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File: 11 KB, 400x400, reading glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4036370 No.4036370 [Reply] [Original]

Does everyone here wear glasses? What's your eyesight, /jp/?

>> No.4036374


>> No.4036376
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>> No.4036378

My eyesight is somewhere around VERY SHIT area. Give two years and I will need binoculars.

>> No.4036383

20/800. It gets worse with every year...

>> No.4036393 [DELETED] 

If you don't know, you can check with this website.


>> No.4036396

If you don't know your eyesight, you can check on this website.


>> No.4036400

2.75 on the left and 2.5 on the right

>> No.4036401

Had to get one this year after weeks of pain because the doc diagnosed me with (and suddenly) astigmatism.

>> No.4036403


>> No.4036405


>> No.4036408

I need them since my eyesight is getting worse every fucking day, but meh...

>> No.4036409

I sort of want glasses to look like Tohno, but Nanaya is cooler anyway.

>> No.4036414

sup dude I did the same because I was a complete hiki at that time. I will just tell you to get off your fat ass and get a date with the doc, this will save you from many problems. You don't want to have a year full of pain that makes it impossible to lurk with your 2D world for more than a hour a day.

>> No.4036417

Granny Glasses?

>> No.4036450

According to this site it's 20/200

>> No.4036467

I'm very nearsighted but I don't have glasses since they're too expensive and I never need to see far anyway. The only thing where it matters for me is that I have to sit right in front of TV to see subtitles but I very rarely watch TV anyway. And obviously I can't drive a car, not that I'd want to anyway.

>> No.4036490

Been wearing glasses since I turned 14. My Nearsightedness has been getting worse every year but it's nowhere near the nuisance it used to be before I started wearing glasses. I have no idea how bad my eyesight is exactly but I can't recognise people from twenty feet away without my glasses.

>> No.4036494 [DELETED] 

Get glasses because it will only become worse due to constant eye strain when you read, watch or sit on the monitor.
But whatever man. Here's someone who got through that and I bet you still won't listen to me.

>> No.4036502

Get glasses because it will only become worse due to constant eye strain when you read, watch or sit in front of the monitor.
But whatever man. Here's someone who got through that shit and I bet you still won't listen to me.

>> No.4036507

My eyesight was perfect a year ago, but I'm not sure anymore, I sometimes have trouble seeing some things at a distance nowadays.

I kinda wish I had an excuse to wear glasses sometimes, but I'm also a little afraid of acknowledging that I need them, for some reason.

>> No.4036513

My eyesight is fine, but sometimes when I'm standing my vision suddenly becomes all black, but goes back to normal when I tilt my head back. Maybe I should see a doctor...

>> No.4036531

Had glasses since I was four, and the the next 11 years after that my eyesight got worse every year then slowed down and finally came to a stop around age 16. No signs of recovery and I can't really see anything except blurry shapes without my glasses.

>> No.4036536

20/20, even under constant abuse. Hopefully, it will stay that way for a long time.

>> No.4036537

Same with you, it will get only worse. Brace for mindfucking headaches when you reach the point of no return.
In your case you don't even need to wear them 24/7 but just when you sit in front of the monitor or for reading. Don't be a jackass. Your eyes won't get suddenly better because you wish for it.

>> No.4036542

Get your tension checked.
Might end up dying someday

>> No.4036549

But there's no strain when reading normally. Just when trying to catch a detail across the room or something.

>> No.4036552

20/20 eyesight, but need to wear glasses after I had this childhood accident and I started seeing these weird lines everywhere.

>> No.4036573

Anyway after I had lost by glasses that I used for reading only on the bus and became a hiki I thought that I won't need them for the time being, so I was without them for two fucking years, up until the point of no return. I often had headaches and my face feeled kind of warm when sitting in front of the computer. Then I said to me, well take a break for a month and just read a book or something and this was when I had to see a doc because the strain was too much after some time.

>> No.4036577

-10 and -10.5.
True story. Thankfully it weakens minimally after my 18th birthday.

>> No.4036590

...I don't need to worry before I start feeling some strain, right?

>> No.4036606

20/20 in my right, blind in my left, so I wear glasses with hard plastic lenses in normal frames to protect my right eye from stuff that might fly into it.

>> No.4036607

20:20... used to be 20:5. At this rate, I'll probably be 10:20 in another 10 years.

>> No.4036616

i used to be farsighted
i'm nearsighted now

i only legally need glasses for driving

>> No.4036620

Wow, just how bad can eyesight get?

