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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40375518 No.40375518 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous Thread: >>40218546

>> No.40375657

Tengoku seems exactly like the kind of thing that will be full of femdom themed jokes but all the the routes will be typical maledom leaning vanilla.
Still might get it if the heroine is cute and fun like Olympia was though.

>> No.40376843

>katagiri yuma
>pegi 15

>> No.40380690

Anyone playing birushana? How's the translation?

>> No.40384000

I know I'm late for Ruka's bday, but I have to say that it genuinely broke my heart seeing him fight with his bro over (You).
Guess I'll always be more of a fujo than a yume.

>> No.40384196

Is Lamento the most lore-heavy /blog/ game?

>> No.40385032
File: 320 KB, 1600x615, combine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide which is best cat, they're all so cute.

>> No.40385479

How the hell did this game end up so vanilla? No incest, no selfcest, no anything controversial. Just how.

>> No.40385952

I wonder...

>> No.40385966

>No incest, no selfcest
Now that you mention it, it's weird that Leaks wasn't sexually involved at all.

>> No.40385985

it’s still a nitro+chiral game so there are bad ends where konoe gets raped and cannibalized

>> No.40387412

>want to play a game
>game that I want to play is announced to be localized
>lose all interest in that game and will probably never play it
Every time, why am I like this? Also can anyone spoil how bad the cucking is in virche? I only like NTR when mc is doing it.

>> No.40387646

facial hair is disgusting

>> No.40387679

Ironically the thin, wispy facial hair these artists are prone to drawing is by far the shittiest-looking option (other than an overgrown, ungroomed hobo look). Always weirds me out people are so willing to slap an undignified teenager 'stache on characters.

>> No.40387709

maybe that level of facial hair isn't seen as scraggly in japan.

>> No.40388882

Leaks isn't some slut, he was saving himself for Konoe's dad. He is a cucked virgin hero

>> No.40388892

Rai is the best cat and boy and that's canon

>> No.40390342

I'm so glad catboys are over

>> No.40390369

I will never be tired of catboys.

>> No.40390396

I want more catboys.

>> No.40390591
File: 141 KB, 1920x1080, beyond_eden_de 2021-10-16 23-47-21-46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /blog/ think of Beyond Eden? Looking back I enjoyed Oscar's route and some stuff of the other routes, but it didn't drive me crazy.

Good atmosphere and aesthetics I guess

>> No.40390842

Apparently "Nonke" is not much about the character being straight, but about the character having no previous interest in men? That explains sooo much

>> No.40391254
File: 1.33 MB, 1026x578, julian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best catboy

>> No.40391601

My pet.

>> No.40391696

So did literally no one here end up trying out friendly lab? I was pretty interested in it until I found out it was mobile only but if by any chance one of you played it how was it?

>> No.40391940


>> No.40392381

It won’t be mobile only. They were already planning an r18 version for the pc. They said so in a 2020 interview. I’m interested in the art and story, but I’m not too keen on an amnesia plot and drip content.

>> No.40392395

Stuffs an orange in your mouth.

>> No.40393001


>> No.40393052

for people that listen to situation CDs, do you prefer R18 ones or all ages one?

>> No.40393065

Stuffs a pineapple up your ass.

>> No.40393084

I don't know if I have a preference, but dlsite is just easier to buy off of and while they have some that aren't r18, most of them are, so most of my collection is also r18. I do have some all ages ones that I like a lot though.

>> No.40393472


>> No.40394044

I need emotionally connection/character background so mostly all-ages and high budget r18 CDs

>> No.40394055
File: 88 KB, 1200x1060, Hugo.(Shuuen.no.Virche).full.3308233 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they will translate virche, including the book ss from what I saw.
Will the western yumes sperg as much as nip ones, I wonder.

>> No.40394758
File: 1.11 MB, 1080x675, HEvirche.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true end gave me such vibes.

>> No.40394825

I'd pay to see him have sex with my 2d boyfriend while I'm watching

>> No.40394884
File: 508 KB, 1450x2047, FWwDM4KaMAEHuaJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otomege for this feel?

>> No.40394895

I liked it. Koreans should do more BL

>> No.40394956

I don't really care if love interests end up with someone else in other endings. Like if there's a flash forward epilogue or something and it's mentioned they're married.
Actual whores, playboy characters, etc. who mention past relationships all the time are far less forgivable. In an ideal game all love interests are pure virgins at the start, galge style.

>> No.40394957

Given how much westerners want male/genderfluid protags and LGBT in otome, it will be a success

>> No.40394959

It was pretty good with muted voices besides "UOOHH AHHHH AHHH" parts in ero scenes.

>> No.40395132
File: 93 KB, 435x896, Sakamaki.Laito.full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used goods have their charms too, especially when you can slut heal them

>> No.40395306

Play the game expecting Oscar to be a total bottom because of a /blog/ screenshot.

Ended up with having him top, it was more interesting given the situation

>> No.40395463
File: 354 KB, 1146x1600, Auger-Von-Garibaldi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizocat twins for the win

>> No.40396070


>> No.40396543

Hugo will be considered stunning and brave

>> No.40396675

I dropped Dystopia no Ou fairly quickly after starting it because I thought it was boring (childhood friend route), but I'm thinking of going back to it since I've found myself missing L&D. Does it get better at all?

>> No.40396822

The what? Never mind I don't want to know.
Another dude fucking your boyfriend in the epilogue is fine. However if he marries some retarded female bitch who isn't me, I'll seethe

>> No.40396958

From what I read this dude loses miserably and dies, what was there to be mad about?

>> No.40397018

He also likes guys.

>> No.40397041

Yeah I know he loses the LI-bowl, hard. So why were the nip yumes mad?

>> No.40397098

I think it's the autism inherent in this sort of romance fantasy media where you're supposed to project onto the protagonist. It's not even strictly a japanese thing really, I've seen people sperg out in reviews for english language reverse harem novels because they had some m/m content that wasn't mentioned in the description.
Anything that deviates from trope lego and doesn't cater to (your) specific fantasy or makes you uncomfortable even slightly is a black mark on the work. I mean I guess people seek out this kind of media for that feeling of comfort that you're going to get what you want, so maybe going against those expectations is in a way a mistake. But then what Virche did is so minor I can't imagine how much of a stick up your ass you'd have to have to be mad at it.

>> No.40397222

I doubt anyone will care about a gay side character in an otome, westerns have many flaws but we are not retarded like that at least.

>> No.40397853

Are there any otome games with "moe" guys? Like the archetypes you see in galge and anime, except with cute boys instead. I've played a few otomate games but never found the LIs to leave that strong of an impression because they aren't cute.

