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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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40103761 No.40103761 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.40103775

Eliconi a cute

>> No.40103789


>> No.40103793


>> No.40103797

Rin in a server full of streamers is so weird, I wonder if she waiting for unkochan to come too.

>> No.40103798

I can't believe rin is playing with other people

>> No.40103813

is she actually?

>> No.40103822

she'll run into someone eventually. or the other way round.

>> No.40103849
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Rin! will make friends!

>> No.40103854

She didn't find out how to use the voice chat, so not yet. And Kanae is busy gambling his 4k scraps away.

>> No.40103863

oh shit, i didnt even see she was on the streamer server now. i hope this is her new autismo game

>> No.40103876

Rin got blown up, this is Rust.

>> No.40103877

I just saw their stock name is UNCH, is this a literal shitpost?

>> No.40103910
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Previous thread

>> No.40103946

Kanae being autistic, doing some weird strat to maximize his gains in the roulette. While Rin is exploring the desert alone being eaten by wolves.

>> No.40103948

rin... hit the x

>> No.40104035

rin found ibu's base.

>> No.40104047

So much for that strat, lost everything.

>> No.40104132

hajiki in rin's chat.

>> No.40104219

youtube bring back mashiro's channel already i can't work without listening to his song covers

>> No.40104222

This is normal when a company goes public, Gamestop was a huge abnormality. But in all cases everyone wants in when a stock shows potential, though Gamestop was a pretty braindead stock to buy high

>> No.40104269

now in game too

>> No.40104270

Someone needs to get Leos to quit smoking

>> No.40104274

hajime looks like the typical raider

>> No.40104308

I think Rin's base is kinda close to ars, ibu should be around there too.

>> No.40104311

He's told chat several times he has no intention of quitting and that they shouldn't try to convince him

>> No.40104386
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>> No.40104404

Not even family members can easily convince smokers to quit and while everyone would prefer it, it stops a lot of retarded concernfagging.

>> No.40104596

At least he's conscious of how bad it is, a lot of smokers are in denial. He's always telling chat that smoking is poison or whatever and that he'd never be happy with chat themselves smoking
No idea about Hisupi but I never see people concernfag Lauren as much as chat concernfagged Leos early on

>> No.40104663
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>> No.40104686


>> No.40104717

Rin... the X. Hit the X...

>> No.40105000

how many helicopters has kanae crashed

>> No.40105011
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1 million!

>> No.40105023

Voyeur Rin!

>> No.40105026


>> No.40105095

hisupi had collab with mea saying her chat is always tolerate of her habits while mea making fun of concernfag listeners

>> No.40105126

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-6w38IP1Eg fumi kirame nizip
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nx4ZrolUYdc debi mahjong
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxymRxoFiKA nari drawing

>> No.40105140
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>> No.40105173


>> No.40105187

i don't think unko chan will come

>> No.40105207
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>> No.40105213
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>> No.40105216

Me on the right

>> No.40105236
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>> No.40105271

pute going to rust

>> No.40105293

"June Bride" voice packs and merch
4 fags and 2 girls

>> No.40105299

Funny this had to happen right after Mashiro got youtube-kun'd.

>> No.40105319
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>> No.40105336

It's 2 males 2 females and 2 borderlines, which is better representation than most.

>> No.40105337

How the fuck do you get 10 cavities at once as an adult?

>> No.40105351

Roa bride voicepack yay!

>> No.40105358

I thought I was bad with 4. Does she just not brush her teeth? Disgusting.

>> No.40105364

she's taking her panda theme seriously by having the dumbest and most useless health problems, every vtuber should aspire to be more like her

>> No.40105391

That ending

>> No.40105396

Lazy and improper teeth brushing without regular checkups is very easy to transition to that level of tooth decay.
I had a friend who was so lazy with tooth brushing that he had an entire row of teeth removed after his then-next checkup because they were all rotting.
Modern diets with sugary and acidic foods do that.

>> No.40105509
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>> No.40105541

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hk4HObr6tkk ritsuki craft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJMwYqt0jko elu project sekai
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47VcAlYxVa4 kyoko drawing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkAXGzv52Xk kaede
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s919cs3RYAg hoshikawa

>> No.40105544

I brush only once a week for 3 years and only had a single cavity. Maybe its because I was too lazy to eat processed food. All I ate were whatever my mum cooked.

>> No.40105658

It's all genetics, it doesn't matter, someone can never brush their teeth their whole life and not have any problems others can brush their teeth 3 times a day, visit the dentist every week and still have fucked teeth

>> No.40105691

hoshkawa/ars needs to happen again

>> No.40105702

someone ban kanae from flying rotary machines

>> No.40105741
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>> No.40105769

>people have different kinds of teeth so brushing your teeth doesn't matter
Takes of this IQ level definitely explain a great deal about the posting quality of these threads.

>> No.40105776

Fucking Mao, picnic thieving brat.

>> No.40105787

You're paraphrasing not quoting tourist, and say whatever you want it's all genetics

>> No.40105815

Go back

>> No.40105874

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaNiPs-i1_s hajime new outfit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBQmMEVKPEQ hisupi gang beasts

>> No.40105889

very cute
very green

>> No.40105908

I don't think anon saying dejectedly it doesn't matter means he believes truly on every level that genetics decide who wins the tooth fairy lottery, autism-kun.

>> No.40105943

the lines of logic female korean vtubers have sometimes scare me

>> No.40105949
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I can't believe this is real now.

>> No.40105966
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>> No.40105976
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>> No.40105977

how does he keep making his costumes more and more not him? even nanashit could keep a theme better
at least he's not defiling the corpse of my touhou autist this time...

>> No.40105989

They really love hiring Parsley for these things.

>> No.40105990

Wrong thread? Or it's one of VR girls?

>> No.40105991
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>> No.40106007

I just fucking realized this is nearly the exact same look he had on his super old doxx.

>> No.40106009

How is every costume he gets uglier than the last?

>> No.40106019

https://youtu.be/Ljlmg5faVt4 nari noo

>> No.40106025

What the fuck, my dentist never let me have more than one cavity filled at a time. Are Japanese dentists just different or was it an emergency thing?

>> No.40106039

What if

>> No.40106128

Why? I once had 3 filled at once

>> No.40106157
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSIvd-WVpEg yorumi guardian tales
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bjB35fxhCk lize genshin

>> No.40106180

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_Uh4xbS1EY luis tenkai mahjong with pros

>> No.40106196

Day 2 of anycolor stocks, trading halted because the price hit ceiling.

>> No.40106230

what does oversold mean
does that mean I should get in

>> No.40106242

I swear Hajime looks different with each outfit, it looks nice though

>> No.40106330

No? Exchange just closed for the day

>> No.40106398

I'm starting to question if the people on this thread get how the stock market works if they don't even know that exchange isn't an all day thing

>> No.40106461

I don't know how stocks work so I've just ignored all posts about it, but it's nice to know that was also a good decision because apparently anons are just retarded too!

>> No.40106545
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>> No.40106558

You seem excited, did something good happen?

>> No.40106575

he's imitating pogman

>> No.40106757

Do you know what ストップ高 is, retard?

>> No.40106814

rin trapped in her house...

>> No.40106844

sir this is a jaypee

>> No.40106870

炎上 in Rin's stream!

>> No.40106965

mito… mito…

>> No.40106977

How the hell does Nari have so many viewers? I thought she was hitting her peak during the Valorant matomes but this is insane.

>> No.40107002

anycolor's trading was halted after lunchtime, it seems like it's you who don't understand how the stock market works

>> No.40107031

these are her 100k celebration streams and salome tweeted her stream too

>> No.40107044

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sk0_cjMrpqw hayun craft

>> No.40107049

You like stock exchange? Ok, name 5 of their songs

>> No.40107082

I don't know when lunchtime is in Japan so yeah in this case I'm a retard.>>40107031

>> No.40107139

Oh wow, didn't know about the second part. That'd probably explain it, glad for that buff.

>> No.40107171

She was around 9k viewers way before Salome tweeted her stream though, I think the tweet did contribute to her subscriber growth but Nari was pulling in those numbers on her own

>> No.40107174

It's 90k celebration

>> No.40107189
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at noon, the tokyo stock exchange is closed now, but after noon trading was halted because it hit market cap, you can see how the price didn't change between noon and 3 pm which is when the tokyo stock market closes

>> No.40107244

I really should've believed and bought in day 1, fuck.

