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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.17 MB, 1500x1015, Congrats, blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40579639 No.40579639 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.40579896
File: 71 KB, 474x268, 1644006578369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, everyone.
>Can you run moshikami on vita3k?
I wouldn't say it's playable at all. The last time I tried there were some bugs and ended up playing another title instead.

>> No.40580014
File: 32 KB, 386x521, 2021-11-17 14_17_24-DeSmuME 0.9.12 git#70ffcb9b x64-JIT SSE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, good job

>> No.40581113

Wake me up!

>> No.40581116

Thanks, cage-kun.

>> No.40581385
File: 449 KB, 720x1200, FXcaQoIaIAAB1L2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Teru's birthday /blog/ say something nice to him.

>> No.40581473

He can rest his head on my lap any time.

>> No.40581744

I want Teru to chop my head

>> No.40581918

I'd rip his shirt, right now.

>> No.40582076
File: 639 KB, 937x530, w6o0vghf5f851 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, my sides.
Happy 300th anons! Cage 2.0 is coming out for EOPs soon.

>> No.40583785

still one of the best tokimeki boys

>> No.40584248

Holy fucking based.

>> No.40586416

That bastard...

>> No.40587347
File: 520 KB, 1192x711, 172381309-f5e8efd5-54f1-4e3e-b121-9987be853ed6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It runs, but you'll have to deal with some black background.

>> No.40588973
File: 61 KB, 500x500, UtaPri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UtaPri All-Star After Secret for Nintendo Switch will be released by December 22nd. Can we expect Dolce Vita for 2023? Please, give me hope.
I want to listen to new songs and fuck Heavens so bad.

>> No.40589415
File: 1.59 MB, 1200x675, 1658224957328927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are vtubers taking OUR artists blogbrosisters?

>> No.40589672

they belong to FGO-gacha shitters actually

>> No.40589715

what if I'm a boy and I like these games?

>> No.40589807

Fujo, please. You are not fooling anyone.

>> No.40590113

wouldn’t be surprised if it came out in 2025 for the 15th anniversary and broccoli possibly never bothering to actually develop the game until they finished porting every game to switch + tatsun cheating on lisa would have cooled down

>> No.40590276

They're so ugly.

>> No.40590278

slow damage is never fucking coming out

>> No.40590398
File: 24 KB, 256x400, 224600_824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tatsun cheating on lisa
Can you imagine what the impact of the scandal would have been like if Haruka was voiced by LiSA?
Or better yet, it makes me laugh to think of a similar situation, but in the game. It would be an interesting route. Ranmaru would have cucked Haruka with some A-chan groupie and tried to kill himself having been found out because Aoi's GoPro eye recorded him fucking her in Quartet Night's mansion while Haruka was supporting STARISH in a concert. Then Haruka would have had to go to the hospital to tell him she forgives him and keep singing and that she doesn't mind being a cuck.
Then, the game reviews and how much Ranmaru sucks, but whose route has been the least cliched in idol otome games. A love-hate relationship with the character.

>> No.40590594

refuse to believe kurahana drew the blue bitch, he looks nothing like her style

>> No.40590624

Dude, don't spoil his dolce vita route like that.

>> No.40590673

>Aoi's GoPro eye recorded him fucking her in Quartet Night's mansion
And the video going viral on xidols.com
I'd fund this route.
It seems like she lowered her drawing level to pair up with the other three artists who designed the other characters.

>> No.40590775

>looks nothing like her style
that's an improvement

>> No.40590822

This isn't /jp/

>> No.40591133

Where are we then

>> No.40591210

Dolce Vita will have to surpass this.

>> No.40591631

I have no words for the 4th one.

>> No.40591737

Right needs to push his eyes closer together

>> No.40593713


>> No.40594174

So do I have to get a job to support his cage lifestyle? If so, fuck it, I'll enter the cage myself

>> No.40594193

Please wait until we make a new version for children onegaishimasu

>> No.40595878

Any anon that has 1# blog thread?
I am curious about what oldfag blog sisters liked back then.

>> No.40596152
File: 12 KB, 284x177, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>country bumpkin
>naive af
>voiced by Suzuki Chihiro
Why is he not blogs husband again?

>> No.40596219

Personally, can't view under #102 thread. I know /blog used to be in /vg/ instead. Maybe old archives they got nuked ;_;

>> No.40596756

I remember that anons shared Cool-B magazines and even uploaded scans here. /swords/ had quite a presence and those fags used to bump the general more than otome sisters to keep it alive. Otome and BL games were shared quite often here and their download links included on sites filtered by 4chan now (pastebin, justpasteit, etc). Music and dramas were occasionally shared as well.

About where to find the archives of the first generals... Fireden used to have /vg/'s back up until 2015 IIRC. What happened along the way, was that that archive needed more gibbs to survive, but the donations weren't even enough and Moot or whoever had to purge the board that contained the most shitpost: /vg/, precisely. The first 101 missing threads of this general were purged.
The Yotsuba Society donated an old backup of the board to Stanford University Libraries, but the archives of /blog/ are not present there either, as the backup is so old that this general didn't exist yet. There are some backups of old /vg/ on archive.org too, some of them very heavy for download, but none has these threads either.
There was another alternative archiver called yuki.la that had some /blog/, but that site died too.

>> No.40596847

Alucard is cute, just drawn weird. Furry is cute without mask. I feel nothing towards regis. Magni is actually design-wise ok but draw horribly. I'll prob pop in and see their debuts anyway

>> No.40597012

When you press random on a picrew

>> No.40598725

Jou-chan or Koneko-chan? You have no choice but to pick the one you prefer.

>> No.40598788

The former I guess, but I haven't read anything with a female protagonist in like 20 years.

