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40075664 No.40075664 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.40075673
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>> No.40075693


>> No.40075703


>> No.40075711

salome sama please don't leave me alone like this again

>> No.40075717

Hajiki and the word slut are the farthest thing from each other. He makes my dick soft.

>> No.40075731
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>> No.40075734

sickly magical girl https://twitter.com/NaSera2434/status/1533841563465314304

>> No.40075737

be happy if she only takes 2 days off a week and doesn't become like ago where it's lucky if he streams once a week

>> No.40075738
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Previous thread

>> No.40075742

sorry, it's just a checkup on our baby in her belly

>> No.40075758


>> No.40075771

I'm sure anycolor will make her learn how to sing and dance because they make lots of money off live concert ticket sales which will reduce her streaming time

>> No.40075800

thats for VTA

>> No.40075904

Salome won't escape it with her popularity, they'll make her perform for sure unless she's really adamant about not performing, maybe they could group her with ranunculus since pairing a popular person with someone less popular is normal, but I think it would be better if it was someone who's a performer with stage experience since Salome is gonna be a total beginner at singing and dancing on stage, the question is just who's someone that's not in a group already and fits that criteria, Kaza is available now that Gibbers is gone, Chima has experience but she doesn't want to perform, Mikoto could be a candidate, but she's often busy with other stuff, Amamya isn't gonna be a performer, Uiha could be a candidate but who knows what's up with her half the time, Levi could be good, she has nothing else to do and she's an experienced performer, Ritsukin too, if it was me at anycolor I'd either think about building another duo with Kaza or make a trio with Levi and Ritsuki

>> No.40075925

You cite examples of people who choose to not perform, but think they force people to do it? You're an idiot, go back to where you come from.

>> No.40075930

I never implied he was successful at it.

>> No.40075950

how do i make salome perform on my cock

>> No.40075959

i'll make salome perform with gilzaren

>> No.40075981
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White Yorumi...

>> No.40075987
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>> No.40076004

Salome could refuse performing if she really doesn't want to but I imagine anycolor will really want her to perform and she doesn't strike me as a very opiniated person, if the company asks her to perform then she will

>> No.40076009
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>> No.40076013

I thought that was Rena

>> No.40076022

When Salome entered the Lucas' trap room and sprinkler was activated on her she thought it's urine. What a dirty girl!

>> No.40076031

that would unironically work, Gilzaren is a good singer and a nice person, obviously the downside is that it's hard to catch him moving more than once a year

>> No.40076044

he's just masturbating to roha all the time while pretending hes away

>> No.40076048

wow he's literally me

>> No.40076095
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Predict the one wearing the strap-on

>> No.40076100

Definitely Elu.

>> No.40076115


>> No.40076125

that's just an armpit

>> No.40076142
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armpit pussy

>> No.40076155

This is a blue board

>> No.40076168

enikara doesnt really force people who don't wanna perform to appear in lives. if they did they would have made gomis into chronoir 2.0 already

>> No.40076184
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>> No.40076185
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>> No.40076206

If it was me at anycolor I'd make a foursome with Kaza, Levi and Ritsukin. Salome can watch from afar.

>> No.40076210

yea, if they were like that ebio would have put out a damn cover already

>> No.40076230

salome has really brought in the holofags hasnt she. talking about dancing and singing and shit.

>> No.40076240

good poast

>> No.40076244


>> No.40076261

To be fair, some of the Holo's are does watch and mention her on stream or on twitter.

>> No.40076263

everyone talks about muh newfags but the threads still have the usual number of IPs

>> No.40076270

are you people incapable of reading the first line?
> they'll make her perform for sure unless she's really adamant about not performing
obviously they won't hold a gun to her head but they'll for sure want to convince her and I doubt she'll refuse

>> No.40076282
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heh imagine taking shut in gamer nerds and making them learn how to sing and dance, that stuff only happens in hololive

>> No.40076287

nude version is worse

>> No.40076303

>and I doubt she'll refuse
What makes you so sure about this?

>> No.40076308

kanae has always been a massive slut and a manwhore and not a shut-in gamer by any means

>> No.40076326

it's funny how you manage to give yourself a way out regardless of what salome ends up doing. irrefutable and unprovable statements like this are completely meaningless, might as well say "they're going to make everyone participate in a mass group suicide unless everyone's really adamant about not killing themselves"

>> No.40076334

Why wouldn't they make the most popular Nijisanji to ever exist not perform on stage? Imagine the ticket sales. This is Anycolor we are talking about and they have been all about the money
I don't really care since I'll get a kotobukiya scale out of it eventually

>> No.40076342

nui with a horse figure please

>> No.40076344

from what she said she definitely thinks that her popularity is the result of nijisanji's efforts over the years not just her being a superstar, so I don't think she'd tell them to fuck off if the company asked her anything, she's not an opiniated artist like Mya and Chima
the fuck are you even on about
that's what I'm saying, I don't know why people are shitting their pants over the obvious prospect of Salome being made to perform on stage, maybe they're just trolls

>> No.40076361

what the fuck are you saying, at first he wasn't even interested in any of the performance shit, he wanted gamers to be a legit pro gaming team, he's been looking up to shroud as a streamer more than anyone else, he was very frustrated at first when he realised that gamers will never be on the level of pro gamers and he just learned to accept being a variety performer

>> No.40076384

so, if you pester salome enough would she agree to have sex?

>> No.40076386

I don't think pestering would be necessary

>> No.40076390

If Anycolour really that desprate with money then they would force Kenmochi to release VP already.

>> No.40076397
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>> No.40076404
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>> No.40076422

you basically said anycolor will make her do stuff unless she decides she doesn't want to. i'm asking literally what was the point of even saying that.

>> No.40076423

They don't need to when they keep giving EN males new merch every other week for their slaves to buy

>> No.40076438

they won't ask Momo, or Manami, or Kirame, the point is that she's popular so they'll ask her and I don't think she'd refuse so it's pretty much certain that she'll have to do singing and dancing lessons

>> No.40076442

I suppose it's like lulu who wasn't very into collabs and stuff but management asked her to do lize lulu and she just did

>> No.40076443

nari drawing everyone reminded me of moarin's pixel art...

>> No.40076451

anon, can't you tell that
>Imagine the ticket sales. This is Anycolor we are talking about and they have been all about the money
is a bitter IDfag

>> No.40076456

Salome literally needs an oxygen tank when she gets too overwhelmed, don't be a retard

>> No.40076464

but it's like 6 am in indonesia

>> No.40076468

I'm not sure if that's the best parallel, Lulu was an idol to begin with, she knew how to sing and dance in the first place, getting her on stage was just a matter of driving her to the place, Salome most likely has 0 experience singing and dancing on stage, it'll take a good year of training until she's in a presentable shape
if she can't perform because of health issues then that's reasonable

>> No.40076471

Luca the pog man?

>> No.40076477

wow even vspo girls are teasing lauren

>> No.40076483

LizeLulu is such a shitty example, they're literally close friends. Lize brings her up every other week. Go back.

