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40257904 No.40257904 [Reply] [Original]

Since Koishi can manipulate peoples’ subconscious and make you not realize she’s there, do you think she doesn’t bother going to the bathroom because it’s incovenient and instead just like, takes dumps in the middle of the street? Like, imagine that she was pushing out a really big one and she lost control over her ability for a second, so you just kind of see her and her massive poo blink in and out of existence for a just a brief moment. I just thought of this, what do you think?

>> No.40257918

She only shits inside Hakurei donation box.

>> No.40258163

i dont think i want to have thoughts anymore

>> No.40258244
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i dont think

>> No.40258261

That's pretty hot.

>> No.40258421

youkai don't shit

>> No.40258436

nah she just uses it to make people unconsciously pull their dicks out so she can fuck them when the urge comes
they don't even notice

>> No.40258694

That would be so cool. I'd make fun of her forever. I wouldn't even need to actually talk about it. Just a funny look at her will be enough to cause her massive embarrassment!

>> No.40263006

She would think nothing of it.

>> No.40264194

She wears diapers

>> No.40264363

Alright then. What about she is walking past and loses control of her ability for a second and you are assaulted with her stinky poopy smell before blinking out of existance again.

>> No.40264543

It would be very arousing ngl

>> No.40264632 [DELETED] 

I’d say its been 8 or 9 years since the last time I rammed a stick of butter up my ass while jerking off and fingering my asshole. I did it because it felt really good but that’s not the point of this story. I want to tell you of the events proceeding this fateful masturbation.

I’m sitting there watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air and around 15 minutes go by and I feel a sticky wetness on my ass cheeks and ballsack. This is when I realized that the butter I had shoved up my asshole had melted and leaked out onto my couch and it had a very distinct putrid stench to it. It had mixed with my shit to create something far worse than shit. It was probably the worst thing I’ve smelt in all my life. It actually smelt many times worse than the time I had stuck a pickle up my asshole and forgot about until the morning after.

While standing there taking in this wonderfully putrid smell I realize that I cannot be the only one to smell this. So I walked quickly upstairs with my ass cheeks clenched not wanting to spill a drop of my shit butter. I pull out from my sock drawer a heavy woolen sock and unload the contents of my asshole into it. I thought the smell was bad before. I now had the urge to do a barrel roll out my window to escape the horrid odor. I quickly tied the top of the sock and left my house.

>> No.40266325

cute autist

>> No.40266988

>looks at koishi
>subconscious starts to form
>op's first image is scat
>creates post to spread the filth
>other anons join in with his degeneracy
>only scat floating around in their subconsciousness
>koishi laughs
>end of thread

>> No.40267596

A big no-no

>> No.40267903

girls don't poop

>> No.40268355

cute autist

>> No.40272469

she could fart in a room and have it be blamed on someone else entirely. noone would know it was her. truly the most powerful youkai.

>> No.40272591

Shes too powerful. ZUN please nerf

>> No.40275858

That happens to me sometimes
I think she's real

>> No.40282246

her crop dusting ability rivaled only by suika, who can turn into fart mist. there for koishi and suika are the two strongest touhous

>> No.40282311

i dont think she is the autistic enough to shit on streets, probably going to a far-away forest or going to the bath in the Komeiji mansion

>> No.40282344

fart and shit fetishists WILL burn in hell

>> No.40282403

and meet koishi? don't mind if i do

>> No.40284796

Too bad you're going to super hell no Koishie for you

>> No.40285019

How far does her ability extend? Say she was small and grew large would the gas in her ass also grow or would that stay the same? And vice versa, if she stay large as a building for a day and built up a giant far would she need to decompress it all as she shrunk likely gassing out a large area as she did?

>> No.40288279

no way, i get to meet hecatia too?

i am no touhou brap lore expert however you would think the "ability to control to manipulate density and gather" would extend to her gas as well, so she could probably just control how strong it is at any given time. koishi has stealth, suika has strength

>> No.40288921

you said the same thing on /mu/

>> No.40289132

Also on /a/. Surprised it's still up here, maybe /jp/ mods are scatfags.

>> No.40295360

i think koishi big poop

>> No.40297160

that wouldn't be surprising.

>> No.40304299

she may be able to shit her own pants but can she shit someone elses pants? didn't think so

>> No.40307832

She is this but shitting pants instead. What a fearsome youkai

>> No.40308476

alright i actually wonder how many youkai could just shit someone elses pants. could the kappa do it with their water manipulation powers? yukari could probably just think up some dumb border bullshit to get someone to.

>> No.40322618

pooping autist

>> No.40323918

mods havent moderated /jp/ in years, especially ever since hololive.

>> No.40330722

Come and witness mental illness manifest.

>> No.40330743

Yukari could give you the dream of an endless shit by constantly gapping it back into your anus. Imagine how good it would be to lay metres of shit without stopping. She could even gap her shit into your rectum so you can have a feminine poop.

>> No.40342463

That's okay, neither does she.

>> No.40342530
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>> No.40349269


>> No.40354550

Does she even wipe her butt?

>> No.40357865

she doens't need to, as girls don't poop

>> No.40359118

Won't they explode from all the poop gathering inside them?

>> No.40359182

I think she's a retard lol

>> No.40366923

That's a big koishit

>> No.40372584

hardshit's youkai girl
