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File: 127 KB, 800x800, Umineko 4panel_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4050692 No.4050692 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from: >>4048742

Last time:

>> No.4050701
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Rifyu's Erika is the only good Erika

>> No.4050712
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>> No.4050715

Ryuukishi should just handle the reins of Umineko over to Rifyu.

>> No.4050718
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>> No.4050723

> That's bullshit man. How can someone love a bomb?

>> No.4050726
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>> No.4050732
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Last time:

>> No.4050735
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>> No.4050740
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>> No.4050743

More like

Battler = Maria's dad = Kinzo = Juuza = George = Rudolf = Krauss = Hideyoshi = Genji = Gohda
Jessica = Beatrice = Shannon = Kanon = Maria = Eva = Natsuhi = Rosa
Nanjo is the murderer

>> No.4050744


Requesting gif of Battler waving cowboy hat and riding Beato to bomb Rokkenjima.

>> No.4050745
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>> No.4050747
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>> No.4050749

Remember that loan mentioned in Episode 1 that Rosa had co-signed on? Maria's dad was the other signer.

>> No.4050750
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>> No.4050752
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>> No.4050754

It's a Sony!

>> No.4050757
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>> No.4050765

Love Ange's face :P

>> No.4050771
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>> No.4050773





>> No.4050774

Wouldn't it be a great troll if magic turned out to be real?

>> No.4050775
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>> No.4050778
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Anyone have a download link to all of EP5's bgm as mp3s? The MF link I have doesn't have all.

>> No.4050786





>> No.4050788
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reposts of reposts of reposts etc

>> No.4050791
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>> No.4050794

Convert them yourself.

A good one is here: http://media-convert.com/

>> No.4050796
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>> No.4050797
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Good night, virgins.

>> No.4050801

It was stated in gold that magic exists. And not by Battler. Also, it was the only line of gold in all of Episode 6.

>> No.4050802
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>> No.4050804
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>> No.4050806

Note that there was more to the line than just simply saying that magic exists; it was more along the lines of saying "what you just did was magic".

>> No.4050807
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>> No.4050815
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>> No.4050817


That has no meaning. The new nature of the game is whether or not everybody died because of magic, not whether it exists.

>> No.4050819

God damn I lol'ed.

>> No.4050823
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>> No.4050830

That wasn't what the person was talking about, though.

>> No.4050833
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>> No.4050834
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>> No.4050858

That wasn't what the person was talking about, though. Unless you're that person, in which case I misunderstood you.

>> No.4050861
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>> No.4050864
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>> No.4050879
File: 489 KB, 677x752, Ushiromiya_Ange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...what is happening around here?

>> No.4050885

So? We aren't even sure what gold means.

>> No.4050898

I forget, does Episode 5 state that it's the trademark tool of/only usable by the Game Master?

>> No.4050905


>> No.4050908

Ryukishi said in an interview that if you know the answer you will be able to use it.

>> No.4050914
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Weren't you going to sleep?

>> No.4050925
File: 374 KB, 640x480, golden truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like that. But I'm not really sure what it means.

Red = Truth
Blue = Theories
Gold = ???

Maybe its some sort of proof? That's the only thing that I can think of. It also has a basis in something that is not supernatural since it was able to beat Knox's Second.

>> No.4050924 [DELETED] 

Okay. That means that the Beatrice who represents the original legend of the witch also knows the truth.

>> No.4050936

Okay. That means that the Beatrice who represents the original legend of the witch also knows the truth, despite not actually being the Beatrice we used to know.

>> No.4050943

So, in effect, it's a statement of a portion of the answer?

>> No.4050954

Note that Battler also states that at the end of the fifth game, Beatrice won the game completely. He also says that because he understands magic, he'll be able to take Beatrice outside the game, IIRC.

>> No.4051024

> Note that Battler also states that at the end of the fifth game, Beatrice won the game completely.
Anybody have the translated sentences? I remember seeing it in another thread, and it was pretty ;_;.

