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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 86 KB, 1200x900, shinzo-abe-60-20-1484894659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40445244 No.40445244 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.40445256

what happened to him

>> No.40445276

he got shot by someone with a zip gun today

>> No.40445282

A neet shot him

>> No.40445286

not him...
maybe he was angry abe failed to implement the government mandated gf program

>> No.40445307
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>> No.40445320

Got his back blown out. It's what he would have wanted.

>> No.40445328
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Why did he do it bros?

>> No.40445336


>> No.40445369

He was tired of being told to reproduce

>> No.40445372

La creatividad...

>> No.40445386

Not so fast nigga, wiki says he's still alive and the video shows the shooter missed the first shot, so Abe didn't get the full dosage of buckshot.

>> No.40445401
File: 461 KB, 839x472, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you space cowboy

>> No.40445430

Slam fire shotgun, double barrel, unknow firing pin style.

>> No.40445439

You already have a containment thread. Go back.

>> No.40445442


>> No.40445443

Reports say no vitals

>> No.40445446

he's been in "cardiac arrest" for hours now
he's a goner

>> No.40445458

Abe is a Japanese PM, which makes discussion of him /jp/ material. Go back, tourist.

>> No.40445461

why did they arrest cardiac? not the one who shoot him?

>> No.40445463

No. And now you sob.

>> No.40445476

Is no vitals confirmed? News is reporting as critical condition.

>> No.40445493

>Tomorrow is in your hands

>> No.40445510

>Ex-Japanese PM showing ‘no vital signs’

>> No.40445513

All yovernments lie.
All press lies.

>> No.40445523

He's hiding them using zen buddhism

>> No.40445524

How is "not breathing, no pulse" critical condition? That's just dead.

>> No.40445529


>> No.40445539

>NHK says he was shot twice in the back with a shotgun and is currently in cardiac arrest, presumed dead. Attacker in custody.

>homemade shotgun

>Arrested suspect, 41-year-old Tetsuya Yamagami, was a former member of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forces (i.e. the Navy).

>> No.40445541

Hang yourself lying faggot crossdressing filthy hiv riddled troon

>> No.40445548

Time to get rid of the JP Navy and move more Americans in.

>> No.40445556

Oh boy, not again with this obsession.

>> No.40445561

What the fuck are those, Anon?

>> No.40445567 [DELETED] 

Modern era Zipang?

>> No.40445571

You both are clearly falseflaggers. No real person has such brainworms as to call this thread /pol/ for mentioning a political figure and no real person truly cares that much about trannies in a thread where they have gone hitherto unmentioned. All of this is a psyop.

>> No.40445594

I am a stoic. As such it is my duty to virtue to remind you to go hang yourself, troon.

>> No.40445601
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>> No.40445605

Well, it's sussy the official tv camera jiggles when the shot goes off.

>> No.40445623

>japanese happenings on /jp/
get out. This board is for 2hu, vtubers and idols ONLY.

>> No.40445630

You've had to much 4channel today.
rent free.

>> No.40445632

Newfag outs himself

>> No.40445636 [DELETED] 

It is my duty under the immortal Stoic charter to tell you to go hang yourself, troon.

>> No.40445639

electronic firing mechanism

>> No.40445641


>> No.40445647

Oh interesting, info on it?

>> No.40445662

he got shot by homemade shotgun point blank 3 times
this nigga dead

>> No.40445667

kek can't really blame him

>> No.40445674 [DELETED] 


>> No.40445678

here we go again!

>> No.40445688

off topic kuso thread

>> No.40445701


>> No.40445706

but literally go hang yourself. if you need help tying the knot let me know

>> No.40445716
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two tubes taped to a 2x4

Likely an airsoft battery taped underneath, wires leading to the back.

I'd say some sort of home made black powder due to the smoke, probably nails or ball bearings for the shot. Some sort of trigger to cause a short in the wires that heats them up and sets off the powder

>> No.40445741

Very nice. 1x4 btw. So a 100% ghost gun.

>> No.40445745

So why some Japanese dislike his politics anyway? From the memes i saw, he wants to repopulate Japan and encourage marriage right?
Sorry if it too much of a /pol/

>> No.40445757
File: 14 KB, 512x419, otaku culture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only tourist here is you, faggot

>> No.40445758

How will this affect Japan? There's no point in maintaining social harmony and having a high-trust society if your literally leader can get murdered in broad daylight.

>> No.40445760

spparently memes didn't provide a complete picture of a nation's politics

>> No.40445763

>Sorry if it too much of a /pol/
>anon is afraid to ask such a simple question only because some retard might call him a /pol/fag
we're fucked, reddit won

>> No.40445770

>thinking that Cuckstopher Poole’s opinions matter in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-two

>> No.40445777

What is the political drama in Japan like anyway? I have a hard time seeing it to what it's like in Burgerland.

>> No.40445784


>leader gets attacked
do nips really?

>> No.40445827

He want to save japan.

>> No.40445850

He's in Gensoukyo now, reproducing

>> No.40445872

are you dumb or what
everyone knows and remembers him
he's not going into Gensock

>> No.40445880

abe-san ;-;

>> No.40445883
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>> No.40445891

>former military with a shoddy shotty
>shoots former LDP pm
What the fuck?

>> No.40445895

Crimo warned us.

>> No.40445938

why is japanese security so shit in the current jidai

>> No.40445959

>look at the time

>> No.40445971

this shit GLOWS

>> No.40446004
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>When I said we needed to get more backs blown out in Japan, this wasn't what I had in mind

>> No.40446048

That Japanese girl you've been stalking on Twitter? HAVE SEX WITH HER NOW!
That 2view vtuber you've been flirting with in chat? HAVE SEX WITH HER NOW!
Your Japanese teacher? SEX! NOW!!!