>> No.40076486

Lucas, not Luca.
The SAW zoomer from RE7

>> No.40076494

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvn7BVdMw7o hskw deron offsex tomorrow

>> No.40076496
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I love siska

>> No.40076497

Fucking schizos watched her for a week and thinks they know her personally

>> No.40076502

You can not like doing something but if forced to do that you might eventually like it. Every friend was a stranger before after all

>> No.40076508

which of them would tease lauren's nipples
and which of them would you fuck

>> No.40076522

me, im teasing his nipples

>> No.40076530

imagine the STDs

>> No.40076536

Source: my ass

>> No.40076555

Nothing training can't fix
Look at Mito and Shiishii

>> No.40076559

He's obviously not trying to create an airtight argument he's expressing that there are different possible outcomes depending on how different factors play out. That's not meaningless. What is meaningless is reflexively making arguments reductio ad absurdum like you have a tendency of doing. It doesn't read like the biting rhetoric you think it does, it just shows that you have trouble with reading comprehension.

>> No.40076567

konlulu xd

>> No.40076569

I don't know the specifics of her health situation, maybe she has asthma and then she can't perform, maybe she's just not used to talking for an hour non stop and that's why she needed some air, in that case it can be fixed

>> No.40076581

You seriously think Lulu cared about that radio show when all she wanted to do is just game peacefully and not get stalked and not be forced to quit? I bet you also believe the corporate yuri pairing crossick was legitimate

>> No.40076592
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You can apologize for your thoughtless words and deeds right now.

>> No.40076596


>> No.40076604

lize said their relationship was purely business at first then they became actual friends

>> No.40076620

why did no one say people were playing rust

>> No.40076621

I see qpi has a new model
I liked her orange skin more

>> No.40076644

Kuzuha always wanted to do that though

>> No.40076657

>not get stalked and not be forced to quit?
is this bait?

>> No.40076666

is this?

>> No.40076711

she started streaming on a new 3DPD account right after she quit. for sure that's something someone would do if they're being stalked

>> No.40076712

I don't think anyone in this thread believes that Crossick was real but it wasn't mandated by corporate either. If it was corporate why didn't they get a merch push? Why would they be allowed to openly and publically distance from each other? Your logic is pretty flawed.
I don't know why you keep coming here almost every day if all you want to do is argue, get help seriously.

>> No.40076716

where did you even come from? why are you talking about shit that you have no clue about? it's not even a secret she talked about it in her retirement stream

>> No.40076813


>> No.40076822


>> No.40076827

Not him, but what she said she was stalked, yes, but you keep getting one detail wrong, and it's that Enikara wanted to take action against the stalker so they kept asking Lulu to put her activities on hold. Whether or not you believe they acted for her safety is up to you, but you'd remember she also said that she didn't like constantly having to take breaks so she decided to quit, which makes her 3DPD move make sense.
If anything Enikara tried to keep her, but she quit so she can continue streaming freely. You can go check out any clip or even archive of her final stream to double check. Unless your comprehension skills are really that bad, or you're a bitter Lulufag who refuses to see reason. In the end I don't think either side is wrong here.
Maybe it was excessive for Enikara to be overprotective of Lulu if she didn't give a fuck about being stalked, but them's the breaks.

>> No.40076835

I thought it was real…

>> No.40076840

my first post in this chain was >>40076716
and I know, the problem wasn't the stalker, the problem was that the company made her take breaks while they were investigating the stalker, which annoyed her because she knows that stalkers are part and parcel of being a celeb and didn't want to take breaks over it

>> No.40076843

Anon-kun... ;__;

>> No.40076853 [SPOILER] 

otimeloop desuwa

>> No.40076864

enikara thinking a woman can't defend herself how bigoted

>> No.40076868

Go back to your shithole already.

>> No.40076870

I thought you were the other guy, my bad lmao.

>> No.40076890

his past life and past past life is him being a twitcast streamer and they are known for being the biggest whores, theres a fuckton of posts talking how he slept with bunch of women and shit so he is not the inkya you think he is

>> No.40076903 [DELETED] 

who would you stalk if you had the determination and tools? I'd stalk Lize

>> No.40076909

Go back to your holoshit thread

>> No.40076916

why bother stalking someone who streams most of the day?

>> No.40076926

what is the point of stalking i want to rape

>> No.40076927

I'd sneak into her house while she's at the office and install hidden cameras in her bathroom

>> No.40076933

Salome really broke the other companies schizos, why don't you go watch whatever the fuck you're supposed to be a fan of.

>> No.40076937

how are you gonna rape before stalking first

>> No.40076941

I'm pretty sure anon(s) at the time of his debut even posted a pic or a link to a site with a pic of him with some woman while wearing a face mask

>> No.40076944

I dunno, VSPO, Idolbu and 774 fans all seem to be enjoying themselves in their own little corners of the internet, it's only really one fanbase that is collectively losing their minds

>> No.40076957

I doxxed Mito

>> No.40076964
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Looks like it'd be difficult to put on every day.

>> No.40076967

there was never a moment when they weren't losing their minds over something

>> No.40076975
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>> No.40076982

i check the other board and they care more about vox than her
it's just the resident shitposter

>> No.40076985

was that thing for pegging on a finger really necessary for her design

>> No.40076987

I wasn't on the pre-split thread until SEEDs but I watched Kanae right from debut, he had a seedy as hell reputation, a lot of people didn't like him because of his past. He wasn't just flamed for being rude sometimes and streaming for too long.
Far cry from the respect non-antis (he's still an anti magnet obviously) give him these days as a veteran.
I don't know the specifics because everything I've heard over the years sound like shitty rumors, but for this once it really isn't just a holofag thing

>> No.40076990

you cant be an ojou-sama without a maid and a butler obv

>> No.40076993

I winder why anycolor isn't making him stream on bilibili more

>> No.40077004

>I don't know the specifics because everything I've heard over the years sound like shitty rumors
jesus shut the fuck up

>> No.40077007

Marrying all of sanbaka at once

>> No.40077009

Clearly not to lose his Youtube audience like Alice
He did stream genshit there the other day

>> No.40077020

This time its something thou.
Salome "beat" them on their own field, to the point they refuse to acknowledge her on their own circle jerk.

>> No.40077025

I didn't see his genshin stream also for Alice it was the other way around, she escaped to bilibili because youtube kept banning her channel and she couldn't stream on youtube for a year

>> No.40077034

I wouldn't know, but good for them, or sorry that happened

>> No.40077042

It's just me not wanting to believe them because I like Kanae and have followed him for that long. Is that really so bad? It really does sound like bullshit to me, maybe he was a womanizer but the other stuff I refuse to believe.

>> No.40077050

I forgot people used to get banned all the time other than Ene's and Utako's being the most memorable for me

>> No.40077051

You don't need to, even that board HATE that paticular general.

>> No.40077057

sex with jiyu

>> No.40077063
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Great thread guys

>> No.40077066

she wants an isekai outfit for her new costume, I hope at least it'll be sexy

>> No.40077070

then why would you repeat it.

>> No.40077075

sex with amamya

>> No.40077078

Salome should be the last debut in Nijisanji because no one debuting after her will reach the same height and they will only get depressed and graduate because they will always compare themselves with her

>> No.40077089

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2S2V1BbFT8 did you really think someone like this wouldn't be a fuckboy?

