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File: 1.60 MB, 1280x960, 1639633982179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
39837773 No.39837773 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.39837809

TD should have been a phantasmagoria game.

>> No.39838189

fuck evil eye smegma

>> No.39838204


>> No.39838373

It'd be a good way to wrap up that era of games, like PoFV did for 6-8. People wouldn't complain about how boring TD is with the large amount of character interactions it would have brought.

>> No.39838436

is there a general strat for lunatic Kanako's first non? or is it just pure reactive dodging?
that thing kills me more consistently than VoWG

>> No.39838467

Just bomb it assuming you aren't doing LNB/LNN

>> No.39838531

i want to perfect stage 6 for practice/fun. i can deal with the rest of the fight with some consistency but that one section keeps beating my ass

>> No.39839030 [DELETED] 


>> No.39839360

Why no one seems to be talking about ISC? I find it to be the best side game, but it feels like it is nowhere as popular as photo games, or any side game for that matter, maybe only surpassing Fairy Wars.

>> No.39839416
File: 2.65 MB, 1280x960, 1638422251375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seething beyond lunacy. Had no misses up until the last non spell then I somehow accidentally pressed X right after Blue Lady Show ended. Three lives would have surely been enough for Pristine Beat and it went down the drain because I pressed X. Fuck you keyboard
I had fun with ISC, but I'm too retarded to cap most of the spells without items. I feel like I'd get nowhere unless I looked up replays which is obviously something I'm against. And then there's the five or six scenes that I couldn't even clear WITH items. I guess I'll be filtered forever

>> No.39839838

Nothing really, what you want to do with fast but not very dense stuff like that is read ahead and trust your peripheral vision to handle what happens at the bottom. It gets better with practice but its one of the most dangerous things in the game.

>> No.39840160

What? If you're NB'ing an Extra stage, you can definitely clear all scenes in 14.3. Hell, I haven't even come close to beating Raiko, and I did it. You should go back and give it another shot.

>> No.39840345

>If you're NB'ing an Extra stage, you can definitely clear all scenes in 14.3
With or without items?

>> No.39840553

With, obviously. Without gets ridiculous pretty quickly after the first few days; definitely not the sort of thing just anyone can go for.

>> No.39842199

I got to Shinki and then instantly died before that battle started. What the fuck was that?

>> No.39842237

For some reason Mai & Yuki's cheeto lasers stay in memory and get activated at the beginning of Shinki's fights. If you killed Mai or Yuki while a cheeto was where you will be once beginning the Shinki fight, you'll die.

>> No.39846543
File: 26 KB, 192x59, help.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going insane.

>> No.39846894

It's unironically Eirin's easiest spell, anon. Whatever the difficulty. Maybe not easier than her first boss spell, but definitively it's easy.

>> No.39846973

I always choke when the green crossed bullets appear...

>> No.39847131


>> No.39847154
File: 202 KB, 362x438, Untitled4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of Tewi's second non. It's the very same thing.
Once you spin around Eirin, it's just you hugging your preferred corner until the time out. In that case, you prefer just moving up rather than trying to do it by moving diagonally. Picrel is a crude-made drawing of what I'm saying.
You can't do much, but it's rather easy to learn all phases imo.

>> No.39847159

Picrel was supposed to be filter by spoiler...

>> No.39849171

does anybody have a copy of DDC from Moriya before the DMCA? Would you be kind enough to upload your copy to MEGA?

>> No.39851920

nevermind, Moriya's links are back up apparently

>> No.39855824
File: 69 KB, 194x198, 1649947727014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nitori's Hard mode spells are ridiculous, as if the Normal mode ones aren't stupid enough. So, uhh, tips?

>> No.39856166

Where can I find people to play PoFV with?

>> No.39856363

>1st spell
the sinusoidal bullet things are all parallel to one another so just stay on top or below any of the crests/troughs of any of them (you should still follow Nitori's movement for an easy speedkill) and you will have enough room to dodge the aimed bullets horizontally
>2nd spell
don't bottomhug. not because it's not viable, but because there are always some huge gaps near the center of the screen so if you move up you shouldn't have issues finding a way out of each wave
>3rd spell
i unironically prefer the lunatic version because laser spam is annoying, but generally just attempt to read the lasers as far ahead as you can so you can catch sneaky lasers coming your way. don't worry too much about the smaller bullets, you can deal with them on reaction since they are pretty slow

>> No.39856499

Try /v/ or /vm/ if you would rather play with randoms here. Otherwise you will probably have to look up some pisscord matchmaking server.

>> No.39857621

Has someone had issues with launching any main touhou game past 9th on Windows 10 ? When I launch one of them, it starts with a blackscreen then shutdowns with no error sadly. Whereas older games from EoSD to PoFV works perfectly.
I'm sure a windows update broke some shit. I fucking hate microsoft. My final solution is to multi boot to windows 7 or 8 but man it sucks

>> No.39857748

Just use nyaa the next time it goes down.

>> No.39857778

Do you have multiple monitors. Some of the games struggle with that, but starting the game windowed then switching to fullscreen afterward usually works.

>> No.39858038
File: 19 KB, 123x164, KomakyoKnife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this thing hitbox shape? It feels bigger than it looks. (EoSD) Can't stop dying against Sakuya and I'm tired of bombing it.

>> No.39858127

don't know the exact shape but it is bigger than the sprite. I just give them more space than I think I need.

>> No.39858134
File: 218 KB, 804x1604, 1623313077155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think column 2 was windows gen 1 hitboxes and blue was later gen hitboxes. A moonrune speaker can correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.39858205

I just discovered Touhou is on steam, I want them all and I started with my favourite (10)
which one should I buy now? I've played all of them up to 12, and I want a new one since they seem to have interesting mechanics
I've been looking at WBaWC since it has youmu, thoughts?

>> No.39858239

The "old" column there is 10, 11, and 12, and the "new" is 13, 14, and 15 (and on, presumably, but that's when it was made). I don't think I've ever seen a good chart like that with 6-9's hitboxes.

Unfortunately, 17 is a bit of a buggy mess. I'd suggest 14, 16, or 18.

>> No.39858256
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WBaWC is more or less UFO babby mode. It's a decent game, but a bit too easy (meaning cheesable) to be really memorable. If you're like me, you'll go on a 1cc binge and then forget it exists.

>> No.39858303

>Unfortunately, 17 is a bit of a buggy mess. I'd suggest 14, 16, or 18.
welp, I play it later then, when it'll be fixed
well, I do suck in reality, I only managed to clear 10 on hard.
From the steam pages, the hidden star music is a mess, so I'm temted to buy the latest game, should I do it?

>> No.39858379
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UM is alright, it's got a neat gimmick but is harder on average pattern wise to compensate for how hard you can break the game with some card combinations. It might take you a while to get into it, but once you do it's pretty fun. If you're a fan of rougelikes you'll enjoy it.

>> No.39858501

No, only one. I have tweaked with my nvidia settings since I also updated my drivers one month ago. Nothing changes sadly. But thank you for helping

>> No.39858760
File: 508 KB, 1280x1805, phantasmagoria_hitboxes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a PoFV chart. Iirc EoSD has hitbox issues, like mentos having huge hitboxes. I imagine it's the same for knives.

>> No.39860010

Imagine a rectangle covering the whole knife including the hilt. Then make it shorter until it becomes a square. That's the hitbox.

