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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4027467 No.4027467 [Reply] [Original]

Who are good 7447 players (3-man and 4-man) I could watch/play against? I realize I could watch upper dan games, but I don't think I will play against them soon.

>> No.4027507

The skill level on 7447 isn't amazingly high, it'd be better to learn from 0000 games.

>> No.4027501

I haven't played 4P on 7447 much, but last time I did it varied a lot and there were no people that stood out far above everyone else. For 3P, I'd say TRA, soap, VgameT and mousleep or whatever can be pretty damn dangerous to be up against.

>> No.4027512

Am I the only who don't really see difference between 7 kyu and 1 dan players?

>> No.4027516


TRA, Soap, VgaemT is shit, mousesleep is the only good player.

>> No.4027529

I am always unsatisfied at the tacos drawn for tacololi. Those are paltry, unfilling tacos.

>> No.4027528

I stopped playing in L7447 a while ago because of the lack of players. I'd gladly start again if we had more regular players. Just don't worry too much OP, if you know you're yakus and the basic rules, come and play, you aren't betting money or anything.

>> No.4027531

You will see the difference in the Dan lobby.

>> No.4027545


Lets start now, waiting.


>> No.4027550

Do 7447 people use betaori and suji?

>> No.4027564

There will be a second season, right? Right?

>> No.4027566

I'll play too, it's been a while since I played 4P with 7447.

>> No.4027570

most of us

>> No.4027573


Since Saki ended 7447 been empty.

>> No.4027576

Oh, and NoName is the strongest player on both 7447 and 0000. Fuck, I hate playing against NoName.

>> No.4027578


That doesn't make any sense. Saki wasn't about Mahjong.

>> No.4027596
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>> No.4027686

The players from /jp/ play defensively, yes. But not the same can be said of the players from /a/.

>> No.4027718

players from /a/ are from the "herd"
those who play longer than just for a day will sooner or later pop up here on on irc.
It was the same for me.

>> No.4027730

I've been playing since Akagi aired, and I never went to IRC, because I don't use it at all.

>> No.4027733
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You aren't a real player until you've got a Double Yakuman in 3P and at least a single Yakuman in 4P.

>> No.4027742

Go back to bed KoG.

>> No.4027769

Cool. I used to play when it was a really small channel with like 8 of us on rizon in 07 or 08. Maybe I'll stop by sometime.

>> No.4027783

let me correct >>4027718
>or on
It's not a requirement, it's just helpful to idle there.

I got once a suuankou tanki in 4p but it's still a single yakuman. I also have a shitload of kokushis, DSGs and 4ankous. I also had a daisharin too but Tenhou.net said it's just a baiman.

>You aren't a real player until you've got a Yakuman
This line is bullshit and you know it.

The reverse version is the truth: If you are a real player you should have made at least one yakuman.

>> No.4027796

currently: 86 people
peek: about 120 people (around Saki episode 2-3)
Actual talk about the game: 10%

>> No.4027801

Doesn't exist in Riichi mahjong, right? Is it that hand with 7 following pairs of the same color?

>> No.4027809

Ten volumes 13-18(end) released yesterday.

>> No.4027817

phoz is the best western player

>> No.4027819
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You now realize being a good Mahjong player amounts to nothing outside of Japland.

>> No.4027825

that one, also it has to be tanyao

>> No.4027828 [DELETED] 

No. Daisharin is Small four winds, iirc.

>> No.4027834


Depends on the house rules if its counted as yakuman, some house rules only score it as yakuman with pinzu too.

>> No.4027838

Bitch please.
Better players have more fun playing the game.

That's more than enough for me.

>> No.4027839

phoz 2009-01-01〜2009-12-30
Total games played: 436
対戦数: 372
平均得点: +4.844
最多得点: +102
平均順位: 2.352
1位率: 0.282
2位率: 0.288
3位率: 0.226
4位率: 0.204

Doesn't seem that impressive to me

>> No.4027842

'Sup, phoz ?

>> No.4027850

What is the irc channel?

>> No.4027859

phoz is the best western programmer

>> No.4027857

>You aren't a real player

>> No.4027855

Why the fuck do you always pop up in the Mahjong thread, Phoz? Give us a break.

>> No.4027853
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>> No.4027866

phoz is the best western bot

>> No.4027868

This I can agree with.

>> No.4027869

i think kog's trolling guys ^-^;

>> No.4027881



>> No.4027886

phoz is the best western motel.

>> No.4027914

You never change, phoz, always claiming "samefag" when people make fun of you. You were the one who ridiculed yourself during that tourney, where you whined like a little baby because you were losing badly and accused the other players of being bots.

>> No.4027942
File: 120 KB, 826x686, jjong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rq, you made east fourth round very unfun.
Take you bag of magic sand somewhere else.

>> No.4027954
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>> No.4027965

Haha, I got extremely lucky on the fourth round. I couldn't really believe it.

>> No.4028058

It's no fun playing with disconnects.

>> No.4028089

get used to it, cry moar

>> No.4028079

Another reason why we need regular players. 50% of the NoNames disconnect after 15 minutes of playing.

>> No.4028094

I usually try and scrape people from #mahjong when I want to play.

>> No.4028105

I would too, but I'm too shy to say anything there unless spoken to.

>> No.4028276

it's there on arcturus

btw not like you can't guess...

>> No.4028286
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This was a fun comeback after someone got a yakuman early.

>> No.4028614

Well, thanks for the reminder about mahjong, even though I generally frequently play, haven't played in months due to busy schedule. Felt good to start off with a win.

>> No.4028619
File: 6 KB, 170x320, actualstats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual stats....
arc does not record stats that players play under different names.

try playing against 7 dan players...i had problems trying to make him deal to me.