>> No.40397985

sakuya from tokimeki memorial girls side 1 and amachi from girls side 2 are your typical cutesy kouhai but guys

>> No.40398592

How does he act around the twins?

>> No.40399233

Yeah I'm pretty sure they wanted him to look like Sandokan but then chickened out of the full beard. Shame.

>> No.40399756

Yeah, sure lol

>> No.40399938

>an ideal game all love interests are pure virgins at the start
Shit taste

>> No.40400717


>> No.40400768

Lkyt my balls

>> No.40400888

How the fuck can JAST compete? MG is fucking mogging them

>> No.40400959

Holy shit, they're on fire lately.

It stands for "Love Kissing Your Testicles" anyway

>> No.40401508

The true end, the one that only counts for these purpouses has him leaving on a journey around the world with his crush, alone.
Take that as you will.

>> No.40402632

>English releases
I thought you knew Japanese, you fucking liars

>> No.40403029

Lots of people who play untranslated games know very little Japanese and just rely on MTL and online summaries, so they’ll take EN releases when they’re there. I often think about an anon here who explained that they played vita games by hacking them to get the script, putting the script through MTL and then reading it along with the game which seems insane to me but whatever, it’s their life I guess.

>> No.40403040

But English releases are uncensored.

>> No.40403260

I only subject myself to moonrune torture if I'm incredibly interested in a game

>> No.40403834

Atlas days are dead, deepl is based if you combine it with some basic nip. Still, even total EOPs can enjoy everything nowadays without suffering, like I did with ATLAS. Textractor can hook anything. A big thank you to the Hookanytext anon, for teaching me how to hook from emulators, be blessed. Agent and sugoi ain't half bad too.

And now I summon that anon mentioned here >>40403029, who can get the psvita texts. Please anon, spread your gospel how you do that!!!

>> No.40405327
File: 245 KB, 748x707, Lkyt 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male bitches lovers, we won!

>> No.40405344

is Lykt even good

>> No.40405659


>> No.40405776
File: 9 KB, 257x196, 325234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dekinaianons unite! Helpful tip reminder that you can filter --------garbled text that's often in otomate games in HAT options through replacements> sequence: 00.*$ > regex ticked> type: HEX2HEX

>> No.40406171

Taking Eng releases today is worse considering the censorship

>> No.40406529

i always google the end to routes for otome games and if its a sad end i drop the game and never pick it up again

>> No.40406559

omg anon you are such a fucking pussy holy shit

>> No.40406960


>> No.40407478

Why are you even here?

>> No.40407556


>> No.40407590
File: 34 KB, 234x300, 126163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a hentai protag LI? IN my otome game? its more likely then you thnk

>> No.40407769

what game

>> No.40408033
File: 1.73 MB, 1282x747, wrong genre buddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That other primula game that isn't Taisho Alice has a generic isekai LN protagonist as the true route.
As far I could tell the joke was guy in a planet of the apes (cats) situation thinks he's in a narou-kei isekai situation but I think there might have been more to it than that.
I had been told it gets really boring with palace intrigue drama later on which sapped my interest and I never got that far in, but one day I'll finish it to find out what was going on there. I know I could look up spoilers but I'm too autistic.

>> No.40408820


>> No.40409928

Holy shit. Any guesses on how long this will take?

>> No.40409982

It will at least be out before Slow Damage.

>> No.40409996


>> No.40410696
File: 1.33 MB, 1200x849, 1598740466028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon; I saved it. Has it really been two years?

>> No.40411008


>> No.40411338

This. I don't even google, I just ask how they routes end here. I already avoided Adam's ending

>> No.40411389

One of the otome translators boasted about changing the lines into more appropriate ones that would be more relatable to American audience on her twitter. At least MTL cucks will get their canon sexual harassment and cages instead of fanfiction by a twitter retard

>> No.40411496

That was about mobile games, which if you're playing it's already too late

>> No.40413634

Still a bit disappointing best boy was a filler route but it was still a good game. Enjoy, EOPs.

>> No.40413747
File: 316 KB, 835x1060, adolphe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hugo has fucked women before and now wants to fuck his bff Yves. If anything, westerners would be rejoiced to have a bi represent in otome games. It's based Adolphe who will anger roasties because he's the only one who doesn't suck up to the heroine on their first meeting and he once blamed her for what's happened to him because he's also depressed and suicidal. There's already 2 reviews from westerners seething at him about it

>> No.40413811

Adolphe's was about the only believable romance in virche.
He was a such a good boi despite how boring he looks and acts at first glance.

>> No.40413818

What game? And what boy?

>> No.40413975
File: 764 KB, 2048x1443, virche1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Adolphe enjoyer. His relationship with Ceres is cute due to their history together and how she easily opens up to him. He's also one of the few well-written characters in the game and his route being the most cathartic one (his bad ends were fantastic). The west is stuck boring main guys like Lupin and Dante so they wouldn't like Adolphe. They'd probably seethe about the age gap too because iirc he's actually 7 years older

>> No.40414035

The game makes me wonder how the fuck he faked being eternally 18 in the original timeline. 4 years is understandable, but a full 7 is pretty what the fuck.

>> No.40414037

What I like about Hugo, is his actual age. He literally lusts for a boy decades younger than him, my sides. While reading the ss, "you give me the wings to fly" was playing in my head kek.

>> No.40414057

How is Luca? I love cages and hirakawa.

>> No.40414065

Depressing as all shit, I liked him.
The whole cage shit isn't too long or just because he goes yandere or anything.

>> No.40414087

Is the /trash/ yumejoshi thread dead? Here porn isn't allowed. If OP is here, they were holy based. I loved all the recs.

>> No.40414102

Okay I will play your game, I love miserable ones better

>> No.40414103 [SPOILER] 
File: 835 KB, 1280x720, adolph1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He probably made an excuse that he's developed a lot earlier than other kids out there. Iirc the game says he's 13 here when he's supposed to be 18 after the age reveal.

>> No.40414118

If you want an actual yandere you’ll be disappointed, he keeps her in the cage because he’s a brainwashed underling to one of the villains. Also be warned, his ‘good’ end is double suicide.

>> No.40414122

That's the thing, I can buy a 13 year old looking like a 17 year old one, that's ok, but this would have a 15 year old looking like a 22 year old one because people died at 18 before.

>> No.40414126
File: 37 KB, 473x267, shia01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, but I like this gramps age wise better. He wants to breed her too.

>> No.40414139

>like his design
>like hosoya
>he flip flops between being absolute garbage or a walking infodump (this is his more entertaining version)
Hated his route, boring as shit.

>> No.40414141

Same anon, my mistake as it’s actually murder-suicide, since Ceres kills him and then herself. You get a nice POV shot of slashing his throat open.