>> No.4051038

Quick question, haven't been keeping up with the threads or anything cause I find it pretty pointless, but Battler is carrying out the murders in 6, right?

Does he do it in an awesome fashion. Does he fuck some shit up. Does he push around some demons? Does he rub his unlimited magical energy in Kinzo's face?

>> No.4051039


>Battler: "Beatrice was a woman who fought with both reason and madness. She always fought no matter what. She made me rage, made me weep, made me feel so many emotions, I can't even describe them. And then, in that very last game. At the very last moment...she won. Completely. But she never had a chance to look at her card before she collaspsed. Beato, without ever knowing that she had won... died.

>Beato was the one who won that last game. And this is the board she gave me. So I WILL win."

>> No.4051050

>Battler is carrying out the murders in 6


>> No.4051054

Battler is GAR.

>> No.4051058

The plot of Battler's gameboard doesn't involve killing anyone, actually.

Until Erika trolls the fuck out of him.

>> No.4051063

Indeed. Erika does.

>> No.4051065

No he is not. George, Kanon, Shannon, Battler, Jessica, and Beato take care of the murders.

>> No.4051074

You just said Battler doesn't carry out the murders, then you say that he does.

>> No.4051077

Or, well, one of them.

>> No.4051079

The only one that was funny was the first one, the rest are shit.

>> No.4051080

Is suicide murder? Then he murdered himself... maybe. Might be faking it.

>> No.4051085

The fantasy scenes Battler constructs involves Beatrice, George, Shannon, Kanon, and Jessica carrying out the murders, but the "answer" to his gameboard was that no one really died and everyone was faking their deaths to troll Erika.

Then Erika pulls a fast one on him, and, uh.

>> No.4051089

...that is pretty dull. So what is the point of even giving him the powers to carry them out if he isn't going to be the one doing the murdering? I was expecting him to do all kinds of awesome stuff in this episode after seeing his sexy portrait. I feel betrayed.

>> No.4051095

>I feel betrayed.

You're not alone in that. You really, really aren't.

>> No.4051099

Endless Sorcerer Battler is a badass, but he's still Battler. I was pretty touched by the nature of his gameboard, actually.

>> No.4051105

Blame Erika for being even more of a bitch than anyone had anticipated. And also the whole failed-Beato-resurrection thing.

>> No.4051107

In Battler's words, "My role in this isn't to commit serial murders, it's to present you with locked rooms that are impossible unless you accept magic."

>> No.4051110

The Erika in these comics is a lovable little girl. Why can't she be like this in the game?

>> No.4051112

I prefer psychotic, head-chopping Erika, honestly.

>> No.4051113

Apparently, though, not showing actual murders actually obstructs the truth, so Super Hanyuu made Bernkastel the Game Master for the seventh Episode on the condition that she reveals the truth in that game.

>> No.4051114
File: 132 KB, 1272x717, smiling-ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, i was trying to find some me-...mental help in 4chan. Don't worry, Onii-chan, it won't take too much time.

>> No.4051115

Because R07 likes to write sluts.

>> No.4051116

Remember when Erika was somewhat sympathetic, possibly redeemable, and stated by Ryuukishi to be not evil? I don't.

>> No.4051118

>unless you accept magic
Or DID, but thats way too deep for detective work.

>> No.4051126

Yeah, how can Ryukishi say she's not that bad, then have her decapitate five goddamn people the next episode? Guy is an ass.

>> No.4051128

Well he isn't going to make it long in this business if he doesn't change his strategy.

>> No.4051129

Hey, lack of love makes people do crazy things.

>> No.4051132 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4051133

The Rifyu Erika seems pretty slutty to me.

>> No.4051142

Slut Erika obsessed with Battler > Slut Erika obsessed with power.