>> No.40077100

I got a little nostalgic and went overboard because he came a long way from that time. I kind of just threw my hat into the discussion without thinking but I am posting with honest intentions. If you see an anon posting about missing RKS every blue moon, that's probably me.

>> No.40077110

do we really need the S though?

>> No.40077112
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>> No.40077129

I'm fine with just RK.

>> No.40077138

she can't run in that tiny room

>> No.40077147
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>> No.40077163

a lot of rumors are exaggerated because of the amount of antis he has (火畜) but there is some truth there as well. there is still nothing stopping you from enjoying his content even if he engages in occasional off paco

>> No.40077285

t. NTR enthusiast

>> No.40077292

Is Lize going to play Zero too?

>> No.40077304

dessuwallow deez nutz

>> No.40077338

Yeah. Might play other parts too

>> No.40077340
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>> No.40077361

https://twitter.com/MahiroYukishiro/status/1533906360014094336 albanbros...

>> No.40077362

It's probably the very fuckwit clearly in this thread now and the same one that shitposted over Lulu so much.
I don't need to point him out, he'll respond with some of his usual high quality replies.

>> No.40077366

Oh I believe he's a fuckboy, I just don't believe the stuff that is more on the scumbag tier.

>> No.40077370

Why so many girls want to fuck EN

>> No.40077371

She's just that good

>> No.40077381

"声がすき", pretty much everyone

>> No.40077385

Same reason why Chronoir and the like have a lot of female fans from overseas. They find men they can't understand hotter.

>> No.40077388

gaijin cock is better

>> No.40077395

shu is literally japanese though

>> No.40077420

I know, I mean in general.

>> No.40077445

https://twitter.com/MahiroYukishiro/status/1533908410541871104 but anons said youtube rule means nothing... whats this then

>> No.40077491

someone jumping to conclusions? if it's really an issue that you couldn't even roleplay as a minor then Mahi could just say whatever I'm 18 now

>> No.40077515

mahi will forever remain 15

>> No.40077523

15 in virtual years, 24 in earth years

>> No.40077636

Yokato anon...

>> No.40077650

Kanae joined the rust group

>> No.40077661

Nari could reach 100k today

>> No.40077767

bigger dick

>> No.40077775
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>> No.40077830
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yokato speaking on the screen!

>> No.40077917

Mahiro is asking the management about the new rules but she might just break the curse and become 18

>> No.40077933
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hopefully it means she turns to her long and black beautiful hair

>> No.40077944

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIwn1Ha28-o morning mahi

>> No.40077965

there are no obaa chans in nijisanji
(Rin, Hayase, Gundou, Levi, Fumi, Dola)

>> No.40078123


>> No.40078129

inb4 the entire company is banned from ASMR tomorrow

>> No.40078146

Not going to listen to Onomachi's asmr once she becomes a hag

>> No.40078150

it's better to err on the side of caution when it comes to youtube's rules
even if they were worded clearly, the way they're enforced is haphazard

>> No.40078184

I doubt they would do that since a lot of EN do ASMR and that would cause a scene with them and the fans. They could just point more people to twitch or something unless twitch already banned it there.

>> No.40078195

Naked body painting is allowed on Twitch. They won't ban anything like this.

>> No.40078221

doesn't seem like it's banned so far

>> No.40078235

why does she care so much about it, the person doing the asmr is not underage so what does it matter

>> No.40078248

she said that half her income comes from asmr streams so she'd rather remove the 15 years old part from her profiles than risk getting in trouble for it

>> No.40078251

I hope they actually do go the twitch way so I can see all those 3DPD girls with their tits almost hanging out complaining about 2D girls stealing their "job"

>> No.40078257

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvJ-ZVMOAs0 get ready with pata

>> No.40078265

I already see multiple vtubers there

>> No.40078272

but does her setting as a 15 year old matter when her character doesnt look like a loli and the soul is not actually 15?

>> No.40078276

who knows, trying to communicate with youtube is like trying to communicate with the spirits through performative dance and drums

>> No.40078280

Will exclusively listen to Masaru's ASMR after he becomes a burly manly man.

>> No.40078298

You can flash your asshole there and be suspended for just a few days

>> No.40078353

ironically the clampdown on vtuber ASMR is probably due to 3DPD skanks all trying to out-whore each for viewers

>> No.40078379

you ever seen those asmr first takes
they are not so good

>> No.40078587

There's no point in going to twitch since you don't get the people watching archives and making you ad revenue there like how they do on youtube. Or maybe I have an outdated impression of twitch

>> No.40078605

that's true, most people on twitch just upload their VODs to youtube

>> No.40078624

elira zamboni sim

>> No.40078729
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fart at 0:39

>> No.40078742

What the hell mahimahi ASMR is that popular?

>> No.40078751

fart (イスの音)

>> No.40078756


>> No.40078766

that's totally a fart you virgins

>> No.40078793

it was her cat

>> No.40078800

it was me all along. hook, line, and sinker. even my immediate family bought it

>> No.40078814

Giga Big Mac?

>> No.40078905

YouTube Japan bows to the big companies like UUUM, I'm sure with the revenue enikara brings them they'd be willing to listen. That is to say if enikara even cares to get involved

>> No.40079089

i like how debi was self-aware enough in today's stream to remark that all of his recent streams for the last month or so have just been a cycle of miitopia-mahjong-drinking
and now the schedule for the rest of the week is
yorumi collab

>> No.40079093

Should really lay off the alcohol

>> No.40079113

https://twitter.com/MahiroYukishiro/status/1533960291457048576 it's over

>> No.40079140
File: 269 KB, 1461x1634, 620EE8D6-C0A0-4A3C-B4D7-5BB8242384B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Crossick is dead and they broke up right? I know they both said that they want to grow independently, but Tomoe doesn’t even follow Kana on Twitter anymore.

>> No.40079149

begin her graduation countdown

>> No.40079154

https://youtu.be/mi4Q5EdXaEk it's like the third time he has talked about Salome's numbers

>> No.40079163
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She does tho

>> No.40079171

He's worried about being devoured

>> No.40079185

Well that’s good. I checked twice and didn’t see it somehow.

>> No.40079221

he’s a holofag tourist

>> No.40079224

did sukoya ever interacted with her bushiroad sister

>> No.40079258

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdCR2JD31pM kaza apex

>> No.40079313

He talked about her 2 times only, plus everyone is talking about her growth, the only person that didn't mention her so far was Sasaki because she was busy with her 10 cavities and Kuzuha that probably still didn't realize that Salome is part of Nijisanji. Kanae is cheering for her although he'll never collab with her, he is just worried about how some of his fans might react when she eventually passes him, so he is just saying beforehand that "this person is special and a genius so please don't do anything retarded."

>> No.40079314
File: 178 KB, 946x2048, 1637853208867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40079326

when someone says snow halation is bad

>> No.40079342

kuzuha knows one of the ranunclus now it takes time...