>> No.39860042

Only buy them on steam if you want to buy more beer for ZUN without buying the physical games (not like he really needs the money, considering he gets loads of it from the gachas he's licensed). Even if you do, you're better off playing them from the all-in-one pack on nyaa.

>> No.39862047

I have more problems with how random her pattern is rather than the hitbox. When I think I'm safe suddenly out of nowhere a knife came from below and killed me

>> No.39862550

what the FUCK are those knife hitboxes for sakuya's ex attack??

>> No.39864539

Why is ZUN so bad at making hitboxes? Is is really so hard to make them trace the bullet? It is really weird to see that almost all danmaku in the game has comparable hitboxes despite sprites being so different in size.

>> No.39866951

>Is is really so hard to make them trace the bullet?
Yeah. The more accurate they are the more computing the cpu needs to make to detect collisions, and it goes up exponentially with complexity.
Fighting games only have two characters and yet their hitboxes are only made of a few rectangles.

>> No.39867930

That's not really relevant except for the weirdly-shaped ones. I think what >>39864539 meant is the sizes not matching for the circular-type bullets; in that case, it would be just as easy to compute a larger circle or square.
However, it misses the point entirely, because it's not that ZUN is "bad" at making the hitboxes, they're that way on purpose. It's like asking "why are mangaka so bad at drawing anatomy, is it really so hard to make eyes and noses to scale?"

>> No.39872217

I don't like that.
I really don't like that.

>> No.39872683

>mediocre game should've been shitty game
No thanks.

>> No.39877963

I like LW more than actual games.

>> No.39878351

How about danmaku kagura?

>> No.39878549

I'm playing PCB on Normal as my first 2hu and died to Chen
I've got a long way to go it seems but it's fun so far

>> No.39878634
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Hold Shift for focused movement. Don't flail around a bunch, move as little as possible. Collect [P], especially big ones. It's always preferable to bomb rather than die.
Advanced technique for 7: When you get a Border, press X or get hit to cancel it just before the timer naturally runs out, and you'll get another Border sooner.

>> No.39879129

Thanks for the tips. Managed to get to stage 4 before croaking this time. The spike in difficulty between the actual stage from 3 to 4 was crazy.

>> No.39879192

A lot of stage 4 is just streaming, if you can get a grasp of how to do it properly it'll become a lot more managable.

>> No.39883613

I tend to do Chen and forget how not to bomb after I take long breaks.

>> No.39884934

That's not even the hard part desu, I always die in like the last 1-3 seconds when it gets super dense. There is no way that's Eirin's easiest spell. I cap Apollo 13 more often than the last spell.

>> No.39887300

I'm trying to play with my ds2, how do I edit the gamepad input? I don't know if it's my adapter, but the right stick is useless.

>> No.39887354

Lads, there is a thing I have to say - I fucking hate UFO. Why ZUN thought that harder game + rapidly changing collectables which you need to track is a good idea. I swear 2/3 of my deaths take place because I try to focus on UFO and danmaku at the same time. I die 1 or 2 times and I start to chain deaths.

>> No.39887358
File: 186 KB, 441x544, 38b61a2c186298f42799edea6b2a7c4186f16e33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell why is IAMP so goddamn HARD?
I tried playing Meiling in Arcade Mode on Normal to compensate for the fact that she has no story mode, and the whole thing is a fucking nightmare. I swear that the damage output is deliberately reduced and the AI's damage dealt is increased. Any character can be won/cheesed easily, but it's just impossible with Meiling.

Marisa, Sakuya, and Youmu are the worst to fight as their moves are way too good for zoning (but not Youmu) and fucking your shit up in melee. Only once I managed to reach Remilia then I immediately got my ass handed to me. I had to rely on the "three-steps" spellcard every time because the AI always attacks during the initial invincibility frame.

Any tips besides "get gud" or "skill issue"? SWR and Hisoutensoku Meiling has a much better moveset and is comfier to play overall, but in IaMP it seems she's a total joke character.

>> No.39887398

>wasting time with the fighting games
I pity you

>> No.39887419

Yea, I got fighting games in the package and I think that playing them is pure fan autismo. There are better games to play in the genre with alive playerbases.

>> No.39887456

>I die 1 or 2 times and I start to chain deaths.
Fucking this. Especially if you die during a boss, it's really hard to recover from a 1.00 power loss. I thought the UFO mechanic was pretty rewarding, but I was only playing on Normal. UFO Lunatic is no joke

>> No.39887539
File: 2.87 MB, 1276x1894, 6c589a796f0672bfb291136ba6f3a1627aaa732b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting? Also I didn't ask for your opinion, retard.

Focus on the bullets heading directly at you. PCB has a lot of bullets on screen compared to EoSD but most of them can be ignored.
Learn how streaming works (the hard way) with the hairballs at the beginning of Stage 4. Small taps and you'll figure it out. Careful for the blue bullet ones and another colour that would appear later on, as they're aimed but will cover a wide area the further you go from them, as well as being fast too.
Finally, which character are you playing as?

>> No.39887662

Meiling Is actual garbage. By far the worst character in the game unironically, even most of her best meterless combo routes do like a third of the damage some others can do. She's by far the biggest outlier in terms of balance. And I'm saying that as someone that likes IaMP a lot.
And it's not just damage, her hitbox placement is really finicky. If you ever play against Suika you'll probably realize she can literally mash random shit and a lot of your moves simply whiff because of it.
>Any tips besides "get gud" or "skill issue"?
Actually pick a better character if you find that too frustrating. Unless you like her a lot in which case just come to terms with the fact that she is fucking terrible in most aspects.

>> No.39887820

But they're great.

>> No.39887832
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Oh well I'll take your word for it... I guess it's supposed to be taken as a challenge then.
That being said the AI in IaMP is ridiculously powerful and twitchy even on Normal, and they don't shy from using their spellcards. I wish the AI was this good in SWR or Hisoutensoku, even Lunatic is pathetic since you can spam spellcards with impunity and they don't block attacks when the weather is Typhoon.

>Actually pick a better character if you find that too frustrating.
I wanted to do a Meiling Arcade mode 1cc to make up for her lack of a Story Mode.

>> No.39888053

Are you using the default AI? I don't think I've seen people say much about the strength of the Lunatic AI but I guess it is better than the ones we've been getting recently. If you got the game with Rollcaster then there's an option called th075Booster. It requires a few files to work properly because it kinda "trains" with information based on previous matches, but that AI there is actually crazy if you get to set it up.

>> No.39889207

Yeah thanks to the other guy I've mostly gotten a handle on how to manage stage 4's stage part with dropping a life/bomb or two at most. Currently getting rocked by the Prismriver sisters though.
I'm using Sakuya A because it seems like I get the best results using her.

>> No.39891414
File: 89 KB, 1000x757, 363fa6e3dfe4ba7b91a0792534666667a56dc9ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lunatic AI of SWR or Hisoutensoku, not IaMP.
Thanks for the link to improved AI btw. Although I doubt I'd want improved AI for IaMP which is already powerful as it is...

Sakuya A is EZ modo thanks to its homing shot and honestly while it is too much handholding, I suppose it's OK to use since PCB is your first game (EoSD Marisa-B was my first).
The worst part here is that picking Sakuya means having to face Merlin first who is a real pain to play against. Just bomb through her spells if it's too much.

>> No.39893351

noob here, playing through 7 for the first time, am i retarded or does reimu B's unfocused shot do more damage per second than focused

>> No.39893440

Unfocused shots are usually stronger.
Homing shots are much easier to use, but you get less firepower compared to the unfocused shot.