>> No.4051143


>Implying Ryukishi is like a shitty writer who would explain away everything with DID

>> No.4051144

She's just lusting for Battler, like every other umineko female.

>> No.4051155

Are we talking about the real games, of the comics? Because I don't think there are any females really lusting after Battler in the games. Everyone seems pretty neutral to him.

>> No.4051168 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4051175
File: 159 KB, 687x540, tumblr_kq9qdcrJ1q1qa4yr3o1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4051178

The comics.

>> No.4051186

I wouldn't call one girl who shows slight romantic hints to him the whole female cast.

>> No.4051206 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4051205

> slight romantic hints
Beatrice's entire reason for existing is to love Battler. No, seriously. Have a monologue from Episode 6 (somebody else translated it):

Listen carefully.
I will turn over my love for Battler to you.
Become the woman Battler desires.

I will give you the blonde hair he desires.
I will give you the blue eyes he desires.
I will give you the new personality he desires.
And... In place of me, love him.
And if possible, be loved by him.

I can no longer love him.
The feelings I could not obtain...the feelings I could not bear...please obtain them.

From this day forward, you are no longer the phantom of Rokkenjima who only plays tricks.
From this day forward, you are the ruler of Rokkenjima, and the one who waits for him to return until he fulfills his promise.

From this day forward, you will inherit that in my place.
Thus, from this day forward, you are no longer me.

I will push all of my suffering on to you... Please forgive me for being the only one to become happy.

From this day forward, you have the qualifications to detest everything.
You are the Golden Witch, Beatrice.

And someday.
Destroy everything, revive everything.
...Bless all lovers.

At that time.
...For both you and I to find happiness together...I will be wishing for from the bottom of my heart.

From this day on, you are not me.
From this day on, I am not you.
We will divide one soul, and share.
That naturally won't fill up one soul, but. (? not 100% sure about this line)
Surely it will allow (us/you/me? no subject defined) to see more dreams than a person.
May we be blessed...
My cute Beatrice...

>> No.4051218

Or, well, not her reason for existing, but it's why she exists as she does.

>> No.4051229

>...For both you and I to find happiness together...I will be wishing for from the bottom of my heart.

Shannon seems like a bit of a slut to me. Can't she just pick one man? Why does she have to get both George and Battler? Surely, people suffering from multiple personality disorder don't try to get a spouse for each personality.

>> No.4051237

You forgot that she's also aiming for the Jessica route via Kanon.

>> No.4051239

Plus, she chooses George over Battler? This bitch must be blind, another reason why I cannot accept Shkannontrice.

At least with Jessitrice, as impossible as it seems, Kanon supposedly has good looks going on for him.

>> No.4051242

isnt that MOE Beato's monologue before she goes awesome ?

>> No.4051245


>> No.4051253

It's a flashback that is experienced by/shown to MOE Beatrice.

>> No.4051263

So the theory now is that Beatrice doesn't even exist, and is being played by Shanon and Kanon?

I thought it was confirmed that Beatrice was a real person back in like episode three. I thought Kinzo had a daughter with Beatrice, and then had a daughter with the daughter.

>> No.4051264 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4051268
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Well, if each personality likes a different person, and they don't agree on which personality should be the one to get who they want... you end up having the personalities dueling each other with antique pistols loaded with one-hit-kill bullets prepared by the two demons whose domains involve love, one of which is a trap.

>> No.4051284

No. The current version of the theory is that Lolitrice is Shannon is Kanon is Beatrice.

-Kinzo brings lolitrice from an orphanage to be Beatrice III
-Lolitrice meets Kumasawa (Virgilia´s vessel)
-Pony theory happens (or anything that forces kumasawa to hide lolitrice from kinzo)
-Lolitrice disguises herself as Shannon and starts working at the mansion, one day she meets Battler while not in disguise, then promise happens
-Lolitrice finally abandons Lolitrice´s persona completely and becomes Shannon, then later she creates Kanon´s persona
-Suit Beato is actually Shannon´s real self awakened, it takes over completely after the "death" of the other two personas and asks Battler about his sin

>> No.4051291

I wonder if she can create another personality for me too. I'm in the mood to some experimenting with the same sex, as /jp/ is too wimpy for me.

