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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4043758 No.4043758 [Reply] [Original]

Mr. Nakanishi, who studied economics at a regional university, dreams of becoming a lawyer and pores over legal manuals during the day. But with no job since Christmas, he does not know how much longer he can afford a capsule bed.
The rent is surprisingly high for such a small space: 59,000 yen a month, or about $640, for an upper bunk. But with no upfront deposit or extra utility charges, and basic amenities like fresh linens and free use of a communal bath and sauna, the cost is far less than renting an apartment in Tokyo, Mr. Nakanishi says.
Still, it is a bleak world where deep sleep is rare. The capsules do not have doors, only screens that pull down. Every bump of the shoulder on the plastic walls, every muffled cough, echoes loudly through the rows.
Each capsule is furnished only with a light, a small TV with earphones, coat hooks, a thin blanket and a hard pillow of rice husks.


>> No.4043771

Poor guy. ;_;

>> No.4043786

I heard they have free internet in those, too. It's a /jp/ paradise.

>> No.4043787

I see what you unintentionally did there.

>> No.4043791

I always wanted to try such accommodation at least once. Elevens sure have it easy.

>> No.4043802

It's like my apartment but unbelievably small.

>> No.4043803

That's about the size of my old dorm room, I think I'd fit right in.

>> No.4043807

What the fuck
How much does a small apartment cost?

>> No.4043815

I'd go mad being all scrunched up in there all the time.

>> No.4043817

I would actually enjoy living somewhere like that. I love being in tight spaces. $640 a month is fucking absurd for that though. Even for Japan, that has to be high right?

>> No.4043818

You don't even get your own private bathroom and no kitchen.

>> No.4043819

Less, with none of the bills paid for.
The rent itself isn't what is notable, its that the total living costs are reduced far below what a person would otherwise be paying.

>> No.4043822

Tell me about it. Its like my dream come true. Fuck crackhead and nigger infested housing projects, i want capsule housing with all the goodies!

>> No.4043823

I would GTFO of Tokyo if I was forced to live in such conditions.

>> No.4043824

Fuck, I thought the cost of living here in California was insane.

>> No.4043828

>a small TV with earphones

Well, as long as it has that...

>> No.4043831

That looks awful to live in.

>> No.4043832

Also being able to hear almost anything since there aren't any doors. It would really suck.

>> No.4043834
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>$640 a month for a coffin
>considered inexpensive by rest of city's standards
Holy dicks in a handbasket.

Still, I want to try spending the night in one of those at least once. Just for the experience.

>> No.4043838
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>But the hotel staff does its best to put guests at ease: “Welcome home,” employees say at the entrance.

would be pretty neat to try out, not so sure about permanantly living there.

>> No.4043841

If you consider everything that the capsule hotel has BESIDES the initial bed space, then no way in hell are you going to cut it with just 640 a month, not even in Japan.

>> No.4043844

I love my noise-cancelling earphone.

>> No.4043849

You guys, these capsules are awful. You can't even fap properly.

>> No.4043850
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>> No.4043851

Too bad you couldn't pick up and take your capsule with you. Chain it to a lightpost and sleep outside your place of employment.

>> No.4043853

I still want to live in Tokyo.

>> No.4043855

How would you prevent people from coming into your capsule and stealing stuff or staying in it while you're gone?

>> No.4043859


>> No.4043865

You don't leave shit in it, they've got a locker room where you keep your stuff, and they don't let people into the hotel unless they're staying, so there'd be no reason for them to use yours and not their own.

>> No.4043867


>> No.4043868

What a fucking hassle. Also that still doesn't answer the question of if someone intrudes in your capsule while you're gone.

>> No.4043869


They're like dog kennels.

>> No.4043871

Does the TV have an HDMI in?

>> No.4043881

No one on /jp/ can afford this.

>> No.4043882

Burglars and people who don't give a damn about a stray capsule being stolen>Lockers

>> No.4043883

You're not supposed to keep anything in the Capsule when you're not in, I assume.

