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40264097 No.40264097 [Reply] [Original]

why was he killed when alice and byakuren are former human yokai as well? hypocrite ass shrine maiden

>> No.40264115

Alice and Byakuren aren't native to Gensokyo. Reimu doesn't need to kill them. However, if Reimu doesn't kill a youkai-turned Marisa, she'll be a hypocrite.

>> No.40265188

because he's male

>> No.40267095

he is ugly, ugly humans die fast in gensokyo

>> No.40268028

Because its forbidden for the human villagers to become youkai.

>> No.40268076

I kill Alice every day

>> No.40269124

He did everything wrong and then started talking shit. He was begging to be murdered and fuck him anyway who gives a fuck.

>> No.40269142

Reimu doesn't deserve to be called a heroe.

>> No.40269274

Fortune teller was a villager, drew too much attention and acted cheeky in front of Reimu.

The truth is he was too impatient, chose a shitty method to escape the village and just fucked up really badly.
If he was a bit more dilligent, he could've studied magic, left the village, live somewhere secluded with a new identity and eventually become a magician(youkai)

>> No.40269462

Alice isn't from Gensokyo and Byakuren quite literally escaped from hell, shes already dead, also Byak is not from gensokyo either.

>> No.40269484

doesn't help that he fucked with one of reimus friends in the place shes supposed to be doing her job. He was basically too dumb to live triggering pretty much every reason to get killed in the first place. the one people are supposed to be pissed about is how gensokyo actively tried to kill seija for doing the same shit basically everyone else did in ISC.

>> No.40269531
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>> No.40269809

>why was he killed
There are many ways for humans to improve their status in Gensokyo. This guy chose the shittest one.
Play old games. Also she isn't a villager.
You better read the fucking lore.

>> No.40269853

Reimu's whole job is keeping the balance of Gensokyo and his method of becoming a yokai shat all over that.

>> No.40270043


>> No.40270673

imo if fortune teller escaped the village and became a yokai while in isolation it probably would have flown under reimus radar
making a grand display and having an agenda was what fucked him up
anything for the hakurei shrine

>> No.40271954

If i was the fortune teller i would've just bent reimu over and fuck her brains out

>> No.40272312

>hypocrite ass shrine maiden
You should have realize about this when she spared Kasen because she is her friend

>> No.40272644

Because he was a ex-villager.

>> No.40274168

Because he forgot to read meeting people before starting the conversation with the final boss

>> No.40274567

eat shit Reimu

>> No.40277274
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To maintain Gensokyo's status quo. Humans are responsible for generating youkai the same way as generating Kami (gods) - through their beliefs. This was probably due to Lunarians intentionally using that power of divinity against man, but let's not talk about that.

Simply put, the Fortune Teller realised the misery of being a human villager, as they are nothing more than cattle to preserve the existence of parasitic gods, youkai. That is why Gensokyo exists, a paradise for youkai. That why he sought to join their ranks, so he may too enjoy the paradise of Gensokyo, as not act as a food supply.

Then we have Reimu Hakurei and her god. The god of youkai extermination, with Reimu serving as its shrine maiden. "Extermination" is the complete destruction of a thing, right? Therefore, she should be opposed to this status quo, if not seeking to "exterminate" it. After all, she is a human, and youkai are the enemies of humans. But no.

Do you know what she does? Instead of rising up, and doing everything she can against this order, she enforces this status quo. As a so called "protector of humans" she (unknowingly) enforces the oppression of her own kind by acting as a false hero. The Human Village descended from powerful youkai hunters, slowly disarmed by forces such the Sages, now rely on HER to protect themselves from the big and scary youkai.

Meanwhile, it's completely evident that this is not an isolated case. We can see that her god is being starved of faith. Faith is what powers gods, just like youkai. By giving out "blessings", gods gain recognition from humans, and gain power in turn. To aid them, they employ shrine maidens to support the collection of faith. Only one problem for the Hakurei God.

Their shrine maiden is completely fucking retarded.

