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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 400x566, 2900006800117_1_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4004627 No.4004627 [Reply] [Original]

any ep6 info yet?

>> No.4004636

Battler dies on the first twilight

>> No.4004637

Beato dies. Oh wait, that already happened.

>> No.4004644

Just fake spoilers.

>> No.4004645

It's on sale at least in 12 hours. It'll be available for download in at least 24 hours. l2wait.

>> No.4004646 [DELETED] 

Kinzo does something awesome

>> No.4004654

battler wins thanks to the power of friendship

>> No.4004658 [DELETED] 

so what's the drill here, does someone from jp take caps of the game and translate as they go so we can all read the game equally?

>> No.4004660
File: 58 KB, 640x481, battlergamemaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Ryu REALLY doesn't change Battler's outfit despite all the fuss...
Look it took me 5 mins in paint to make this.
I know it's kinda shitty BUT it would be better than plain nomral Battler as GM.

>> No.4004664

B0MB theory confirmed to be real. R07 really miscalculated this time.

>> No.4004669

I'm anticipating new god tier tracks by ZTS

>> No.4004671

More like everyone runs through with ATLAS trying to spoil each other first.

>> No.4004672

Shit is sweird because portait shows Battler with cape while official card shows Battler with black suite.

>> No.4004673


He's not going to change anything

>> No.4004674

You can, if you speak moon. If you dont, what the fuck are you doing on this board anyhow?

>> No.4004679

Well, I might as well get to making space on my harddrive for this now.

>> No.4004681


"official card" is fanart

>> No.4004690
File: 36 KB, 960x540, battlersighing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used ATLAS to read EP 5 and i will use it to read EP 6.
And no one can stop me.

>> No.4004702

You mind uploading the dictionary you used?

>> No.4004705

>I'm anticipating new god tier tracks by ZTS, dai, Luck Ganriki and -45

>> No.4004714

>don't speak moon
>why are you on /jp

hi you must be new here

>> No.4004715 [DELETED] 

This is a good idea. We should get together on this and go through Ep6. So who's going to translate?

>> No.4004719

Did this when got my hands on EP5. Will be doing this again:


>> No.4004720

Please do so. Also, was the story clear? Or were some things just...not understandable?

>> No.4004721

But if we translated it before Witch Hunt did that would be very rude...

>> No.4004729

FFFFF I thought it was out already

>> No.4004748

Oh man.

I'll be there.

>> No.4004753

Sure, thanks for making the effort each time.

>> No.4004754 [DELETED] 

Considering that there was a big mess in a thread earlier over a SLIGHT mistranslation of some red text, you will only get a very vague idea of what's going on. eg. "Battler has died but I have no idea why or how"

>> No.4004756
File: 25 KB, 512x288, sugoistorywitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry had format i am making new one,though.
Yes it is,of course sometimes you will have to "thin" about the meaning of given sentence,but it's not really a problem.
"Repeat in RED!" is "RED after me!".
And you don't have to wait 4 fucking months.

>> No.4004760

All the Atlasfags that i saw failed terribly in understanding what was happening. No exception.

>> No.4004763

Just one question then, did you place the entire Epitaph into your dictionary?

>> No.4004773

I guessed most of the things right

>> No.4004774

ATLAS only works if you know some Japanese beforehand. It works better as a dictionary than a complete translator.

>> No.4004785
File: 308 KB, 848x480, fuckingtrollcastrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocabulary is pain in the ass.
Actually it took me good few hours last time.

Crucial things:

>> No.4004799

Anyone mind saying Kuwadorian's name in japanese? Couldn't find it after searching yesterday.

>> No.4004800

Can any ATLASfag be a very, very outstanding gentleman and upload his dictionary?

>> No.4004801

If /jp/ get their shit right translation for EP 6 would be done in a month...

>> No.4004802
File: 261 KB, 500x500, diethedeath.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4004807

I just need to place a few more things into it, and I'll try to.

