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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 242 KB, 704x396, mg_higurashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4039054 No.4039054 [Reply] [Original]

What is this?

/jp/ has started on a project to edit MG's translation of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.

Are you in need of editors?

Of course! Anyone with knowledge of Japanese (and English) is welcome to join in and start editing with the simple and easy-to-use REtrans™ Web Interface.

What is the length/progress/ETA?


Translator interface

Old threads
(Just follow the linked list from there, I'm not going to put the whole thread history here.)

Official site


Lite Version
Hacked exe for Lite Version

>> No.4039083

Oh my gosh, someone didn't capitalize sentences? SAGE SAGE SAGE Oh what's that? A favorite touhou thread? My favorite Touhou is Ran! What? Someone said Kaguya? RAGE RAGE RAGE, SAGE SAGE SAGE, let's see what's going on in the music thread. Oh, Demetori. I like listening to Demetori while fapping to Touhou porn. Woah, someone mentioned Kokuyasou. It's SHIT SHIT SHIT, SAGE SAGE SAGE. I AM SO ANGRY NOW, I NEED TO TROLL, I WILL GO TROLL THE IDOL THREADS. OH FUCK, THEY DON'T PAY ATTENTION TO ME, OH GOD I NEED TO TROLL. Wait no. FAP FAP FAP. Felt good, man! OKAY, NOW I REALLY NEED TO TROLL. OH, IT'S THAT HIGURASHI PROJECT THING. LOL IT'S SHIT, THEY WON'T MAKE ANYTHING, JUST A BUNCH OF ATTENTION WHORES, BARK BARK BARK SAGE SAGE SAGE, HEY, /b/, PLEASE HELP ME RUIN THEIR FUN, ANONYMOUS IS LEGION AND HE DOESN'T FORGIVE LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLLOOLL

>> No.4039090

There is already a perfectly good thread:

It's not even on autosage.

>> No.4039116

Typical attention whoring, goddamnit I wish someone would ban these RETRANS faggots already.

>> No.4039122

What is this?

/jp/ has started on a project to dumb down MG's translation of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.

Are you in need of editors?

Of course! Anyone without knowledge of English beyond the elementary level is welcome to join in and start butchering with the simple and easy-to-use REtrans™ Web Interface.

>> No.4039133

What is this? 300G found.

>> No.4039134

That's the sound replacement thread.

>> No.4039139

Haha well played, sir, well played.

>> No.4039265

I fucking lol'd

>> No.4039327

I don't want to age this, but damn, that was fucking fantastic.

>> No.4039359

Still using that shitty editing interface?

>> No.4039586

REtrans > * > Entrans

REtrans Web Interface (RWI) is the next-generation localization technology solution platform architecture. Supporting robust, scalable deployments across the Internet, RWI empowers translation groups to increase flexibility and collaboration while decreasing effort and enhancing productivity. RWI delivers practical, extensible localization technology services to translators and editors to allow them to maximize their quality and quality in production environments. In addition, an enhanced standards-compliant management application programming interface allows managers to seamlessly integrate powerful existing reporting tools such as Microsoft(R) Excel™ to manage project workflow and employee status analysis. With RWI, data can be loaded for localization from a variety of data sources, including but not limited to text files, MySQL, SOAP, AJAX, and XML. The centralized system aspect-oriented architecture allows translators and editors to work anywhere, anytime. With RWI, proprietary translator software tools and interoperability nightmares are a thing of the past.

>> No.4039614

Both suck to me, no serious editor would want to work with such an annoying interface.

>> No.4039625

Does it support cloud computing?

>> No.4039725

I don't think "serious editors" would be working on online weeaboo projects to begin with.

>> No.4039935

>implying editors can be serious

>> No.4040004

what is the 'lite version' and how does it differ

>> No.4040032

No loli rika patch to be found just about anywhere.
No CG patch to fix sprite errors in Watanagashi and Onikakushi.
No word from the guy who was supposed to backport this game to onscripter.
Annoying, pretentious "managers" who just stroke their e-peen all day long, while forcing editors to work on a shitty, inefficient translation interface. All the while viral advertising their so called "Professional Product" (what are you, 12?)
I'm thinking this project might be on it's way to an early grave, anonymous.

Oh but hey, I'm revamping the music patch at least.

>> No.4040037

I really don't understand the point in doing all this shit.

>> No.4040101

Any news yet on a voice patch?

>> No.4040175

It only has the scripts and not much else.

>> No.4040363

Man, the game needs a backport. If anyone is willing to manually copy and paste shit into ONScripter, then we'll have ourselves a voice patch.

Once Watanagashi has it's editing finished, I may manually transfer it myself, since I want Shion's sexy siren voice.

>> No.4040396

>Man, the game needs a backport. If anyone is willing to manually copy and paste shit into ONScripter, then we'll have ourselves a voice patch.