>> No.40414144

>double sudoku for BE
I will definitely play it, holy based

>> No.40414152

The game is an utsuge through and through, otomate had balls for once and committed to the game, what with the enforced bad ends in every single route, including the true end and having to finish the game just to see the good ones.

>> No.40414162

Thanks. Look at that fat slut.

>> No.40414182

Oh you're right I completely forgot that people die at 18 in the og timeline. He probably lied about his age too but making it a few years younger and people just went on with it since majority of them lost their sense of time because of the reliver shit. He's mostly stuck as Scien's lab rat by the time Ceres offs herself anyway

>> No.40414188

>by the time Ceres offs herself anyway
Doesn't he find her and despair super hard at it? It was the beginning of the actual game instead of the fakeout that happens in the main game iirc.

>> No.40414192

As an autist who must play all the bad ones first and keep the good ones for the last taste, I really appreciate that move. It needs balls indeed. Overall, sounds very based, thanks for the info anon!

>> No.40414243

He does, yeah. Then it's found out that he's got a normal lifespan and was taken in Scien's laboratory as a test subject then eventually found a way to time travel

>> No.40414731

wtf dropped. Good end means good. Not this edgy aot titan shit wtf. Howd the devs like it if i went to their home and killed their family and said it was a good end?

>> No.40415746

Talking of utsuge, looks like gayoushi is working on the majo sequel again.

>> No.40417487

>barely any romance until the end of the game
it's kusoge

>> No.40417741
File: 201 KB, 480x272, tumblr_inline_p7my2agHLT1qe3p3k_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post and the other anons scared me

>> No.40418636

I'd rather cuck him by fucking his dad.

>> No.40420226

Indeed. He's hotter.

>> No.40422223
File: 402 KB, 500x291, 1405848538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait. Imagine being one of the people who've been waiting for it for 5+ years...

>> No.40426428

Appearance wise, what do you like in a LI? Bl/otome doesn't matter.
For me, it's glasses or long hair.

>> No.40426582

I prefer simpler character designs over really busy ones. I don't have a specific perefence for hair length, but no rat tails. Rat tails are a plague on this genre. Long hair should be long and short hair should be short.

>> No.40426753
File: 391 KB, 1332x850, art-yone-kazuki-kamigami-no-asobi-visual-novel-thoth-caduc-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rat tails
Rei from SD came to my mind kek, he looked good with the hair down tho.
And this one I should hate it, but he was so hot haha.

>> No.40426837
File: 484 KB, 2048x1536, hhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone feel like it's weird how big it got in the last few years? I wouldn't be surprised if it got an anime at this point

>> No.40426884

Unironically Minakami. I love kappa hair, love gakurans, love black hair, love kitsuneme. I was so surprised because based on appearances I thought Kawase was main boy.

>> No.40428155

I love redheads/red color-coded guys.

>> No.40428283

Long hair and other "feminine" traits, coupled with a body that's slightly muscular, neither a stick or a macho man. Weird eyes are a bonus. And for the clothing, robes (like the kind mages wear) and military uniforms are cute.

>> No.40428385

A surprise to be sure but a welcome one. It has popular taisho aesthetics, good characters and story and some kind of special wacky charm of an indie work.

>> No.40428708

Who are these sluts

>> No.40428744

i hate gay

>> No.40428955

Post the archive link, I want some recs too.

>> No.40429054

lurk moar

>> No.40430192
File: 356 KB, 1280x720, 2022070310323700-8A98CAA575559E89D210A278D7F0D111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shaggy or long hair
Dead inside look
Or just chocogods with longish hair.

>> No.40430224


>> No.40430300

Yeah boys should be mine.

>> No.40430377

All LIs exist to please other men

>> No.40430629

Hugo likes this.

>> No.40430819


>> No.40433503

A hunk with otter body.

>> No.40434803

/h/ not /trash/, still alive and kicking

>> No.40435324
File: 16 KB, 256x256, 127378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40435411

Uh brosister, that's a lesbian

>> No.40435457

I hate this shitty meme. Meiyou is pure.

>> No.40436137

and he would remain pure if you didn't tell him that he could become ANYTHING.

>> No.40436398

But he is a male love interest..

>> No.40436538

>love interest
Yeah about that... there are like two love interests in the game, and that's pushing it.

>> No.40437456
File: 55 KB, 840x749, anime-girl-confused-1192413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has a dick
>not male
Does he shape-shift or smth?

>> No.40437892

who is this

>> No.40438270

how popular is it?

>> No.40438498
File: 1.64 MB, 1920x1080, mc is delusional and theres nips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sisters, with all the N+C related talk last thread I realized the only vn I hadn't read from them ((outside of SD (I'm a dekinai sumimasen, will wait for that tl even if it takes another year)) was SP. While I'm aware and expecting bloody butt babies later on, I'll give my first impression on the boys: Tenya is a fucking weirdo. Makoto seems like a nice lad. I'm interested in mysterious Tetsuo. Holy fuck Yusa Koji is in this and the menu/config/display is so outdated by today standards. But sasuga I sense nostalgia for this kind of shit.
Thanks for listening to my TED talk I'll keep you posted foR more BLOG posting.

>> No.40438541

I hope you got the version with porn because the censored variant without it unironically doesn't make any sense.

>> No.40438557

good, sweet pool was my second N+C game after dmmd and it blew my BL newbie mind. i like horror and tragedy so i gravitated to N+C since most manga had happy ends and junjou romantics/sekai ichi hatsukoi was popular then. sweet pool scratched my bad end itch better than dmmd since even the good end was bitter sweet since youji was destined to die

>> No.40439464
File: 2.23 MB, 4923x2832, Thoth.Caduceus.full.1656254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamigami is kuso but Broccoli should've continued making mythology otome with Kazuki Yone
That said, demihuman designs in these genres tend to be tame and even the human parts are ugly, like those Cafe Enchante uggos

>> No.40439775

What's Quincy character archetype? It's not Quite tsundere but something similar?

>> No.40440428

A kuudere with a strong emphasis on the kuu and lacking a bit on social skills. Makes sense since he'd rather avoid the villagers in Wood Territory because they fear him. He'd rather just sleep instead and keep socializing to a bare minimum. His R intimacy room scenes come to mind since he's genuinely baffled that Topper got angry with him when he left for a dangerous mission and didn't know how to comfort him. Eiden had to point that out to Quincy.

>> No.40440557

Shit thread

>> No.40440595

not enough madarame posting for that

>> No.40440672
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2022 am I forgotten

>> No.40440690 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 510x680, FR8AK3bVgAAX-r3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manga that is keep going
>Switch ports
>Multiple collaborations
>Keep ranking in BL poll

Overall quite decent for a doujin game by a single woman in 2016

>> No.40440699
File: 64 KB, 510x680, FR8AK3bVgAAX-r3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Manga that is currently ongoing
>Switch port
>Multiple collaborations
>Keep ranking in BL polls

Overall quite decent for a doujin game by a single woman in 2016

>> No.40440749

Did you miss the time /blog/ was /hashihime general/ for months?