>> No.40446051

they can rebuild him stronger than before

>> No.40446055

I will fly to japan right now and do my part. I hope they like hafus.

>> No.40446058

he said open borders for israel

>> No.40446061

>So a 100% ghost gun.

>> No.40446067
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but thats lewd

>> No.40446090
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Abe told him to have sex.

>> No.40446144

If you say so, Takeshi

>> No.40446163

What do I think about this news?

>> No.40446164

What does that mean to seasonal romcom anime?

>> No.40446166
File: 439 KB, 640x363, 1628988714180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free my nigga Tetsuyo

>> No.40446177

>abe keeps telling him to have sex
>can't have sex
>frustration builds up

>> No.40446188

He ran out of ideas after Death Stranding so he thought he could make one last kino irl.

>> No.40446207

I can't believe he's fucking dead

>> No.40446223


>> No.40446251


>> No.40446254

You're right. We should be posting hololive for the zillionth time.

>> No.40446266

I don’t get how we can’t talk about Japanese happenings on /jp/ because a containment board exists for politics but nobody complains about the rapid-fire Hololive threads despite a containment board existing for Vtubers too.

>> No.40446267

I doubt that this was an actual show of support for Unit 731 specifically, he probably did it to make the shinajin mad - given that they will believe literally anything as long as it can be interpreted to align with anti-Japanese fanaticism.

>> No.40446289

People like >>40445757 and vtuber fans are literally retarded, as in they're braindead. Don't try to understand them.

>> No.40446295

I'm in agreement with you. /Jp/ needs to boot hololive and allow Japanese culture talks.

>> No.40446303


>> No.40446322

See you space cowboy....

>> No.40446332

It's been hours since cardiopulmonary failure was declared. No pulse, not breathing. Since they haven't reported news of his condition stabilizing, I'm presuming he dead as a doornail. But then why not announce the news? What's with this silence?

>> No.40446354
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>> No.40446356 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1242x1241, shinzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good riddance

>> No.40446363

simping is a disease, who would've thought.

>> No.40446381

after 911 the us became stronger
it will be the same for nippon

>> No.40446395







>> No.40446403

Why mod removed the pinned thread, I guess it's because of /pol/fags?

>> No.40446418

关你屁事 滚回去添你习主席的屁眼 他今天拉屎又忘记擦屁股了

>> No.40446438
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>> No.40446445

可喜可賀啊 同志

>> No.40446471

Japan is really losing its reputation of safety, which quite frankly has been overrated for a while now. Arson, stabbings, ojii-sans driving trucks, and now this. Looking at pic from >>40446438
reminds me of Arab Spring, how will nippon ever save face after this?

>> No.40446473
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>> No.40446487

>heart failure
>blood transfusion
doesn't look good

>> No.40446489

He's literallly spitting blood.

>> No.40446501

Everyone should vote for NHK党 in the next elections.

>> No.40446528

according to NHK the shooter was a former member of the Japanese Navy (Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force)

>> No.40446541

The guy had a home made weapon, they probably didn't even register it as a threat as they might have instinctively with a normal gun.

>> No.40446588

wtf shinzo was more than the funny "have babies" guy??

>> No.40446602

was he mad abe didn't fufill his promise of restoring the SDF to the former glory of the japanese militairy? I can't imagine any other reason to shoot him unless he was fucked over by abenomics

>> No.40446603

WTF I love Abe now??

>> No.40446623

have babies = right wing nationalism
normal people want immigration instead of native babies

>> No.40446625

only thing the police got out of him so far is that he was "dissatisfied" with him

>> No.40446642

Is this Hideo or Kojima?

>> No.40446643

KEK yeah the US is really strong now. Though Japan will unironically ascend from this

>> No.40446656

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0lYkdA-Gtw for anyone that wants to watch NHK World live on youtube

>> No.40446664

I'm actually glad this happens so Japan can erase their image of being safe haven for immigrants and also destroying gun control argument.

>> No.40446676

On what grounds would a tranny ever be a sincere moralist? Their presuppositions are relativist and atheist, and often, oddly enough, materialist (one would think it would exclude by definition their Cartesian split between mind and body). On what grounds is anyone obliged to care about anything a Godless tranny says? If they want to be hedonists then go ahead, just leave healthy society out of it.

>> No.40446677

If he was shooting him to get people on board for a Japanese military this is going to have the opposite effect.

>> No.40446682

Seems like pleading for people to have babies isn't enough. Maybe Abe should have made people have higher wages and work less hours? China has the right idea yet again...

>> No.40446693

Abe hasn't been the Prime Minister in 2 years.

>> No.40446696

not a single nigga, wtf where is the diversity??

>> No.40446698

all trannies need to be executed this is just a prime example

>> No.40446712

Things are looking grim, but I hope he will pull through. I had Japanese lessons today, but given the circumstances, I may cancel if my tutor is not up to it.

>> No.40446726

This isn't the first public assassination in Japan's history.

>> No.40446733

It's certainly a significant one in the modern era, especially when the person in question was their longest sitting PM and an influential voice in their dominant party.

>> No.40446753

They are working in actual relevant jobs

>> No.40446759

>twitter posts from literally who
why should I care?

>> No.40446765

>suicide mission statement crimes committed by dedicated loners
A type of crime you can't do shit about even if you tried. Their image will be fine.