Just do this, please. And we can also translate the missing mini games they took out while we're at it.

>> No.4040403


Anyway, where can I find Rei VN?

>> No.4040407

It's grunt work that any one of us can do. So if you want in, help out. If each of us copies and pastes 5000 lines a piece, we cant have it in no time.

>> No.4040473


>> No.4040512

Thanks a lot.

>> No.4040762


"Serious editors" would not bother with an online interface in the first place - they'd probably just use a separate tool with revision control.

That said, Retrans UI needs a goddamn reality check - plain is good, but not to the point of being plain cryptic!

(To be fair, 95% of "enterprise" tools out there are shit, too - except they also cost an arm and a leg to use)

>> No.4041014

Any takers?

>> No.4041099

Cryptic? If you'd spent five minutes getting used to it, you'd see that it works fine. It's hardly rocket science.

>> No.4041263

What the fuck is the point of making these threads about the interface? You even fucking included it in the image. It wouldn't matter if you were using a superb interface that 100% of people agree is the best thing ever (know REtrans is not this), the thread shouldn't have anything like this line.
>Of course! Anyone with knowledge of Japanese (and English) is welcome to join in and start editing with the simple and easy-to-use REtrans™ Web Interface.

Also, it doesn't matter if it is superior for those who learn it and if it takes 5 minutes to learn, several outstanding editors have been turned away because of it. Honestly through, most people think REtrans is a piece of shit, and despite your defense of it, that isn't going to change and will only work to hinder the editing process. These claims aren't without credit as well, but even if it was theoretically better, if you drive the people who would do the best work away, you are only hurting it. How does that help the project in any way?

>> No.4041518

I'm not OP. I'm just an anon who thinks it's more productive to edit than to bitch.

>> No.4041559

And I think it's funner to bitch than to edit, now what?

>> No.4041580

>Of course! Anyone with knowledge of Japanese (and English) is welcome to join in and start editing with the simple and easy-to-use REtrans™ Web Interface.

I'll agree; this line is bullshit. It's just !w4lolitaKs jerking off over his own system, and I don't like him plugging it any more than you do. But it's the only thing we've got. It's not ideal, but progress is getting done. If you have a better option, start it. Since so many people agree with you and your proposed interface is so much better, it should be easy to get the workforce necessary to finish. I'm not joking, and I'm not being sarcastic. If your alternative is better, I'll switch to it. I just want to see this thing edited, and so far ReTrans is the only option.

tl;dr - Stop bitching and put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.4041715

...Look if anyone has the count of how many WAV files or has ripped them, explain how to dump them into the scripts and just about anyone can do it. Hell, I'll do something.

>> No.4041718

It doesn't matter if it's 60,000 files just do a few each day, stop bitching, work for an hour and eventually if everyone chips in it'll be done.

>> No.4041767

I would've much preferred a wiki/svn, but 'enterprise' devs held the scripts hostage to be released only with their own system.

>> No.4041852

Looks like a lot of you have broken sarcasm detectors. That line, and REtrans itself, is a reference to the arcane world of enterprise software.

That being said, we have been making changes to make it more productive to use. Cudder added the keyboard shortcuts, which I doubt none of you are actually using. I'll probably put some instructions up on the site while I'm at it.

>> No.4042103

What in fuck possessed you to use a web interface anyway? They are a Bad Idea.

>> No.4042226

The fact that it allows everyone to see each other's edits in realtime?

>> No.4042684

I'm perfectly okay with utilizing an SVN as an alternative. Want to switch? Give me the word and I'll rip all of the scripts right then and there. I'll write up a quick readme for tortoise SVN so everybody can be on the same page. But we ALL have to switch over (with the exception of Lolita, who can choose whether he wants to cross over or not), because dispersing work amongst two different sites is just kinda dumb. Who agrees with the prospect at least?

Yeah, not enough people to justify this

>> No.4042730
File: 8 KB, 200x200, 1239471216941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4042848

fuck no. let's not rock the boat, we've got at least 1/4 of it done already

>> No.4043133


>> No.4043150

It'd probably be better to wait till the next translation/editing project is started.

>> No.4043293

I'll definitely join in if you do that. I don't care others want to stay with retrans; hell, we can even have a little competition just to see how well this shit really works, eh?

>> No.4043916


TLwiki F/HA guy here. If you can come up with a sensible way to use SVN/CVS/Git/whatever for this, please let us know. Might help with hosting, too.

We're using SVN, but not for the main text part.

Just keep in mind that most of your target audience is completely incapable of much more than a few consecutive mouse clicks.