Also, two things about this
1. Lack of doors? Ugh, not even a bit of basic privacy is pretty bad.
2. Claustrophobia...

>> No.4043885

I'd like to stay in one of those for a week.
I'd masturbate constantly.

>> No.4043889

With the planets overpopulation problem we're be seeing them all over the world in a hundred years.

>> No.4043890

Why would someone intrude your capsule? Theres nothing in there? And they cant enter the hotel unless theyre lodging themselves? In which case they have a pod of their own assigned to them?

>> No.4043897


Cum on the walls to make it smell like dried cum for everyone.

>> No.4043898

>no larger than 6 1/2 feet long by 5 feet wide

holy fuck balls, no Croatian would ever be able to stay sleep in here.

>> No.4043899

Who knows? Maybe they're some psycho who gets off on masturbating in someone else's living space?

>> No.4043902

Wanna come lan at my place? oh wait

>> No.4043924

This is why Japan sucks

>> No.4043928

Maybe it's designed to solve that. Sex in those things looks extremely awkward.

>> No.4043930


>> No.4043933

no, it's just that japan is cramped as hell. 127 million packed in a country smaller than california results in shit like this.

>> No.4043938

My dreams of once living in Tokyo are shattered.

>> No.4043940

I could probably live in this for a little while, I'm pretty minimalistic. But damn, you couldn't even sit up straight in one of those. Must be hell on your back.

>> No.4043945

It's like living in the ISS, except with gravity, no SCIENCE!, and your dreams are crushed.

>> No.4043949

I don't even know why some of you faggots want to live in Japan.

I mean, it's an overcrowded hell hole full of xenophobic collectivist fucks who doesn't give two shits about your worthless gaijin ass.

>> No.4043955

There's a communal bath and lounge area, but I hope you like sharing them with psuedo-bums.

>> No.4043959

Some people like living in a metropolis.

Japanese racism is exaggerated

The polite term would be gaikokujin.

>> No.4043966

except little japanese girls absolutely love me

>> No.4043975

You must be a big black guy

>> No.4043985

Imagine Bob Sapp trying to fit in one of those. He could use it as a pant leg.

>> No.4043989

If white people enter, it turns into a mini gas chamber.

>> No.4043994

That would be awesome.

>> No.4043999

If housing costs so much, how do all the 2ch otaku NEETs survive?

>> No.4044005


>> No.4044007

Leech their parents of course. Most of them are probably pampered middle-upper middle class kids with generous parents.

>> No.4044012

They probably don't live in Tokyo either.

>> No.4044014

I wish I was one of them.

>> No.4044020

Lucky bastards.

>> No.4044033

Don't they have friends who would offer them housing?

>> No.4044039

Anyone want to split one? I work nights so I just need it to sleep in during the day.

>> No.4044040

An aquaintance of mine lives in a converted loft in some little village an hour's train ride out of Tokyo, and pays very little for rent. He's a programmer of some sort and works online, then heads into Akiba on Sundays to buy stuff.

>> No.4044043

I want to do this.

>> No.4044044

Time-share capsule housing. For the truly destitute.

>> No.4044051


Everyone's on their own. No one would house a useless leech otaku (pedos) in their house. It's too damn embarrassing.

>> No.4044059

I wasn't talking about the 2ch otaku (who aren't all pedo, silly), but about the laid off salarymen that the article was talking about.

>> No.4044068

Livin' the dream

>> No.4044069

wasn't this in neuromancer?

>> No.4044071

No. They're going to die on back-alley, drowned in alcohol, debts, and workplace political backstabbing.

>> No.4044079

Ever heard of social security? I know its an unknown concept to you Americans, but in the civilized world it works!

>> No.4044081


>> No.4044088

Clearly, this isn't working out in Japan.

>> No.4044093

Doesn't exist in Asia. Enjoy your delusions.

>> No.4044100

You can spend the night at an internet/manga cafe for ¥1500. (¥45 000 a month)

>> No.4044108

45,000.00 JPY = 483.871 USD
Seems like a bettet option.