>> No.40079355

such a stupid face

>> No.40079363

when youtube makes her age up

>> No.40079390

https://twitter.com/MahiroYukishiro/status/1533963676566568960 pls buy her asmr

>> No.40079429

so hot

>> No.40079442

Is Desu wa going to keep her main audience once she begins to collab with other members or is she just gonna stream solo her whole career? Cause I don't know if her audience thinks that she will remain in character 100% of the time, especially if she collabs with other members who don't really play into their characters so to speak

>> No.40079485

My crystal ball says Yes

>> No.40079494

Thinking about how Anycolor doesn't really know what to do with Salome and how easy it might be for them to isolate her, I just want her to succeed without all this pressure on her

>> No.40079501

I thought she was temporary

>> No.40079504
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>> No.40079515

I thought so too anon but now its confirmed she will be participating in Nijifest

>> No.40079519

they'll run out of money for the bots soon enough

>> No.40079551

we need a new medabots

>> No.40079685

It can go either way

>> No.40079699

everyone is already scared of collabing with her even if she wants to

>> No.40079771

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ad7VdcbYNw elu joining

>> No.40079775

I hate it that it already seems like she is going to be isolated pretty hard

>> No.40079819

It can’t be that hard Debi collabs all the time

>> No.40080101

It's the 25th anniversary this year. Cross your fingers.

>> No.40080120
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>> No.40080129
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>> No.40080258


>> No.40080421

Did she change her twitch id? Could have sworn it was ratona_something

>> No.40080435

she did

>> No.40080442

I thought I missed it but Masaru's 3D is on Wednesday

>> No.40080486

but why, it was always on Friday or Saturday before

>> No.40080553

Masaru usually comes home late so Wednesday was probably a day he could get to the studio earlier

>> No.40080560

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KuMY4dhRh0 levi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioN4wLJO6S4 luis sushi
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1f7kN4svmY muyu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONoUayk6L3Y haruka

>> No.40080694

I will only watch Fumi-sama's ASMR

>> No.40080936

Does ojousama(ippanjin) have a high female viewer base to talk about her nail polish products all the time

>> No.40080948

i assume yes, i am one of them plus she's designed by a yuri artist

>> No.40080953



>> No.40080955


>> No.40080969

Get with the times anon. Even men use polish

>> No.40080973

Her audience has broken the store after she mentioned the exact nail polish she's using so yes.

>> No.40080981

When's the sponsorship?

>> No.40080984


>> No.40081003

just noticed there's 1.1k people in the chat

>> No.40081100
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>> No.40081106


>> No.40081111

it feels so wrong to see gundou drawn by namori

>> No.40081160

people are always in his chat and his egosa asking him how he feels about being passed in subs by a newbie and shit like that so he's probably sick of it and said it to make everyone fuck off

>> No.40081167

ダメですか そうですか(あちゃ〜)

>> No.40081212

There's no way Anycolor doesn't fumble this somehow and make everyone mad, especially with all the new people being brought in

>> No.40081232

Namori's been a fan of Mirei's for a while, I believe

>> No.40081238

fuck off

>> No.40081252

All ojousamas are yuri, even if Salome is a phony that expectation exists

>> No.40081268

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1Z_90j1ulc harucraft
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh4feYj6A8U nui nier

>> No.40081269

See look you're already mad, exactly my point

>> No.40081297

Now that's fast.

>> No.40081323


>> No.40081333

2k people in Salome's free chat waiting for 1 mil

>> No.40081337

4k to go. superchats trickling in.

>> No.40081347

I believe Salome has enough juice to devour Kuzuha

>> No.40081350
File: 1.03 MB, 847x1200, FUmbnXnaAAAE1dE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee, I wonder who could be behind that red superchat

>> No.40081354
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>> No.40081355

only mikoto is allowed to do that

>> No.40081372
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>> No.40081383
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>> No.40081386


>> No.40081415
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>> No.40081456

Nijisanji is recruiting staff

Job Description
This position will be responsible for assisting the main modeler in the Nijisanji project by creating live2D models and facial expression difference images.
The actual work content will be discussed at the interview during the selection process and the type of work will be considered.
The Live2D team is responsible for a wide range of work, from new streamers in Japan and overseas to costumes for existing streamers.
The Live2D team aims to improve the quality of Live2D as a team while conducting technical verification as appropriate.

Character partitioning using illustration tools
Live2D modeling
Assist the main modeler.
(Assist the main modeler in Live2D modeling (creating facial expressions and porting parts, etc.)

Required Requirements
Experience in character modeling using Live2D Cubism Editor

Experience using tools required
Experience with any of the following
Photoshop: Experience in partitioning parts or creating illustrations
CLIP STUDIO: Experience in partitioning parts or creating illustrations
Live2D Cubism Editor: Experience in creating Live2D models

Welcome experience
Experience in Live2D Cubism Editor: Experience in Live2D model making
Able to work as a team member and be aware of team policies and cooperation.
Able to work with a strong sense of compliance and confidentiality.
Experience in motion creation using Live2D

Hourly wage: 1,041 yen *All transportation expenses paid


>> No.40081492

Don't you have streams to be numberfagging right now?

>> No.40081507

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUjwBQIr7x8 claire
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y6CGkLh-bk hajime league
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkAbK3lKqdM aizono made in wario

>> No.40081543

there it is

>> No.40081544

One Million

>> No.40081546
File: 24 KB, 677x105, salami 1 mill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40081550

the end of an era and the beginning of a new one

>> No.40081552

I'm happy for her

>> No.40081561
File: 353 KB, 1370x1383, FUfK2DaakAE5o1v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already trending.

>> No.40081568

she was trending an hour ago

>> No.40081574

everyone get in the hajime stream we're throwing a party

>> No.40081579
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>> No.40081584
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>> No.40081585
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>> No.40081591

I actually laughed, fuck you.

>> No.40081618
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>> No.40081625
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>> No.40081632


>> No.40081660
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>> No.40081664
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>> No.40081695

I can see Lome hitting 2 million subs this year

>> No.40081704

She hit 1mil in two weeks, I'm sure it'll slow down but she could definitely go beyond 2 mil within a few months

>> No.40081708

Nah she'll hit a wall before that, just like Edengumi did but on a bigger scale.

>> No.40081711
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>> No.40081714

So ikemen…

>> No.40081721

the coolest simple tweet i've seen so far

>> No.40081733
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>> No.40081737

pregnancy announcement with rikkuns baby when

>> No.40081748
File: 212 KB, 1635x915, FT6DfvpaMAApG1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40081754


>> No.40081780

how did they afford so many bots?

>> No.40081784


>> No.40081787

I hope Unlimited will integrate Anycolor just like they did VSPO and will show anons the real management

>> No.40081788

its just 1 million of mito's babies that subscribed to her what are you talking about

>> No.40081797


>> No.40081802
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>> No.40081827
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>> No.40081839 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, 1641500752279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I subbed to Salome

>> No.40081848

so like why do all of Salome’s viewers just disappear? never looking at any other niji

>> No.40081862

She streams at midnight. Everyone just goes to sleep.

