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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40441413 No.40441413 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>40359907

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.40441472
File: 350 KB, 1280x720, 水着.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>super powered alien daughter (sorta) slightly alters a timeline to give her mother some happy memories
Aww, that's sweet.

>> No.40441601

Another moege with H-scene spam. Why do they put 6 H-scenes in a short route?

>> No.40441631

Do they get h-scenes watering those?

>> No.40441655

Unfortunately no.

>> No.40441666

People like the extra H-scenes, I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch ignored all titles with below-average H-scenes count. Fuck I know I was disappointed that Extra 2 only had 3 H-scenes.

>> No.40441903
File: 660 KB, 1280x720, basedh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks japan did nothing wrong during ww2
>wants the rebirth of imperial japan
>hates muricans and foreigners in general besides ones with german descendency
>shouts banzai on climax
>sings anthem on sex
why dont we have more heroines like this

>> No.40442173

dead aegis h scenes bad for fap anyway, too short

>> No.40442187

Short scenes is the ideal thing for nukige. There's no way I can read a game that has 50 H-scenes each of which is 20 minutes. I get bored by the 10th from the sameness.

>> No.40442203

if i see a game that looks okay like aokana but the heroines have like 2 sexual tags i don't even bother

>> No.40442209

that's because dead aegis h scenes purpose is different from fap

>> No.40442213

Oh please, cartel-kun.

>> No.40442236

> capitalism rant in h scene
> character background during h narrative
> short as fuck scene
> yep this one is totally made for the sake of jerking off
coomer-kun pls

>> No.40442240

she looks ok here but the sprites are too similar to the ugly shuffle ones

yes i know it's the same artist

>> No.40442249

Oh god here we go. I fapped to like half of Dead Aegis. The stuff I didn't fap to was just because it wasn't my fetish (tentacles and some other shit). You can't stop me.

>> No.40442260

Evangileon 1.0: (No One) Asked
Evangileon 2.0: (No One) Cares

>> No.40442269

How fast do you cum? jesus, fucking sharpshooter

>> No.40442278

You can pause reading, you know.

>> No.40442383

Just take it at a slow and good pace. No need to rush through a scene if it's good quality and something you like. One thing I like about Dead Aegis was that the background sfx was actually pretty good. In most games I've played, it's fucking shit.

>> No.40442412

To do what? Stare at static image while listening to looped background voice? Sounds like autism, anon.

>> No.40442426

Bro, I've paused and jerked it fully to a single frame of upskirt or nipslip. I'm a veteran, okay.

>> No.40442492
File: 1.03 MB, 634x711, Yi1IvNRO3f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Hell, sometimes even the sprites do it from me.

>> No.40443218 [DELETED] 

>spammer is a 12 year old

>> No.40443284

The end of summer can't come soon enough.

>> No.40443614

>abe dead
pregnancy/children chads... it's over... 1000 years of barren, rotten egg heroines...

>> No.40444345
File: 286 KB, 555x597, nnUuoobQvQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most eroge heroines and MCs are borderline sterile anyways.

>> No.40444373
File: 237 KB, 1600x900, ナマイキJKライブラリー_Version_1.0.0.0_[data_ver1.00]_PatcNamaikiJK (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dessertsoft just hates pregnancy h-scenes for some stupid reason.

>> No.40444410

The actual reason why heroines don't get pregnant is that they lack a menstrual cycle.

>> No.40444426

don't reply to me spammers

>> No.40444441
File: 417 KB, 560x420, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's up

>> No.40444474

OK, I'll stop replying to you.

>> No.40444544

No thanks.

>> No.40444559
File: 374 KB, 960x720, F19MJgWvWB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do sometimes, but it's less a cycle and more a consecutive string of 安全日 or 排卵日, depending on the eroge.

>> No.40444681
File: 436 KB, 1920x1080, cmvs64.log_2021-12-31_05-51-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40445852

i love white haired girls

>> No.40446110

Maybe because it's disgusting?

>> No.40446193

shouldn't you be in jail after shooting the PM?

>> No.40446275

Looking for 夏音 -Overture- (v208) if anyone knows a seeded torrent or link. Maker is called Breeze.

>> No.40446344

Too soon

>> No.40446745

>All age
Don't care didn't ask

>> No.40446920

What even is this? The prequel is straight romance but the sequel is pure yuri?
Depending on the answer I will download and share it.

>> No.40448159


>> No.40450507
File: 273 KB, 1280x732, sin_a09l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was probably stupidest heroine I have seen who had the stupidest route I have read.
10/10 wouldn't marry but yes it was all very funny though.
Its crazy how one of my favorite heroines and one of the heroines that I liked the least (romantically) are in the same game. The contrast probably didn't help her.

>> No.40451055


Black Sheep Town trial is out and you didn't even find me on /v/ to tell me? You know I only come here like once a month.

So, any other stuff I missed?

>> No.40451099

What's that?

>> No.40451130

You probably read your first VN in like 2021, right?

>> No.40451176

Only mtlers and ESLs use these threads anymore, everyone else moved to twitter and discord.

>> No.40451200

>everyone else moved to twitter and discord

I'm cis, so I can't follow.

>> No.40451226

Every time I opened the thread I got the urge to enlarge this image and look at her adorable face

>> No.40451534

Go incognito

>> No.40453325

Recommend me some good imoutos, preferably not nukige.

>> No.40453585
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>> No.40453936
File: 1.34 MB, 1031x578, 1656896274730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice

>> No.40454120

>VA is 47
Damn it really shows in those samples, moans are probably going to be awful.