>> No.4044116

To the Chinese, that outnumber you, you are a barbarian. They have no "Social Security"

>> No.4044118

Doesn't exist on Japan. You'll get social security by scraping your ass off to corporates or government workplace, but other than that, no guarantee at all for your pension and old-age.

>> No.4044133


Where do you even sleep in an internet cafe? They have a backroom or something?

>> No.4044134

Ron Paul anyone?

>> No.4044144

they have large booths

>> No.4044150

Are they enclosed rooms or are they open booths?

>> No.4044154

In the huge, comfy chair. Fall asleep while browsing /jp/. Ahhh, the marvels of a Japanese Life~

>> No.4044159

enclosed or semi-enclosed+curtain

>> No.4044162
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>civilized world


>> No.4044175

Ok, time for someone who isn't just making shit up off the top of his head.

The rent in Tokyo is high, but that's not the part that gets you. There are plenty of apartments that one could rent for around 59,000 yen/month (not including utilities, internet, etc). However actually renting an apartment is very difficult. You usually have to pay a fairly large upfront fee that can be as much as 3-6 month's worth of rent. You also need a guarantor- someone who is willing to take full responsibility if you don't pay your rent. There are also credit/background checks. Most landlords won't rent to somebody who doesn't have a stable, verifiable income, or to people who work in 'shady' industries.

So if you're unemployed, broke, and/or lack family or friends who are willing to take 100% responsibility for your expenses then your options are very limited.

Most internet cafes have maximum stay limits to prevent people from living in them. They also don't tend to have beds.

Actually Japan does have social security, but it's difficult to qualify and most people get booted out on assorted technicalities.

>> No.4044185

Aah, that explains their obsession with closed room murders.

Go do some harakiri or whatever.

>> No.4044187

Shit, Japanese homeless have style!

>> No.4044206

Looks like a dog kennel.

>> No.4044215

Looks like a human oven to me.

>> No.4044222

Which is why were were reading about some old man that starved to death last year.

>> No.4044224

I want one of those chairs. Stayed at one of the yahoo whatever branded ones after I missed my train one night, shit was cash.

>> No.4044225

All further comparisons are invalid.

>> No.4044254

I would live in the mountains in a cave or something. Spend the ¥59,000 on food and batteries.
Steal a bike and ride to work on it.

>> No.4044270


Theft is dishonorable.

>> No.4044276

Pedophilia is immoral.

>> No.4044289

Pedophilia is harmless unless a person commits a crime. Theft is a crime in and of itself.

>> No.4044302

The pleasure of living inside a tube.

>> No.4044304

The pleasure of being cummed inside a tube

>> No.4044317
File: 38 KB, 480x336, b-Tokyo-s-Capsule-Hote-4254a31b8e90..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stayed a night in a capsule hotel in Ueno.

You can bearly sleep. Not because of the noise, but because you can bearly breath! Even though smoking is not allowed in the beds, the smoke is so think coming from the lounge(and being on the top bunk), that is really messes with you in the morning.

The plus side is that you get free porn and AV on channel 5 on the TV in your bed.

>> No.4044346

How much was it? I'm going to be doing some travelling each weekend and I want to make things as cheap as possible.

>> No.4044362

>Most internet cafes have maximum stay limits to prevent people from living in them. They also don't tend to have beds.
That doesn't prevent people from living in them.

>> No.4044429
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fucking exspinve consdering other "real" hotels cost only a bit less, but of course we did not stay in one for the cost, just the experince.

About $30 for a full night(all the capsule hotels in the area cost exactly the same) . before you enter, you take your shoes off and put them in a metal box with the key. You take the key to the front desk, they give you the number of your capsule and they take your shoe box key and give you another key for the locker. You open the locker change into their junbei(robe with shorts), and put your stuff and there and then enjoy the rest of the night. Theres a lounge where all the other salary men hang out and watch TV on this big screen. A public bath and restroom as well. So when you walk into the restroom, you see all these other japanese guys shaving. At least you get a free tooth brush. There is a reason why women are not allow at most capsule hotels.