>> No.40599016

I don't think I've ever seen koneko-chan used sincerely. It's like, the go-to nickname for deliberately corny pickup lines.

>> No.40599363

Too based.

>> No.40600603

jou-chan, it makes me feel fancy + not as cheesy as koneko (tho i like both)

>> No.40600882

I will stop playing your game if you konekochan me, not even joking.
Jyouchan is fine though

>> No.40601836

Damn I must be the only konekochan… jou-chan just feels more distant to me

>> No.40602437

I joined by general fifty something, but I don't think they first ones had diverged much from those.
>half-dead general
>the few anons who kept it afloat kept waiting for the games of the year to be localized
>N+C was often discussed
>buyfags posted pics of their games

>> No.40602595

I can see why if the protagonists have an actual personality

>> No.40607779

Which archetype do you like the most?

>> No.40607828

Old mentor. Can't help it, I grew up with Star Wars.

>> No.40608233

Spaghetti spilling virgins or polite haraguro types.

>> No.40608655

Sexually frustrated yandere.

>> No.40609609

Devoted simping white knight

>> No.40609756

I wish I had tastes as refined as the other anons. I'm just crazy about siscon aniki.

>> No.40609830

Siscon aniki is a refined choice, though.But only patrician if BR.

>> No.40610190

>first route makes it clear the story is going to be the same every time with events switched out depending on the boy you pick
>lose all motivation to finish the game

>> No.40610295

Honestly it depends on what kind of MC they have to play off of. It sucks if their archetype is nice but the MC cucks you by being shit.

>> No.40610408

Genki retard with depression

>> No.40610606

We know, Eiichi.

>> No.40611337

Examples of this one?

>> No.40611511

Tsundere that break down into a complete mess when you push back, and definitely haraguro

>> No.40611574

over protective younger brothers and two-faced gentlemen

>> No.40611662

>over protective younger brothers

>> No.40611704

Perverted lazyfags

>> No.40611792
File: 123 KB, 960x544, 1627086475003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaji and Cecil come to mind. It's just that they're so good at cucking their competition that you can't tell they're white knights.

>> No.40611826

No idea what it's called but when they appear kuudere or stoic at first but are actually eccentric/himbo-ish

>> No.40611853

Do you have examples?

>> No.40611950
File: 22 KB, 250x300, 101676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sunk Cost Fallacy-kuns making matters worse for themselves and causing entirely avoidable issues on purpose,
posting the first actually /blog/-related example that came to mind but you know i actually mean jacopo

>> No.40612754

mentally unstable oresama

>> No.40613056
File: 38 KB, 400x493, 1643074290956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy?

>> No.40613976

Same, plus jou-chan makes them sound old.
I have a toshishita fetish damnit

>> No.40613993

People like Leonid from Shingakkou or Edmond from Nu Carnival, right? (though Edmond is more of a tsundere)

>> No.40614083

Itsuki from Yumekuro maybe?

>> No.40615409

Edmond is just a straight up tsundere, so no.
From what I know, yes

Y'know I'm blanking on examples and the only one I can think of off the top of my head is Hanazawa from Hashihime. I prob like him more than the average reader, just wish his route had more.

>> No.40616068

Deredere genki who gets easily flustered.
I just like routes where the LI actually acts like he enjoys being with (you) and is excited to go out with (you) instead of
>two hours of reading
>oh god he showed a side smirk!

>> No.40616604

Absolutely based.

>> No.40617566

100% agreed. If I wanted to be verbally abused by men I'd just enter the dating market irl.

>> No.40617669

>two hours of reading
>oh god he showed a side smirk!
Scien's route in virche.txt

>> No.40618541

No that was
>four hours of reading
>oh god he's finally stopping to be an aspie that completely destroyed the souls of most of the people in the setting!
>but he still doesn't smile or acts as he loves (you)

>> No.40618789

axel from oz mafia
he's a dandere with a major silly side. i wanted to do his route but after finishing the sadist's i lost energy

>> No.40620038

Certainly, not genki.
It only works on women.

>> No.40620875


>> No.40621813


>> No.40621938

So, assuming I want to play the corda series, do you need to do them in proper order or can you skip the first game?

>> No.40623742


>> No.40623761

Oh now I remember

>> No.40629174

second game is a direct sequel to the first, but it does a good job explaining what happened in the first game to new comers. 3rd game is a new setting and the 4th game is a sequel to that one. i haven’t played those yet, but the corda series is light and sweet so there’s no heavy overarching plots

>> No.40629262


>> No.40629301

Who would want a grown-ass man as imouto?

>> No.40629940

Every sane woman alive.

>> No.40630077

The same kind of cancer that calls everyone s*sters.

>> No.40630697

I hate pet names and terms of endearment in general. Thank fuck Japanese isn't as flooded with them as English.

>> No.40630761

It's how they save on not voicing your name, I can't blame them for that.

>> No.40630880

I don't blame them either. It's usually only English-language romance that routinely exceeds my tolerance level. But I still don't like it.

>> No.40631293

Trash, I like trash.
I am a garbage bin.

>> No.40631686

I can get that — a dozen konekochans won't cause me to feel a fraction of cringe that "babe" does.

Although I can be fine with jou-chan or koneko-chan depending on context. Still, as far as avoidong saying actual names goes, I prefer words that are specific for a relaionship, be it leader, partner, some title or maybe some specific nickname that one character made for another — feels a bit more special and personal that way.

>> No.40632023

The perfect thread image. Nice work, anon. I now love cages instead of belts. I'll never leave.

>specific nickname
That's why I like Karen giving TMGS3 MC the nickname of Bambi. It tells something about Karen and the protagonist in one go.

