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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40123575 No.40123575 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for discussion and recommendation of Japanese TV and movies.

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/BARFCHgF

Previous Thread: >>39899364

Please put the sauce in the filename if posting pictures/gifs/webms.

>> No.40123621
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forgive her

>> No.40124299

Creepy bitch.

>> No.40124317
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Watched pic related. Nothing too extraordinary, nice scenery and good old kimutaku. There was some stuff I didn't understand but I think that was set up for the movie so whatever.

>> No.40124670
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What are you going to watch next season?

>> No.40124980


>> No.40125040


Fucking give her some role already. It has been 2 years since the scandal.

>> No.40126015

>ctrl f hamabe 0 results
>kamishiraishi 0
>nao 0
>imada 0
>kamiki 0
>nagano 1
Unicorn ni Notte

>> No.40126555

You should just watch it without spoilers but Lonely guy joins 1 eccentric rich kid in doing harmless pranks like replacing every-ones bicycle seats with broccoli they get more friends, commit more pranks and watch movies together This escalates into a cult that bombs Tokyo sky tree

>> No.40126568

I'm gonna take an edible, what do I watch tonight?

>> No.40126620
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World Apartment Horror (1990) by Otomo Katsuhiro

>> No.40126894


>> No.40127135

sorry horror is a no go even sober, I am scaredy cat

>> No.40127174
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The Miracle of Crybaby Shottan (2018) by Toyoda Toshiaki

>> No.40127245


>> No.40127300

The Southeast Asian zoomer starter pack.

>> No.40127419
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>> No.40127442
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Were all these guys juicing? I don't buy Matsumoto's excuse.

>> No.40127531

>Goes to Akiba
>Encounters some weirdos
I miss going there.

>> No.40127946
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Not interested in the Hotta Mayu horror drama? There's also a Yamada Anna drama.

>> No.40127971
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>> No.40127978

All the WOWOW dramas.

>> No.40128230
File: 2.66 MB, 1024x576, [HīkariRaīders] Kyouso no Musume EP02 [1080p] [WEB-DL].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed episode 2.

>> No.40128266

I bet this guy is one of the 2ch oldfags who still refuse to move on to 5ch.

>> No.40128395

and theres nothing wrong with that!

>> No.40128974

They’re cancer. Worst part of /jp/.

>> No.40129964

where can I find it? it's not on avistaz yet

>> No.40130337
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Tricking both the sensei and his daughter to meet up at the love hotel was pure evil, I fucking loved it.
I guess she's gonna eliminate that girl next week. She discovered one of her secrets.
It's on nyaa.

>> No.40130897

horror dramas are so fucking bad lately, I can’t even

>> No.40131260

don’t tell me you unironically enjoy japanese method acting and jerk off with films released half a century and made by sexual predators like sono sion

>> No.40131311


>> No.40131399

What's "method acting"?

>> No.40131476

what sato jiro and muro tsuyoshi do

>> No.40135258

Be based.

>> No.40136463

Calm your tits, I don't watch films. I was shitting on Southeast Asians and Generation Z for worshiping meme actors and actresses.

>> No.40136635

Any movies or series about childhood friends that get older and are thrust into environmental conditions that cause them to turn on each other?

>> No.40137192

I fucking miss my old Sharp. It was fucking cool as shit in 2008.

>> No.40137855

What the fuck are you talking about anon?

>> No.40140481
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I think this drama has women audience as its sole target (the director and the screenwriter are both females, too), especially because of Chiba Yudai's role who always acts like a fag. Beyond that, it does seem interesting. I just hope it doesn't devolve into BL shit because the original manga is made by a BL mangaka.

>> No.40141468

BL murder

>> No.40141669

Thanks for spoiling the drama, asshole.
Well, guess I have a reason to drop it now.

>> No.40142436
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What should I watch tonight?

>> No.40142510


>> No.40142624

Nothing, the failure of Mirai e made me not want to bother anymore.

>> No.40142760

I’d understand if you’re a newfag but I’m baffled you actually watched that shit show, let alone past episode 1. The trailer alone said it loud and clear and before that, the TV network and the time slot is already a red flag.

>> No.40142785

Yokohama BJ Blues

>> No.40144172

adrift in tokyo

>> No.40144737

My Family finale airing tonight, hope it sticks the landing. I wish the show actually spent more time showing family bonding and such considering the title of the drama is "My Family"

>> No.40146336

is this a remake of a thai show?

>> No.40146432

Surprised this third world shithole even have TVs, let alone dramas. And no, it's an original drama by content creators storyboard Inc.

>> No.40146537

Yeah, episode 2 was really funny to what happened to the teacher.

>> No.40147190

thailand is the most advanced SEA country especially their entertainment industry

>> No.40149438


>> No.40150452

drive my bike

>> No.40153866
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>> No.40154315
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Watched pic related. Exactly what I expected, perfect to pass the time. The special was supposed to set up this but they felt a bit disjoined. I didn't enjoy the romance bits because I already knew that she doesn't comeback for the following series. I dislike that Amemiya haircut. Otsuka Nene is a babe.

