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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 104 KB, 450x600, rika1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4024195 No.4024195 [Reply] [Original]

What is this?

/jp/ has started on a project to replace the sounds in MG's translation of Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni.

What is the length/progress/ETA?



Previous thread

Official site


Lite Version
Hacked exe for Lite Version

SFX patch(v1):

Version 2:

Partial work:

>> No.4024349

here it is...

>> No.4024365

So is it done yet? I don't want to hear about it til it's 100% done

>> No.4024417

GB2 your Hatsukoi "translation", retrans devs

>> No.4024439

>to hear about it
I see wht you did there.

>> No.4024571

Hatsukoi is moving along well. The translators are better behaved than you Higurashi anons.

>> No.4024631

You guys barely give two shits about the VNs in the first place, all you want to do is viral your fucking shitware. Which is why you've suddenly shifted interests to Higurashi, as it has much more drawing power.

>> No.4024810

We're managing both Higurashi and Hatsukoi.

>> No.4024825

You seem pretty bitter.

Take it easy.

>> No.4024956

>They "think" they're managing Higurashi.
But really, nobody likes them because they're obnoxious and conceited. After all "You do realize that REtrans International has been the localization technology solutions provider behind this whole project?", and that one tripfag said "I do run the show, asshole. Show some fucking respect." Hahaha. E-Peen.

>> No.4024976

Get out Rika devs

>> No.4025009

So, er. As much as I don't support having two threads, I need to know where these three songs are in MG's higurashi. Since I can't seem to track them down.

It's CHILD3, DANCERS1, and heigen2gm. If you don't have the ONScripter Higurashi, they're in the rar below. As soon as I track these down, we'll have the tracklisting for a PS2 music patch. It's kinda the last step.


>> No.4025012

I'm the one running everything involving any vns and anything being done to them.

All are my projects. Suck my dick and bow down, niggers.

>> No.4025016

currybutt how have you been lately

>> No.4025034

*bows down*
*is not a nigger*

>> No.4025040
File: 61 KB, 350x522, 1234348100746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I slipped because of the rain and smashed my 'good' knee pretty hard, my other knee is fucked up from high school football. So now I can't even limp around for a few days because of the bruising and soreness on my 'good' knee and my other being fucked up already.

Aside from that some other shit I don't feel like talking about that was bad too.

So not too good, but I guess for me that's expected, I'm certain things will get better soon due to a few reasons though - hopefully anyway.

>> No.4025089

>things will get better soon
Haven't you said that quite a few times in the past already?

>> No.4025096
File: 32 KB, 442x480, 1257640098008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And they usually do get better, they just get usually get worse again soon after.

I think this time it'll stay better though.

>> No.4025097

>and that one tripfag said "I do run the show, asshole. Show some fucking respect." Hahaha. E-Peen.
Actually, that was an anon.

>> No.4025132

man, that sucks... hope things get better for you

>> No.4025142

I hope for you they will.
Actually, I don't. You shall suffer eternal pain. Sorry.

>> No.4025162
File: 106 KB, 518x640, 1261050474666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 u 2 anon

>> No.4025205
File: 57 KB, 550x733, 1184957570622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I...I love you too, CurryButt.
And it makes me happy to see you saved the picture.

>> No.4025225
File: 6 KB, 111x147, 1218766857249.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so cute, how could I not save it? I'm saving the one you just posted as well, it's adorable too and actually of a character I know this time. Thank you, anonymous, I hope you have a good night!

>> No.4025305

I'd love to go to bed with your good night wishes, but sadly it's already noon over here.
You however still have a long night before you, so sleep well, sweet prince.

>> No.4025525

None of those sound like anything from MG's release. Plus, they're a lot longer.

>> No.4026168


>> No.4028301

They were in ONScripter Higurashi's track listing though. I know I've heard CHILD3 before, but the other one? I don't even have to slightest clue.

We should be able to get the PS2 music patch out today though. Once we either deem those songs "not there", or find them. Does anyone know how to make the patch though?

>> No.4028337

Actually that was me. And I have never tripfagged here besides once to troll.

>> No.4029212

BGI tools link has been removed from Mediafire.

>> No.4031059


>> No.4031099

LITE version of the game also removed.

>> No.4032177

I think this was it.


>> No.4034138

And here it is. The PS2 Music Replacement patch.

>> No.4034511

Any anons willing to test this?

>> No.4034580

Hows the CG patch going?

>> No.4034909

i've already gone through and tested it. tomorrow, i'll work on making a patch that includes duplicates used in matsuri (100% ps2 patch), and a hybrid patch that preserves as much of the Ps2 tracklisting as possible (with equivalents drawn from kai, etc). i just wanted to get something out before the year was done.

if there are any errors, please report them on the wikia.

>> No.4036569


>> No.4036969

Awesome. Although, is it possible to get the Matsuri tracklist using Japanese characters? All my Matsuri songs aren't romanized. Alternatively, anyone have a romanized soundtrack?

>> No.4038357


Here you are.

>> No.4038366

Did we ever get the Loli rika sprite rip?

>> No.4038568

Stay on topic, and where is the other thread?

>> No.4039065

Last one died.
New one >>4039054

>> No.4039695

I saw it in, strangely enough, one of the Umineko threads.

>> No.4040174


>> No.4041618

At this rate, it's probably 404'd already. Check the archive.

>> No.4041942

This thread will be 404'd if theres no progress -_-'

>> No.4042261

There is progress, it's just too slow to measure.

>> No.4043262 [DELETED] 


>> No.4044760

I'll estimate that this is approaching 80-90% completion.