>> No.39893467

the more you know

>> No.39894693

I want to do a no death no bomb challenge for a boss fight as a normalshitter, which of the boss are easy enough for me to do this challenge but hard enough for it to be a decent achievement and good danmaku practice?

>> No.39894700

>Just bomb through her spells if it's too much
Her spells are okay, its her nons are the problem

>> No.39894715
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>> No.39902304

Day 70 since my last 1cc.
I really should stop playing at night right before sleepiness kicks in.

>> No.39902899

What's your opinion on UFO's extra stage? I've heard from a couple of people that it's one of the easier ones. But the confusing route plus kogasa being unpredictable left me with the impression that it's actually pretty tough. I had a much easier time with IN and MoF.

>> No.39902983

It's probably the most difficult extra I've beaten. Nue herself is one of the easier bosses, but the stage itself is a complete nightmare.

>> No.39903005

tricky to learn, extremely consistent once you do
ufo routing is always a pain in the ass if you just want to casually play a stage without getting too autistic over a general route so that doesn't help

>> No.39904215
File: 5 KB, 403x253, Ma wins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just recently beat 7's Phantasm stage yesterday, and 10's Extra stage today. Pretty happy with my pace after playing the series since October of last year. Planning on going back to beat Flan and 1cc 11 soon. How long did it take for you guys to beat extra stages?

>> No.39904230

my first extra took me exactly a week to beat, but i had to redo it it because the slowdown was 6.0%. game lagged like hell if i canceled too many bullets at once

>> No.39904261

Dang that took way shorter a time than me! Took like 2 weeks constantly practicing 8's extra stage to get my first clear.

>> No.39906864

Depends on a lot of factors, like extra difficulty and my overall experience. There's also the extras I play up to a certain point and leave them alone for months like Suwako and Nue which are harder to evaluate. My first extra, Ran, took me a week and a half. Others generally took between a few days to a week. Beating Raiko took me 2 weeks because I wanted to challenge myself and learn the fight with SakuyaB instead of using a viable shot.

>> No.39909792

wait, do you mean since your very first Normal 1CC? My first Extra clear was maybe a month after my first Normal clear but I hadn't taken Extras seriously until a certain point. The first Extra I cleared was exactly one week after I 1CC'd that game on Normal, but said game wasn't the first game I 1CC'd on Normal however

>> No.39911061

Kind of both because for me it took me weeks for almost doing anthing in these games due to not actively playing bullet hells since I was a wee lad.My first 1cc was 6 back last year that took me around a month to beat and I didn't end up beating an extra stage till 8 where I attempted that extra stage around 50 something times. Sorry for causing any confusion my one processor retard brain has trouble explaining things well.

>> No.39911720

That's still pretty good. It took me 100 attempts to beat Ran with SakuyaA when I was still fairly new to Touhou.

>> No.39912076
File: 398 KB, 850x1426, 1641313749554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

downloaded the pc98 games through that torrent compilation because i didnt play them before going for 6 when i got into these games months ago and something's fucked with the emulator, it hemmorages frames like mad when out of dialogue or menu
my computer is pretty bad but not "get a stroke trying to replicate a 90s machine" tier of bad. tried playing around with the memory setting and it did nothing, going from auto frame to full frame helped but not enough. any ideas?

>> No.39912631

If you're talking about the "touhou98 experience" pack, here's the guy who prepared it.
Are you using dosbox-x or neko project 21/W? Did you try switching emulators in case your pc can better handle the other one?
In case you're using NP21/W, are you using version 1.01 of the pack?

>> No.39913154
File: 369 KB, 640x480, 1649639395013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I FUCKING DID IT, SanaeB cleared.
I panicked so badly and played like shit since I got to Byakuren with 6 lives, but I still managed with LFS

>> No.39914448

A god amongst mere mortals, congrats anon.

>> No.39915338

is there an easy way to remove the god awful backgrounds in these games? played touhou 6 and 7 a lot and got my normal 1ccs on them, really really enjoyed it, now trying out touhou 10 and 11 but the shitty backgrounds make it so unfun to play

>> No.39916583
File: 75 KB, 359x419, eosdnormalstage3-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone know any pages that have done analysis on the backgrounds of touhou 6? i'd like to do some fan art but it's unclear to me what some of the backgrounds represent, especially stage 3

>> No.39916713

Stage 3 is supposed to be the outskirts of the scarlet devil mansion until you reach the gates and fight Meiling, but no idea if those are weird ornaments or bizarre trees.

>> No.39917264

I can think of a couple ways:
- Use THRotator and play on vertical mode (you can do it even on monitors that don't pivot)
- Use thcrap to replace the texture (not completely sure how to do it or whether it can be done)

>> No.39919499

actually meant the pack from nyaa, the one that has all the official games
after downloading your version and trying that it works perfectly with dosbox-x, so thanks a lot anon

what are you smoking 11 in particular has great backgrounds
now, 14-15-16, though...

>> No.39922504

That's me, then. What is it about DOSbox that's making it work so much better than Neko Project in this case?

>> No.39922584

I'd assume that's because DOSBox-X is still getting constant updates so it's better optimized.

>> No.39928716
File: 90 KB, 360x360, 1377397470732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.39932462

How do you guys warm up before doing a real run? Also why the fuck TD is the one I choked at the hardest when its among the easiest game. Its one of the games I havent 1CC yet.

>> No.39934352

>Also why the fuck TD is the one I choked at the hardest when its among the easiest game. Its one of the games I havent 1CC yet.
Do you mean a Normal 1cc? It's probably because of the few resources the game offers you. Don't put much thought into it and focus more in actually surviving.

>> No.39934486

I generally consider my first daily run a practice one, that way I don't get upset if I choke and can warm up decently.

For TD, it is easy but to balance that mistakes are not forgiving. If you know what you're doing you shouldn't be dying before Seiga. You'll have more resources the better you get at exploting the trance system.

>> No.39934549

To answer this question seriously, I attempted a NM on MoF Extra since lives contribute a lot to score in that game while also trying to do as much PoC on the stage as possible. I fucked up and missed on Suwa War and one of the nons. Got around 600 million. As of now, that's the only time I've attempted a score run seriously. Maybe one of these days I'll get NMNB or 1 Billion

>> No.39934664

where to find touhou music in good quality?

>> No.39934699

The main menu for each game has a music room and you can listen to the music there

>> No.39934729
File: 61 KB, 125x249, reimu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39934792

Nyaa should have flac versions of the OST, but I think the torrent was only up to 16. I remember getting the rest from Moriya Shrine.

>> No.39934982

In the game files. Extract the tracks, and you can encode them however you want.

>> No.39937689

Hooly fuck, let's see if someone buys it.

>> No.39945983

Holy shit, I knew they were expensive but I never thought it was this much

>> No.39946436
File: 259 KB, 800x600, 1639879184921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time this compilation (which was made by ZUN himself, mind you) was on offer, it was at BEEP's Akihabara store on July last year for 1.8 million yen plus tax. It was bought right after the store opened, by a guy who had been preparing for it after seeing an announcement.

>> No.39946444
File: 218 KB, 800x600, 1652654637817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39947927

Is it me or are the controls for MoF unresponsive? I'm using vpatch and still I feel a little bit of lag. For reference, I've played the first ten and IN feels like it has the most responsive controls.

