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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3004 No.3004 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have an IaMP thread! The one Touhou game most of you dont suck at!

>> No.4258
File: 31 KB, 488x189, sdfgsdfgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i was just playing earlier, laggy as hell so it didn't go so well.

Anyone wanna play?

ill be hosting.

IP is in the pic

>> No.3938

teach me how to get this on my computer, oh wise one.

>> No.3945

IaMP is my worst touhou game :(

>> No.3964

Needs moar Scarlet Weather Rhapshody.

>> No.3987

I have actually never played this one, and I like fighting games.

Is this strange?

>> No.3990


Is that thing ever going to come out? It better have an epic roster to make up for the delays

>> No.3991


>> No.3993

I suck at IaMP.

>> No.4010

need download sauce

>> No.4014

Need a DL

>> No.4040

Is Mokou confirmed for SWR yet?

>> No.4055

Actually, this is the Touhou game I suck most at.

>> No.4061

>>* I run 95/98/ME and Caster doesn't work.
>>And it never will! Caster does not support archaic operating systems.

Well, that's that. Have fun, guise!

>> No.4077

>Is this strange?


>> No.4083


Torrents, do you use them?

>> No.4103

dont have a controller so cant play this game. tried with the keyboard but it just didn't work out

>> No.4217

YOU SEE? threads like this were instantly deleted on /a/.
/jp/ = all of /a/'s win + REAL touhou threads (not just fanart and shit)

>> No.4263

I used to do high score runs on Lunatic mode, but I lost my mojo after I stopped playing for a while.

>> No.4278


>> No.4285


i really gotta agree with that statement.

>> No.4339

I suck at this fightan gaem.

>> No.4620

Can someone tell me which characters are considered "top tier"? Because I'm beginning to think that my beloved Patchy sucks shit.

>> No.4635


I've seen crazy patchy players. You just gotta play em well i guess.

>> No.4657


>> No.5597

Play drunk loli, shes the best ever

Or you can be a fag and play Ciel

>> No.6083

Have you patched the game? Patchu gets quite a power boost since the original release.

>> No.6954

jesus christ, Patchy IS top tier!
ONLY if you know how though, like most things.

Others consider Sakuya and Remilia as top tier as well

>> No.6974

Anyone know how to teleport with Reimu?

>> No.6979

Only tier I've ever seen people agree on is that China is bottom.
But anyway, I do suck at this game, and never get to play anyone, since my friends all insist on playing nothing but Guilty Gear ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

>> No.7582

This is not how tiers work. Every character can win in most fighting games, all you have to do is guess correctly. Every. Single. Time. Obviously, this isn't happening, so you've got to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the situation, tactical choices, and playing styles involved. This is where individual matchups come in, and where tiers come from.

It's pretty much universally regarded that Patch is kind of on the meh side because she has nothing but excellent zoning and fairly good damage. Problem is, if the opponent just blocks and grazes all day, what's she going to do? She gets ONE SHOT at a hi/lo in the corner against a crushed opponent and has to blow a bomb to get any actual damage out of it. Then the whole thing is reset and she has to get back in. Again.

This is not actually a bad thing given how incredibly good her zoning can be. Her matchups are fairly solid for the most part, but she has three particularly nasty ones (Sakuya, Marisa, Remilia) and, unfortunately for her, they're all pretty popular characters.

The one on the IaMP Wiki FAQ is generally agreed on by most players who actually know how to play.

>> No.7613

China's spellcards are awesome. Especially that one where she knocks you above the top border of the screen. I dunno if there's a spellcard that deals more damage than this one.