>> No.40446767

>war criminla defender
top be fair, rhat's all nip politicians, they will never admit their science experiments and the sino butchery was evil
but then again, neither will mutts and civilian atomic bombing, so stones, glass houses, etc etc

>> No.40446768

Abe denied Nanking but not hard enough for this guy

>> No.40446770
File: 403 KB, 1200x675, Rebel_troops_in_February_26_Incident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually when someone from the military assassinates a prime minister in Japan, they get a whole bunch of their boys and kill off ton of cabinet members in one swoop.
>Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi's final words to his captors in the May 15th incident was supposedly, "If I could speak, you would understand"
>One of the eleven naval officers who had trained their guns on the PM simply responded with "Dialogue is useless" and then opened fire

>> No.40446781
File: 27 KB, 839x706, 1528900472023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bit in the batsu games where the former prime minister gets shot will never air again

>> No.40446786

>>suicide mission statement crimes committed by dedicated loners
>A type of crime you can't do shit about even if you tried.
Japan's culture practically shits out these schizo NEET fucks

>> No.40446788
File: 8 KB, 419x235, 497461DF-5275-4297-9E71-11BE47B2C795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The couple have no children, having undergone unsuccessful fertility treatments earlier in their marriage.


Not sure why I am this sad over this. I always liked the memes with him.

>> No.40446791

I mean, you can only imagine if the shooter brought assult rifle instead of some homemade shotgun right?

>> No.40446807

The sarin gas attack in the 90s was way worse than some dedicated loner shooting Abe with a homemade weapon or some insane person setting fire to KyoAni's building.

>> No.40446816

when was it the last time some schizo neet decided to go postal?

>> No.40446821

Abe has 3 brothers who actually reproduced. Abe could have reproduced as well but he did not want to divorce his wife, even when she was infertile. In the end, Abe was an uncle of several nieces and nephews.

>> No.40446833

The British invented the term NEET to describe their own British males

>> No.40446842

What is he holding?

News says it's a shotgun but it doesn't look one.

>> No.40446844

the airport one
>imasaki jose
i'm gonna rewatch it again

>> No.40446856

Some very crude homemade shotgun/sawed-off.

>> No.40446864

A makeshift homemade one. It was loaded with firework powder and some kinda pellets.

>> No.40446866

its a DIY shotgun made of pipes, nails and ducttape

>> No.40446890

he’s dead

>> No.40446894


>> No.40446897

i wonder if he tested the weapon prior to the attack because it must be lloud


>> No.40446905

Rest in peace. You did not deserve this.

>> No.40446906

he's not dead yet. let's send him our prayers

>> No.40446910

Genuinely sad over the death of a politician in a country on the opposite side of the world
Fly high, Abe

>> No.40446914


>> No.40446922

Rest in Peace, Abe-san.

>> No.40446927

crossie thread

>> No.40446930

>【速報 JUST IN 】安倍晋三元首相死亡 奈良県で演説中に銃で撃たれる
He is reincarnating to resolve birth crisis

>> No.40446932

Rest well Abe-sama...

>> No.40446938

Farewell sayonara

>> No.40446939
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He's dead.

>> No.40446941

RIP. May you be isekaied to a world that better appreciates your doctrine.

>> No.40446945

same, I could not give less of a shit for one of our politicians here, but his death saddens me

>> No.40446962

what is there to gain from taking out the former PM?

>> No.40446963
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he can't keep getting away with this

>> No.40446968

sayonara my leader

>> No.40446973
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, Daiz Summoning Ritual.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a monster

>> No.40446975


>> No.40446995


Memorial Funeral Service

>> No.40446996

Abe did a lot of shit that could make this purely about revenge. Maybe the killer lost someone because of austerity measures like social welfare cuts under him, or maybe he thought Abe wasn't enough of a hardliner and was mad at him being so soft. Basically any world leader will have people who'd kill them if given a chance over SOME decision they have made.

>> No.40446997
File: 31 KB, 500x500, 3D0A385A-87E0-4C74-A5A0-82B513A4F3B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Abe could have reproduced as well but he did not want to divorce his wife, even when she was infertile.

>> No.40447007

Holy shit that's a blast from the past

>> No.40447017

he's old, already sick, out of office, and his party is currently being probed for some scandal. He's like a prime candidate to be martyrised

>> No.40447024
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He died, news just came in. Rest in peace.

>> No.40447025


>> No.40447028
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rip sweet prince

>> No.40447032


>> No.40447037


>> No.40447038

If this killing is just about hating him that hardly matters.

Though yeah if the goal was impeding the conservatives at all then it was fucking retarded. Man is about to be lionized as a national hero and boost them in elections for the next decade.

>> No.40447041


>> No.40447046

what was even the motive for shooting him

>> No.40447048

I mean the LDP almost never lose anyway

>> No.40447055

literal who

>> No.40447059


>> No.40447068

>Military kill PM
This reminds me of the 1930s era. World war incoming

>> No.40447072

What the fuck, man.
How senseless.

>> No.40447077
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>> No.40447085

The faggot who set fire to kyoani was literally a schizophrenic NEET.

>> No.40447100

Mission Accomplishedu

>> No.40447110

How the fuck does Japan have such shit security when schizophrenic fags exist

>> No.40447111
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Sad that he didn't make it.

The chinks were responsible for this.

>> No.40447117
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>> No.40447133
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>> No.40447138

I don't know man, just ask the guy that went around kyoto with 6 gallons of gas.

>> No.40447150

Abe's security guards were local police. Only the current Prime Minister gets secret service bodyguards

>> No.40447151
File: 201 KB, 601x486, 1630645029739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I failed you Abe.

>> No.40447164

I promise I'm going to have lots of children.

>> No.40447185
File: 339 KB, 1536x2048, misshapen monstrosity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he forced people to breed with this kind of monster so...

>> No.40447189

It was a homemade """"gun"""", you looney toon.

>> No.40447190


>> No.40447202

please don't

>> No.40447211

wtf is that

>> No.40447229


>> No.40447230

He didn't deserve that.

>> No.40447236

I kiss natsuki

>> No.40447244

At least they already expect a small penis

>> No.40447261

Japan is so safe and everything is scripted and planned to hell and back that they don't know how to react when things go wrong. Doubt their security had to deal with anything more dangerous than grumpy drunk ojii-sans.