>> No.39948538

If I remember correctly it's the first game that uses directx9 instead of directx8, so there might not be much that can be done to fix it. Make sure to play in fullscreen mode at all times to prevent the increased input lag from windows' desktop manager.

>> No.39953783

How do I improve my consistency, other than playing routinely and grinding a lot? My capture rates are terrible and I can clear maybe 1 in 20 credits.

>> No.39954754

Practice makes perfect, at least in the context of dodging bullets better. If you want to go the extra mile, try to learn how each pattern works in depth. The better you know what to expect, the less you'll be caught off guard. Stuff like:
>where and how should i focus my vision to get the best visibility of incoming bullets
>which parts of the patterns are static, aimed or rng
>if a part of a pattern is aimed, how can i manipulate it in my favor
Dodging is only one part of 2hu, the other is getting good at a game's specific gimmick. Naturally, the better you are at dodging the less you have to engage with the gameplay gimmick, but not everyone is a LNN god so being able to make the most of the gimmick will go a long way to improve your survivability and results.

>> No.39954816

I'll also paste what a lunatic level anon in these threads posted a while back since it's good general advice and I realize part of my advice is based off his.

For 99% of situations, the following checklist will lead you to a solution, even on blind runs:

>Don't move unless you have to. Are there any aimed elements that appear to be influenced by your position?
>If there are aimed elements, does slow streaming work? Does fast streaming work? Is misdirection a valid strategy?
>Are any cutbacks required so you don't get cornered? Would a different starting position help?
>Which elements are static? Which elements are random?
>What audio and visual cues are being provided? Can they be used to your advantage?
>Are enemies shooting once after entering the screen, or are they shooting continuously until they're killed?
>Do enemies have revenge bullets? Is it ever advantageous to not shoot?
>Which order should enemies be handled? Are there sequences that are easier than others? Is it worth the risk chasing each enemy down?

Even if you can't figure out some of this stuff on the fly while playing, a lot of it may become obvious from experimenting in practice mode or even watching your own replays. Watching one's own replays and actively trying to understand how things work and why things went wrong is something people should do more often.

>> No.39964310

*song chimes*

>> No.39971479

It ended up getting bought with a single bid, at 1.6 million yen.

Coincidentally, there was also this auction running and finishing at the same time, for the PoDD diskettes. It finished at 182k yen after 39 bids.

>> No.39971508

of all the games to be sold individually? the worst game in the franchise including windows games?

>> No.39971545

It's not like the guy had all the games and decided to sell just that one, it's probably the only one he had.
>the worst game
Just your opinion. A few people here (myself included) like it a lot.

>> No.39972359

PoDD is rough around the edges, but it's not bad.

>> No.39972446
File: 166 KB, 1168x657, 1653393628895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave me a comment if you understand the words


>> No.39972535

it's a worse version of PoFV, a game that already kinda sucks to begin with. it has more egregious RNG bullshit (the opponent never dies once you reach level 7 or 8) and no Extra stage. it's pretty bad

>> No.39973581

It's bad as an orthodox bullet hell, but the sheer chaos and amusing endings make it really fun as a game overall.

>> No.39975245

>worst game

>> No.39981183

Since this seems to be the right thread, where can I buy the games to support ZUN?

>> No.39981634

9-17 are available on steam

>> No.39982414
File: 2.56 MB, 3465x3465, PC-9821 Cx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello I don’t know if this is the correct place to ask but, I found this PC on a thrift store. A quick search on Ebay labels it as a touhou machine so I figure you guys can tell me about this Japanese brick. I bought it for ¥4500… did I overpay?

>> No.39982480

It's a PC98-type system, the kind of PC you can use to play the first 5 games natively instead of emulating like us plebs, though it needs to have an intel 486DX2 cpu or better otherwise the games will lag a bit.
If it does, 4.5k yen is an absolute bargain so congrats.

>> No.39982547
File: 1.78 MB, 3851x2579, C31501AB-FAE1-4452-B599-55613EB36C0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it only came with a power cable, so I’m trying to figure out what kind of ports are the keyboard and mouse since they don’t appear to be PS/2

>> No.39982578

That's interesting, they looked like PS/2 ports on your other pic but they're not, in fact. The pins near the border are more or less the same but the pins in the middle don't match, and the plastic pin in the middle of a PS/2 connector would prevent you from inserting it there.
It's a shame USB didn't exist yet at the time, but maybe adapters exist so you can use PS/2 stuff without outright looking for a used KB and mouse, which might end up costing more than the pc.

>> No.39982585
File: 1.87 MB, 3893x2885, no hard drive .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also what type of hdd it uses since it missing it

>> No.39982620

Shit, no idea. I've just tried looking and it doesn't seem to be a standard P-ATA connector.
This video has a link in the description to a discord server about PC98 computers, people there will probably know more about this stuff than me.

>> No.39982652
File: 1.10 MB, 3464x2491, A974EF67-9FB8-4CF3-A47F-AF506547B24A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both adapters and the keyboard more expensive than the pc itself…

>> No.39982676
File: 37 KB, 320x262, 1650900726383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess that's why it was so cheap, hm.

>> No.39982749

If i found one in the wild just like that I’m sure I can find a keyboard and mouse if I look hard enough. I found it in Okinawa I’m sure I can find one in mainland when I visit.

>> No.39983021

Their discord answered every question.
-It uses IDE HDD but they cap at 4gb
-It use a Bus port for the mouse
-the keyboard uses a proprietary port so I either buy an adapter or buy an actual keyboard

>> No.39987075
File: 478 KB, 1080x1920, 1653811394363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever dropped a touhou game? Currently going through MoF. I like the cast and the setting, but the danmaku is not engaging at all and the ost is a little tame imo. The endings feel a bit short too. I think I'll just try to beat Suwako and then give it a rest

>> No.39987122

Idk if "dropped" is the right word, but there are certain games that I am incapable of 1ccing because I loathe playing them every time I come back to them

>> No.39987145

I dropped LoLK for several months after throwing a run for it that took a few hours to get since I was autistic about getting all the Graze bonuses for at least Stage 1
That game exhausts me overall.

>> No.39987776
File: 297 KB, 1006x184, normals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest thing that I'd consider dropping was the first time I played SA. I was enjoying the game at first, and bumbling my way through it with ReimuA, but at one point while I was struggling with Orin it's like a switch got flipped and I stopped having fun. Afterwards I switched shots around, settled on ReimuC because her bomb was bullshit, bombed my way through the entire game and moved to another game after getting a single 1cc. I did recently return to the game and it seemed a lot easier now that I had more experience under my belt, so I no longer have that bad aftertaste and appreciate it a lot more.

Otherwise I guess you could say I dropped SoEW, PoDD and PoFV since I don't have any desire to go back to them and only 1cc'd them just to be able to say I beat them.

>> No.39988631

yep, currently doing this with IN. don't enjoy the ost as much as the other games and the stages/bosses just aren't my thing. having huge fun with SA though, has my favourite sound track so far and i guess that counts for a lot for me

>> No.39989321

they are part of the experience

>> No.39990543

>How do you guys warm up before doing a real run?
i just play and get angry

>> No.39990568


>> No.39990570

the cat from SA made me go back to EoSD

>> No.39992693
File: 344 KB, 641x472, 2022-05-28 20_54_18-Settings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started with eosd and got a 1cc on normal after playing for like four days. It's a fun game.

>> No.39992740

I completely gave up on EoSD Extra because I have to go all the way back to main menu every time I run out of lives or want to restart.