>> No.40107323

Buy high sell low

>> No.40107347


>> No.40107487

Ive been doing that for a few years and its not working out. Could have had double my savings were it not for /biz/

>> No.40107773

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5aqpzcxpGs perverts drinking alcohol

>> No.40107826
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjLPBwGbyIw claire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpD87qg7N2Y kei craft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-rVaZHH9B4 hima slitherio
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLqj40NXygw yumeoi genshin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftx_VdZI-LI kaede raid ema apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iqtA1p0uHk pute ichinose wokka apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwn0wgcEbJk yashiro earphone shilling

>> No.40107850

Wish Emma was there

>> No.40107923

Aizono was talking about when she goes drinking with Emma, she lets go of everything and drinks herself beyond where anyone should ever be going with friends.

>> No.40107941

Wait... it's not a joke? People actually listened to that? I thought it was a joke.

>> No.40107983

why is an 8 year old drinking alcohol

>> No.40107998

Her "33 year old mom" is drinking for her

>> No.40108079
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>> No.40108124

8 human years is a granny in demon years

>> No.40108141
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>> No.40108311


>> No.40108329
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Dawn of the final day

>> No.40108378
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Shouldn't have eaten that burger.

>> No.40108409

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8IWDfIyOk0 hayama dqbuilders
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26EgDLRMdxQ axia detroit
https://www.twitch.tv/chihiro2434 apex

>> No.40108441

Oh no Youtube is going to delete her.
That one anon is going to break your kneecaps for your sneaky tricks, URL wizard.

>> No.40108478
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>> No.40108495

I can't wait for another few weeks of anon samefagging about how everyone who likes her is a tourist.

>> No.40108606

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KrpCjTMxX8Q ham rust

>> No.40108733

popped in to the sakenomi collab, hear omegaverse, pop out.

>> No.40108787

https://twitter.com/MitoTsukino/status/1534881364247314432 mito…!!!

>> No.40108854

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdYIKSJOVWw rofmao
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ru-0C6eKcAs tomoe shin clubhouse games
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8p29mCQRfg kanda undertale
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0VNXYWVbmc jiyu yakuza kiwami

>> No.40108890
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>> No.40108911

I keep forgetting even the japanese know about that.

>> No.40108915
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I love her!!!
I love her!!!!!
I really really love her!!!!!!

>> No.40108960

Are you female?

>> No.40108968

all people posting on the jay are cute girls

>> No.40108970

It's way too popular over there, at least overseas a lot of people have a sense of irony about it so it's a little easier to take but whenever I see a Japanese artist partake it is so earnest...
I mean I'm glad they're having fun and not worrying about being made fun of, but...

>> No.40108973

they were talking about how even book stores have their own omegaverse section

>> No.40108985


>> No.40109054

I didn't know it was that popular but then again my only first-hand knowledge of bookstores is Barnes and Noble and it makes sense for japanese book stores to have that kinda stuff in droves.

>> No.40109175

because his design sucks even by 2018 standards so he's trying to make it work by going the trendy clothing route or going slutty route (his god costume) but neither of them work because hajime is just an ossan

>> No.40109226

Fitting bgm for a fingering battle

>> No.40109267
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I love her.

>> No.40109374

wait, I tought you were all cute little boys.

>> No.40109401

Anyone here planning to watch the whole SEEDs24 without any sleep?

>> No.40109427

i thought girls didn't like gachimuchi

>> No.40109439

Indirectly. Gotta have flipped my schedule completely around on the day after it ends, but I'm pretty sure my brains going to turn to mush by a certain point and I'll have a dozen of hours to re-watch properly though.

>> No.40109453

I'm planning to go all. Wanted to see the whole latest Ponpoko24 but ended up sleeping through the episodes I wasn't that invested in.

>> No.40109466

*all in

>> No.40109489

That reminds me, I still haven't caught up on the parts I missed... ah well.

>> No.40109499
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>> No.40109500
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the boys

>> No.40109517

I'll try to watch the whole thing but I'll probably fall asleep at some point

>> No.40109519

if there's one thing im shocked about her aside from the whole popularity thing, it's how spot-on pretty much all the art and stuff like this i've seen is to the actual 2d model itself

>> No.40109521
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>> No.40109523

They need to capitalize on Salome 3D while she’s still hot

>> No.40109524

i just realised fuwacchi has a little fedora brooch on his suit jacket

>> No.40109529


>> No.40109534

Looks good

>> No.40109542
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK9S_bIKbAo rion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f4IWxjb_c5M lauren rust

>> No.40109547
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>> No.40109571

I actually quite like double-breasted coats and I'm upset ago isn't wearing it properly

>> No.40109576

Ago looks like a flasher with that coat on.

>> No.40109589

kenchan's hand looks so fucking uncanny here

>> No.40109609

where is my iinchou label live2d, enikara?

>> No.40109634

Where is Trinity’s? At least Rain Drops has theirs

>> No.40109643

...Rain Drops does? Did I slip into a coma and miss this?

>> No.40109657

https://www.twitch.tv/petit2434 Rust

>> No.40109671

Do they not? Or am I the one who’s losing it

>> No.40109697

Doesn't she have that idol outfit.

>> No.40109702

I'm pretty sure they don't as far as I remember

>> No.40109726

Huh...must’ve imagined it

>> No.40109728

stuck in the loading screen limbo

>> No.40109807

i wish chronoir had hired clippers on their channel like shaka or k4sen.

>> No.40109829

Trinity does at least still need their 3D, though I suppose they probably have it since they had an event lined up that was cancelled. Or at least I hope they do by now.

>> No.40109839

I don't envy the people who will have to download and edit down those long ass archives

>> No.40109852
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>> No.40109891

I don't trust hired clippers as far as I can throw them, especially in a company that's had problems with literally all of them across all branches. Unless you count Puchisanji as clips by some retarded stretch of logic I guess?

>> No.40109931

i mean like the one mirei hires

>> No.40109947

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXAqXabZ2pw kaede rust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQSAq05IvhU ars rust

>> No.40110017

Everyone's getting into rust now

>> No.40110020

lol desuwa is collabing with Petra and Oliver, nobody guessed right

>> No.40110047

I guess everyone in the JP branch is too afraid of collabing with her

>> No.40110049

there are really dedicated clippers who basically clip every stream of their favorite vtuber, you just need to find them

>> No.40110060

Oliver is JP though

>> No.40110075

then why did he go on a sex tour with Nina from EN?

>> No.40110086

nari drawing salome

>> No.40110105
File: 2.61 MB, 1414x2000, e00ab9cdc6c8b36105abd9e7b5294e16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdo-GkPAaRc desuwa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_3vXDMWkVE mikoto
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVo6zhw5OJ0 yorumi undying
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_N3_IaR_Bs hakase craft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX-mpqCx4tw sukoya craft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV4AP_h1lZM roha craft

>> No.40110103

Salome even visiting her a bit before her stream started.

>> No.40110107

Because he is pioneering cross-branch offpako'ing

>> No.40110118

sitting near haruka

>> No.40110141

Does that count as collabing though?

>> No.40110147


>> No.40110150

Oliver your grammar...

>> No.40110152

opogu desuwa

>> No.40110161


>> No.40110164

behead those who don't capitalize I

>> No.40110168

>If I become a monster of attention seeking in the end, everone please finish me.
Oliver what the fuck is this

>> No.40110178


>> No.40110185

coping about his dead channel

>> No.40110187

Such a mockery of the English language is a sight to behold. Is this how the Japanese feel when they see gaijin speaking Japanese?

>> No.40110197

oharve desuwa

>> No.40110201


>> No.40110213


>> No.40110215

I love how it just looks like oharre because Japanese people somehow can't properly write a lowercase R
It's one of my pet peeves

>> No.40110226

I guess she got a lot of knock off cars at her gas stand

>> No.40110230

rirth hand(左手)

>> No.40110244

why Japanese people

>> No.40110246

A low hurdle but it's much better than another duolingo stream

>> No.40110248

Why japanese people desuwa

>> No.40110252

My sides

>> No.40110253


>> No.40110265

I think the "why japanese people" guy is a fag.

>> No.40110267

Could you imagine being monolingual? Haha..

>> No.40110278

its still funny though. especially since its right.

>> No.40110280

She got that

>> No.40110283


>> No.40110288


>> No.40110289

Jastis desu wa!

>> No.40110291

My road is my road! Jastis!!

>> No.40110304

Pawar is pawar

>> No.40110308

Uh oh, she's touching on the honorifics vs no honorifics debate

>> No.40110312

sir o-capcom

>> No.40110313

Sar Ocapcom...