>> No.40454245
File: 409 KB, 1280x720, v12479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks good to me, ymmv tho


>> No.40455146
File: 240 KB, 1280x720, his teeth are too pretty for a brit though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40455185

>everyone else moved to twitter
post your twitter

>> No.40455289


>> No.40456126

vns should always default to the spacebar instead of the enter key for adance text

>> No.40456354

Not instead, but space should definitely have function the same as enter.

>> No.40456368

But I like the space bar hiding the window.

>> No.40456882

Just use AHK when needed.

>> No.40456938
File: 175 KB, 1280x720, moonlander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. I kind of like the 月軌道 continuation/side story better in some ways than the main game. Maybe it's just because of all the 残雪 (AKA best girl) screentime.

>> No.40456968

Wouldn't say it's BETTER than main game, but it's pretty good and much better than gaiden for sure.

>> No.40457508

who cares...

>> No.40457819

Seeing Cathedral become degenerate over time and キルケ openly play the villain part with the indian scientist is pretty cool. The pacing also seems much better but that's probably because there's way less H-scene spam more than anything else. It's a surprisingly different experience I guess.

>> No.40457875

Which vn? I'm curious about the hag voice samples.

>> No.40457899


>> No.40457957

Oh no, they don’t have the usual “Are you over 18?” popup, my virginity is defiled, 私 汚れちゃいました。。。

>> No.40458025
File: 2.99 MB, 1600x900, 魔女の無限回廊(DL版)VAL-0052(DL) (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I guess that means majo no munen kairou is also an incredibly deep philosophical and economic treatise and not just a generic cheap nukige because of this line,

>> No.40458244

If you think DEA is deep because of just one line, then you clearly didn't read DEA or maybe just bad at jap or dumb in general.
>The pacing also seems much better
Because it's just short chapter in a short fd, yep. And because fd builds upon main game, so no need for h spam in order to brainwash reader.

>> No.40459306

you know what, that's a great idea
thanks anon
i just find pressing the space bar to advance text to be more comfortable

>> No.40459378

#IfWinActive ahk_exe your_vn_exe_name_goes_here.exe

>> No.40459410

so I need to rename the .exe to your_vn_exe_name_goes_here.exe for this to work?

>> No.40459499 [DELETED] 

you need to change your_vn_exe_name_goes_here.exe into exe of your vn
in order to bind enter to space only when your vn window is active, but not when you switch to any other window like discord or redit to shitpost

for example
#IfWinActive ahk_exe HENPRI.exe

>> No.40459522

you need to change your_vn_exe_name_goes_here.exe into exe of your vn
in order to bind enter to space only when your vn window is active, but not when you switch to any other window like discord or redit to shitpost

for example
#IfWinActive ahk_exe HENPRI.exe

>> No.40459691

is pressing left mouse click really that much of a burden?

>> No.40459727

During H-scenes, yes.

>> No.40459796

I use the scroll wheel

>> No.40459835

I use a single rule on a group and just add the exe to the group at the start of the file.

>> No.40459962

>wears out, resulting in double clicking eventually
I too use the scroll wheel. Seriously, clicking on the order of 100,000 times for a game would really wear the click switches down.

>> No.40459986

>During H-scene
Usually I just use auto unless the sex has something to do with the plot

>> No.40460815

numpad enter key masterrace

>> No.40461082

That's the best part. Minimizes the pointless "b-but we can't do that" bitching and whining filler.

>> No.40461229

>not reading VNs with a steam controller that can easily be used one-handed

>> No.40461241

>not using a touchscreen tablet for eroge
I sure hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.40461371

> steam controller
i do, but only when i read from my sofa on TV, i can even hookcuck with this setup
nowadays JL makes it possible to put dictionary on top of magpie window
what a time to be alive

>> No.40461651

Literally the same as a neighbor.

>> No.40461841

if they were still on sale I would

>> No.40461842
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, 140193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. As an ESL to a fellow ESL, you literally can't live under the same roof with a neighbour. Not until you're well into her route at least. I'd kind of somewhat agree a little bit if you said "childhood friend" at least.
NBR imouto is literally the best type of an imouto because she comes with the largest set of possibilities AND with the least amount of headache.

>> No.40461875

Consider the possibility of my cock in your ass. Pretty much the same as dating NBRshit.

>> No.40461902

You might want to do something about your faggotry before getting interested in girls, let alone imoutos. Just sayin' ;^)

>> No.40461992

fuck off eop

>> No.40462196

Now there, nothing will come out if you flatter me this much. Also, that pic isn't even mine.
By the way, which text hooker do you hate the most, Textractor with Google Translate I suppose?

>> No.40462270

I love texthookers, but I despise fucking eops, now fuck off.

>> No.40462446

What rare combination!
Since you love text hookers, what's your recommended one with ghetto MTL support? Nothing too bulky please.
I want to spice up my screenshots for a certain shitstain (you know the one) that gets triggered every time the text hooking comes up.

>> No.40462572
File: 1.56 MB, 1344x817, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna need textractor+TA + ATLAS for the most horrific outlook and worst mtl quality, straight out of 2000s. Don't forget to turn on romaji furigana. Maybe throw some VNR window (if you can make it work in 2k22) and insist you totally learning language this way. This shit gonna annihilate any """jop""" community right away.

>> No.40462624 [DELETED] 

Why are ESLs like >>40462572 always some form of subhuman? Does it just come with an inability to learn English, or is it inborn?
Anyway, would anyone happen to have For Elise? The BGM would be nice as well.

>> No.40462942

That does look impressive, thanks. Looks like too much effort to set it all up for a particular shitter however, and iirc Atlas won't even install on Windows 10. Textractor+Google seem more believable too.

h-suki.com is your friend, your jop excellency

>> No.40462972

The only reason earth doesn't get fucked in both routes is because of a 財閥.