The beds are surpisingly comfy. We don't regret going at all, it was a cool experince, but I could not live in one.

>> No.4044453
File: 120 KB, 500x375, capsule1-inside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sorry, I ment to say:

"fucking expensinve consdering other "real" hotels cost only a bit MORE."

>> No.4044463


What's that control panel thing for, temperature?

>> No.4044473

It's so high-tech looking. Like from an episode of Beyond 2000!

>> No.4044486
File: 15 KB, 535x250, accom_capsule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TV, alarm, fan, radio and volume controls for radio alarm and TV. Oh yeah, and the light switches and dimmer.

>> No.4044499

This capsule is like a whole metaphor of Japan for me. It's cool and something to experience, but not where I'd like to live in.

>> No.4044500

btw, not a picture of me. Just some random pic off the net.

>> No.4044519

Holy balls. I pay 750$ canadian for 1 bedroom (big bedroom), 1 bathroom, kitchen and full living room and all utilities included in price.

>> No.4044530

Does anyone think they're a stealthy enough masturbater to have someone in the tube next to you and not have him know what you're doing?

>> No.4044532


>> No.4044540

Does it have free wifi?

>> No.4044557

I'm like 6'2, so even if I wanted to experience this, it seems I'd be shit out of luck, fuck being tall in Japan.

>> No.4044584

For me, the main appeal to going to Japan is feeling like a god among tiny men.

>> No.4044624
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You wont feel like a god whenever everyone is looking at you on the train like "wtf are you doing in my country..."

I lived in Japan. No one gives a shit about you, just like if you went to new york or any other big city. Dont kid yourself.

>> No.4044651

Are those midgets or children?

>> No.4044653

But that's exactly how it's like being a god nowadays!

I just mean in the purely physical aspect.

>> No.4044654


those are shoops.

>> No.4044671

>He still uses Firefox

>> No.4044677
File: 555 KB, 667x1000, 1250375653792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh yeah, Japanese are not that short. sure the Japanese women are around 5'3", but the guys are about the same size as westerners. The older people are short, but the newer genaration is pretty tall. there were plenty guy there almost 6 feet tall. I also saw quite a few pretty tall women there over 5'10"

>> No.4044681


Nice, I like tall women.

>> No.4044684

"I'm going to Japan to meet some tall women!"

>> No.4044690

The Japanese girl I stupidly fell in love with was well shorter than I am

Maybe 30 centimetres

>> No.4044697

I was never certain whether the stereotype of shortness in Japan was truly due to a genetic predisposition or simply a lack of enough protein in their diets.

>> No.4044716


I live in Missouri. I rent a nice 1 bedroom apartment for $299 a month, no utilities except electric.

Fuck that noise.

>> No.4044717
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but really, Japanese dont look short, they look "young". After a j girl goes into her teens, they tend to look the same for about 10 years. So when you see a j women in her 20s, you tend to think she is in highschool, so her size does not bother you as being "short", but just young. my friends kept thinking these 25 year old women were highschol girls, but they were not. J girls just dress, look and act a lot younger then women in the west.

>> No.4044732

Another /jp/ anon from Missouri? Neat. As for me I don't pay rent. If I did then I'm sure I could find something cheaper than $640 around here.

>> No.4044737

Average height for Japanese man - 5'7
Average height for Japanese woman - 5'2"

Average height for American man - 5'9"
Average height for American woman - 5'4"

>> No.4044755

>Implying Missouri is in any way the same as Tokyo
You cunts have to realize that the central bumfuckistan you inhabit does not have the same property value as an international metropolis.

>> No.4044757

I've always wanted to try one of those out.

>> No.4044754 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 700x578, vip606138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly my point! A big chunck of that % is older Japanese generations. considering that Japan is the oldest population on the planet... most of the height ranges taken will be from the old short people.

