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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4044830 No.4044830 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4044833

Theyre the same shit, you know. Enjoy your blown mind.

>> No.4044842

Errr, no.
Cup Noodles are disgusting.

>> No.4044858

If that's how you feel, why make a thread?

>> No.4044860

Thats because they are the instant, quick food version of ramen. You know its called CUPPO RAMEN in grolious Nippon, right? Do as your trip and stop posting.

>> No.4044904

Don't stick the chopsticks in your food like this.

>> No.4044911

Not even the Japanese care about that old custom, and the Japanese are some of the most etiquette conscious people on the planet.

>> No.4044913

such an impractical rule. not everyone has something to lay their chopsticks on.

>> No.4044925

uh huh. If you say so.

you can place them on the side of the bowl.

>> No.4044930

what. you mean like little ramps leading up from the table to the bowl?

>> No.4044939

I'd rather eat rosół.

>> No.4044946

How about you place them over your bowl instead of shit deep into it?

You morons are not only morons, but barbarians as well.

>> No.4044942

Some ramen are cup noodles but not all cup noodles are ramen.

tl;dr - CARS vs TOYOTA

>> No.4044934

placing the chopsticks across the bowl is also a "no-no" according to that rule

Which I will remind you that Japan still doesn't care about.

>> No.4044955

I think you mean "not all ramen is 'cup noodles' but all cup noodles are ramen"

>> No.4044971

You people are fucking stupid.

The chinese started using chopsticks first, the japanese themselves are descended of chinese who emigrated to their island. This is also why their FUCKING LANGUAGE uses a lot of chinese characters.

The reason why people frown on sticking your chopsticks into the bowl like that is because the only people who do that are :

-Ignorant tourists

-People sticking chopsticks into bowls of food offerings meant for the dead.

If you go to any cemetary during the ching min festival where people go to clean their ancestors grave and pay respects, people bring food offerings of rice and stick their chopsticks in it(to keep them secure).

So there became a superstitious belief that sticking your chopsticks in the bowl like that invites the dead to eat them.

And yes, the chinese do care a lot about this.

And yes, it is perfectly okay to lay your chopsticks ontop of the bowl.

>> No.4044984

ramyun was here ramen is dildos

>> No.4044990

>not all ramen is 'cup noodles
>but all cup noodles are ramen
Guess you've never seen udon or yakisoba.

>> No.4045007

actually placing them across the bowl is fine, it placing the chopsticks into the food and leaving it there that is a big no-no, signifies something about the dead don't remember what though.

>> No.4045014

Only put the chopsticks in if you are into necrophelia.

>> No.4045024


but this is right

>> No.4045045

Protip: udon isn't sold under the name "cup noodles"

>> No.4045056

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4045061

protip: you're wrong


>> No.4045099
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>> No.4045117

>>4044971 The chinese started using chopsticks first, the japanese themselves are descended of chinese who emigrated to their island. This is also why their FUCKING LANGUAGE uses a lot of chinese characters.
Jesus fuck you're dumb as hell. While the Japanese people may have descended from the Chinese (it's not clear exactly where they came from, but they are some mix of southeast Asians), that has absolutely nothing to do with the use of Chinese characters in the Japanese language. The last significant migration into Japan predated the use of Chinese characters by at least a thousand years. Chinese characters were the result of Chinese cultural hegemony, religion, and a bit of chance, not immigration.

>> No.4045133

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4045143
File: 25 KB, 704x396, 1228019396380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not clear exactly where they came from
>One of the worlds oldest still standing cultures that conquered most of Asia a rocks throw away
>Even by cultural evidence alone their ancestry is obvious

>> No.4045152

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4045161

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4045170

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4045172

Enjoying yourself, retard?

>> No.4045208

Either way , dont leave your chopstick in soup or dish wash detergent for long ( my mom always do this )

It really sucks when chopstick gets old and the coating peels off , and the wood just soaks in all the nasty stuff....

>> No.4045225

You only use on fork, too right?

>> No.4045244

Or you could be fancy like some families that buy plastic silverware from the grocery store and buy tons of disposable chopsticks.

>> No.4045255

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4045264

>plastic silverware

Don't you mean 'silver plasticware'?