>> No.40632504


>> No.40632886


>> No.40633068

bambi is cute, more games need a nickname that isn’t derived from the name (you) put in so it’s voiced

>> No.40634206

I'm an expensive slut.

>> No.40634631
File: 2.83 MB, 1920x1080, congrats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished reading it a couple days ago (and Saya no Uta before getting off the Nitro+ gore train). I wasn't aware that Makoto and Zenya didn't have proper routes, only side bad endings - a bit unexpected but I see where the plot wanted to go so that's okay I guess.The end of Tetso's amnesia route was PAIN - did they really have to throw in that cg of Youji at the train stop? Really pouring salt on a wound there tsk. I was hoping they would give Kamiya a bit more screen time to explain some PLOT from his side, including information on the organization and how they monitor Inner Beings and hosts.Also a little more background on Zenya's father and the whole FAITH aspect wouldn't hurt. No doubt Youji is the most tragic N+C protag and I feel bad for him. I understand fully what anon said when he was destined to die. I just wanted him to be happy...
Also everything related to the meat cocoon is DISGUSTING. 2 humans melting into eachother, everything is gore and somehow gives birth to a child (already looking like a teenager) yuck. DENY THEM!

I'm currently reading Hashihime, it's been very slow so far, does it pick up the pace further in?

>> No.40635354


>> No.40635388

>I'm currently reading Hashihime, it's been very slow so far, does it pick up the pace further in?
I haven't re-read it, but from what I remember the pacing was very good, are you at the very beginning? If anything, some routes are so rushed it feels delirious.

>> No.40635750

imo, the Minakami route does drag in the middle but its kinda intentional because Tamamori is losing his grasp on reality more and more. Plus it leads to a more cathartic payoff when you actually fuck so I was actually ok with it in the end.

>> No.40639295


>> No.40639363
File: 110 KB, 960x544, 1653702171670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you like sex.

>> No.40639479


>> No.40639885

So, what's better to play, corda 2 ps2 or psp?
Seems psp is missing a bunch of voiced scenes which is a turn off.

>> No.40640625


>> No.40640718


>> No.40641442

i’m playing psp because my laptop can’t handle emulating ps2 games, if you can play the psvita full voice remake, kiniro no corda 2 ff

>> No.40641558

Ps2 it is then, since the vita emulator doesn't run it.
Piano boy I actually liked when watching the tv series here I go!

>> No.40643606

Hello everyone,
I'm the person who made the Beastmaster and prince partial patch for Switch. Some people helped me copy-pasting the rest of the scripts, so the patch is completed. However, some images are left in Japanese, I wonder if anyone could help me translate or edit them? They're png images.

Thanks a lot for your help.

>> No.40650349


>> No.40650368

Oyaji that kidzones you for half the route

Disgusting slut

>> No.40650579

(Your Name)-kun

>> No.40651439

Indescribably based.

>> No.40652069

N+C anons: opinions on Shiki's route in Togainu no Chi?

I went into it expecting to be a lot more fucked up than Keisuke's route and left disappointed on that front, the entirety of the game really didn't delve as deep into its darker themes as much as I would've liked it to.

The main complaint that I've got about Shiki's route is that Akira kind of just loses his personality in the bad ends? He really loses everything lovable about him when he just turns out to be either Shiki's consort that fucks everyone else to get him jealous or this subservient second-in-command for his dictatorship. It felt as if they threw his whole character away just to be with Shiki.

As a side mention, the piercing scene was pretty hot, even if it had me questioning what the fuck was in that alcohol (since it was so similar to how he behaved under the mysterious drugs in Arbitro's end).

I've had my complaints with the game but overall it's pretty good, in my opinion. I haven't seen Nano's route yet (or Yukihito's route in True Blood), but I doubt there'd be anything in there that would change my thoughts on Shiki's route as a whole.

>> No.40653307

Why would a fujo like otome?

>> No.40653389

I like both.

>> No.40653446

To be fair, "these games" could refer to either BL or otome games.

>> No.40654330

I only started branching out into otome bc I've gone through so much BL. I just mentally autocorrect the girl MC out and imagine a guy instead. Otome is overall more boring to me though.

>> No.40655179

Boy do play Bl games tho', at least /a/ variety of weaabos

>> No.40656749

I hate how right you are especially slutty characters giving MC that nickname.

>Oyaji that kidzones you
I can't help it. I like older deep and smooth voices. It sucks that I learned about DoubleScore too late. The love interests are older guys with the youngest at 29.

>> No.40657139

/a/ mostly likes otokonoko if sadpanda threads (RIP) are any indication, but I don't think that counts. That said there are some guys who actually like BL games, for sure. It's not all fujos. Just 99%.

>> No.40657149

>/a/ mostly likes otokonoko if sadpanda threads (RIP) are any indication
I'm talking about /a/ homo threads, otakonoko is a straight fetish. 4chan is mostly a dude side

>> No.40657199

>/a/ homo threads
fujos and fujos larping as gay men

>> No.40657265

You are a delusional woman thinking you are the majority on a man site.

>> No.40657305

That's why the best bad end is vegetable Shiki.

>> No.40657331

There's a lot less BL games than otome ones. I'd rather play BL games but I can make do with otome.

>> No.40657431 [SPOILER] 
File: 601 KB, 1536x2048, 3189366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappointed by the lack of update for Towa on the toilet this WonFes.

>> No.40657935

Rich bratty senpai that plays the piano

>> No.40658383

I wonder if there are rich love interests that are actually dumb as fuck and godawful at music.
And not
>pretend he's bad but actually amazing
just completely average.

>> No.40658877
File: 26 KB, 504x254, siga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dramatical Murder STILL getting figures

>> No.40659783

It's not exactly like it's new news that it's getting more figures. I see a lot in the fandom regarding that one KouAo one that Native has in the works currently.

