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4025812 No.4025812 [Reply] [Original]

Episode 6 powerlevels!
Featherinne > Lambdadelta > Bernkastel

>> No.4025825

Featherinne is on a higher plane than both so it's quite obvious.

>> No.4025831

How can you be on a higher plane then godrealm?

>> No.4025840

Her horns are not really horns.


>> No.4025846

Indeed, Featherinne seems closer to gods than witches.

>> No.4025848

Does she appear only in 1998?

>> No.4025851

When little girls powertrip, they just make up shit to talk about in their imagination fights.
'I'm a GODgod. Whoo.'

>> No.4025852

how can she beat the power to fucking kill you?

>> No.4025856

yes. As Ryukishi07.

>> No.4025858

not an umineko fag, who is Featherinne?

hanyuu counterpart?

>> No.4025861

She lurks from there. She even knows about the new GM.

>> No.4025864

Aha! She and MARIA are both Creator level witches (the latter being apprenticed, or somethin'), since they both wrote the letters in the bottles, and are thus a higher level than the Voyagers. Now it's all coming together.

>> No.4025869

umineko, the new touhou

>> No.4025874
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New Witch.

Seems to be the new strongest witch.

>> No.4025877

I thought this too.

>> No.4025883

Like that means anything.

>> No.4025886

She is Hanyuu from 1000 years in the future.
She wrote the Higurashi novel (which is based on real events)

>> No.4025888

Finally more healthy witches.

>> No.4025895

It was shiwn in ep6 that new Hanyuu exists in a real 1 step up from the meta world. It's pretty stupid, but it looks like R07 got us again.

>> No.4025897

Featherines dress looks like a fusion of formal night dress and kimono.

>> No.4025899

If by got us you mean 'Facepalming til the nose becomes flat from more bullshit', than yeah/

>> No.4025905

Ok what the fuck, I got EP6, but whenever I try and load something, this error pops up and crashes the game, HELP!

>> No.4025913

You facepalmed just now?
We just reached the 6. plane.

6 more to go.

>> No.4025914

AuAu tells us that it is possible to reach the truth using the first two games alone.

>> No.4025916

Copypaste the bgm folder manually.

>> No.4025920

Be R7 to know what actually matters from all the bullshit presented.

>> No.4025923

Shannon = Kanon.
Jessica and Nanjo are working with her/him.
A bomb destroy everything at midnight of the second day.
Just go from there.

>> No.4025921

Lemme see if I got this straight. Featherinne is an author who wrote the Higurashi novel in the Umineko universe, and chose to self-insert herself as the "heroine" into the story just for shits and giggles? What kind of an author would do tha-... Ryukishi, you card.

>> No.4025922
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It was said Lambda is the strongest witch!

Is Feather duster a god?

>> No.4025929

Creator level = DURR HURR omnipotent?

>> No.4025932

Just a girl who can make more ridiculous claims.
That's how the witch system works.

>> No.4025943

Creator level = writer of the story.
That's why Maria is also at creator level, she wrote the first 2 letters.

>> No.4025948

From Ep6 ????:
Featherinne is Hanyuus grandmother. She was originally an oni.
She was the leader of a group called the army of horned death

>> No.4025951

And she cannot re-imagine an imaginary friend.
Witches are just girls in their silly fantasies.

>> No.4025953

As it is, it looks like the first two games were the ones pieced together through Maria's notes, the others were all forged by new Hanyuu. I'm not sure if that makes them any less reliable, but apparently they're the only 2 that give a fully reliable account of the events, or something like that.

>> No.4025963

So Maria has the detective point of view in those games?

>> No.4025976

The mix of real and fake spoilers in here is hilarious.

>> No.4025991

Gohda>Featherine>Lambdadelta>Bernkastel>BATTLER>Endless 9 Battler>Dlanor>Erika>ANGE Beatrice>Beatrice=Goldsmith=Virgilia>Ronove>Gaap>Battler>EVA>Siestas>Kinzo=Genj
i>Shanon>Kanon=Stakes=George=Jessica>Eva>Krauss>Goat Servant>Rudolf>Kasumi>Kyrie=Hideyoshi>Natsuhi>Ange>Kumasawa>Sakutaro

>> No.4025995

Fake spoilers mean that you can treat the information here as false. So your not spoiled for when the translation releases.

>> No.4025992

after 5 minutes... Holy shit this is awesome!
5 more minutes... welcome to Ange Namek ....

>> No.4026001

Ep5 had better fake spoilers.

>> No.4026011
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>Ange Namek


>> No.4026020

Which will be half of a year from now.

>> No.4026052

ep6 explained that sakutaro can't be alive if Maria thinks his body is dead.

Fuck Rosa.

>> No.4026071

Can someone post the link to the Umineko ATLAS dictionary?

>> No.4026100

So Featherinne is the person Bern wrote her letters to?

>> No.4026106

Seconding this. I know it's utterly terrible, but it's still better than nothing. Half of it even makes sense, some of the time... kind of.