>> No.40081872

They don't watch vtubers

>> No.40081888

they don’t watch anything because they’re bots

>> No.40081890

if you want to do such investigative analytics then look at her twitter followers and look at who else they follow, just from a quick glance of looking at 5 people, 4 of them don't follow any other vtuber, they're people from other otaku subcultures, generally gaming or manga related, or just total normies, which aligns with many people saying that they never watched vtubers before Salome

>> No.40081892

beep boop i love salome

>> No.40081898


>> No.40081899

its holocope time

>> No.40081915

it's understandable that they're in panic mode, they lost the one advantage they had which was female japanese vtubers, granted it's very ironic that they're now bitching about someone who pulled in viewers who haven't watched vtubers before when their entire fanbase was pulled from people whose first exposure to vtubers was hololive

>> No.40081916

Okay but how did they find Salome and why did they stick around
She's not even the first ojou vtuber and she's not even good at games and shouldn't people be tired of ojous coming from anime manga and video game cultures

>> No.40081923

ikamera desuwa

>> No.40081934

she was trending every single day since she came out, you tell me

>> No.40081935

Salome is the Kizuna AI of current gen vtubing

>> No.40081943

Twitter trends, niconico trends, youtube trends, algorithm treating her nice, word of mouth, the technically most hyped up pre-debut ever, take your pick.

>> No.40081954

If you mean in terms of the miracle's effects then you couldn't be even remotely more far off base, but the cause is similar enough I suppose except the part she's hitting it big internally rather than foreign...ly? Is that a word?

>> No.40081991

I'm still mad I heard about it coming back only to hear it was NFT shit...

>> No.40081996

Wait what? No...

>> No.40082009

Really? lol. Japan really loves falling for that scam.

>> No.40082036

It was part of some weird property bullshit back in 2021, where the rights were sold to some company but not really sold? I don't remember the whole story, I just remember being incredibly confused and incredibly sad when I got to the end of it since it sounded like the IP is basically spacedust now, like Powerbots or whatever the hell that shitty westernized version of a Gundam(?) series was back in the day.

>> No.40082046

oh it's always called メダロット (medarot) in Japan, I thought it was medabots in Japan and medarot anywhere else. Anyways, I don't think that NFT actually has anything to do with the original series.

>> No.40082061

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtS3NFojJSs shellin lost judgment
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4od6wscIgDw chigu powerpro
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPB52jH8ZAE ririmu
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVC4Dq9AEqY nari drawing

>> No.40082083

Not really, Salome is probably the only big vtuber that is the closest to a anime ojou-sama and that's quite funny considering that she's a commoner larping as one.
You have people that are ojou-samas in their settings but never act like one e.g. Rion or Hanabusa Lisa. You have caricatures of ojou-samas like Hirasaka Mei or DWU.
Salome is actually an outlier.

>> No.40082100

Rion is a pretty realistic ojou-sama with how vapid she acts. But I guess people like stereotypical speech patterns more.

>> No.40082108

The irony is them holo themself are actually watching her and kinda promoting her.

>> No.40082114

oh dwu is tweeting again

>> No.40082124

Is she still seething about Salome?

>> No.40082127

"Fans" don't care about the feelings of the livers they claim to like, nothing new.

>> No.40082129

Yeah, people was asking something that closer to Kiriko.

>> No.40082133

that's kind of besides the point, nijisanji vtubers talked about hololive too, the point is that the vast majority of hololive fans aren't from the pool of vtuber fans that existed before, they're people whose first exposure to vtubers was hololive, which makes it funny that the same people find it incomprehensible that the same thing could occur with other vtubers

>> No.40082139 [DELETED] 

Hello. Please come and collect your numberfaggots from the Hololive thread. They are having a sperg-out again. Cheers

>> No.40082156

That's your own people, retard

>> No.40082163

Those are your own mentally ill falseflaggers. Learn to report and tell them to leave.

>> No.40082164

Nobody actually gives a fuck beside literal console war retards though

>> No.40082169

start with taking your retarded cocofag back who's camping here all the time, cheers

>> No.40082176
File: 688 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nari drawing again

>> No.40082182

I think it sucks ass that one liver is getting this attention but the attention isn't then being fed back in to the company for all the other people to benefit from

>> No.40082189

suck salome's ass

>> No.40082203

I think you're dancing on the edge of being seen as a falseflagger, I could understand some really stupid hako oshi to say things like this but it sounds more like shit that a falseflagger would say

>> No.40082208

tastes like giga big mac

>> No.40082212

hope she gets to 100k today

>> No.40082216

Salome makes me sad that my country doesn't have Giga Big Mac. Why does Japan get all the cool stuff?

>> No.40082222

Are you also angry that box coomer gachibaiter of EN isn't spreading his fans to the rest of the members

>> No.40082225

hit a million

>> No.40082229

>japan get good stuff
high foot traffic leads to a lot of retail and restaurant sales

>> No.40082239
File: 1.50 MB, 1442x2523, FUkRTUyUAAIyLLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because some faggot made a dumb "documentary" on mcdonalds once. Here's a picture of Salome to cheer up

>> No.40082244

it's probably still smaller than an american big mac

>> No.40082245

Isn't a giga big mac just a big mac with 2 extra patties? I think you can do that in any mcdonalds...

>> No.40082274

I mean it hasn't even been a month, when she settles down and starts socializing with the others more it'll give them new eyes.
What do you even want Salome to do? Conversely what do you think Anycolor can even do? They didn't even give her anything special in particular aside from having her be a solo debut, they didn't push her in response to her growth aside from restocking her merch which they did for Edengumi anyway. Like >>40082203 said you sound like a falseflagger, but I honestly err on the side of you actually being.

>> No.40082302

give the newfags time to discover shit, it hasn't even been two weeks. i've been seeing tweets of newfags saying who the fuck should they watch asides from salome from the long roster this company has so they're already working on it somehow. if salome starts collabing then it give other people more attention too so just stop being an impatient little bitch

>> No.40082325

In case you haven't realized Sarome is Debi, the problem is that sarome's current state is a lightning in a bottle and collabing can break that bottle. They need to ease in the new viewers to the idea that 90% of Niji's roster does not have sarome's energy nor dedication to playing a character.

>> No.40082352

They're not gonna do that. They never micromange Livers despite the possible benefits and I doubt they'll start now. Also
Not calling you out or anything but that makes you look like a holofag

>> No.40082353
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>> No.40082363
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>> No.40082366

>salami is debi

>> No.40082367

What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Literally, everyone calls them Nijis, even the Japs.

>> No.40082375
File: 251 KB, 800x800, pongari-1534065176462299136-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40082379

no one here does, so I think he's right, you're sticking out

>> No.40082381

clueless retard

>> No.40082391


>> No.40082396

I don't think he means literally, just that they're both vtubers who go heavy on roleplay

>> No.40082398

my favorite nijigasaki is mahi

>> No.40082404

>They're not gonna do that.
Its not "they", I have no doubt that Sarome herself wants her numbers to spread, but she simply haven't figured out a way to do so and simply collabing carelessly is going to 1) possible impact herself negatively 2) set fire to whoever collabs with her.

>> No.40082406

Salami please... buy the fucking scorpion chair already...