>> No.4036622

One eye is almost perfect, the other is considerably worse, not bad enough to wear glasses though

>> No.4036628

>felt warm

This happened when I bought myself a 32 LCD. The one who said he has trouble reading subtitles, you better get glasses.
The reason for that was that because of the LCD my eyes started to dry out due to the strain on them and you won't feel this on the eyes directly or at least it doesn't feel like it comes from the eyes. Headaches, more sensitive to lightning and stuff like that.

>> No.4036637

And here I thought I was blind. -7/-8. Though I wear contacts.

>> No.4036644
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You are blind. I can guarantee that.

>> No.4036658

Well it's usual to check your eyes on a yearly basis, not that I followed this advice. Just go through the procedure, the doc won't have the time to talk to you anyway.

>> No.4036663

I can barely see across a room without my glasses. Even with them, I don't see too well at distances more than the width of a room or so.

>> No.4036728

Harry Potter style glasses? Only elementary school kids use them and people who couldn't advance past the '70s.
I have those sometimes when I stand up too suddenly. Afaik it's normal, but you shouldn't have them when you are just standing. I'm 193 cm tall and I probably have a lower blood pressure than the normal.

I often see a little black point with my right eye. They say it's because of the strain, but I don't know. I see it sometimes when I'm at classes for days and my exposure to electric radiation is low. I guess everything can strain your eyes.
I use thinned glasses, though they don't do much and they're expensive as hell. The ones I use now for 2 years cost me about 350$ in current exchange rate. I don't use contacts, because I don't like them. They dry out your eyes and the effect multiplies when watching a monitor. Knowing myself I'd forgot to use those artifical teardrops or whatever you call them.

>> No.4036827
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Girls with glasses are moe~. They concentrate more on your soul because they can't detect your physical defects so well.

Also, what happened with the blind anon?

>> No.4036854

My eyesight is terrible. I've been wearing glasses since kindergarten.

>> No.4036870

I wanted glasses once because my vision was blurry as fuck, but I was told I don't need glasses because my pupils are too big and because they took in more light than normal they needed a lot of rest, or something. So I had to turn the brightness on my monitor down and shit, and it got a bit better.

The main reason I wanted glasses is because of that delicious cloth.

>> No.4036874

I've never really had any issues with that, unless I was wearing them for 16+ hours without taking them off once. And I don't even use the teardrops. Keeping them in that neutral solvent overnight makes them moist enough. Besides, you can squeeze out a tear if you need to, just look into a bright object or something if you can't do it yourself.

Also, sleeping with contacts on inevitably dries them out, but there's not really any point in doing that.

>> No.4036884

im the same as that anon, when i stand up after sitting or laying down for a while my vision fades black for like 3 seconds then fades back in...

>> No.4036938

-3.5 in my good eye. It didn't worse this year, hooray!

My bad eye is lazy and slightly farsighted. Unfortunately it can't be corrected.

>> No.4036949


It is not anything to be worried about

>> No.4036967

20/20 OD and OL, 20/15 OU

>> No.4036972
File: 349 KB, 766x1000, IMG_000942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My eyes are in good condition. 20/20 I expect. Nowadays I don't focus them as much, sot hey get a good amount of rest. Still in front of the monitor too much, but who cares.

I do have a sensitivity to the color red. It's weird. Looking at a red plane gives me a nasty headache and eye pains, while seeing lots of red in normal conditions starts fucking with my head and making me all confused and dizzy.

>> No.4036982

I'm about 20/400 in both eyes. It isn't changing anymore though, so at least I don't have to get new glasses. And I'm about 20/14 or so with the glasses, so it's not really a loss...

>> No.4036997
File: 103 KB, 400x300, Woman-Glasses-1_slide_show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to buy glasses, but don't know what frame to choose.

Nerdish like or rimless.

>> No.4037011


In between. Not too thick, not rimless.

Advice: DO NOT buy Flexon. They're awesome until they break 6 months to a year later. And they always break on the bridge between the eyes.

>> No.4037029

Also if you have problems with contacts, you could try dailies. They are much softer than other contacts and much easier on your eyes. I wear them every day for ~16 hours.

Though don't forget contacts take a bit of getting used to as well. They might be a little bothersome at first but that goes away.

>> No.4037082
File: 8 KB, 570x230, 190-Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Something like that?

>> No.4037131


Dunno, I prefer the ones with a thin rim all around the lens rather than thick at the top and none at the bottom. But that's just me.

>> No.4037143

Can't see shit captain.

>> No.4037146

Not great but at least I look good in glasses

>> No.4037149


Could be worse, but I still can't see shit without my glasses.

