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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 48 KB, 470x267, ag3bathba1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4019503 No.4019503 [Reply] [Original]

I just discovered Artificial Girl 3.

I don't think I'm ever leaving my room again.

>> No.4019522

I could never figure out the controls of this game. when I started playing I pressed some button and the guy took his clothes off and all the girls ran away.

>> No.4019532

Just like real life.

>> No.4019535

not like you were going to leave it anyway

>> No.4019533


That was not a game, that was real li... a dream.

>> No.4019546 [DELETED] 

sounds like the story of my life.

>> No.4019536

You're silly. The controls aren't that hard. You do everything with your mouse.

>> No.4019538

I was the same way, OP. But it got boring really fast. There's nothing to do.

>> No.4019563

OP here.

So I made my sister fall in love with me. She still won't have sex with me.

Actually, I keep walking in on her schlicking but she just stops and runs away.

Just like real life.

>> No.4019569

you got late to the party...

>> No.4019572

AG3, not so good.

Nothing is going to top off my School/@home Mate.

>> No.4019574

how are you able to function being that slow?

bros play AG4 now.

>> No.4019579

wait till she trips and raep her.

>> No.4019585

Same here.

@Homemate > AG3

>> No.4019588

Put your clothes back on, nigger. A pure girl like your sister doesn't want to see you walking around with your dong dangling out. You have to break her properly before it will arouse her.

>> No.4019595

can you point us in the right direction, dear tripfag?

>> No.4019606

I've been playing AG3 for 2 years and I'm still not tired of it.

>> No.4019617

I didnt like the graphics in this or homemate, i think custom girl 3d was better.

>> No.4019619


first time i've ever laughed out loud on /jp/

>> No.4019640

If that game existed, I would be playing the fuck out of it.

>> No.4019646



>> No.4019663

3D Custom Girl looks better but the girls don't fucking do anything in it.

It's more fun to play AG3 Hannari just because the girls feel more alive.

>> No.4019657
File: 114 KB, 640x800, 2ec5dfa30c2dad7fa0376314cfe9d6e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


download where?

>> No.4019675

I wanted to play Love Death 4 but it wouldn't work no matter what I did, fucking lame.

>> No.4019685

Hongfire, like all other games.

>> No.4019689

It's shit anyway, so don't bother.

>> No.4019698

Sure is samefag in here.

>> No.4019701
File: 227 KB, 1024x768, 1261826399722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, 3DCG may be robotic, but you can do whatever to them and they love you forever.

in AG3 i just fight them all off with my nudity.

>> No.4019715

Shitty controls/camera angles, right?

I got it downloaded but I'm in no rush to install it.

>> No.4019726


If you're too lazy to get them to fall in love with you, just give them lewd personality.

>> No.4019724

@home mate is better bro.

>> No.4019722


embarrasingly, i can't find the torrent :\

please assist.

>> No.4019738


Fuck off back to Gaia.

>> No.4019739
File: 83 KB, 500x375, daaww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone would

Jesus when AG4 comes out everyone in /jp/,in cluding me, might actually be satisfied for once.

>> No.4019741

.png of that pose pls

>> No.4019752

so what's the best out of all these games

how long until we have fully procedural sex

>> No.4019759

I wonder what it'd be like.

I want Sims 3 + AG3 H scenes + HomeMate graphics

Oh god...

>> No.4019768

@Home Mate is the best. I like the graphics and the system way better than AG3.

>> No.4019770

Were you living in a cave for 2 years, OP?

>> No.4019794

My girls are all fucked up. Whenever they take charge during sex, they won't give it up no matter how many times I try. On those rare occasions where they relent, they always scream 'no', end the scene, and than start it up again with them in charge.

Reverse rape harem ;_;

>> No.4019795


I've never been on Gaia, and I've probably been on 4chan longer than you.

All I'm seeing on HF are mods for HomeMate.

>> No.4019801

> Reverse rape harem

I came

>> No.4019822


>living in a cave for 2 years

The irony of using this phrase in a place like /jp/

>> No.4019825

I created 2 sisters and 8 robot catgirl maids. And after playing for a whole year, I kind of fell in love with them. ;_;

>> No.4019837

i found one

>> No.4019844

AG4 should bring back AG2's H-scene interaction, AG3 feels limited.