>> No.40463056

The copy there doesn't have working music; I've checked.

>> No.40463104

Oh, so you did follow a link to a subhuman site given to you by another subhuman? So much for the high horse, sasuga jsl. Well, have fun searching the Chinese forums I guess.

>> No.40463249

The implication was that I checked H-suki before coming here, ESL subhuman.

>> No.40463279

I have working copy, but you said I'm esl subhuman, so I won't be sharing it with you. Go fuck yourself, retard.

>> No.40463510

I see you're a quick learner, diving into a toilet head first even before you're told to go eat shit.
Have you checked mikocon VIP already, while you're at it? I wonder if the game is available there too. Would be nice to see you pay the Chinese for it (not like that'd teach you a lesson) and/or beg for it on KFgal/eyny/etc. - and then keep acting like a hypocritical shit eater with 0 self-awareness that you are.

>> No.40463812

You sound...miffed. I wonder why.
>Would be nice to see you pay the Chinese for it
I'm used to paying animals to perform tasks that are beneath me, if it comes to that. Have to, these days.
>and then keep acting like a hypocritical shit eater with 0 self-awareness that you are
As I said, miffed. Try not to pop a blood vessel.

>> No.40465956
File: 354 KB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NBR is pointless.

>> No.40466383
File: 40 KB, 250x356, SLPM-55241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Jay, I'm having a lot of fun emulating PS2 VNs on aetherSX2. Right now I'm looking for pic related but can't find it and don't I will.
What are some PS2 vns youd rcommend me to play? I'm going to start phantom of inferno now.

>> No.40466963


>> No.40466970

Just gonna try my luck again. Looking for オー!パンツ. Been looking for it for quite a while now.

>> No.40467802

Again, there's a copy on yahoo auctions.
Doubt you'll find it anywhere else given how niche it is.
*insert rant about eop dl sites not archiving tokuten and making the problem worse in the future*

>> No.40467845

I guess I will buy it when I'm in Japan then. Surely they will let in people any day now.

>> No.40467984

Depending on how much you want it or are willing to risk it disappearing off the face of the planet, you could use a proxy service. The disc itself is 3000 yen, so tack on international shipping or have a friend hold it for you.

>> No.40468305


>> No.40468561

>The disc itself is 3000 yen
There's one for 1480 on Amazon

>> No.40468597

Good find. No price was on the buy box so I just assumed nothing was in stock.

>> No.40469024

>group tours only
Depending on the schedule it could be... interesting trying to get it shipped somewhere you could pick it up.

>> No.40472822 [DELETED] 

10 kilogram? So she bought one of those half body things like what Rizuna uses? I wonder if she watches her

>> No.40472980

Can someone tell me where I could potentially find scans of bugbug eroge magazine? the internet archive only has like 40 volumes and there are above 300 at this point.

>> No.40473696

What engine did Sega use to port the Sakura Taisen games to PC?

>> No.40476234

What's JL? Any links?

>> No.40476553
File: 5 KB, 100x72, j0y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon I'm afraid you have 3 months to a year left
Time for heavy culling of my backlog. This'll be fun.

>> No.40476576

Stop dying, faggot

>> No.40476851

Culling your backlog is a mistake. If you're finished with everything you'll just die sooner.

>> No.40477068
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, 001_23052022_214206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you get for raising flags like an idiot.

>> No.40477139


>> No.40478332

Suddenly a new Studio Pork VN. Surprised I didn't hear about it pre-release since I loved all their other nukige.

>> No.40478430

I'm sorry to hear that anon. What's the first up on your backlog?

>> No.40479030

magpie support and you can make window disappear once you move your cursor away from it, good stuff

>> No.40480940

How did I manage to miss its existence.

Anyway, it's exactly what I needed, thanks for letting me know anon.

>> No.40483086

I take L-arginine, zinc, horny goat weed, viagra, 2 joints, poppers bottle, adderall
And how do you enhance your reading experience?

>> No.40483132

>How did I manage to miss its existence.
developer only posted link on vndb and "the most top" feature added just a few weeks ago at best
kinda cool, didn't know you can do that much cool stuff with c#

>> No.40483303

Are you actually samefagging about your hookcuck toy?

>> No.40483735

>developer only posted link on vndb
That explains it then.
>didn't know you can do that much cool stuff with c#
Considering what people managed to do with a pisspoor language called JS, it only seems obvious you can do cool stuff with C# as well.

>He doesn't realize there's only one person on the whole universe.
Kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.40483952

got first seething retard, who's next?

>> No.40483953
File: 54 KB, 150x300, avatar1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys happen to know where this is from?

>> No.40484082
File: 149 KB, 960x544, a3fb3e711697129504d6ce47033f32a14eeea179181135c9643ab3143baaf575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, エロゲスレ. I come with a plea.
I need to know what the eroge with the most deeply broken heroines are. I need characters with texture that go beyond shimoneta and anime archetypes. I need more than basic moe to go on.
I need shitty, flawed, impulsive, needy, mentally ill, thoroughly broken heroines. The hotter the better. Let me know of any works that fit my criteria.

>> No.40489064


>> No.40489373

>Side character

>> No.40490425

need spooky visual novel

>> No.40494918
File: 1.80 MB, 1600x900, 1638676412766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40495094
File: 296 KB, 2000x1680, 1638789737157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prequel when?

>> No.40499751

You should only play games where the heroines die so that when you're actually kicking the bucket you can think about how you'll finally meet your harem in the afterlife.

>> No.40500906

Hentai Prison
Fairytale Requiem

All have some pretty fucked up/mentally ill/depraved heroines.