>> No.4004812 [DELETED] 

My Japanese isn't the best but I will try going through the entire game in stages here on /jp/. The threads can be archived on easymodo for later viewing if you miss anything.

>> No.4004815

Meanwhile, at Witch Hunt...

>> No.4004824


Thanks a lot mang.

>> No.4004848
File: 3 KB, 134x134, cookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be fucking awesome. Have a cookie.

>> No.4004967

Almost done, just inputting a few more terms like "One Winged Eagle" and such.
Just as a heads up, the Epitaph will be pretty garbled.

>> No.4004970

Stupid meme, Witch Hunt's one of the fastest translation groups around.

>> No.4004987

fuck yes

>> No.4004993

can you post it? it's one of the last ones I need for mine

>> No.4005002

Getting most of these off of the japanese wiki side by side with a google translated one.

>> No.4005008

I hated it the first time, doing it a second one is helllish

>> No.4005032

I'm not sure I extracted it correctly though.

>> No.4005048


Thanks a bunch!

>> No.4005068


Thanks man, for real.

>> No.4005069

you added hongfire VN dictionary right?

>> No.4005072

No, as I was unaware such a thing existed.

>> No.4005077

thank you so much

>> No.4005092

ah, ok, then if anyone wants it here: http://www.hongfire.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=136003&d=1255473721
it has some basic VN vocabulary which can be really useful,, more for eroges, but still good

>> No.4005110

Thanks for this.

>> No.4005273


>> No.4005446

Thanks for the links guys, much appreciated.
I wasn't going to read it with machine translation but now I'm really close to give in to temptation...

>> No.4005468
File: 92 KB, 500x642, 1237746799123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your princess in summer.

>> No.4005487

the first dictionary uploaded contains the names, if it doesn't somenone tell me and I'll upload mine

>> No.4005494

better: enjoy your:
the -san of Natsuhi come in
The names should be included

>> No.4005495

So I take you can read random nukige with a fairly high efficiency?

>> No.4005510
File: 79 KB, 670x480, beato trolling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had to update most of Uminekos names manually.

By the way the best ATLAS translation so far was:
イラ = Scabbard turkeyfish

>> No.4005523

ok posting this here
OK, for everyone who read the copypasta about how to change AGTH and read the PID and route, i messed up a bit with the direction
what you should write is
C:\agth.exe /C /PXXXX
---------------- ---------------
direction| part you have to write (changes every time)
this changes

>> No.4005538

That's the worst after the actual epitaph, you have to set ninth twilight so it isn't trasnlated as the 9th symphonie

>> No.4005542

I can top that. "suspicious" was tranlsated as "scattered sea lion smell"

>> No.4005546

By Beethoven

>> No.4005549

Now for something completely unrelated:


>> No.4005556

Don't you mean scarbeast tuskfin?

>> No.4005573

No Scabbard turkeyfish.
ATLAS is not good with cardinal sins.

>> No.4005596

Could any of you gents guide me to a download of ATLAS? I'm fairly new to these things, the torrents on TT are old and not working, and /rs/ is down too, so I'm kind of stumped.

>> No.4005614


>> No.4005631

go to fujitsu ATLAS, download it and the pack under it in the download section
Search in this thread for the brasil web, there you have 2 files so it auto validates, work done
taht web also contains AGTH instructions

>> No.4005641

the ATALS link here was down

>> No.4005647

But /rs/ is up.

>> No.4005658

Sorry didn`t check that.

>> No.4005665 [DELETED] 

All the links in that link (...) are up.

>> No.4005669

you are the underclass of /jp/.
a peasant.

>> No.4005692

Gaap betrays Battler, goes with Bern

B0MB theory is supressed

Ange angst and more Ange x Mammon

>> No.4005699

Noe even trying

>> No.4005715

that rumour about Gaap was already done YESTERDAY

>> No.4005725

Oh wow, thanks for pointing that out.