>> No.40440906

I can't into romance. Give me any game that is gay but has zero romance.

>> No.40440916

parade's games..?

>> No.40440933

Don't ask me, I don't know them. But I'm willing to try.

>> No.40441065


>> No.40441137


>> No.40441193
File: 212 KB, 600x450, 1629438028839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one

>> No.40441197

Is Lkyt like that too?

>> No.40441231

Your diary

>> No.40441233

>No Sexual Content
Huh. What is it then, if not romance?

>> No.40441334


>> No.40442094

It's just sexual tension between closet faggots

>> No.40442136


>> No.40442148

He's definitely a bit tsun though, even accounting for his shitty social skills.

>> No.40442450

>She doesn't know

>> No.40445621 [DELETED] 

Faggot thread

>> No.40447091

How come fujos get all the good yanderes? It's not fair

>> No.40448315

Vanilla routes make me so bored now. I can't finish the route unless there's a cage (real)

>> No.40449467

listen to situation CDs

>> No.40449551 [DELETED] 

Nigger thread

>> No.40449804

Faggot thread

>> No.40454833


>> No.40454863
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, tesuo-sensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda weird Youji leaves his "babies" on the floor and they're free to move around until they eventually dry up and die. How the fuck can they move so much, even to climb up the table all the way into the aquarium? It's been a couple hours (of reading) since the last "birthing" so I'm thinking it's seasonal thing and he's not going to be shitting blood everyday. I'm quite intrigued by the plot thus far. What are these bloody masses? Did Youji contract it from Zenya somehow? According to Kitani, the eye-licking trial/ritual has been performed a handful of times, assuming over the course of a couple years so Zenya must have been the first to contract it (or maybe he was born with it). How much does Tetsuo know? Dude says there's "something in here", fuggs you then watches the blood, cell mass and semen drip off with NO REACTION. Fuck. He only tingles my frustration due to the lack of words coming out of his mouth to explain the shit he's doing. None of his actions are explained. Fuck you mystery man.
I think I've entered his route now? Since I'm not checking a guide or anything I don't know how far in this is - just going along with my REASON or INSTINCT - also what are this choices? I'd see Reason as the choice to give a calmer, rational reaction or decision and yet, sometimes it's the opposite of what's intended.

As for the other guys...Makoto's stalkerish behavior and "WHY IS IT NOT MEEEEE?" thing is giving me bad vibes.Tenya is still a fucking weirdo. I suspected Sensei to be involved somehow, his last interaction with Zenya proved he's knowledgeable and that they're both MALES? So assuming there's males and females in this bloody baby business, it's regardless of the hosts' gender. The individuals hosting the male blob will want to mate with an individual hosting the female blob - and vice-versa since Youji gets in heat it might signify the female blob inside wants to be fertilized. Eh, I'll stop theory crafting and return to reading.

Of course. Why would anyone play a lesser version? Unlucky if a console port is your only choice I guess.

We're all destined to die, sis.

>> No.40454987

anon... you can do better than that

>> No.40455215


>> No.40455315

I'm actually curious too — I use a plugin that allows streaming Vita's screen to PC and OCR it all (same thing I do with mobage) to manage, but man is it a hassle, especially when it proceeds to cuck me over and not recognize/misrecognize some stuff.

>> No.40455615

yeah I saw the name dropped I just didn't pay attention. thanks sis

>> No.40455788
File: 105 KB, 900x506, tokyo24ku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like Nakajou Rosa is having a good day today.

>> No.40455893

>Makoto spoiler
Oh boy, you're in for it.

>> No.40455939

It always bothered me how wide everyone is in sweet pool, so I haven't played it to this day.

>> No.40456580

>not liking wide backs
Not based

>> No.40459459

Honestly same but after playing SD I got over it and went back to it.

>> No.40461515

Slow Damage has one of the worst demos of all time. What the fuck were they thinking.

>> No.40461708


>> No.40461829

The story is plain fucking dumb. Imagine your first impression of the game being characters arguing for 15 minutes whether vampires are real or not like it's some B horror movie. Meanwhile the investigation segment feels completely disjointed and banally boring, you are having borderline nonsense small talk with characters you know nothing about. The demo makes the game look much worse than it really is, it actively tries its damnest to turn you off. Only the excerpts from the four routes at the very end shows you that maybe it won't be so clinically dumb after all. If you last that long.

Hiding the demo chapter until you are actually invested in the story was the single best decision n+c made with the full game.

>> No.40462244

Why do I feel like the Cage remake will be vaporware? I don't think there's any evidence pointing towards this but every time I go check up on it my instinct tells me it will never come out.

>> No.40462619
File: 1.41 MB, 2341x3500, a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these three. Limited edition is worth it just for this and Adolphe & Yves' short stories.

>> No.40462666

they aged up the kichiku shota dom so it's already dead to me

>> No.40464512

>best boys
>don't get shafted and get best routes
>this includes ankou
Rare occurrence.

>> No.40465870

Sometimes you find interesting vaporware looking through unreleased games on vndb, like
Which is one of those pure girl and bad girl double protagonist otome games except the true route is a romance between them. Seeing that the site is from 2013 I assumed it had been long abandoned but nope the dev is still chipping at it it seems. Ganbare I guess.
I can't find it now but I remember when I found this site for a R18 doujin otome game which was an eroguro-ish thing about a girl who becomes a prostitute in the taisho or meiji era, I remember the art being pretty nice, and of course it had been last updated years ago with a message from that it had been put on hold indefinitely.

>> No.40466229
File: 398 KB, 2048x1207, CkEjR_eUUAEji93.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The vaporware that hurts me the most
The aromarie one too, but at least that one has a novel

>> No.40466401
File: 420 KB, 682x597, harahi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I found the site.
It's not as hopeless as I thought, since the message about production being on hold was only from last year. But I won't keep my hopes up.

>> No.40466826

Hotter but not better, Luca all the day.

>> No.40466910

That premisse reminds me of Joubachi, except no monkey fucking bees and Kaguya is not bad, Menou's attendant and the queen are the shit ones.

Hope it comes out out of dev hell someday

>> No.40467860

absolutely patrician

>> No.40468196

makes me wonder how many cool doujin games exist that are only ever sold as physical copies at events?

>> No.40469285
File: 70 KB, 409x409, 080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly new to otome but read a lot of boylove. I think my favorite is boku girl and killing stalking for manga. Is there a holy grail of otome I should start with? Or like a killing stalking equivalent?