>> No.39993706

I see filenames like those a lot, what software are you using to take those screenshots?

>> No.39999033
File: 767 KB, 1160x778, lemao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I wasn't expecting the game to crash here. I just checked if I was on some older version and indeed there was a hotfix released 2 weeks ago that should solve this. Just dropping a warning in case anyone like me downloaded the game months ago but never sat down to play it until now. This bug should only affect Reimu's Carrefour scenario from what I read.

>> No.39999351

Thats pretty fast for shmup beginner. Congratz.

>> No.40000958

Congrats, make sure to try other shot types too.

>> No.40002049


>> No.40002317

that's impressive

>> No.40005058

I felt really retarded to post on again how I choked so hard at TD because I absolutely refuse to bomb until Stage 5 because the patterns felt braindead simple but so easy to fuck up. Should I go for DDC, HSiFS or UM instead?

>> No.40005096

Play whichever one appeals to you the most, whether it be music, characters, unique mechanics, etc.

>> No.40005151

samefag here, I just realized you're probably asking what the easiest to clear would be, so I'll give you a rundown of the best shot for each game
For DDC, SakuyaA is probably the best one. ReimuA isn't bad either. Only use MarisaB once your familiar with the game. MarisaA and SakuyaB suck, ReimuB is okay
For HSiFS, there isn't really a universally agreed upon best shot type like DDC. I've seen people say they like Marisa Summer best. Others might say Aya Autumn. I like Reimu Winter best. Cirno Spring is typically regarded as the worst shot type
For UM, Sanae is unarguably your best shot. As for the cards, you could literally buy only life cards and it would still be an easy 1CC, at least for Normal. I'd say this is the easiest out of the three games
tl;dr go for UM Sanae

>> No.40005730

For HSiFS I'd say either Winter Marisa or Fall Aya are the easiest, but both sort of require you to know what you're doing. With proper release placement Winter Marisa can melt every dangerous pattern, while Aya can breeze through the entire game by just spam chaining lvl 1 releases.

>> No.40007449
File: 735 KB, 640x480, Touhou Divine Spirit Mausoleum ~ Ten Desires v1.00c 31_5_2022 10_39_31 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually managed to 1CC TD after all that rant, just because I decided to throw my pride and bomb spam the Seiga fight. Then I die once at Futo, reached Miko with four lives. Tried the extra stage and as expected its out of my league

>> No.40007627

Now do it with Youmu.

>> No.40007731

Okay but suggest me a new game to play first. I'm thinking LolK or WBaWC. I'm not that good but I heard Reisen and Sanae are the most busted character in the entire series so maybe I can do it.

>> No.40008367

Im too old to play touhou. My reflexes are too slow.

>> No.40008452

LoLK is gonna kick your shit in if you play legacy first. Maybe clear PD mode a few times so you're familiar with what to expect, it's an interesting game mode anyways. Reisen and Sanae can bombspam through the game, so yes they're busted.

>> No.40010668

Well good job lad!

>> No.40013466

don't lose hope

>> No.40013549
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You have to sound more enthusiastic. Watch this

>> No.40013565

how old are you anon? im sure you can at least play normal on most games if you work on it, reflexes don't come into it that much. using your resources correctly, learning how to dodge aimed patterns and routing difficult stages go a long way

>> No.40021071

The fuck? Why is TD on Hard actually...hard? Such a stingy game with its resources but desu I'm being very greedy with my bombs/trance use

>> No.40024388

just got my normal 1cc on DDC on the same day i installed it - this has gotta be the easiest touhou game to clear, right? maybe i just got better, but it felt wayyyy easier than EoSD, PCB and MoF, which each took me a little while, and i'm still unable to 1cc IN but getting close on SA. i've seen some lists that rate DDC normal harder than IN normal, which is baffling to me...

>> No.40024584

It's not too hard once you find the good timings to PoC or realize you can bomb aggresively for free PoC, but I'd still rate it harder than the usual game if you're not using SakuyaA or MarisaB. Shimmy in particular feels like one of the harder final bosses and walled me for a while.

IN really shouldn't be giving you so much trouble once you get better at criss-crosses, learn Marisa's fight and understand Reisen's gimmick spells. The game stuffs bombs down your throat so you have more than enough room for error.

>> No.40024677

Seija single handedly cucked me from one CCing the game

>> No.40025865

ah, that's interesting - i actually had a lot more trouble with benben than her. with seija i usually bomb her 2nd and 3rd spells, but on benben i pretty much have to bomb every spell and nonspell at least once, sometimes more. the final boss is really difficult too, especially 'you grow bigger', but i got there with 5.3 extra lives so i didn't truly even have to fight her

>> No.40026516

>i'm still unable to 1cc IN but getting close on SA
thats strange considering IN (on normal) for me is a complete snoozefest until stage 5 whilst SA fights like hell every step of the way as early as stage 2

>> No.40029158

Do you guys ever think about something completely unrelated to the games while you're playing? I had several consecutive NB attempts yesterday on SA Extra in which I made it to Koishi's final but today I can't even get past Sanae without dying and I'm half convinced it's because I'm thinking about something that's making me stressed

>> No.40029335

yes but i don't think it has much to do with how i'm playing most of the time. whenever i play i usually do several runs in one sitting so i would need to have ungodly levels of concentration to be thinking about the game exclusively all the time when i can't even make it through one whole run without thinking about whatever other random shit crosses my mind. but it doesn't really matter as long as i'm concentrated enough during the main difficult sections of a stage, which really aren't that many most of the time. everything else is mostly mechanical so it doesn't really matter.

>but today I can't even get past Sanae without dying
it's completely normal to have good and bad days in a game. sometimes when i play i feel my movement very sluggish or my reactions getting very easily overwhelmed, while other times everything feels perfectly fluid and natural so i can read bullets in hard patterns without breaking much of a sweat. in the end it depends on way too many outside factors, but when i feel i'm not playing well i usually don't bother playing for much longer because i know it will just lead to frustration and a huge waste of time, since i probably won't be achieving much while playing like that anyways.

>> No.40033030

I had the same experience, but I think a lot of it is that Sakuya A is OP since her bomb can be used indiscriminately without planning. Still, the patterns all seemed pretty easy and there were no difficult stage sections.

>> No.40033404

yeah, you're definitely right about the stage sections, they were much easier than in any other game i have played. i did use sakuya A too, but i also try to use the strongest character in every game i play, so i don't think that invalidates me thinking it's the easiest.

that's honestly amazing... i don't understand how you can find IN stage 4 snooze worthy but struggle on SA stages 2 and 4. SA stage 4 seems like one of the easiest stage 4s that i have seen, especially the boss who i very often beat without losing a life, compared to mairsa who murders me relentlessly every time despite using more bombs on her than on satori. teach me your secrets please

>> No.40033518

whats the best starting card for 18? can't decide between saki's card or kanako's card and i haven't unlocked the second slot quite yet

>> No.40035707

I love Raiko's card, it's a really good flexible bullet clear to just pop off as a panic button or when you need to clear a small wall in your path.

>> No.40036812

How do I play a touhou, where do I download one?

>> No.40036844
File: 110 KB, 680x736, sneed and feed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extract them and run the exe

>> No.40037023

Based, fuck steam. If it were on GOG then maybe I would take satans advice.

>> No.40038616

Is it better if I practice stages until I can beat Parsee and Yuugi without bombing or dying or ram my head with bomb spams to unlock higher stages in practice? Highest I reached is Stage 4 and then Satori's first non completely destroys me.