>> No.40082426
File: 181 KB, 868x1228, EVa1CV7U4AAQTn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who has the largest areolas? Asking for a friend

>> No.40082428

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7ZEedMUhIw kanae rust

>> No.40082432

she'll only get her paycheck at the end of the month, until then it's the squeaky wooden chair

>> No.40082437


>> No.40082443

She's not going to buy it, it's too heavy.

>> No.40082445

I imagine her first involvement will be in an event, like nijiquiz or something, then she'll go on to collab with people who she met there and expand like that

>> No.40082456

he never came back

>> No.40082458

I've never seen her with this many viewers, I'm glad people are appreciating my retarded maou-sama.

>> No.40082461
File: 196 KB, 1368x1720, FM8ERfcVkAE4hek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40082463

it isn't even heavy, she just has no concept of weight, 4 adult males could easily carry it

>> No.40082474

You know, the thread would be a lot better if you stopped going through the same routine of acknowledging stupid posts on any level.

>> No.40082481

me personally, I don't find rust fun to play. probably because I'm not into raiding all the time

>> No.40082483

Either way that thing's clearly not fit for an average Japanese home, maybe if she moves to an actual ojou mansion one day.

>> No.40082492

Its heavy and taking to much space for her house.
Not to mention, she live with her mother.

>> No.40082509

I can't believe that Umiyasha's nipples are that large....

>> No.40082517

it isn't even bigger than a normal pc setup, it's just an overpriced chair that leans back and has a rod holding the monitor, I don't think it's worth 2 million yen but it would be funny

>> No.40082527

she should move to a better place first
that isn't even the problem, she said the chair will definitely break her floor with how heavy it is so she lives in a shitty house

>> No.40082534

she said that because she has no concept of weight, would 4 Amyamya's break her floor? of course not and that would be the same weight

>> No.40082546

Relative to body size? Kou, because I play with them every day.

>> No.40082549

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUbcj5W8Q_o debi miitopia

>> No.40082553


>> No.40082562

What's heavier, a kg of steel, or a kg of Amamya?

>> No.40082568

a kg of my cum in amyamya's belly

>> No.40082581

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKqOqmDUVrg umise ponto splatoon

>> No.40082582

a kg of Hima's ass

>> No.40082587

Trinity radio

>> No.40082594
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, nijisanji_app-1534098016080117760-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitter.com/nijisanji_app/status/1534098016080117760 wow did they finally hire someone to make thumbnails

>> No.40082599

What kind of comparison is that supposed to be, if you sat on top of 4 Amamiyas all wearing heels on one single spot for months on end then it'd probably start having an effect on a softer floor.

>> No.40082613

for that dawn of the witch, do I need to watch the other show first

>> No.40082617

what if I fucked 2 amyamya's on a bed all day

>> No.40082618

>4 Amamiyas all wearing heels
yes please

>> No.40082619

Imagine having 4 myamyas all over you...

>> No.40082622

yeah its a sequel

>> No.40082624

I remember an anon said that you should.

>> No.40082626


>> No.40082645
File: 237 KB, 768x1024, FUo3GugUcAAk-LZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40082655

amyamya with heels is a sin she should not even attempt to be an inch taller unless she is on her tiptoes to suck my peanus weanus

>> No.40082660
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>> No.40082664


>> No.40082668
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>> No.40082692

wut there's an english version of this song?

>> No.40082701
File: 2.22 MB, 1505x2128, 1632192620594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think they call her salami?

>> No.40082702

blue stream

>> No.40082748


>> No.40082753

sponsorship when, i would buy so many yakult 1000s

>> No.40082806

I acknowledged your stupid post, what now

>> No.40082826


>> No.40082843


>> No.40082864

They finally caught ROF-MAO's thumbnail guy...

>> No.40082874

chumugu sama

>> No.40082949

Retard maou drawing Kataribe right now...

>> No.40082969

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pJ_1UJIiQI elu apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zpTIEyujDF8 leos passpartout
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E1N0hs6Xv2k kanda undertale
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdpRMFZZ80g sasaki yakiniku sim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4638WqmPniM akina manner battler

craft collab
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYuXJCbHZyg ritsukin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coPQXmRfBYg kei
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ExFw0aeB8s seffyna
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPTRW6j2kCw nara

>> No.40082992

NijiQuiz extra

>> No.40083031

>promoting her.
It's just shameless attempts at leeching.

>> No.40083040
File: 317 KB, 1280x720, 00_06_29.534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40083080

>leos passpartout
I didnt even know there was a sequel

>> No.40083101

nice asmr quiz

>> No.40083110

The demo just came out

>> No.40083214

Wait really? Where did they show this?

>> No.40083216

mito… mito…

>> No.40083233

ritsuki stream

>> No.40083241

No festival this year?

>> No.40083290

Ritsukin built the museum in about the same time this is going to be massive

>> No.40083327

2022 might be amamya/kaida judging from this clip, probably not as big as 2021's but they'll try.

>> No.40083361

sasaki burning all her meat

>> No.40083369
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>> No.40083432

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvn7BVdMw7o hoshikawa deron
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvnuo3-ahDs gwelu uiha hayase
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUIxJrtEypM sukoya ringfit
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEt-jCY5ePc lize genshin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROFK58kttyA lauren rust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGFREXd3x5g kou

>> No.40083449

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9gGDQappSs nagi craft

>> No.40083456
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>> No.40083481


>> No.40083486

The ぱんコウじょ ship still being pushed is funny to me.

>> No.40083503

That artist doesn't draw Kou.

>> No.40083512

Kou's name is in the picture right there.

>> No.40083526
File: 330 KB, 1500x1902, 1650401082659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are Kou's pants too.

>> No.40083538

Yikes, ruined. Orikou is the only acceptable ship for Kou.

>> No.40083609

Kou x Ojisan is the only ship needed. Fuck off.

>> No.40083623
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>> No.40083657
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>> No.40083744

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxUmB8udNaY maimoto watching boxing

>> No.40083774
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMuY5aE9lfY claire singing

>> No.40083777

finally hskwderon sex time

>> No.40083792

mayuyu reading gay shit

>> No.40083823

he's reading anon's diary?!

>> No.40083830

Focus on the stream hskw

>> No.40083832

i want to have sex with hayun

>> No.40083891

sex in the studio

>> No.40083991

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KPO6zVTqlBA axia mhrise

>> No.40084002

uiharo doesn't know marvel...

>> No.40084009


>> No.40084022

uiharo doesn't know the difference between shounen jump and shounen sunday either...

>> No.40084052
File: 298 KB, 1920x1080, mahjong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mirei Drinking Mahjong with Moco, Senba, and pro Murakami

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hflm3B9uZRU Mirei

>> No.40084058

Gundou is talking to Lize in private

>> No.40084077

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJDn93WGh4U hayama shilling eternal tree
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6WzzuEMZlU yumeoi genshin
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3lC5wZu9uk chii apex
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-ba2e6K3_A fumi kanda oliver talking about the new gundam movie

>> No.40084131

levi in the toilet...