>> No.40447262

shoulda shot this thing too

>> No.40447265


>> No.40447275

Demons rejoice when the just die.

>> No.40447285

He wanted you to have a family, don't let him down.

>> No.40447309
File: 44 KB, 1024x600, 1657272410699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a shame.

>> No.40447311

I dont understand. I have a japanese wife, I have a son, I did everything he wanted. So why did this happen?

>> No.40447322
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 61l4lj5HILL._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.40447333

He wanted pure japanese blood children.

>> No.40447338

2d waifu drawing doesn't count

>> No.40447342

Should've had a girl, hapa men are worthless

>> No.40447345

But she is actually real though, we met in Hawaii....

>> No.40447350

Because it's a board for otaku culture, not Japanese culture. And while I honestly would have no issue with an offtopic thread under special circumstances (like this) it's clear that news threads inevitably fill up with tourists from /pol/, the most cancerous userbase on this website.

>> No.40447354

Literal sex monster
Imagine the libido

>> No.40447365

What if you're a Japan otaku

>> No.40447372

But people want to talk about it without having to go to /pol/ for that exact reason

>> No.40447382
File: 2.92 MB, 290x402, gksex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korea is going to get blamed

>> No.40447383

He'll be fine, besides you wouldn't even know he's half-Asian looking at him, he just looks like a white kid with vaguely asian features

>> No.40447384

they need vile deviant horny indian like this anon >>40447354

>> No.40447386

I don't deserve that...

>> No.40447391

He was against incests and lolis or pro?

>> No.40447406

You would be a maniac, according to Saito Tamaki

>> No.40447407

He openly hates all of you, why are you weeaboos sad for him

>> No.40447416

I know, which is why said I'd be fine with it in theory. But time has shown over and over they are not content with shitting up their containment board, they must destroy the entire site.

>> No.40447437
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Was not expecting to wake up at 4am to this

>> No.40447440

any possible law changes that will come from this?

>> No.40447442


>> No.40447445
File: 147 KB, 1080x1350, 278890727_506780740923880_4743395801421590979_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I WILL breed and there's nothing you can o to stop me.

>> No.40447453

Yeah, Japan has been real busy conquering new lands during Shinzo's reign.

>> No.40447459

Not anymore, he doesn't.

>> No.40447467

His death was confirmed btw

>> No.40447472

yellow fever is a curse, I can't see anything wrong with her? She looks cute

>> No.40447476

Abe would think my taste in manga is based regardless of what part of the world I'm from.

>> No.40447477

Not sad for him but morbidly interested in watching Japan's further descent into insanity. Their society practically breed deranged lunatics, end mandatory nomikais and unpaid overtime for those poor bastards already.

>> No.40447478

it was aym shinrikyo right?

>> No.40447479

What's going to happen to his channel

>> No.40447488
File: 760 KB, 405x360, mitsudomoe_catfood.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sad, senpai-tachi. Fucking RIP desu ;~;

>> No.40447489

Ah yes, "/jp/ Otaku Culture".

>> No.40447493


>> No.40447494
File: 5 KB, 709x138, 1643048054620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's begun.

>> No.40447498

So he looks white? F

>> No.40447500

Seems like a famous retired old dude having some fun outside of the politics stuff

>> No.40447504

I will never forget you Abe. We will breed Japan in your honor.

>> No.40447520

>end mandatory nomikais and unpaid overtime for those poor bastards already.
it's not the salarymen committing those attacks though, it's the NEETs

>> No.40447523
File: 217 KB, 1800x1200, 1595188266244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would like to take this moment to remind people about that cute Taiwanese trap Chisame that used to post in /jp/ like 10 years ago. Does anyone know what happened to him? I haven't been able to access Chisame's Corner in a long time now.

Also rip Abe, I guess.

>> No.40447529


>> No.40447530

hes my gf (male) and we sucks my bwc every day

>> No.40447533
File: 895 KB, 1600x1200, 1654507323812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"b- but we made guns illegal!"
Gun grabbers BTFO

>> No.40447542

I'm pretty sure he didn't want you specifically to breed with Japanese people.

>> No.40447549

They probably became NEETs because they knew that's what awaits them had they chose to conform and grow up like a responsible member of society (become bug).

>> No.40447554

Hijima Kodeo.

>> No.40447560

yeah, but things weren't really going according to plan so beggars can't be choosers.

>> No.40447568
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>> No.40447571


>> No.40447574

people are either 12 years old or are retarded to remember japan has had several politicians and other high ranking government officials killed in the last 20 years
this isnt something new

>> No.40447575

First Yu-Gi-Oh creator, now Abe. What's next?

>> No.40447579

And so the list grows larger once more.

>> No.40447582

Can’t wait for ATF Gigachads to kill your wife and dog

>> No.40447588

>Yu-Gi-Oh creator

>> No.40447593

Abe is their darling though. Longest sitting PM and only resigned because of health issues.

>> No.40447594

The Chinks won’t stop until they have every prominent Jap over the age of 30’s head on a pike.

>> No.40447596

you can't be this far under a rock

>> No.40447598

yea, he was the shooter

>> No.40447609

LATEST from ER doctor who operated on Shinzo Abe:

* They were able to stop major bleeding, but by then too much blood was lost

* bullet pierced Abe’s neck and heart

* died after about 3 hours of surgery

* declared dead at 5:03pm


>> No.40447617

>bullet pierced Abe’s neck and heart
Shooter was so lucky, damn.

>> No.40447618

He drowned the other day. Probably not a murder though.

>> No.40447623

Any rumors about the motive? You have to be desperate to pull off a stunt like that

>> No.40447624

>1 shooting every 20 years is comparable to twice per month

>> No.40447628

Yes.. it was an accident..

>> No.40447636


>> No.40447652

I don't know what to say...