>> No.40154750

Why do you guys think Japanese and Korean weren't able to produce any live action TV work even close to Babylon 5 or Breaking Bad. I have watched close to 70 Kdramas and over 120 Jdramas and I have yet to come across a genuine masterpiece, it's not like the Japaqnese don't know how to produce great TV, there are plenty of anime that go above and beyond like LoGH, Texhnolyze, Lain and Tatami Galaxy among plenty others.

>> No.40154990

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.40155030

Japanese actors in television overact a lot of the time and i think it ruins it. its probably a cultural thing

>> No.40155040

Also, Japan’s dramas are made for the Japanese people, not a product for international distribution like their films and anime. There are shticks and cliches only the Japanese and the unironic weebs can appreciate.

>> No.40155465

I know this is probably just a shitpost by a crossboarder but it’s still weird that this is the first time I’ve seen Babylon 5 mentioned on this whole website, even excusing we’re on /jp/ I still would have thought to have seen it somewhere else by now
Also this anon’s probably right, what’s desired by domestic audiences might not be what international viewers would like but since the market is all but solely Japan-oriented that’s the crowd they’ll pander towards. Budgets undoubtedly a factor too

>> No.40155676

>Japanese actors in television overact

Replace "samurai" with actors in the article

>> No.40155758

>genuine masterpiece
cherry magic...

>> No.40155814
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anon, you are just obsessed with akaso eiji

>> No.40156203

>Babylon 5 or Breaking Bad
If you mean iconic dramas with several seasons then they do have them, and a lot. Mito Koumon, Aibou and Doctor X are an example.
>Lain and Tatami Galaxy
Those are created by auteurs, passionate creators. The majority of Japanese dramas are pure commercial products devoid of passion, well, just like most anime produced every season. The catch here is, just like Lain and Tatami Galaxy, there are rare gems here and there. Newfags don’t know how to look for them and always get memed and start watching whatever is popular. Then again, like the other anons said, Japanese dramas are meant for the domestic audience, they’re products aimed at the Japanese people themselves and they have characteristics that don’t appeal to you. I would say Hanzawa Naoki is a commercial masterpiece, you? You’ll probably say it’s not that much. But here’s the thing, it’s a commercial drama so it’s shackled by the tv network’s greed and the BPO regulations, so where do you find passionate works? WOWOW TV and services like Netflix.

>> No.40156346

>Newfags don’t know how to look for them and always get memed and start watching whatever is popular
I really recommend the hidden gem stand up!!!

>> No.40156721

>stand up!!
By no means a hidden gem. It is Japan’s most iconic piece of televised work and still carries a cultural prestige nearly two decades in the vein of Hamlet by William Shakespeare. If you haven’t watched it, you haven’t watched Japanese dramas.

>> No.40158253


>> No.40158502

>not a product for international distribution like their films and anime.
Anime have just recently started caring about foreigners, even until early to mid 2010s anime was solely made for the domestic audience.
Not a crossboarder, the last western TV I watched was Witcher and even then it was because I already loved the books and games.

>> No.40158599

> Mito Koumon, Aibou and Doctor X
Not episodic shit, I meant something like the Taiga dramas, all the ones I watched were really good but none were able go above and beyond a historical retelling to be a masterpiece.
>here are rare gems here and there
I have seen my fair share of hidden gems such as iari mienai kao, mother, dakara watashi wa oshimashita, keizoku&spec, arifureta kiseki, ishi no mayu series, w no higeki, yakou kanransha, kurokawa no techo, akuryo byoutou, odoru daisousasen, hitorishizuka and reverse.
Of all these I would say that the only ones close tothe level of Lain or Tatami Galaxy are Hitorishizuka, Keizoku, iari and mother, and even then I wouldn't necessarily say that those are on the same level, maybe hitorishizuka but definitely not the others.

>> No.40159534
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i seen tag last night and i still don’t know wtf happened ngl it’s a pretty shitty movie with bad acting, special effects and plot but i like the panties shots but i still felt weird when the panties shots was framed just like in anime idk how to explain it but panties shot irl movie shouldn’t be framed the way it’s framed in anime cause it will just look weird and doesn’t fit in

>> No.40159549

who is she and why should i forgive her?

>> No.40159892
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Aside from the ham acting (it's full of models, tarenots and idols) I thought it was pretty damn good myself. I think Sono can, like no one else, blend surrealism while speaking on the human condition in his films while also having a somewhat bonkers fun element. Ultimately, it was truly thoughtful and poignant. It’s stunning how he molds and shifts the narrative in his tales.