>> No.40084159


>> No.40084168

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBGeh0WYOY4 hima mgs ground zeroes

>> No.40084272

deron not giving a fuck about hoshikawa trying to get cute with her is never not funny.

>> No.40084358


>> No.40084397

Why did she take advice from ESLs...

>> No.40084410

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcoYoqhzzwk ibrahim rust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCX_otsdcEA mayuzumi patrick's parabox
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Teafkq4x_Y aki yomawari

>> No.40084430

call me a schizo but I 99% believe sarome is debi. The no stream overlaps, the sneezes, and the leaked nijifes schedule, it's just too much. this will also explain why is she so damn polished on debut. Nothing against Debi btw, in fact good for her for managing to find great success as Sarome.

>> No.40084461

Their menstrual cycles don't match and Salome's streaming set-up is too scuffed to be Debi's.

>> No.40084477

Only 6 hours since she hit 1 million and she's already gained 30k extra subs. What the actual fuck

>> No.40084486

The drawing style tho

>> No.40084494

We can actually hear Salome's "mom" in one of her streams, so feel free to point out any of Debi's streams that contains any family members in the background.

>> No.40084498

people saw her trending on twitter for 1mil -> checked out her channel -> 1 hour streams so easy to catch up -> sub

>> No.40084528

Debi is mahou shoujo who turns into Salome when drunk enough.

>> No.40084547

When sober more like

>> No.40084561

salome sama is gonna devour kuzuha as well

>> No.40084576
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>> No.40084657

I'm only 5% convinced and it'll only take a collab or streaming at the same time for me to put that 5% to rest. But there's a lot in their streaming environments and equipment that disprove that theory, plus like one Anon said Debi is just not that funny (which can be chalked up to sticking heavily to the Debi character at all times). I think Debi can be very entertaining and cute, but Salome has a different kind of "elasticity" and obviously has that urge/motivation Debi lost a very long time ago.

>> No.40084684

>plus like one Anon said Debi is just not that funny
I find Debi to be a lot funnier personally

>> No.40084691

There's more proof disproving the theory than not.

>> No.40084697

There will be foreign members participating in festival

>> No.40084718

Why not just ask Debi about it, Debi is an egosa demon after all

>> No.40084721

Salome just pulled the trigger. Watch as Nari's subs jump up dramatically.

>> No.40084724

Good morning, anon. How was your three day hibernation?

>> No.40084734

salome is so kind and almost never makes a wrong decision how is she even real

>> No.40084735

Nari's subs have already been rising pretty dramatically, she was just about to hit 100k (and did now).

>> No.40084739

she already gained close to 10k with these drawing streams, will pass 100k today

>> No.40084753

thank you for boosting nari...

>> No.40084771

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRFKJop5U8I tomoe mishiro yuzuru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8RkK34BUNg rikiichi powerwash sim
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT21jnMsVjs ange project sekai
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5YqjdIVvOY haruka kirame mahjong
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7ulAa31Tss kirame pov
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPg2mIP52rs kyoko

>> No.40084816

i thought 2.0 would fix kamippoi-san's fucked up mouth but it didn't

>> No.40084832

erai maou

>> No.40084833 [DELETED] 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvFdQZkY36g chaika

>> No.40084835


>> No.40084843

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jGHbLlbkNY chaika for real

>> No.40084849

What? Nagao was just talking about it

>> No.40084853
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>> No.40084860

4 more days!

>> No.40084861

Maou-sama is so powerful. Making Kuzuha and Salome promoting her without even doing anything.

>> No.40084889

Nari's Uiha is walking on water. Second coming of Christ.

>> No.40084892

Demon kings don't cry it was just pollen!!

>> No.40084942

A lot of Debi's comedy comes from their tsukkomi, but also mainly from the character and what happens to it - a haughty demon who's actually a massive scaredy cat and loses at things quite a bit. Just look at the typing competition, or the Mahjong Debi gyaku from a few months ago. Debi's even aware of that
You can get some real comedy gold from that, but I think Salome is funnier as is. By that I mean so far Salome doesn't rely on things happening *to* Salome but reacts and behaves as themselves (while being Salome).

>> No.40084945

maou-sama is the puppeteer behind everything. never doubt her brilliance.

>> No.40084951

Why are people latching onto Nari now?

>> No.40084960

She's one of the KRs that took advantage of the merge the best.

>> No.40084962

Salome sama made a tweet about her

>> No.40084967

i watched maou after kuzuha tweeted and the rest was history

>> No.40084969

She surely but slowly gained popularity when someone made the kirinukis on nico.

>> No.40084973

Fair point, I don't watch a lot of solo Debi.

>> No.40084980

world conquest

>> No.40084987

Yeah, I started watching her when I saw that dumb Coke Zero clip there.

>> No.40084999

I can't believe there are people who take the Debi=Salome theory seriously

>> No.40085015
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>> No.40085019

good at jp, sticking to her character, cute voice, the freshness factor of not being the jp liver and being from scuffed (ex) branch
she's been gaining popularity with jp audiences for a while now

>> No.40085030

right nari has really cute boobs

>> No.40085192


Undeniable proof. Call me Holmes.

>> No.40085199
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Hskw received Gwelu's meat

>> No.40085233

How much is that and how many did he have to give out?

>> No.40085265

>tfw you will never take Gwelu's meat
I think it's like 20k yen and he has to give it to the 15 people in the nijipex that disconnected the most, so 300k yen in total.

>> No.40085296
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>> No.40085301

If he used Rakuten, it's probably 50~60 dollars per box.

>> No.40085307
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uncensored hima...

>> No.40085333
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>> No.40085355
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>> No.40085399

Nari's Mya is cute as fuck

>> No.40085444


>> No.40085445
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>> No.40085453

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sJH4BMI-Tz0 Jiyu

>> No.40085460

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMFgVdhq7Z8 kuzuha rust
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Crw2VEdqys furen kakurenbo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwQxpsTbY7A momo

>> No.40085468


>> No.40085473

Microbikini when

>> No.40085480

any day now

>> No.40085511
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>> No.40085649
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>> No.40085743

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udy-zYT7RJ0 rion

>> No.40085753

Furen has a really good game sense, almost everything she plays is really interesting.

>> No.40085768

did you buy the denwa voice yet

>> No.40085775
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never relax

>> No.40085818
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>> No.40085842

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUb9VZFeFus maimoto with traplover and roberu

>> No.40085853

Did anyone do this?

>> No.40085855
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>> No.40085858

and mea

>> No.40085861

Haruka privated all of her ASMR videos (looks like she missed 3) and will switch to Minecraft for now.

>> No.40085865

I had to image search who this even was

>> No.40085895

This shit is so funny

>> No.40085914

You can tell it's Nui by her sidebangs.