>> No.40447654

anyone can make DIY assault rifle and buy parts online, shotgun is just easier to make. Gun controls do nothing to lunatics once they're willing to do it. Good thing the ex marine didn't go for bombs since it's easier to make them than DIY guns.

>> No.40447655

It was a shotgun at point blank range, not a rifle. Pretty easy to hit vitals when it's 20 pieces of buckshot hitting the target with each shot.

>> No.40447656

Nooo, fucking RIP

Also worth noting that a former Prime Minister was shot despite being on an Island nation with some of the strictest gun laws on Earth.
Gun control fags should be fucking ashamed. In a logical world this would be the nail in the coffin for gun laws.

>> No.40447667

It was like, yesterday. Fuck off.

>> No.40447673

fuck off /pol/tard

>> No.40447676

bomb attacks are much easier to thwart because you have to place them beforehand

>> No.40447682

Kill yourself. He is right.

>> No.40447684

/k/tard*, retard.

>> No.40447709

>a homogeneous country with one of the highest average IQ's in the world is comparable to a hodge podge of nignogs and beaners

>> No.40447713

Refrain from exposing your newfaggory.

>> No.40447712

based kissposter

>> No.40447723
File: 18 KB, 243x260, 1639720775490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god the average penis size in my country is the Japanese size queen ideal

>> No.40447727

I will not let him down.

>> No.40447736 [DELETED] 

White Americans don't commit more gun violence than Europeans.
It's just that the nignogs in the US commit about as many violent crimes as Sub-saharan Africans.

>> No.40447739

the tree of freedom from gun massacres must be refreshed with the blood of an assassinated prime minister from time to time

>> No.40447740

Gun controls won't stop someone who is dedicated enough but it should stop a lot of people from shooting others in the heat of a moment. I still think people should be able to carry guns despite this though.

>> No.40447745

Did he ever get any sentences from the Moritomo Gakuen scandal?

>> No.40447749

Do you think he would've survived if he had worn a bullet proof vest?

>> No.40447750

Does japan have school shootings every other day? Or copious amounts of gun violence? I think not.

>> No.40447755

Because their own board is so shit that even they hate it and come here, not realizing they are the problem.
California Syndrome.

>> No.40447756

mutt deflection

>> No.40447761 [DELETED] 
File: 2.97 MB, 900x506, feed ashu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the most far right Nogi? Ashu's indirect disrespectful about Koreans and Korean culture make me think it's actually her.

>> No.40447774
File: 65 KB, 750x928, A5AB6D54-4100-4743-A59C-C74F9592AA75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yejibros, we will not be blamed, we loved him.

>> No.40447781
File: 122 KB, 1478x1108, 1653996644375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is the most far right Nogi?

>> No.40447784

Actually most mass shootings with multiple deaths in Shartistan are committed by whites

>> No.40447790

Who is Moot?

>> No.40447793

>mass shootings with multiple deaths
Retard. Learn the English language if you want to be taken seriously.

>> No.40447803
File: 86 KB, 773x773, 5DACC5CA-2956-44E7-BFC3-186E57952617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would he hate me for wanting to date a Japanese woman who the other Japanese population don’t find attractive? Nobody gets left behind, everybody has a family.

>> No.40447808

Most people don't watch news or shitpost all the the times in these thread, nigg3r

>> No.40447825

You are dumb. You will never stop being dumb. Stop trying to argue.

>> No.40447830

It's ok, this is 4channel. You can say nigger here.

>> No.40447832

>mass shootings
>people who get shot but don't die, don't count
based retard telling people to learn english when they don't understand the definitions being used

>> No.40447833

He used imperialist to mean not communist.

>> No.40447841
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>> No.40447847

>That awkward moment even leftist tabloids say that's not true.

>> No.40447850

>still be below average in both countries

>> No.40447854
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>> No.40447857

Kazuki Takahashi was known to be anti-Abe, this is a crazy coincidence.

>> No.40447861

Not an argument

>> No.40447864

Suck start a shotgun.

>> No.40447865

Most people do follow the news retard

>> No.40447867

they just call the mass shootings committed by brown people "gang violence"

>> No.40447883


>> No.40447914
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>> No.40447923

Go back to r3ddit. They'll give you the attention you seek.

>> No.40447931


>> No.40447947

>tfw a little 17cm
Wait, I'm actually considered BIG for japanese girls? ABE PLEASE LET ME I- who do I ask now...

>> No.40447948

howdy USA man !

>> No.40447979
File: 1003 KB, 1079x1891, Screenshot_20220708-121517_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His last instagram post along with #ジューシー tag makes me feel kind of sad.

>> No.40447989

Nigger, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.40447992

Is Kojima getting the death penalty?

>> No.40447998

He is kinda hot in nerdish way, I would.

>> No.40448009

Holy shit Im big dick

>> No.40448024

It's the Arno

>> No.40448053


>> No.40448060


>> No.40448074

Does Europe? Do homogeneous white states in the US like Maine, New Hampshire?
Most guncontrolfags are so retarded they have no idea what gun control laws actually look like outside the US. Japan is insane, a complete outlier as far as gun control laws go, it's nowhere near "ommon sense" despite what American anti-gunners like to claim. If you were to put all developed countries on a scale according to how permissive their laws are, Japan and South Korea would be isolated on one end with most of the EU closer to the other end.

>> No.40448128

Bros, I miss him....

>> No.40448131

real ones know it's the zainichi...again

>> No.40448144
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Goodnight, sweet prince.

>> No.40448192
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>> No.40448205

No anon, that's mass shootings. There are shootings multiple times a week in many cities.

>> No.40448226

Retired LDP lackey died, who cares

>> No.40448287

So it was a netouyo that actually decided to go outside?

>> No.40448304

Japanese immigration policy became more relaxed under Abe.

>> No.40448312

>longest serving Japanese PM
>did his best to bring back Japan back from the disaster of the end of the bubble era
>who cares
Without him, Japan would have been the 10th largest economy by now, not the 3rd.