>> No.40469425

Majo no Shokeibi is a good place to start

>> No.40469508

It's a good one, shame it's so short and it goes from rape to him being a slut in one track. This stuff needs to be more gradual.

>> No.40469838
File: 34 KB, 251x281, 127808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Frederic guy in the Bakarina game does not have a route right? Typical of me finding the npc hotter than the actual love interests

>> No.40470160

I occasionally find MC to be hotter than love interest, and in some otome female charachers are unironically drawn prettier, not really sure what they are thinking sometimes.

>> No.40470219

Reminds me of a complaint I had with the otome cd 先生!何とかしてください! -ツンデレ秘書の私をなじって-. It was never rape (MC just sort of manipulates him into doing lewd things when he's drunk if I remember right) but he's only tsundere in the first track or so and becomes your devoted dog immediately. He is very cute though.

>> No.40470759
File: 57 KB, 555x789, h53m70jm2qf61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was zzzzzz, I liked this nutjobs route ironically tho
>voiced by kamiya
>split personality
>trying to grope heroine in every chance given
>was the only one who dicked heroine in the end

>> No.40470840


Sisters rejet will never love us

>> No.40471546

>killing stalking equivalent
Kankinkon? Except it's mostly porn.

>> No.40473765

Killing stalking equivalent in what way? Psycho love interests, shit endings the said schizos sort of deserved or schizos?
If you want a schizo lead you should play Shinigami to Shoujo or Taisho Alice. There's no abuse or murders though

>> No.40473859

Can you run moshikami on vita3k?

>> No.40474340
File: 322 KB, 1280x720, 2022070921410200-8A98CAA575559E89D210A278D7F0D111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty hot desu

>> No.40474655

Tomomori is a cool guy. His actual route is pretty 純愛 though so if you want a real yandere you'll be disappointed. I thought it was very sweet how he came to care for Shana for real, YMMV.

>> No.40475108

Birushana really made Yoritomo NBR? Cowards.

>> No.40475318

My dream incest cage..I hope he tries to do this again in every other route though

>> No.40478255

god, no wonder they wanna fuck tamamori so much

>> No.40479373
File: 289 KB, 650x637, otomechink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate otomechink.
>I hate their gatekeepers.
>I hate their tranny mods.
>I hate how they ask for a reason to join when they will only accept chinks and ignore you if you're a filthy gaijin.
>I hate secretM aka secre7 for infiltrating LiveJournal and tried to do the same on PBworks 12+ years ago She had to rename her account after had been caught, but she isn't very creative.
>I hate how she used to sell tokuten on LiveJournal after have had fapped to them to get western yume's identities there I bet you didn't know this.
>I hate how she also told leonnadesico about non-chinks sharing otome goodies on LiveJournal to start the mass-ban. Most of them were self-ripped/bought and never taken from otomechink.
>I hate PBworks' retarded admins for starting a game of thrones between them and deleted all the links to download patrician goodies that nowadays are lost in the past. Retards. They should have let Durch Leiden Freude community live and spare everybody from their autism.
>I hate how otomechink bans gaijin after they have shared rare goodies from them.
>I hate how otomechink locks posts from based gaijin, and only leonnadesico and tranny mods can see them.
>I hate they ask for money and their gibbsmedat system when, once again, only leonnadesico and her dicksuckers can enjoy the complete FTP library if it actually exists.
>I hate otomechink clone sites like otome.cn and their dead shop for plebs ym5c.cn
>I hate continental commie chink yumes who lurk western sites to get stuff and gatekeep it on otomechink forever. And they love pretending it was always theirs.
>I hate how they ask for Zeny and level 20.
>I hate their chink file hostings that only work on their Orwellian shithole such as AliyunDrive and Weibo, among the most anal ones. Quark is bypassable, but it's slower than Baidu.
>I hate how most of their download links are dead and never re-upload anything.
>I hate the fucking codes they use to access their files and their fucking passwords with fucking pinyin.
>I hate how, most times, they give you a clue to infer the password instead the password itself.
>I hate how users almost never reply to drop another clue.
>I hate how that site still lives like a generational curse.
>I hate anything that slightly resembles otomechink.
>I hate how people keep joining otomechink while ignoring all these facts.
>I hate how "people" will defend and worship otomechink although all these facts are verifiable with any ex-LiveJournal user who fell into this forsaken, dead dumpster.
>I hate otomechink's half-assed facade of morality on sharing and being a good citizen in 1984 dystopia.
>I hate more things about this shitty site I don't remember right now.
There's no word to describe how much I hate otomechink and moralfaggots.

>> No.40479410

>Multiple collaborations

>> No.40479419

This is something I've long wondered. Anyone go to comiket and find a hidden gem?

>> No.40479608

Last time I tried the invitational code for drama233 was something like drama233, drama233.cc or maybe drama233.com? Sorry anon I feel your pain the best you can do is beg on a-s or on /blog/

>> No.40480178

I feel you anon, but I have no idea what to do about that sort of cancer

>> No.40480266

Tiebafags always make allusion to that forum as 'a strict site that only lets you download files if you have a very, very high level and a lot of points.' Simply put, I want to think OD is destined to die because even chinks themselves don't like it. I personally like it when Tiebafags leak their links out of spite.

>> No.40480955

The VN kind? Those don't really get uploaded to my knowledge. You can try keeping an eye on comiket.

>> No.40481919

They don't accept foreigners, at least if you don't pay? Funny that Rejet blames eop gaijins for their poorfaggotry, when it was the Chinese who both stole their game and had to cancel it and just otomedreams mere existence. But even if you do join, you still have to buy points, suck their dicks and share stuff. I wish a-s shared tokuten. The nsfw at least, bilibili leaks everything as long as it's not porn. Even on damned /y/ they have a sekrid place where anons share their goodies, I wonder why /blog/ doesn't have one.

It's dead anon, along with airvalky.

>> No.40482425

wait fuck what happened to airvalky

>> No.40482612

Doesn't accept new members and most links are dead, or so I heard from other members. I did try to make an account but I never got that confirmation email.

>> No.40483002

There is an otome audio drama group on the nazi vodka facebook (VK) but the mod is a tumblr user so she went a full anti-piracy moralfag and stopped uploading shit. However if you are looking for older released of SFW otome stuff it should still be there.
I'm fairly sure there are some secret groups too but I have no idea how to use that shithole of a site.

>> No.40483243

I thought vk is a pedo site

>> No.40483925

Let's just make something just for sharing stuff and tokuten.

>> No.40483967

can’t ppl just upload stuff to anime sharing?

>> No.40484119

Some might not want to share to large groups I guess and we could also share scans of manga, magazines or short stories there. I have some light novels to share for example.