>> No.4051292

All the signs point to no Beatrice existing.

Or rather, she did exist, that seems likely, but the one Battler met following the pony theory is not actually "Beatrice", but one of the 17 people on the island. Meta-Beatrice is simply a construct of the love this mystery person had towards Battler given form.

>> No.4051293

>I thought it was confirmed that Beatrice was a real person back in like episode three.

She is a real person. Just replace all instances of lolitrice with Shannon in the pony theory.

>I thought Kinzo had a daughter with Beatrice, and then had a daughter with the daughter.

Yeah.... no.

>> No.4051305

(It's more likely that Lolitrice always looked like Shannon, though, and simply dressed up as Beatrice at times, and probably was used as the model for the Beatrice portrait.)

>> No.4051306
File: 99 KB, 1273x716, Ange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Oh. Looks like i forgot the picture so the virgins here can fap to me.

>> No.4051313

Oh that is pretty fascinating. I haven't been following any of this so this is new to me.

But aren't Shanon and Kanon shown together on screen in tons of places all the time? How can they be one person?

>> No.4051319

Ange. Look, okay, you were raped as a child. That wasn't sex, that was rape. You need to seek counseling. You can't continue this self-destructive lifestyle anymore.

>> No.4051327

But Battler loves Ange.

>> No.4051331

What happened to Mammon? A delusion is fine too.

>> No.4051334

If Battler didn't see them together in EP1-4, it's possible to be fake. There is a reason why we never see them with Battler through 4 straight episodes, which is dozens of hours long combined. Whether it is because they are samefag or red herring is up for debate.

>> No.4051337
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Meanwhile, in the meta world

>> No.4051339

So are we just writing off the statement that Beatrice is 19 years old?

>> No.4051345
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It was consensual.

>> No.4051356

The Beatrice personality is 19 years old. If a personality can be a person, then it can be anything it wants. 19years old, 90 years old. It's nothing to a fictional construct of a mentally ill woman.

>> No.4051365

Shannon could have lied about her age. Alternatively, when she created Beatrice, she gave her the age of 19.

>> No.4051367

Confirmed that the original Beatrice is 19y.
I think Shannon is faking her age.

>> No.4051407

Being 19 years old seems a really arbitrary and specific thing to assign to Beatrice, especially when the number was stated to be important.

>> No.4051416

Battler happens to like slightly older women. It's no problem for a fictional construct.

>> No.4051428

The baby thing from episode 5 probably was not wrong.
And this is why Kanon mumbles something to himself after Battler helps him at the beginning of episode 1.

>> No.4051440

Is this stated in the flashback that he likes older women, or are you pulling that out of your ass?

>> No.4051455
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If Erika commited those murders in EP6, all I can say is wow. Ryukishi is pretty direct in misdirection; I can't help but compare with american comic writers that tend to be "meeeeh yes, I mean no, erh dunno lol".

Pieces cannot act against their natures... which means the real Erika would murder in cold blood just for the lulz.

>> No.4051458

Nothing about age. Only the looks and the personality.

>> No.4051461

She didn't think she was murdering them. She thought they were already dead.

>> No.4051469

she said it in red.


>> No.4051471

No. She knew she was murdering them. She was laughing about killing Rosa first between Rosa and Maria.

>> No.4051481

Well disregard that, I suck cocks. She's crazier than I thought.

>> No.4051492

God fucking damn it.

>> No.4051497

Join the club.

>> No.4051502

Well, considering what happened with Jessica, I think a more accurate explanation is that piece will not do something they would never do.