>> No.40038896

what are you trying to do here? if you just wanna practise the later stages you can google thprac and download it, that way you wont need to unlock anything to practise them

>> No.40039267

I dont know what I want either. Maybe actually get used to Parsee and Stage 3 and Yuugi. I heard Parsee is the easiest Stage 2 boss if you know what youre doing but I feel like one little mistake when she card her Spellcard and youre forced to bomb or you're dead. I know I can cheese her with Yukari/Reimu, but in practice I prefer not to. Oh and I never use THPrac before even though I played over a year

>> No.40040393

was too stupid to use summer release in 16 and too stupid to use it now, though i'll give it a shot. might try the eiki or eirin cards though for that little extra bit of survivability

>> No.40042733

When I first beat 11 it was by learning to get through Satori without dying, then burning most of my resources on stage 5.
>youre forced to bomb or you're dead
So bomb; it's not a big deal, especially in that game.

>> No.40044740

qrd on SA characters
I've only played ReimuA

>> No.40044819

Shitty and infrequent homing projectiles. Mediocre damage and has a somewhat useful ability (item magnet if you let go of every button)
Shoots opposite of where you're moving and can be locked. Can zoom when not shooting and it's not too useful. Decent bomb but medium damage overall. The most overrated character
A really good shot if you don't need to bomb often, dogshit otherwise. Has 8 power with a 1.6(?) multiplier to power items. Bomb is really bad but has preemptive use potential. Shot sucks below 4 power and you only get 3 back when dying
Lets you swap between 5 different types of shots. Bomb sucks at saving you but it can delete bosses should you time it correctly
Shoots slow missiles. Bomb is a PCB border. If the border doesn't break, you get half power back

>> No.40045181

I don't know if anybody cares about this anymore but about a month ago I reported that the music seemed to be out of sync with gameplay in LLS Extra when compared to a couple replays on youtube. I tried the game with the emulator in the mega link this time instead of T98Next and now the music is in sync. That said, I still don't understand why it was out of sync when I played it on T98Next. The music didn't sound distorted, the framerate didn't look like there was anything wrong with it, so idk what gives. Should I just stop worrying about and consider the clear valid? I really REALLY don't want to play this Extra again. Some of those patterns and two bombs per life make it brutal

>> No.40045453

from what i can tell reimu c is god tier and the rest are shit (for getting a 1cc)

>> No.40046166
File: 292 KB, 500x500, NeglectedLameHamster-max-1mb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat Flandre last week meaning I've beat every extra stage boss including yukari's phantasm in the first 4 windows games. I'm playing like piss though so my 11 1cc runs aren't going too well atm

>> No.40047543
File: 197 KB, 2200x2200, 1635570122050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reimu B
Weakest shot in the game, it's some weird mix between homing and piercing shots but the curving is rather slow so you're best off treating it like your usual needle Reimu. Bomb is okay, the passive gimmick is made useless by graze PoC and having the confidence to go up to PoC.
>Reimu C
Basically PCB SakuyaB with the "shot influenced by movement" gimmick on crack. Takes a while to get the hang of it, but is decent once you do and having max dps at 3 power is a plus. Bomb is the best part about the shot, and lets you cheese the entire game without knowing what you're doing.
Basically MoF ReimuC but actually interesting. She has god-tier dps to compensate for the spread when focused, and can melt stages and bosses really quickly at high power. Like the other anon said, she suffers greatly from power loss so try to at least reach Satori with max power. The bomb is okay, has shit bullet clear but you can use 8 in a row. I heard anons say you can use it aggressively to melt some patterns, but I mostly deathbombed with it instead.
Pretty gimmicky with all the mode switching, most of the time you'll be using blue for the spread and red for bosses. Bomb is mostly uselss unless you use it aggressively but I haven't tried doing that. I will admit that finding situations to make use of the other modes activates my neurons, I think green was the only one I couldn't fit anywhere yet.
Probably the most straightforward shot, it's your usual magic missle Marisa with a safety net bomb. She's a great shot if you want to learn the game without relying on bomb spamming to clear patterns. Her bomb being so flexible means you can pop it off whenever you want and continue playing without the psychological pressure that comes with being able to die and lose resources.

>> No.40047643

how does ReimuB's gimmick work anyways?

>> No.40047935

I'll always care about anything PC98-related, anon.
It's pretty interesting how the music being out of sync was just a problem of the emulator and not your computer not being fast enough. At this point it sounds like it was simply a problem with the sound buffer being too small or something similar, so it probably didn't affect the gameplay itself. I would consider the clear valid.
When the game actually slows down you'd... normally hear the music slow down too while staying on sync at all times, but this isn't your case.

>> No.40048482

PoC activates when you're not shooting and moving.

>> No.40048680

In addition to what the other anon said, if you're going to play the first 5 games you should use this pack which has a newer and better emulator.

>> No.40049882


TD Extra on touhou world cup!

>> No.40053233

Which touhou game has the best zun character portraits unironically

>> No.40053326
File: 279 KB, 366x843, Th15Sanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12, 16 and 17 are pretty solid all around
10 gets points for nice fluffy hair
15 gets points for kanmari and Sanae's smug ass

>> No.40053330

>cant beat mountain of faith on easy with marisaB

Well atleast I can still fap to the doujins...

>> No.40054641

12 character portraits are my favorite unironically.

>> No.40054725

the older artwork is soul

>> No.40055378

Nah, unless you have some sort of genuine disability, that's just a quitter's attitude. At a guess, you've probably never played an STG before and so you don't even know the basics, you're just flailing around at high speed, staring right at the bullets then crashing into them even when there's tons of room, and either wasting bombs randomly or never using them even when they would help. And maybe you're too focused on trying to exploit the stupid glitch to pay attention to actually playing the game, as well.
As a total newbie, you should be able to see significant, fast progress with just a bit of practice, as long as you do it with intent and actually want to improve. There are countless resources for learning the basics, from old posts in these threads, to YouTube fags, to games like Moedan, so give it an honest try instead of accepting the life of a secondary.

>> No.40055409

I'd say 12 has the best ones, 7 and 9 are also pretty good.

>> No.40055495
File: 474 KB, 547x530, 003926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is reimus problem?

>> No.40056030

It's ok. She gets her revenge by having the hardest spell card in all of UFO.

>> No.40056122
File: 386 KB, 543x438, 021748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reimu aint got no chill

>> No.40056140

what's wrong with the other emulator?

>> No.40056192

It lags hard for some people, for example >>39912076

>> No.40058717

Which PC-98 character do you want back?

>> No.40058782

Yumemi, Rika or Mima. Most of the PoDD cast was fun so I wouldn't mind if one of those came back as well.

>> No.40058932

Shinki and Mai. I want Yuuka's old design back, she's cuter with long hair.

>> No.40059420

Genjii, Reimu should get her flying turtle back

>> No.40059554

Is there a new easymodo chart yet?

>> No.40061240

Just downloaded IN. I'm going to play it after I eat breakfast. Hopefully it's fun.

>> No.40064378

Finally made it to Orin with bombspsms, wtf is this? Only literal drunkards will see this shit and think "Hmm this is fine". The stage wasnt that bad, Cat Walk is horrible though

>> No.40066322

I tried using this pack, but both Neko Project and DOS-box lag significantly on my end.