>> No.40484807

next best thing would be making some dreamwidth, not a lot of traffic there but still public enough without becoming some sekrit club

>> No.40484837

So, in conclusion, Otomechink has ruined two generations of otomefags, being the first one the most affected because they had a gold mine of rarities. And to think that I only whined that they never approved my goddamn application...

>> No.40484904

Nu Carn fags did that to avoid getting their stuff deleted yeah

>> No.40486572 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.91 MB, 1920x1080, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got my first ending yesterday, after a setback from landing on a certain box-cutter ending >>40455893 did he really eat his BONES too? Holy fuck. I've got no name of this yet so I'll say it's Tesuo route with both dead and Kitani gets some answers from Kamiya. What a trip. I've got some issues with it this route: Firstly Tetsuo himself - the "I only went for you because you're a FEMALE" is kinda disappointed, yet due to the high compatibility with his Inner Being, being a perfect male and whatnot, being born with it, that's what he always knew and following that PRIMAL ANIMAL INSTINCT is understandable. He did say he didn't know if it THAT was the only reason now, but it wasn't very convincing. I liked him overall.
Even Makoto had a more pure reason to like Youji - wanting to be friends even before he started to smell delicious. ALSO the scene in the hospital where they talked and worked things out was so.... unexpected? (Besides hitting close to home.) Is this a common scene? Actually taking a time out to talk things out and reach an understanding - IN MY BL VNS? Honestly I was shocked and pleasantly surprised - the future was looking to be so positive for Youji... mending the relation with Makoto, being an uncle and having his nephew partly named after him, things going well with Tetsuo - it was SO nice, TOO NICE in fact. There cannot be HAPPY ENDINGS we gotta crash this party somehow, queue in Kamiya dropping hints. (Also thank you for proving my theory right on the Host's gender being unimportant.)

On the book: Actual infodump. One thing I didn't quite understand was the difference between Markmeat and Fleshseed. Excreting Markmeat marks you as a Female - would that be the closest thing to menstruation? (I know it's not really the same biological function but closest thing in terms of signaling? idk) Fleshseeds are breeding material - while a Purebreed's Fleshseed can be ingested to make a new host, a Female can mate with Humans to make hosts AND those hosts NEED to be chosen to not reject the Residuals? UGH
The biggest problem I have with this Host - Inner Being relationship it the fact they call it "Symbiotic". When it comes to Male hosts, yes Regeneration for survival. Is it mutually beneficial? Yes! For Female hosts though? ...... They don't get any regeneration, secreting the meat lumps (either Marksmeat or Fleshseeds) causes them pain. What exactly is the benefit for them???

On the Inner Beings: Besides the above, the God connection is a bit wonky. They were rejected human form and degraded to mere flesh lumps by GOD? Your mixing all this biological talk with theological talk - I would prefer if they were just alien beings, keeping the struggle for survival.
What is the point in helping these creatures? Pity? You're turning humans into slaves of their animal instincts. Breeding. Survival. Thought we'd be past this (poorer, less developed regions besides). They've failed as a species and they're parasites. Why is there such a big organization protecting them? What's the benefit? If you're not suited for a host then ingestion is lethal - do you want to use Fleshseeds as a bioweapon of sorts?

On the route itself: What the fuck were you thinking going back to Youji's place. Makoto warned Youji that Tenya's driver was around, Kitani knew that place,of course going to give chase, he had NOTHING to lose anymore. If they went by to change off the bloody clothes quickly then I'd accept it. However they got naked and were about to fuck when Kitani walked in. Fuck this is too dumb, please just end it.
Zenya's scene hit me the hardest. I was sobbing at this part at picture related. Yes, he was a weirdo, a nuisance, childish, begging for attention. He was also doomed and in constant pain by not being fully compatible with his Inner Being. If the "fed by his father" story is true then is father deserved the stabbing. Zenya's face, his smile while looking at his "child" - even a failure like him was able to give birth. Holding his own guts out, he was so proud, "do you want to hold it, Kitani?" FUCK THIS SUCKS.

I've typed too much. Kristi best girl.

>> No.40490796
File: 242 KB, 878x900, chinkdream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That used to be a site that offered CDs straightforwardly between 2017-2018. Joining the forum was easy, and they gave you enough points to get 1 or 2 CDs from their library. If you needed more points, you had to buy them. With real money. That site continued to offer CDs until the admin got mad because users created more than one account and made everything by invitation only. I have no idea if the admin really sends the invitation code to the ones who request them. Now you find spam from their site on somewhat disreputable blogs (hiotk, fangguoliang, cryiegheloe, dramacdbl, wfdsa, etc), and with the download links completely dead. The admin has no intention of uploading anything either. Maybe, this person's intention is to provide links just once and let them die if no one picks them, perhaps, to avoid the DMCA boogyman.
Yes, they often do, but only if the fandom to which the leaked goodie belongs is active enough. For example, if you check certain subforums (金色之弦 or 魔鬼戀人, for example), you'll find leaked links or re-uploaded things to other file hostings. They saved the complete Corda collection from eternal gatekeeping.
They accept gaijin if they make a "donation" AFTER having had their reason to join approved. Paying the 100RMB lennonadesico asks for raising their levels doesn't guarantee that she will welcome them. And she won't refund anything if they deposit directly into her bank account. And it also seems that gaijins' stay on the forum is limited to how well the moderation likes them. Mods trace every single member before approving their reason to join. No matter how strong and valid their reasons are, they won't accept anyone from certain ISPs because they reached a certain point beyond paranoia that makes them think some ISPs are associated with the same members they banned in 2010/2011.
If accepted, a high percentage (almost all) of the threads made by foreigners end up being locked with their download links only visible to the moderators and the admin. Even worse, some gaijin share their self-bought items and get banned for a stupid reason (like posting more than 3 times a day, not posting with certain regularity during the week, or because their post is shorter than 30 characters), their posts get locked forever, and mods re-share their goodies on the forum to later claim it's theirs. And this is very funny... secretM got Kiniro no Corda for PC from an LJ user, and anyone can find the old thread on otomechink in which she claims she ripped the CDs. The poor retard never got to run the game, and all the users who spent Zeny on her shitty thread went apeshit because she couldn't give a solution. She only said she was able to play it, but she never showed any screencap to prove it. She basically repeated exactly the same instructions given by the original LJ poster.
The western community had tokuten that are unfindable since it disappeared. Almost all its members bought limited bonuses and selflessly shared them with other members. Some of them had their own mini-stores on LJ. Some of them still sell good merch, and give it for granted that they keep sharing goodies somewhere like anonymous heroes.