Like I said, most of the younger Japanese I saw had longer, less rounder legs then the older generation. Not saying Japanese are small, because they are... just saying that as a American you will be grossly taller then them. If you go to shibuya, a lot of Japanese were taller then me or the same size(younger bunch). I am 5'9"

>> No.4044766

Yeah, I realize that.

>> No.4044775
File: 146 KB, 700x578, vip606138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly my point! A big chunck of that % is older Japanese generations. considering that Japan is the oldest population on the planet... most of the height ranges taken will be from the old short people.

Like I said, most of the younger Japanese I saw had longer, less rounder legs then the older generation. Not saying Japanese are small, because they are... just saying that as a American you will NOT be grossly taller then them and if you are only by a couple inches.

If you go to Shibuya or any young hangout, a lot of Japanese were taller then me or the same size(younger generation and better eating). I am 5'9".

>> No.4044780

I heard it is always cold in that capsules.
Is it true?

>> No.4044786

Where at in Missouri? If you don't mind me asking.

>> No.4044794

The ironic thing is, if we built those here instead of the government-subsidized housing we have, people would be complaining that it's inhumane.

>> No.4044796
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It was hot in the morning. I was sweating. Good thing there is a small fan you can turn on. Maybe it had something to do with the fact I was on the top bunk and the heater was on.

>> No.4044820


So. I read such hotels have permanent working air-conditiong because residents may suffocate there. Something about hot air has less amount of oxygen.
Looks like it differs from hotel to hotel.

>> No.4044825

>I am 5'9".

All that is because you are short. Come back when you're 6'3" like myself and then we'll see if Japanese people are short.

>> No.4044831

Well, it's pretty inhumane.

>> No.4044836

Its not that they are short, it is because you are tall. You got it backwards. Even in America, you would be taller then most people faggot.

>> No.4044845

And youre implying that the average height in your country of origin is 6'3?

Come back when you know how this shit works, son.

>> No.4044852

That's true for east asians in general.

I see western teenagers, I go "Those are teens?!". They look like they're in mid- to late-twenties to me.

>> No.4044865

>Average height for American man - 5'9"
I'm 5'10", so I am somewhat relieved by this.
However, I'm also an Ausfag and that height makes me comparatively shorter than most.

>> No.4044869

No I am normal. All of you faggots are too short. Get taller so that people make chairs and tables that don't suck.

>> No.4044878

Mislead articles again.

>> No.4044880

I agree. Being an Asian, I feel like most Caucasian people age much quicker than Asian people.

>> No.4044881

>Implying that article is misleading and not true

>> No.4044882

you remind me of that tall guy in the tiny car in simpsons.

>> No.4044883
File: 8 KB, 219x304, 1227494787071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop. This is not going anywhere if you refuse to even be witty with your come backs. Judging by your technique, you must be the king of Youtube comments.

>> No.4044893

Even Nakanishi is Zainichi Korean.

>> No.4044918

No I'm very pale with a red beard.. but I'm very big...

>> No.4044948
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Make sure you buy two plane tickets before you fly. If you plan to fly coach, you will not even fit. And I am not even trolling.

>> No.4044959

>Make sure you buy two plane tickets before you fly. If you plan to fly coach, you will not even fit. And I am not even trolling.

Oh Japan!

>> No.4044963

what a stupid nigger im in a guesthouse here, my own room for only 43k a month hahahahahha

>> No.4045047


>> No.4045068

43k for a private room in a guesthouse? Yeah, maybe in fucking Saitama and a 30 minute walk from the nearest train station.

>> No.4045077 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4045110 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4045114

>many hugs from tiny lol

>> No.4045132

You now realize that many of the staff that works on your favorite anime/VN lives in conditions like this.

>> No.4045136

that's moe

>> No.4045144

japan needs a revolution

>> No.4045148

They live in cellars.

>> No.4045177
File: 81 KB, 383x500, yotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4045174 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4045184

Oh god, I want to live there.

>> No.4045188

Japan should ban Korean and Chinese.