>> No.4044034

>Just keep in mind that most of your target audience is completely incapable of much more than a few consecutive mouse clicks.
This. REtrans is so simple even a caveman could use it. That was one of the original design goals. And we can keep the BSMs in an SVN if you anons want to modify them... that is if you know how.

>> No.4044152

You guys aren't respecting MangaGamers' hard work. I will no longer associate my self with your ungrateful selves.

>> No.4044199

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.4044228

i'm curious, not as a hater, but what's bad about mangagamer's translation? i've heard the anatomy/autopsy argument (both ways) but what is specifically shitty about the translation?

>> No.4044242

Lack of proofreading and awkward writing come to mind without even thinking. And this is not Higurashi specific either, the same shit plagues all of their titles.

>> No.4044256

For you to ask this, you must have not played it for yourself.

It's quite obvious that it's full of typos and downright awkward sentence phrasing, something that would easily be corrected had they employed a team of native English-speaking editors as opposed to EvoSpace alone.

>> No.4044275

fair enough, it's true i haven't played it yet. i was more curious about the rumors about mangagamer's shitasticness.

>> No.4044348

It's not that bad. Some spots in the first chapter were really terrible but in the later chapters there's just occasional grammar mistakes and awkward sentences.

>> No.4044353
File: 38 KB, 406x311, notamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4044507

Honestly, bros, I don't want to have shit dispersed, BUT, there is something we could do. Lolita. Please remove/make all Tata script files unavailable. People who would prefer to use the SVN can utilize it, retrans users can't modify files that are active on the SVN. We get Tata done, and merge work. That way, everyone can conduct editing however they please. I think that's more than reasonable

>> No.4044606

Grab the original MG Edelweiss and see for yourself.

>> No.4044619

That game is voiced, so you can at least hear what the characters are REALLY saying.

>> No.4044657

Either they mustervate or they become lilly.

>> No.4044735

No. Why the fuck would I do something that restricts access to the scripts by multiple users? Think about it. You have to realize that those files you can export from RWI do not contain all the information we keep about them. Merging is going to be a horrific nightmare, and I don't even want to think about what would happen if one of you bastards messed up the format -- those files are not supposed to be edited by hand. I've seen the errors some of you have added in editing.

>> No.4044743
File: 119 KB, 450x216, BACK TO THE KITCHEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4044773

Heh, I guess you realize once the script's free, there's nothing holding it to your shitrans interface anymore.

>> No.4044804

That's not the whole script.

>> No.4047290

What kind of errors have we added? Is it just us adding some of our own grammar mistakes, or are we messing up the script somehow?

>> No.4047313

To be precise, there's around ten errors per hundred lines, more or less depending on how sleep deprived Evospace was when he proofread that section.

>> No.4047322

Whats all the bitching about? I thought this was a concerted effort with anybody who could do shit doing the shit and everyone else being grateful that /jp/ isn't entirely useless, what happened along the way?

>> No.4047330

just do the CG patch and i'll be happy

>> No.4047429

in addition to that we don't absolutely need a full voice pack, just add a nipaa every time rika says it and it'll be fine, sort of like ahaha.wav in seacats.

>> No.4047743

Since we can have full voices, I think we should strive to have them. Remember, any work or methods that we discover right now can, and probably will be utilized when Kai come out. If we were to discover a way to get voices and CGs inserted, we wouldn't have to wait for a month and a half after Kai's release date to have the same.

RETrans is a piece of shit, and you're robbing editors of the opportunity to work using a different (better) system, given your failure to cooperate. If we're all aiming to achieve the same means, why would you let your (cough viral advertising), e-peen get in the way of productivity? You've obviously established that you're more interested in putting your so called "professional" product out there than you actually are in getting real, hard work done. Way to go. There's a reason nobody likes you

>> No.4047924

sure, if someone finds a way to automatize the voice insertion then all the better, but until then we could get a nipaa.wav version which probably would take few minutes at most.

all you'd have to do is do a file search, find every instance of nipaa, paste the nipaa.wav sound effect before it and it's done.

>> No.4048144

there is a way to automate it, do you think the guy who did the demo patch would insert 5000 voices manually?

>> No.4048397

didn't even know there was a hacked demo with voices.

i only saw a bunch of tease shots of it, but didn't know someone actually released it back then, or that it was also voiced, not just with replaced sprites.

>> No.4049842

I have it, it's quite fun actually. But does anyone know who made it? We could ask the process.

>> No.4050363

You've been adding your own grammatical and spelling errors. If you edited the raw files, I'm sure you'd mess up the structure too.

The Hatsukoi project has nearly 10k lines already translated and it's going faster than ever. RWI works, it's been proven in practice, so please stop complaining about its perceived inefficiencies. A new translator recently joined Hatsukoi and was able to translate 700 lines in the same day he learned RWI. If that project, which was created to test RWI in practice, didn't perform the way it did, we wouldn't have decided to use it for this one.