>> No.40159921
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damn so was i the only one who thought the movie was being pretentious? idk it felt like it was trying so hard to be deep but i liked the insane killing scenes that came out of nowhere also that punk girl that was saying surreal lines was by far the hottest

>> No.40159944

It was definitely, most of the shit sion sono does is pretentious as hell.

>> No.40159997
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Ayano Go's and Oguri Shun's agency gonna sue Garcy for defamation.

>> No.40160020

as expected from the country that worships johnny kitagawa

>> No.40160201

I don't know about pretentious (this turned into an overused buzzword lately, lost its meaning) but I think the message he was trying to convey is to fight against oppressive patriarchies as seen with the girls' struggle with the teachers.

>> No.40160341

how was them struggling with their teacher become an massage about patriarchies it felt like mumbo jumbo what about the whole fate them? and they stuff about them being dead and dna? this is my second japanese movie i think and i didn’t like the first one from what i remember i think it was about a teacher killing school kids who killed her son

>> No.40160446 [DELETED] 

You know, sometimes I don't blame you when complain about crossies.

>> No.40160457

You know, sometimes I don't blame you when you complain about crossies.

>> No.40160823

fuck you

>> No.40160997

What took them so long?

>> No.40161617

Gotta take care of all the evidence and pay off the witnesses first.

>> No.40162417
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>> No.40164332

They waited for the new online slander law to pass.

>> No.40165537

Typhoon club is the only one I know on this list surprisingly

Im a huge fan on Sion Sono and I agree Tag isn't really the best of his films

here is an interesting video about women in Sion Sono films

>> No.40165629
File: 137 KB, 1440x810, confessions-kokuhaku-2010-tetsuya-nakashima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>about a teacher killing school kids who killed her son

>> No.40166714

I just see it as a decline of japanese tv, nothing good is on so nobody is talking about anything. Gives free way for a bunch of normalfags to move in.

>> No.40166896

I love these Japanese indie films, this one looks promising.

>> No.40168228
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x720, ase no sekken (2022).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thing is giving me a sweating fetish. I should have never downloaded it.

>> No.40168874

> here is an interesting video about women in Sion Sono films
bruh so i was watching a feminist movie all along baka i didn’t get the massage tho

>> No.40168931

yes that’s it i think i like tag a bit more i’m planning on getting more into japanese movies my next watch will be suicide club (because i read a manga with the same title that was about the movie but with different events) and next i’ll watch guinea pig

>> No.40168966

I though I was watching some dude's fetishes on display. So it's was actually feminism.

>> No.40168968

> nobody is talking about it
> damn those new people who’re coming in and getting into it
do you hear yourself you elitist you’re not special btw

>> No.40168992

wtf i didn’t type baka i swear i didn’t

>> No.40169006

lmaooo me too

>> No.40169249

Not sure why that triggered you. I agree people should be free to enjoy what they like but their discussion doesn't necessarily have to be in our thread. There's a difference in what we value, japanese culture immersion, over their interest, interesting foreign stories.

>> No.40169282
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>> No.40169319

foreigner? you’re not japanese also wtf did i do i only talk about japanese movies how did i bring my “foreigner interest” here

>> No.40169399

You're misunderstanding again, I hold no malice friend. By foreign I mean that Japan is foreign to you so you find their stories and storytelling interesting. The regulars here are used to the differences and are only here because we're ultra weebs that enjoy the culture immersion. I'm only pointing out that there's a difference in values between us so it's easy to spot you between the other posts..

>> No.40169432

Everyone here should just drop watching tv and start discussing kino movies.

>> No.40169469

okay i understand you now btw i want the culture immersion too

>> No.40169499

Well, we only got to this point because we all know japanese. That's why we discuss tv and any news gossip that comes up.


>> No.40169669

/tv/ is annoying i wouldn’t go as far to say this is a safe spot but /tv/ is becoming your typical 4chan race nigger jews obsessed board i wish /pol/ niggas stayed at /pol/

>> No.40169771

You let a bunch of people take over your board culture just for you to come and do the same to us? Make a good general over there and keep it pumping with on topic discussion. I'm pretty sure you guys would be happier there since it wouldn't be limited to only japanese movies either.

>> No.40169896

How new are you?

>> No.40169935
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>> No.40169949

>Watching some e-celeb’s headcanon explanations about movies instead of figuring your own explanations
Guess this thread isn’t safe from Generation Z faggots like the entire website.

>> No.40170040

I remember the early days of this thread in early to mid 2010’s (before it turned into a general), we used to have many people discussing the Japanese cinema, just like now, but more than now, they used to bring gook shit all the time and outright discussing their garbage in a thread dedicated to Japanese movies, variety shows and dramas. And while the mods did use to delete their posts at some point, they stopped doing that now. It’s not as notorious as back in the day but we still get some crossie fags who bring up gooks from thread to thread.

>> No.40170049

>Sakamoto Yuji
I will now watch your drama.