>> No.40501041 [DELETED] 

Subahibi fans... https://twitter.com/_starsabreep/status/1545988123485773825

>> No.40501695

i glanced at the guide for harenochi or whatever and it seems like the cuckquean is the true route somehow?

>> No.40502590

>high sexual content
>like a single sexual tag
>otherwise heavily tagged
show yourself mutt

>> No.40502642

You don't want to know the absolute garbage plot developments that happen in that shitfest of a game.

>> No.40502870

I enjoyed Hime-sama Love Life
Every heroine is the MC's little sister Even the NBR little sister turns out to be his real younger sister but didn't know it because she's the illegitimate child of a princess and her 'step father' was actually her biological father. This was kept secret from them until her route.

>> No.40503507
File: 246 KB, 1617x909, Screenshot-2022-07-12-191111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't read last run for two years and finally got around to reading it. Is it just me or is the VA for soutetsu different? Looked it up and it is the same name listed but I swear it is different. I skimmed over some of the older chapters just to refresh my self. Starting the newest chapter for hachiroku it seems much different. maybe I'm just retarded.

>> No.40504757

Happens a lot when there is a large break between the prequel and the sequel.

>> No.40504907

does anyone have any maid vn recommendations where all the heroines are maids?

>> No.40505501

Turn off male voices.

>> No.40506564
File: 243 KB, 854x948, 88891209_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

activate it already for God's sake!!

>> No.40508432

the maiden is the hottest one

>> No.40508473

voice actors forget how to voice characters and their throats also decay because of age.
I started aokana extra 2 yesterday and Mashiro doesn't sound like she did in extra 1 at all because there were 5 years between the games

>> No.40508654

Reminds me of Clochette's h-audio brand releasing a work this year featuring a character from Kamikaze Explorer, which is 11 years old at this point.

>> No.40508803

Definitely age instead of forgetting for this one, she sounds awful in every game she does now.

>> No.40508933

I love when hag seiyuu are still doing their best.
There are countless newbies that companies could hire and throw into the grinder but role reprisal is the best form of fan service. They might've grown old, but so have I.
Yes, I will be watching Reiwa's Di Gi Charat.

>> No.40509205

I kinda hate type-moon for being enablers when it comes to recasting voice actors because it gives retards like the muv luv guys the idea that they can pull it off too.
So now they have a terrible anime, a terrible game, and a dead on launch gacha game, and you can't even hear the original voice actors.

>> No.40509219

>she sounds awful in every game she does now.
You mean in all of the TWO games she did in the past 2 years?

>> No.40509940

Which Type-Moon character's seiyuu was recasted?

>> No.40509966

They recasted everyone for the Tsukihime Remake. Also, it's actually better than the original cast from Melty Blood imo, but I wonder what they'll do about Nakata voicing Nero when he eventually shows up in some future part.

>> No.40510285

do the nips have a funny word for routelet like us?

>> No.40510747
File: 146 KB, 485x208, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40510755

The irony is that most surgeries are supposed to make the patient live longer.

>> No.40510770

Wow, thanks. I had HenPri in my list but not the rest.

>> No.40510897
File: 982 KB, 1280x720, Ryujinx_1.0.7017_-_月姫_-A_piece_of_blue_glass_moon-Ryujinx (56).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They had to recast Hisui's VA for obvious reasons, so I imagine they figured it would be better to recast everyone and start fresh for the remake rather than just change one VA.
Didn't George announce he was going into semi-retirement?

>> No.40510920

No clue but he still voices characters every year at least. I guess they might recast him since the dude is fucking 70+, but the Muv-Luv Alternative anime actually dragged out Wakamoto again for Paul Radhabinod.

>> No.40511091

reposting this question because i want to absolutely sure that i am not misunderstanding the law of balance
obviously good and evil is relative
my conception of good might be evil to others
everyone has good and evil in them yes yes whatever
but comparing the deaths of an innocent schoolboy and a sadist rape monk who killed hundreds is just outright retarded
the latter knowingly harmed countless of people while the former was free of any guilt
is muramasa's message really that idiotic?

>> No.40511125

>law of balance
Dumb EOP term. Fuck off.

>> No.40511144
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, 装甲悪鬼村正Muramasa (100).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muramasa's message is
>Good and evil don't exist because everyone is justified from their own point of view, it's all relative
The problem being that message doesn't really hold water in a VN where Doushin also exists. There's a difference between moral relativism and saying there's literally no difference between any actions and they're all equally bad regardless of context. It takes what might've been a reasonable message if it was toned down a bit and not only takes it to an extreme but then quadruples down by saying there are absolutely no exceptions or gray areas.

>> No.40511146


>> No.40512009

too late

>> No.40513114

mister doktor ultima?

>> No.40513656

is there any chance at makai tenshi djibril getting english translations?
no I will not learn japanese

>> No.40513661
File: 644 KB, 797x595, Djibril3 (24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very unlikely.

>> No.40513895

Any body knoe how to text hook newer VNs like Nekopara, Imoto paradise, Milk Factory nukiges, etc? E-motion engine on Nekopara, couldn't find any info on the other ones. I've tried with texthooker to no avail, only leaves OCR open but i'm wondering if there's any other way to get the text dump or something.

>> No.40513946

First you need a noose.

>> No.40513958

I'll get one to tie up your whore of a mother in the air like i did to her 15 years ago

>> No.40514102

did you use textractor?
did you try text search function in it?
should be just usual kirikiri

>> No.40514108

it's obviously bait, he's asking how t MTL translated games

>> No.40514180

I am reading oretsuba and it's giving me deadwood vibes for some reason

>> No.40514314

It's not kirikiri, it's some other engine. Textractor picks up kirikiri just fine and searching does nothing, it seems i'll have to just do ocr, it's not that many words idk anyways
I obviously want to get the Japanese text, what are you, retarded?

