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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 91 KB, 700x700, Cirno racing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4041603 No.4041603 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4041608


>> No.4041615

I-it will come out!
Just you wait for C78!

>> No.4041636

I waited for you, Cirno Racing.

>> No.4041647

Troll project.
Read the website.

The video is very well done.

>> No.4041654

This reminds me of when I used to play Skunny Kart (old MS-DOS Mario Kart clone) with my sister as a kid.

Good times.

>> No.4041668
File: 267 KB, 602x798, 123861389320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still real to me damn it!

>> No.4041669

>Read the website.
>All in gook language
Can't see shit sir.

>> No.4041677

I also used to play Mario Kart with my sister a LOT when I was young. It was one of her (I think even THE) favorite games for the SNES. Why do girls like Mario Kart so much?

>> No.4041686

I don't know. Same here. Little sister used to love Mario Kart too.
It's like Tetris, you don't know why they like it.

>> No.4041687


Because it's the only way they can experience driving.

>> No.4041692

Same here. Holy shit.

Even my mom liked it, though she only played the time trials.

>> No.4041704

Game is fiction. It doesn't exist.

>> No.4041706

I talk a lot of shit about 64, but I honestly enjoyed it. I can't say the same for the original since I am not nostalgia about it since I didn't have an SNES during my childhood.

>> No.4041729

Eh, maybe it wasn't too great, but back then no one gave a shit because 4 FUCKING PLAYERS GOD DAMN

>> No.4041736

Goldeneye was better than Mario Kart, lamers

>> No.4041742

I lol'd.

>> No.4041743


mines only?

>> No.4041752


But Mario Kart came out before Goldeneye.

>> No.4041759

Crash team racing is better than both.

>> No.4041798

N64 has no games.

>> No.4041832

And PS3 is a Nintendo conspiracy!

>> No.4041833

indeead N64 and PS3 has no games, SNES was good 2 go

>> No.4041835

>Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Fuck you!

>> No.4041842

Sure it did, it was just that all but five were titles were worthless.
To bad the gamecube couldn't live up to even that much..

>> No.4041851

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask wants a word with you.

>> No.4041849

It really was.

>> No.4041857

you misspelled xbox bro.

>> No.4041874

You mispelled PSP bro.

>> No.4041883

you misspelled ngage, bro

>> No.4041889

>implying I am on /jp/

>> No.4041890

Ocarina of Time was superior. It is also the best game ever concieved by man.

>> No.4041892

you misspelled...fuck...yeah...ngage is the shittiest one....

>> No.4041918

You mispelled DS bro.

>> No.4041924

You misspelled MegaMan 2 bro.

>> No.4041930

It had a manly tear ending too.

>> No.4041922

I liked Link's Awakening better.

>> No.4041932

Three was better.

>> No.4041936

Except for, you know, every zelda that came after it.

>> No.4041937

What? Haha. No. MM2 has the best music of all MMs, I'll give you that, but that's all it's good at.

>> No.4041940

I actually enjoyed 4 better...and I bet that I'm the only one who played that Megaman game.

>> No.4041947

What do I care about zelda?

>> No.4041957

You'll have to forgive me, I'm tired and not clicking on the right shit.

>> No.4041963

Indeed, I only played it years after it came out.

>> No.4041969

Nah, I played it too. I actually played through all 6 on the NES, although 5 and 6 were on an emulator.

>> No.4041975

It's cool, happens to the best of us.

>> No.4041983

Pharaoh Shot is god-tier against anything that moves in that game...except Pharaoh Man of course...

>> No.4041986

Fuck...now you guys made me want to play that again!
>Implying that I would regret to do so.

>> No.4042005

What is /v/ doing here?

>> No.4042015

Obviously, waiting for Cirno Racing like the rest of us.

>> No.4042032

vaporware thread evolved into /v/ garbage

feels bad man

>> No.4042090
File: 67 KB, 700x700, CirnoRacingForever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4042092

>The game that was supposed to be a joke is really being made!

So what are you getting at?
When did they ever say the realisation of the joke game was in fact a joke as well?

>> No.4042121


>> No.4042125
File: 126 KB, 500x500, 1260489564285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4042254



>> No.4042320

Looks like the driving mechanics were put together using Newton SDK. You can't just fake driving gameplay like that for a video, SOMETHING must exist there but to actually make a polished game with a whole bunch of tracks and racers would be extremely time consuming.

If they had made it an open source style project I'm sure there are lots of modelers that would have contributed. Oh well.

>> No.4042333

Do you remember that April Fools Touhou RPG?
People ARE willing to go that far just to play tricks on others.