>> No.40448362


>> No.40448378


>> No.40448384

On 29th of May 2022, Shinzo Abe criticized Zelensky, saying Zelensky's decisions led to outbreak of the war in Ukraine.

A month and so later...

>> No.40448386

Six years later and these trannies still haven't realized that them acting like this is why Trump won in their election.

>> No.40448399

Who is she anon?

>> No.40448452

I can't believe the CIA would do this

>> No.40448510


>> No.40448524

Yeah, shoot it full of semen. It's what Abe would've wanted.

>> No.40448530

Any word on a motive for the attack?

>> No.40448538

We must carry on Abe's will to honor him.

>> No.40448552

He went to the Gensokyo...

>> No.40448594

In Japan only doctors can legally pronounce someone dead, so until you get a trained doctor on site the news can't outright say "dead". But when someone's in cardiopulmonary arrest for hours, we all know what it really means.

>> No.40448639
File: 34 KB, 450x317, erection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the "size queen" is asking for what's basically the average in your country

>> No.40448642

No, you only get to Gensokyo if you take your own life.

>> No.40448683

Damn I want to go to Japan now. Looks like I'm in demand there.

>> No.40448706

>Does japan have school shootings every other day?
Those didn't exist in the US before the Jews controlled the media (takeover got rolling with the creation of Hollywood and the purchase of the New York Times, and was effectively complete with the hostile takeover of Disney in the 80's), even though people had more access to guns back in the day. So guns aren't the problem here, culture is.
>Or copious amounts of gun violence?
Most of that is committed by Blacks, so guns are again not the problem, demographics is.

Switzerland and Iceland have very relaxed gun laws too, in some respects more so than the US. The difference is that they're 95%+ White and still retain a somewhat traditional European culture.
Meanwhile Britain has some of the most draconian anti-gun laws, yet London has just as many homicides as some of the worst US cities, and Sweden has a problem of hand grenade (!) attacks by the Somali gangs they imported.

>> No.40448784

Take your meds.

>> No.40448789
File: 640 KB, 1391x781, Screenshot_20220708-142422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao they already made a 3d model

>> No.40448873

Was Abe the only one hurt in this attack? The dude used a goddamn self-made shotgun and fired not quite on point-blank, I'm surprised we haven't heard about other people injured.

>> No.40448880

Fuck im only 14cm. How do I squeeze out that 2 cm friends...

>> No.40448881
File: 2.13 MB, 1779x1248, 1657275041061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good riddance.

>> No.40448892


>> No.40448913

Same here. I'm not familiar with metric system, but I'm around 5 1/2 inches, which Google says is around 14cms.

>> No.40448974


>> No.40448986

Just learn how to eat pussy like a pro.

>> No.40448994

Imagine the smell

>> No.40449038

Eating pussy is gay.

>> No.40449050

Well then I guess I'm gay. First thing Im gonna do if I ever end up having sex is eating that pussy until I can eat no longer. Will definitely tie her up so she can't run away.

>> No.40449067

I don't want to hear about your homosexual fantasies.

>> No.40449093
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>> No.40449191

I am a 12cm taco brown...not even a chance in Japan

>> No.40449210

Might as well just cut it off and become a lady boy, assuming you aren't wider than you are tall.

>> No.40449264


>> No.40449367

I'm 177cm and 67kg. Don't think I'll make an appealing woman.

>> No.40449491
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Good night

>> No.40449499

Election is in two days, please open Japan I need to help this woman!

>> No.40449505
File: 1.49 MB, 346x261, 1514429276996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost negative ass

I feel sorry for the SEA bros

>> No.40449510

CIA brain washing

America is behind everything

>> No.40449513

you on the bottom left every day when looking in mirror

>> No.40449531
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>> No.40449544
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>> No.40449646
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x720, 1647005586140.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hired bodyguards
>first shoot heard
>your bodyguards just took cover for themselves looking dumbfounded and not protecting you
>Second shoot
>Immediately reacted and tackled the shooter

>> No.40449681

I remember him. Didn't he get forced to do Taiwan's mandatory military service? Imagine it ruined his trap bod and he got bored with it. Shame.

>> No.40449690

>everyone looking in the same direction
what a bunch of idiots

>> No.40449729

New video of Abe's assassination with audio. The local police in charge of protecting Abe really fucked up.


>> No.40449760

they could have saved him since the first shot missed

>> No.40449769

on monday when I starting hearing bangs I went and waited in my bathroom with my gun ready until I remembered that it was the 4th of july.

>> No.40449780

Normalcy bias. They don't expect shit to happen, especially with a firearm. At least one of those guys appears to have tried shielding him after the first shot. They'll all still get harassed by keyboard warriors about what they should have done and probably end up committing suicide because of it, though.

>> No.40449793

Guy with the brief case tried to shield him but was too late.

>> No.40449794

>eh eh eh

>> No.40449801

>Normalcy bias. They don't expect shit to happen
It's their job to eliminate that bias and expect a happening at all times.

>> No.40449802

>They don't expect shit to happen, especially with a firearm.
irc in the past the yakuza tried to assassinate a politician with a hand grenade.

>> No.40449842

That's what happens in a sleepy country like Japan, and those guys are just low level bodyguards. They're nothing like secret services that accompany ex-presidents in the US.

>> No.40449855
File: 1.75 MB, 400x300, 89402108.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Abe, he died doing what he loved.

>> No.40449866

Which one of you hit the bump limit, please make #2 thread

>> No.40449871

Id do all the ones in beige jackets except for that fully Aiko.

>> No.40449873

fuck imagine living to 94 to still see your son diel.

>> No.40449881

wait, I thought there were 3 shots? the first one clearly missed, and there was just one after that. so he just died from a single shot.