>> No.4005753
File: 159 KB, 622x477, 1260579335877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to use ATLAS to read an untranslated Umineko episode, though this "Garbles" the Epitath.

Erika needed an ATLAS to solve the riddle of the Epitath...


>> No.4005757

Any other somewhat unobvious things to add to ATLAS' dictionary?

>> No.4005770

You may need to update some names.

>> No.4005779

As the one who uploaded the first dictionary, I'm pretty sure I got all of them except maybe Kumasawa's first name.

>> No.4005790

Then I have updated it wrong...


>> No.4005791


>> No.4005800

After running the file, there should be a button at the bottom that says add. Click that.

>> No.4005826

Noe I feel stupid, thanks.

>> No.4005861

I'll be playing the game as soon as it's out and put up non-machine translations of the red and blue text.

>> No.4005875
File: 70 KB, 655x531, umineko ep5 translated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4005881

Thank you kindly.

>> No.4005884


>> No.4005888

>"I am a lambda delta"
I can tell this reading will be hilarious.

>> No.4005890

So they won`t understand everything else?

>> No.4005891

So, another 24~ hours before it's on the interwebs for download?

>> No.4005894

Its like AGTH except it pastes the translated text back in the game.

>> No.4005897

A legit one probaly won't turn up for 48 hours.

>> No.4005902

Reading from the Atlas window can get tiresome very quickly.

>> No.4005904

After 3-4 hours you brain will fix the broken english automatically.

>> No.4005906


>> No.4005907

How do i save in JP version?
Also "right click" and i have to look for the save?

>> No.4005909

use trail and error

>> No.4005911

What time (in Japan) does it go on sale? 10am when Comiket opens?

>> No.4005913

Anyone care to upload it to MU or MF? I don't wanna register.

Yes, quite lazy, I'm shocked myself.

>> No.4005917

give me 5 minutes.

>> No.4005918

Most of other text will be summarized. Summaries of red and blue text wouldn't satisfy people trying to solve the mysteries.

>> No.4005922


>> No.4005928

Right, thanks.

>> No.4005931

Save what in JP version?

The program linked in >>4005906?

>> No.4005933


Derek seal of approval.jpg
guaranteed no viruses

>> No.4005957


Now to wait for Episode 6.

And the rage when Battler doesn't change his outfit.

>> No.4005974

But Ryukishi said he wanted to give Battler a new outfit so he probably will.

>> No.4005982

While I wanna believe that, I'm gonna have to ask for a source on that one.

>> No.4005990

>Now to wait for Episode 6.
That's the hardest part.

>> No.4006002

Important question, can it color the text, of not then it can-t be used

>> No.4006015

That is something extremely important to consider.

>> No.4006019

Yes, quite.

>> No.4006022

There is an option to use the same color. not tested yet.

>> No.4006035

I'll go check using episode 5 then.

>> No.4006106

Do post results.

>> No.4006111

I will, as soon as I figure out how to set the thing up properly.

>> No.4006118

Hehe, sure.

I'm gonna use AGTH / Atlas. I'm familliar with those, and I get them to work.

>> No.4006164

Anyone know how to make the text not write on top of itself using OAGT?

>> No.4006185

Can't say I do.

>> No.4006291

http://www.hongfire.com/forum/showthread.php?t=94395 - TA + TAHelper is a much better setup than AGTH and atlas, especially for the bits where atlas gets confused (which is all the damn time). This isn't because of the multiple translation sources (atlas is pretty good for an automated translation tool), but because of its JParser window, something you won't really get until you try it.

I used this setup for the first time reading through EP 5 when it came out, and its just massively better.

>> No.4006339

God damn, this OAGT thing is a pain in the ass to get working.

>> No.4006420

First Umineko fake, by the way. Now this really feels like a Comiket.

>> No.4006435

Alright, solved the text on top issue, however now can only get to show one "segment" at a time.
Any one have any advice?