>> No.4037158

Around 20/20 in my right eye, 20/40 or so in my left. Fuck contacts.

>> No.4037183

I pretty much always wear glasses. I think my eyesight was something like -2.75 left and -2.5 right.

This is just my preference, but I always get glasses with a thin, metal rim, because they're light, strong and look good.

>> No.4037190

-5.75 on both eyes
I consider myself blind without eyeglasses

>> No.4037202


Do you use glass or plastic lenses?

>> No.4037207

According to the test I had to take at the militairy inspection my eyesight is paafekto, for all that's worth.

>> No.4037213

I do wear glasses but I don't do it because of bad eyesight.

>> No.4037215

Nearsightedness compensates presbyopia when we get old.
We are the superior race.

>> No.4037221

My eyesight in my right eye is complete shit. In my left, it's fine.

So yeah, I have to wear glasses, but only for reading things from far away.

>> No.4037224

If anyone wants new glasses I recommend http://www.zennioptical.com/
Polycarbonate high quality glasses for about 13$ shipped

>> No.4037239

>high quality glasses

You can choose only one.

>> No.4037251

I should be though, I probably have astigmatism. Or something worse.

>> No.4037256

True story bro, have ordered from them a couple times and they are just as good as my 200$ prescription glasses. If you don't believe me do a google search and read some reviews of the site.

>> No.4037266

I have some pairs of those. They aren't great, but they're maybe a bit below LensCrafter stuff. Some of the frames are hit and miss, don't go for the wimpy looking ones. They are indeed wimpy. Also buy multiple pairs to save on shipping. Great if you lose/break your glasses a lot.

>> No.4037268

But for the fags who don't have the same symptom like you this would be completely counter-productive because less brigthness will help at first but in the end increase the strain on the eyes .... final destination being you will need help from the doc.

>> No.4037275

My eyesight's terrible. I went to the optometrist but didn't put my face to the test thingy properly when I was getting checked until halfway through, and didn't want to tell him because I'd look stupid.
My glasses gave me headaches whenever I wore them and really didn't fit, so I just didn't wear them. Can never see shit captain.

>> No.4037276

What manner of sorcery is this ?
Alchemy-based lens ?

>> No.4037279

About -9 for both eyes
And proud

>> No.4037290

Anti-glare Aviator eyeglasses.

>> No.4037302

Then just go to another doc. Getting advise from multiple sources is always a good idea with doctors. They are only humans after all. Humans in a corporate rules economy were good doctors with time for their patient are not very efficient for the profits if you know what I mean.

>> No.4037317

My eyesight is so good, I don't even know what the fuck those numbers you post mean. Never had the need to find out.

Maybe that's also why I'm able to see this thread doesn't belong here.

>> No.4037323

Force yourself to wear them for a week. The contrast between blurry and sharp at the edges of the glasses, as well as the lens distortion at the edge, and also having a foreign object near your eyes can be disorienting and nauseating at first. I used to never wear glasses because of this, and my eyesight grew even worse. Eventually I had to use them because my eyesight got so bad.

Get used to glasses now, and you won't look like an idiot when your lose your glasses.

>> No.4037329

something between -1.75 and -2.00

also a bit of color blindness

>> No.4037337

20/60 under normal circumstances. I get the occasional blur whenever I try to find something. Driving on the highway without glasses is a huge no-no for me either.

>> No.4037343

not me
perfect eyesight

>> No.4037344
File: 3 KB, 150x78, gambia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed the eyesight test to renew my drivers license, so I ended up getting glasses against my will. At first, I wanted Shiki-like glasses, but then I realized that that would look really stupid in real life. Then I thought of getting Touko's glasses, but decided not to in the end. So I just decided on these.

>> No.4037346

I'll never get all this shit about nausa the first time wearing glasses, I was fine the first time, same with my sister and my mother.

>> No.4037349

Which one is green? Cauliflower of broccoli?

>> No.4037358

It's not that my doc screwed up or they're a bit off, I placed my face on that thing where they switch through lenses and ask you to read things wierdly. As in, I was hovering 4-5cm away from it for half the time, then jumped in half way through my second eye.

>> No.4037368

Even if you're colorblind, broccoli looks darker.

>> No.4037391

of course brocolli

I colorblind for some shades of red-ish brown and a certain shade of green that can only be found in those colorblindness tests, because I've never had an argument whether something was one color or another

>> No.4037444
File: 10 KB, 570x230, DK_5514-Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then I thought of getting Touko's glasses

Something like that you mean?
But they're for babes, huh.