>> No.40085930

apparently one indie asmr vtuber actually got banned

>> No.40085939

yeah but that's really not anything new at all

>> No.40085952

good poast

>> No.40085970
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>> No.40085973

haruka is going to sell her body to the inn customers to make up for ASMR loss

>> No.40085981


>> No.40086003

BBAs victory screech

>> No.40086006

i kind of feel bad for smaller vtubers who relied on asmr to make a living

>> No.40086011

Jesus the superchats

>> No.40086019

theyre moving to twitch

>> No.40086021

I hope she and Mahimahi put up more ASMR packs in the shop, it won't be as consistent but at least it'll be a stream of revenue.
I don't really watch ASMR streams so maybe the interactive element is important, but it's okay as a makeshift solution right. I still feel like its Youtube being vague and that it'll all blow over soon but I feel bad for them also.

>> No.40086041


>> No.40086101

NTR video letter...

>> No.40086125


>> No.40086143

holofag here
why is she so popular?

>> No.40086185
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>> No.40086193

I'll give her my otama if you know what I mean...

>> No.40086205

amazing timing

>> No.40086211

she couldn't have timed that better if she had tried, holy shit

>> No.40086213

It's weird because I hate the community ASMR brings, the only person who wasn't destroyed by it that I watched was Patra, but I also know it's still a pretty big part of growth/income for a lot of chuubas so I can't say if I'm truly happy or not with this new abusable rule.

>> No.40086232

>smaller Vtubers
You know there are plenty of Nijisanji Livers who's income largely depends on asmr right?

>> No.40086243

is the implication here that livers can't be small

>> No.40086265

>>40081991 >>40081996 >>40082009 >>40082036 >>40082046
Some shit Spaniard bought the expired European trademark for Medabots and tried to set up a Kickstarter scam. It failed so he moved it into an NFT scam later. Has nothing to do with Medarot and Imagineer is currently suing the shit out of him. The series continues as usual in Japan.

>> No.40086306

Pretty sure anon means the sub-50K indies that aren't big by any means but have dedicated listeners

>> No.40086312

She said the line!

>> No.40086313

do you think people like mahimahi or haruka are ''big'' just because they're in nijisanji...

>> No.40086329

While I absolute believe you and sincerely thank you for pointing out I was dead wrong in my assumption the asshat actually owned even a fraction of the IP and was getting sued this whole time, I'm also not going to read a twitter thread that's one out of seventy-fucking-five tweets. But thanks anyways.

>> No.40086359

I want to nakadashi ojou...

>> No.40086366

what, like onee-chan? yeah that's true but anons still retarded

>> No.40086368

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVzi7vQpThQ fumi cat

>> No.40086371

if you can get over a thousand ppl watching you at like 6AM you're not small

>> No.40086373

Nari in Jiyu's chat

>> No.40086379

they don't get those numbers

>> No.40086403

So then a third of the company is small?

>> No.40086407

mahimahi does

>> No.40086414

They have a company that can help them if YT falsely flag their channels, or a platform (the Nijisanji store) that isn't just the unwashed masses (DLsite) where they have to fight a million other ASMR artists. Hell even if they do put their packs up on DLsite they have someone to help with the promotion.
To be small is to not have those luxuries. Mahi and Ookami aren't "big" but they aren't small.

>> No.40086434

Having a company to support you when you get hit by Youtube's bullshit and being small are two totally different things.

>> No.40086439

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOR5qlGBhBI riri genshin

>> No.40086450

An actually small ASMR vtuber with 5,000 subs and 30 viewers per stream at most would not agree.

>> No.40086474
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This may in fact be a complete shock to you having only started watching vtubers maybe in the past few months, but there is in fact such a thing as "small companies". There's even "small companies with no monetization support"!
Strange, isn't it?

>> No.40086475


>> No.40086501

Kiss my ass desuwa!!

>> No.40086520

that's beside the point
the argument is that you can't be small when you're in this big company (niji)

>> No.40086532


>> No.40086535

I'm not a newfag, I know such small companies exist, maybe I'm misunderstanding something about the discussion here that is making me look like an idiot and if it's like that I wholeheartedly concede and admit to being a dumbass. But I get suggested miserable indies randomly all the time so that's what I thought of first, I don't know much about ASMR to begin with outside of DLsite stuff.

>> No.40086607

That's ironic coming from an unlimited joint but more importantly they're still around and thriving?

>> No.40086610

>lize genshin
I thought I was hallucinating because I cant find it on her channel. Thanks anon.

>> No.40086612

They just bought VSPO

>> No.40086619

what the hell

>> No.40086624

What the fuck? Seriously?

>> No.40086631

They're the ones that brought attention to the ASMR rule change that's got everyone in a doozy.

>> No.40086637


>> No.40086648

I just saw the prtimes article. Metaverse shit too, god fucking dammit.

>> No.40086651

Anon's sexy daughter

>> No.40086665

dot has been strangely active lately

>> No.40086675
File: 146 KB, 1200x920, 1653395050484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can now sleep

>> No.40086677

probably because these pixel animations take a long time to make and she gets the videos going to dump all at once for the algorithm? dunno but im all for it though

>> No.40086678

kurumi hinted about vspo 3D coming soon so it's not that bad

>> No.40086680

Dog and drake got married

>> No.40086701
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>> No.40086731
File: 336 KB, 849x479, correct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it's clearly trying to split them off on the decision side and only make them seem purely like investors, you cannot in good faith tell anyone not to be worried when it comes to that company of all companies.

>> No.40086735

i dont know who they are..

>> No.40086748

God I wish I was you

>> No.40086756

You're a lucky man.

>> No.40086771
File: 295 KB, 1614x2048, FSkUMY1VsAA0mPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb knight should've said yes when she had the chance

>> No.40086786

Normally newfags deserve the rope but I can't help but feel happy knowing that there's still souls pure enough to not know about that hell.

>> No.40086847

NTA but are they related to the gamebu drama that I heard in like 2020 when I was out of vtubers for a while? I am not sure what company is being talked about

>> No.40086907

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HaAYqkxsFXg hajime rust

>> No.40086920

oh no

>> No.40086921

Gamebu drama is older than 2020 but yeah, that's them.

>> No.40086926

They are one and the same company, and Noguchi is still high up on the ladder so they haven't truly changed.

>> No.40086948

nari's 100k feels like a bigger thing to me than salome's 1 million

>> No.40086966

Now I understand what that anon meant

>> No.40087011

she's only the third korean nijisanji member ever to get there and the only one who is still active i think

>> No.40087025

If they fuck Qpi I swear to christ there won't be a place on this planet they can hide.

>> No.40087039

you meant fuck over, right?

>> No.40087071


>> No.40087073

No he doesn't mind that at all, he's just a unicorn

>> No.40087121

too late anon part of the screening process is an orgy

>> No.40087128

qpi only has sex with little boys

>> No.40087135

you must fuck kamito before you're allowed to join vspo

>> No.40087154

No, you must get raped by Nazuna before you can join vspo.

>> No.40087162

Suha will soon follow, then probably Seffyna, Hayun's growth is starting to pick up too.
Roha is "close", but she isn't growing much in particular.

>> No.40087164
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Nah Unlimited I mean Brave did nothing wrong

>> No.40087182

Definitely, Shyamalan had been exploding from the start but for all of KR they've been fighting between an internal shitshow and a lack of new blood despite having good content that reaches even Japan for a very long time. I sincerely hope she and the rest of KR can continue to grow and have fun.

>> No.40087189
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