>doesn't know it's name
>doesn't know it's blessings
>doesn't know the Ying Yang orbs are its goshintai
>doesn't know how to gather faith for it, instead using the shrine to make money

>shrine is far removed from the village, meaning humans cannot reach it easily
>youkai infest the shrine
>she regularly hangs out with youkai, knowing full well their nature

Clearly, this is a result of lifetime manipulation by forces like Yukari. She's been engineered to be a balancer, and not a protector. She keeps the humans fearful through solving incidents, presenting herself as the few powers that serve man, despite that being completely false. This ensures that mankind remain truly defenseless, while giving them a reason to not revolt.

Then comes our Fortune Teller. Realising the predicament of his positon in Gensokyo, he desired to be free of this oppression by becoming a youkai. However, this led to his death.

Why? Several reasons:
>youkai rely on humans to live, if all humans caught on this everyone would starve
>balance of gensokyo would be ruined
>humans would realise what has happened to them since the barrier had been raised

This would be a catastrophy for the youkai, and would undo the subjugation that they carefully built on their glorified fear farm. It would end in bloody civil war, which would not only go badly for the youkai, it would most likely lead to their mass extinction or at least mankind becoming more powerful in their paradise.

That's why Reimu killed him. Because it's her job to keep humans down.

She is a Judas goat, having power in exchange for forsaking her own kind. She prospers, while they decay. She is, simply put, an enemy of mankind.

And she doesn't even know it.

>> No.40277582
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Considering his whole method of youkaihood relied on gaming how the afterlife works, I'm pretty sure Eiki would have sent a Kishin to gank him anyway so Reimu saved him the trouble.

>> No.40283366

This is incredibly well written and thought out. I applaud you

>> No.40283384

Because he is a man, Gensokyou is a matriarchal society, men are not allowed to be in any sort of position of power because they know if they do, they will eventually overrun the system because men are better than women in everything.

>> No.40283426

Female privilege.

>> No.40283475
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>You better read the fucking lore.
no u

>> No.40288940

I can go on a tirade on how practically almost everything is poised against humanity in some way or another if you want.

>> No.40289142

Please go on a tirade, I really want to see your take on Gensokyou.

>> No.40289444

>She's been engineered to be a balancer, and not a protector
You say that as if Reimu isn't explicitly aware she's a balancer.

>> No.40289803

i love how WBaWC is pretty much a condensed version of all of this

>> No.40290418
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>> No.40290504

humans are faggots and so are you

go read some "humanity fuck yeah" isekai instead

>> No.40291059

Why did you call yourself a faggot like that?

>> No.40291243
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And my point is that if she knew how bad it truly was for humans she wouldn't. She been fed bullshit and has been manipulated into accepting the status quo.

Meanwhile, the Hakurei God is coping, raging and seething (yes, I used those words) over how its shrine is being defiled by Reimu and co. They probably had a hand in building the Barrier, since it's the "Great Hakurei Barrier", thinking about all the worshippers they're going to get from the village while rubbing their hands like a Jew being thrown shekels.

Of course,

>it's a paradise for the youkai, the village and humans there are specially designed fear farms maintain their existence.

Now, the reason why youkai happily chomp on outsiders, and not on villagers, is that they are responsible for producing the baseline fear/belief for Gensokyo. We can assume the purpose of the Hakurei God in this scenario is effectively protect said fear farm, as if youkai were to eat the village humans, said farm would rise up in arms and would battle back youkai. It's also why spell card rules are in place - it ensures the superiority of youkai and "exterminators" (meaning: balancers who keep youkai in check) whilst also protecting the belief supply. Outsiders are intended for those that need more than acknowledgement with fear - effectively micronutrients and goodie bags to be simply put.

The most egregious example that stands out to me is the kappa. They require salt to survive, and they get it from humans. And the thing is, they don't have to. By drinking blood and eating shikrodama (ass balls), they maintain their salt intake.
The worst part is that they don't need to do so - in WaHH, a kappa mentioned that having access to salt water would liberate them from consumption of human flesh and blood.

Honestly, if humans were to accept youkai not as monsters but as morally neutral beings that fed off the land in the same way as man, Gensokyo would be unnecessary. Hell, they could become allies, against actual baddies like the Heaven (corruption) and Lunar Captial (puts /pol/'s image of Jews to shame). Humanity could use magic and tech, with logic and faith to effectively conquer the universe.

But that's not the reality, nor the topic here.