>> No.40449891

How fucking incompetent can you be?
Look at this. This is how fast they should have been. If they were as fast as the Secret Service. Abe would still be alive. Instead they literally did nothing until after the second shot which was a whole 3 fucking seconds after the first shot.

>> No.40449893

Explain with your words how a double-barreled shotgun can shoot 3 times.

>> No.40449904 [DELETED] 

Where is her bodyguard wtf lol

>> No.40449911

There were actually 12 shots. Each barrel had 6 bullets in it.

>> No.40449930

anime it's over

>> No.40449939

holy shit, my cock is huge for her
i will fulfil abe-san's wish

>> No.40449963

Why am I seeing rainbow flags and blacks celebrating his death on twitter?

>> No.40449990

somehow shinzo abe is a right wing extremeist for not catering to the twitter troon fantasy or whatever nonsense they conjure
imo it's probably them just being upset because nobody is talking about their issues

>> No.40450002

Twatter is filled to the brim with genuine crazies and schizos. No one should take Twatter seriously, unless you're a mouth breather like the average /pol/tard.

>> No.40450019
File: 645 KB, 2000x1559, np_file_169562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this gun lmao

>> No.40450036 [DELETED] 

who's this

>> No.40450039

The gun that killed Abe schizo.

>> No.40450042

they're actually trained and expected it to happen, no matter how safe the place/area they're protecting.
>probably end up committing suicide because of it
yes they should suicide for doing shit job, now with new video people can see how incompetent they were

>> No.40450048

Homemade. Get ready for 3D printed guns.

>> No.40450050

To be fair no jap expects a gun attack, it isn't America where you need 5 layers of bullet proof glass and watch out for civilian tactical nukes
But they were pretty retarded in that you can see the guy walking up to him and not a single guard noticed or cared. If they just took minor notice they could have prevented the 2nd fatal shot
Regardless you'll see jap campaigning change from now on. Something like this will spook them for years to come and wouldn't be surprised if they took over the top measures, like when they removed all garbage bins from the gas attack

>> No.40450067

>it isn't America where you need 5 layers of bullet proof glass and watch out for civilian tactical nukes
Weird thing to say given that they just had an ex-leader assassinated and that hasn't happened in America in a very long time. We protect our precious politicians, just not our worthless children!

>> No.40450083

Are you retarded? The whole point about presidents not being killed is because they expect it and therefore take the measures to prevent it. The lack of deaths proves how seriously they take the threat.

>> No.40450087

It's funny how much slack 4chan gets yet I read way more deranged shit on twitter and people post that shit publicly under their own name

>> No.40450094

Heh typical american, you hear noises then you reach your gun

>> No.40450097

for me shot = pulling the trigger

>> No.40450111
File: 3 KB, 165x183, sumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way ahead of you.

>> No.40450110

I might scare her off.

>> No.40450122

How do you even approach a girl like this? I feel so clueless in the romance department.

>> No.40450125

Are you retarded? Why are you even talking about America in a thread about the former Prime Minister of Japan being assassinated? "This isn't America where you need 5 layers of bullet proof glass," is a retarded thing to say given that they DID need bulletproof glass because a guy DID get shot. There are so many other better places you could dunk on how shit America is, you just picked the absolute most retarded place and time to do it.

>> No.40450127

That's the price to pay when they live in a relatively peaceful country. They would have to go overseas and get some real training and specialization for them to properly recognize these situations and react accordingly.

>> No.40450170

>nobody complains about the rapid-fire Hololive threads despite a containment board existing for Vtubers too.
I see you weren't here a year ago.

>> No.40450179

even if they didn't expect a gun attack, hearing something that loud should trigger bodyguards to react and immediately respond to it, be it covering or form a barrier. The fact that they did nothing for 3s after hearing something so loud is funny to me.

>> No.40450185

The whole point is the discussion about normalcy bias, you dumb fuck. In a country with guns and much more general violence, people will be more vigilant. No matter how much training you have, if there's an overwhelming sense of safety, people will be lulled into a sense of complacency. Even the fucking pope rides around in bulletproofed vehicles because of the known threats he faces. Japan's overall safety is the whole reason they felt it was okay for him to be in public like that in an area that wasn't secured heavily beforehand. Joe Biden can't ride a bike without an entire perimeter closed off and every person being checked for weapons to enter an area because there is more vigilance in a country with more violence, and a perceived sense of real threat doesn't leave professionals lulled into a any sense of safety, real or perceived.

>> No.40450200

from what i've seem the main reason is they're mad he denies comfort women and hates koreans. its like they've never met the average japanese person

>> No.40450212

In 2014, there were just six incidents of gun deaths in Japan, as compared to 33,599 in the US.

>> No.40450220

I know what normalcy bias is dipshit, my problem is with how you phrased it. I know English probably isn't your first language, so I'll try to make it clearer for you: Screeching about gun violence in America in a thread about someone being gunned down in another country makes you sound like a moron. Stop thinking about America for just ONE second of your fucking life, please.

>> No.40450222

Rest is peace, Abe...

>> No.40450247

an electric trigger? Fuckin seriously? Got damn, those nips are crafty bastards

>> No.40450260

I'm not screeching about gun violence and own many guns myself. The fact that you're thinking I'm making a statement about gun violence speaks more to your obsession about America than anything else. The entire point being made is about why people are slow to react even with training. It's real easy to sit behind a computer and talk about how people should have been able to immediately react as if they're robots and can easily discern everything going on at once. People don't behave like that, especially when the concept of danger applying to themselves seems so foreign and unlikely.

>> No.40450276

...and this means that Japan's secret service will continue to overlook firearms in the future, right?

>> No.40450334

Is there a high res image without the stupid red circle?

