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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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401925 No.401925 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/edo creeps, why do you like loli?

I was at work today, thinking about this awesome h-mango I got off /rs/ called Sweet Sisters and I asked myself this, "Why do you love loli to such an extent?". After putting some thought into it I've come to realize its just misplaced sexual aggression towards something I can never have, children. Hell, I doubt I'll ever have a kid but when I think about it I really would enjoy raising one. I would love having my very own cute loli to hold and protect, the memories of her first day at school, teaching her to ride a bike, and even on those repetitive slow days I would have something to look forward to after work. Any female Anons out there share the same feelings as I?

>> No.401932

>Any female Anons out there share the same feelings as I?

wait what

>> No.401935
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...wanna do it?

>> No.401943
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>> No.401944

If I had a girl name her Alice and I'd lock her in a room forcing her to play with dolls and myself every day of her entire life.

>> No.401957
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>> No.401956

May I impregnate you?

>> No.401961

Get back to work, you fat pedo fuck.

>> No.401973

>So /jp/edo creeps, why do you like loli?

I don't, actually.

>> No.401974

I don't want children.

>> No.401979
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I like loli because my parents never gave me that little sister I wanted.
And I don't plan on procreating either.

>> No.401987
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I like lolis because my real little sister is a bitch.

>> No.401993
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I don't, but I pretend I do.

>> No.402002

Wouldn't that make you hate loli?

>> No.402006

This is why 2D > 3D.

>> No.402007

Its our male instinct to want to protect innocence

I want to protect them, because I love them.

>> No.402010
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It makes me yearn for something I never had. A loving little sister who doesn't steal my stuff and pawn it.

>> No.402020

My preference has grown up in a direct relationship with my sister's age.

I'm not a fan of loli anymore.

>> No.402023

Source? Looks familiar.

>> No.402028

school days; the crazy bitch's sister

>> No.402029
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Solution: Hit the little bitch.

>> No.402044
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That little bitch is now 22 and weighs more then me. Plus I kinda love my nephew, so I would feel bad beating the shit out of his mom.

>> No.402053

What is it about lolis that make them more attractive than "women"?

For me, it's EVERYTHING.

Lolis are just filled with good nature and honesty.

Lolis don't care what you do (for a living), or how much money you have.

Lolis just love honestly, meaning lolis love without concern for material things.

I can't say the same for "women".

The "energy" of lolis is also something I love. Lolis just always seem to be filled with a playful happy energy that is seldom seen in adult women.

I just have to look into the eyes of a loli with a small smile, and usually my smile is met with an even larger smile.

>> No.402057

>>402053 [continued]
Lolis are just so much more honest (IMO) than "women". When dealing with women, there seems to be an ever-present, underlying current, that is just not there with lolis. Women usually say one thing, but are thinking something else; with lolis what you see is what you get. Lolis are true. With women its a seemingly neverending "game" of trying to "please" her, figure out her emotions (and then have to cater to them) etc.

This post is in no way meant to "bash" women; I've known some very good sincere women in my time. But if I'm being honest, everything about lolis is superior to women (again, I'm not knocking women).

Lolis' sweet "way about them".

Lolis' cute little bodies.

The undeniable "fun" that lolis are.

The honest, true nature of lolis.

The lack of the "bitchy" attitude, that many (not all) "women" seem to develop. It's just everything.

>> No.402061

I wish I didn't like loli...

But most of the IRL lolies(10-14 years old) are over me for a reason I don't know.

Should I seek professional help?

>> No.402073

I think the whole lolicon thing is really just a fantasy. Real people are miserable. Wanting to sex a loli(like the ones in anime, not real world) is like wanting to sex a honest(as in, doesn't lie) compassionate beautiful woman with heug-like-xbawx tits. Something that doesn't exist. Comparing a cartoon to the real world is assinine. Might as well start arresting people for all the murders they see in the movies.

>> No.402074

Serious answer: Yes, if you think you are going to do something unacceptable.

>> No.402076
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You are everything wrong with the internet today. Kill yourself in the least messy manner possible and in a place you won't be found so no one has to clean up your bloarted corpse.