>> No.40170175

bruh i’m not part of /tv/ culture and wtf is wrong with you why are you attacking me since the very beginning even tho i only posted about japanese movies here fuck you if i posted off topic on this thread then that’s only because it is a response to your constant unprovoked attacks on me you elitist nerd imbecile you’re not special

>> No.40170183

to what

>> No.40170202

> Watching some e-celeb’s headcanon explanations about movies instead of figuring your own explanations
Guess this thread isn’t safe from Generation Z faggots like the entire website
i didn’t even watch the youtube vid nor am i the one who suggested it so why are you mentioning me i already gave my opinion on the movie above

>> No.40170209

fuck you oldfag

>> No.40170400

Just post whatever your want as long as it’s on topic, don’t waste your time arguing with autists.

>> No.40170469

Why do you type like that? It’s like a parody of those zoomer niggers from twitter screenshots.
No one is telling you not to talk about movies, you were the one who replied to that anon replying to me, unprovoked (unless it touched a nerve because it carried some truth).

>> No.40170480

1 or 2 people only watch those tv shows here. It's better we make this a movie thread instead.

>> No.40170500

no cap, fr

>> No.40170582

High chance this will end up with a dark twist

>> No.40170615
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>> No.40170640

You’re both wrong and we’ve already gone through this some threads ago. Why change a thread that have been going fine and dandy for years? If you’re an autist who gets angry over people having different interests, 4chan created hiding and filtering features specifically for you. Like it or not, movies, variety shows and dramas will be posted here.

>> No.40170762

I watched Homeroom on the Beachside and it was really surprising that he killed a character in his story.

>> No.40170824

I really have to watch all Sakamoto’s stuff. The only works of his I consumed are Quartet and the two videogames he wrote Enemy Zero and D-2.

>> No.40170856

Oh and the drama anone, too.

>> No.40171259


Yuno Ohara always looks so dumb and cute at the same time.

>> No.40171750

>Babylon 5 or Breaking Bad
quartet is better

>> No.40173759
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>> No.40173918

Noriko's dinner table is set in the same universe as Suicide club and it's a semi-sequel to it. Watch it if you'll be interested. From what I remembered I like it better than Suicide club

>> No.40174335
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>> No.40174571

thanks for letting me know

>> No.40174621

Nakano Taiga is a good actor IMO.

>> No.40174698

Not a fan of how old Kotaro looks

>> No.40174740
File: 86 KB, 848x1200, Yuno Ohara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moe as fuck

>> No.40176938

I hope that fetish only sticks with busty japanese girls and doesn’t escalate into old ojiisans

>> No.40177884


>> No.40178431

Oshii is on his way

>> No.40183574 [DELETED] 
File: 2.82 MB, 4412x1152, kanna phat again compilation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you guys like it phat

>> No.40183591 [DELETED] 
File: 490 KB, 414x480, minami tits.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a Minami is fine too

>> No.40184564
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>> No.40184626

virginity status?

>> No.40184914

Dubious, but with 12 years in the entertainment industry the odds aren’t great

>> No.40184923

Nonexistent. TV producers ran trains in that sumbitch.

>> No.40185972
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>> No.40187117

Nothing zzzzz

>> No.40187867

Kabukicho Class or whatever the Japanese version of Itaewon Class is called.

>> No.40188577
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Just finished Dragon Sakura (2005) after being in my backlog for so long. Was good.
Should I go straight to the season 2 of last year?

>> No.40188862


>> No.40189519
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>> No.40190612

Watched murders at the house of death (屍人荘の殺人) tonight because it was on Netflix, it was a decent bit of fun. The mystery was a bit lacking but Hamabe was disgustingly cute.

>> No.40190752

and yamada was cute too, and kamiki
and nakamura too

>> No.40190879

They were all cute, but Hamabe was DISGUSTINGLY cute. The doll-like hair, the cute outfits, the dumb mannerisms and sleeping with her eyes half-open, every aspect of her character was carefully crafted to give me a raging erection.

>> No.40191166
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>> No.40191187

you should watch sensei kunshu

>> No.40191260

That kind of painful shojo manga character isn't really my bag.

>> No.40191294

Gakki drama remake?

>> No.40191486

fuck you faggots. i cant watch this! its not on my netflix. FUCKAU

>> No.40191580

Can somebody tell me how Mirai e ended? I'm curious if the plot turned into a train wreck by the end.

>> No.40191682

Fucking Hell, stop ruining iconic dramas with cheap remakes.

>> No.40192140


>> No.40192144

Rushed but decent ending. They beat
their rival school. Kimutaku and Hikari get married.

>> No.40192363

>murders at the house of death
its rated a 5.4/10 . is it really that mediocre?

>> No.40192909

I haven't seen the it and no idea what its about but don't trust ratings. Go in and watch it and form own opinion

>> No.40194088

I was shocked how bad the ratings were, even for the book it's based on. It doesn't set the world on fire, but it's a fun movie and I liked the concept.