>> No.4006460
File: 2 KB, 57x126, battlerandhisbombthumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone upload the full size of this?

>> No.4006471

Lemme know when it's on PD guys.

>> No.4006485
File: 54 KB, 626x1422, 1262091528499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4006492

Thanks bro.

>> No.4006650

Wow. I cried and fuck year'd with the reactions of /jp/ bros

>> No.4006681

(C77) (同人ゲーム) うみねこのなく頃に 散 Episode6 (iso+mds).rar 2,745,374,632 6b3024923938f6f74e5c5fdf437890c7c0adec7e

>> No.4006687


>> No.4006718

the serial will be in JAPANESE so you cant UNDERSTAND it


>> No.4006724

This seems oddly familiar...

>> No.4006742

But it's not out yet

>> No.4006754



>> No.4006755

Because it's fake and it happened during C76 and possibly the previous comikets for the previous episodes.

>> No.4006758

Can anyone give me a download link to Episode 5? I switched my PC :(

>> No.4006761

I know.

>> No.4006766

It's on the FTP.

>> No.4006789

And you don't have it in your previous?

>> No.4006795

So if Battler is the new Game Master, does that mean he's playing for the Witch's side?

>> No.4006805

Battler is the witches

Erika will do solid but fake truths for win

Bern trolls harder

>> No.4006824

So was that only for the lock in episode 4 or is there more to it?

>> No.4006829

No one knows.

>> No.4006989


Not sure I understand how JParser helps. Been using TA regularly, but never saw the point of JParser so I turned the window off.

>> No.4007066

I have a feeling that Battler won't fight with magic like Beato, but will fight with his own Mystery theories (Mystery theories filled with love, unlike Erikas).

>> No.4007086

So, he'll murder everyone with love?

>> No.4007316

Episode 6 is out already?

That blew by me. I just finished episode 5...
I want to see if Battler's outfit has changed...

>> No.4007380

Did you even pay attention to the ???? ?

"Love" isn't just purely shipper bullshit, it also describes the love between the writer and the reader of a mystery novel. Basically, a good/solvable mystery has love.

Beato was trying to show Battler this even in Episode 2: Remember when he was going on and on about Devil's Proofs and such, that a Secret Door cannot be proven to not exist, therefore no room is closed, and Beato had to use the red text?

If Battler was looking at the game with love, Beato would have never had to use the Red Text because he would have known that Knox's rules forbade secret doors. Hell, Beato herself mentions Knox in that scene, but Battler ignores it and goes HURR DURR DEVIL'S PROOF.

>> No.4007390

<No> it isn't.

>> No.4007408

Well then. Seeing Episode 6 is going to be out in a few hours,

how is /jp/ gonna deal with it?
-Avoid spoilers
-Don't look for spoilers, but read them nontheless
-Look for spoilers
-Read it with translator tool
-Read it, since you're able to read the moonrunes.

Gonna be translator tool for me.

>> No.4007420

>Hell, Beato herself mentions Knox in that scene

Wait, what? She did that?

>> No.4007429


I pick
>Look for spoilers

Would go with translator tool but I want to get the most out of ep6 and I'm worried I'll be hindered by babelfish translations.

>> No.4007434

>-Don't look for spoilers, but read them nontheless

This, probably, since everyone on /jp/ is going to be racing through with ATLAS to see who can spoil everyone first!

At least they can't spoil me for the music, which is half the fun of Umineko for me.

>> No.4007438
File: 60 KB, 425x385, 7854843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[x] Look for spoilers

>> No.4007439

>Hell, Beato herself mentions Knox in that scene, but Battler ignores it and goes HURR DURR DEVIL'S PROOF.


>> No.4007445

I'll go and find it right now, she mentions mystery novels and mentions Knox and Dine.

>> No.4007446

[x]Read it with translator tool
[x]Look for spoilers

>> No.4007453

I just want to.
1. Watch the intro
2. See what new characters turn up
3. Try & figure who died i'm not bothered how or why they died.