>> No.402085

I don't like lolis, but I like big cocks in small women, if that's what qualifies.

>> No.402094

No, you are everything wrong with the internet. The guy makes a valid point yet you are too fucking stupid to come up with a valid response.

>> No.402093



>> No.402095

He said "in" not "on".

>> No.402097

I want to be a parent.

>> No.402099

Perhaps you misread it, I think he said IN referring to INSIDE and not ON.

>> No.402103

"Valid point"? Trying to logically explain an attraction to little girls? While we're at it, why don't you remove yourself from the gene pool too.

>> No.402104


Are you saying that because he should want sex with real people instead of a fantasy?

>> No.402108

"My views are the only valid views. All other views shall be flamed."
Yes, you are fucking cancer in the internet.

>> No.402109

durr hurrr ima moralfag and sex with underage japanese cartoon girls is wrong, jesus said so.

>> No.402110

There are no "little girls" in this thread. Only cartoons. It's your inability to separate fiction from reality that's the problem, not his.

>> No.402114


Haha, oops. Oh well both are fine too.

>> No.402115


>> No.402125

Could say the same for yourself, faggot.

Unable to reason with an unexplainable phenomenon, so you try to erase it?

End yourself, sagefag. You're the cancer killing humanity.

>> No.402152

I'm not a lolicon anymore because Kouga isn't one.

>> No.402153


You must be one -UGLY- little girl if you're jealous of cartoons.

>> No.402162

Hey OP! I found your female Anon right here, have fun with that.

>> No.402178

I like lolis because they aren't old enough to be bitchy yet

>> No.402175

Some one post that one page where Kohaku say about corrupting something innocent is the best or something along that line.

>> No.402179


>> No.402185

It's a known fact that women are unable to present any valuable argument and can only bitch all day.

>> No.402186
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>> No.402198

if this weren't the internet I'd swear you were a woman

>> No.402203

Thats the one.

>> No.402208

When I stated in /a/ that loli fans were:

1. Asian
2. Gay

I recieved many responses to deny being Asian -- and many that confirmed being gay. Conclusion: lolicons are homosexual.

>> No.402213

I know I've seen this doujin before. Name/source?

>> No.402217

since lolis are female, we can draw the conclusion that the stated gays were female, since it works that way

>> No.402219
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Wouldn't homosexuals like shotacon instead? (assuming they are male)

>> No.402221

But real lolis aren't like that at all.

And if we're not talking about 3d pig disgusting, then we remove the complaints you've made against women, as they aren't applicable in the case of 2d fantasy.

>> No.402223

I'm borderline asexual, I very VERY rarely see girls that intrest me. In my life I've only seen three girls I would happily court, and out of those one was on a tv commercial, but enough with 3D. For some reason I've always prefered 2D girls, just seem to get it up more for me. It's not like I only fap to loli, anythings fine as long as the breasts aren't too large and it is of course, female.

>> No.402225
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>> No.402227

Being asexual means also having no interest in porn.

Just a reminder.

>> No.402239

That's why I said borderline, and I have always found 3D as well as 2D porn disgusting. Only exception being Story of Little Monica, so moe.

>> No.402244


That anon did say 'borderline'.

>> No.402258

isn't little monica guro?

>> No.402266
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I wish.

>> No.402268

I thought it was the one where his sister dies in the hospital from some illness.

>> No.402269

This has to be copypasta.

>> No.402293

Because with experienced women you're always last place.

With the empowerment of women came the shrinkage of the role and importance of a man.

If you like to organize and demand fair share, then you're controlling and unreasonable. If you're nice, you're weak and boring. If you go in and lift a woman out of a poor lifestyle you are taking advantage of her instead of rescuing her.

If she finds another man while with you, the culture doesn't hold any obligation to her no matter what you did for her and she can leave without so much as a thank you. If you get angry, you're going to be labeled as abusive, controlling or a jerk and that will be used as more justification for leaving you.

Women need to be taught to rely on you, subtly crippled so they can't run away and finally broken in spirit so they won't think about it... and you're going to be a monster in the eyes of everyone else.

>> No.402290

No, I'm not sure about the storyline because the first half was in french (couldn't find it in english) but something about a town and gangsters and a hot catgirl.