There's a lot of films like this that the Japanese audience seemed to dislike a lot but they're perfectly watchable.

Use a VPN, dude.

>> No.40194529

it's starring that guy who dumped his pregnant girlfriend not gonna watch

>> No.40194532

>Use a VPN
good free ones?

>> No.40194647
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>> No.40194786

>Directed by Shiraishi Kouji
I will now watch your drama.

>> No.40194901

Softether takes a few tries sometimes but works fine.

>> No.40195038

Did you watch it raw? Looks like the subbed last episode still isn't out yet

>> No.40195849
File: 2.91 MB, 1024x576, [HīkariRaīders] Nanba MG5 EP09 [1080p] [WEB-DL].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's one of the go-to delinquent actors. I see him always. And this episode was like My Boss, My Hero.
It looks very fun.

>> No.40196181

Where do you guys download old stuff like House 1977

>> No.40196234


>> No.40196271

Still at episode 2 since i haven't had time to watch it, but all the My boss my hero comparisons make me really happy

>> No.40196356


>> No.40196877
File: 34 KB, 639x480, yankee-kun to megane-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I think it's closer to a better version of Yankee-kun to Megane-chan. Incidentally too, Mamiya Shotaro was in that drama. This show isn't as comical as My Boss, My Hero.

>> No.40197486

I have that one on my hard drive too, i have to give it a try. Do you have a favorite in that vein?
i really like HS series

>> No.40201243

Any fan servicey shows with decent enough plots?

>> No.40201338

As a coomer i was enjoying kyokasho ni nai

>> No.40201544
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>> No.40201663

speaking of which...this is on netflix
is it not on avistaz? weird.

>> No.40202508
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>> No.40202929

the 2 guys I hate the most, nice

>> No.40203124

>Do you have a favorite in that vein?
Other delinquent themed dramas set in high school? Some shows I had fun watching were Shiritsu Bakaleya Koukou, Bad Boys J, Holyland, Sugarless, Shonan Junai Gumi, and Kyou kara Ore wa to name a few.

>> No.40203246
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, Be-Bop High School.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you watched all these yankii live-actions but not THE yankii live-action?

>> No.40203491
File: 1.85 MB, 704x396, 1543035462977.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have. I even made a webm of it.

>> No.40203572


>> No.40205020
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>> No.40206099

haru birthday

>> No.40208549
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>> No.40212816
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>> No.40213936
File: 2.64 MB, 1024x576, [HīkariRaīders] Kyouso no Musume EP03 [1080p] [WEB-DL].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40214825

So it wasn't Kiritani who died, moreover, she killed that girl and seems like she holds a grudge upon the Yudas for a magazine article the dad wrote. I wonder if their mom was a member of the cult.
The content is so overwhelming that one episode feels too short.

>> No.40216510
File: 58 KB, 750x422, 20220604-00000008-nataliee-000-1-view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be-Bop Ossan announced.


>> No.40216549

Best jidaigeki?

>> No.40216565

Mito Komon (1969)
Hissatsu Shigotonin (1979)
Ooku (1968)
Ooka Echizen (1970)
Lone Wolf and Cub (1973)

>> No.40216589
File: 120 KB, 1200x675, 5-9579c1db17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPPON Women Grand Prix next week.

>> No.40218372

Yeah, I think her aim is all about revenge. And I think the twin sister saw what happened at the rooftop and still processing if she should tell about it.

>> No.40218395

Is there anywhere to watch episodes of tales of the unusual? Apparently the 2004 movie infection was based on an episode but I can’t find any. I had DVD’s before of the show but threw all my DVD’s out.

>> No.40221477

is that a bebop high school spinoff?

>> No.40221913

I think it's a sequel. Same characters but older.

>> No.40223085

Are there any live drama in the same vein as Cromartie High?

>> No.40223199

elite yankee saburou is hilarious.

>> No.40225339
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>> No.40225631


>> No.40226265
File: 106 KB, 1500x1060, EEI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What upcoming movies are you looking forward to?
For me, it's Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon. The manga is fun and the movie is starring Mio Imada so I'm having high expectations!

>> No.40226326

>Oshii Mamoru
>Kitano Takeshi
>Ishii Gakuryu
KDUF-X (tentative)
>Otomo Katsuhiro
Orbital Era
>Toyoda Toshiaki
>Tsukamoto Shinya
That post-war film he announced recently
>Anno Hideaki
Shin Kamen Rider
>Yuasa Masaaki
>Miike Takashi
Not a film but that gook drama he's rumored to be directing

>> No.40226333

cherry magic eiga...