It's in Jessica's capacity to be an innocent girl, and a batshit killer, with Erika, she'll kill everyone if it means she wins,

>> No.4051510

give Ryuushi a break
BT was holding the story for ep6-8 in his head.

Now Ryuushi has to make everything up as he goes along

>> No.4051514
File: 373 KB, 1200x1000, 1261933659585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I'm glad she was obliterated then. With her on the board, the thing would just degenerate into her sandbox and would loop for all time because she could always have the option to go into "fuck your shit" mode.

>> No.4051527

Actually, she was only able to do that because she didn't have detective authority for Episode 6. If she had it, she wouldn't have been able to do that because she would be violating Knox Rule 7.

>> No.4051528

That makes sense. So all this time when I had hoped that the author of Umineko died immediately after ep5 was released... it actually happened. Fuck.

>> No.4051532

Who was then, no one?

>> No.4051533

You just made that up.

>> No.4051536

This sucks.

>> No.4051539

No shit Sherlock.

>> No.4051545
File: 10 KB, 282x192, Bern 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like he got some people in this thread.

>> No.4051549


BT was the author? news to me.

>> No.4051552

Spoilers: BT was the ghostwriter to Umineko, Ryukishi just takes all the glory, which is why EP6 is so meh tier.

>> No.4051557
File: 29 KB, 504x478, Bern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ep 6
>meh tier

>> No.4051562

BT was Ryukishi's other personality.

>> No.4051565

We were all trolled. We can all go home now.

>> No.4051571

Episode 6 had really beautiful music.
I was about to cry at one scene because of the music. And Umineko only did it to me at the first Shanon death.

>> No.4051573

I chortled.

>> No.4051580

Yeah, basically. Erika wasn't even trying to solve things in Episode 6; she wanted to trick Battler into creating a logic error.

>> No.4051584

I quite like engage of marionette. It's a nice combination of a slow version of happiness of marionette with Yakusoku (non-vocal, thankfully).

>> No.4051588

Rather, solving things wasn't her aim.

>> No.4051591

>she wanted to trick Battler into creating a logic error.

That's why GMs always plan for shit beforehand. Battler confirmed for shit GM tier.

>> No.4051599

Am I the only one who thinks that an ErikaxBattler relationship is still possible and would be the most beautiful union in fiction history?

>> No.4051608

Has anyone tried to play Umineko on a DS? I downloaded the converter but it took like 4 hours to convert only the backgrounds and then, my computer freezed

>> No.4051609

Battler DID plan things out. It's just that he was too arrogant in his position at one point and fell for a trick of Erika's, which led to a whole bunch of problems for him.

Note, however, that he could have escaped from the logic error at any time by revealing a part of Beato's heart. But that was something he refused to do.

>> No.4051612

No. Battler was awesome when he was telling Erika to fuck off even through his tortured, comatose state.

>> No.4051617

I would prefer BeatricexBattler at this point, although ErikaxBattler has always been shit and BeatricexBattler has recently become super shit.

>> No.4051619


>> No.4051620

>I would prefer BeatricexBattler...
I meant to say. "I would prefer it over BeatricexBattler"

>> No.4051622

Shipperdevs get out.

>> No.4051625

I can't even see her coming back, even though Trollukishi said she wasn't so bad.

There's a thin line with redemption, and killing five people clearly crosses that. It's too bad too, I liked her, and would totally support BattlerxErika if EP6 didn't happen.

>> No.4051626

Already-converted-umineko-for-the-ds link?

>> No.4051628

I think BattlerxMaria has the most logic behind it, as far as pairings go.

>> No.4051636

Can't spell Shannon and Kanon without Anon

>> No.4051638

I really like the decision theme, ALIVE.

>> No.4051639

I doubt she's coming back, considering that Bernkastel had said that she would send Erika to the worst possible Fragment if Erika failed this time. And Erika failed.

>> No.4051641

Logic? In my seacats? Only twisted reasoning need apply.

