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4045798 No.4045798 [Reply] [Original]


Shit I felt ep.5 was a bit pretentious, is ep.6 going to be the same sort of thing? If so, the story should be wrapped up because it's run out of steam obviously.

>> No.4045816
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>> No.4045837

Probably will end by episode 8.
Overall Umineko is very simple but R07 padded it with lots of pretentious shit.

>> No.4046422

<good then>

>> No.4046432

Are you really sure you have any idea what that word means? Because it doesn't mean "it went over my head and I didn't bother looking it up" and it doesn't mean "referenced something in real life I had never heard of before".

>> No.4046439
File: 197 KB, 1000x1000, moeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretentious shit

>> No.4046442

Of course it does not mean that.

>> No.4046490


that word is almost as bad as mary sue

>> No.4046548

It's so typical of 4chan posters to call something pretentious without any explanation whatsoever.

>> No.4046987

It's pretentious because R07 feels he's qualified to critique mysteries as a genre directly in his stories with the feeling we're all supposed to line up and be astounded by his cleverness and insight when all he's really doing is making up shit as he goes along.

Making light-saber duels signify the battle between truth and the spirit of wonder was pretty pretentious (which wouldn't have been too bad if R07 hadn't been so blatant about it). The first few games wouldn't pretentious at all, they were just fun stories that weren't trying to be something more than what they were.

>> No.4047000

If having an entire episode being about 'hey maybe magic is kind of sort of okay' didn't give you a hint, solving the mystery is not the entirety of the story.

If you weren't enjoying the romances and powerlevel battles, real or not, you're missing out.

>> No.4047001

EP7 will contain no red.
It will happen only in Meta world
It will be about magic and love only

Fuck yeah.

>> No.4047006

Christ, that fourth panel is creepy. It looks like some horrid cross between a giant cicada and duck fetus.

>> No.4047021

almost like ep6 then,

>> No.4047023

>Making light-saber duels signify the battle between truth and the spirit of wonder was pretty pretentious

What? Of all the things, how is that...pretentious? It's simply over-the-top and fun.

>> No.4047027

Well...so far there's been one red line, and I'm less than an hour in.

>> No.4047033

About the sowrds duels, I thought they were stupid, aren't they just people discussing?
Are they trying to kill each other before one of them reach the truth or something,? also, do they speak really fast to be able to fight and speak at the same time?

>> No.4047034

Er, I felt some of the comments regarding the mystery genre were done as a sort of lampooning, spoof, deconstruction kind of thing.

It's kind of weird to call that pretentious.

>> No.4047035

Erika was a Mary Sue though, since she was literally Bern's self-insert, and it also explains all the weird-ass detective bullshit she gets up to.

>> No.4047036


>> No.4047040

and ot will take you A LOT to find new ones, most of them are just accept

>> No.4047051

there's already an Umineko thread. Stop making a million Umineko threads, you idiots.

>> No.4047094


I think I might be okay with this.

>> No.4047112

A SATIRE of a Mary Sue. Huge difference between that and a real Sue.

>> No.4047611

Lots of Siestas in this episode
Siestas 17, 38 , 45

Siesta 127 has a 2km wide range
Siesta 20 can shot 6000 times in 2s.

>> No.4049006

Pics where?

>> No.4049019


>> No.4049025

Goldsmith lives on in your heart

>> No.4049031

Wait till next episode

>> No.4049040
File: 204 KB, 307x371, KINZO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4049064

Great, the sappy, unfeeling romance writing of Ryukishi for 12+ hours, I can hardly wait!

I'd give his left arm to go back to mystery Umineko.

>> No.4049075

oh boy let's add more useless characters

>> No.4049088

it's abou 10-11 hours and there isn't too much romance,just the usual, also LOLopinions

>> No.4049092

Talking about hypothetical EP7 broseph.

>> No.4049086

>the sappy, unfeeling romance writing of Ryukishi
His romance scenes aren't terrible. It's the prospect of him ever writing a sex scene that's truly horrifying.

>> No.4049101

Badly written romance is bad, regardless of how much related content there is.

>> No.4049105


>Making light-saber duels signify the battle between truth and the spirit of wonder was pretty pretentious (which wouldn't have been too bad if R07 hadn't been so blatant about it).

PFFT. That is almost the opposite of pretensions. I'm seriously laughing over here. Please. I think you're confusing "unsubtle" with pretensions. He isn't talking down to the reader.