>> No.40226418

Golden Kamuy live-action

>> No.40226697

>Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon.
2 hour movie with rushed plot threads and characterization incoming
The source material (novel series) has 5 volumes worth of content

>> No.40227710

anyone know who owns the japanese subtitle website http://jpsubbers.xyz/Japanese-Subtitles/? it hasn't been updated in a while, i don't see any jp subs for 2022 dramas

>> No.40227786 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.42 MB, 1920x1080, Kanojo.no.sukinamonowa.2021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40227983

If Cats Disappeared from This World

>> No.40228138

remind me again what's this about? on unrelated note, i miss kounodori drama

>> No.40228897

>Not a film but that gook drama he's rumored to be directing
No way

>> No.40229313


>> No.40231387

mizuki seggggsss

>> No.40234103

Anything "fun" to watch?

>> No.40234121

What genre?

>> No.40234233

Any show with former superstar Idols in them.

It's "fun"ny watching them in ordinary everyday situations.

>> No.40234378


>> No.40234490

Stand Up!! (2003)

>> No.40234677

Are live action with gaijin actors good or awful?

>> No.40234731

That's Singapore, lah. Granted, Singy entertainment isn't as widespread as Thai.

>> No.40234838
File: 51 KB, 217x296, 1511236468984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our shit smells less terrible than your shit
Both are third world shitholes full of subhumans like every other Southeast Asian shithole. Take that shit to /int/ and stay there.

>> No.40234880
File: 206 KB, 828x1176, r7aelklCgWQ8DrA6bffDfeKhihWnocUHy6Yi2WEt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Strikes! (2011)

>> No.40234927

Anyone here watched Haken Anime starring Nakamura Tomoya? Is it as good as Aoi Honou?

>> No.40235074

It was more serious than I imagined it would be. There are other movies in the same genre such as Pompo, Bakuman, and Shirobako, but for me personally, this is by far the best. The cast in particular are all top notch.

>> No.40236106
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Japan is finished.

>> No.40236363
File: 162 KB, 900x1324, QBYo7_4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgetting this, aired back in 2020

>> No.40236388

There's a BL drama almost every season now. In the past(few years ago) it was rare.

>> No.40236539

It was fun, I thought Tasuku Emoto was especially good. Compared to other recent 'adaptation' movies, this one was decent at making its world feel believable in live action. Even had an after-credits stinger that was rewarding to wait for

>> No.40236577

it attracts online subscribers well

>> No.40236706

>women are the biggest audience for drama
>make drama specifically for women
this really isn't hard to figure out, unless you're new or something

>> No.40237280

nodame cantabille
lupin no musume
hotaru no hikari

>> No.40237780

i personally liked it a lot. It has this artsy/campy feel that only him can pull off.

>> No.40237809
File: 41 KB, 700x298, cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three more actors joining Alice in Borderland 2.

>> No.40237996

nice casting.
naked yamapi? lol

>> No.40238669
File: 1.61 MB, 2224x4888, kiNMQ5k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone want to help me out on creating a recommendation chart? how would one go about to creating one? something like pic related

>> No.40239612

Any other dramas similar to Train Man?

>> No.40239746

There’s already a Japanese cinema chart made by /tv/

>> No.40239780
File: 118 KB, 750x452, Boys_On_The_Run-TV_Asahi-p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys on the Run. The original manga by Hanazawa Kengo is better though.

>> No.40239804

It would be hard to create something similar in this general since people here have different tastes. It would be awkward to have, say, Takeshi Kitano's Hanabi and Kaguya-sama starring Kanna Hashimoto on the same chart.

>> No.40239971

The chart doesn't have to only be for Japanese movies but includes dramas, and maybe can split them into genres?

>> No.40240980

well of course singapore beijing hongkong and taiwan are advanced since china is the most advanced country in the world...

>> No.40240995

why are japanese "men" so cute??

>> No.40241187
File: 70 KB, 486x487, suda-ryusei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skinny and feminine looking

>> No.40242848

gosh, I hate ryusei's dumb face

>> No.40247223


>> No.40247813

I've got some bad news for you.
They always were

>> No.40247937
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>> No.40249895
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KimuTaku (I am so sick of this guy) and Ayase Haruka

>> No.40250411
File: 197 KB, 750x1061, koushukaidouyoriaiwokomete_202206_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40250510

Is this a Drive my Car clone?

>> No.40250901

>Toei blew 2 billion yen on this for their 70th anniversary
The absolute state of it. Also Kimutaku doesn't suit jidaigeki works, he will play himself anyway. I have a feeling this gonna bomb hard, feel sorry for Ayase because she's pretty good when it comes to jidaigeki. Maybe Toei can salvage their losses by making an anime or a mobage tie-in or something. They should just have made it an anime, that would attract global interest.

>> No.40258476
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>> No.40258896
File: 163 KB, 1792x1080, Over.the.Fence.2016.1080p.BluRay.x264.DTS-WiKi.mkv_snapshot_01.00.36.102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40259010
File: 2.94 MB, 716x384, ミスター・ミセス・ミス・ロンリー (1980).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2h20m of pure Japanese meandering 80s nonsense kino.