>> No.40450373
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>> No.40450377
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>> No.40450386


>> No.40450389

Maybe America should stop being the source of most of the worlds problems. Well, America has a coalition with several other countries, but kill all Americans and you basically solve most of the worlds problems. You guys didn't deserve the Manhattan project. nuke yourself.

>> No.40450395

the gov should immediately pass an "Abe legacy" law to give free money for new babies, a free new house for good looking gaijins moving in the countryside, and a 50% discount on any renovation works on countryside houses for people moving there from the cities

>> No.40450407

Guy with a briefcase did a good job ngl
Not good enough of course, but commendable.

>> No.40450529
File: 496 KB, 852x480, 1392028712883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got home and saw this first thing. What the fuck? First it's Takahashi Kazuki yesterday, and today it's Abe? What's going on with Japan right now?

>> No.40450545

Killing stone shattered. Tamamo is exacting vengeance upon the Yamato.

>> No.40450553

CERN particle accelerator timeline shift

>> No.40450559

Shinzo Abe is otaku culture

>> No.40450614

He could have made a better body block and reach before the 2nd shot if he wasn't carrying a memecase. Still he did well, he was so far while everyone else were being retards

>> No.40450632

The 大統領 is and always will be otaku culture. Have some respect, newfags.

>> No.40450664
File: 243 KB, 640x499, abe_blaster_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this otaku mfer

>> No.40450686

Why was he so adamant about not wanting to have sex?

>> No.40450703

Mad lad is not wearing his mask properly.

>> No.40450795

the world will end on July the 20th

>> No.40450817

god damn they really fucked up big time...

>> No.40450835

Japanese incels must be stopped.

>> No.40450853
File: 485 KB, 1200x630, abe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese Corrupt Party would try to minimize the reporting of this or even spin it as something terrible because they know once the Chinese people caught on they could actually do this as well, they're in for a lot of trouble.

>> No.40450878

Unlike nips the Chinese actually have an effective security protocol rather than having their shadow PM standing on a block in the middle of a trafficked street

>> No.40450921

Important party officials never ever have to see any commoner. They are safe as safe can be from the masses they rule over. Nothing short of an outright revolution will threaten the politburo.

>> No.40450933
File: 663 KB, 1072x873, 1643222868896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40450950

Huh, this event is literally all over China, mentioned by even party officials on Weibo
Most talked about thing currently. It is not under reported
If anything the chinks would spin it as a failure of the democratic system

>> No.40450951

Twitter is saying the killer's motive was a desire to assassinate a religious leader (of a cult) that supports the LDP and was supposed to attend the speech. When he didn't show up he decided to kill Abe instead since he was available.

>> No.40450960

Neat weapon honestly.

>> No.40450991

Are we going full Korean? Is there a cult leader manipulating members of the government?

>> No.40451012
File: 37 KB, 640x434, abe_blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May peace be upon him.

>> No.40451052

interesting what's the name of this cult

this is actually the norm for most if not all government members, the world is fucked up place

>> No.40451113

Doesn't specify which group but this is a major newspaper reporting the suspect has admitted to this.

Its more likely the Cult were just a local group active in campaigning that the shooter had issues with - maybe a family member or friend had fallen in with them, etc. I doubt the LDP are compromised by them given their history; they're in bed with big business, not small religious sects (of which there are hundreds in japan)

>> No.40451213

Declining Birthrate

>> No.40451335


the beginning of the end

>> No.40451391

>He hasn't heard of Freemasonry before

>> No.40451469


>> No.40451498

I, too, want to repopulate a japanese village with my western seed.

>> No.40451512

Thank heavens, finally...

>> No.40451532

There's a Detective Conan's case base on this misunderstanding.

>> No.40451947

Maybe they realized he was not worth protecting.

>> No.40451960

Fuck yes I'm approved!

>> No.40452095


>> No.40452236

the gun is fucking impressive
but what about the shells? surely they must be contraband or some shit

>> No.40452588

Not much since he hasn’t been prime minister since 2020. Despite this it’s still very shocking to hear because he was a former world leader and had various memes surrounding him(procreation and the Mario stunt at the Brazilian Olympics).

>> No.40452837

I've heard that they were made of gunpowder from fireworks and some kind of metal stuff. Probably all the stuff he had was legally obtainable.

>> No.40452880

Collective defense is a myth.

>> No.40452902

The amount of smoke it produced means it was not smokeless powder and thus homemade.

>> No.40453460

Black powder, probably homecooked, in a simple pair of pipes wrapped in wood and electric tape, nothing too innovate.

What is extremely impressive is the firing mechanism, he wired two DD Batteries to the bottom and has a trigger, likely from an airsoft gun or a game controller and set up an electric ignition for it. It's a cyberpunk ghetto blaster.

>> No.40453506

I love how miserable your life is and will forever be.

>> No.40453568

Finally, I can satisfy size queens

>> No.40453731

But I wanted to play P5R again on the PC...

>> No.40453785


>> No.40453833


>> No.40454197
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Japan isn't a mixed race shithole that glorifies the most negative attributes of said races.
Guns could be 100% legal in Japan and sold at 7-Elevens and Lawson's next to the Ichiban Kuji display, and the "gun violence" in Japan would barely be any more than what it is now.

>> No.40454244


>> No.40454481

it will never be the same without him

>> No.40454484

Shooter was pro north korean/china
shot abe because he believed he had connections to a pro-south korean cult

>> No.40455654

Appears to have missed the first shot. Lost to a double barreled musket.

>> No.40455857

Kills just as well today as it did 800 years ago in China

>> No.40456296

when are we gonna evolve to be bullet proof

>> No.40456506
File: 52 KB, 559x960, 1637361972613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>under their own name
get off twitter

>> No.40456537

We must cultivate

>> No.40456875

Because they quickly googled his name with "politics" saw he was a nationalist and immediately decided they understand Japanese politics or have even the slightest idea of history at all

>> No.40456989

rip homie