>> No.40066407
File: 1.53 MB, 1276x1601, 1636523390736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the nameless midbosses
yes, I'm serious

>> No.40066426

>Only literal drunkards will see this shit and think "Hmm this is fine"
well... the game WAS made by a literal drunkard

>> No.40066920

I see, mind telling what CPU and windows version (32 or 64bit) do you have?
Does the old neko project II emulator included in the all-in-one pack work better for you?

>> No.40067967

Bottom left looks like Bernkastel.

>> No.40069935

how do you reset score data files on PC98 games?

>> No.40070183

How do you play Seihou?

>> No.40070186

Pristine Danmaku Hell is LITERALLY impossible
That is all

>> No.40075463

Use DiskExplorer or something to browse the disk image, find the file that's called score.dat or similar and delete it.

>> No.40075511

You can reset them straight from the emulator:
Or just redownload the clean disk images from the pack.

>> No.40075901

Give me Elis.

>> No.40077306

i keep chocking on evil eye smegma

>> No.40081242

I remember about a year ago there was an anon attempting LNN on MoF and posted a few 1MNB clears. Whatever happened to him?

>> No.40081289

I can't seem to recall. There was an anon who posted a 1MNB clear of IN which might be the same anon but I doubt it if it's been a year

>> No.40081399

Okay it hasn't quite been a year yet but 11 months so close enough. I don't however recall the anon with the 1MNB on IN

>> No.40081513

Other guy. I can't imagine he'd switch games and board when he was so close

>> No.40083176

Why the fuck is Asteroid Belt so fucking hard?

inb4 you suck, I mean I do, but still, jesus fucking christ

>> No.40084177

>can't beat Reimu in Seihou
She's such bullshit fuck this

>> No.40084606
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this was hella intense, ngl. how does soew extra compare to other extras?

>> No.40084674
File: 192 KB, 1263x786, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ARE a super player, aren't you?

>> No.40086838

thanks for letting me know this exists anon, a lot of these are really fun to watch. i wanted to watch all of them but one of the casters has the most dreadful voice i've ever heard, so i'll have to skip those ones, which is quite a lot of them. the MoF lunatic survival was a fantastic watch.

>> No.40087008

I coded a script to rip it myself from thbgm.dat

>> No.40087060

Focus on the smaller stars instead of the big ones

>> No.40087130

bros, is there any downside to set lives to max in the options menu? playing IN as first game, starting to get the hang of it, cleared stage 5 a couple of times but time ended, I can feel it now

>> No.40087176

If you can't reach the end even with continues it's no big deal increasing your lives, but as soon as you can reach it set them back to default so you don't get used to having the additional ones. Proper 1ccs are done on default starting lives.

>> No.40087219

that's what I was thinking, starting with 7 lives feels like a bit way to much and unfair but it's nice to have some extra room to figure out and learn the patterns

>> No.40087243

Yeah, that's fine. If you run into some particularly tricky pattern you can't seem to figure out, keep in mind there's also thprac which lets you replay every spell and nonspell as many times as you want.

>> No.40087280

Is there any good recent touhou fangame? there were so many gems years ago, some even made it to Steam, but then fucking rona happened

>> No.40087302

Not any that I've heard of. But Touhouvania is coming to Steam next month.

>> No.40087404
File: 650 KB, 638x480, th11 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally got my normal 1cc on SA, holy shit - should have had an extra life to work with, but i goofed fixed star super hard. gonna go for IN normal 1cc next.

>> No.40087592

I managed to capture it by dodging vertically instead of zigzagging left and right (pretty retarded thing to do in hindsight considering I always die to the small stars that come from the sides). That was probably a fluke, though. I've already given up on capturing this card on actual runs and just wanted to capture it once on spell practice mode, so that's fine by me.

>> No.40087750

For IN in particular it's fine to increase them to unlock all stages in practice mode. Otherwise I would advise against it

>> No.40087870

How am I suppose to do Astronomical Entombing with Reimu??

>> No.40088111

If you can unlock stage 4 in practice its enough to set it back to default lives, as the stage 4 boss is the biggest hindrance that will eat your lives and bombs.

>> No.40088481
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x960, IN reimu finalA hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shoot the familiars. Reimu has no damage so you might as well take your time and clear them out. By the time you get through 2/3 of them Eirin should be close to dying. I think the only real danger is RNG fucking you and shooting bullets out of the familiars closest to the bottom which you won't be able to react to, everything else is basic micrododging.

>> No.40090507
File: 1.63 MB, 1440x1080, QMIAgTw33p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40090624
File: 57 KB, 592x57, EiyashoBorderAEHard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just shoot the familiars.
OK. I tried to begin taking down the bottom ones first as with the rest of shottypes, but that didn't work out. I just could do it when I decided to destroy the middle ones first by shotgunning them (with Reimu's immunity to familiar bodies).
Man. Certainly Reimu has low damage. Even Sakuya is better at this one just because her shotgunning is more decent than Reimu's.

>> No.40091075

Guys I need advice. I finally reached Rekindling of Dead Ashes but died. Should I try again and so I can beat this crap and unlock it in practice mode or just rest and practice stage 4 and 3

>> No.40091290

Okay I actually made it, must have needed ten tries or something

>> No.40091542

Utsuho is bullshit thats enough SA for today

>> No.40093085

I remember there's a sweet spot where you can shoot the bottom ones from right in their face without colliding with their hitbox, at least when it comes to Marisa and Sakuya. With Youmu you should be able to aim the shot horizontally and get the bottom ones from a safe distance.

>> No.40102478 [DELETED] 


>> No.40102726

>Reached Eirin's second boss spell in Lunatic.
Yep. I'm thinking I can get my first Lunatic 1cc tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.40107541

Should I completely stop shooting when those suicide bullets mob in HSiFS appear in Stage 5 and 6? It works in SA

>> No.40109022

>mind telling what CPU and windows version (32 or 64bit) do you have?
AMD A-8 6410, 64bit.
>Does the old neko project II emulator included in the all-in-one pack work better for you?
I've just downloaded and it was even worse.
So far, I've used a Neko Project II I had downloaded off the actual website and configured through the instructions found in the pack made by the author of the English patches, but I had some slowdowns in parts of certain games (Mima's final phase and iirc Shinki's wings phase too).

>> No.40111887

That's interesting, can you please upload the emulator and settings file you're using so I can include them in the next version of the experience pack as a high efficiency alternative?

>> No.40113413
File: 2.05 MB, 1440x1080, wKngpwu3SF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40113421


>> No.40113470

Good job man.

>> No.40113793
File: 369 KB, 1209x1636, FSI03BIVkAAElmP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally cleared my first extra stage (mokou). Which should I do next?

>> No.40113808


>> No.40114488

For something about the same level, Flan.

>> No.40116835


>> No.40117501

Why doesn't the all in one pack on nyaa use https://github.com/devinacker/TouhouKeymap for its key remapper?

>> No.40120411

Because the very first version was only released after the suggestions thread for the latest version died, mostly.
But it's also an extension for thcrap, not a standalone program, which allows less flexibility. And that aside, I don't see what benefit it offers over the currently included program.

>> No.40120714

>it's also an extension for thcrap
Is this really a problem when you're using thcrap for every game anyway?
>I don't see what benefit it offers over the currently included program.
It's less bloated and the remapping isn't system wide, also not from 2009.

>> No.40121025
File: 39 KB, 685x376, autoshoot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use AutoHotKey.