>> No.40259244

Curious yet too long and sometimes pedantic in a good way. The story was difficult to understand but I reaffirm that this is a film in which one can enjoy the personalities of the characters and their quirks despite not understanding the story. The film is a bit of a mess, but it's realistic. The setting made me feel nostalgic of an era I was never a part of (born in 1990). And Meiko Harada was so hot in her heydays. Oh, and she co-wrote the story with Kumashiro. Amazing.

>> No.40259410

What's yamashita up to? It's been years since his last movie.

>> No.40260578

i found it on rarbg because i don’t have an avistaz invite :(

>> No.40261026

This looks very interesting. It needs subtitles.

>> No.40262294

Can someone give some invitations to Avistaz and/or JPTV, me and this guy >>40260578 need it

>> No.40263122
File: 28 KB, 700x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two but I'm too much of a pussy to use them due to the scary warnings on the invite page

>> No.40263440
File: 915 KB, 1363x813, tifa live action.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a movie I watched in Wowow cable channel here in SEA a long time ago, maybe 2002-2003. It was R-18, it was erotic but I can't remember if there was nudity. Maybe there was breast nudity but no hardcore stuff. The story of the movie was there was this guy who was hired to seduce the wife of someone who is currently in the hospital unconscious, so the wife is left alone in the house. There is this scene that the guy calls the wife and he seduces her via the phone, convincing her to use a wine bottle to fuck herself. The wife doesn't know though that this guy placed a hidden camera inside the house and he is watching the wife do this while he is on the phone with her. Eventually they have a meet up. In their meetup, he blindfolds her and fucks her in a building overlooking a public or highway I think. In another scene I think they fuck in the hospital next to the husband. In the end scene there's this long dinner table and they fuck there. The husband eventually awakens from the hospital and I think he was notified about what happened, and he tried to kill this guy that was hired to seduce the wife but the wife block the bullet when the husband shot at the guy.

>> No.40264396

Aw man, so that's why. That's okay, thanks anon. I'll just wait for the invitation from the Discord, then

>> No.40266383
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Are there any good melancholy/depressing shows?

>> No.40266489

i see, that’s ok, bro, thank you anyway.

>> No.40267615

Soredemo, Ikite Yuku

>> No.40269506

Tag tag sumo is fun. Nelsons are badass at this, outwitting and out-skilling their opponents, including the surprise one at the end.

>> No.40270834

They could have done the tag sumo setsu for the entire episode, it was really fun. I hoped real sumo wrestlers would appear after Yunbudanpu.
Also, was surprised to see Mano Erina on the show. She's still so cute after getting married.

>> No.40271015

Shokuzai (2012)
5 Junko (2015)
Mukou no Hate (2021)

>> No.40271314

Are any of the Aibou series any good? Just curious since it's trending on twitter and been running for 20 years now

>> No.40271335

>LoGH, Texhnolyze, Lain and Tatami Galaxy
Babby's first anime

>> No.40271403

Depends on you. For long-running shows like Aibou (or Conan, etc.), the person himself should decide if it's good or not. Watch the first season and decide for yourself. Personally, I didn't like it. I'd probably be attached to it if I watched it when I was young (like Conan) but it just feels like a chore watching all the seasons now.

>> No.40271759
File: 180 KB, 2048x909, FSE5tw6XEAE1Gl8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yokoyama Yui?

>> No.40271879

Nah, it's complete milquetoast crap. Literally filler tv you leave on in the background and don't pay attention to. I suppose many people might feel nostalgic since they grew up with the early seasons but I did so too and always thought it was shit whenever it came on tv.

>> No.40271981

Literally just found those two titles on MDL last night. Seem good.

>> No.40272079
File: 784 KB, 857x1116, yui tits photography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup, if there was liveaction tifa i'd pick her

>> No.40274990
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>> No.40275127

>Shinra Manzo is in it
I will now watch this film.

>> No.40275459

I remember seeing a video about a Japanese dude in his 20s or early 30s who got very rich from being a stock market autist and despite being worth 9 figures he never spent money on anything except a high rise apartment in Tokyo that he kept almost unfurnished (IIRC he had a couch, a bed, his computer setup, and maybe a TV).
He would eat ramen every day at his local shop and some times he would afford himself the luxury of adding egg.
It was a tv show segment that ended with the guests at the studio discussing the video, and one of them was an older guy saying that the dude isn't happy.

Does anyone know where to find it?
I saw it on YouTube but now their search is useless so it just gives me random shit normies like that's kinda related to my search keywords.
Thank you very much in advance.

>> No.40277034
File: 2.52 MB, 1024x576, [HīkariRaīders] Nanba MG5 EP10 END [1080p] [WEB-DL].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed the show until the very end. The final story arc was great.