The rest i leave up to my imagination till it's translated.

>> No.4007454

You will not escape "diamonds" like :
"The George in the guesthouse was running like a man".

>> No.4007464

It probably won't have a new intro.

Legend and <Ep 2 Title> had the same intro
<Ep 3 Title> and End had the same intro.

>> No.4007469

I love how this pic makes no sense at all to people who look at it.

>> No.4007471

Well that's one thing to cross of my list then.

>> No.4007475

>to all people who don't know Umineko.

>> No.4007490

AGTH / Atlas for me.

I waited too long for Episode 5 translation. And I have two nice user dictionaries for Atlas now.

>> No.4007551

people, we trust you to create a torrent soon

>> No.4007566

it was just three months for a long game, not that much

>> No.4007577

More like around 4months.

>> No.4007581
File: 40 KB, 483x357, knox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4007582

I'm more or less curious about how /jp/ will handle the final episodes ( 7 and 8). Will you guys do what you normally do with the previous ones, and spoil yourselves, or would you actually hide threads in order to figure out and discover the culprit for yourselves?

>> No.4007583

I hope you where aided by your own alterations while playing previous EPs with it otherwise things might be UNCLEAR.

>> No.4007584
File: 123 KB, 656x596, e2k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll save you from having to look further.

>> No.4007596

I'm the sort of person that cannot stand surprises so i'll spoil myself ASAP unfortunately.

>> No.4007607

oh yeah sorry

>> No.4007608

How does JParser work? Can't figure shit.

>> No.4007617

Oh wow. Foreshadowing strikes again.

And yes, reading with Atlas is a pain, but the red line is clear enough.

>> No.4007628

I tend to read the major spoilers to get them out of the way because I don't feel like avoiding /jp/ for 6 months while Witch Hunt finishes translating.

I knew the major spoiler for EP5 and I still enjoyed it a lot.

At any rate I have a feeling the big "culprit reveal" isn't going to be something completely surprising and out of left field, but more like an "ohhh, so that's who it was" moment. Though I could easily be wrong. It's probably best to wait and see what kinds of hints R07 gives us with EP6.

>> No.4007651

tools and spilers to fill ATLAS gaps

>> No.4007659

Thanks to those EP5 spoilers, i don't get too mad with Beato's death.I think if i don't read those spoilers, i would get so mad with that surprise and stop reading.

>> No.4007663

I don't want to be spoiled, and don't feel like waiting for Witch-hunt, so I'll probably just read it myself.

>> No.4007667

It's not about the major plot twists, it's about how they were introduced and about all the subtleties.

I for one enjoyed the translated EP 5 a lot even though I knew it mostly from summaries before the patch. I didn't however know how likable Dlanor really is when not being an opponent. Also, Battler claiming the golden sword was still incredibly awesome.

So, yeah. Spoil the shit out of me.

>> No.4007685

the game confirmed to be Knox

>> No.4007704

Thanks! I was a bit wrong in my post, she mentions Knox a few scenes after the red text introduction. I think my point still stands though.

>> No.4007744

I can't work out this ATLAS shit. I guess I'll just read spoilers.

>> No.4007774

it's easy, if you can do the agth part well, just open atlas, quickatlas and on the icon that appears on the right part of the toolbar, click right and automatic clipboard translation, just make sure the agth channel is ok

>> No.4007793

Kyrie will be confirmed to be the culprit in EP6

>> No.4007796

more like: Kanon and Shanon confirmed for being accomplices but not the culprits

>> No.4007805

So how do I get AGTH to work with episode 5?

>> No.4007978

When does this get released?

>> No.4008006

Episode 6? In a few days it's bound to be online somewhere.

>> No.4008011

I can't figure out how to work OAGT. AGTH is easy enough, but it's cumbersome to look away from the actual game constantly. So, I create a profile, specify the area for the text and process and all and press the start button, but nothing happens. What am I missing here. Could someone post a step-by-step guide for a tard like me?