>> No.4051647

But Bern was drunk and wandering lost somewhere in the infinity when Erika lost the duel.

>> No.4051648

Zepar and Furfur's theme is nice, too.

>> No.4051650

Anyone know why they didn't use Hope for the OP or at least the ED in the anime?

I mean, it's basically THE song for Umineko. It even has the seagulls in the background.

>> No.4051655

Well, either way, with Erika now removed from the meta world and the gameboard, I doubt Battler and Beatrice will allow her back in, and considering they have absolute control over who can enter...

>> No.4051664

Because DEEN is incompetent.

>> No.4051671 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4051677

Because OH DESIRE!

>> No.4051679

What Battler show to us:
The cousins killing the adults with magic fights, hate and discussion between the cousins and the adults

What really happened:
They were all playing a family board game where the loser would have to pretend to be dead to scare Erika.


>> No.4051686

Fuck you, One-winged eagle and OH DESIRE is awesome.

>> No.4051696
File: 33 KB, 256x362, 2616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Battler, I saw some problems with your game board, so I went ahead and fixed them for you.

>> No.4051705

Such a courteous rosebitch.

>> No.4051717

Battler is just under a magical spell by Beatrice, when he snaps out of it in episode 7 he would go back and save Erika and they will defeat Beatrice together once and for all.

>> No.4051720

Hope shits all over that crap. OH DESIRE is metalhead shit, the only good thing about it is Kinzo.

I could listen to Hope for hours, OH DESIRE gives me a migraine after 5 minutes.

>> No.4051723

Im a bit lost.

Where was it stated that pieces cant act against their nature?

>> No.4051740

Umineko anime should just play worldend dominator during all the episodes. ALL THE TIME.

>> No.4051742
File: 75 KB, 253x360, CoolErika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot something.

>> No.4051747

At this point, I would welcome that plot twist.

>> No.4051757
File: 144 KB, 639x480, dlanor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never in red, but what reason would Dlanor have to lie to you? She's like the most reliable fucking character in Seacats.

>> No.4051759




>> No.4051766

I like it. It's preferable to what's going on now anyway.

>> No.4051773

And she also talks about the matter of trust, and how even Battler took things that were never stated in red for granted.

>> No.4051777

I agree. It was awesome how she told Erika that she was protecting her because she thought Erika's truths were weak, and she needed STRONGER TRUTHS.

>> No.4051781
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>most reliable fucking character

>> No.4051783

>Jessica casts Firaga
>Kyrie is defeated by boring ass character

>> No.4051786

Too bad she's the owner of the sisters from purgatory.

>> No.4051799

What makes me mad, is that Kanon = Shannon was planned from the beginning, as well as Jessica being in love with Kanon and George being in love with Shannon.

This family is so into lies, that those people can't even trust that *anon is the gender they claim to be.

>> No.4051810

Indeed. All of the Umineko characters are better off dead.

>> No.4051815

I'm sure this is old as fuck, but did anyone notice that Kyrie has a cross on her tie and Battler has a cross for a zipper? It kind of just caught my eye by looking at that anon's picture.

>> No.4051816

Well no doubt they'll all be saved in the end by miracles or the power of love or something gay. Instead of just all dying in a bomb like they should.

>> No.4051830

Yeah I noticed a while ago. Kyrie is into creepy cool crosses.

Which is why Battler and Juuza is her son. I say 'is' because Battler=Juuza

>> No.4051831
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Amakusa too

>> No.4051835

jessica only wins because bronove helped her. she was so boring they had to get an awesome character like bronove to help her match Kyrie in cool levels and kill her.

>> No.4051848

It's because they're all somehow related to the Sumaderas, probably.

But Battler didn't know that until recently. I guess Kyrie just buys his clothes for him, then.

>> No.4051869


So wait, the novel portrays these people as a dysfunctional, fucked up family yet we're supposed to like them?

>> No.4051878

Who doesn't love a good dysfunctional family every now and then?