>> No.40277238

I guess that makes sense, thanks

>> No.40277943

Lmao sg entertainment sucks ass

>> No.40277961

Yamapi looking badass here

>> No.40282549


>> No.40282656

Thank you for giving me nightmares.
I can't get her smiling out of my head.

>> No.40283319

whats it from, it makes me want to cum, not be afraid

>> No.40283607

Where the hell can I watch this? I cant find any torrents or streaming

>> No.40283839

Probably available on the sekrit club

>> No.40284171
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>> No.40284267
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>> No.40285574

She would be pretty if she wasn’t a hamplanet

>> No.40289853

Avistaz sorry

>> No.40290158
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, 1449339414370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you guys help me out? I'm looking for a horror movie I watched over a decade ago, can't remember what it's called, I'm 99% sure it is japanese. It's about a pregnant woman who is chased by a ghost that is trying to reincarnate into her baby. The "plot twist" was that this is a common process and practically all babies are just reincarnations of human ghosts.

>> No.40291707

chucky 4

>> No.40292152
File: 1.58 MB, 2677x1080, wife Kanna photoshoot by neighborhood association photography group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phat in the right places mentioned


>> No.40292302

>starring hotta mayu
i will now watch your drama

>> No.40293445
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40293477

Turn yourself to the authorities, freak.

>> No.40293695
File: 429 KB, 1280x682, Tag.2015.720p.BluRay.x264-[YTS.AM].mp4_snapshot_00.13.22_[2022.06.25_10.40.14].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the only pantsu shot or are there more?

>> No.40293841
File: 2.48 MB, 1280x682, pantsu tag.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found another scene.

>> No.40293910

Tag ending like the one in Looper, but it kinda felt rhymeless, like it might be saying end obeying the patriarchy or stop illusions like in American Psycho. So death to save classmates? I don't think that's it. So suicide for the sake of suicide? Bad really.

>> No.40293943

What are some must watch thriller or mystery series? Also, are Alice in Borderland and Your Turn to Kill any good?

>> No.40294057
File: 157 KB, 750x1000, resize_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MPD Psycho (2000) by Miike Takashi
The Forest of Love: Deep Cut (2020) by Sono Sion

>> No.40294146

>What are some must watch thriller or mystery series?
Hitorishizuka (2012)
Shokuzai (2012)
Hokuto (2017)
Rakuen (2017)
Innocent Days (2018)
Akuto: Kagaisha Tsuiseki Chosa (2019)
Zekkyou (2019)
>are Alice in Borderland and Your Turn to Kill any good?
They're decent, nothing amazing though.

>> No.40294507

>MPD Psycho
Is it okay to watch it without reading manga?

>> No.40294671

this shit had a bunch of those no?

>> No.40294828

Well, if you're interested in the story alone it's better to just read the manga because the drama cuts and summarizes a lot, it does have original scenes though. The direction and the visuals were topnotch but unfortunately the gore is censored since it's a tv drama. But still, that creepy atmosphere of Japan's late 90's and early 00's psychological-thrillers is well-wroth watching it for. I recommend watching the drama first and reading the manga after.

>> No.40295268
File: 1.73 MB, 1440x1080, sei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax. I watch it for her.

>> No.40295718

Thanks. What about Liar Game adaptation? Is it any good? Can I watch it without reading the manga first or should I read it before watching?

>> No.40301746

The drama was fun with a cool OST.

>> No.40302367

You can. It has many sequels.

>> No.40303555

Think i would rather watch Monkey all over again!

>> No.40304249
File: 430 KB, 1920x1080, FWFq7cRVUAEcOSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tarentos were funnier than the geinins.

>> No.40304524


>> No.40304570
File: 31 KB, 450x239, IPPON%E5%A5%B3%E5%AD%90%E3%82%B0%E3%83%A9%E3%83%B3%E3%83%97%E3%83%AA2022-%E5%86%99%E7%9C%9F%E3%81%A7%E4%B8%80%E8%A8%80-%E5%8A%A0%E7%B4%8D-%E5%A4%96%E6%9D%A5%E7%A8%AE%E3%81%93%E3%81%A3%E3%81%A1%E3%81%A7%E3%83%BC%E3%81%99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only watched it for the cute geinin and tarento but they were surprisingly funny here and there. Women aren't funny, THE W is overhyped, but this is a rare instance when they were kinda funny. This was my favorite answers.

>> No.40304588

excellent choice!

>> No.40304592


>> No.40304606

I confirm, both seasons of Joshimental were crap

>> No.40304618
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>> No.40305377
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>> No.40308810

anyone knows if yoitv still works?
i just bought a fire tv stick to run it on it.

>> No.40309150

yes still works

>> No.40311168

kami-sama no ekohiiki is kino though

>> No.40311702
File: 285 KB, 750x1063, FWLHjZYUsAApS6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40311726
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>> No.40312970

I got Moteki recommended, but it sucks. The ending was particularly shitty.