>> No.4008028

No one knows how.

>> No.4008047

learning curve keeps simpletons from soiling our nice things.

>> No.4008226 [SPOILER] 
File: 248 KB, 640x480, EP6-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4008231


>> No.4008232 [SPOILER] 
File: 270 KB, 640x480, EP6-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4008241

There are no options like this in JP version.
WH adds them.

>> No.4008252


You motherfucker. I'm doing everything like I'm supposed to and like the readme tells me, and it's not working.

>> No.4008257


>> No.4008262
File: 10 KB, 429x410, reaction5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4008268


My Japanese version of Ep5 has them.

>> No.4008286

yes there are

fuck you

>> No.4008295
File: 25 KB, 439x363, gonnagetobjected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't fool you guys.

>> No.4008299

Best video.

>> No.4008297 [DELETED] 
File: 77 KB, 656x538, EP5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, there are. Better look again.

Plus, those are indeed false.

>> No.4008306
File: 22 KB, 512x384, Battler MANLY OBJECTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4008312
File: 1.18 MB, 388x272, Battler playing air guitah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4008390

Atlas set
Dictionary with all names and Epitaph is set
AGTH already warming up
Dual Wielding Perfect Dark and Share EX2


>> No.4008475


When using TA+TA helper, do I need to upload anon's Umineko dictionary? How do I do that?

>> No.4008476

there are, moron.

>> No.4008486

So, has anyone figured out how to get OAGT working without causing it to have the text write ontop of itself, and if it mimics the color of the text?

>> No.4008511

Too bad these were around hours ago and thus must be fake.

>> No.4008570

Ok, I know I'm opening myself up to flaming and newfag, ect, but I'm totally lost on what I'm supposed to do to make this work.

>> No.4008582

Make what work?

>> No.4008643


the 3-4 programs needed Translate Umineko and play it back in the game.

>> No.4008650


You can not be serious.

Install the japanese game, apply the patch. Run.

>> No.4008662

Give me a moment to post the setting I had for OAGT that displayed only one segment at a time.
No idea if red works or not as I couldn't be bothered to hold control to that point.
Also as I've spare time, anyone know about when the first bit of red appears?

>> No.4008667


Pretty sure he means the machine translations and stuff, not the WH patch.

>> No.4008688

Indeed. Witch Hunts deal is peachy, I'm a good deal into Episode 5. It's the process of getting the machine translation working (part of the problem is that we seem to be discussing two different methods for doing it) that I'm lost on.

>> No.4008702
File: 27 KB, 449x422, settings1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 1

>> No.4008706


There are actually three methods. First one is easy to get working thanks to the link posted earlier (http://fhcofbrasil.googlepages.com/AGTHGENERALHELP.htm)) but it doesn't display translated text in-game. As for the other ones, I don't understand them myself. Wait for helpful anons to further explain them, I guess.

>> No.4008712
File: 33 KB, 464x507, settings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4008725

These will display the text in the middle of the screen or so, one segment at a time to prevent it from "overwriting" onto the same space.
Give me a moment and I'll check to see if Red and such works.

>> No.4008727

EP 5 installed version links where?

>> No.4008757

If anyone conveniently has a save for the japanese version with red text near/in it, it would be much obliged.

>> No.4008758

What so hard about installing Episode 5 and applying the translation patch?goddanm

>> No.4008816


Indeed. I'm having trouble with all this shit, but for god sake, they give you a vision map of how to install the damn patch. It's the easiest installation of a fan translation patch ever.


I guess my issue at this point is that I can't find the ATLAS download.

The first link was down, doing a search on RS for ATLAS gets you a fuckton of crap, and doing a serch for atlas and Fujitsu gets me nothing of not.

>> No.4008841


>doing a serch for atlas and Fujitsu gets me nothing of not

What? It's the first damn result.