You're absolutely right on that one, anon.

>> No.40661427

Toilet Towa is being made by Native and they were not at Wonfes.

>> No.40661623
File: 183 KB, 800x1000, FYYeUuDUcAED5NE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40664695

That's why I said it doesn't count.
Not on the site but on some threads, sure. The site as a whole is a lot more balanced than you think.

>> No.40665077

Is there a better pic of the Towa? This is what I wanted over toilet Towa kek

>> No.40665245

>Not on the site but on some threads, sure. The site as a whole is a lot more balanced than you think.
4chan being a man site is always why it managed to main such a quality. If it was mostly girls it would be dead like fujochan

>> No.40667424

>actually dumb as fuck and godawful at music
Riku from Zettai Kaikyuu Gakuen. It's laughable because he says he's good at playing the violin, but when you finally hear it. Like, wow. He's arrogant because of his superior status, but he loafs off at doing actual work at the student council. The best/worst part is how much this smug tsundere grew on me that he became best boy after going through all routes beating all his other love rivals in my eyes. It's amazing because I disliked him at first that he was the second to the last guy I did.

>> No.40669765
File: 99 KB, 952x277, 1634481996631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only 1 day to go until the release. Anyone hyped?

>> No.40669804

I'm only interested because Furukawa voices Jack. Nothing else.

>> No.40670046

How much do VAs influence your game choice?

>> No.40670057

some va are unfappable or feel weird in romantic situations, so pretty heavily for me

>> No.40670074

I would say quite a lot, in my case. I tend to avoid routes of characters whose voice is played by Terashit or any other VA that sounds girly.
Sugita would be proud of me.

>> No.40670951

I'll play anything with Suwabe in it.

>> No.40671504

Gimme Toriumi and I'll play the fucking game.

>> No.40671599

Half the time I skip through VAs talking because I already finished reading the dialogue, so zero

>> No.40671737

Not at all
On the contrary I think VAs should be forced to retire after so many notable roles because eventually they start to just sound like the VA instead of the character

>> No.40671881

Will play garbage if my favorite seiyus are in it. Games with Toriumi will get put on the backburner or never picked up unless it has raving reviews.

>> No.40672007

Is Morikubo the prime example of this?

>> No.40672423

Picked up then.

>> No.40672663

I don't care much, but it's nice to hear your favorites.

>> No.40672677

I like KENN, I pick up his games even if the LIs he voices tend to be more miss than hit.

>> No.40672941



>> No.40673058

I feel like Slow Damage (eng) is going to release soon. Jast is on the last testing build (apparently...) and they've instructed streamers to contact them if they intend to stream the game on release.
Might be being stupid hopeful but it would be nice to get it by the end of next week...

>> No.40673422

I'd check it out.

>> No.40674106

But muh physical preorders and bonuses. It will get a late September release

>> No.40674301

This is the fault of directors wanting their characters to all sound the same

I get a kick out of Onmyoji hiring Morikubu to voice a random ass monster that speaks gibberish

>> No.40674383

Will mute everyone except Miyano and Koyasu

>> No.40674747

I would play anything for Tachibana Shinnosuke honestly.

>> No.40676116

It doesn't, I'm not a VAfag. And worst case I'll mute the voices.

>> No.40677242

I play all games with the voices muted

>> No.40677889 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 207x237, 87815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More games with unhinged schizo cannibal grandmas like Naruomi? Him getting cucked in every other route was entertaining and his was VA really good especially in the ending where he gets raped and killed by the pedo.

Also nie no machi fandisk hype.

>> No.40677927
File: 14 KB, 207x237, 87815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More games with unhinged schizo cannibal grandmas like Naruomi? Him getting cucked in every other route was entertaining and his VA was really good especially in the ending where he gets raped and killed by the pedo.

Also nie no machi fandisk hype.

>> No.40678003

Nie no machi had some of the shittiest endings ever, literally only the true end was slightly satisfying.

>> No.40678026

I mute every single VA who doesn't turn me on.

>> No.40678046

Would be nice if gets leaked.

>> No.40679036

Anything you recommend sis? I've been a fan of his voice since the YGO GX times.

>> No.40679240

I liked him in yunohana spring, not my first choice because for once you can romance the shallow, obviously rival guy who eventually falls for you, but kenn is a good childhood friend.
Bustafellows is ok but I didn't like limbo or his route much.
I liked orpheus in reine des fleurs, route was ok, not the best but not the worst.
I find ken ga kimi super boring but I liked Kei's design.
He's also in desert kingdom, which is itself is a fun VN.
This is what I mean by hit or miss, love the voice but I swear he's never voiced my first choice in a VN.

>> No.40679488

Nie no machi had some of the best short bad endings in recent memory, it was like playing an old BL game from the aughts.

Compare to slow damage's massively underwhelming bad ends, a game coming the supposed king of bad endings n+C. Nie's were definetely more entertaining and had an incest true route like a proper BL game . Cherry on the cake.

>> No.40679530

I don't remember that many specifics because I played it a few years back now but I remember the out of nowhere rape in Mio's route really souring me on him and Asuku's ending being awful.
I read something on 5ch about there being production problems where the writer was replaced part way through or something.
IIRC they've replaced the writer again for the FD.

>> No.40679737

But the route endings were downright awful.
Do Asuku'sroute it's revealed he was the bad side of the original guy so the guy whose route you did isn't even there anymore.
Do mio's route doesn't even remember anything.
Do Naruomi's route and not only he doesn't remember anything but pretends he does out of sheer yandere gaslighting
They were super shit, and I enjoyed their routes otherwise, but their endings were godawful. Unironically retconning the whole game in the true end was more satisfying.