>> No.4051884

Seems like it, aside from Battler, none of these assholes seem to deserve to be saved.

Maybe Rudolf. And Kyrie if she's not the culprit.

>> No.4051888

That what made The Ushiromiyas so awesome.My life would be different if i'm an Ushiromiya.

>> No.4051896

Yeah, you'd be dead.

>> No.4051900
File: 83 KB, 469x478, hid_defa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>aside from Battler, none of these assholes seem to deserve to be saved.

>> No.4051906

while wearing One Winged Eagle.That would not be so bad.

>> No.4051912

Well, with Eva and George dead, I figured letting him die would be kind of a mercy.

>> No.4051915

I don't know, I pretty much hated everyone except Battler, Gohda, Kyrie, and a few of the witches/demons since episode 4. Maybe they want you to hate everyone by the end, because they're actually going to have everyone be murdered and have Battler take over the family head. But I doubt it will happen since Battler is so naive to what a bunch of snakes his family is and would give up his own life before letting any of them die.

>> No.4051934

Honestly how will they be able to pull off a complete happy end in the final episode without a single person dieing. You would have to have the family assume that a particular person was indeed the killer before the 1st twilight, which is unlikely considering all of the adults and cousins only care about catching up and wont even notice this until the first deathes begin to surface.

>> No.4051939

You guys just need to take it easy. This is all just an elaborate troll effort by Beatrice in the first place.

Bernkastel and Lambdadelta are her friends, after all.

>> No.4051941


>Honestly how will they be able to pull off a complete happy end

They won't. Because Ryukishi said there wouldn't be one.

>> No.4051950

Bern hates Beatrice with a passion. Lambda said in the Episode 5 courtroom session, she'd hope that Beatrice would become her friend, but that didn't happen.

>> No.4051951

Forgot about that. Well at the very least I can see the six deaths from the 1st twilight occur. Sucks for them.

>> No.4051959

But he said Erika was a good girl too.

>> No.4051960

Well, Lambda didn't exactly treat Beatrice like one would treat a friend.

>> No.4051962

...You bring up a good point.

>> No.4051989


Beato put them up to saying that. Don't you see?

>> No.4051997

Beato final boss sounds incredibly enticing after all the bullshit that 6 showed.

>> No.4052029 [DELETED] 

Now it's been out a while, anyone want to tell me what happened with episode 6? Tried playing through it with Atlus, but the translations aren't great, and I'm too crap to understand Engrish. Couple of bits I don't get:

[spoilers]The bit in the chapel where 00 fades out, then disappears, then they start talking about the other Siestas... Did 00 die or something?

WTF happened to Battler, he's in a coma or something?[/spoilers]

>> No.4052049

Now it's been out a while, anyone want to tell me what happened with episode 6? Tried playing through it with Atlus, but the translations aren't great, and I'm too crap to understand Engrish. Couple of bits I don't get:

The bit in the chapel where 00 fades out, then disappears, then they start talking about the other Siestas... Did 00 die or something?

WTF happened to Battler, he's in a coma or something?

>> No.4052040 [DELETED] 

> Did 00 die or something?

> WTF happened to Battler, he's in a coma or something?
He's in a catatonic state due to something Erika did.

>> No.4052056

We're probably going to get Bern final boss, though. And I don't really mind that too much.

>> No.4052065

Are the Siestas not in the TIPS screen for episode 6, or am I just too retarded to find them?

>> No.4052074

I was confused by that too, but if you complete Episode 6, you'll find them in the completed TIPS menu.

>> No.4052113

I think that Jessica is okay. Her fight scene this ep was good.

>> No.4052182

Bern: Final Boss in the meta-world
Human Culprit: Final Boss in the human world

>> No.4052252

Wait, wait. So... the entity known as Shkanontrice changes her (?) form depending on the "route" (Jessica, George, Battler, Maria)? That's one hell of an eroge premise.