>> No.4037470

For some reason, every time my prescription gets upped, my eyes slowly degenerate to the same 20/100.

I haven't changed my glasses for a while now, and my eyesight has stayed around 20/100. What the fuck, how do I stop this shit?

>> No.4037483


Do you wear your glasses when you're using LCD screens? Do you turn the lights off when you're at the computer or watching TV? Do you read in the dark? If so, then please stop all that shit. That's what causes your eyes to go.

>> No.4037484

Frameless glasses are the worst. Shit keept wiggling.
These last few years I've been using flimsy frames but anything is better than frameless.

>> No.4037498

How can you NOT use glasses when staring at a screen ?
I can't even read a book without my glasses, much less stare at my screen.

>> No.4037501
File: 11 KB, 570x230, VS-7052-Full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think, harry potters?
Frame and lenses (forget about that shitty color).

>> No.4037504

Use full framed glasses. Semi framed ones WILL break at some point and you'll be stuck with taped lenses.

>> No.4037517


>> No.4037536

Plastic. I'm rather clumsy, so glass lenses just aren't an option for me. That said, I can't really think of any reason to get glass lenses regardless of clumsiness.

>> No.4037545

How is sending me a wikipediaesque article on miopia going to make me able to see my computer screen without my glasses ?

>> No.4037556

Contacts. I fucking hate glasses.

>> No.4037557


Believe it or not, without correction, a lot of us cannot read an LCD monitor from 1-2 feet away.

>> No.4037578

You mean the guy actually didn't believe some people can't see the screen without their glasses ?

>> No.4037587

You can't see shit on far distances but you can read books perfectly, etc.

>> No.4037615

>You can't see shit on far distances but you can read books perfectly, etc.

That's not entirely correct. Many people who are short sighted are still unable to read a book or view an LCD screen properly without their glasses

>> No.4037624



I have -3.5 prescription, and without my contacts or glasses I need to be about ~6 inches away from my monitor in order to read it clearly. Not a comfortable reading distance.

>> No.4037628

Are you stupid or something ?
Far is anything beyond two feet to me, idiot.
Miopia just means your eyesight gets BETTER when objects are closer. So, of course, I can see better when my screen is closer. That doesn't mean I can see well.

>> No.4037643

Or atleast that's what my contact box says.
When I don't have them in, I can't see shit. Just colors and VERY basic outlines. Shitsux.

>> No.4037663

In light cases of myopia, perhaps.
In the first place, why would wearing glasses enhance the detrimental effects of staring at an LCD? And why single out LCDs? If anything, CRT displays are likely even worse for your eyesight.

>> No.4037664

used to..
laser cirgury , yeah baby no more glasses

>> No.4037676

-2.5 I think

>> No.4037708

I don't know what my prescription is, but I have pretty bad astigmatism.

People ask me if I am Asian often, but I'don't think I look it at all. I suspect that they are simply commenting on my eyes.

>> No.4037726

Yeah I knew what you was saying, so the answer was not really targeted at you except that you should revisit a doc to get a better result.

btw something similar happened to me but I was still a boy back then. But this taught me a lesson, like don't do shit when being examined.

>> No.4037772

Relax kid, that's what I'm talking about. You don't need to repeat my posts.

Distance between me and my monitor is about ~80 cm and I can see everything well.
Even this line
>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

Of course I will not be able to read text (Times Roman 16) beyond two feet.
No one will, probably.

>> No.4037802

I never said I could read text before two feet.
I need to be 15 cm away from my monitor to read your post without my glasses.

>> No.4037809

I forget exactly but it's pretty good.
Also, glasses are moe.

>> No.4037854

Yes on all counts. However, I'm not about to start taking my glasses off to read a computer screen, which I read all day. My face is currently around 7 inches from the screen.

>> No.4037874

All that stuff is old wives' tales. How good or bad your vision becomes is entirely genetic. (other than having a lazy eye or something)

-7 in both eyes here. Consider contacts if your eyes are as bad as mine, you'll see much better with them than with glasses.

>> No.4037915

Hello corporate propaganda. Don't mind dispositions, just do what ya gotta do, because in the end we will be paid for, someone will pay us to get you retard-san fixed hehehehehehehehe being corporate is fun

>> No.4037924

>How good or bad your vision becomes is entirely genetic


>> No.4039084

>Do you wear your glasses when you're using LCD screens?
I always take off my glasses when I'm behind my monitor, because it hurts my eyes, but people always keep telling me I should keep wearing them. I refuse to listen to them so far. Are they just retards?