>> No.40110321

Sar Ocapcom. I want peropero shoes.

>> No.40110326

i'll pay for her english classes

>> No.40110328

some sort of shoe "tongue" joke here

>> No.40110332

there is no "debate".
you just shouldn't put them or you're not a serious translator

>> No.40110333

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-nOUCDqQOY kanae rust

>> No.40110334

he knows the only way it can end

>> No.40110345

Seriously shit, yeah

>> No.40110352

SuperChat everyone. and coment everyone, and watch me... you!!

>> No.40110354

Petra scared me

>> No.40110357

i cannot believe EN was the first salami collab, even indirectly

>> No.40110360

does this count as a collab

>> No.40110373

My cute daughterwife was the first other person besides Debi to appear on Salome's stream! I'm so proud of her!

>> No.40110372

Gachimuchi as in muscular men, rather than the meme.

>> No.40110376

JP bros saying 発音すご at petra's pronounciation, do they think she is JP

>> No.40110378

Bring back Noor

>> No.40110395

She is though?

>> No.40110399

JP has been calling her JP's since debut.

>> No.40110402

Don't worry Salome I couldn't understand Petra too

>> No.40110403

They say that to anyone who speaks English well.

>> No.40110412

i tuned in for salome not an ENroastie. dropped

>> No.40110418

More importantly, does this mean she reached out or was reached out to?

>> No.40110424


>> No.40110438

drop yourself from a bridge, too

>> No.40110439

shalom ey girl joes sue

>> No.40110442

This is like using a voice clip from a typical Ngo stream to teach Japanese to Selen.

>> No.40110445

She's definitely ask both, Why would Oliver give him nothing but her meme.

>> No.40110446

Wow she actually got that one

>> No.40110449
File: 710 KB, 1821x4096, 1625928686707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she reached out to Petra that means she has exquisite taste and I love her even more.

>> No.40110462

Is that you anon >>40110402

>> No.40110466

anon... your english reps...

>> No.40110480

Yeah, and that idiot was saying that Salome posters weren’t tourists.

>> No.40110500

>smiling face
But that's fucking wrong you retard professor

>> No.40110509

She's using google translate for the answers

>> No.40110518

Japon is right though

>> No.40110519

Cheater ojou-sama...

>> No.40110523

Excite translator, actually

>> No.40110528
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>> No.40110542
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>> No.40110563
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>> No.40110578

hayama is busting the sickest moves known to mankind

>> No.40110591

Meifu ;_;

>> No.40110594

i used to be just like you salami... until they took ken's kids...

>> No.40110604

Why are Kirame and Nina together?

>> No.40110605

Salome rimjob lewds coming soon

>> No.40110621

the real question is why is my wife nagi having a picnic with the schizos?

>> No.40110623

I want to squeeze Pute's tail

>> No.40110631


>> No.40110638

I want to watch Salome shit behind the wheel.

>> No.40110660

Love is blind, huh...

>> No.40110661

This stream reminds me of Deron's kusozako english. Good times.

>> No.40110674

i didn't know the word "vow"

>> No.40110677

What a cheater.

>> No.40110680


>> No.40110682


>> No.40110685


>> No.40110689


>> No.40110699
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>> No.40110703

Just do japanese streams...

>> No.40110709

Luis about to drag Shellin into the water.

>> No.40110714

Salome confessed to me.

>> No.40110718

That eigo sounded quite eroi.

>> No.40110722

she was looking at ME
kunka kunka

>> No.40110734

Why is Meifu incomplete what the fuck

>> No.40110737

she likes me

>> No.40110742

Not even an hour long stream...

>> No.40110749

Meli is gone anon...

>> No.40110752

There's a bee there

>> No.40110756

you can open images in new tabs by clicking on the filename

>> No.40110762

who is the sun

>> No.40110766

She didn't draw a goldfish beside Kirame what a bitch

>> No.40110770

You don't know the huge Rine meme?

>> No.40110781

we don't call her rine here, tourist

>> No.40110816


>> No.40110822

fuck off

>> No.40110825


>> No.40110841


>> No.40110854

Daily reminder that your favourite liver will graduate.

>> No.40110871

Right after yours.

>> No.40110880

But my favorite is anon...

>> No.40110882

I have only one liver

>> No.40110888
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>> No.40110891
File: 232 KB, 1400x1980, FUd5-gdUAAAY3lO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way, what else would she even do

>> No.40110897

I don't drink, so my liver's good.

>> No.40110921

my favorite liver already graduated. i still love alcohol

>> No.40110947

lurk more

>> No.40110950

i was thinking about how to say 承認欲求 in English last week so I guess you can just say "attention-seeking"

>> No.40110961

so what’s petra’s growth looking like after this

>> No.40110964

be the mother to be my children

>> No.40110965
File: 5 KB, 164x121, sayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40110973

redebut as a hag

>> No.40110980

histrionic fits the best imo

>> No.40110982

I'm honestly excited to see how a reverse concrete roads will work.

>> No.40110991
File: 97 KB, 1080x963, FEqEtSuXsAYeSCb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt know what insurance meant im failing n2 again...

>> No.40110992
File: 9 KB, 130x128, live chiichan reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40111013

So? I'm not gonna be upset about something that hasn't happened yet

>> No.40111024

He’ll still be here next year at least...

>> No.40111034

i'm so proud my retarded wife hima will finally make it through college

>> No.40111035

got 2k subs

>> No.40111046

I don't need to since I've been there for years and don't need to be taught how to call properly somebody who streams 3 times a year by some obsessed retard.

>> No.40111055

you've been here for years and can't even remember something from not even weeks ago?

>> No.40111056

Which livers will stay until the very end of Nijisanji?

>> No.40111059

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AINBYkX0Eg belmond wario land

>> No.40111071

I'm pretty sure he's just doing it to troll people, he always starts throwing a shitfit over what names people use

>> No.40111079


>> No.40111081

Banderas Wario land

>> No.40111089

Tsukino Mito. It will be like Angel Beats's ending

>> No.40111093


>> No.40111097

All of first gen. I say this politely but they're cockroaches who will live through even a nuclear bomb.

>> No.40111107

Nijionaire creator will certainly appreciate your deepest knowledge of Nijisanji.

>> No.40111110

ago, he said he will never graduate and he is the only one i believe in

>> No.40111127

Kanae if he doesn't kill himself since he keeps saying creepy shit about how if he stops streaming he'll die or whatever the hell it was

>> No.40111137

The real question is will they be let loose into the wild if for whatever reason Anykara goes totally bankrupt?

>> No.40111148

I think people that have contracts with music companies are less likely to leave, also people with their own shows I guess. I mean it's like a side gig for some people so they may also have no incentive to quit as long as they have some popularity.

>> No.40111150

the brand will probably be acquired by cover or something

>> No.40111163

gibara... warabeda...

>> No.40111168

by brave more likely

>> No.40111169

We both know that's not true.

>> No.40111172

Less likely, not never.

>> No.40111184
File: 78 KB, 403x286, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute karaoke/jam session.

>> No.40111208
File: 60 KB, 1024x768, 1654791846238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40111214

just noticed alice wasn't on the drums
i feel betrayed

>> No.40111226

nari drew vox and reimu too far apart

>> No.40111235

didn't someone say that the nurse plans to be around for atleast 10 more years or something?

>> No.40111252

Bangiras has said he wants to stay in Nijisanji and keep streaming for decades

>> No.40111264

Well they have very positive outlooks for the company as a whole then I guess

>> No.40111265

What if one of them graduates not by choice but because they get too horribly ill/get into an accident?

>> No.40111266

This talk is just reminding me of Neru-chan's "I will literally fight Nanashi to the death if he tries to cut me off from being a vtuber" speech.
You always hope those kinds of things are true, but history kinda proves otherwise...

>> No.40111274

both of those already happened, multiple times each depending on how you wanna stretch definitions

>> No.40111279

man the rust server is ruthless, people get killed just by saying hello there.

>> No.40111280

If Shiba can survive, anyone can

>> No.40111282

Is it just me or Kenmochi's chin is sharper than the usual?

>> No.40111300

hai domo... *bang*

>> No.40111305

Rin barely slept and she's back on Rust.

>> No.40111319

There are enough people for a nijisanji clan now, not that they will ever get together at this point.

>> No.40111320
File: 1.07 MB, 2894x4093, FUrgpa8aUAA7Wnq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbD3Rd_bgNA Rin! rust

>> No.40111345

Ars has been in Nijisanji for that long and her stream is still as pixelated as ever. Nice to see some things don't change.