>> No.4045195


>> No.4045198

Aw they should have a toilet ,
it can double as seat for the desk lol

>> No.4045199


>> No.4045200


>> No.4045217 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4045227

>second half of thread
What's it like being tall, I wonder? ;_;

>> No.4045228
File: 179 KB, 605x1469, hotelulYotel1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yotel is good.

>> No.4045230

So I felt pretty bad reading this, these poor people working like slaves and living in tiny capsules while I do fuck all living a life of luxury.

But then I was like, well there are people in Africa getting ripped apart by crows and shit and I never cared about that all that much so dakara nani

>> No.4045234

That is good.
How much?

>> No.4045247

He could get a room in a guest house for a that price. I used to stay in one and I can tell you it was definitely more comfortable than something like this.

>> No.4045254

They should just buy a ticket to Australia and live in the outer suburbs, problem solved.

>> No.4045268

Seems to me like they are causing their own problems, why do they have to live in Tokyo?

>> No.4045274

Sorry for Japanese.

>> No.4045278

Getting rid of Korean and Chinese will not solve this housing problem.

>> No.4045294

I've never seen a verb with so many different meanings.

>> No.4045304

Most interesting thread on /jp/ at the moment.

>> No.4045308



>> No.4045318

>German with Japanese nationalist tendencies

>> No.4045322


>> No.4045347


>> No.4045360

Get out japan

>> No.4045365

That link looks ugly. Use http://kotobank.jp/word/圧力を掛ける instead.

>> No.4045383

Korean and Chinese!
Get out of Japan please.

>> No.4045397

Doubt they would have room for a 6' 4" gaijin

>> No.4045399


>> No.4045410

Capsule hotel for Japanese in Japan.

>> No.4045419

haha, hadn't even occurred to me to do something like that. thanks.

>> No.4045446

Thing is that it won't work on all browsers and systems. Those people should just upgrade, though.

>> No.4045455
File: 10 KB, 239x237, what..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I feel like this isn't the first time I've seen this...
Feels deja vu man ;_;

>> No.4045475

You must be a looney.

>> No.4045476

I don't think curving walls are space-efficient

>> No.4045481

Sorry, I don't read Japanese.
Anyone translate please.

>> No.4045489

He's just blaming the Korean and Chinese immigrants for the housing problem, and complains that the immigrants have out pressure on the media and politics.

>> No.4045539


>> No.4045557

I know where you're coming from, but you are exaggerating.

>> No.4045573

Make sure whoever you share it with showers before sleeping.

And you aswell.

also I imagine sleeping during the day will be alot quieter since you'll have less people stumbling around looking for there cots.

>> No.4045574

The current Japanese media and government favor the Koreans and Chinese over the Japanese.
I think Japan should consider Japanese citizens first and foremost.

Did I translate correctly?

>> No.4045584


But you should know it's not that simple, he's exaggerating.

>> No.4045599

Either way, it's that trademark Japanese victim complex on full display. Haha, well I shouldn't say it's anything unique to the Japanese. Nobody is in a position so comfortable to pass such a judgment.

>> No.4045635

Japanese nationalists should just learn to accept that Korea and Mannchukwo are no longer Japanese.

>> No.4045639

Elevens on /jp/? It's more likely than you think.

Also: /jp/ --> japan/news

>> No.4045662

The fuck are Elevens?

>> No.4045673

A reference to an extremely popular anime, "Code Geass", in which Japan was named Area 11.

>> No.4045715

Oh ok.
I do not normally watch anime.

>> No.4045780

>Elevens on /jp/
They're just claiming to be Japanese. Why would Japs waste time on 4chan if they have glorious 2ch and Futaba?

>> No.4045860

The Japanese hate Koreans and Chinese, but they love the French.

>> No.4045915

They have something in common with them.

Losing wars.

>> No.4045916


>> No.4046037
File: 26 KB, 488x314, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out Japan devs.

>> No.4046047

Welcome to the New World Order. Enjoy your stay. And please die quickly for Mother Gaia.

>> No.4046070

gb 2 /freep/

>> No.4046124
File: 48 KB, 468x304, segway-police-unit-china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4046150

Beyond 2000? I just nostalgia'd all over.