>> No.4008871 [SPOILER] 
File: 327 KB, 630x481, when_they_cry_3..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if this is fake or not, take with a grain of salt

>> No.4008886

Just from the way the lines on the other sprites look, I'd call fake.

>> No.4008888



>> No.4008889
File: 535 KB, 600x796, Dlanor 50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmmm..... could be real.

>> No.4008896

This is FAKE.

>> No.4008902 [SPOILER] 
File: 160 KB, 1369x810, EP6 back cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover Back from EP6 case

>> No.4008909



>> No.4008914


Also...you....you...DOUBLE BEATRICE!!!

>> No.4008916


>> No.4008923

Oh snap, the hamburger is back.

>> No.4008931


Virgilia and Ange in the same scene..interesting

>> No.4008935


Step 0: I hope you have eastern language support installed. You probably do.
Step 1: Put your disc in or mount your ISO
Step 3: Make a folder on your hard drive. Anywhere will do. On your desktop, in Program Files, whatever.
Step 4: Select everything on the disc by hitting Ctrl+A and drag it across to the folder you made in step 3.
Step 5: Once copied, open the fullsrc folder inside the folder you made in step 3 and select everything with Ctrl+A. Then press Ctrl+X to cut it (will make the icons kinda transparent)
Step 6: Go back to the original folder you made (back in step 3) that now has all the other folders in it and paste the files in using Ctrl+V
Step 7: You now have a FULLY FUNCTIONING japanese install of Umineko
Step 8: Download and extract the witch-hunt patch
Step 9: Put the patch folder inside the folder you made back in step 3. Do not take the stuff out of it. If it asks you to overwrite anything, you've made a mistake.
Step 10: Run onscripter-en in the patch folder.

No locale switching, no system-wide graphical glitches. Easy. If you're using Vista or 7, these steps will work for you too, but you'll need to run onscripter-en using a japanese locale. AppLocale will work fine for that.

>> No.4008941


...OH! So I download the trial, then unlock the trial with the crack. Duh.

>> No.4008948

So wait... Maria gets the limelight? No Jessica and Shannon?

I am okay with this

>> No.4008951

I know they're floating around somewhere. Don't have them though.

>> No.4008959

Look at the back cover again.

>> No.4008967

Dat FABULOUS cape!

>> No.4008980

It doesn't seem possible to make OAGT make the red text red, and etc.

>> No.4008984

Definitely fake. No servants other than Kanon, Shannon and Genji can wear the one-winged eagle crest.

>> No.4008989

Anyone have a link to download the 5th Umineko visual novel episode?

Can't seem to find one.

>> No.4008991

Unless it's in their heart ;_;

>> No.4008993


That was never stated I believe. Most people just assumed that they were the onyl ones.

>> No.4008995

On the FTP.

>> No.4009015


I made myself feel bad ;_;

>> No.4009031

So just finished ep5, why didn't I see Battler wearing the cape? I know i've seen sprites of it in the past.

>> No.4009036

It's useless

>> No.4009048


Oh god I hope Maria beats the shit out of Erika

>> No.4009051

I dunno, Erika is looking pretty "u mad" on the back there.

>> No.4009059

Unless it's a farm

>> No.4009075

hai guys whats the best p2p program for this kind of fetching ?

>> No.4009083

There are other servants with the "On" character. Perhaps, they can wear the One Winged Eagle too.

>> No.4009160

>(C77)[07th Expansion]うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode 6.rar 2,193,042,836 c4d145e2d5c5497f392dc40ac52c58dcc4aef1c6

>> No.4009167


>> No.4009269


>> No.4009428



>> No.4009766

How do we download from this? I'm lost.

>> No.4009897
File: 40 KB, 848x480, 1250304737109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hell if I know. I just Googled "(C77)[07th Expansion]うみねこのなく頃に散 Episode 6.rar 2,193,042,836 c4d145e2d5c5497f392dc40ac52c58dcc4aef1c6".

>> No.4012481

Oh wow, so you changed it.