>> No.40514524

Why do you want to view text in a language you don't understand?

>> No.40514657

Looking at kanji makes my dick hard

>> No.40515234

why isn't speech recognition not a feature in new VNs already? It's weird how the one medium that benefits the most from utilizing that tech doesn't have it

>> No.40515475

Because it's actually not that easy for voice recognition to make sense of Hiroto's stammering.

>> No.40516527

they're on the screen already

>> No.40517907
File: 1.57 MB, 1281x720, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40519419
File: 281 KB, 1280x720, 1645873155480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amanatsu's trial is out

>> No.40519548 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 493x153, 1637819028885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you mind uploading it if it isn't too big?

>> No.40519646

Forget that, I got it.

>> No.40519819

No one cares

>> No.40519842

I care, fuck off

>> No.40520038

It's the best moege this year.

>> No.40523726

How is it?

>> No.40525161

I'm interested let me know if it's good.

>> No.40525208

looks like usual moetrash

>> No.40525277

that's what I live for

>> No.40525301

sad life, anon

>> No.40525306

too many dude side characters so not playing

>> No.40525307
File: 603 KB, 541x652, アマカノ2cs2 (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.

>> No.40525487
File: 637 KB, 1280x720, blowjobbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well we won't know from just a trial yet.
With Hayase Yuu it definitely feels more comedy focused compared to the Amakano borefests.
One thing I can't get over is how fucking old Kazuha's VA sounds, especially when putting her next Akino Hana.

>> No.40525500

I for one love hag VAs pretending to be women a third of their age.

>> No.40525746

This hag appears everywhere. Wasn't a fan of her moans, but I don't feel like her voice aged that much.

>> No.40525998

>male side characters

>> No.40526078

Are any of the Ruitomo (main game) routes skippable? I heard some were really bad but don't know if they're relevant to the plot.

>> No.40526294

Imagine being this gay. Games with bros are the best, from Sakuraba to Shouji to Narutaki and everyone inbetween.

>> No.40526331
File: 237 KB, 800x600, 1644255901803.png>.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try to play Kaigen Seito
>game refuses to load my saves and just crashes
Is there a fucking walkthrough or something? I refuse to play this kusoge for 8 hours with no saves but im still curious about the story

>> No.40526356
File: 180 KB, 800x600, 1653059975215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But doushin wasn't exactly ""evil"", he admits several times that he just does whatever he feels like and nows that someday he will pay for his actions
That was the point of the fetus scene, to show that even monsters like him had good in them, even if it was on a whim

>> No.40526375

>the girl he kidnapped and raped got stockholm syndrome so now eat her baby
I get the principle but it's not the best way to communicate 'everyone has a little good in them'

>> No.40526391
File: 301 KB, 484x600, 1626433762508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He didn't kidnap her speedreader, he took them in due to him owning a debt to their parents and he took the sister as a concubine, something she didn't mind and the brother was fine with

>> No.40526766

So did you just open the thread, post, then immediately check for any muramasa discussion to make sure Narahara's honour was defended?

>> No.40526827


>> No.40528141

SakuToki op OUT
this is not a drill
>this is not a drill
this is not a drill
>this is not a drill

>> No.40528405

is sakura no uta readable with deepl + textractor or are parts just too not understandable? i’m hyped for sakura no toki now

>> No.40528428

>no hana
it's shit

>> No.40528582

Damn they dropped the ball on this one.

>> No.40528889

Gib Kana route.
Gib Ai true end.

>> No.40528961

Eroge of The Year Without a Doubt

>> No.40529274

Link some good VN related discords

>> No.40529300

sure if you ignore the mtl and read it in japanese

>> No.40529377

>won't fuck any of his students
>will fuck the bully who broke the leg of one of his students
what's naoya's problem
it'll be a rin true end and you know it

>> No.40529390

rin is the final boss naoya has to beat with the power of art

>> No.40529396

Rin is barely functional as a character, she's more like a thing or an idea.

>> No.40529470


>> No.40529519

i really hope you retards are being ironic

>> No.40529561

well hopefully he steps up and fulfils his promise with kei i was pretty bummed out with how things ended between them, especially with how it seemed like shizuku reverted back to being haku after kei's death

>> No.40529616

The ending part of the opening seems to imply he does. Tracing the trails of blonde Kei hair he sees in the starry sky

>> No.40530019

Do spanish -> english mtl.

>> No.40530188

how did the spaniards accomplish something that dozens of MTLers can't

>> No.40530439

i need this vn
whats the name?

>> No.40530468

use saucenao idiot

>> No.40530533
File: 1 KB, 156x20, 1635794066900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try clicking one of these funny buttons.

>> No.40530537

Here anon

>> No.40530549

I don't use 4chanx

>> No.40530623

thx for helping newfag

>> No.40531791

Rin was right all along and I'm tired of pretending she wasn't. Even if scaji doesn't want to admit it.

>> No.40531879

The problem with Scaji and Rin is that he basically uses her as a glorified, inhuman strawman to showcase how much more right his idea of art is.
I do agree with what she exposed in sakura no uta regarding art, but scaji doesn't make the effort.

>> No.40532035


>> No.40532336

>to showcase how much more right his idea of art is.
It's not his idea. He's just echoing Oscar Wilde.

>> No.40532772

fuck off g*mbs

>> No.40533800

Which work is "kibou" in reference to?

>> No.40533858

It should be music considering it's between bald mountain and spricht, but no idea.