>> No.4019852

>I've probably been on 4chan longer than you.

Does it really matter? You're too retarded to find a torrent, and you use emoticons. You obviously don't belong here.

>> No.4019858


Nope, just finally came around to these types of games.

>> No.4019860

What was Artificial Girl 1 like? Different? Should I download it?

>> No.4019863

I love AG3, must reinstal now.

>> No.4019862


Having never played AG2, mind explaining the differences between that and 3 for me?

>> No.4019871
File: 169 KB, 600x720, 2307852.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>AG3 H Scenes

Gah I hated the way sex was done in AG3. You're only allowed one position and you can't change it at all,only the girl can but she'll only do so if she's extremely horny. @Homemate made it a ton more tolerable. But the sex positions were kinda lacking.

I doubt they're going to go with a @Homemate kind of graphics though. They always seem to take a more realistic stance on the models in AG3.

My ideal game would be GTA + AG. Just imagine going out and blowing up stuff with your waifu. Shit would be so cash.

>> No.4019891

I wish they would hurry up and make a game where the skin and skeleton is entirely physically modeled. Only problem is needing a motion sensor for your hand and dick.

>> No.4019892

Didn't the Hot Coffee mod make SA almost like that? Except every character model in that game was not fuckable at all, of course.

>> No.4019907

Touching her tits/pussy/ass actually does something, sex is handled by clicks and drags instead of the scrolling, and you can use the environment (Walls, desks, etc) by initiating sex near them. There's more, but it's been ages since I played.

>> No.4019916
File: 53 KB, 640x480, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am already happy.

>> No.4019929

Wow, and they removed all of that? Why...

>> No.4019988

/jp/ -hongfire forums

>> No.4019995

Because only HongFire users play eroge, right?

>> No.4020097

Not the guy you're talking to, but this thread is pretty hongfire tier in my opinion. One guy posted an emoticon. Nobody is using proper punctuation/capitalization. It's like I'm really on hongfire or something.

Reported op, not because this thread is technically not /jp/ related, but because of the users in this thread. It's unfortunate that /h/ games such as AG3 attract such demographics.

>> No.4020125

Get over yourself, you pompous cunt.

>> No.4020147

>Get over yourself, you pompous cunt.
I miss the times when 4chan was elitist and pompous.

>> No.4020149


I'd give you a troll rating, but chances are, you're actually serious.

u /\/\4d?

>> No.4020154

Are you fucking kidding? Is there some kind of rule that says you can't dislike a thread?
If the mods and janitors refuse to do anything, isn't it up to the users to moderate?

>> No.4020168


>> No.4020169

>I'd give you a troll rating
I wish you would die.

>> No.4020174
File: 102 KB, 600x456, Umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fresh from the oven.

>> No.4020181

what about me?

>> No.4020190


No. The entire point is to speak in an unmoderated community. If the kitchen's too hot, leave, and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

>> No.4020192


he mad.

>> No.4020191

Illusion's new game is actually something /jp/'d like alot, if not for the realistic girls with no customization.

I'll stay with @homemate.
I can't understand how to work with 3D Custom Girl at all, not to mention the flattest chest you can give her is like, still hueg.

>> No.4020215

>not to mention the flattest chest you can give her is like, still hueg.
There are mods. 30 gb of them. For a reason.

>> No.4020228

Grinning face should be captioned with "Do it, faggot", not "u mad".

Stop changing memes, retard.

>> No.4020230


Poor anon. You're not even accepted here in /jp/.

>> No.4020254
File: 381 KB, 500x334, u mad window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4020281

I'm sure you'd do something if this community was invaded by users from Gaia or Animesuki. You know that behavior isn't acceptable here, so of course you'd try to fend them off. Don't kid yourself.

>> No.4020282

Any release date?
The demo looked pretty promising, though a bit silly.

DO YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME? *nod to webcam/move mouse up*
2 lines later:
DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE TALKING TO ME? *nod to webcam/move mouse up*
*fuck off*

The webcam assisted boob grab is awesome, though.