>> No.40679846

Genuinely weirded out at how vanilla slow damage ended up being.
Where's the cannibalism? Where's he beheaded blowjob? Where's the incest?
I think the most graphic thing was just the supposed insect imagery on Taku's BE but that wasn't even real, it's not like maggots were actually crawling up his ass.
And the most "wince" moment is Rei BE just pulling out the corset pierceings.

>> No.40679858

Slow damage is a healing game, barring Madarame's route, but that one is pure psychological abuse.

>> No.40679960

The game was tamer than Lamento, which is legit a shock. The game even mocks you for expecting the usual n+c cliches with Mayu and Kotarou offering perfectly consensual casual sex that abruptly end the game for no reason like a BE.

>> No.40680956

I'll give you that the character good endings were kinda shit except the yandere gaslighting end cause based but I think most of the bad endings were pretty good. The game's strength is all in torturing the characters anyway and in the incest, rightfully retconning everything.

>> No.40683133

Absolutely based.

>> No.40686109

It largely determines if I pick up the game or not, unless the content is extremely interesting by itself.
I'd never play some otome shovelware unless I like at least some of the VAs

>> No.40686325

>otomate doubling down on gayshit in their newest game

>> No.40686571

which one?

>> No.40686600
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>> No.40687651

Did he have one to begin with?
Unpopular opinion, but I really like toriumi as a seiyuu. His moans were cute, but I prefer him voicing teasing or perverted type ones. Not a bad uke. Azumas seiyuu does a better job when it comes to muffeled puppy moans, but back then he was from the best, along with Kondo Takashi.
Now about his endings, I liked the ending where he cucked shiki hard and made him seethe
Akira gave up fast in his route, agreed, was it the leather or the belts.
Still, teen me can't forget that Shiki was my first crush, a buttplug might have more personality that shiki but he's sex. Midorikawa and Toriumi mix based, unfortunately in most of their bl works, Midorikawa voices the uke. He sounds as a pedophile cosplaying as a shota. In ore no shita no agake he was great tho. But from the best voices in bl. The schizos he voiced always delivered. Can't wait for Eiichi.

A lot. I love Tachibana Shinnosuke very much. But latest years, Okitsu Kazuyukis voice does things to me, I blame senge. Hirarin. I miss yusa and Ishida akira ;_;

>> No.40687935 [SPOILER] 

Fujo sisters, Taiwanese will save bl if they dare to pull the incest card.

>> No.40687947 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.40688115

I just read the thread. That's hilarious.

>> No.40688586

since nitroplus partially owns touken ranbu why don't they have one of their samurai autist writers release a VN thats just kikokugai/hanachirasu but BL to garner the sword fujo crowd

>> No.40689167

What did katagiri do this time?

>> No.40689261

Imagine the shitstorm on twitter

>> No.40689286

>be taiwan
>understand Bl should be fun where characters actually enjoy fucking each other
>add uncensored porn

>> No.40689311
File: 326 KB, 1100x1361, 97409667_1919829834819217_4087053495478255616_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know

>> No.40689315

>Bl should be fun where characters actually enjoy fucking each other
Hey now.

>> No.40689323


>> No.40689548

What's with taiwan and robot fucking in bl. Rins probably a robot as well.

>> No.40690091

because we can't have nice things

>> No.40691584

Taiwan just having based taste

>> No.40692128

pls give me some gory bl or otome vn reccs

>> No.40692510

depending on your jpn level, club suicide for otome and anything by nitro+chiral and parade for BL

>> No.40692804

Pil/Slash and Pil-VAMP
Jooubachi was also reasonably gory.

>> No.40693141

Try a R18 kinshiiku game

>> No.40693199

Hope those faggots commit mass suicide after seeing wincest

>> No.40693236

Omega Vampire, maybe.

>> No.40694267

Thanks anon you literally helped me save 10,800 yen, was planning on making the purchase tonight

>> No.40694376


>> No.40694484
File: 158 KB, 800x800, 296188404_5524061257617124_1378399736392128868_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

madaramefags rise

>> No.40694487

used up blonde whore Towa is peak aesthetic

>> No.40694535

Yeah I started this and that part of the common route is obnoxious and I have no idea what its trying to achieve, the first impression of the love interests is horrible. It’s not that they’re S or whatever, they genuinely hate MC and hate being around her, and they’re all bros immediately while she goes off and cries in her room eating ubereats.
But by the end of the common route they seem to have devolved into comedic tsunderes at worst so I’ll see how the individual routes go.
I think you’re supposed to feel both sides are at fault because MC is a stuck up man hater (literally half her thoughts are about how disgusting men are, when she sees a happy couple her first thought is that the man probably beats the woman). But she acts fairly professionally around the guys so they seem like they’re acting out for no reason.

>> No.40694942

I dont expect something like that in TR

>> No.40695525

>give mc a whip sprite
>never use it
It's a bit jarring seeing the all the guys get to act out while MC does nothing with her hatred of men. I just want to see her whip some bitches, what's the point of giving her the whip?

>> No.40695554

Everything about this sounds terrible.

>> No.40695730

Please be real, please be real, please be BASED

>> No.40695742

Holy FUCK that looks comfy. When are we getting a BL game set in Mexico?

>> No.40696914

yea this game is definitely never coming out abroad. too bad otomate is run by cowards, they could have made a gangbang bad end

>> No.40697361

Where’s this

>> No.40698137

I need more outouto fucking older brother incest PLEASE

>> No.40699199

thanks for the reccs

>> No.40699237

wow towa eats something rather than dick

>> No.40699276

>ending song doesn't have a title
Weird. Nice art though.