>> No.40111362

Debi says the only time they'll graduate is when they get gout, but the official reason will be anything but gout

>> No.40111400

she barely slept? she had 3 hours of downtime, that's more than enough for her!

>> No.40111424

almost everyone streams with shitty bitrate, and it took them forever to migrate to 60fps.

>> No.40111441

I'm going to safely guess that Rin is never going to join anyone's clan.

>> No.40111466

Every time I open Kanae or Ibu's pov they are gambling or talking about farming scraps to gamble.

>> No.40111487

wait pute is on the server too.

>> No.40111552

yeah but she's just been playing her guitar for hours aside from kind of making friends with an apex streamer called nakanishi

>> No.40111554

Ibu did a raid like an hour ago but had to run because they don't have enough radiation medicine

>> No.40111558

it's a funny contrast between kanae's team gambling and rin! just horsing around

>> No.40111571

Fuck, he did? I missed it.

>> No.40111578

I like this BGM a lot.

>> No.40111581

I want to nakadashi pute

>> No.40111603

translate weebs

>> No.40111610

he's going to the snow area again soon with some other people because it's like impossible to open the raid building solo

>> No.40111617


>> No.40111622

Ah, you're talking about npcs, I thought he was raiding another clan's base.

>> No.40111681

Pute = stinky

>> No.40111716

anon = faggot

>> No.40111737

Ars is gambling her scraps away

>> No.40111765

thanks to Yokato anon i started to watch her, she is cute

>> No.40111851

Kanae's luck is god awful.

>> No.40111861

How long until they run out of JP livers to 3D debut and have to start giving 3D to Nari, Yugo, etc?

>> No.40111906

This Rust event sure is packed. First time something like this makes me wish I was in the server.

>> No.40111940

She was talking about it recently, but I don't think she's going to do it for a long time. You can tell she's still absolutely in love with what she does.

>> No.40111962

rin found the gambling safezone, but left, rin is a good woman that won't gamble.

>> No.40111965


>> No.40111985

Rion. Retirement came up in a zatsudan within the last month (I think), but every day is just more talk about the people she works with, Trinity activities, and all kinds of other stuff. She's clearly aware the gig won't last forever, but I think she wants to ride it out as long as she can.

>> No.40111988

Deron got a shirt from Kanae as tribute.

>> No.40112044

When is Obsydia’s anniversary again?

>> No.40112054

It's amazing how using google is such an alien concept for you eops.

>> No.40112066

rion is just venting, she won't quit. she knows that her life as a vtuber is more or less at it's peak now, and she can just take it easy compared to her first years.

>> No.40112083

haha sus

>> No.40112137

who would raid Rin!

>> No.40112152

Rin is talking with Gorilla! She is finally talking with someone.

>> No.40112179

roulette is bad civilisation

>> No.40112198

she was talking to him for almost half a minute, it's a new record

>> No.40112203

Deron's stream keeps buffering...

>> No.40112209
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>> No.40112223
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>> No.40112236

Is the blonde guy ok? As in, does he spout a bunch of retarded memes or is he one of the good ones?

>> No.40112243

I was a part of Gil-sama's membership for 30 minutes before he closed it and refunded me.

>> No.40112248

he spouts a bunch of 2010 /a/ memes

>> No.40112264

japan sure loves collective gambling

>> No.40112268

I can deal with that, guess I might watch it then

>> No.40112270

It's EN, they're all going to act like underage people from the r site.

>> No.40112271
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>> No.40112280

kanae is a cab driver now.

>> No.40112289

at least gambling is keeping the scrap inflation down, if people didn't gamble a 1000 scrap away every hour then scrap would be just trash lying everywhere

>> No.40112291
File: 651 KB, 1253x1668, FUz9xYWaQAA7OTo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40112297

Some of them are OK sometimes, though I wouldn't go out of my way to watch them. If for example Petra or Shu collabs with someone I like I probably won't mind

>> No.40112300
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>> No.40112349
File: 237 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220609-162424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would be ok...

>> No.40112358

putechi gambled 1000 scraps away

>> No.40112427

he faked his death so even if he is one of the more normal ones i can't watch anything that he's in without that thought in the back of my mind

>> No.40112432

Isn't that a crime

>> No.40112445

are you a miss/mr. kinda guy

>> No.40112453

He just lied about having a terminal illness then fucked off to a bunch of alt accounts for 4 or 5 years, then came back and apologized. He seemed genuinely repentant and racked up with guilt but its so bizarre he ever did it in the first place

>> No.40112464


>> No.40112484

I never imagined Rin playing rust would be so relaxing

>> No.40112498

Are you retarded

>> No.40112508

building autism does that

>> No.40112522
File: 463 KB, 1200x1200, 1636542929702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using japanese honorifics and english honorifics depending on how I feel like, sometimes on the same page

>> No.40112525


>> No.40112544

She can make everythingのんびり

>> No.40112547

You’re also an ESL. The worst kind of translator

>> No.40112582
File: 404 KB, 1960x2778, 1643840989267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use miss or mr if it makes sense, if it doesn't then I just use whatever was said, san kun chan senpai, I generally translate onee chan and onii chan into sis and bro though
More like ETL, I learned german before I learned english, and I make enough money from translations to just be a hikkineet and watch vtubers all day, that's the only thing that matters

>> No.40112608

Everyone just goes after her to ask for food and leaves. She should open a restaurant.

>> No.40112612
File: 132 KB, 331x329, 1654803041189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re also an ESL.
You just called him "an English as a second language."

>> No.40112629

Why would you learn german before english

>> No.40112637

anon is a Syrian refugee

>> No.40112644

That's what they taught us in elementary and high school, to be fair I haven't used it in over 10 years so I'd only understand simple sentences now, and if I lived as a normal person it would be more useful, after uni I was asked to be a laboratory manager in germany which would pay pretty well, but that would take effort, imagine working, imagine moving to another country, imagine not just living with your mom who cooks for you and watch vtubers all day while having saving up thousands of dollars from translating

>> No.40112652


>> No.40112674

step bro

>> No.40112683

anon has never touched another human being before

>> No.40112688

I'm stuck

>> No.40112704

And it should stay that way

>> No.40112938

ESL is a noun

>> No.40112991

Choose, jaypee. Cambridge or Urban Dictionary

>> No.40112996

I only trust anon

>> No.40113025

Deron is playing Rust too!?

>> No.40113044

I don't know if they started today but they've been on for a while

>> No.40113045
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>> No.40113056

Rin is going in the tunnels with no gear, she's just gonna get shot in the head

>> No.40113062

You're a noun.

>> No.40113076

I will spam the chat of anyone who shoots Rin

>> No.40113083

I'm pretty sure she's been shot before but the tunnels are full of npcs with machineguns that will blast you from further than you can see

>> No.40113234


>> No.40113270
File: 474 KB, 1447x2047, FUiamScagAAkFKB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDugGVCBVEc luis

>> No.40113545

You’re just jealous I’m making money off of my subbed clips.

>> No.40113661

reminder to unsub from salome for pandering to EOPs

>> No.40113688

good morning cocofag

>> No.40113706

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJ8I2TFIVe0 ohagaku
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qpi7vLJqTWs ohamahi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw3klshLQFU ohatoko
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDugGVCBVEc ohaluis

>> No.40113737


>> No.40113745


>> No.40113744

have you noticed that niji’s bots have suddenly ended today lol

>> No.40113751

replying yourself now? reaching a new low every day

>> No.40113758

Rin! found kuzuha's "house"

>> No.40113778

where's my kriemhild

>> No.40113802

that’s illegal?

>> No.40113811

pathetic for sure

>> No.40113840


>> No.40113847


>> No.40113854
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>> No.40113858


>> No.40113876
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>> No.40113889


>> No.40113917

So Salome gave attention to a KR and had an EN do something for her stream. When is she going to do something with ID

>> No.40113922

She'll get raped by Riksa

>> No.40113932

She just paid attention to Nijisanji members and ENs

>> No.40113944
File: 427 KB, 1368x2048, FUsrIl4UUAAiYRW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40113951
File: 278 KB, 850x1529, FUZ0ADIUAAE1p0X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love siska

>> No.40113979

She was correct Riksa and he'll become a bastion of hope for India desuwa.

>> No.40113987

Indonesia, I'm not as geographically lost as homeless cat is. I swear!

>> No.40113991

Is Deron's name in rust really just Lスター, that's great

>> No.40113999

why does she like that stupid ass weapon so much anyways

>> No.40114008

https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm40590007 pog

>> No.40114042

True love works in the strangest ways.