>> No.402300
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This may be considered TL;DR

if you moralfags didn't notice, at least 100 years ago, people had relatively short lifespans and the age to actually be considered a senior citizen was about 35-40. Back then people were marrying at younger ages and sometimes reproduced earlier because of how long lifespans were. Also, human bodies are MEANT to reproduce between the ages of 10-20 because as you get older, your seed/egg becomes more and more genetically unstable... Which is why in many cases when old people reproduce, you get down syndrome or some other shitty disease. It is actually the norm by human physiological standards to have a natural or psychological attraction to younger women as a norm. We as human beings are programmed to function that way, but moralfags and their belief system tends to warp everything out of view because of their "As it is written, as it will be followed" mentality. Moralfags, I ask you... Have you ever heard of something called scientific research rather than following a set standard by a bunch of ignorant morons?

FFS you idiot trolls.

>> No.402314

But pedophilia is attraction to PREpubescent kids, while being attracted to those recently of childbearing age is ephebophilia, so yeah.

>> No.402315

Because with experienced women you're always last place.

With the empowerment of women came the shrinkage of the role and importance of a man.

If you like to organize and demand fair share, then you're controlling and unreasonable. If you're nice, you're weak and boring. If you go in and lift a woman out of a poor lifestyle you are taking advantage of her instead of rescuing her.

If she finds another man while with you, the culture doesn't hold any obligation to her no matter what you did for her and she can leave without so much as a thank you. If you get angry, you're going to be labeled as abusive, controlling or a jerk and that will be used as more justification for leaving you.

Women need to be taught to rely on you, subtly crippled so they can't run away and finally broken in spirit so they won't think about it... and you're going to be a monster in the eyes of everyone else.

The reason lolis are popular is the same reason the other women in them even talk to you.

They're vulnerable and weak when they meet you. Some are childhood friends, some are caught in compromising situations such as being lost or knocked over or walked in on while changing or some other accident that made them susceptible to your player character.

>> No.402318

I like loli just because it's natural to carry desirable things to extremes, particularly when it comes to sexuality.

Tits are great, huge tits are better. Or if you go the other way, tits are great, but flatchest is delicious.

In the same sense, young girls are great, but kids are better. All the things that make young girls great are even more abundant in kids. Smooth, taut, unblemished skin, an attitude of innocence, and so on.

There are limits, though. Just as elephantitis of the tits is kinda gross, so is infantophilia.

>> No.402321


Many governments today = everything under the age of 18=pedophilia if you are over 18.

Legal stupidity.

>> No.402326

Are you sure you're not confusing pedophilia with the circumstances that constitute statutory rape?

>> No.402337
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uh, no

>> No.402338

Being attracted to them when their prepubescent is the evolutionary equivalent of calling dibs.

>> No.402339


Actually the government bases statutory rape on the terms of the "pedophilia age 17 downward" which is why it is a load of crap. 2- year old men getting arrested for dating a 16-17 year old. And the legality calls it pedophilia, so our law system is inaccurate in their definitions by far.

>> No.402341

You sick bastards. What are you talking about? Sexual thoughts about pure, innocent lolis are horrible.

I would never suggest removing a loli's clothes and licking her tiny body all over, nibbling her neck and kissing her adorable little nipples.

Only a heartless monster would think about her cute girlish mouth and tongue wrapped around a thick cock slick with her saliva, pumping in and out of her mouth until it erupts, the cum more than her little throat can swallow. The idea of semen overflowing, dribbling down her chin over her flat chest, her tiny hands scooping it all up and watching her suck it off her fingertips is just horrible.

You're all a bunch of sick perverts, thinking of spreading her legs, cock poised at the entrance to her pure, tight, virginal pussy, thrusting in, taking her cherry in one quick stroke, listening to her quickening breathing, her girlish moans and gasps, her flat chest rising and falling rapidly as she reaches her climax, hearing her cry out softly as she has her first orgasm and feels a man's cum flooding through her freshly-deflowered pussy for the first time.

You're all freaks. lolis are too pure for anyone to imagine them in such a terrible situation, and anyone who does is evil, evil, evil.