>> No.40699385

A heroine threatening to rape the LIs when. Does it even exist lol

>> No.40699688

yet most popular LI is sadistic, dubcon and wants to kill himself

>> No.40699874

People are seething about the new Tengoku game because one of the love interests slept with both men and women before kek

>> No.40699916

>not an anal virgin
Used good, he has no right to say no to strapon then

>> No.40700067

that means he’s open to threesomes

>> No.40700260

Which LI?

>> No.40700399

Sluts are truly the worst. Bad enough when it's a straight slut who talks about his exes to you. Who gets off to that?

>> No.40700402

The slut voiced by Ishikawa Kaito

>his line literally starts with “I hate women”
>all of the love interests constantly threaten to rape the MC
>the romance scenes felt like it was written like an ero doujin
>game tries to promote that women can be strong on their own but the MC gets pushed around or influenced by other people
Kek. It honestly sounds like a shitshow like the rest of Katagiri’s works

>> No.40700452

>Route about converting a homo

Meh, it only works with traps

>> No.40700908

Huh. So this person wrote Messiah. Fascinating. That was one weird vampire BL game.

>> No.40700986
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Gave me a good chuckle.

>> No.40701433

How's messiah? Tachibana Shinnosuke voices the mc, the only reason I want to play it.
Katagiri also did a route in pigeon blood huh, I bet she did megane cuck or ren jinguji

>> No.40701492

Not checking who that is since I'm playing this now but they literally all start off with saying they hate women. That's like the first thing everyone says to MC. Then they all threaten to rape her in unison (the nuance is more 'shut up woman' than actually wanting to do it though. It is definitely not the lewd sort of bullying.)
The whole section at the start where the guys hate her is weird, their characters do a 180 further into the common route and they start simping for her instead and MC is like teehee I can't believe I used to hate these guys. We're just going to put that aside? OK then. Also it's heavily implied Goemon and MC were in love in their past lives, and that Goemon never actually hated her, and yet he still goes along with the bullying anyway.
I've hit the route choice now. I expected this but Yona, Sharaku and Kikunosuke are the only ones you can capture on the first try. I reckon you'll have to do all of them to get Jack (who is with the villains), and then you get Goemon, who's almost certainly the true route.
Jack is the guy I have the most positive feelings towards so far, if only because he hasn't had enough screen time to irritate me.
Routes seem to involve MC using her magic empathy powers to unravel the guys tragic pasts and take on their pain so they can power up or something lame like that. Also she has kiss activated powers which makes me think of that other otomate supernatural battle game Trigger Kiss and I miss the heroine from that now.
They're fighting creepy cultists who made a pay-to-win mobile game that gets you into heaven.
This game makes me angry but for some reason I want to keep playing just to see what happens.

>> No.40701994

Are women attracted to IRL men who act and (assuming a body type that lends itself) dress like male characters in otome games?

>> No.40702054
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Real woman representative here. We refuse to talk to anyone who is wearing less than 8 belts and doesn't have a green background

>> No.40702064
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the ideal man

>> No.40702066
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>IRL men

>> No.40702116

i wish there were more otome LI like ore from yourou. if he didnt fuck other girls it would unironically be a great otome

>> No.40702181

He's wearing 25 belts here.
Closest IRL "man" to him is Hellraiser's Pinhead.

>> No.40702386

if i have to go for anyone in real life i'd genuinely prefer a woman at this point

>> No.40702457

I've never seen anyone like that IRL

>> No.40703319

Forget the homoshit they were complaining about. Everything about it sounds bad. I don’t think Katagiri’s previous works even went this level of retardation. I guess it’s something the writers with the name Yuma share

>> No.40703505

>This game makes me angry but for some reason I want to keep playing just to see what happens.
please be our guinea pig

>> No.40704699

>Are women attracted to IRL men

>> No.40704811

Pretty sure I'd be if they also looked like them, but where to find those men? I'll keep fucking my 2D LIs, they're more real and I can find them in my .iso files.

>> No.40705831

I’m fine with real dudes, and I’m pretty sure this sort of guy would never exist.

>> No.40706734

pls be in London if you're a shotajiji with sock garters

>> No.40708194
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Speaking of routes where the guy cries all the time while you beat him up, why doesn't anyone talk about this game?

>> No.40708377

The masochistic guy is kimoi and this kid is too young. Not to mention you get raped in the other routes. Kusoge.

>> No.40709284

He's a ball of fluff who also is into cock rings.

>> No.40709821

Pretty neat. It was popular enough that it had several light novels and drama cds. The old style art can take a while to get used to. I mostly played it for the bad endings. It’s one of those early BL games where you can make the MC into a yandere or when you escalate his paranoia further, a crazy serial killer yandere in his bad endings. An interesting addition in the vampire lore for this game was the condition of feeding only on virgins as feeding on those who aren’t may kill them.

>> No.40709822

And shitting himself

>> No.40710185
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M's and sluts are husband materials. You can purify them with a little affection and bullying.

Sounds extremely based, thanks anon!
I now see why they chose Tachibana to voice him, great choice.
I have a thing for early 00s vampire vibes thanks to early karin days. Kind miss them.

>> No.40711923

This game is too patrician for this general and it's discussed in another one on another spicier board.

>> No.40715116

Sounds good.