>> No.40491980
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1488143300207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The poor retard never got to run the game, and all the users who spent Zeny on her shitty thread went apeshit because she couldn't give a solution.
the absolute state

>> No.40494091

So much drama.

>> No.40494568
File: 917 KB, 850x1200, love_collection-1546790136402219008-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small otome doujin event in 5 days! https://twitter.com/love_collection
Rec proxy/forwarding from /a/ https://buyfags.moe/Proxy_and_forwarding_services

Anyone have any recommended scanning services?
>Densyoka is on break/dead
>スキャンピー which I've only used for novels is simple but requires nip. First time I used it I got delayed by PayPal forcing me to submit identifying documents as a requirement to pay for international invoice. They are old-fashioned and require you to use email
>doujinshiscans is in English but requires you to use them as a proxy to purchase dj with shitty fees as well as extra fees on the scanning service

>> No.40494731

Why are otomefans that retarded? Haven't seen anything similar to bl fandoms happening, aarins only rule was nuking everything that got licensed (bl manga scanlations drama autism not included).
If it wasn't for oldfags nobody could even dream of playing tokimemo or togainu no chi back then. Not to mention listening to Ishida Akiras blcds.
Anyways, who can make a dreamwidth? We can post our stuff there, and have a pasteboard or something for requests, so we wouldn't fuck /blog/ with requests.
I still remember 10 years ago the kind anons who shared their coolb mags or ripped their psp games. Hell, I could only dream of a psp game back then, now you can even play it on your phone and pc, can even hook the text with textractor.

>> No.40494919

>I still remember 10 years ago the kind anons who shared their coolb mags or ripped their psp games. Hell, I could only dream of a psp game back then, now you can even play it on your phone and pc, can even hook the text with textractor.
Please I'm gonna cry.

>> No.40495098

Cry more

>> No.40495163

need ojisan to bully

>> No.40495276

they are trying to make us gay to control the population

>> No.40495898

>who can make a dreamwidth? We can post our stuff there
It sounds nice, but hardly anyone would be encouraged to share things here, if you know what I mean.... This group is not very... Ehhh... loved by certain insiders? The loud rabid coping of October 2019 is still heard in the archives. Abandon all hope.

>> No.40496083

Yes, so much drama cds to be listened.

>> No.40496564

Looks like the new takuyo game has bad routes like Sweet Clown did. The art is still ugly though.

>> No.40497600

NTA but what happened?

>> No.40497601

Their last himehibi had them too.
But the game was garbage and the bad ends way too over the top for such a silly setting.

>> No.40500520

I don't know if anons remember, but a few months ago, I posted here about having recordings of Chou no Doku English mobage port, and thinking of making an English patch for the PC R18 game.
Tried that forum you recommended, but had no luck finding help. Someone did rip the games scripts and taught me how I can patch them though. We did try to release a trial to attract people into helping, but real life and let's be real, can't advertise it to any otome related groups, since don't own the translation and other moralfaggotry reasons. Just want to do something similar to what that Hnk4 chad did. It's too much work for us though, just two people. Oh also, someone else did try to help us and put the translation on Visual Novel Reader, but it's no longer working, apparently.

Would anons be interested? I thought of posting slowly the recordings here (about half TB, need to be sent to me, I have to edit them as well), along with the original Japanese script. Everyone giving a hand, copy pasting proofreading, moving to the next part...it could work! It's better that way too, it will remain anonymous. Anyways, if anons are interested and got free time, I will post more details about it, what's needed etc. and start.

>> No.40503447
File: 788 KB, 1462x3421, 1657664207570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40505081
File: 268 KB, 1200x675, FXisAnBakAAUE93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they're announcing VAs already. It couldn't possibly be vaporware...

>> No.40507442

I finally started Patient S. The sex BGM in Madalabo games nourishes my soul.

>> No.40508094
File: 26 KB, 321x600, Anubis.Ma'at.600.3416214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your bf for tonight

>> No.40508096

Wasn't the translation notoriously awful? In any case I'm too much of brainlet to be of any help, sorry.

>> No.40510323

Ironically it is not bad, the translator did a pretty good job. The gacha system was shit and the fact that they removed the VA. I'd change some expressions and translate them differently though, but overall it's decent.

>> No.40510685

>the game was garbage
I read this as garba-ge for a second… I’ve been spending too much time on VN threads…

>> No.40510723

Long shot but is the half brother in Kenka Banchou Otome actually blood related?

>> No.40510772

It's a little known fact but yes, I actually fucked both Ho-oh's mother and MC's. You're welcome.

>> No.40510869

But really though

>> No.40515094

Why? It isn't BL.

>> No.40516346

I would love to help desu, it's my fav otome but no time at all ;_; Good luck!
Iirc the translation was indeed decent, I played it back then.

>> No.40518068
File: 356 KB, 700x525, Hikami.Itaru.full.1551561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's summer here, I will be replaying tokimemo 2. Deep down I love him more than Waka.

>> No.40520110

Show me a BL game with incest that doesn't exist in your mind only

>> No.40520876

Koibito yuugi I think?

>> No.40522049

As anon said >>40520876
It's full 100% incest and the niichan is a deranged schizo. In the bad ending in particular, he mindbreaks his otouto so badly, he can no longer talk, think or walk. Only thing he does, is open his mouth or legs for his niichans dick. I had a lot of fun with koibitos bad endings.

>> No.40522118

>and the niichan is a deranged schizo.
It's koibito yuugi, the kindest character is a deranged rapist.

>> No.40522251

Kek that's true, from what I remember the LIs were
>osananajimi who moaned very loudly as both seme and uke (hirarin) -his slut ending the best
>the model rapist -revenge rape ending was the best
>sportsfag rapist (from the "tamest")
>meganefag rapist (based, his oneesans too)
And the yakuza guys had some bad endings. The okama was kek, the other one was a male Aimee. I listened to his dramacd too, and understood why he hated homos that much to go to such extreme lengths. Yusa kouji based.

>> No.40525056

Oh. I didn’t expect that. I avoided it because of the art. Old BL games are really something.

>> No.40526163

It's definitely worth a play because of how batshit schizo it can get.

>> No.40530670

Yeah. It's also intriguing how far they went with the incest in this BL game. Otome games seem content with just pseudoincest using nbr family members.

>> No.40531124

Patient S was wholly delightful despite it's faults, just like Hadaka. Togo Mito is a gentleman and a scholar and I wish I had but a fraction of his power. Shibusawa best boy.

>> No.40534378

Picked up.

>> No.40535089

I would

>> No.40535934

why is this thread so empty. can't women do what men do in their dead content generals and schizo/funpost

>> No.40535984

I mean I could start but I usually wait until after the bump limit to be polite...

>> No.40536249

I wonder if the DHCPfag got tired of talking with tulpas and finally jumped off a cliff.