>> No.40114043

Can't tell if that's a bulge or not

>> No.40114045
File: 174 KB, 800x800, FU1EORdagAAd97q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40114051

Too small

>> No.40114062

I wish

>> No.40114063

Is there a big Vtuber unrelated event going on right now?

>> No.40114069

why don't you

>> No.40114090

A nintendo direct just got leaked? I don't get this question...

>> No.40114128

I was just confued as to why Pon wouldn't have more viewers right now

>> No.40114196

I can’t believe he’s racist against koreans

>> No.40114283

What did he do? I don't watch FPS

>> No.40114288

He said ファビョってる

>> No.40114357

Youtube changed the "Remind Me" button to "Notify Me". I hate it.

>> No.40114361

he also once yelled きもいホモ野郎!! live on stream

>> No.40114380

Lauren is racist, homophobic, and pirates nipple porn. How awful

>> No.40114417

Looks like they should've terminated him when they had the chance during the nipple porn drama. Now he's burning again. Buy the enjou dip

>> No.40114430

https://twitter.com/maimoto_k/status/1534882458759401472 ok this is epic

>> No.40114455

lauren pissed on my wife

>> No.40114478

Wtf I love Lauren now

>> No.40114502

he's worse at flying a helicopter than even kanae

>> No.40114663

lauren jizzed on my cat

>> No.40114667

fag sings princess songs

>> No.40114681

Lauren wtf... i believed in u

>> No.40114693

how can lauren be racist he literally has a korean friend

>> No.40114696

Lauren don’t look, it’s a gay Korean

>> No.40114701

He’s one of the good ones

>> No.40114707

Salome should tease Lauren's nipples

>> No.40114766

wait did Lauren really say it

>> No.40114794

oh he said it

>> No.40114805

say it to my face and not online

>> No.40114810 [DELETED] 

it's not really that racist like nigger/coon tier.

>> No.40114818

you're not korean
you have no say in how offensive it is

>> No.40114830

neither are the NEET dramaniggers on 5ch

>> No.40114843

let's ask all of the koreans in Nijisanji right now and see how they feel

>> No.40114850

Can you please fuck off.

>> No.40114851

shit i just tuned in was he apologizing for it

>> No.40114862

By tuned in do you mean "you saw the post in a thread of shitposters and thought he actually was in any form of trouble when in reality it was just anons making jokes"?

>> No.40114869

I agree. Lauren should fuck off. These poor KRs don't deserve these racist attacks from a Japanese after being bullied by some of their own members for so long

>> No.40114872

i cant believe lauren actually said nothing happened in ba sing se live on stream

>> No.40114877

Fuck Lauren. I never liked this nasty man with a weird fetish

>> No.40114879

one of his members said in chat that antis are trying to cook up enjou about his usage of that obsolete word and he should be careful about his language

>> No.40114884

there's only a handful of tweets about it spread over the last few hours, he's not getting burned at all

>> No.40114886
File: 169 KB, 1378x1378, FRK93W5acAAJ3H9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've come to make an announcement, Lauren Eroass is a bitch ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking malewife.

>> No.40114889

don't kink shame

>> No.40114896

It doesn’t seem to be used that much though

>> No.40114898

he didnt even know about that korean syndrome thing and said he thought it's a cool streamer slang

>> No.40114905


>> No.40114910

You give so much attention to idiots, holy fuck.

>> No.40114912

The only comments about it in his chat are a handful of graynames who are first-time chatters. Not even going to quote them because EOPs will somehow find any and run it into the ground harder than... I actually can't remember any of the old forced dramas from the early days of the board spamming that never actually left matome sites and/or the dying /vy/.

>> No.40114917

https://twitcasting.tv/hisui_kitakoji hisui_tensei

>> No.40114920

who cares about this when hajime's new outfit is the ugliest outfit in vtuber history

>> No.40114921

i think this was way more offensive and it's strange no one even talked about here back then

>> No.40114926

No that’s Uiha’s new outfit

>> No.40114927

Yeah let’s not take poor people’s opinions into account, not a big deal, just like hating on Koreans, fucking discrimination

>> No.40114946

This thread likes to downplay shit and pass it off as just anti conspiring until an official statement comes out and anons completely ignoring or missing something isn't really new. Let's not forget how a lot of anons in the old thread completely missed the Mugi boyfriend incident and needed some random english article to tell them about it

>> No.40114957

Compared to Ritsukin or Maid Rantarou?
Is your head okay?

>> No.40114965

>This thread likes to downplay shit and pass it off as just anti conspiring until an official statement comes out
that's what you're supposed to do since most 炎上 are really trivial things.

>> No.40114967

Wow, even tourists know about pussypussypussy... times've changed, huh?

>> No.40114973

it wasn’t her boyfriend

>> No.40114985 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 799x722, FU0Qb8hagAM6tPJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the implication here that every single thing that attracts even the most remote of ire from 5ch a future apology statement, especially for people who have recently or are directly tied to drama?

Because boy, do I have some worldshattering news for you.

>> No.40114987

No one talked about Mugi's suicidal notes coming out either.

>> No.40114996

Some anons here did, not that much though.

>> No.40114999

There were one-off posts about it. What exactly would you want people to say?

>> No.40115010

who is this? are they from VR or EN or something?

>> No.40115018

I think he's from Neo-Porte? Dunno why anon would randomly post a Vtuber from there...

>> No.40115020 [DELETED] 

lauren is clearly a repeat offender and needs to be dealt with before he tarnishes the brand again

>> No.40115030

Lauren punched Lain

>> No.40115032

what is his punishment supposed to be?

>> No.40115036

this small unrelated event happened

>> No.40115040

luca sonny selen pomu hand sim horror

>> No.40115042

honestly this peaked at mirei's

>> No.40115048

So happy for her

>> No.40115049

Can't believe Lauren tortured his chat with those lyrics.

>> No.40115053

>Anti conspiring until an official statement
To be fair, /vt/ shown us exactly that.

>> No.40115057

Well actually jokes aside, now that it's a publicly traded company, as stupid as it sounds, the "brand image" does matter now. Or rather it matters as much as the top shareholders care. Of course this means Lauren will have to undergo nipple electroshock conversion therapy to turn him into a good person

>> No.40115074

they've shown you that for westerners, even before the split happened there was that pathetic attempt at getting towa fired and was literally laughed at by corporate.

>> No.40115090

except there's actual サクラ on japanese boards to make profit for matome sites while retarded EOPs literally do it for free

>> No.40115096

Has that shithole ever actually done anything to any vtuber beyond the infestation?
Hell I'm pretty sure we did more when Iwa-chan and Golden Ball-sama... noticed us.

>> No.40115099 [DELETED] 

Why can't antis take down EN so the threads will be good again

>> No.40115109

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5Zm2iYYnXg elu ape
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGP5x6Wm6XE hajiki rust

>> No.40115115 [DELETED] 

With Nijisanji /vt/ were much motivated, like they actually directly tell dramatubers to cover leak or actually botting viewer just to prove their point on public.

>> No.40115128

maybe we shouldn’t have bullied holobros back then… karma

>> No.40115130

and has this led to literally anything happening to non-westerners? the people we're talking about?
god your kind is fucking retarded

>> No.40115155
File: 193 KB, 1748x1240, 1653984310687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe a buncha EOPs personally told Narukami about how Salome is viewbotting Petra's channel and this caused Mori's memberships to go down even lower than Pikamee's.

Oh, mine heart! It aches with the pain of a thousand chuubas!

>> No.40115206

Just saying there is a truth with anti conspiring, they can a nothing burger and make this suddenly big by throwing oil and flame it.
I mean Chii-chan first NijiPEX was exactly that.

>> No.40115232


>> No.40115253

Reception against nijipex was just a culmination of parts of the fanbase that are tired of more apex.

>> No.40115281

I don't get it.

>> No.40115284


>> No.40115288
File: 186 KB, 1168x2048, 1650856012342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40115289

non being used as a prefix means "not" ESL-kun

>> No.40115307

I can't believe /vt/ was Unko-chan all along.
You're better off trying to tell us that the MTL translatoranon wannabe translating one of our threads caused Gibara to retire.

>> No.40115328

Chihiro's bad decision with Yukio aside.
I'm not stupid enough to not noticing the "rigged" or "cheater" spam on both of her stream and main channel when she won the first match.

>> No.40115329

clearly the ESL must have mistaken unko-chan with 4chan, which makes sense because this site is unko

>> No.40115336

48h of apex sounds rough.

