshou/Bakuya, but I may have shown my point.
Shirou managed to pull of an inferior version executed with inferior stats and probably less finesse on Dark Saber with her top rated stats and nearly precognition-like instinct together with her mana controll thing boosting her speeds.
Granted that she could have easily killed him giving more proper circuimstances and that Lancer is likely to handle projectiles better than her, I doubt he would be able to negate such a combo performed properly by Archer.

>> No.4058072

Gil had to chain Lancer before GoB'ing him in Fate. Gil.
That says something, doesn't it? If Gilgamesh acknowledges his skill... yeah, he can probably at least dodge.

>> No.4058145

Probably to some extent yeah, but it was probably still mostly deflecting, those things move at really high mach speeds, and while Lancer may be able to swing his lance at mach speeds (even though nowhere near the projectile speed even though that isn't entirly neccesary given distance, reflexes and skill) but his own movement is nowhere near that fast as long as you don't count quick turns and things such as leaning and the like.
Kanshou and Bakuya have almost homing-like properties though and they attack several times from several angles at ones while being engaged in melee combat.
At best I would think that he may be able to work his way around the thrown Kanshou and Bakuya but after blocking/dodging those, the Overedge itself should work, and at melee combats without any tricks they are seemingly even and I doubt that the Overedge is an attack that one can meerly block. (and the combo is pretty hard to block by itself, though it is lancer so he might make it though it should still distract/occupy him.

>> No.4058163
File: 66 KB, 500x500, archerhandinhair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I want exactly the same thing.

If there is not at least one h doujin with Archer and the female protagonist I am going to be very unhappy.

>> No.4058181 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4058224
File: 73 KB, 700x550, archerlancerberserkesque.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One thing that bothers me in the designs is that they make Archer slimmer and Lancer is OMG HUEG, when it should be the other way around. Archer NEEDS his broad shoulders while Lancer should be the lean, mean, drinking Irish fighting machine.

>> No.4058236

That actually caught my attention too, I wonder how come they didn't realize that themselves.

>> No.4058258


>> No.4058282

In the anime everyone dodges his weapons as if it is within their abillities, other than the few scenes where he was supposed to get killing or severly crippling blows.

>> No.4058286
File: 350 KB, 1113x1600, archervslancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, really, Archer's a spirit of Iron Forging. Blacksmiths were fucking HUGE.

Lancer's the speedy spirit, so he should be lean.

The new change makes no sense!

And there should be porn of Archer and the girl protagonist. It would be hellishly hot. Then again, there needs to be more porn with Archer anyway.

>> No.4058370

Both smiths and Archers were really huge, that type of work/training really worked the upper body and not just the arms, resulting in really huge builds.

To many, I'm known as Archer, Knight of the Bow, The Spirit of Iron Forging. To none who still live, I'm known as Emiya Shirou, the naive fool who believed himself capable of saving everyone

>> No.4058383

>The Spirit of Iron Forging

But I thought steel was his body.

>> No.4058414

So Rin gets Lancer, huh?
I'd get the game for that reason alone. The fact that you can get Emiya as your female MCs Servant is icing on the cake.

>> No.4058418

Why would that stop him from being a Spirit of Iron Forging?
He is the bone of his sword, in other words he himself is what makes up his weapons.

>> No.4058432

PSP only? Why do you have to bust my balls like this Japan?
Fucking useless piece of shit.

>> No.4058485
File: 216 KB, 659x620, tsundereand2GAR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're lucky, there'll be a foursome of Archer/Rin/Lancer/Female Protag. It would be hot . . .

That too. I forgot that midevil Archers were huge as well. Then again, they had to pull a 250 pound bow. And Archer mounted fucking SWORDS on a bow, so yeah, HUEG.

>> No.4058495

Why is Archer so moe?

>> No.4058511
File: 59 KB, 500x600, archerkiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archer's not Moe, he's Tsundere.

Then again, he has the qualities to be a perfect wifeu. He can cook, he can clean, he makes perfect tea and likes to fix things.

>> No.4058612

>Implying Tsundere isn't a moe trait

>> No.4058627

He is without doubt the most skilled butler/maid of the story.
Can he be more skilled than Iliya's trained maids however? I wonder

>> No.4058655

fate/extra? moar liek fate/.hack

>> No.4058667

Archer traces the Twilight Bracelet.

Everyone else loses.

>> No.4058694

Unlimited Data Drain Works?

>> No.4059268
File: 60 KB, 459x500, archershinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is the Twilight Bracelet?

If he's from the Ilya route, I'd imagine he would have banged one of the maids because Ilya's body would have broken taking all of that GAR.

>> No.4059321
File: 68 KB, 700x544, rinarchersexytime.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how they're going to handle if you summon Archer when you run into Rin and Lancer. If it is not touched upon or Archer doesn't taunt Rin, this game will FAIL.

>> No.4059434