>> No.40719512

OK, I have done Yona's route.
It wasn't as frustrating as the common route, since Yona is mostly just cute and any DV tendencies are entirely superficial. There is a scene where he lets you touch his freckles, which was cute. Still there's things that come up now and again that annoy me.
The plot is totally whatever, despite ostensibly being a supernatural battle thing there is hardly any fighting and not much tension at all (perhaps inevitable since everyone is already dead). There are more scenes where the characters get coffee with the bad guys than face off against them. It's mostly character based and about contrasting the love interest with their respective designated bad guy, going by how this route went.
MC's powers might be the trashiest thing short of fate style mana transfer sex, she has to push her tounge against a mark on the guy's skin to make their pain go away, which seems to make her aroused? It means MC first initiates close contact with him which was refreshing I guess.
It doesn't seem like theres any crazy bad ends this time. There's only two endings, a good one and a 'bad' one where the MC and Yona die but then they're reincanated as normal humans and fall in love at first sight.
I guess it could be alright if you're after a more romance heavy game, but the misogyny gimmick is so awful that even though it doesn't matter that much, since they're all nice to MC by the time their routes start, every time something happened that reminded me of it I was regretting my own existence. It does sort of make sense given the themes of the game being about changing your mindset with the times and such but I just found it unpleasant in practice.
Next up is the gamer werewolf kid.

>> No.40724303

Does anyone know where I can find a Japanese version of Zettai Fukujuu Meirei? I've only been able to find eng versions

>> No.40724471

Nevermind. Found it on AB, but now I can't find the JP version of Enzai lol

>> No.40728170 [DELETED] 

Cute boys

>> No.40730955 [DELETED] 

Cute boys

>> No.40732665

So... Did you like Tengoku's walking monkeyp*x? Which character is your favorite so far?

>> No.40736992

Still not sure I'll be playing it. Looks like Japan has moved on to complain about the writer hating women now.

>> No.40737358

I can't believe Desert Kingdom was the last good Otomate game.

>> No.40737389

I can't believe it still hasn't gotten a fucking port.

>> No.40737930

it's old, besides that /blog/ obsessed about it back in the day

>> No.40739470

What's the other board?

>> No.40740376

I bought touken ranbu musou and i’m really enjoying it, glad ruby party approached nitroplus to finally make a tkrb game happen. since it sold so well i hope koei gives ruby party a better budget for their own games; there are mobile games with better graphics than haruka naru 7

>> No.40742103


>> No.40742328

How difficult is ken ga kimi?

>> No.40742756

Not falling asleep? Super hard.

>> No.40745895
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>> No.40749564

Too hard for >>40742756

>> No.40751216


>> No.40754886

Playing it for the seethe it triggered.

>> No.40755745

Did it really? The Anglo-sphere is the only one that seem to be seething.

>> No.40756154
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Did you not read the 5ch thread.
Or the amazon reviews
Or nip twitter

>> No.40756314

NTA, but all reviews just make me more curious about the game:
>I hate BL, the game is a scam
>I hate vulgar language
>Too violent
>Rape was common at that time, but I don't accept this
>Misogynistic setting
If this gets an English version and your average censorship, it'll be a hit.

>> No.40756595

Otomate might be preparing a Christian game now.

>> No.40757217

I think I am the only person in here that has played a significant amount of Tengoku Struggle.
The reliance on rape as a plot device just gets ridiculous. I can’t say it actually bothers me since I’ve played way too many R18 games but it’s bizarre at the level it comes up. I was just laughing when it came up after a point. Basically in order to make the main characters and semi-antagonists sympathetic there’s an infinite amount of rapists and pedos wondering around as cannon fodder so they can kill and attack them without coming off too evil. In this way it feels almost like it’s holding back, like it’s too afraid to commit to really being edgy.

>> No.40758419

based on what >>40756314 was talking about i thought the protag was constantly getting threatened but it’s just NPCs? not even as bad as it gets in nitroplus and clockup games. otomate’s audience is so weak

>> No.40758840

>i thought the protag was constantly getting threatened but it’s just NPCs?
>otomate’s audience is so weak
Yes. And this is what is making me cringe the most.

And if you read the reviews, they're very similar to each other. As if a group of friends has bought the game, shared ideas, and written them. Reminds me of the case of the self-published American writer who bought 100+ copies of her own book with her family to later get 5 stars on Amazon.
Players outside Amazon are making fan art. To be honest, the reviews on Twitter are mixed and much less negative than on Amazon. Some fans are even asking for an anime adaptation. I need to play the game myself to find out.

>> No.40758976

Even with all the negative reviews, the rating on amazon is not as bad as I expected.

>> No.40759113

>And if you read the reviews, they're very similar to each other. As if a group of friends has bought the game, shared ideas, and written them
It's just 5ch. You can even go there right now and see posts where they encourage each other to leave negative reviews.

>> No.40759257

That explains a lot.

>> No.40759453

but Shingakkou is already a perfect christian game for the whole family, they can't top that

>> No.40761494

i wouldn’t rely too much on japanese amazon reviews since they’re the bitchest ones. i remember ppl giving dai gyakuten saiban and tales of zestiria 1/2 star reviews. when i played the games myself i enjoyed them

>> No.40761939

Amazon is JOP central. It doesn't represents what most nips think of games. You can rely on reviews for books, but not for products of this nature. I saw that the game is sold out in other stores, btw (GameCity, Trader, Seagull, Ebten, AmiaAmi, etc). It's a shame that most of those sites where games are always in high demand don't allow reviews.

>> No.40761990

fucked up that otome peaked at the 90s and early 20s

>> No.40762200

hold your horses anon, don’t forget hat chou no doku came out in the 2010s

>> No.40762212

Amazon reviews are too nice and I hate them

>Reviews say that game "needed more work"
>Game is just plain horseshit
>Reviews say that heroine "stands for what's right"
>Heroine is a spineless idiot
>Reviews say that plot is "very detailed"
>Game is long and boring

Props to everyone who wrote paragraphs on how ugly GS4 is though

>> No.40762344

GS4 is a tragedy. someone subscribed to morpath's pixiv fanbox says they have waaaay better live2D and they weren't kidding. honestly embarrassing that a 3 person doujin group put more effort into their game than a decades old company https://files.catbox.moe/fcefwm.mp4

>> No.40762526

>Steam Deck available in Japan
please revitalize eroge, please revitalize eroge, please fucking revitalize eroge

>> No.40763861

Why of all things would steam deck do that?