>> No.402343

Not when it's sexual attraction.

>> No.402346


Moralfag with copypasta alert.

But either way, I could care less what goes on, I just like debating legality with science rather than moralfaggotry.

>> No.402350


But... I'm not touching them.

>> No.402351

Wasn't something similar posted about Rika a loooong time ago? Fucking funny.

>> No.402356

I doubt anyone with intentions of being moral would use that copypasta.

Yeah, I basically just replaced rika with loli.

>> No.402358

That's why we call it copy pasta.

>> No.402361


It is called badly used sarcasm anon.

>> No.402373
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>> No.402380

Oh wait, you don't deserve the title of Anon.
You are a Namefag.

>> No.402381


>> No.402391


Even on your imageboard!


>> No.402393

I don't like them lol.

>> No.402400
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>> No.402404

It's not as bad as having a trip.

Anyways question, does anyone actually have a good relationship with their (little) sister? or brother for the female anons.

>> No.402407
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Standard pedo-test.

>> No.402409

More like furtest.

>> No.402421

Middle because I like foxgirls.

>> No.402425

During a lolicon discussion, F.O.E.!

>> No.402430

I get along with my sister pretty well. She comes to me all the time so we can bitch together about how much we hate everyone. It's because we can do this that I can tell she respects me.

>> No.402431


My little step sister (15) is a whore and I could care less what happens to her. My real sister (10) is very impressionable and not showing any signs of being a bitch/whore and I intend to keep it that way. I will knock the shit out of any bad influence to her.

>> No.402434

What if I answer "All three"?

>> No.402438

Cat/foxgirls do very little for me, so this doesn't really work.

>> No.402443

fuck yeah virginia!

>> No.402449

>So /jp/edo creeps, why do you like loli?

It's only sometimes loli does it for me, when it's girls awkwardly exploring each other's bodies (e.g., 100,000 Yen Miko).

Like most fetishes Anonymous has been sensitized to, it's from reading hundreds of pornographic manga and arts--even the strangest things become erotic eventually.

Actual little children are disgusting. Being into actual little children is disgusting.

And it's "/jp/sies".

>> No.402455

what is F.O.E.? I saw the iosys thing but I didn't understand it

>> No.402469

I think short hair makes all women ugly, so...

>> No.402473

Etrian Odyssey.

>> No.402475

>Virginia - UN Rights Violation


>> No.402499

Well, a 2-d pedophile, anyways. It's a step in some kind of direction, probably.

>> No.402494

Then you're a pedophile.

>> No.402870
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What moronic falderal. We should not have to annotate these unvarnished concerns to cretins such as yourself. Return to the malodorous depths of your rancid furfag sanctorium.

>> No.402885

All three. A the same time.

Yukari manipulates the boundary to enter all three of them at once. The laws of physics are defied for a good cause.

>> No.402899

I think anime lolis can be cute (but not sexy), but real life kids are neither cute nor sexy. They're annoying screaming brats, and I don't know where any of you pedos are getting your 'sweet innocent' fantasies from; they're complete lies.

>> No.402901


Catgirls, foxgirls and Horo do not equal furries, retard.

>> No.402910

Lolis can be sexy if the artists draws them to be so. That being said, real little girls would never appear as such girls are drawn.

>> No.402916
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>> No.402929

And a lot of carotene; that guy much be shoveling it down the kid's throat.

>> No.402946

How much carotene is required for hair that voluptuous?

Inquiring minds wish to know.

>> No.402961


Use the genetically altered orange rice they give the Ethiopians.

>> No.402963
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I don't want my genes passed on, but I might be ready to raise a kid some day. Not soon, though.

>> No.403020

My genetics suck so I'm not sure about having a kid. Sure I'm not terrible looking, except for a bit of acne in my teen years, I'm quite intelligent and I have a decent metabolism so I shouldn't get fat any time soon if I don't over indulge but there is too many negative factors. Everyone in my family tree has some kind of psychosis, cancer is common, depression is rampant, problems with vitamin B in that we don't store it at all and a bunch of other crap. I barely survived childhood(Mentally) why the hell would I want to put another human through it?