>> No.40115364

You saying as if they are different

>> No.40115394

I feel there will be some big, positive news for iinchou around next week.

>> No.40115399

our baby will be announced.

>> No.40115472

Graduation (Sasaki's) will be announced

>> No.40115488

Uh bro have you been sleeping under a rock?

>> No.40115491


>> No.40115504

Is anyone planning to watch V-Carnival?

>> No.40115517

I will to support the loss of Saku('s filled cavities)

>> No.40115542

Even now I have no idea how to get the ticket. I can't watch it live so hoping for a timeshift.

>> No.40115653

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jglzmEowTQo mahiro project sekai gacha
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faME7l6qqbE haruka tokimemo

>> No.40115657

I was going to but my broker wouldn't allow it on the first two days. Now it's allowed but it's priced insanely high and can only be bought in 100 lots so it's very risky.

>> No.40115729

based for once
i hope that sio can return as an indie now that we have corporate nippleporn 失言 vtubers that don't get chased out or even punished
anycolor should also issue a formal apology to pakoraito and beg him to come back

>> No.40115764

Sio did nothing wrong

>> No.40115766

especially since oliver is living out raito’s dreams

>> No.40115800

some say that sio porn is still being commissioned

>> No.40115878

He got Mika pregnant...

>> No.40115906

please please please let it be one of the EN boys so the branch can shut down

>> No.40115917

it was kanae

>> No.40115922


>> No.40115959

I just pogged myself

>> No.40115964

Chigusa pooog is Chigusa’s discord nickname

>> No.40115966

kamippoi-san gets fucked by hayun every day

>> No.40115967
File: 103 KB, 800x800, 8741023693684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40115981

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faME7l6qqbE haruka tokimemo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlNYyD4xBtQ chihiro apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcCsD7tEXvE maimoto taiko risshiden
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jglzmEowTQo mahiro project sekai
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5Mlnkfmxk8 nui umamusume
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MctNs0sBViI amamiya valo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmRpE9CJxNc chigusa valo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuads9FqiSo kei valo

>> No.40116008

sonny pov

>> No.40116045

why do you ignore EN?

>> No.40116113

People dying to proseka gacha really is going to be a weekly thing from now on huh...

>> No.40116143
File: 814 KB, 1006x1030, sana yamero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40116175

Chigusa wants to fuck Sonny Briston

>> No.40116188

I'm worried about next gacha, it just leaked and there's an incredibly waifish crybaby shota Len, it's gonna break some people for sure

>> No.40116194

Well apparently no one cares/wants to see that

>> No.40116214

i want to have sex with hayun

>> No.40116217

You will never have sex

>> No.40116222

It's not that great

>> No.40116238

depends on your partner desu

>> No.40116239

Depends on whether you give or receive a fuck

>> No.40116285

and he will continue doing this shit because he knows that he wont get shit for it. except for the nipple thing, offensive shit he says never goes around making waves because his fans are really good at just keeping silent and not drawing attention to his fuckups

>> No.40116311

Real sex is lame after getting preferences for unrealistic proportions.

>> No.40116330

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWTNLxSfWVY yorumi and debi

>> No.40116344


>> No.40116350


>> No.40116351


>> No.40116354

instead of reprimanding people, just join /ona/ the ascendant race.

>> No.40116371
File: 552 KB, 800x1080, 1651150428547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40116378

Why does she have such bad taste for picking games to stream?

>> No.40116381

I've been liking her indie game splurge, it makes her read and I have boner from that voice.

>> No.40116387

Good for you I guess, but I can't find it in me to be interested.

>> No.40116452

Chigusa is scary

>> No.40116483


>> No.40116485

and still wont work either!

>> No.40116532

tell me when they release one molded from rin's dilapidated vagina

>> No.40116600

too many rust matome

>> No.40116635

not enough lust matome

>> No.40116656

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95dDMbvFZzE kaza apex

>> No.40116690
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>> No.40116705
File: 327 KB, 888x888, FU3f0tvUEAAhe95.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please buy our products

>> No.40116730

has motchan made an otoMAD for this yet

>> No.40116822

Kanda, Rin, and Hisupi

>> No.40116840

The legend returns from the battlefield

>> No.40116904

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7huxnFgYrFE hajime rust

>> No.40116936

I don't think Mashiro is coming back.

>> No.40116945


>> No.40117007

he's busy with his boytit training

>> No.40117020

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjVSQcVRbPU shellin lost judgment

>> No.40117152

I always thought that his "don't google this" streams were risky, even if he pixelates stuff youtube is pretty autistic about banning entire channels just for one pixelated cucumber

>> No.40117205

I was more annoyed with that nijipex because it had holotrash in it, shouldn't have called it nijipex and just called it Chihiro's apex buddies

>> No.40117229

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qk2HhEyuoig mirei

>> No.40117236
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>> No.40117241

Are we thinking of a different thing or something, because all I remember was Towa in a post-tourneyGolf It collab at some point. I think it was the same one with some actors and Daruma? But I don't think that was Nijipex.

>> No.40117242

trading anycolor's stock was halted today too

>> No.40117247

Matsuri was on Chihiro's team in nijipex

>> No.40117266

I can't believe Mirei is dying.

>> No.40117289

It's already insanely high. I'm getting major FOMO.

>> No.40117322

i cannot read that much medical stuff and just the doses of what she got, and i dont know enough about medicine to know what the fuck any of its for
did she finally get chlamydia

>> No.40117340

I can't believe the stinky panda is about to graduate because she's actually getting her entire top teeth removed and she'll sound even funnier!

>> No.40117347

Meniere's disease like Kanata.

>> No.40117360

And a skin condition.

>> No.40117383

oh i vaguely remember hearing about that, that sucks

>> No.40117390
File: 90 KB, 635x903, FU4Pl5iacAAnzPz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's C100 booth confirming day

>> No.40117399

we'll see how the koshien goes this year, I'm kinda worried about konami's autism but it could go either way or just have no effect

>> No.40117400

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4PQuLTITVo muyu singing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DhVbzsG6r4 sasaki

>> No.40117419

Konami's retardation already shines through when they banned clips of the game.

>> No.40117426


>> No.40117431

Is this the first rananculus karaoke stream?

>> No.40117439

that's what I'm talking about, it could make people watch the streams more but it could also make people say fuck it and just not bother with it at all, or maybe it just doesn't matter because most people don't care anyways, we won't know until we see how it goes

>> No.40117444

please brush your teeth regularly

>> No.40117447


>> No.40117487
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>> No.40117517

There's also the potential they'll allow it just for Nijisanji, but it's also Konami so putting any trust in them to do something smart is retarded.

>> No.40117522

Lucky dentist got to fill the kusopanda 10 times

>> No.40117572

watching Hajime play rust is a lot less frustrating than watching Ars and Rin, those two feel like watching a grandpa play a game at 0.5 speed

>> No.40117593
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>> No.40117595

fuck off cop

>> No.40117638
File: 105 KB, 635x903, FU4INkoaUAAbo9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40117650

I'm too depressed and self-loathing to take care of myself.

>> No.40117683

seffyna hasn't taken the test for n1 yet so she still considers herself n2 even though her japanese is better than mine, and ive been studying for almost 5 years now...

>> No.40117704


>> No.40117845

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=skLZRhtKhNU rion powerpro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9O13vRjwjw chigu pon super bunny man

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOPs-uWyAIU gwelu drawing ryushen

>> No.40117942
File: 131 KB, 635x903, FMXJYdLVIAMdvVV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40117975

I can't believe Mirei is 40 years old

>> No.40117984

https://twitter.com/ShizuRin23/status/1535202150074097664 Rin..

>> No.40118082

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fv9Ju3PEN4 mao yakiniku sim

>> No.40118111

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shkoJ0-QiEM sango 35

>> No.40118121
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>> No.40118237

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwFuLzkArl0 puchisanji

>> No.40118258

Ebimaru Rust

>> No.40118265

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpiW_FI4St4 rikiichi maimoto silver screen story
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H1CesQixsCQ sera fall guys

>> No.40118297


>> No.40118304
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>> No.40118338

Hope sensei takes care of herself, I have problems with my ears too

>> No.40118369

I went to the ear doctor a little while ago because I had ringing in my left ear, he said it was because of soreness in my neck so he told me to do neck exercises and gave me some meds that improve blood circulation, the meds cause hypersexuality though so I was fapping all day, I guess it makes sense since blood circulation is related to horniness but still

>> No.40118377

is this their first collab in like, years? or am i just woefully outta touch and outta time?