>> No.4026109


This makes entirely too much sense.

>> No.4026160
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>> No.4026163

Bern wrote letters?

>> No.4026170

Extra Tips do you slowpoke read them?

>> No.4026192

IT must be, since Bern is talking to a creator class witch.
>If she is a much higher-ranked witch than I, it means that that is very close to your disease.

>> No.4026205

Bernkastel never wrote letters. Featherinne made that up.

>> No.4026214

This is pointless OP. Bern and Lambda are purposely lowering their powerlevels so they won't become creators.

>> No.4026222

Sure, whatever.

>> No.4026252

Lambdadelta > Featherinne > Bernkastel > Lamdadelta >

>> No.4026260

Not believing in witches>Witches who do nothing actually important with their power then mess up with a silly old man who wants them there.

>> No.4026270

One of them is a god. Not believing will do jackshit.

>> No.4026284

Except Gods still do absolutely fucking nothing important, except for making a silly story more confusing.

>> No.4026290

So, you're saying the meta-world is just a gay, fanficcy LARP session? Then what is the "real" world, since both 1986 and 1998 are affected by their self-inserting disgressions?

>> No.4026293

Are they?
Or do they base their silly fantasies on the actual events?
Regardless of the truth of the matter, the whole presentation is still retarded.

>> No.4026295

I`d rather see them doing little then lol deus Ex machina everything is fixed now hijack

>> No.4026297

What's the difference between gods and witches in terms of Umineko? You can choose to believe either exists or doesn't, and they both seem to perform the similar functions.

>> No.4026311

Gods = Natural
Witches = Artificial

>> No.4026315

If they did that, the story would be pointless. They aret here just to make things more cluttered and less straightforward.
So you have the MAKERS AND SHAPERS OF THE COSMOS writing silly letters and killing each other in a Meta-world.

>> No.4026330

Witches are weak to anti magicial poison while gods are not.

>If they did that, the story would be like Demonbane

>> No.4026331


Magical Gohda Chef>Featherine>Lambdadelta>Bernkastel>BATTLER>Endless 9 Battler>Dlanor>Erika>ANGE Beatrice>Beatrice=Goldsmith=Virgilia>Ronove>Gaap>Battler>EVA>Siestas>Kinzo=Genj
i>Shanon>Kanon=Stakes=George=Jessica>Eva>Krauss>Goat Servant>Rudolf>Kasumi>Kyrie=Hideyoshi=Gohda>Natsuhi>Ange>Kumasawa>Sakutaro

>> No.4026334

So, following anti-fantasy, gods don't exist either.

>> No.4026345

Not really, Demonbane OMNICIENT entities are actually more defined than this shit.

>> No.4026340

Then how can Eva survive one game, and only one? And then that game bleeds out into 1998? Wouldn't a specific lone survivor invalidate all the other games, then?

>> No.4026351

Every game should invalidate the other.
Till you are spoonfed what actually occurred, everything is silly stories that do not affect what actually happened.

>> No.4026359

Umineko would be more defined once the gods start to blow up shit.

>> No.4026365

Not really, no.
Since that would be a way to indicate bombs and 'GODS DID IT' would be the 'clever' way to mask the real events or whatever in general/

>> No.4026376

It seems like voyager+ class witches don't give a shit about antimagical poison.

>> No.4026378

And they still do nothing but say 'I voyage around, fuck yeah'.

>> No.4026394

You really want them to ruin the story?

>> No.4026400

They do it by just appearing.
The problem is that the concept is bad from teh start, not just their actions.

>> No.4026424

I like it all.

>> No.4026432

Well, people seem to accept every bullshit that makes the story more convoluted gladly.

>> No.4026438


>> No.4026446

Of course I do not.
It was pretty clear.
Do you feel smart now?

>> No.4026454


>> No.4026458

anyone streaming EP6 right now?

>> No.4026462

You are easily satisfied.
Guess that's why you still enjoy this shit.

>> No.4026463

Me. Make a thread please.

>> No.4026468

Just drop it an play your fate/stay night again.

>> No.4026482

Featherinne porn when?

>> No.4026494

I did after 4 and reading 4 hours into 5.
And what does F/SN has to do with this?
I'm expressing my dislike over certain elements of teh story in the later parts.

>> No.4026514
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20091119202141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Featherine>Lambdadelta=Bernkastel>BATTLER=MARIA>Endless Virgilia>Dlanor>Beatrice>Goldsmith>EVA>Ronove>Ange Beatrice>Virgilia=Gaap>ROSA>Siestas>Stakes>Goats>Erika>Humens>Sakutarou

>> No.4026523

GOHDA>Featherine>Lambdadelta=Bernkastel>BATTLER=MARIA>Endless Virgilia>Dlanor>Beatrice>Goldsmith>EVA>Ronove>Ange Beatrice>Virgilia=Gaap>ROSA>Siestas>Stakes>Goats>Erika>Humens>Sakutarou

It's obvious.

>> No.4026598
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>> No.4027579

Magical Gohda Chef you mean. he has a name.
