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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4048302 No.4048302 [Reply] [Original]

So I started reading Sharin no Kuni today.

What the fuck am I reading? This Kenichi kid is some kind of wandering pothead training to be a mock lord overseeing the punishment and organization of kids being punished for stupid shit?

>> No.4048324

Read the whole thing bro

>> No.4048349

Let me guess! He wants to change the system because it sucks, right? RIGHT?!

>> No.4048372

no, not for once, he just wants to pass his exam and help the three girls

>> No.4048381

No. He simply has some family issues he has to solve.

>> No.4048394

I can't get this game to run in WINE for some reason. Anyone have any recommendations, or do I need to make a super secret moe folder on my actual windows installation?

>> No.4048429

Although the system does suck quite a donkey dick and he doesn't like it a whole lot.

>> No.4048460

Sorry OP, he doesn't smoke any drug, he's just pretending so that he can win against Houzuki during the final chapter. That was a really nice move, didn't see it coming until quite late.

>> No.4048477

OK, get ready to have your mind completely blown, son!

Kenichi = George Bush

>> No.4048490

Try running the game on virtual box
Dunno if it will help tough but works for some windows games.

>> No.4048500

From what I remember and actually understood by reading it with agth and Atlas before the translation, an high status citizien it's like a judge with full authority over all the state's powers, they can command police, apply laws, even kill people if they find it necessary.
Mainly their job is to judge people under obligations and decide whenever they have paid their debt and that obligation can be lifted.
As for his past...
His father was another high status citizien, actually he was a jerk and pretty much spent his time with whores and alchool. However he ended up organizing a coup d'etat, which obviously failed horribily. In the end the rebels were forced to hide into the montains near the village. Sepia and Kenichi are kids of the village that ended up being involved as well, they were sent to search for food in the forest when they heard the army coming their way, Sepia gets wounded by a bullet and screams at Kenichi to run and warn the other rebels. Kenichi being only a kid gets scared and run on the opposite direction, especially when he hears the soldiers' orders are to kill him at sight, but is found by Houzuki which offers him to either be killed, or train to take his father's place, training which will most likely kill him. The game takes place in his hometown, the same village he left as a kid, while he's taking his final exam by judging 3 "criminals" under the overseeing of Houzuki.

>> No.4048535

Well... not sure why he's AGAINST Houzuki at this point. But this is pretty funny. I think I'll enjoy it.

>> No.4048555

Personally the only thing I don't like about the system is that the high status citiziens can often do what they want without trouble.
The rest however is pretty much ideal justice, you pay for the damage you did to society and to redeem yourself, our justice instead is more about throwing people in jail and giving some measure of vengeance to the victimins. We then expect them not to do it again hoping they're scared of prison.

>> No.4048558

>I think I'll enjoy it.
He just ruined half of the final act for you.

>> No.4048579

Actually I think he is smoking some drug but it's fairly weak, but houzuki is the kind of person that would take one look at it and see an addictive drug so when kenichi starts acting like a desperate druggie in need of a fix houzuki falls for it hook, line and sinker.
Kenichi even explains there that it does indeed have some subtle calming properties, but houzuki, who like an overprotective parent just see's a pot head, doesn't understand that drugs can be done in moderation without becoming severely addicted.

The more you know.

>> No.4048583

Im all for having to wear badges of past crimes. It would be great to know who is a criminal, thief, murderer, rapist, etc.

Also should make homos wear them too

>> No.4048586

Relogin with Japanese locale. I've never had any problem with krkr on wine.

>> No.4048599

Way to miss the entire point of the game there, genius...

>> No.4048603

>Personally the only thing I don't like about the system is that the high status citiziens can often do what they want without trouble.
They can't. Kenichi mentioned few times that incompetent individuals will get punished, plus they have to follow the country laws and control the obligations above everything.
Only really special and powerful individuals can actually do whatever they want and have >full authority over all the state's powers, they can command police, apply laws
Houzuki is one of them, he is pretty much a king at this point.

>> No.4048626

I have tried to change the locale in WINE, but to no avail. Do you mean that I can change the locale of my Ubuntu installation as can be done with windows? I'll admit I had not thought to do that... I've only had this problem with CrossChannel before, but I ended up playing that on windows. I try to keep my VNs and my other computer things separate, for obvious reasons.

>> No.4048669

Oops. That sucks.

>> No.4048677

What? That was a minor twist that you could see coming a mile away. Same with Houzuki's leg.

>> No.4048693

Houzuki isn't that naive. He requested the information on the drug. The problem is, the information he received was false/not detailed enough.
It's more of a bad luck thing. You can't blame him for not doing the drugs himself.

>> No.4048734

>That was a minor twist that you could see coming a mile away
It's not that big of a spoiler, but I wouldn't say it was obvious. And it ruins any kind of tension during the prison arc and that was a pretty big part of the end.
Houzuki's leg was pretty obvious though.

>> No.4048748

Macfag who uses crossover here. In my experience, changing OSX's locale was necessary to not fuck up installations. Trying to change it in crossover didn't really do anything, but that worked fine. Not sure if this helps.

>> No.4048810

First, you should have Japanese locales installed. After getting them installed running 'locale -a' should list something like ja_JP.utf8 or ja_JP.UTF-8.

After getting the locales installed run wine using them:
LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 wine sharin.exe
(possibly replacing UTF-8 with utf8 or something that you see on 'locale -a').

I assume you are trying to start the translated version; I couldn't start the untranslated game even with Japanese locales but the translated version works just fine.

>> No.4048926

thanks for the info, I'll test it out in a few minutes!

>> No.4049035

So /jp/, who's the best girl in the game?

Ririko is the only choice

>> No.4049074

Sachi obviously.
She comes with a brown little girl as bonus as well, would say no to a brown little girl anon ? Have you the guts to refuse that uh ?

>> No.4049090
File: 69 KB, 800x600, bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Sachi or Touka. They were incredibly delicious
Also, Bad ends? More like best ends.

>> No.4049102


>> No.4049123

It's one of the few games where I can't decide. I love them all.

>> No.4049143

Touka because of slurring love voice and nasal moans.

>> No.4049159

Well, my issue with WINE appears to have something to do with the animated cursor in the game, which has me stuck at the "now loading" screen after an error message. There is screen activity, but it's clearly not loading. Thanks for the input anyways. I might have more luck on my XP installation.

>> No.4049162

vmware > wine

>> No.4049170

Ririko is awesome but her route wasn't so good.
I FUCKYEAH'd when she was behind you the whole time.
Sachi is also awesome. Hell, they're all good.

>> No.4049214


>> No.4049311

Loli Nachan

>> No.4049625

Goddamn, I thought you faggots would have loved the sadistic horny DFC onee-chan.

Can't say she really had a proper route. The last chapter was wrapping up all the loose ends and stuff with Houzuki.

>> No.4049640

I prefer the stoic onee-sama archetype. That would give me footjobs from time to time. Yeah.