>> No.40534452
File: 125 KB, 585x790, story_3-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't seem like a reference.

>> No.40534817

Five heroines, five routes and no idea which is which because it's not in the op like in sakuuta.

>> No.40534977
File: 63 KB, 640x480, Separate Blue(15072022_234717).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting to name the MC only to have that name used but not voiced frequently is kinda pointless, actuallly.

>> No.40535164

Sakura no Toki OP eng sub

>> No.40535184

Romaji too so you can sing along if you want to

>> No.40535285

>translate the song in an extremely pretentious fashion
>軌跡 means miracle

>> No.40535524

So does this count as a VN or does it have too much gameplay this time?

>> No.40535581

By the magazine anon posted some time ago, At least Naoya gets to bang Makoto again. Not sure about the others.

>> No.40535591

Misuzu as well meanwhile all his qt students are there to just be cucked

>> No.40535597

vndb considers it one

>> No.40535696

Just wait for the fandisc.

>> No.40536187

Just finished Baldr sky and need a short VN. Are there any good fast paced chuuni action games that are under like 500k? Kikokugai, hanichirasu and their peers seem too quality and not chuuni enough

>> No.40536719

>Lose Last Concert
Are they closing down?

>> No.40536759

Yeah like two years ago after the Last Run fiasco they said they wouldn't make new games anymore.

>> No.40537405

>Kikokugai, hanichirasu and their peers seem too quality and not chuuni enough
A man fucking double jumps in hanachirasu

>> No.40537636
File: 630 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come eroge still get away with being homophobic?

>> No.40537754
File: 810 KB, 1280x720, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the first time I see a heroine using their last name in third person speech, but maybe I'm just a newfag.

>> No.40537908

Been going completely zero-info on SakuToki. Haven't played the trial or anything. Don't check the official site. Don't even properly remember the release date. Don't come to this thread anymore.

Will enjoy it once it comes out.

>> No.40538050

not more newfag than me. just played my first vn today

>> No.40538060

The opening for it dropped today. Good song and good visuals >>40535164

>> No.40538207

cause it's japan and no one cares
west is poisoned with leftist faggot agenda
you get snowflakes triggered all over r eddit when they see shit like this in translated vns

>> No.40538213
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How come eroge still get away with being homophobic?

>> No.40538253

I see it's
>I only interact with Japan through cartoon media and couldn't actually name the current PM or any of their policies and have never actually spoken to a Japanese person but I'm absolutely convinced I'm an expert on Japanese politics
hours again

>> No.40538485

>subject is problematic content in japanese cartoon media
>wtf why he is talking about cartoon media instead of irrelevant shit
I see

>> No.40538500

If you load your save after starting a new game it works.

>> No.40538542

New Kazuki Fumi VN opening

>> No.40539275

Itou Shozuka, nice

>> No.40539297
File: 872 KB, 800x600, Itsusora_2022-07-16_00-46-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moogy correcting my bad Japanese with a flustered face

>> No.40539405

>Last Run fiasco
Elaborate, I'm new, I bought their game from the chinese company to support them. (creditcard and Japan shit with my country can't buy from dlsite)

>> No.40539413

i see it's
> akshually
> western media
> reflects western politics
> japanese media
> doesn't reflects western politics
> reee weebs
hours again
oh wait, forgot how egs is totally full of people complaining about homophobia and transphobia in vns (not really lmao)

>> No.40539448

so Rin, Shizuku, Ai and Kana are left for 3 spots
no Kana route again I guess

>> No.40539738

>One heroine VN
I sleep. More interested in the other Kazuki Fumi VN produced by new studio Orthros.

>> No.40540090

Japanese version had naked sprites censored(bath towels like in Chinese version) for a month
New girls had no H-scenes
Lose shills created new accounts and wrote mass positive reviews on EGS
When they made H-scenes with new girls they did yurishit instead of MC fucking them.

>> No.40540251

It's a corona VN and you sleep?

>> No.40540306

why wont my JL window stay on top of my magpie window

>> No.40540554

Going by the way the op orders girls in its VA showcase the heroines are Ai, Makoto, Shizuru, Misuzu and Reika.
They all get lumped together, then all his students and really far away Rin and Shizuku, Kana not featured.

>> No.40540883

Kek no wonder eroge is dead, the Japanese fans are fucking retarded.

>> No.40541072

Seeing how the girls are shown on the website, you're most likely right

>> No.40541453

Blame the customer, classic cartel.

>> No.40541702

The saddest part, going by the cgs and story descriptions, is that makoto most likely gets kibou which means she'll remain a virgin in both canon continuities despite being a heroine in both games.

>> No.40541735

naoya will join her in that camp if the true ending has him going solo again

>> No.40541746

The only reason Naoya is still a virgin is because Scaji thought a Kei sex scene would be too much for the audience.

>> No.40541759

would have been alright with me if he was in the maid outfit with the twintail wig and they hid his penis

>> No.40541773

>not stroking your best friend (crossdressing)'s cock during sex

>> No.40541807

I loved her extremely informative explanation on subekaraku.

>> No.40542342

With his whole "one hole for life" business, sakura no toki would truly be a yuri game.

>> No.40542611

His own dad didn't even follow that rule, hell he used to date Makoto's mom

>> No.40542618

Basicially the japanese fanbase felt the game didn't have enough ero content and that Lose was clearly trying to appeal to the steam and chink niggers so they had an autism fit over at EGS, Lose was retarded enough to email the EGS admin and ask him to remove the discussion pages for every single Lose product. He did. This resulted in the entire thing going viral, they eventually emailed him again to revert it and he did. The damage was already done though and when Lose got the first week sale numbers for Last Run they made an update post on their Cien or whatever explaining that the sales were so bad they are cancelling development on the game that they already had in the works because they would go bankrupt halfway through if they continued. Instead they would create free updates that add more sex scenes to Last Run.