>> No.4042344

Open sourcing a half-made game is rarely a good way to get it made, although you might be more successful than usual if your half-made game is Touhou themed.

>> No.4042439

Cirno racing is a joke project? FFFFFFFFFuck! Mark my words, I will make an online multiplayer Touhou racing game.

>> No.4042463

With blackjack and hookers?

>> No.4042491

Well for my senior year I have to make a racing game. I'll sneak in Touhou characters.

>> No.4042494

Are you in one of those vidya colleges? How's that working out for you?

>> No.4042502

My new year resolution is to go back into 3dmax so maybe I should try modeling something...

>> No.4042510

You know everyone will be expecting fully animated touhou characters, multiple detailed tracks, weapons, game modes, next gen pixel shader gfx etcetera

>> No.4042519

I just tried modelling a go-kart in Blender, inspired by this thread. Shit's harder than you'd think.

>> No.4042545

Sneak in Yuka.

>> No.4042548

If I had the cirno model I could put something basic together in about half an hour. Hell, I could retool some stuff I have here to make a track designer. But yeah, I can't be bothered modeling touhou stuff and I know nothing about Touhou anyway.

>> No.4042571

This will never happen. Polite sage.

>> No.4042588

Naw, in my last year of a CPSC degree at the local University. Starting Monday I do the games programming class and have 4 months to finish a racing game with a team.

>> No.4042606


Touhou racing game, I imagine, could be something like "Marisa stole the precious thing" with dolls riding little cars through the magic forest from Alice's place to Marisa's. You have to avoid fairies (especially the ice fairy, which causes the ground to turn to ice) and watch out for the song of the night sparrow - it's hard to avoid trees when you're blind. You also get weapons, which start out as knives but can be upgraded to bullets and even lasers. Useful for clearing fairies out of the way, and even more useful for delaying other dolls so you can be the first to reach Marisa's house.

>> No.4042712

3/10 and an age for your efforts, good sir.

>> No.4042731

/jp/ - Video Games

>> No.4042737
File: 206 KB, 1280x959, cirnoracing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY?!?!?! ;_;

>> No.4042738

Hm. No. That's just not right.
The best thing would be a simple Mario Kart 64 clone with Touhou.
Instead of items you get spellcards (but don't ask me which spellcards would be bananas, shells, mushrooms etc.) which you gain through [P].

>> No.4042741

You can do that, and all that's stopping you is not having a model of Cirno in a go cart?

Then again, I don't really feel like drawing textures either..

>> No.4042775


Modeling != coding. Try knowing what you're talking about next time you butt your ugly opinions into a thread.

>> No.4042836

What? I was serious. It's hard to think up a premise for a touhou racing game that wouldn't involve A) Yukari gap hax; B) Suika density hax; C) Sakuya time hax; D) youmu speed hax; or any number of other abilities that would just make it ridiculous. Unless Nitori said "Could you help me test a new invention?" And Marisa said "Hey, this is cool, how fast can it go?" And then Aya heard about it and said "Why don't we get some people together to race them?"

>> No.4042854

Sounds like a good premise to me. Erin could brew up some potions and Yukari gapped in go-karts. Throw in Magic and we're all set. As long as we have our Touhous racing does the plot even matter?

>> No.4042878


Oh, and just saw your comment. normal power ups, of course, which you can collect from fairies as normal to improve your attacks (you HAVE to have attacks, right?) and you'd pick up spellcards, but just have a few levels of spellcards. Cirno for instance could have a level one card that shoots icicles, damaging or pushing one car; a level 2 card that creates a sheet of ice around Cirno for a while, making it hard for other cars to maneuver; and a level 3 card that freezes opposing cars, not stopping them completely but slowing them down a lot.

>> No.4042941

I'll do my best to try and convince the team to do a Mario Kart clone. There is no guarantee on this though, since the groups are randomly chosen. Also, we're supposed to do a racing game to avoid spending too much time on animations and graphics since it is a game programming course and not a computer art class. If anything it will have ZUN graphics and generally be a pile of QUALITY. However, I'll still have the code in the end for my own projects and I'll sneak in Yuka for you Anon.

>> No.4042957


>> No.4042987
File: 545 KB, 1032x1600, ssd5224_ss_opt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Once you've finished with that, your next task is pic related.

>> No.4043111

in b4 bomb spam

>> No.4043154


:Receives 15 point damage of you:

>> No.4043167

I think I'd want a Valkyria Chronicles clone instead of a generic FPS.

>> No.4043182


What about a Valkyria Chronicles FPS?

>> No.4043196

I'm not sure if the gameplay would have the same charm if it was an all out FPS.