>> No.4039138

I have perfect vision for about two feet, and then I can't see a damn thing without glasses.

>> No.4040121 [DELETED] 

If you were misdiagnosed don't ever try to wear those glasses. I don't get why people cheat when their health is at stake. It's probably a remnant of the past, when people couldn't afford to look weak, but nowadays it's not worth it.
>How good or bad your vision becomes is entirely genetic.
Gee, you are sure dumb here.

>> No.4040141

If you were misdiagnosed don't ever try to wear those glasses. I don't get why people cheat when their health is at stake. It's probably a remnant of the past, when people couldn't afford to look weak, but nowadays it's not worth it.
>How good or bad your vision becomes is entirely genetic.
Gee, you are sure dumb here.

>> No.4040148

Should be "sure are", Meru-chan.

>> No.4040152
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>How good or bad your vision becomes is entirely genetic. (other than having a lazy eye or something)

>> No.4040650

I've always needed glasses. I remember in 1st grade I always asked my teacher to sit up close to the front of the room so I could see.

My mom refused to buy me glasses until I reached the 4th grade, only because she said I looked ugly with them. they probably got worse because of that.

>> No.4040692

20/40, I wear glasses so I can read without straining my eyes.

>> No.4040738

Use the proper system and not that shitty American bullshit.

>> No.4041770

I can't remember my prescription. I really need to get new glasses anyway, my current ones are over ten years old.

>> No.4041775


-7.5 in my right eye, -7.4 in my left

Fuck year glasses my entire life

>> No.4041779

I don't wear classes but I should.

I've had a lazy eye since birth, had surgery on it twice, didn't do shit.

My vision is like.. 200 in the left eye, 20 in the right eye (I'm legally blind in my left eye)

I can see out of the motherfucker but I can't read out of it, although never having used my left eye to read I feel it'd be weird <_<.

>> No.4041785

Holy shit bro, did you drop your eyes in acid or something?

>> No.4041803

My eyesight started turning to shit when I started playing video games. I always sat so close to the TV. Now I'm near-sighted...but I only wear my glasses when I drive since I'm too embarrassed to wear them anywhere else.

>> No.4041813


I never even bother to wear them (☞゚∀゚)☞

>> No.4041816

Are you a diabetic?

>> No.4041818

1.75 reporting in

>> No.4041824

thats nothin, a friend of mine has 8.0 on one eye and 7.5 on the other, he's really fucked up without glasses

>> No.4041856

Then why did you get them?

>> No.4041869


>> No.4041912

Yes, don't remember the numbers.

>> No.4041915

Glasses would probably make me 20% cooler, but I've never needed them - even after all these years of constant sitting in front of my computer.

...I don't know if that's good or not. Is it?

>> No.4041917

Because sometimes glasses are a good accessory. I mainly wear mine for visual appeal or when watching movies at an actual cinema.

>> No.4041929

I hate my eyes, so much...
So much...

>> No.4041934


Is this even possible?

>> No.4041946

I don't know, I can't read the retard system.

>> No.4041948

120% of 0 is still 0. I'm sorry.

>> No.4041968

Yes, my doctor said it himself.

Fuck, I can't see anything at all. My vision sucks so bad, I can't see anything. My glasses are so powerful that when other people with glasses try mine on for the laughs, they get dizzy.


>> No.4042008

Worse than an average person's, but not bad enough to require glasses.

Shit gets a bit blurry past 50 meters, like a bad anisotropic filter.

>> No.4042070
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10/9/08: 20/60
10/10/09: 20/150
My eyesight was pretty much 20/20 before I started playing mmorpgs.
Right now I would estimate it at 20/50 judging by what I can read and can't from a distance. It helps to not squint and open your eyes a little wider.
Also to turn down monitor brightness and not get so involved to the point where you're a few inches from the screen. That was my problem; I used to draw and I had to remind myself often not to get my face so close.

>> No.4042179

Okay then, it would give me +2 cool points. This way, I could at least be recognized as "that glasses guy"!

>> No.4042317

>This way, I could at least be recognized as "that glasses guy"!
"that glasses guy #56813521858135681358791", you mean?

>> No.4044428
File: 45 KB, 586x248, Screen shot 2010-01-02 at 2.36.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a -3.00 in both eyes. Shitty astigmatism, though, and weird enough that I can't get off-the-shelf toric contacts, 45 in one eye and something like 138 in the other.

I'm going to see how bad normal (non-toric) contacts are pretty soon - had to order some for cosplay, just got plain -3.00, let's see if they work at all.

These are my glasses, just got them last month. Mine are the brown/black ones, though.