It shocks me on how deaths can be prevented in cases as these. Yukari could easily gap in salt by the tons, plus it would help youkai-human relationships as the prior needs to consume less of the latter. Of course, she's a immature bitch like the rest of the power players in Gensokyo (which disturbingly follow a trend of: stupid, immature, sociopathic, or all three) as evidenced by "muh second lunar war" which would have resulted in Gensokyo being wiped off the face of the Earth if the Moonies reacted (and probably a good thing).

Back to balance, the purpose of youkai exterminators are to balance Gensokyo as the village believe feed belief to youkai stay safe as if they were also chomped on they would run out of food. That's why Outsiders are brought in, to feed youkai like Remilia and Rumia. The youkai that consume humans are fed, while villagers still produce fear in peace. That also goes hand in hand with weakening the population and effectively making the Hakurei Shrine maiden mandatory to protect humans and enforce the status quo, while preventing them from gaining true power through keeping Reimu in the dark, and keeping the Hakurei God down but not dead.

The youkai who break this status quo are taken down by exterminators, as they risk destroying the balance that keeps all the youkai fed.

Youkai are parasitic gods
This balance only serves youkai
The Village is a farm
Hakurei is a traitor
Man must be kept in the dark
The truth will erase the faith
The lies must be enforced

>> No.40291385

I fucked up the tripcode and the seventh paragraph.

>Back to balance, the purpose of youkai exterminators are to balance Gensokyo, keeping the villagers who feed belief to youkai stay safe, as if they were also chomped on Gensokyo would run out of food. That's why Outsiders are brought in, to feed youkai like Remilia and Rumia.

Also one more line at to the piece at the end:

Youkai are parasites
This balance only serves youkai
The Village is a farm
Hakurei is a traitor
Man must be kept in the dark
The truth will erase the faith
The lies must be enforced
the status quo must be upheld

I'll write up an essay condemning almost a whole lotta things in Touhou, and why humanity should fight and defeat/destroy them.


fuck youkai, most of them can get bombarded into oblivion, while the peace-willing ones can play by our rules

>> No.40291553


>> No.40292325

It's a twisted paradise.

>> No.40292546

Technically in Shinto there's a type of yokai called "Ijin" which are human-like inhabitants of the "spirit world" and/or alternate dimensions. Which definitely describes Gensokyo. So all the humans in Gensokyo except Sanae, Sumireko, and maybe Sakuya are technically yokai. So maybe the real reason the yokai don't eat the villagers is it would be cannibalism.

Also, if we're going by "once upon a time was human" as our standard, then *lots* of characters were or had to be human centuries ago: Remilia, Flandre, probably Patchy, Yuyuko, Kanako, Tenshi, all the hermits except Kasen, probably more I can't remember them all.

>> No.40293268

> Basically fortunate teller forgo his humanity and became an ugly youkai, this is evil
> Youkai are generally formed from unwilling or tragic deaths, too bad he was so dumb that he had to show himself to the youkai exterminator
> Cute girl youkai gets to live though

>> No.40293493

>probably Patchy
Explicitly not Patchy. She was born a magician.

>> No.40295453

Soon will the Great Barrier fall and so will do the facade.

>> No.40295774

>Meanwhile, the Hakurei God is coping, raging and seething
Explains how not only she still having her god's blessing but have other god's blessings too hence being able invoke other god's powers and able to communicate with them.

>> No.40297539

Hakurei God is only malding that Reimu isn't worshipping it properly, according to Byakuren. Doesn't seem to care about everything else anon mentioned. Also apparently Rinnosuke knows its name but I guess Reimu never asked him (and maybe Misumaru knows it too).

>> No.40302611

Victim of the sages

>> No.40304325

>I'll write up an essay condemning almost a whole lotta things in Touhou, and why humanity should fight and defeat/destroy them.
Please do, I really want to read it.

>> No.40304373

>I'll write up an essay condemning almost a whole lotta things in Touhou, and why humanity should fight and defeat/destroy them.
Do it.
I won't read it, but do it anyway so I know someone was autistic enough to write something like that.

>> No.40304418

Oh god, the autist's acting up again..