0000 stats are a lot lower and falls under the norm i would say. my 4th place stats is 18% after 230 games. i get a lot of shit hands on 0000 than 7447.

>> No.4028882

7447 has too many "lol i am 2 elite 2 play anything except 3P fast" people

>> No.4028897

Playing unranked against randoms in 4p is just too boring

>> No.4028944

>"lol i am 2 elite 2 play anything except 3P fast"

It's more like I couldn't be bothered to wait 9 seconds for you to deal into a 4th turn riichi, fucking everyone at the table over.

>> No.4028994

>7447 stats
Those don't mean anything.

Also, that 7dan had relatively shitty hands in that game. Stop trying to gloat that you got a single win against them. They will always be much better than mahjong at you. But then again, you'd just call them bots anyway.

>> No.4029059
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Boasting... about 7447 stats...

>> No.4029083

What anime is OP's pic from?

>> No.4029095


>> No.4029090


>> No.4029108

I'd even say boasting about 0000 stats is a little hollow. Most Japanese are pretty bad at mahjong. If you really want to know how good you are, only look at your stats in a better-quality player pool.

>> No.4029150

Nice comeback. I went against my better judgement when I threw out the 5 pin into your ron. After that, I slapped myself and decided to tighten up my playing but it was too late.

Anyone down for some 4p in 7447?

>> No.4029155

I blame the big shiny riichi button for being too new player friendly, personally. I'd much rather have it so you can press riichi whenever but if you've got an invalid hand (even with riichi), you lose points. At the moment games on 0000 sometimes get completely ruined for me because of riichi only hands. It's why I like playing in the upper dan lobbies as well, I fucking loved it when I played 1900+ games with almost no use of riichi.

>> No.4029161

I figured out (most of) the yaku playing against the computer on some kind of practice site, so I'm willing to play. I'm awful, though.

>> No.4029227
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>I played 1900+ games with almost no use of riichi.

Something is very wrong here. Either way it's usually a bigger mistake to not riichi when you should, compared to riichi-ing when you shouldn't.

>> No.4029239


just because you suck at this game and you got no credentials to show how good you are. it's true stats do not matter. this is a game of luck and greed. duh! however, going into ranked games, the objective is not to get 4th place rather than trying to win the game. following this objective can get you to higher dan level pretty fast. that's why you see players evading deals whenever a player is in or suspected of being in tenpai instead of the usual straight forward play.

And to imply that I'm gloating on my victory against the 7dan player, my real objective was to get him to deal into my hand. Never did i say, "i beat him, i am better" since that was your implication.

done trolling yet?

>> No.4029263

phoz please come to #mahjong @irc.rizon.net we love you

>> No.4029324

I only use riichi when I desperately need points or when my draws are bad and I have no yaku. Riichi usually forces people to play defensive, making it less likely someone will deal into your hand. Riichi isn't bad on its own, but in my opinion most of the times it isn't worth it. Also, closed hands without riichi are amazing to keep hold of east, or to steal it.

>> No.4029330

butthurt and doesn't know what trolling is

>> No.4029367

my stats are better than yours, what now? oh shit, this must mean I'm a bot.

>> No.4029380

proof it

>> No.4029402


are you that faggot bush in that political mj manga?

>> No.4029424
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Since you posted 7447 stats, I will too.

>> No.4029450

i see what you did there

>> No.4029500

Good game guys (Anidar here). It was fun winning for once. Thanks.

>> No.4029505

haha that was my first time playing mahjong against real people, that was fun. thanks to the 3 others playing with me.

>> No.4029507


phoz please come to #mahjong @irc.rizon.net we love you

>> No.4029519


no 4th place and only a +13? that's shit man.

>> No.4029526

Good games. It was stupid of me to push my honitsu with 2 people already in tenpai, it got my ass handed to me. ;_;

>> No.4029540

Which were you mankoto? Soap or xrei

>> No.4029543


>> No.4029551

Haha, I was zawa, I was kind of copying you. A few sites I read said to try to avoid pon'ing and chi'ing everything, so I sort of stayed quiet. It worked out OK, I guess. I didn't get many good draws, though.

>> No.4029578

Personally, I lucked out a few times. Started two tiles from tenpai three times. As long as you know your hands and multipliers, it isn't difficult to make a hand from almost anything that you start with, except a REALLY scattered non-meldable opening hand.

>> No.4029600

Yeah, pon and especially chi aren't a good idea unless you know what yaku you're going for. Once you know your yaku, pon and chi become a lot more useful. It's a good idea to keep your hands closed when you're learning.

>> No.4029626
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hou! nashi nashi?
Bring it!

>> No.4029636

>except a REALLY scattered non-meldable opening hand
Oh god, those are the worst. I'm always stuck with the "no chance in hell am I going to make a hand with this" feeling for the rest of the round then, it's terrible, and usually when that happens it happens for the next few fucking hands too. ;_;

>> No.4029643

When I learn people how to play, I give them a little tip; All of one thing is good. For example, only Sou is good, only pairs are good, only sequences are good, only honors are good, only terminals are good etc. It usually works, because all of these give a certain multiplier.

>> No.4029699

3P is also an easier way for people to learn how to form their hands, in 4P it usually takes quite a while before you get anything.

>> No.4029714

I have never actually played 3P in Tenhou.. Or, I did, but I didn't understand it at all.

>> No.4029747

There are no man tiles but 1m and 9m, and north becomes a dora if you put it to the side. That's pretty much it.

Also, bump for last 3P game of CET 2009!

>> No.4029825
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>> No.4029974



>> No.4031460
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bump for faggots.

>> No.4032558

Bump for looking for players to ring in the new year with (in 7447).

>> No.4033247

More players