Also, fuck those prices. It makes me glad that I've got a whole house for only ~$350 a month in mortgage payments. Tennessee is awesome, Oak Ridge doubly so.

>> No.4046285

He is not exaggerating.

>> No.4046317


The most exciting Beyond 2000 episodes were when they talked about real life Sim City 2000 arcologies. Why haven't they built those yet?

>> No.4046320
File: 12 KB, 125x220, arcology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Especially now with this overpopulation problem!

>> No.4046330

/jp/ should ban Korean and Chinese.

>> No.4046402


OP needs to get off Hiroko Tabuchi's dick, stop following that failed-at-being-Nipponjin-so-she-does-anal-in-English waste of space. http://twitter.com/HirokoTabuchi

>> No.4047126
File: 55 KB, 390x292, 12_390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just travel on my boat
enough space there

>> No.4047137 [DELETED] 

please cease and desist with your spamming on our board ano
om thanks in advance have a nice day many hugs from tiny loli

>> No.4047209

I spent a couple nights in a capsule room when I was in Osaka. They weren't at all bad. Mine had doors, the walls were thick and cute teenage girls would bring you food if you asked.

I did meet a number of people who were actually living in these places though. I have no idea how they do it.

>> No.4047222 [DELETED] 


Actually the only bad part was the fact that I'm 6'1 and they were a tight fit.

>> No.4047219

>I have no idea how they do it.
Yeah man. I see people who supposedly sleep on the STREETS daily. Takes guts, that whole having a place to sleep in safety thing.

>> No.4047244


Obviously we're not talking about homelessness; don't preach.

I lived in Mumbai for 3 months once if you wanna talk real poverty, not drunks and junkies who have nowhere else to go but the gutter.

>> No.4047401

I'm paying $600/month for 1200 sq. foot basement suite, electricity, gas heating included, and free use of laundry machines located in a common area included.

Get a kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom all to myself. Add on $50/month for 25Mbps cable Internet, and life is good.

>> No.4047414


>> No.4048277

Here a bump for interesting thread. Btw I hate you americans.

-young chinese boy

>> No.4048350
File: 74 KB, 496x333, Honey-bee-pupae-in-cells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once they start producing honey...

>> No.4048360


I wouldn't dare to eat anything that comes out of that place

>> No.4048625
File: 198 KB, 800x900, 1176214931691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the american rents here makes me cringe.

I pay 900€ for a small studio in Dublin ;___;

>> No.4049239

Why are you willing to live where you have to pay so much? If you want to live there the rent shouldn't be a issue should it.

3000 sqft house in California 2 hours or less from beach, LA, Sierra Mtns for $1100 per month in small town. You can have your "urban" living.

>> No.4049438

I pay 280€ a month for 25m^2 flat in downtown.

280€+electricity. Water included in the rent.

>> No.4050782

They must smell awful from all the BO and fapjuice

>> No.4051631

I wonder how many dakimakura I can fit in one of these.

>> No.4051695

I'm from Alaska. It's impossible to get any sort of housing for less than $800 a month where I live, so this doesn't seem entirely terrible.

>> No.4051698

I'd have no problem living in a single-room home. But that capsule, it's just too small.

>> No.4051732

400 USD here. for a single... in Hollywood

>> No.4051782

I love living in my current city. Huge apartment (two stories, two bathrooms), rent is 300 USD, utilities are 50 USD.

>> No.4051820
File: 86 KB, 800x600, j4djv7t6Dc5VvPAvkv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and This:
Could live in these no problem. Live in a small Kitchen/living-room-as-one-room with a bedroom and bathroom. It's roughly the size three of those in the first quote put together.

>> No.4051871


Google and build your own igloo

>> No.4051889

I live in a 5 bedroom house alone, I definitely wouldn't want to live in one of those capsules..

>> No.4052047


>> No.4052258

Watch Animu 1-3
Play Vidya 4-6
Browse 4chan 7-9