>> No.40536674

I'm still here

>> No.40536708

If you were that fag, the IP count would have increased x5 already.

>> No.40536724

I'm on new internet now

>> No.40537420

>Hire Kaji to make barking noises for the majority of the game

What were they thinking

>> No.40538233 [DELETED] 

Good bye, troons.

>> No.40538474

I'm still sad how I like his April Fool's joke game with a sadist MC ojousama and how it'll never happen. He really had me at the butler bullying.

>> No.40540475
File: 222 KB, 1733x974, reine des fleurs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, now that I finished one route I can actually understand why people complained about this game writing wise.
It was all going pretty well and then everyone decides the way to go was murdering the other love interests and destroying the whole world and everyone living in it so the mc and her love interest can fulfill their love. And this is supposed to be a good thing you want to root for, especially considering you murder them by your own hand and see the world get slowly destroyed bit by bit, but i guess you don't hear the millions of screams so it's ok
It's not that I didn't like it, but the execution itself needed far more guilt tripping.
The bad end is somehow LESS fucked up actually happier for most than the good end.

>> No.40541827

actually sounds pretty hot, but i should play it myself in case the execution ruins it

>> No.40543517 [DELETED] 


>> No.40544201

>murdering the other love interests and destroying the whole world and everyone living in it so the mc and her love interest can fulfill their love
>you murder them by your own hand and see the world get slowly destroyed bit by bit

Somehow based

>> No.40546129

See you in page 10

>> No.40546862

I'm after an otome game with a good otouto route. NBR is fine.

>> No.40547008

It really is a problem with the execution.
The main theme of the game is "what are you willing to sacrifice for the sake of love", but Leon's route simply lacked most of the gravitas that should be attached to said theme and had some pretty awful mood swings, it's a decent route UNTIL you get to the final chapter then it shits the bed through some extremely questionable morality choices you will only ever find in a japanese game.
For reference, I went on and did Ghislain's route, which was a FAR better display of this even if it's pretty light on romance. It was actually pretty fucking good and handled with the actual weight this should be done.
There was a problem with Violet (the MC) too, where she comes off as a more naive, clueless idiot in Leon's whereas she grows a spine and a couple of pairs of balls in this one, which was a pretty good result all in all.

>> No.40547665

>extremely questionable morality choices you will only ever find in a japanese game
Not seeing the issue here.

>> No.40547716

The retarded amount of people who end up dying because of it.

>> No.40547760

Just play it, you only have to suffer through a kuso minigame for all the bad endings

>> No.40547986

A genocide route in an otome game? Picked u-
>MC is a naive, clueless idiot in that route
Fug. Why does this remind me of Steam Prison and Ozmafia? Who wrote this game anyway?

>> No.40548091

It's less genocide and more
>everyone agrees with dying and letting the world end, and it does
and since it's magic you don't see deaths or anything.

>> No.40548259

>everyone agrees with dying
Boo. That's no fun. The writer/s should've made the player care for the characters and the world enough so it would have a good impact when that decision point comes up. But I find it funny that the bad end is much better off than the happy end.

>> No.40553022

Birushana is boring as fuck

>> No.40553837
File: 147 KB, 800x800, 687466-piofiore-fated-memories-ps-vita-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for otome games to play on Nintendo Switch. I would prefer otome games for adults, but if you have something you really like, please let me know too!
I've been thinking of getting Piofiore game because its warnings and plot seem interesting to me. I also love yandere trope if that helps, but I would generally prefer to read something with NSFW scenes.
I also never played Code Realize franchise and have been looking at Collar x Malice, are they worth trying out?

>> No.40554564

I'm looking for a game that filters faggots and trannies hard. No trap routes accepted.

>> No.40555175

Can't believe they made an otome version of The Void.

>> No.40560252

Try olympia soiree? I enjoyed it. No true yandere, but it had an interesting plot/setting.

It's popular, but I got really bored halfway through. Something about the pacing threw me off.

>> No.40561194

Any with vampires.

>> No.40561803

These days? There are none.

>> No.40562138

Any with incest.

>> No.40562216

What was the last game that had crossdressers?

>> No.40562267

male or female?

>> No.40562293

Don't know. Don't play those lol

>> No.40564256

The one Ishida illustrated? Idk, it was shit anyways.

>> No.40565297

I want to play arcana lasagna but not on psp's abysmal resolution. vita3k says the remake is unplayable, is this true? Switch release when?

>> No.40565955

Your dad is shit

>> No.40566014

no u

>> No.40566962

there's been a couple trap games released recently but I dunno if they count. I mean, it's clearly very gay because it's a man fucking another man's ass, but the second man is voiced by and looks like a woman, so while it probably qualifies as BL under the literal definition of the thing I don't think it's what the people who like BL want.

>> No.40567119

It actually worked the last time I checked.

>> No.40568073

Does the Code Realize artist, Miko, have any social media presence at all? I loved the designs in that game and wanted to see more but I realized today that the artist basically has no body of work.

>> No.40569780

Thank you anon.
I didn't like BUSTAFELLOWS too much so I am worried if I wouldn't like CxM too. It felt like BUSTAFELLOWS didn't have much romance.

>> No.40574551

I haven't 100% CxM, but I did 2 routes (the tsundere and the guy who still works for the cops, I don't remember names right now) and they were pretty good on the romance/plot balance. I heard the true end was light on romance though

>> No.40575137

Proly. For the fist time in many threads, the IP count has barely increased in the bump limit in a row at certain key hours
I'm surprised I'm not the only one who ever noticed that.

>> No.40575489

>Nintendo Switch
>otome games for adults
I'm afraid all console games are R17, at most. Take the PCpill and start playing the ones with the kind of plot you're looking for and enjoy NSFW CGs.

>> No.40576431

Yeah I like femboys but I get why most fujoshi aren't into it.

>> No.40577020

I read a review for tokyo necro and when will nitro+chiral poach a writer from nitroplus to write a BL game with the same amount of autistic worldbuilding as their eroge for men

>> No.40577133

Is the chiral team completely separate? Their games always gave me the impression that half of the reason why they have such a different feel to them is because most of the guys working on them are nitroplus regulars and not technically primarily BL creators.

>> No.40577868

Femboys are moderately popular in fujo circles, the issue is that people who write them for some reason just tend to make a female character and slap a dick on them which is boring. An actual femboy instead of a boring coomer trap would be great.

>> No.40577967

since chiral is a branch of nitroplus they definitely have some staff crossover to maintain the same aesthetic, like urobuchi supervising sweet pool and parade using clock-up artists, but they've been using the same one writer since togainu no chi, she was a friend of chinatsu kurahana.

>> No.40578021