>> No.40542672

Likely that Japanese society as a whole just hasn't gotten around to that conversation yet.
Matsuko Deluxe is a mainstream tv personality and many gay bar mamas also adopt an onee persona, so the general public still feels fine treating them as comic relief.
Unlike black face, which has gone faux pas pretty much everywhere, the gay caricature is partly owned by the gay community, so whether their usage is from a point of malice, ignorance, or love varies case by case.

You're also playing eroge which is mainly for hetero men so probably no one told the writer to stop.

>> No.40542725

Didn't scaji say that Sakutoki won't have bishoujo game structure or whatever?
Even if there are routes, would they even be heroine focused?

>> No.40542817

Or the game is linear with no actual routes even if there are sex scenes.

>> No.40542842

"How can I use JL with Magpie?

Enable the "Preferences>General>Always on top" option. This option will make sure that JL is the topmost window on every clipboard change.

Disable the "Preferences>Popup>Focus on lookup" option. When this option is disabled, JL can work without stealing the focus away from other windows."

tl;dr: It will place itself on top of Magpie window on clipboard change e.g. when Textractor copies a new text to your clipboard.

>> No.40542886

He liked her, but I don't remember him dating her. He used to travel a lot at that time. She got married to Souichirou in one of his travels.

>> No.40542919

I know it's you who made this so let's make clear that Subahibi and its consequences have been a tragedy for otaku worldwide.
Listen to the meter of the song to make sense of things. You're translating split sentences as a cohesive whole.
"sub specie artis" is so chuuni I love it, but it doesn't carry the same connotation (and doesn't flow into 永劫 like the song does).
I'm still baffled people get 軌跡 wrong. Especially in writing.
>temporis et carminis
That's not what's being said here. It's not even as chuuni as the last.
But I can't give criticism without showing my own work, so roast me:

Gazing The bottom of the rainy sky
Give shape to all Mind This Body burns and becomes art
A verse of sunflowers Chant to the Time of Sakura Two gazes intertwine

The happy prince waits for his swallow

Under the pictures
This earth is, spread your wings

Oh, sakura Sparkling droplets of dreams
Under the rain This beautiful World
Look at it! The flowing rhythm With your Heart Soaring to Sky -infinite-

The Mirror is your paint It becomes Creation

The Sun bursts across the night

A Brushstroke To shake and surpass it all
Sunflowers Reach you at last
Traces of a Promise
The Time of Sakura and its Song

>> No.40542968

>The Time of Sakura and its Song
You are meant to reference the title of the song as a whole, you know, you can't just split time and song like that.

>> No.40543118

so I think the issue I'm having is when I fullscreen a window with magpie the position of the JL window that I can see and the JL window that I interact with are misaligned

>> No.40543220

True. But without a previous English title it's also hard to communicate the intended meaning of both games becoming one whole. That one line requires some proper brain-racking. I just played it safe.

>> No.40543347

I don't have that problem, so I can't help. Try opening an issue on the Github page.

>> No.40543443

It's been awhile since I've read Sakuuta but I think it's at least implied that they were in a relationship before. He started travelling as a way to cope with the fact she was going to marry the fat oji-san and to forget about her.

>> No.40543563

update magpie and change capture method to GDI.
don't forget to turn off scaling for vn window if you use non 100% scale

>> No.40543619 [DELETED] 

Just saw they released some ASMR last month for that upcoming imouto https://files.catbox.moe/g1ebkf.jpg
Can't wait, though I wish she was a bit smaller.

>> No.40543629

Just saw they released some ASMR last month for that upcoming imouto game
https://files.catbox.moe/g1ebkf.jpg (embed)
https://files.catbox.moe/a40p54.jpg (embed)
https://files.catbox.moe/rh6xi8.jpg (embed)
Can't wait, though I wish she was a bit smaller.

>> No.40543635


>> No.40543673


>> No.40543744

Makes sense since they're owned by Lose which is pretty much an ASMR company now

>> No.40544040

Nobody knows if Kenichirou was a manwhore even in New York, but that idea got fixed so hard in Naoya's head, and seeing how Kenichirou made Mizuna so happy, he said in ZYPRESSEN that if he got rejected by Rina, he would be alone for the rest of his life.

>> No.40544263

Well, it's hard to tell if Naoya sees Kei that way but I guess he still has art autism so it's possible he would end up alone then.

>> No.40544311

Please not another yuri route.

>> No.40544512

Do you have the lyrics transcribed
I want to give it a shot at too

>> No.40544774

Necessary sacrifice to prevent a Rin true end.

>> No.40544882

They're in the description to the video under Makura's channel.

>> No.40544911

>Rin true end.
After they reach the promised land (whatever Rin means by this), I want to see her getting mating-pressed for one week straight aka. white album 2 style.

>> No.40545116

She doesn't even have an adult sprite on the website so it might be yuri with shizuru young or they forgot idk

>> No.40545605
File: 221 KB, 800x600, 1655473410026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, it worked
Would you also happen to have the answer to the elevator puzzle? I've been stuck here for hours

>> No.40546109

I think she deserves getting NTR'd more, naoya living rent free in her head while he plows more deserving women.

>> No.40546131
File: 750 KB, 1000x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I listened to one and this imouto feels too slutty compared to Tinkle Position games

>> No.40546185

Doesn't she have different personalities depending on what choices you make at the beginning of the game? Are the ASMRs only one personality or something?