>> No.40305446

i like to consider Gensokyo as a prison of sorts

some humans live in fear, yes, but the real danger, the youkai, are contained by this

by denying their existence, humanity outside of Gensokyo has effectively trapped youkai inside the border... forever

so it's a small price to pay to keep the youkai out, and the Hakurei shrine maiden bears the weight of being that prison's warden

>> No.40307656

I do agree there, overall Humanity won against the Youkai and the Divine. The fact that Gensokyo even exists is proof of that.

>> No.40308842

go tell yourself that, human is just cattle in gensoukyou

captcha: sh0p8

>> No.40309465
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I never got why some autists get so obsessed whenever there is a literal piece of fiction where humans aren't the top dog.

>> No.40312015

Humans and the entire structure of Gensokyo aren't really touched upon in depth so it's sort of understandable that people would cling to that aspect and want to talk about it

>> No.40313352

Because that's how humans work? You can quite literally see this evolution happening over time all over the world in history, philosophy, religion, and politics, it went from "I am just a small part of everything" to "the universe exists just for me, don't tell me otherwise or else I am going to kill you and then myself because I am a retard"

>> No.40313584

I think it's mostly the fact that the Humans are weak and at the mercy of the Youkai for these people. The loss of freedom, being at the mercy of others and the inability to do something against it is something people hate with passion. Oppression, Injustice, and the violation of the Human Rights many hold so dear by something inhumane, something that can crush you in a direct fight, that can outsmart you in a mental one and is immortal in a lot of senses invokes a feeling of helpless in many. It probably also doesn't help that truly dark stuff happens in the background and is mostly only hinted at which in turn makes people fantasize and make things worse then they are in their head. This is were Girmsokyo is born, which while not as bad as "Gensokyo is a wonderful place where nothing bad ever happens" it's still pretty retarded

>> No.40313828

Because these people are human supremacists/atheists who can’t accept a higher being or more advance species (either in the form of youkai, alien or God) and will do everything to defend it while they get munched on in Gensoukyou

>> No.40313990

>advance species
They rely on the fear of the unknown, they quite literally rely on ignorance, they are far from advanced, in fact, it is quite the opposite.

>> No.40314162

Wow what a worthless and mischaracterizing opinion shitpiece, what a great post anon!
please elucidate me on how you got to that weirdly specific strawman, do you have a particular experience youre drawing from?

>> No.40314213

Just because you have an iPhone doesn’t make you advanced
Youkai live longer, and are generally smarter (not cirno) than humans

>> No.40314392

Real answer.

>> No.40314432

-"Just because you have technology and knowledge that greatly outshines the entirety of Gensokyou doesn't make you more advanced, bro. Trust us, bro, just because you know the explanation behind our phenomena thus explaining us and getting rid of us. It doesn't mean you are better than us, bro. Ignore that in our millennia of existence we never invented anything meaningful and we didn't get any modern technology until recently when we stole human technology we "found" near the yokai mountain and rebranded it as ours. Just play pretend bro.
Cope and seethe yokai. You will go extinct by the power of our minds, all phenomena shall be explained and thus you will be gone alongside the rest of imaginary friends.

>> No.40314662

Lunarians are more advanced.

>> No.40314664

tl;dr guessing from a filled namefield and the formatting you're a niggeroid schizo (no joke, ALL of them post like that)
also a total retard drew that gun

it's not a tripcode, newfag-kun

>> No.40314852
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>> No.40314940

And they still lost to unharmed outside world humans and it is canon.
>On that day, a rabbit ran into their home. She claimed to be a rabbit from the moon who had come because she heard rumours about Gensokyo, a place where non-humans live. She then said, "humans are invading the moon and it's becoming nearly impossible for people of the Moon to live there. These humans stuck a flag on the moon and are acting like the moon belongs to them". The rabbit had escaped from the front line of a war, leaving her allies behind...
>On one night of a full moon, Reisen received a transmission from other surviving moon rabbits. (Moon rabbits have some kind of telepathic ability and can communicate across great distances.) It said: "These filthy humans are exploiting the power of the moon and trying to build a base here. We've been urging them co-exist peacefully with us, but they never listen. We're up against a wall. "We've decided to declare a final war against them. The tide of war is currently slightly in their favour... Their modern weaponry is far better than we expected. But don't worry, we have the wisdom and pride of our millennia of history... We will never lose.
~Kaguya's IN Profile
It is quite a literal canon, they waged a war against an unarmed group of humans and they lost, the worst part of this is that it is implied the Watatsuki sisters also were there as it is implied by CiLR, the leader of the Lunar Emissaries which back then was Eirin was the one to first deal with the Urashima Tarou issue, we see something similar with the Yukari invasion issue, they were the first one to deal with them, so it is their code to deal with the outside problems, it would make sense they would be when the Apollo landing happened and yet they lost. No god, magic or "superior technology" could help them. Mind you, it is never implied humans have any different technology than the one we have now or back then, that is only mentioned in the future with Maribel and Renko but never where this is happening.