>> No.403051


Because you're a fucking Anon and therefore a sociopath.

>> No.403055

I have no interest in your conformity.

>> No.403067

Do you even know any real girls?

>> No.403073

I feel like this too, but I don't think I could ever prove to myself that I wouldn't harm the kid.

Well, that, and I couldn't tell the adoption agency that I'm not a pedophile with a straight face; thanks a lot, 4chan.

>> No.403183


>> No.403213


Also, any updates with anonymous of seven?

>> No.403224

Ren-chan is one of many reasons

>> No.404557


>> No.404565

I want to have a kid, but the only chances I have are with fat chicks. God damn it.

>> No.404575

"/jp/edos" is silly because you Yanks pronounce it "peddow" and not "peedo"

>> No.404580

I pronounced it Juh-Pedo.

>> No.404584

Well I've always said this board in my head as "jay-pee". I would never say it out loud, of course.

>> No.404587

well for me it depends. If the sentance is " look at that pedofile" it would be "peddowfile". But if it is " wow, what a pedo", it would be peedo. Fucked up eh?

>> No.404603

When I said that out loud, I had this horrible image of a naked sweaty old toymaker bent over a resisting Pinocchio.

>> No.404651


>> No.404662

Anyone want to have a gay marriage and adopt a kid?

>> No.405242
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>> No.405257

The U.S. Federal government, not state government, classifies pedophilia as 17 downward, what the states think to them is irrelevant. If someone in a state that allows consent of 18 decides to ask someone in another state that is 17, the federal government will go after them regardless... Even if you leave the state.

>> No.405282

If it were possible, through thorough research and hard work, to raise a child exactly as intended, I would give up my antisocial ways and secure a route to marriage this very day--solely for the purpose of bringing into this world the perfect little girl, to cherish and protect.

>> No.405290

i only fuck wimminz tose lil bitches gotta wait

>> No.405320

>The U.S. Federal government, not state government, classifies pedophilia as 17 downward
>17 downward

They they're morons.

>> No.405433
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Dateline NBC/Chris Hanson = A good example

>> No.405482


I don't care what gender you are...you fail.
I certainly don't like 3d loli, but a Japanese HS girl is fine I suppose, mostly because they're legal to a point.
Also, liking loli ART for me is more of a side-effect of being a moe fag. I can't like the moe without the loli coming along for the ride. I don't think you can really have one without the other creeping in somewhere.

>> No.405531

I am >>402963. You have the same reason I do.

>> No.405541
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>> No.405554

I cant help but feel Oingo Boingo is endorsing this thread.

>> No.405563
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>> No.405616


Go back to the kitchen you damn bitch

>> No.405703
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Excuse me, WTF are you talking about?
I suggest you find and watch this classic.

>> No.405986


>> No.407665

Can you even adopt a kid if you're single?

>> No.407667

Generally no.

>> No.407678

Not of the opposite sex

>> No.407809

What if the parent is gay? They'd be all like "JACKPOT!"

>> No.407872

There go all my dreams of becoming a bad ass single dad with his cute little girl ;_;

>> No.408131

because they are depicted as cute and lovable while having interest in your personification in the world (main character of the game or anime).

In the real world I don't like kids that much, I have a fuckton of younger cousins and they annoy the absolute hell out of me with things, like the fact that they are clingy and will randomly grab your arm or crawl over you. Crap like that seems cute in anime and stuff but it doesn't translate well to real life for me.

Guess that means I'm a 2D pedophile at worst, which is probably a good thing.

>> No.408193

It's just a side effect of being a moefag, finding lolis attractive. Nothing wrong with liking healthy either, as long as it isn't too HEALTHY.

>> No.408231

BRB, moving to Yemen to marry a 9-year-old.

>> No.408242

I don't think too deeply into these things because it won't change anything other than maybe make you realize how pathetic you are.

>> No.408254

would liking high school girls 16-18 be loli?

>> No.408277

No, it would be JB.

>> No.408326



actually thinking about made me realize I'm not really all that screwed up since I thought of all my experiences with real little girls and they noticed they did nothing for me. Though your results may vary, and then I would feel sorry for you.

>> No.408331

only in America

>> No.408369
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