>> No.40546286

It's 3 personalities and 3 looks, the choices affect which of each you get.
There's three ASMR for each of the personalities, but being porn ASMR it kind of leads to the same situation of her being in control and giving JOI, that plus all the ochinpo and omanko she says makes her look slutty.

>> No.40546752

It's just one guy I think

>> No.40547422

I'm beginner on nihongo, how many VNs do I have to read to be able to read Tokyo Necro in Japanese?

>> No.40547592

None. Just go into it after learning grammar.

>> No.40547636

Did you read the trial? She's as tsun as they get. Or rather, it's the real deal as far as real life sibling fights get.

>> No.40547686 [DELETED] 

Most visual novels should be avoided since they are proprietary.

>> No.40547958

For real???
The sci-fi terms will not be a big barrier?

(I'm learning grammar via Cure Dolly and Tae Kim now)

>> No.40547975

Just don't pay attention to anything from Cure Dolly. It will cripple you. Tae Kim is fine.

>> No.40548077

god damn it qruppo

>> No.40548087

Why not learn the "sci-fi terms" from Tokyo Necro? You're going to have to learn them at some point if you want to read it.

>> No.40548317

Kek, I also saw that on Kastel-sama's twitter

>> No.40548355


>> No.40548496

Make sense

>> No.40548997 [DELETED] 

>Cure Dolly. It will cripple you
shut your mouth, tatsumoto
Cure Dolly is ok

>> No.40549162 [DELETED] 

cure dolly is SHIT
Read this https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/learning-grammar.html
stop spamming you garbage site, mehmet

>> No.40549171

Fuck off retards.

>> No.40549211 [DELETED] 

>For a strange reason everybody I've met who tried to measure how much time they spent on Japanese weren't actually that good.
Not him, but learn English. "Everybody " is singular.

>> No.40549232

"They" is plural. If you still think that's a mistake, report it to the author.

>> No.40549276 [DELETED] 

>"They" is plural
So? "They" isn't the subject of the verb was/were
>For a strange reason (everybody I've met who tried to measure how much time they spent on Japanese) weren't actually that good.
subphrase parenthesized

>> No.40549279 [DELETED] 


learn english, tatsumoto

>> No.40549305 [DELETED] 

If either of you actually want to provide a convincing argument, you should provide actual examples of how these guides are bad instead of just posting blanket statements.
Not that this is the right thread for your blogs anyways. But at least the thread is almost dead.

>> No.40549307 [DELETED] 

I doubt tatsumoto posts on 4chan.

>> No.40549316 [DELETED] 

Well, you should let Tatsumoto know about it.

>> No.40549335

Half of you should go back to /djt/ and the over half needs to go to /det/ (do we have that)?

>> No.40549371

You are allowed to use 'they' when you don't know the gender.

>> No.40549403

p-please janny, clean up the djt threads too...
I won't make fun of your job anymore, just grace us with a crumb of moderation, I beg you

>> No.40549437

I think you're responding the the wrong post. I agree. The problem is everybody/weren't. The sentence boils down to "(Everyone) weren't actually that good."
Nothing wrong with everybody/they in the subclause (IMO, some disagree)

>> No.40549907
File: 221 KB, 1200x675, 1642901930343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do all that
>still cant progress

>> No.40550385
File: 3.40 MB, 2326x1440, asdfaxcv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who was in the right?

>> No.40550864

she's right, キス is a nipongo word meaning mouth to mouth

>> No.40550908
File: 12 KB, 768x85, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40550989

bro translate the page i can't hook this

>> No.40551086
File: 3.83 MB, 2217x1348, zxcvasfv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel a little bad for this cuckquean already knowing vaguely what is going to happen, but at the same time it's clear she should've just sat on his dick

>> No.40551112


>> No.40551179
File: 3.72 MB, 2212x1293, zxcvawref.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright last one for this thread but that's pretty hot

>> No.40551584

wish that were me

>> No.40551639

Sakura no Toki OP Eng subbed. I updated it a little bit.

>> No.40552960

I just felt awful for her and awful for how mentally ill the author of this shit is.

>> No.40553807

Is she actually cuckquean?
There's such a lack of cuckqueans in vns, shouldn't it be a more common fetish to have a girlfriend that wants you to get a harem or that suffers in silence while knowing you're fucking someone else behind her back? sigh

>> No.40554783

>felt the game didn't have enough ero content
iirc they chopped those part and sold them as separate dlc(s)
>Lose was retarded enough to email the EGS admin and ask him to remove the discussion pages
That's pretty fucked up.

>> No.40557143

the guide says you can only get her route after every other heroine so i guess she wins in the end? i don't really know though

>> No.40557434

pls respond

>> No.40557543
File: 401 KB, 1201x646, 2021-12-03 12_50_29-いろとりどりのセカイ ver1.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

character development

>> No.40557559

staggeringly based, my legs are kneeling on their own

>> No.40557586

are birth defects 可愛い?

>> No.40557598

they're rare so it's ok

>> No.40557722


>> No.40557751

>so i guess she wins in the end?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, just you fucking WAIT for the completely retarded, warped idea on true love and happiness the author has.

>> No.40558197

Damn, I love Yukito. I need to read his manga.

>> No.40558682
File: 465 KB, 1024x576, 20190130084022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know the overall opinion of his manga but heard the light novel he wrote a while ago was shit. Hope he recovers from his burnout and comes back to writing eroge since that's what he's good at.

>> No.40558827

>that's what he's good at
nice joke

>> No.40559997

>Role Kouhai
mfw realized she's a fake imouto

>> No.40560022

She has a brother

>> No.40560202

>not your sister