>> No.40118412

How can an Ojou-sama have bad handwriting

>> No.40118423

the japanese dont learn handwriting anymore

>> No.40118439

didn't she quit school at one point

>> No.40118453

Ebio running into a streamer, asking for money to gamble, getting declined until the other guy realizes he's Ebio only to then blow it all and go into debt is truly peak Ebio.

>> No.40118455

She was a truant during school (like me) and dropped out of university (like me!)

>> No.40118472

Fall Sera

>> No.40118489

Their last planned 1-on-1 collab was last summer, I think, but their newest on-stream interaction was in some Apex custom shortly before the recent vsaikyo. It was an impromptu collab with vspo's Asumi.

>> No.40118524

They've had several valorant collabs

>> No.40118634
File: 512 KB, 1920x1080, FU4pdjWUAAA3qqG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sneeds schedule

>> No.40118648
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>> No.40118735
File: 563 KB, 1920x1080, seeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvNqEhHd7cI ebio ars rust

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qiQ13jN9UCo elu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uw4yRlO2ROs seeds24 one more day

>> No.40118824
File: 275 KB, 1920x1080, overcooked2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Achilles Overcooked

>> No.40118839

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BpE_7VutaE levi project sekai
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GuhYoMGNsO0 kaida ghostwire

gartic phone
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yYq4YKb-cU kaede
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWPg2JN2umU yorumi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSZ9n544P3Q mao

>> No.40118853

please don't bring crossboarder kusomemes into my seeds, thank you

>> No.40118908

are all the segments pre filmed or are the some live parts as well?

>> No.40118928

Sumomo bumped into Ebimaru. I miss him...

>> No.40118964

Looking forward to the Golden Bomber and curry segments the most

>> No.40118971

I looked at the hashtag on Youtube and some said 時間後にプレミア公開 instead of 時間後にライブ配信, so some might be videos instead of live
Though I feel like I've seen Youtube say プレミア公開 for live streams in the past

>> No.40118993
File: 721 KB, 2389x4096, 1646955316524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her!

>> No.40119044

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDfpMWgtgkA tomoe bokuhime project
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eo135RTDF2s sera craft

>> No.40119191

Hima helped with Sephira's reincarnation

>> No.40119217

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6dUXxxJPcc aki yugo puzzle

>> No.40119230

She helped with the video presentation, Hima's pretty good with that stuff.

>> No.40119237

include has the voice of an angel

>> No.40119253


>> No.40119269

She came back?

>> No.40119296

Momo getting everyone to play fighting games

>> No.40119322

Anon's sexy daughter again

>> No.40119337

I'm just glad she's back. But are we talking Hima, or Hima IRL? Because one is significantly easier for me to dig through than the other.

>> No.40119366
File: 322 KB, 893x1263, FU5D9BIVEAAXdC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn the side effects of consuming too much tabasco is crazy...

>> No.40119391

is she with a company now at least or what was the point of graduating from an indie vtuber to becoming another indie vtuber

>> No.40119392
File: 110 KB, 635x903, FU48_PYaAAA8LOe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40119403

where's yugo

>> No.40119419

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5rEg6aUHcY ange meika sports
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcH7Kc3bVqs furen yakiniku sim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ra70RlfAJM yumeoi nier
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eysrzm1wgr8 suha apex

>> No.40119425

She wasn't indie the character belonged to some fortune telling site or something

>> No.40119426


>> No.40119458
File: 154 KB, 1024x576, FU5I34VakAEARxz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baby ass looking werewolf.

>> No.40119462

Person from Synchro dimension

>> No.40119480

Specifically said Honma Himawari

>> No.40119481

You mean amogos

>> No.40119491

Never expected Dot would draw her, neat

>> No.40119511

I've never seen it say premiere for a livestream

>> No.40119519

Alright, thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.40119572

It's happened once or twice for me but only on the TV app which is how I usually watch things

>> No.40119607

Taking some hints from Tenbin I see.

>> No.40119656

7 out of 25 are premieres.

>> No.40119676

They really shouldn't do them as premieres, even if they're pre-recorded

>> No.40119687

Kanzume's making another Setomiya doujin for C100.

>> No.40119691


>> No.40119692

just return to twitch already

>> No.40119713

Well, at least I have something to look forward to after seeing the rumors that my favorite circle won't be at comiket or reitaisai again.

>> No.40119734

Is this about the subpoena or did they get the case through already?

>> No.40119751
File: 117 KB, 635x903, KSUWABE-1535172746828603392-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40119766

Shut up Lauren, your 神っぽいな cover is about to hit 10m, if you just waited everyone would have forgotten about your stupid enjou

>> No.40119782

I see Salome is still breaking EOPs

>> No.40119790

maybe this job isn't for him

>> No.40119792

What happened?

>> No.40119798

Who cares about EOPS

>> No.40119815

Seracraft with Seffyna and Roha

>> No.40119819

I know he loves Seto but he needs to draw his wife more often

>> No.40119834
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>> No.40119839

What's there to break? She's le funny desuwa girl, people get entertained just hearing her voice.

>> No.40119840

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmorg_cMens kagami duel masters
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KaNKuVJq00 nari

>> No.40119850

>ange meika sports
I love these two idiots

>> No.40119853

I can't believe that Lucas from nijisanji en is her first collab partner

>> No.40119858
File: 943 KB, 2894x4093, FU2SaNQaAAAkzyl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40119875


>> No.40119880

Because she's funny desuwa girl that not come from their tribe?

>> No.40119884

https://www.youtube.com/shorts/o2wX6V2NkVg claire seeds24

>> No.40119893

Oh so it's just a tiny portion of EOPs who don't matter, gotcha.

>> No.40119894

Sex(male) and sex(female).

>> No.40119915
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>> No.40119940

big pons

>> No.40119961

https://youtu.be/4TxDocBSWro Rin....

>> No.40119975

So is Enjou dip a real thing? Can I buy low now?

>> No.40120044

Is one of historically among the most if not the common practice in all of the stock market a real thing? I don't know man, you tell me.

>> No.40120083
File: 665 KB, 1920x1080, FU5V6pEakAMz3ti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Momo's new LEWD clothes

>> No.40120087
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>> No.40120093

Nijisanji and its members must be doing a lot of things right if so many butthurt people choose to spend their time here trying to put them down instead of watching streams of the agency they like.

>> No.40120098

Finally, I've needed a new onahole.

>> No.40120099

They actually don't watch anything, they don't stream or they can't understand them.

>> No.40120122

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtoU90TNaPE akane yakiniku sim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaOTOKjCTJg chima craft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdqGZ1fw1X0 masaru

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_M1KE3vmzw naraka
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2r2H75iBRdU fuwa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFXBMLTPYAE ibrahim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeN51Yap9Ic shiina
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ch6I3VEZ6c kuzuha
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDp5M-Y0aF0 yashiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0YoX5B5wz4 kanae
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtNxShAcGAk sasaki

>> No.40120124

annnnd it's over

>> No.40120126

Someday I'd like to taste all those Japanese alcoholic drinks.

>> No.40120131


>> No.40120143

they're usually on the weaker side, but strong zero got really popular

>> No.40120153

I'm not a big beer guy myself, but there's some really good stuff over there.

>> No.40120154

Going by thumbnail alone, I'll watch shiishii's pov

>> No.40120166

momo's momos

>> No.40120180

it finally started.

>> No.40120182

What the fuck are you talking about?!

>> No.40120183

This is an early-access Werewolf/Mafia game.
How the fuck do you make that?

>> No.40120189


>> No.40120211

they were going to play mario strikers, but there is no online for that apparently.

>> No.40120240
File: 835 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BIG momos

>> No.40120247

strong zero and horoyoi are alright, everything else tastes like piss

>> No.40120253

Why is yashikizu here.

>> No.40120256
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>> No.40120269

but there is

>> No.40120335

That's what I feel about any beer

>> No.40120367

It's beer, there isn't such a thing as one that doesn't drink and stink of piss.

>> No.40120399

Just kill Sasaki, please.

>> No.40120421


>> No.40120423

i could watch ebimaru harassing strangers for scrap and playing music for ages

>> No.40120429
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>> No.40120437

it's only for 4 people apparently

>> No.40120451


>> No.40120452

Maybe this game is too hard for them.

>> No.40120455

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qptYkLT3P5A hajime mahjong
https://www.twitch.tv/petit2434 rust

>> No.40120492

i don't understand this shit at all, why can't we just go back to project winter.