>> No.4049110

Come on, you have to be joking.
His romance scenes either amount to silence and blushing and the same 10 lines repeated for eternity or the off screen romance between Battler and Beatrice.

>> No.4049121

I like it, just the usual sappiness you can feel in most VNs but without the awkward sex than most times isn't necessary. Also Shannon vs Kanon is cool

>> No.4049135

>silence and blushing and the same 10 lines repeated for eternity

That only describes Jessica/Kanon and George/Shannon scenes, neither of which count for shit because those four characters are massive faggots about everything, let alone their supposed romance.

>> No.4049148

If they don't count, then where the hell are the other romances scenes?
The reason why 07 is so bad at writing romances is because of those 6. The adults don't have any major interactions other than "A TRAGEDY HAPPENED I WILL CRY TO MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER". Is that supposed to be character development or something?

>> No.4049167

>Also Shannon vs Kanon is cool
That's my complaint, the "action" scenes are over the top and in live action would be laughable, but it's incredibly entertaining given the media and the way he writes. Then we get what he calls "story", which is just trite.

He could have gone nearly pure mystery and made an impressive story, I can't help but feel he bit off more than he can chew as it is.

>> No.4049177

And we do not even know WHY.

>> No.4049171

This was about R07's fail romance scenes, not the character development or lackthereof.

The entire Battler/Beato romance thing is decently written, despite there being so little of it. The romance shit between them isn't in scenes like the other pairings. Like how Battler considers cutting himself up and going down the drain to avoid giving up Beato's heart. Guy is dedicated.

>> No.4049191

Because he loves her?

>> No.4049204

Prove it, then.

>> No.4049210

Why does he love her?
You have no idea what's the understanding, how they did (if they truly did) etc.
We just make a logical jump, assume it happened, and see dedication and understanding that does not make sense.
And no, I am not confident he will fill in the gap in a good way.

>> No.4049215


>> No.4049233

The point of Umineko is love, like how the message of Higurashi was NAKAMA NAKAMA NAKAMA, right?

Excuse me for sounding like a total faggot, but since when was love something you could fully explain? Sure, part of it is because of personality and looks and your experiences with the other person, but love also tends to kind of just...happen.

>> No.4049256

You show the interactions and relationship, and not just the aftermath, MAYBE?
We do not talk about realism or some academic explanation, we are talking about bad writing concerning romances and fucking skipping a crucial part in what you call a well-defined romance.

>> No.4049261

sorry, but if you didn't catch the actual interaction between them for four WHOLE episodes where you could feel their actual relationship is not my problem, you can see Battler likes Beato since ep2 and Beato has always loved him, from then is just Battler realicing it, ep5 and her death was all that was needed, also he found her TRUTH

>> No.4049265

I came late to this and don't give enough of a shit to read the thread. What's this supposed missing part of their relationship?

>> No.4049270

I get that they love each other, but it's only because I filled in the gap myself.
All 07 did was make them fucking INTERACT with each other, and then they suddenly made the jump from rivals to lovers. There was no explanation for this or reason. It just happened.
Before you say "WELL THAT'S HOW LOVE WORKS LOL" if you're writing a god damn story, you better provide some god damn background.

>> No.4049273

If those shitty Meta interactions make you think what you see in EP5 is natural and justified(where we barely even get a 'why' Beato even likes him aside from alluding shit), kudos.

>> No.4049274

You're...kind of right, I guess, but you're not exactly benefiting the side you're arguing for by sounding like an ESL seven year old.

>> No.4049287

From rivals who may be getting hot with each other to ETERNAL DEVOTED LOVERS. The jump.
Aside from alluding shit concerning past relationships and Beato's supposed longing for years, we get squat.
And even if the gap is filled later, the romances that were actually written and given background suck, so we are not hopeful.

>> No.4049297

Did you fully miss 60% of every episode after the first one? Between Battler meeting Beato and her going comatose...well, yeah. They're rivals. But gradually, doesn't Battler start to enjoy the time they spend together? And doesn't he comment on how he enjoys that frequently?

It came up more times than his relatives told him he was weirdly tall in the beginning of EP1.

>> No.4049298

I personally was a little jarred with the jump to love, but I kind of rolled with it, taking a "THOSE CRAZY JAPS AND THEIR LOVE" mentality.

If I was in Battler's position, I'm fairly certain I wouldn't have this deep love that he apparently now has for her.