>> No.40121296

why do we still use this brony crap

>> No.40121306

fuck off i don't

>> No.40121940

Good point, therefore the old key mapper should be removed from the next pack

>> No.40122047

Some people don't need or want to use thcrap, and so tying a completely unrelated but also sometimes necessary functionality to it is a problem, yes.
I don't consider the age of a program or a few extra KB to be worth considering, frankly, and as for being system-wide, I consider that preferable to a tool that is restricted to only working with a certain set of games. The current key remapper works with every game, and will keep working with every future game, no matter how many or which buttons they use, all without updates. I just don't see how you can beat that.
So while I do appreciate the suggestion as always, and thank you for bringing this new software to my attention, I have no plans at this time to include it in the next version of the megapack.

>> No.40122624
File: 370 KB, 640x480, EiyashoLunatic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First Lunatic clear. Yahoo..
Can't be called unskilled now, I think.

>> No.40122841

What's wrong with it besides it being made by a horsefucker, something I don't give a fuck about?

>> No.40122872

Nice one, you should try lunatic route B now that your route is still fresh on your mind.

>> No.40123140
File: 1.69 MB, 1280x956, IN reimu finalB hard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaguya's final is a real butt clencher when you do no damage and end up timing it out.

>> No.40123306

That's why people who say FinalA is harder are full of shit. At least Eirin's Final can be trivialized unless you're playing a solo youkai shot

>> No.40123321

Hourai Jewel is completely static and thus easier

>> No.40123373

Died at Kaguya's final spell first try.
I guess I really can clear it very soon.

>> No.40123405

>static = easier
geometric creature would like to have a word with you

>> No.40123530

Easier compared to Astronomical Entombing if that wasn't clear previously

>> No.40123600

anon already made his point regarding that card and he's not wrong, you can kill half the familiars and the card becomes a joke. there are even familiar speedkill strategies in case that wasn't easy enough

>> No.40123837

Killing half the familiars still presents risk during and after the process. The second half nearly doubles the bullet vomit as well. Not to mention the fact that solo youkai shots can't even destroy familiars to begin with. Hourai Jewel is 100% the same card each time. Learn it once and never miss on it again

>> No.40124917
File: 2.88 MB, 640x480, 1631614829554.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for fun
please do excuse the shit quality

>> No.40126343
File: 371 KB, 640x480, EiyashoLunaticB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, I didn't think bombing through it would works. But did anyway.

>> No.40128977
File: 33 KB, 614x422, 1654927439813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I skip hard and go straight to Lunatic?
Neat, what did you use to record?

>> No.40129320

If you prefer climbing stairs over scaling a cliff, go beat hard first. And please just take the chart template and use that, having to edit this every time you get a 1cc will get annoying fast.

>> No.40129601

I supose I'm too anxious and hyped to take on the hardest challenge. Considering I've yet to get consistent clears on Normal without the extra lives, nor did I got thru Flan. And thanks, I'll switch to the other chart the next time.

>> No.40129828

>I supose I'm too anxious and hyped to take on the hardest challenge
There's nothing wrong with it, other people have done it before. But the difficulty wall might seem insurmountable, especially when you're new, and nothing really matches the despair of doing the same thing over and over without feeling like you're making any progress. With enough autism and persistence it can be overcome, but not everyone has that.

>> No.40129852

I am aware of tough Lunatic is. But if I can beat normal in a few weeks, I can surely 1cc Lunatic before the end of the year. Its just a matter of consistently clearing the early stages without deaths, then doing my best at the latter half, until "the run" happens. Honestly, I blame my impatience with doing stages 1-4 on normal just so I can have at a go the troublesome ones, at least outside of practice.

>> No.40129911

>I'm too anxious and hyped to take on the hardest challenge
Why not simply go and play the other games on Nomal? Each new game will feel like a whole new challenge and you'll probably have more fun with the gentler difficulty curve.
I'd only recommend trying to clear EoSD Hard or Lunatic right away if you really love that game and you aren't interested in the others.

>> No.40129947
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, 1654836826248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My comp doesn't have a lot of space, so I'm trying to get the most out of a single game before moving to the next. I'd say I'm having a lot of with the game, but I can try 7 and 8 alongside it. The harder stages gives me a bit of a rush and I really like the feeling, especially after a good run through the earlier stages.

>> No.40129990

That's fine, you can keep 6 always on your pc and download/delete the others as you play through them.
It's also normal for you to still find the game fun, the problem is that after hundreds of runs trying to go for hard/lunatic you'll very likely start feeling it like a chore to get through. By playing the other games instead you'll still build up your skills and keep intact the fun you have when playing eosd.

>> No.40130020

Touhou games are thankfully pretty light on space. My folder with all official games + some fangames totalled up to 21 GB. It'd be best to keep each game, who knows when you'll want to return to it.

>> No.40130033

I wouldn't call EoSD a favorite. It just that its the only one I have atm, I'm sure the others will be just as lovely.
Honestly, I consider myself lucky that my computer doesn't chugs when loading 2hu. But I'll take the advice.

>> No.40130121

Worst case scenario, you can copy-paste each game's score.dat files somewhere. I believe that's your "save file" that keeps track of what you have unlocked. stats and such. This applies for the earlier games though, from 13 onwards the save data is kept in your user's AppData.

>> No.40130663

Got it. Should the worst come to pass, I can simply unlock stuff the old way.

>> No.40130681

Does anyone have that chart where you can fill in details about your 1cc's and shidd?

>> No.40131716

How do I stop making retarded mistakes on stages 1 and 2 and resetting runs?

>> No.40131757

you don't. keep playing until you stop making those mistakes or break for a few hours and come back. there isn't really a way around it

>> No.40131763

Live with them. The more you play the better you get and the fewer dumb mistakes you make, but resetting runs won't help much with that.

>> No.40131771

Honestly when I'm in Stage 1 or 2 jail I just use a bomb if I'm like, REALLY stuck. >>40113413 On my run here I had the shittiest Stage 1 but I was stuck here for like 30 minutes so I just said fuck it and bombed just to get through it and it ended up clearing

>> No.40131840

Practice, watching other people play helps too

>> No.40131872

Honestly this, I can't be assed to use a practice tool and I find it cringe that you can for example practice the FINAL spell of the run over and over again without any consequences, kinda ruins the game for me

>> No.40132674

Played HSiFS on a very bad mood after four Dota lose streaks but somehow 1CCd it for the first time after resting run twice. Shot type is Reimu Spring. Should I try other characters or do Reimu again with other season types?

>> No.40132693

Play with Fall and spam releases.

>> No.40132718

I cleared the run with Aya before so maybe I'll do Aya Fall next

>> No.40132720

Play with Winter and don't spam releases

>> No.40132750

Are the lasers the only appeal for using winter?

>> No.40132794

no, it's part of the appeal, but not the only appeal. You want to save up the Release until it reaches 5 or 6, then you Release on s spell or non spell.

>> No.40132854

Winter release gives you a temporary damage boost, so dropping a fat sticky level 6 release right on top of a boss gives you a shitton of PiV while also letting you melt the pattern.

>> No.40134973


>> No.40135017

who made this? i would like the option to hide exerything the hard and lunatic rows

>> No.40135029

>to hide the hard and lunatic rows*

>> No.40135616

there's a link to his twitter saying you can post suggestions to him right there

>> No.40137370

The page claims "you can hit me up on Twitter", but he actually can't be messaged there, and none of his profiles or pages include an email address or anything similar. So while I had a helpful bit of information for him and wanted to share, if he's going to be that hard to contact, he can go fuck himself.