>> No.40120500

i could also watch ebio teach ars the wrongest possible way to play poker (fold before the first three cards) for days

>> No.40120516

https://twitter.com/44498gutkuso/status/1535225711338098688 muyuti...

>> No.40120524

how did he get that collab with poker chase when he doesn't know shit

>> No.40120554
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>> No.40120739

Kanae got murdered twice.

>> No.40120759
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>> No.40120768


>> No.40120780

and sugar

>> No.40120785

Debi has played it a few times but I never understood the appeal, way too many roles making it needlessly complex to follow
Among us was the peak of werewolf type games just because it was so simple and easy to understand as a viewer

>> No.40120796
File: 185 KB, 946x2048, FU34ohDakAA_h_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she cant even write japanese...

>> No.40120835

I will marry Umise

>> No.40120837

why even reply

>> No.40120845

Ebio's net died

>> No.40120860


>> No.40120871
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>> No.40120879

Desuwa live in 5 minutes

>> No.40120886

why must it be at the same time as desuwa aaaa

>> No.40120908

Why would Fuwa ever think he can deceive someone?

>> No.40120917

fuwa is a real idiot.

>> No.40120987

not sure how that happens, but pretty sure it's unrelated to her japanese ability EOP-kun

>> No.40121008


>> No.40121018
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Two real idiots.

>> No.40121019


>> No.40121044
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>> No.40121050
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>> No.40121055

this is like the 5th time this has happened. shes just not used to typing on computers

>> No.40121068
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Thoughts, Tomoefag?

>> No.40121122

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW9JAEk8g74 re7 desuwa
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U51N0Iduz0 hakase powerwash sim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ__LQfA46c hayama dqbuilders
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTpkUWI11WQ sukoya craft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vxJdbiCrX5o karuta singing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5iFitUYQNQ mahiro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vqxqo2CUTOw ryushen

>> No.40121127

ABO's PC can't handle going underground.

>> No.40121185

imagine mary gf

>> No.40121200

i miss hwabyeongppoi-san

>> No.40121268

fuck, I'm gonna have to start posting the kamippoi-san shit again...

>> No.40121280

It says Twitter for iPhone underneath though

>> No.40121290

What if kamippoi-san becomes the new Hajime...

>> No.40121340

Ars is trying to tell Ebi how to fight the chimera lmao

>> No.40121345

通信#02? Where's the first? On the deep down twitter?

>> No.40121361

Salome chose to be faithful to Mia

>> No.40121397

Was bio7 this short, she is close to the ending already, isn't she.

>> No.40121415

Nyaraka is pretty smart.

>> No.40121418

Yeah, it's pretty short. Salome's actually taking a long time to clear it.

>> No.40121423
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happy birthday sayo i miss you a lot

>> No.40121434

she is commentating a lot but she is in the final streach, so one or two more

>> No.40121450

are you going to get her birthday merch

>> No.40121454

Is Furen the dumbest one in Nijisanji or is there someone dumber? I know Rion and Hakase are pretty dumb but is there one that surpasses Furen?

>> No.40121491

Imagine believing the stupid girl act, it's obviously all written down and played out.

>> No.40121497

Ange's dumb as a stump

>> No.40121509

Hakase is just slow, Furen is just dumb

>> No.40121510

yeah considering that one test with Haneru, she is actually a nihilists acting really hard to be an optimist as she has no real hope for the future.

>> No.40121517


>> No.40121580

furen is just boke, she sometimes slips, she is not really dumb. bakache is dumb, rion is seriously retarded at times.

>> No.40121590

Rion comes off as dumber in their collabs though she definitely has more skills to make up for it with.

>> No.40121591

tiktok desuwa

>> No.40121592

Mao is smart.

>> No.40121597

The answer, clearly, is Lauren.

>> No.40121611

Now this is the good stuff desuwa.

>> No.40121619
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>> No.40121621

Kuzuha played this well.

>> No.40121628

the thumbnail makes her face look like a cube

>> No.40121641

oh, salome was talking about seeds24.

>> No.40121672

I used to think like that until she was genuinely confused at mirrors reflecting light. It felt too real

>> No.40121674

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRH27itxVN4 belmond craft

>> No.40121683

工作員 shouldn't mean spy it feels wrong

>> No.40121724

https://twitter.com/1000000lome/status/1535290951434121217 what did she mean by this

>> No.40121727

rin! is going to play more rust.

>> No.40121729

What do you want it to be, then? "Saboteur"?

>> No.40121734

it's 特務工作員 or something so spy is close enough I guess

>> No.40121745

What do spies build

>> No.40121776

he won't because he's actually interesting unlike hajiki and also even if he became haremono of niji (even if he is one anyways), he still has all his streamer friends so he wouldnt even be affected

>> No.40121780
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>> No.40121790

諜報 (ちょうほう) 活動など、隠密裏の活動をする人。
Sounds about right

>> No.40121815

Kanae is pretty fucking dumb

>> No.40121819

Probably referring to the time between the next RE7 stream

>> No.40121861

Does it really auto save

>> No.40121905
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>> No.40121926
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OElVU41a8lw Rin! rust

>> No.40121993

Putechi gambling all of her scraps.

>> No.40122015

Rin won't gamble!

>> No.40122067

she's been up scraps today, compared to how she gambled 1000 away yesterday

>> No.40122079

Maid Rin!

>> No.40122081

Rin! is gaining new fans from other streamers

>> No.40122099
File: 1.02 MB, 1202x678, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>classic Ebi moment captured in picrel
Also at the end of the stream, Ebi just fired at the heli while apologizing for firing at the heli, this man is unhinged

>> No.40122143

Rin found abo's house (?).

>> No.40122179

I can't believe Ebi built a house that looks like it was abandoned for a decade

>> No.40122182

the song of their people

>> No.40122191

Shiishi is in the server too, but she is not streaming, she came to gamble.

>> No.40122205

this include guy is funny.

>> No.40122235
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Putechi is so popular on twitch, guess red pandas thrive in rust

>> No.40122290

millie layla

>> No.40122341

i don't know who is this guy with shiishi, i recognize the CR guys though.

>> No.40122460

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LsKt-Cg49c kanae rust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLsdXYiPZJM shiishi rust

>> No.40122491

Why don't these fuckers team up...

>> No.40122496


>> No.40122566

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkyY47zn9Zo emma

>> No.40122655


>> No.40122661

Putechi begging for scraps from strangers.

>> No.40122732

rin, hajiki, pute, ibu and kuzuha are still solo and with no clan, kanae is probably going to leave his current one too. hope they get together.

>> No.40122760

imagine thinking rin would ever do that

>> No.40122773

rin is pretty popular these days, she is talking with a lot of stranger for a hot minute or two.

>> No.40122823

It's a shame some viewers are autistic enough to ensure we'll never get a nijisanji only rust server

>> No.40122832
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>> No.40122859

I can't see Mao in a sexual way

>> No.40122873


>> No.40122894

This fucking guy with Rin, lol

>> No.40122896

Rin got confessed to

>> No.40122897

I love my grandma Rin!

>> No.40122902

they wont

>> No.40122923

Did people forget during her earliest streams most of her stories were depressing as fuck? Like how she got dumped at Disneyland or something. I'm really sure one of the first things she opened up about was her depression

>> No.40122939

She wanted to become a vtuber because in the past vtubers contributed to steering her away from her own suicidal feelings, IIRC. At any rate Furen's not low-IQ dumb, just kinda airheaded.

>> No.40122959

I don't know how one could even argue about this, Rion is by far the actually dumbest in trinity. Frankly I feel like it wouldn't take me a lot to trick her into some real bad stuff

>> No.40122979


>> No.40123003

That's what makes her retardation stand out, though. Kind of the inverse of Lize's brains.

>> No.40123017

pomu playing shantae again after a year

>> No.40123109

I want to flirt with Shizurin too...

>> No.40123116
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>> No.40123155

my favorite ftuber

>> No.40123158

Lauren should graduate

>> No.40123186

koreans should stop being so sensitive

>> No.40123242

They are more forgiving of the males apparently. They just get slaps on the wrists and don't get chased out the company like all the girls. If Raito debuted today he would've gotten away with everything

>> No.40123250

lauren requires correction

>> No.40123255

rin and kanakana

>> No.40123257

RK happening

>> No.40123260

JAV enthusiasts should stop being so sensitive

>> No.40123278

Holofags didn't latch onto Yumeoi and Hoshikawa this badly when they got torched, even though Yumeoi pretty much committed an actual crime, what gives