But maybe that evidence is in the truth he now knows, and because Ryukishi sucks, he is cockteasing us by not mentioning it.

>> No.4049316

Slightly falling for her/sympathizing within the craziness while still mainting animosity and having a clear goal-> 'I understand everything about you, LOVE IS ETERNAL I'LL DO EVERYTHING FOR YOU MY GOLDEN WITCH'

Yes, that was SMOOTH.

>> No.4049319

Hate to normalfag this, and I apologize in advance, but the problem is, you can form relationships with the opposite sex that are not I RAABU U. I understood that he was warming to her quite fast, but I didn't see solid love until it was basically forced upon us on EP5, and this EP6 obsessive love is way out in left field.

>> No.4049325

Of course, it was perfectly natural, if you're THAT slow to not being able to see what is happening during their interactions though the four episodes that's not my problem again.
Their actual romantic relationship is so subtle you have to pay attention, they having fun arguing about the murders, calling her by her name, helping her to fight EVA, their interactions in ep4, the I can see it in your eyes part, things like these ones that make sense when put together. Also it was quite evident, and in ep5 Battler still hasn't reallised his feelings and is still defending her so they can fight again

>> No.4049327

Proper reasoning is not a normalfag trait.

>> No.4049329

Oh wow, having tea with someone occasionally and watching your family die over and over is the perfect setting for love to bloom!
Either 07 had to make this forced, or Battler is fucking crazy. Considering he said he doesn't really play around with girls, I'm leaning with 07 doesn't know how to write romances.

>> No.4049337

If it's so subtle you need GOGGLES and shipper attitude, it is not well written.

>> No.4049344

It could be both.
He does not know how to write them, but Battler seems to be slipping a bit.

>> No.4049363

I love how you guys complain about how Ryukishi has no subtlety in his writing, and then the minute he is subtle about something you jump on it for being undeveloped.

>> No.4049375

Battler's probably more than a little unstable and weirded out from constantly seeing his family killed, even if it's only piece characters being disposed of. So when he starts to warm to Beatrice, he feels slightly better because the relationship grounds him a little bit. So when Beato's pretty suddenly taken away while he's still in the process of getting to know her...yeah, I'd go batshit too.

>> No.4049392

Subtle isn't very wise when writing romance.

Rather, it's not even about being subtle. We're hammered with that ridiculous "Without love" line pretty much dozens of times, and then he executes the love between the two lead characters so poorly. I never had doubts Battler would fall for Beatrice since EP1, but when it happened, I basically sat there and said, "...that's all it took? Really?"

>> No.4049396 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4049406

Why is everyone still convinced that "love" is purely a shipper thing?

Episode 5's ???? clearly explained that "love" is also the love between the writer and the reader.

>> No.4049411

>when it happened, I basically sat there and said, "...that's all it took? Really?"

What's this single event you're referring to? "When it happened"? When what happened?

>> No.4049416

>love between the writer and the reader.

Then why does it feel like Ryuukishi shat in my mouth?

>> No.4049426

Because though that kind of love can exist, it doesn't here.

>> No.4049441

The love Ryukishi has towards his readers feels like a donkey punch and forgetting to pull out, I think I rather enjoy no love when it comes to him.

>> No.4049447

It makes me feel like I'm a goat and Ryu is Krauss.


>> No.4049463



>> No.4049484

seconding this.

>> No.4049585


>> No.4049602
File: 75 KB, 350x348, 1252120208655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason Shannon let Battler almost grab her tits is Because Shannon is in love with him, so she lets him do it.


>> No.4050143

>Like how Battler considers cutting himself up and going down the drain to avoid giving up Beato's heart. Guy is dedicated.

Why did everybody make such a big deal out of this? Battler would avoid giving the heart of any member in his family. The guy is not dedicated to beato only, He's loyal to everyone.

>> No.4050163

Goddamnit, you're looking at things with too much love.

>> No.4050177
File: 490 KB, 637x480, GarKinzoBattler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The reason Jessica stops him is because she's in love with him and was jealous.

>> No.4050179


>> No.4050186

Then George orders Shannon to not let Battler touch her tits because he's jealous too.

And not jealous of Battler.

>> No.4050211

Battler cares about his family, clearly. But I don't think he'd go absolutely batshit over losing any of them. And yes, I know that he doesn't act that crazy for a very long time in EP6, but it's there.