>> No.40315026

I thought the implication was there wasn't an actual human-lunarian war and the moonies mostly sat and seethed at the moon landings, with Reisen mostly panicking at the idea of an invasion and bailing out. Still not a good look for the lunarians but no actual fighting happened.

>> No.40315118

It is mentioned "front line of war", "surviving moon rabbits", "tide of war" and "Their modern weaponry is far better than we expected" which suggest there was actual combat rather than just a bunch of seething moontards.

>> No.40316643

Lunarians are hilariously ill-equipped for anyone that's even remotely grounded in Earthly Ways or otherwise embodies nature, not only did A FUCKING FLAG (that's already been removed and relocated to Eientei) leave a permanent stain of impurity on the moon, the mere presence of fairies is enough to have them piss and shit in absolute terror, with or without Junko's buffs, because the existence of fairies implies nature, and thus, the impurities of the universe, have overtaken that space.

>> No.40316826
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So Remilia should have just brought the Fairies of Light and Cirno and she would have won.

>> No.40316907

If it were a truly incognito effort, maybe. You'd have to go fully undetected en route so they can't recognize an incoming threat and prepare their Anti-Equipment, something Hecatia's rambunctious Hell Fairies would have been met with on their own before they ever started goofing off, but if you do get so far and let them run wild, especially on Lunarians and Moon Rabbits alike, the damage will be immeasurable and irreparable.

>> No.40326544

He knew.

>> No.40326757

I would get pissed if it was the opposite too
If a being is sentient like humans they deserve the respect humans have
How many stories you side with the non-human faction used as cattle by humans? And most of these stories said creatures get freed from humans' slavery and control.

>> No.40326798
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remember the powerlevel

>> No.40328984

One day, he will be revenged.

>> No.40329596

With how incompetent moon rabbits are, they probably panicked, shelled/airstruck their own forces into oblivion, and then ran away from themselves. It's not like the astronauts could have beat any sort of military force on their own, being unarmed and all.

>> No.40335043


>> No.40337336

Can't entirely defend the point of that anon, but:
Abrahamic religions kinda consider the world to be made for man and every other living creature is just a servant.
In the Koran god made angels bow to man iirc.
So a religion( and sub-religions) were humans are second to an omnipotent god eradicated almost every other dam religion it could.

And then you got biology were humans are called homo sapiens sapiens... we really need to stress how smart we are.

Then you got stuff like "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" in philosophy, where stuff just doesn't exist till a human observes it.

Humans just like feeling important.

>> No.40338171
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>With how incompetent moon rabbits are, they probably panicked, shelled/airstruck their own forces into oblivion, and then ran away from themselves
Ah yes, the Austrian method of war.

>> No.40343890

What would you do if you were in his situation BUT knew what has happened to him?

>> No.40344060

Play the long game by getting the fuck out of the village and become a magician instead. Fucking with the afterlife is asking for kishin to send you to super hell.

>> No.40346059

this post kinda made me realize that the fortune teller story is kinda like that of sisyphus in a way. they both try to game whatever system there is that brings people to the afterlife so that they can live forever (or just becoming a youkai in the case of fortune teller), and then gettibf royally screwed once they end up kicking the bucket for realsies. (even though we never see what happens to FT postmortem, it doesnt take a genius to assume he wasn't welcomed with open arms)

also I wonder when the tripfag is gonna post that essay of his, I wonder what crazy shit he has to say in it

>> No.40351007

because zun

>> No.40356770


>> No.40363765

this thread is as dead as him

>> No.40364029

Lies. Fortune Teller is very much alive in my heart

>> No.40372371

and so is this thread

>> No.40379022

how about we invade gensokyo?

they cant eat us all