>> No.4050483

To point out the obvious, there's a very big difference between working, and working well.

>> No.4050545

SOAP interface where?

>> No.4050604

Management interface. For loading data into it only.

>> No.4050676

That was the onscripter version. It's a known fact that if we man up, and copy and paste the lines into onscripter, we can get a voice patch within a week.

>> No.4050703

Of course it works, because it's the only thing available for the translators. With that reasoning we would be still using bikes because no one would have invented cars or motorbikes, because, "hey, it works".

>> No.4050758

It would have been done by now if you'd use SVN or something instead. I personally know a few translators on IRC who tried to contribute out of to boredom, but gave up on it a bit later due to that tedious and impractical interface.

>> No.4050777
File: 87 KB, 870x877, higurashi1191782784500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is thick with faggotry, but nevertheless I will ask if anyone can tell me the difference between the various music patches that are out now.

>> No.4051595

Original Music Patch, patches game with Onscripter higurashi's music (MG's song choices suck). Reason: Mangagamer's release has like 5-6 missing tracks (prominent of which are Fascism, Dawn, and Sunrise). MG's soundtrack is very DIFFERENT than the original onscripters's music.

PS2 replacement patch replaces songs that had a DIRECT EQUIVALENT in Matsuri with their PS2 alternatives. All in all, it replaces about 18-19 of the original 36. The reason to use it would be because the PS2 music is great (Dead End Symphony, etc.)

>> No.4052055


>> No.4052322

Thanks, that's exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.4052866 [DELETED] 


>> No.4052920


Trollish, but with more than a bit of truth.

The manual is a Good Thing (finally?), but it's not a fix to poor usability (even if it works for one certain big company). I'm not a usability expert, but there are a ton of problems that stand out. Take this line:

onik_000.txt latest original change history 2010-01-01 22:10:25

Out of all those labels, the only immediately obvious ones (latest what? Change? File version? Full file?) are "history" and "onik_000.txt". Moreover, they don't even sound related, yet grouped together. You shouldn't need to look into the manual (or click) to figure this out.

Clicking on the file, it gets even worse. For starters, I don't even see the editable links! The headings (are they even headings?) don't say anything to me, it's not obvious which column of numbers is actually row numbers, etc.

And I haven't even gotten to the editing page.

Sorry, for what it was meant to do, it sucks, badly, no matter how powerful it might actually be. Please have a total outsider do a review before you turn even more people off.

>> No.4052930

link to sound patches?

>> No.4053045

Check the archive.

>> No.4053159


>> No.4053517

If you spend a few minutes to explore the interface, it won't seem that foreign to you. And in the File View, it should be obvious that the lines are clickable if you mouse over them. The rest should follow without thought. And if the Hatsukoi translators can figure it out, so should you.

Also, aka .ytG7T4w, enjoy your b&.

>> No.4053554


So which is better, the hybrid or the song replacement?

>> No.4053562

What's this "loli rika" patch mentioned earilier?

>> No.4054031

We haven't hacked this game enough damn it.

Is there a fix for the eye-searing blue background in the text log? It should just be deleted and the text left (maybe in another color?)

>> No.4054780

The replacement patch only replaces the songs that have a PS2 equivalent but leaves some songs of mangagamer in it (the ones that have no PS2 replacement),
while the hybrid patch also replaces mangagamer's songs with others.

The only difference between the patches is that you have to replace some songs manually, while the hybrid patch replaces everything for the lazy.

If you simply use the original PC music patch first and then the PS2 replacement patch, you have the the equivalent of a hybrid patch.

>> No.4056875

The Hybrid patch basically is Original+Replacement, I guess. Okay I know this is the wrong place but wa_37 crashes the game

>> No.4056886

Is it normal for all sound to just switch off if I leave the game alone for a while?

>> No.4058243

Leave it at what point?

>> No.4058251

Yeah, when you reach the next music trigger it should be back.
Happened to me while playing KiraKira on and off.

>> No.4060905

Dammit, I didn't realize that file was still in there. I'll update the link in a bit.

take wa_037 out of your folder, it's an invalid file. The rest should be fine.

>> No.4060918


WA_02 sound effect crashed for me in Onikakushi BTW

>> No.4061008

Thanks for pointing that out. I thought I had got all the bad files. I double checked this one, it should be stable.


>> No.4063236
File: 22 KB, 652x675, rwi_ajax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on past user feedback, we are developing a version of RWI which you should hopefully find to be more efficient.

The records in the file view will be directly editable. You will be able to submit up to 100 records at once via the power of AJAX.

Note that this functionality is only available if your browser supports JavaScript and W3C DOM Level 2. It is known to be working with Firefox 3.0 and above.

Preview is shown. General availability estimated to be within 2 weeks.