>> No.40763904

Portable device that can run R18 content?

>> No.40763948

Because Steam has R18 in its library?

>> No.40764001

What would it do that phones dont do already? Asking unironically

>> No.40764011

Not everyone likes playing on their mobile. I'm one of those people.

>> No.40764030

Fuck off with that subscription gacha shit, your just encouraging the developers. Also google/apple dosen't allow r18 on the app store. The industry needs as much exposure as possible.

>> No.40764414

if it does then explain why jast has to butcher slow damage? highly doubt steam deck will take off in japan since gamers there are so console centered. even a year later the tsukihime remake is switch exclusive

>> No.40764435

That's just a jast thing cause they want their games to be visible to people who have adult games hidden. Mangagamer puts their stuff on steam intact.

>> No.40764541

Jast is retarded and greedy

>> No.40765505

I don't either. I only play on PC.. Guess I just don't get what handheld would change for eroge.

>> No.40769257

天獄ストラグル -strayside- 10912本

>> No.40769874

No playable eroge. Everything is 17+
No playable eroge. Everything is 17+
>Any other console
No playable eroge. Every thing 17+
Has some eroge, but not the games I'd like to play
>But you can emulate eroge on your mobile!
Not all the titles I'd like to play can be emulated
>Steam Deck
Would allow everyone to play eroge if they make their porn catalog available. It'd be coomers' fav console. And mine too because I'm a pervert.
It's time we have a console that allows us playing all type of R18; not only R18 that means drug consumption, violence, and vulgar language.

>> No.40770514

>From July 25 to July 31
>9th place
>present in the ranking, competing with more competitive titles
Hmmm... Not bad for an otome game by Otomate?

>> No.40770666

I'm pretty sure this is their highest first week sales since Vita era so yeah.

>> No.40772241

Interesting take. Thanks for taking the time to write this out.

>> No.40774382

Since you mention that porn in general isn't permitted on consoles, could someone who knows more about it explain why it isn't? Maybe my question is part of the general gamer culture, but I ignore it. It's kind of hilarious that R18 mobage exists, but that proper consoles don't allow to play that kind of games.
The only console game I remember that has some 'porn' in it's God of War, in which Kratus can fuck the women he meets.

>> No.40775460


>> No.40775496

What's the appeal of eroge on consoles? You already can use steam link or whatever it's called to stream a VN to your tablet if you just want to be a degenerate and lie in bed all day. Is it for people who don't own a pc or something?

>> No.40775695

I can't masturbate with a steam deck. it's too fucking heavy

>> No.40776300


>> No.40778120


>> No.40778204

The feel of pressing buttons, if you catch my drift.

>> No.40778730

Have sex

>> No.40778957

>Having sex
Pick one

>> No.40779004

Money, out of touch execs who still see them as toys for kids. There's no real legal barrier but the main case study for one that did sell itself on having adult games, the 3DO, was not a success financially.

>> No.40779288

>why it isn't?

>> No.40779590
File: 34 KB, 239x121, 2021-07-20 22_55_27-Mandarake _ Toys - Touken Ranbu -ONLINE - — Mozilla Firefox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way fag

>> No.40780155

Seems like touch screens are your cup of tea.

>> No.40780334

That's good. How mad is 5ch?

>> No.40780499

>Steam Deck

>Steam Dick

>> No.40780898

The latter.

>> No.40780913
File: 46 KB, 590x680, 1658324187632126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No more Eroge and JAV for Mastercard User
That's what I thought too. Have you seen this thread?

>> No.40780978

>Visachads can buy porn
>Masterplebs can't fap
>Adult content still sells well

>> No.40781119

So was Tempest completely forgettable? I feel like I haven't seen anyone bring it up since like, release day and it had a simultaneous english release too.

>> No.40781158

It was good, but Voltage has made better games.

>> No.40781387

Definitely the latter.

>> No.40781443

I think they are saltier about CSM cast choice at this very moment.

>> No.40781992

2D sex

>> No.40784134

Quite a best seller for a 'hated' game.

>> No.40784400

>Week 1 sales

Same as Reine des Fleurs, NotKengaKimi, etc

>> No.40784501

I will laugh my ass off if Sharaku ends up being well ranked in Tengoku's official character poll.

>> No.40784534

otomate may have to filter out death threats among the comments that'll be left by fans about the character

>> No.40785068

If you think that's uncommon, you're wrong. Especially when anyone can vote when they open the polls. But it's true that, perhaps, this time they'll be getting more than usual.

>> No.40787805

I think he's actually the most popular LI.

>> No.40789332

Not surprised honestly, Japan is a very homophobic. To be honest even the majority of western straight women are very uncomfortable with the idea of dating a bi man. An ex of mine never tells to his females parterns that he is bi unless he is sure it is serious between them, because otherwise they tend to freak out and stop dating him

>> No.40790109

no one likes bisluts, as it should be

>> No.40791459 [SPOILER] 
File: 102 KB, 800x459, cg8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Possibly the only 非処女x非処女 couple in otome

>> No.40791572

Their loss, he is such a sweet and nice guy. Sometimes I reget not following him when he moved to anothery city because of hos job..back on topic though yeah the majority of women don't like the idea of one of their possible husbandos being bi. Maybe they think that having sex with men makes him too unmanly?

>> No.40791613

It could just simply be that real gays are despicable. As for games same as >>40790109
Sluts are for correction or the trash can.

>> No.40792500

I've seen Gamon and Jack mentioned a lot by nips.

>> No.40792529

>An ex of mine never tells to his females parterns that he is bi
Eww... Into the trash. People should be honest since day 1.
